Imperial-Armour Index Adeptus Astartes

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INDEX: FORCES OF THE ADEPTUS ASTARTES Paste ae eae eae) eg gt comps ihe) deptus Astartes Heavy Armour... sdeptus Astartes Dreadnoughts one Dieta. readnonaht nenipor Norte bicadnoagh baphn Vereresk Dresdnoaght Spat Asa Tn 1? Tata Sentry Gat Pic Typo Hoary 1® Toran lr Defence Bory. leCeperts eng Tink Destapn 19 Lun Patern Diesdnoughe Dron pect nk Deets Drop eed Bic rattionsepecieny tok Deseo Carella Stsnghld se dloton Sop en ge Taner ea SRE bRE CONTENTS Adeptus Astartes Strike Craft.. aac Sper hon atone! 6 Sir Bape seat xn Pe Boeti petern Relic Pedatr. 2 Storm Baple AsseultGursbip~ ROC Pater, 35 > Baten Perwin Vindiarr Laser Deemayes [Bre Raptor AsatultGancip. 36 fern Pater Razenbock. B Caeser Azcalt Rs 37 Belicland Rater rots 9 ThanderbarkAsauk Guesip 38 ond Raider Hels, 10 Thanderhave Transport, 38 ond Raider Prometheus, 11 Soka BaternStormbin i 40 2 i 12 Adeptus Astartes Battlefield Support oye 14 Dameces Command Rhino sie Siesta Puncher Aasaul Ten. 15 Whinhand Myperie apie Carter. War Machines of the Grey Knights, ‘The Inquisition & Adepta Sororitas. CieyKinehs Vor Patan Hate Grey Kgs Doone Patra Dreadnongh ey Xrighs Vartiner Patera Land alder Redeomer 31 rey Raia Taundechawk Assault Gui. 52 (lie Contemptcr Devedngh Ingiiton lend Kader Pome 53 bicDeteien Dreadnought Sorottas Represser 54 ic Levietban Drexanought. PRODUCED BY FORGE WORLD aga Aves Renate hepa Acar Coppi Cay Wd Lant0 1 apa cose Fie dep Ade inp ena, (GRGanes Wats Pre Went Tete Hey Te Has oy legs pune 0, Wechnes Wohurmer 00 begs Daehn ge op “stro Gaur Wal Cet vaulpseiedsndin weld ALT Fare, Pepe ree ee oy egecrees eat eer ee eecieree nate ere ecto. omic pcinapyme reatdnger tbe tie erpaotomn hee “Dot we Aedes oudenat patented ose nny alpen pede Scum Cengage nen es Atlanta tart leet ime Seay Perr erie rp afin Cnt rast gaint omnes Wate esetremrensnon ae pean sd Be ef eot k e ‘Wha jr becel hmong di hasten anseanate oeaten flo he martes be PES Games Workstip yb ste: ieom.uces-werishop cain Forge Wesld website niveau Imperial Armour Character Appendix... [ond High Commneder Carat Cul 56 Seine value ugteHuren The Trane of Bade 56 Ageprus Astntes Bate domo, ‘Asmenneue Vale, 57 Aceptus states Heavy Armoats Gapain Cavlen Sirsa nmicrimones®? _ Adeplus Astartes Dreadeuabhy ‘And. Contutlon Coetae Comino mun 5@ _Adeptus AimitesSutke Graft Land Astexion Doe, ‘ 5B _AdeprusAstatesBeteteld Stpport ‘ChaplalaFeanue Ble, 50 [mperbal Armour Character Append. Mogi Serra Leth 59 AdeprasAstitesFianged Weepors ‘Typerssthe Red'wale 6) Adept: Atastes Melee Weapens Chaplain Dreadnought Tits, : seonman60_Aeptus Actes AualianyBouipment Liettenant Commander Antor Narvzer, $1 Grey Enight,Inquistion i Sisters of Batt Points Vanes, Gupta Tarn Va, rvnnswsnnnanl War Wachites of he Grey Knitht,Jaqule tion Sites of BM Lis sede, A 62 Grep nights &Ungolstion Ranaed Weapons, ‘Malem Dhoxee, $2 Shtes of Battle Ranged Weepces, (Cupmaa mooudaa eyo, uanauB3 Grey Kght gx tnguslion Melee Weapons, ‘Gepaln Fells Mean, 63 Siena cf Bare Malee Weapons rap arth Arma eognnrenmnnebl —Adaptus Astarten Waspet Hara Sten. Zi 64 Aceptus Astantes Ranged Weapons : ‘Shae Reath, ace 65 Aveplus states Mele Weapons High Cheplain Thslea ane momon6S Grey Knight Inquitor & Site of Bate Wangan Captain Sas Are, sowinarinunes66 Grey Kgs Inuleson Stier of Battle Ranged Weapons gi elght-coptatm lan Courbea, ‘i 6 Grey Kulght, Inguleion ge sutereof Bate Melee Weep RnB Yaplund Cal, : 7 CCapsain Zarulehal Andree. st Irogubttor Lord Hector Bes a [ogubltor Lod Solomen.ok ‘ 8 Heston Alnkoshemaconsanis 8 | INTRODUCTION ‘Weloome to Imperial Armour —Iudest Fores of he Adeptus Astares. This book ie designed to update the rules for Forge Worl's orrent and recent renges of models for use wit the latest incarnation ofthe Warhemtmes 40,000 pane, Inside you wil ind cules for Forge Worlds Space Merines, Grey Knights, Ingisition and Sisters of Batle units including ancient relics from the agcof the |) Horus Hreny for your Adeptus Astartes forces, os well as revisiting characters from Forge World Badob Wore campaign, ‘Thisbookand tts contents are fully compatible with Warhammer 40,000 — Index: Imperiure 2 and Warlirmmer 40.000 — Index Tnperiam 2, expanding an the range of ditashects tobe faand there and contain all the information which you will need to held ‘yolst Porge Warld models in the new edition ofthe Wearhuenmes 49,000 garae, lea included are bath Power Ratings and an Appendix for their nse in Batle-forged armies. ‘Younill need copies ofthe Warhammer 40,000 culebook, Warharmmer 40,000 Tudexs Imperium 2 and Warhammer 40,000 ~ Tradex Imperium 2 to make fall uve ofthis book and ite contents EYE Se eee a eee ee er ec eee So ener ae ee ee eesti eerste et eee ee re Breen ere ements MACRO WEAPONS peers Sot eee: et oe eg eo ei Pe eons error eee eon a ee eur eee eerie! ee eee eee one ee eet poate cere mt eared eerie z ei epee lee tpecat seer Cat aT Bcc See eee Pere nae eee eter ae Pee elect caer anon) era ere en ecin Reena ca nes eer na Pree etn errr eerehr ee oteneria [uri Seen tT eet eer eee Preece nero DATASHEETS 1. Battlefield Role "This typically need when making 2 Battle forged army, 2. Power Rating "The bighe thlsis the more powenil the tant? You con determine the Power Level of obs entice amy by adding up the Penser Ratings of all the unit in poor ary 3. Unit Name Models mave and fightin units, which con bbave one oF mare models. eve youl And the name of the unt. 4. Profiles ‘These contain the following characteristics tattellyon how mighty the models inthe ‘anit are Move (M) Thisisthespeed at which mode] moves aozogs the baited ‘Weapon Skil (WS): This tells you a rodel skill t hand-to-hand fighting, f ‘model has s Weapon Skil of Its unable tofight im melee ond cannot make close combat attacks a ll. Ballistic Skil (BS): Thisshows how sceurate amodel fe when shooting with tanged veapons, Ifa model hae Ballistic Skill of, tthas no proficiency with ranged. ‘weaporsend cazmot make shooting etacks tal. Strength (8): This ixdicates how steong ‘models and how likely its to inflict, emagein hare to-hand combat ‘Toughness (1): "This reflect the mode's resilience against plysiea) har ‘Wounds (W): Wounds show how zauch Gamage a model cansustain beforeit succumbs to its injuries Attacks (A): Thistells you how many tesa model ean steke Blows ia bband-to-hnd combat courageous, determined or self controled models Seve (Sv): Thisindicetes the protection ‘adel’ armour gives EDO Pale waht! rare PSO as 5. Unit Composition & Wargear "Tlstells you what models ar in the init end covers thease wenpons ond egulpment the modelsare armed with 6. Weapons "Uhewsapons that unit comes equipped swith ae desenbed naga set of characteristics as fellows Range: Haw fa the weapon cae shoot ‘Weapons vith 2 range of Mele’ can anly ‘be ured in and-to-bond combat, Allother syeapone are rferrd to as zanged meepone, “Type: These areall explained under the Shooting and Pht phases ofthe cove niles Strong (8): How ely the weapon io cafes th pepaeeoolat ier Rv eqaltetheweli'scureit Strength Fa weapon ies 9 modifi och as ‘+I’ or ‘x2, you should modify the user's Conent Sength career on to determinethe weapons Seng, For eample ifn yeepon' Srength ns 22 tiebcaser bad Stength chai Of; kat ween kas Seng 2 Armour Penetration (AP): How good ts a petting throxgh oeeaour. Damage (D): Theeount of damage inflicted oy a successful bit 7. Wargear Options Some uns havea nnmber of choles 8 to which ger they toke nto bale ~ thie section describes these options, Weapons ‘which 2 unit may take os an optionslchotce ae typically deseribedin the Appendices. 8. Abilities ‘Mang onitshave exclting specal abilities that ere nt covered bythe core rales; these ‘alll be desenbed here 9. Keywords All datashoots have abst of keywords, sometimes separated into Faction kepuords and other kepvoeds The ormer cone used a a gulde to help dedde ‘hich model to nclode n-youe army, Dutothernise both sts ofkeywords ate fonctionally the same. Sometimes role veil say thot it applies fo models that haves specific eyword, For example. s rule might ay that t applies to ‘all ORKS motels. This roeans it would ony apply to motels that ave the ORKS keyword onthel dtasheet 10. Damage Somme large models’ characteristics can change os the model suffers emage, there ‘characteristics ere indicated with the symbol instead ofa namber ~ bere you ‘ull find table that details bow these Characteristics change as wounds are lost To determine the characteristics of ‘model with » Demag: table, check the mode’ remaining wounds and consult the appropriate row ofthe chart on theie iatashest Not ll units have Damage tables Fone snot induded one datashest then that units charsctrsties do not change at loses wounds ADEPTUS ASTARTES Ut Magna-melt cannon, beam cannon shown ‘MAME MoWS 88 8 TOW A Sv ey Mons Deimos Predator “@ * 6 7 2 ' & ae ar ‘A Deimos Predaor isa single model tls equipped witha plasma dastoyer 36 oo ‘wearon RANGE TYPE Swen amis 12 v5 storm baler 2a Rapid Fire? see O REE Hunter ile mi 48) Hey 8-2 D6 Thisweapon an only be fred once per game. Inferes cannon 8" Heawy2D6 5-1 2__This weapon hits its target automaticaly. DEIMOS PATTERN ae Some ofa Deimos Predators characteristics RELIC PREDATOR changes it suffers damage in atl 36 the target ofa attack by thie weapon within half 2 Heawy D3 10-46 range, rllan addtional dice when inflicting damage tnd discard the lowest result This weapon may note fired on any turn in which the snodel caryingithas moved. In addition, foreach 24 between the bearer and te target, increase the Strength by 12 andthe Damage by +D3 If model is removal from pla asa casualty due to wounds caused by this weapon, then the target nit suffers 2D6 additonal hits at Stength 6, AP 0, causing 1 Damage. These addtional bits donot tiger farther hit themselves 7 Heawy 6 3 pm Plasma destroyer 36 Heavy 203 7 ae Twin ascannon 18 Heavy? 9 3 Bs Prelatorautocannon 48 Heavy 203 Z — Lscannon 48 Heavy ° Ds Heavy bolter ao) Heavy s 5 = Heavy lamer 8° Heawy Ds 5 __-1__1__Thuisweapon its its target automatically WARGEAR OF + A Detmos Predtor may replaces planma destroyer with anyone ofthe fllowing weapons = Magna-melta cannon = Cheam cannon = Infernus cannon + ADeimos Predator may also be equipped with either two heavy bolters, two lascannon or tw heavy mers ‘+A Deimos Predator may also be equipped witha storm beter. {1 ADeimos Predator may ala be equipped witha hamter killer msi, ‘ABLES ‘Explodes: I this models reduced 1 0 wounds rolla Dé before removing trom th Baleil on a6 1 explodes and each unit within suffers D3 moral wounds, ‘Smoke Launchers: Once por game, instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, this model can uso its smoke launchers. Un the controling players next Shooting phase, any'enemy units argeting this unit subtract. 1 from all hitrolle for Shooting atacke made against tie uni, TiN KETO IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, EYOOROS ‘VEHICLE, RELIC, PREDATOR, DEIMOS PATTERN RELIC PREDATOR oF ae: DEIMOS PATTERN VINDICATOR |Raee Some of Deimos Vindicator's charac change ait suffers damage in battle, as Mow & S T W oA Wt Sy Deimos Vindicator # * 6 # a * # 4» 7 Deinwos Vindkator Laver Deswoyer sa angle model Is equipped with alse volley cannon anda storm boltr. 12 yoo ‘weare BE TVPE 8 oamwmes | Taser vollycannon When fring this weapon, choose one ofthe following profiles: ae = Volley fire 36° Heavy? o 303 = Overcharge fre 36° Hwy 10-56 _Kfanyhitrolle made fr this wsapon result in one oe rs more results ofa" the fring vehicle suffers 3 mortal ‘wounds, Storm boler 2" Rapid Fire2 400 4 Hunter mise 48 Hewy 8-2 __D6_Thiswoapon may onlybe fired once per game WARGEAR OPTIONS + A Deimos Vindicator may ako be equipped with « huntr-Killer mise TOTES Explodes: I this models reduced 100 wounds, ella Ds before removing irom the Baleislison # GH explodes sand each unit within 6 suffers D3 mortal wounds ‘Smoke Launchers: Once per game, instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, this model can use ts ‘smoke launchers. Until the controlling payer next Shooting phase, any enenny unit argeting this unit subtract 1 firomall hit rolls for Shooting attacks made against this uni Power Capacitor: On any tm in which the Deimos Vindicator doss not move the Movement pas, it may fre twice witht laser volley cannon, but may only use velley fie iit does so. ACTON KES IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, erWwons VEHICLE, RELIC, VINDICATOR, DEIMOS PATTERN VINDICATOR LASER DESTROYER PSION I conan rt rats RAZORBACK Senta aon imei Dati, as shown below: NAME wows So oT OW A WOW MBs ok Infernum Razorback ow 6 7 TSS 5 ‘An infernum Paltern Razorback isa single model. Iti equipped with amulet 35 oa ps H awe TPE sow is 12 vos oem boter 24" ‘Rapid Fire? . 0 Hunter kller missile 4s" 8 2 D6 Thisweapon can only be fied once per game: Iehe target i within half ange ofthis weapon, rol | Matsmetta 2 Hayy 8-4 D6 __woedice when infctng damage with Land discaed the lowest esl ‘WARGENR OPTIONS 7 Annum Patera Razorback nay tke a unter Kile mise, {Anferniim Pattern Razorback may alo be equipped witha storm biter. TRANSPORT Thismodel can transport 6 KETWOROS ‘VEHICLE, TRANSPORT, RAZORBACK, INFERNUM PATTERN RAZORBACK RELIC LAND TANAGE Some ofa Relic Land Raider Proteus RAIDER PROTEUS characteristics change ast eufers damagein battle as shoven below: NAME MWS 8S 8 TW Re mas Land Raider Proteus so kB co Trane “A Relic Land Raider Proteus fra single model. Ins quipped with fwo in ascannon, 58 sa wearon race TYPE Swen amis M4 x St Twin lascannon as" Heavy? 9° 3 De “Twin heavy bolter 36 Heasy so 40 Twin heavy Hamer 8 Hswy2D6 5-11 Thisweapon bits its targotaatatialy he targets within half ange of this weapon, rll ‘Malt-melta 2 Heawy 8-4 D6 bwodice when inflicting damage witht and discard the lowest result Storm bolter 2a Rapid Fie soo 41 Heavy boltor 38 Hwy a Hunter ler missile 4s’ Heny! 8-26 _Thisweapon can only be fr once per ame, WARGEAR OPTIONS, A Relic Land Raider Proteus may choose to ake the Explorator Augury Webor Heavy Armour ail. either ofthese options is selected, then the numberof model thatthe Proteus may transports reduced 106 + Ali Land Raider Proteus may take one ofthe following options: ~ Heavy bolter| Twin heavy flamer + -ARelic Land Raider Proteus may also be equipped with ahunte-killer missile {Ali Land Raider Proteus may ao be equipped wth a storm bole. THANSPORT “This model can transport 10 INFANTRY models. Fach TERMINATOR or JUMP PACK model takes up the space of two other models, and each CENTURION modal takes up the space of three models. It ‘cannot ransport PRIMARIS model ‘TES Power af the Machine Spet: This model does not suflar the penalty © hitollsfor moving and fing Heavy weapons Explodes: IF this models reduced to 0 wounds rll Dé bofore removing trom the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark; on a6it explodes and each unit within 6 sues Dé mortal wound ‘Smoke Launchers: Once per game, instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, this model can seit smoke launchers Uni the controling player's next Shooting phase, any enemy uit targeting this unit subtract from all hit role for Shooting attacks made against this LExplorator Augury Web: Enemy units opting to deploy using abilities during the bate which allow them to deploy outside their normal deployment zone (suchas Va teleportation, grav-shute insertion, et) may not dos within 12" ofa Relic Land Raider Protous FACTION METRO IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, KEYWORDS ‘VEHICLE, TRANSPORT, RELIC, LAND RAIDER, RELIC LAND RAIDER PROTEUS TANAGE Some ofa Land Raider Hells’ characteristics change as it suffer damagein bath, as Shown below LAND RAIDER HELIOS =a ‘J AWN MS Land Raider H @ + 8 8 w+ 9 2 a aS See 7 Land Raider Helos va ingle model Its equipped with alin uncher and “7 54 D6 two twin acannon, 5 7 13 yb ‘weapon anie TYPE Sar _awmes , a > This weapon can arget units that are not vse to Helis uncher 72 Heavy 206 2a per “Tin txcannon 8 Heny? > 3 Ds Storm bolter DAY Rapid Fie? 1 0 t Hunter-kller mise 48 Heawyt 8-2 D6 _Thisweuponcanonly be fied onc per game: ‘WARGEAR OPTIONS and Raider Helioe may also be equipped witha hunter-kller missile + Aland Raider Hlios mayaso be equipped witha storm bolt. TAANSPORT Thismodel can transport 6 eNWORDS VEHICLE, TRANSPORT, LAND RAIDER, LAND RAIDER HELIOS a: Se ee ee Land Raider Prometheus 1 Land Raider Prometheus sm single model Iris equipped with two quad heavy bole i” ee 1, a eee eee ee LAND RAIDER Somes and Rae rma” PROMETHEUS characteris change ait uo damage in Mow 8 S$ T Wo oA lt fy 8 Ee ‘wero RANGE TYPE Sn amis ‘Quad heavy boter 36° Heavy 12 std Stormbolter 21 Rapid Fire2 40004 Mult-mela Hunter mise IF the target i within half range ofthis weapon, rll MY Heavy 8 two dice when inicing damage with and discard the Tomes elt 18) Heat 32 D6 _Thisweapon can only be fred once per game. ‘WARGEAR OF TONS + ATand Raider Prometheus may be equipped witha unter killer missile + AlLand Raider Prometheus may be equipped witha storm bole. + Aland Raider Prometheus may be eauipped witha malt-met RANSPORT Thismodel can transport 10 INFANTRY models (ach TERMINATOR, or JUMP PACK modal takes up the space of two other models, and eich CENTURION model takes up the space of three models It cannot transport PRIMARIS modes ‘ALTES ‘Smoke Launchers: Once per game, instead of shooting any weapons ih te Shooting phase, this model can uses ‘smoke launchers. Uni the controling players next Shooting phase, any'enemy units argeting this unit subtract 1 from all hit rolls for Shooting tacks made against this uni Power of the Machine Spirit: Thismodel doesnot sue the penalty a hit ols for moving and fring Heavy weapons Explodes: I'this model reduced to 0 wounds roll Ds before removing it fom the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark on a6 it explodes and each unit within 6 sulers Ds mortal wounds Battle Auspex: Enemy units do not receive the benefit to their saving tows for being in cover against attacks snadeby «unit with this abit ‘Command Relay: While your army/s Warlords embarked within this model, one Stratagem played in tun by the controlling player costs one fever Command point than normal (04 minima of 1) AION KEYOTRDS IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, eNOS VEHICLE, TRANSPORT, LAND RAIDER, LAND RAIDER PROMETHEUS Le? 5 -~ Cnaaas Tats he ~ : - Bas ei j TAN DRS NEDD charters chang fers damage in bes shows blo AME a land Raider Achille "688 | os os A Land Rally Acie Wungh model quppalviiio qualkuarad | ES 7 Ds two ein multi M eT ara ance Tee so ams Te rgts win al ange of tis weapon roll ‘rn mle Hey? 4 D6 twodee when infin damege witha lsd the Tomes ad anche Se = Satie sels a Heny4 223 = Thundefreshls 6" Heay4D3 $0 1 _TNnweaponcan tage nits ot visible tothe fing model siormbolter M Raph? = 4 Hunter misike a8" Hen SS ES ERIE waa TIONS KEYWORDS ‘VEHICLE, TRANSPORT, LAND RAIDER, LAND RAIDER ACHILLES Relies and a avy bltr. 1 Relic Saran Balle Tank la ange modcL. Ie equipped with bwin acca nen 48 Assaults 7-12 eyword Inadltton every wound rll of 6+ ma =a ‘with this weapon increases the AP of that individual wound 10-3 Laseannon 48 Heawy o 3 Bs Heavy bolter 36° Hwy 5 4 ot Storm baler 2A Rapid Five? soo 4 Hunter missile 48 Hey 8-2 D6 __Thisweapon canonly be fred once per game. RELIC SICARAN Soma Re na’ characteris BATTLE TANK hangs taller damage atl MowS BSS TW Ry wows oo 6 7 Wot 8 unt Wee Smo anus : * Attacks made with this weapon suler no penalty to te hit roll when targeting unite withthe FLY WARGEAR OF TONS TA Relic Sicaran may aco Be upped with ether tra heavy bolters or two lascannon: {Ali Scaran may also be equipped with a hunter killer missile +A Relic Scaran may also be equipped with a storm bal. ‘ARTES ACTON KEY WOR Explodes If this model seduced to 0 wounds, rolla D6 Before removing it from the batlefekison 6k explodes and each unit within 6 suffers Dé mortal wounds, ‘Smoke Launchers: Once per ge, instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, this model can use is smoke launchers, Uni the controlling players next Shooting phase, any enemy unt targeting thie unit subtract 1 from al hitrols for Shooting attacks made agaist this unt IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, KEYWORDS VEHICLE, RELIC, RELIC SICARAN BATTLE TANK RELIC SICARAN VENATOR i TANK DESTROYER characteris change tales dagen M OWS BS STOO By | atlsasshown below: AMM OM OS icaran Venator sw Dae TEE {Relic Siaran Venator Balle Tankisa single mods ti equipped witha neutron laser cannon 36 woo anda heavy bot, a e 52 ‘weapon ANGE TYPE Spo ABUTS Any ‘bat isnot shin must subtract 1 from its ht rolls in the HICLE which sulfers woul rom this weapon ‘Neutron pulse cannon, 1° Heavy 3 12 4S shooting phase unil the end of ts controling payers Lascannon 48° Hosp 9 3 D6 easy boter 36° Hany 5 41 1 Storm boler 2 Rapid Fire? 40004 neler ise 48° Heavy 1 8-2 __D6__‘Thisweapon can only be fired once per gum WARGEAR OPTIONS A Relic Scar Vanatormayalso he equipped wit ihe to heavy oles obo lascannon {A Relic Sicaran Venator may also be equipped with a hunter-liller mise 1A Relic Scaran Venator may also be equipped witha storm bot. aT xplodes: If this models reduced 190 wounds, rolla De before removing it from the battles on a 6 explodes and each unit within 6 fers D6 mortal wounds Smoke Launchers: Once pe game instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, this model can we is smoke launcher. Until the controlling plyer’s next shooting phase, any enemy unit targeting this unit subtract 1 fromall it ols for hooting attacks made against this unit, yro-stabilised Mounting: Thismodel doesnot sufer the penalty to hit rll for moving and firing Heavy weapons ACTON KEYS IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, KEYWORDS ‘VEHICLE, RELIC, RELIC SICARAN VENATOR TANK DESTROYER caran Punisher Relies aran Punisher fsa rngle model. Ii quipped with a punisher rotary cannon and RELIC SICARAN NISHER ASSAULT TANK) wo i oS T W A WS #6 7 Mt 8 Relic Siaran Punisher’s characteristics change ast suffers damage in battle as shown below: 148) u aheavy tote ‘wearon, ano TYPE Smo ames Punisherrotarycannon 36° ‘Heavy 18 5 lot Heavy bolter 36 Heawy3 sad Lascanon 8° Heat 2 3 De Storm bolt 28° Rapid Fire2 a Hnter-kiler missile 8 Hwy 1 8-2 D6 __Thisweapon may only be fred once per game WARGEAR OPTIONS 7 A Relic Saran Panisher ay abo Be Squlpped with ether two heavy boltes or two lseannon, +A Relic Scaran Punisher mayalso be equipped witha hunter killer missile and/or a storm bole. Coy Explodes: If this models reduced to 0 wounds, roll Dé before removing it from the batlfekl;on a explodes and each unit within 6 suffers Dé mortal wounds, Rolling Thunder: If he Sicaran Punisher docs not move or Advance in the Mowement phase, may reroll all, fale hitrolls of fr the Punisher rotary cannon inthe Shooting phase ofthat tar. Smoke Launchers: Once per game, instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, ths model can se its smoke launchers, Until the controling payer's next Shooting phase, any enemy units targeting this unt subtract 1 fromall hit voll for Shooting stacks made aginst this un ACTON REVO IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, KEYWORDS VEHICLE, RELIC, RELIC SICARAN PUNISHER ASSAULT TANK eg bd Ee) ae TOAMAGE ‘Some of Relic Spartan’ characterises change sit suffers damage in batts, as shown below: RELIC SPARTAN ASSAULT TANK NAMIE wows 6 S T W A i sy | SAAWNEW 8M 68 A | Relic Spartan 1 se a 8 m+ 9 ea ae “A Balle Sparan isa single model Is equipped witha twin heavy Bole, wo quad lasannon ce cs and crushing tacks, swear mano _1Pe Soames rushing wacks Mee Melee User 2 Ds Twin heavy bolter 36 Henys 7 i Quad lasannon Ww Hwy 23 De Tw heavy fame 8 Heay206 511 Titeweapon hs ts tart atomanely Heavy boter 36 Henys 5 4 4 IF ie ages itn bal ang ts Weapon all Mult-melta Ww Hwy 8-4 Ds twodce when ficting damage witha card the peered Heavy flamer © HewyDs 5-11 Thisweapon his ts target automaticaly Storm blr wo Rape? 4 IE this weapon sucesfly ines damage roll an laser destroyer 36 Heery 124 D6 Sahapesinceased te 2DS- On sul fa the reaps damoge increased fo 306 ance OPTIONS Aaa a ‘A Relic Spartan may replace its win heavy blter with a win heavy Dame. ‘A Relic Spartan may also be equipped with one ofthe following = Heasyboter = Heavy lamer ~ Mult-melta Sion alter TRANSPORT “This model can transport 25 INFANTRY modch (cach TERMINATOR and JUMP PACK modal takes up the space of two other model, and each CENTURION takes up the space of thtee other modes). I ‘anol irnsport PRIMARIS models ‘TS Explodes: If this models reduced to O wounds, rolla Dé bolore removing it rom the bale on a6 explodes and cach unit within 2D6" suffers D6 mortal wounds Power ofthe Machine Splet: This model doesnot suffer the penalty t hit rolls for moving and iting, Heavy weapons Smoke Launchers: Once per gum, nssod of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase this model can we is smoke launchers. Until the controlling plyer's next Shooting phase, any enemy units targeting this unit subtract 1 From all hit ols for Shooting attacks made against this unt. Stel Behemoth: Thismodel may Fall Backin the Mosement phase an! stil shoot andlor charge daring the contol player's turn. Itmay frets weapons if enemy unitsare within 1” of In addition this model only tin. bas ois save in cover atleast af ofthe model is obscred fom the beer FACTION METPTOROS IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, Kenwonns TITANIC, VEHICLE, TRANSPORT, RELIC, RELIC SPARTAN ASSAULT TANK DAMAGE Some of a Relic Typhon's characteristics change asitsulfersdamage in battle, as shown below RELIC TYPHON HEAVY SIEGE TANK Mow 6 8S T W A if gy | RaMWNeW OM BS A 17.22 ” o% 8 Relic Typhon se a9 m9 a re A Relic Typon ia angle mda, 1 eqepped ia dreamer dpe cn 7 aos anedcrushig tac warn rae ¥Pe Sapo ams Crushing tacks Mle Mele User 2 D3 Heavy boter 36° Hewy3 Sa Lascannon a Hwy 9 3 Ds Hea lamer 8 Howy Ds 5-11 This weapon its it target automata 4 Ihe targets whthin Ralf ange ofthis weapon, ol F} stances 2 Hwy 8 4 D6 twodce when nicting damage with Want dlscard the iowest ert Storm bor 2 Rapid Fie 2 soo 1 sesege the Relic Typon doesnot move inthe Movement Dreads ay ewy206 1038 = forthe duration of the current umn, TAREE OFS A Relic Typhon may take citer vo cannon or two hey bole + -AReticTyphon may alo be egulpped with one ofthe flowing aonal weapons: “Heavy tote Heavy famer = Malta = Storm bole TTS Tplodes I this models rducad to O wounds rolla De Beare removing fom tbat on a 6 explode an each un within 206" sulfersD6 moral wounds Power ofthe Machine Sprit Thismode does no sie the penalty oi ol or moving and ing, Heavy weapons ‘mae Launchers Once per game; Instead of shooting any weapons inthe hooting phase, tha model can wes smoke launcher, Und the conialing players nex Shooting pice, ny enemy ant targeting huni ube from all hills for Shooting attack made against his unit Stoo Behemoth: Thismodel may Fall Back nthe Movement phase and sill shot anor Charge during the ‘ controling players turn tay re ts weapons enemy nit are within I” of exept or its reader “aon which mast target other wits). nadine model ony gains Bons to save caver ia east al the models obscured rom the beret ACTION KEYS IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, Crerwonas "TITANIC, VEHICLE, RELIC, RELIC TYPHON HEAVY SIEGE TANK ‘OAMAGE Some ofa Relic Cerberus’ characteristics change as itsuffers damage in battle, as shoven Belov eas ft a ee 17-224 er AWA cabeea Ra ae ead aE Te 16 a ahiaees 7 - wera ace —_1YPE so Crushing racks Mee Melee User 2 Heavy bolter 36 Heasy3 Se Laccannon 48 Hey? 9 3 be Hay famer 8 Hewy ds 5-11 Thisweapom hit its target automaticaly If he targets within bal range ofthis weapon, rll Mut-meta 2 Hwy 8 Ds twodice when snlitng damage with as isa the lamest eh Siorm baler 2a Rapia ite 2 40009 Any VEHICLE which sufers wounds rom this ermeneeyaeeman i) Tarr te ETWORDS ‘TITANIC, VEHICLE, RELIC, RELIC CERBERUS HEAVY TANK DESTROYER ‘DAMAGE Some ofa Relic Fellhlade's characteristics change a it suffers damage in battle, as shoven below: lb +9 9 2 Ta ET "A Rai Felblads oa sage adel Ws equpped ava in ley bala Gonolnbar canbe, ms rou tio quad Lcanvon,s Flblade sccelator cnnon and cvsing tacks rs ae wero muck WE SAP 0 ABUTS rushing tacks Meee Melee Ur 2 Ds Twin ean bok Hey Sas Twin heavy fer Heavy 205 5-1 Thisweapon is its target automaticaly Faye] yal 5 4 4 - Heavy lamer HeayDo 5-11 Thisweapon bits its trgetatomatialy eer maya 23 Ds IT this weapon sucesfly nfs damage rll an Laser destroyer 36 Hayy 12 A D6 Sete inceaed to DS. Ona resus the reaps uage is loceased to 306, emelihercannon ae tomya to 3 pe When staking units th 3 or more models, change thie weapon's Type to Heavy Ds, the target i within half ange of tis weapon, roll Multimlta Heavy 8 D6 twodice when inflicting damage with and discard the lowest result Storm bolt 2H Rapid Fire2 soo 1 | "| Falblade accelerator cannon When fring this weapon, select one ofthe to proiles below = HE shells to" Heavy 206 8-32 Whenattacking units with Sor more model, the dice rolled to decide the number of shots fired may be reroled |e abshetis too" Hay 2 uo4 6 TWARGENR OFTONS 7A Relic Felblde may rope ts quad lacannon with ler Setroyers {A Relic Felblade may replace its in heavy bote ith arin heavy flamer {A.Rolic Fellblice may also be equipped with one ofthe following = Heavy boter = Heasy Damer ~ Malt-mel = Som bolt TOTS Txplodes: this models reduced fo wounds, rlla De before removing trom the bale on a6 explodes and cach wit within 2D6 suffers Ds mortal wounds Power ofthe Machine Splet: This model doesnot suffer the penalty to it rolls for moving and firing Heavy weapons. ‘Smoke Launchers: Once per game instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase this model can use its smoke lnchers. Uni the controlling players next Shooting phase, ny’ enemy nit targeting this unit subtract 1 Fromall hit ols for Shooting tacks made aginst this uni. Stcel Behemoth: This model may Fall Back i the Movement phase an stil shoot and/or Charge during the contalling player's turn. Itmay fireits weapons if enemy unit are within 1 fit (xcept for is Fllblade accelerator cannon and demolisher cannon which must target other units) In addition, this model only gains a must ts sae in cover fat east half of the models obscured from the beater. ACTON METRO IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, KEYWORDS ‘TITANIC, VEHICLE, RELIC, RELIC FELLBLADE SUPER-HEAVY TANK RELIC FALCHION SUPER. nn HEAVY TANK DESTROYER _|fg es ‘NAME M WS BS OS TO OW A Ww Sw ‘REMAINING w ts WEAPON ‘RANGE TYPE 8 AP a ABILITIES. TT a tase do Sty ke ie nar 5 a eee as Te You can rl fied wound col when targeting "TETANIC unis with his weapon. ‘WARGEAR OPTIONS + A Relic Falehion may place ts quad lscannon wit laser destroyers {A Relic Falehion may place its tin heavy bole with a twin heavy flames + A Relic Falehion may alo be equipped with one ofthe following Heavy bolter = Heavy lamer = Multemelia = Storm belt “Twin voleano cannon 2p6 Heavy 206 16 sit suffers damage in atl as ‘ARTES ‘Explodes: Ithis model is reduced to 0 wounds rola Ds before removing It rom the BaleieKcon a6 1 explodes and each unit within 2D6” suffers Ds mortal wounds ower ofthe Machine Spirits Thismodel does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for moving snd fring Heavy weapons ‘Smoke Launchers: Once per game, instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, this model can use is ‘smoke hunchers. Uni the controlling players next Shooting phase, any’ enemy unit argeting tis unit subtract 1 from al hit rolls for Shooting attacks made against cis uni ‘Stoo! Behemoth: This model may Fall Backin the Moverent phase and stil shoot and/or Charge during the ‘controlling payers turn, It may fre its weapons f enemy units are within I” of (except for ite twin voleano cannon which must target other units). In addition, tis model only gainsa bonus to its save in cover fat ast hall ofthe model i obscured from the Hire. IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, TITANIC, VEHICLE, RELIC, RELIC FALCHION SUPER-HEAVY TANK DESTROYER Relic Mastodon RELIC MASTODON SUPER-HEAVY SIEGE TRANSPORT SY Mow & S T W A soe 1A Relic Mastodon iva single model Its equipped with two heavy Aamers two lscannon, ‘one skyreaper battery sige melta array and crushing tacks, DAMAGE Some ofa Relic Mastodon’s characteristics beast wafers damage in battle, shown below: 1630r WOH 15 a a er 7 £ 5) De 7 ‘weaPon RANE TYPE AS Crushing tracks Melee Melee Dice Ds Lascannon 48) Heavy 9 De Heavy famer 8 HeavyDs 5-11 Thisweapon hits its target automaticaly ‘Add 1 to all it rolls made for ths weapon against Shyreaperbatery 48 Heawys Peel {argets that can FLY. Subtract I from the hit ols mae for this weapon against all other targets. Ifthe target is within half range ofthis weapon, roll lege melta array 1 Heavy aps 9-4 D6 twodice when inflicting damage with and discard the lowest raul WARE OPTIONS = Non THANSPORT Thismodel can transport 10 TITANIC, VEHICLE, TRANSPORT, RELIC, RELIC MASTODON SUPER-HEAVY SIEGE TRANSPORT, WANE mows OS W Monts Drendnowyht 63) {Me Preadnought angle made Tob aulypea with bv tls hen ake worm mane Tet 1 om 4 “win bearp baller ae Heays soot ‘win aocannon a Mearyt ee “win ecennen we Heng? 9 3 ps - ‘ Msi sneha “Wenattuckng wb hls weapon, choove one ofthe prtles below ~ Pragminie HexyDs ooo = Knknisile Ment #2 De - esau conncn we Henys a tthe tages witha ange of hs weapon, ro Meet 2 Heat 4 Dé twodleenhen lelngdomage th eee decd the lowest ra emg plamacannon —_Whenatacing wth chk weapon, choose one of th poles elo = sundatd as HenyD3 7 3 a = supercharge as HearyD3 © 32 Boren tele. bearer sues more wound 2 _ ates allfthts weapon los howe been tzaeed. TATE PTO 7 Fas Deadinoagit may exchenge bob ofa a heary bates forowo dente wenpens rom Qe Blowing Syn autocennen Thin tcannan = bite lente + Asrulteannon ~ Mulla = ery pa cannon aes Tiploden tis model eeZueed oO wounds, ella DE bears Temcring Wom We DaIcTaN ono o lode and each unt within sufles D3 moral weuncs sinke Launcher Once per pe Intend of shooting any weapon nthe Shoatrg pha this mode can we {nae latches Unite contlicg plyers net Shooting pace, ny ener ani fngeng this unsubtact Fay all ntl or Shooueg wack node ages tl unl i IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, ‘VEHICLE, DREADNOUGHT, MORTIS DREADNOUGHT Slege Dresdnought SIEGE DREADNOUGHT woOWS OS TOW Wow eu % 6 8 8 4 8 3% ‘A Sige Preadoaught i aaingle adel Tels equipped witha oaizlehansoey,o mallagun apd a eadnought infer cannon, Semnichameee WEAPON RAMEE TYPE 8 ae a ABILITIES Dreaoowet S Memybe © 2 Thi veqpom bist ngetavomatial eke ee coca 5 Whematacking with the weapon, jou muct subtract thom the hitb Beeey damer B HeweyDe 5-1-1 The weuponbitets get utomatically tf anger thin halfrange ofthe weapon, ell Netagun 1 Avault 8-4 DS rodice when nficting damage with (tand dicand the lowest elt Ui the target within halfrange of tie weapon. rll Wtmeta we Heavy 8-4 DS Brodlce when nficting dune wth Ltand dca the lowest et ‘Twn lascnnen ae Henry? a ‘Tom aneannon ae Heap Zot des TARSEAR OFT + -ASioe Dreadnougitinayreplac’ Is Dreadnought inerao cannon Wi unlanela a twin acannon Oa tin stocennon, + ASiege Diescnought may replace ts celmlchammer and melugun wlth acecond Dreadnought inferno ‘maT aplodes Ifthe mail & reduced to 0 wounds, rol Ds beove removing it fom thebatlehal cn aie explodes and each unit wthin2} sefeD3 metal wounds ‘Smoke Launchers: Once pet game, instead of shooting anp weapons inthe Shocting phase, this medelean tue te smoke launchers. Onl te controle payers next Shooting phore, ny enemy wots targeting this unit subtract 1 rom all ito for booting stacks made opalnst hls ut Sundoring Stxken Whonewe stacking & BUILDING ar any mods] tl « Movement chersctsrsts of "dusing ‘he Fight phace, the Siege Dresdnought' conirllng player may reroll all wound ros of | with this adel Frogstorm Launchers Ifthe mods finishes charge move within L ofon enemy unit roll. D8,, thet unitsffers Ds mottl wound, a KT IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, ETIRDS ‘VEHICLE, DREADNOUGHT, SIEGE DREADNOUGHT, tt” 1. Rigs © ae DAMAGE Some ofa Contemptor Mortis shange ait suffers damage in Battle, as shoven below AoMNNGW MWS OS Contemptor Mortis sos + 7 7 ww 4 8 oP gy COUSCOUS SY CONTEMPTOR MORTIS DREADNOUGHT mows 6 S T W oA MW By Tn bay Boker anes — the target i within halfrange ofthis weapon, rll two Multi meta 2 Hayy 8-4 D6 dice when inflicting damage with Itand disard the Tower result © | Pwinautocannon 1s" Heavy 7 42 Heavy plma cannon When aftacking with this weapon, choose one ofthe profiles below ~ Standard 36" Heavy D3 7 3a 04 ~ Supercharge 38" Heys 8-32 Foreach hitrollof, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound afterall ofthis weapon's sts have been resolved Twin lecannon 48" Heavy? 9 3 De Rheresasaultcannon 24" Heavy 7a WARGEAR OPTIONS A Conlemptor Moris Dreadnought may replace bath ofits vin easy holters with two Klentcal weapons from the Fellows = Mal-mela Tin aecannon “Twin atocannon ~ Heavy plata cannon = Kheres assault cannon ToT ‘Atomantic Shielding: Thismodel hava invulnerable sve Explodes: If this models reduce to 0 wounds, roll Ds before removing it from the bate on a6 it explodes and each unit within suffers D3 mortal wounds AHO KEVERS IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, KEYWORDS, ‘VEHICLE, DREADNOUGHT, CONTEMPTOR MORTIS DREADNOUGHT CHAPLAIN VENERABLE DREADNOUGHT aA wom B® T OW A Wty Chaplem Dreadnought 62 7 cpl Vette Dreanouhv a gle edi 1 upped wi io He bala wo Dasdnong combat wea VERO RaWeE TYPE Boo \BILTIES: Dreadcouat ce Make a - comet weepon Maes ties An 2 aay 8 uewyps 6-22 TAs maponds ts et sntsy saul xan ae ews é aa. - tage hin bal rng of ep all Must we Heat 4-4 DS rodloewhen infin damasewith Wand dic the wet ra Talaesanon we Hey? o 3 De Storm ote ae apd Henry Maer et _ eawyDs 5 -1__1__Thiweapombr ts ge stomatal ARSE OFS A Chaphn Vere Drenloght way ple anor bok storm baler fr Rey Tere + AChappin Veneble Dreadnought nay exchange oot offs Deanowptconbet meapo for ont athe fetotay tis ene hover oe stot bleror exe Daze *Drednoapht inferno cannon Miia = Reset canon =e bene ‘TE Talon Ths node bab vale e Lrstoppbl rp You core to nyo of fo he ode te gueped wath Desdroweht combat eto loom of ate A enty model withthe Cxerwonns ‘VEHICLE, CHARACTER, DREADNOUGHT, CHAPLAIN VENERABLE DREADNOUGHT gi DAMAGE Some ofa Relic Contemptor Dreadnought: -characteristies change ait suffers damage in Dati, as shown below: RAMAN RELIC CONTEMPTOR DREADNOUGHT “A Relic Contemplor Dreadnought va single model Its equipped with two Dreadnought combat ‘weapons and two storm bolters ‘weapon AAW TYPE SP nmmis Dreadnought combat Roe Melee Melee 2 2 Dreadnought chainfist_ Melee Melee mwo4o4 | Storm bole 20” Rapid Fire2 4 0 1 - Heavy ner 8 Hey Ds S11 Thisweapom hits its target automaticaly | Pisa bsgon ‘When attacking with this weapon, choose one ofthe profiles below: | = sundara 18 Assault 2 7 3 04 - ~ Supercharge 18" Assault 2 8-32 Foreachhiteolof 1, the bearer sles single mortal wound. es = fhe target has a Save characteristic of or betes, this Graviton blaster 18" Assault 2 ee “Thieweapon may not be fied on any turn in which the model carrying thas moved. in addition, foreach 24° between the firing model and the target, increase the Strength by +2and the Damage by #D3. fa model (beam cannon 7 Heavy 6-3 DS istemoved from play ara casualty due to wounds caused by this weapon, then the target unit suffers 206 tcdditona hits at Strength , APO, causing 1 Damage. ‘Theseadditional hits do not trigger further hits themselves. ‘Twin heavy boker Se Heawy St ie & he target is within half range of this weapon, rll ‘Ma-melia 2 Hea 8-4 Do two dice when iflctng damage with and discard the ' lower rel ‘Twin autocannon, a8 Hayy a Heavy plasma cannon When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the piles below: Standard 36" Heavy D3 7 301 - ~ supercharge 3" Heawy D3 8-3-2 Foreachhitoll of, the bearer suffers mortal wound afterall of this weapon's slots have been resolved, 48° Hewy2 9 3 De | 20 Heavy 7a a A Relic Contemnptor may replace one or both Dreadnought combat weapons with Dreadnought chants, + -ARelic Contemptor may choose fo ake upto two heasy weapons from the following ist replacing one Dreadnought combat weapon anu one storm bole foreach Weapon chose Twin heavy bole = Mali-melia =i bscannon ~"Twin autocannon = Heavy plasma cannon = Kheres assault cannon = C-Beam cannon + One or both storm bolters may be exchanged for one ofthe following = Heavy flamer = Plasma blasgun = Graviton Blaser aS “Atomantic Shielding? Thismodel has ay invulnerable sve Unstoppable Fury: Yu can r-tll hit rolls of 1 for this model iit is equipped with 80 meee weapons Relic of Ancient Glory: Roll Ds each time this model loses wound: on the roll ofa'6 that damage i ignored and that wound isnot lost Explodes If this models reduced t 0 wounds, rll Dé before removing it from the batt on a6 t explodes and each unit within 6” suffers D3 mortal wounds. ACTION KEYWORDS IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, KEYWORDS ‘VEHICLE, DREADNOUGHT, RELIC, RELIC CONTEMPTOR DREADNOUGHT ~ RELIC DEREDEO DREADNOUGHT Some af a Relic Deredeo's shange asi suffers damage in atte a NAME Mow # S T WA Relic Deredeo soe 0-14 7 at 1 Relic Deredeo Dreadnoght fea single model. Tis eipped with an anvil autocannon Palery 59 Fes and one twin heavy bolt M4 x 6s ‘wearon uN TYPE Smo ames “Anvilus autocannon battery 36 Hews 8 2 For each hit roll ofthe bearer suffers 1 mortal wound Hote plsma caronade 24" Hew 8 8 aera ofthis weapon's shots have been resolved \Whonattacking with this weapon, fat ast one dice Arachnus hwy role determining Damage ificod matarl Ioscannon battery ee a2 “J Ps “G-thena mortal wound is inictd onthe target in axkitinal all other damage ‘Aiolosmisile launcher 6" ——-Heayy2D3 6a Twin heay bolter 6 Heys 5 oa 4 “winheay flamer 8 Hewy 206 511 __Thisweapon hits its target automaticaly ‘WanGEAR OPriONS A Relic Deredeo may replaces win eauy bole wth win heavy Hane 1A Relic Deredco maybe equiped with ane ofthe following = Aioos mii launcher ~ tomatic pane + Ali Deredco may replaces ails autocinon batery with one of the folowing Heli plasma carronade = Arachne asco atry BITES Taered AtomnticBariers: A uit with hs ably has 5 fvulneable nave gunn Shooting oF Overwath stack, anda invulnerable save against Mele atch nthe Fgh pss, ‘Atomantic Pavase equipped with an atomantic pase al sendy units within ofthe Rei Dereio Dreadnought gains 5+ nvulaenbesave Tis invulnerable save does no stack with o improve existing invulnerable saves Helical Targeting Array: At the begining of any tum the contolling payer may declare tat ts ell targeting array is active. While ts activ, the Reke Detedeo Dreadnought may not move and ads +1 ots rol against model with the FLY keyword Explodes Ithis models duc to 0 wounds, rol « De before removing it fom the htlikt-on a5 oF 6 xples al ach unit withing suflers D3 mortal wound Smoke Launchers: Once per game instead shooting any weapon inthe Shooting phase ths model can wes smoke hunchers Uni the controling player's next Shooting phase, any enemy uns targeting this unt subtract 1 iromall trols for Shootin tacks made ais this writ TON REY IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, EYWOROS VEHICLE, DREADNOUGHT, RELIC, RELIC DEREDEO DREADNOUGHT

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