Differentiated Instruction

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A Special Note…

Differentiated instruction is a very popular, not to mention

broad, topic in today’s educational arena. It should be noted
that this presentation is only intended to be a brief overview
of this encompassing topic. There is an enormous amount of
information about differentiated instruction and the related
concepts that are intertwined with differentiated instruction,
which could not be included within this format. To learn
more about differentiated instruction, please refer to the
“Websites” and “Resources” slides at the end of this power
point, or contact your Florida Inclusion Network facilitator at:
Learner Objectives:
Participants will…

• Become familiar with vocabulary related to

differentiated instruction.

• Understand basic principles of differentiating

content, process, and product in an
academically diverse classroom.

• Be able to implement one or more

instructional strategies that support
As you know, students come to our classrooms
with a variety of:

Personal Readiness
Experiences Levels
Unfortunately, some classroom structures
do not address this student diversity. In

The biggest mistake of past centuries in

teaching has been to treat all children as if
they were variants of the same individual
and thus to feel justified in teaching them
all the same subjects in the same way.
-Howard Gardner
Let’s take a look at the instructional
strategies we typically use in our
classrooms and see how they effect our
students’ memory retention rates.

You might want to get a piece of paper and a

pencil to see if you can guess the correct answers.
Effective Instructional Strategies
㻵㼄㼑㼎㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼖㼗㼕㼄㼗㼈㼊 㼌㼈㼖㻃㼒 㼑
㼗㼋㼈㻃㼕㼌㼊 㼋㼗㻃㼒 㼉㻃㼗㼋㼈
㼓 㼜㼕㼄㼐 㼌㼇 㻃㼉㼕㼒 㼐 㻃㼏㼈㼄㼖㼗 Least 㻳㼕㼄㼆㼗㼌㼆㼈㻃㼅 㼜㻃㼇 㼒㼌㼑㼊
㼈㼉㼉㼈㼆㼗㼌㼙㼈㻃㻋 㼗㼒 㼓 㻃㼒 㼉 Effective 㻧㼈㼐 㼒㼑㼖㼗㼕㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑
㼓 㼜㼕㼄㼐 㼌㼇 㻌 㻃㼗㼒 㻃㼐 㼒 㼖㼗
㼈㼉㼉㼈㼆㼗㼌㼙㼈㻃㻋 㼅 㼒 㼗㼗㼒 㼐 㻌 㻑
㻤㼘㼇 㼌㼒㻒㼙㼌㼖㼘㼄㼏㼖
㻷㼕㼜㻃㼗㼒 㻃㼊 㼘㼈㼖㼖㻃㼗㼋㼈 㻧㼌㼖㼆㼘㼖㼖㼌㼒㼑
㼓 㼈㼕㼆㼈㼑㼗㼄㼊 㼈㻃㼒 㼉
㼌㼑㼉㼒 㼕㼐 㼄㼗㼌㼒 㼑㻃㼄 㻵㼈㼄㼇 㼌㼑㼊
䇵㼗㼜㼓 㼌㼆㼄㼏䇶 㻯㼈㼆㼗㼘㼕㼈
㻃㼖㼗㼘㼇 㼈㼑㼗
㼐 㼄㼜㻃㼕㼈㼗㼄㼌㼑
㼉㼒 㼕㻃㼈㼄㼆㼋㻑

Most Effective
Effective Instructional Strategies

How’d you do? 㻯㼈㼆㼗㼘㼕㼈

㻵㼈㼄㼇 㼌㼑㼊 㻃㻔 㻓 㻈
㻤㼘㼇 㼌㼒㻒㼙㼌㼖㼘㼄㼏㼖㻃㻕 㻓 㻈 㻃
㻧㼈㼐 㼒㼑㼖㼗㼕㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑㻃㻖 㻓 㻈
㻧㼌㼖㼆㼘㼖㼖㼌㼒㼑㻃㻘 㻓 㻈
㻳㼕㼄㼆㼗㼌㼆㼈㻃㼅 㼜㻃㼇 㼒㼌㼑㼊 㻃㻚 㻘 㻈
㻷㼈㼄㼆㼋㻃㼒㼗㼋㼈㼕㼖㻒㼌㼐 㼐 㼈㼇 㼌㼄㼗㼈㻃㼘㼖㼈㻃㼒㼉㻃㼏㼈㼄㼕㼑㼌㼑㼊 㻃㻜 㻘 㻈
So now you have a classroom of diverse
The Million
learners… Dollar
and you know Question:
that some of
our past teaching strategies are not
going to be effective with them…So,
the million dollar question is…

㻫㼒㼚 㻃㼇 㼒㻃㼜㼒㼘㻃㻃㼖㼘㼆㼆㼈㼖㼖㼉㼘㼏㼏㼜
㼐 㼈㼈㼗㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼑㼈㼈㼇 㼖㻃㼒㼉㻃㼗㼋㼈
㼇 㼌㼙㼈㼕㼖㼈㻃㼏㼈㼄㼕㼑㼈㼕㼖㻃㼌㼑㻃㼜㼒㼘㼕
㼆㼏㼄㼖㼖㼕㼒㼒㼐 㻢
Differentiated Instruction is…
㻤㻃㼖㼈㼗㻃㼒㼉㻃㼘㼑㼌㼔 㼘㼈㻃㼇 㼈㼆㼌㼖㼌㼒㼑㼖㻃㼗㼋㼄㼗㻃㼗㼋㼈
㼈㼇 㼘㼆㼄㼗㼒㼕㻃㼐 㼄㼎㼈㼖㻃㼗㼒㻃㼅 㼕㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼏㼈㼄㼕㼑㼌㼑㼊
㼚 㼌㼗㼋㼌㼑㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼊 㼕㼄㼖㼓 㻃㼒㼉㻃㼄㼏㼏㻃㼖㼗㼘㼇 㼈㼑㼗㼖㻑
㻵㼈㼐 㼈㼐 㼅 㼈㼕㻏 㻃㼗㼋㼌㼖㻃㼌㼑㼆㼏㼘㼇 㼈㼖㻃㼖㼗㼘㼇 㼈㼑㼗㼖
㼚 㼋㼒㻃㼄㼕㼈㻃㼚 㼒㼕㼎㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼒㼑㻃㼊 㼕㼄㼇 㼈㻃㼏㼈㼙㼈㼏㻏
㼅 㼈㼏㼒㼚 㻃㼊 㼕㼄㼇 㼈㻃㼏㼈㼙㼈㼏㻏 㻃㼄㼑㼇 㻃㼉㼒㼕㻃㼗㼋㼒㼖㼈
㼖㼗㼘㼇 㼈㼑㼗㼖㻃㼚 㼒㼕㼎㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼄㼅 㼒㼙㼈㻃㼊 㼕㼄㼇 㼈
㻬㼗㻃㼌㼖㻃㼄㻃㼗㼋㼒㼘㼊 㼋㼗㼉㼘㼏
Differentiation is…
㻳㼕㼒㼙㼌㼇 㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼄㼙㼈㼑㼘㼈㼖㻃㼗㼒㻃㼄㼆㼔 㼘㼌㼕㼈
㼆㼒㼑㼗㼈㼑㼗㻏 㻃㼓 㼕㼒㼆㼈㼖㼖㻃㼌㼇 㼈㼄㼖㻃㼄㼑㼇 㻃㼇 㼈㼙㼈㼏㼒㼓
㼓 㼕㼒㼇 㼘㼆㼗㼖

㻤㻃㼐 㼈㼄㼑㼖㻃㼗㼒㻃㼓 㼕㼒㼙㼌㼇 㼈㻃㼐 㼘㼏㼗㼌㼓 㼏㼈㻃㼒㼓 㼗㼌㼒㼑㼖㻃㼉㼒㼕

㼗㼄㼎㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼌㼑㻃㼄㼑㼇 㻃㼐 㼄㼎㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼖㼈㼑㼖㼈㻃㼒㼉
㼌㼑㼉㼒㼕㼐 㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑
As well as…

㻤㻃㼐 㼈㼄㼑㼖㻃㼒㼉㻃㼈㼛㼓 㼕㼈㼖㼖㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼏㼈㼄㼕㼑㼌㼑㼊

Principles of a Differentiated
• All students participate in respectful work.
• Teacher and students work together to ensure
continual engagement & challenge for each
• The teacher coordinates use of time, space, and
• Flexible grouping, which includes whole class
learning, pairs, student-selected groups, teacher-
selected groups, and random groups.
Principles of a Differentiated
• Time use is flexible in response to student needs.
• A variety of management strategies, such as
learning centers, interest centers, learning
buddies, etc. is used to help target instruction to
student needs.
• Clearly established individual and group
criteria provide guidance toward success.
• Students are assessed in a variety of ways to
demonstrate their own thought and growth.
Traditional Classroom vs. Differentiated Classroom
• Differences are acted upon • Differences are studied as a basis
when problematic. for planning.
• Assessment is most common • Assessment is on-going and
at the end of learning to see diagnostic to to make instruction
“who got it” more responsive to learner needs
• A relatively narrow sense of • Focus on multiple forms of
intelligence prevails intelligences is evident
• Coverage of curriculum • Student readiness, interest, and
guides drives instruction learning profile shape instruction
• Whole class instruction • Many instructional arrangements
dominates are used
• Multiple materials are provided
• A single text prevails
Adapted from “The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners,” by
Carol Ann Tomlinson, 1999, p.16
Differentiation of Instruction
is a teacher’s response to learners’ needs

guided by general principles of differentiation

such as:

respectful tasks flexible grouping ongoing assessment

and adjustment

ways to differentiate:

Content Process Product

according to students’

Readiness Interests Learning Profile

“The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners,” by
Carol Ann Tomlinson, 1999, p. 15
Ways to Differentiate:

㻺 㼋㼄㼗㻃㼌㼖㻃㼗㼄㼘㼊 㼋㼗
㻫㼒㼚 㻃㼌㼗㻃㼌㼖㻃㼗㼄㼘㼊 㼋㼗
㻫㼒㼚 㻃㼏㼈㼄㼕㼑㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼌㼖
According to students’
㻵㼈㼉㼈㼕㼖㻃㼗㼒㻃㼕㼈㼄㼇 㼌㼑㼈㼖㼖㻃㼉㼒㼕㻃㼄㻃㼊 㼌㼙㼈㼑㻃㼖㼎㼌㼏㼏㻏
㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㼆㼒㼑㼆㼈㼓 㼗㻏 㻃㼒㼕㻃㼚 㼄㼜㻃㼒㼉㻃㼗㼋㼌㼑㼎㼌㼑㼊 㻑
㻃㻃㻃㻃Interests and Attitudes-
㻫㼄㼙㼈㻃㼗㼒㻃㼇 㼒㻃㼚 㼌㼗㼋㻃㼗㼋㼒㼖㼈㻃㼗㼋㼌㼑㼊 㼖㻃㼗㼋㼄㼗㻃㼏㼈㼄㼕㼑㼈㼕㼖
㼉 㼌㼑 㼇 㻃㼕㼈㼏㼈㼙㼄㼑㼗㻏 㻃㼉㼄㼖㼆㼌㼑㼄㼗㼌㼑㼊 㻏 㻃㼒㼕㻃㼚 㼒㼕㼗㼋㼜㻃㼒㼉㻃㼗㼋㼈㼌㼕
㼗㼌㼐 㼈㻑
㻃㻃㻃㻃Learning Profile & Need-
㻵㼈㼉㼈㼕㻃㼗㼒㻃㼗㼋㼌㼑㼊 㼖㻃㼖㼘㼆㼋㻃㼄㼖㻃㼏㼈㼄㼕㼑㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼖㼗㼜㼏㼈㻏
㼌㼑㼗㼈㼏㼏㼌㼊 㼈㼑㼆㼈㻃㼓 㼕㼈㼉㼈㼕㼈㼑㼆㼈㼖㻏 㻃㼋㼒㼚 㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼖㼗㼘㼇 㼈㼑㼗㻃㼓 㼕㼒㼆㼈㼖㼖㼈㼖
㼌㼑㼉㼒㼕㼐 㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑㻏 㻃㼄㼑㼇 㻃㼋㼒㼚 㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼏㼈㼄㼕㼑㼈㼕㻃㼖㼈㼈㼖㻃㼋㼌㼐 㼖㼈㼏㼉㻃㼌㼑㻃
㼕㼈㼏㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑㻃㼗㼒㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼕㼈㼖㼗㻃㼒㼉㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼚 㼒㼕㼏㼇 㻑
Strategies for Differentiation
Confused? Let’s break it down. Differentiation can include
complex strategies, like writing tiered lesson plans, or it can
take a more simplistic form, such as using reading buddies or
think-pair-share strategies. Here is a condensed list of the
continuum of differentiated strategies.
Higher Prep Strategies Lower Prep Strategies
Tiered Lessons Reading & Study Buddies
Flexible Grouping Anchor Activities
Think-Tac-Toe Think-Pair-Share
Multiple Intelligence Choices of books
Options Interest Surveys
Graphic Organizers Multiple Levels of
Response/Exit Cards Questioning
Multiple Texts
A Closer Look

Within the next few slides, you will be introduced

to a few differentiated instructional strategies such
as tiered lessons, exit cards, flexible grouping,
anchor activities, response cards, think-tac-toe
boards, cubing, graphic organizers, and mind maps.
Remember, these are just some of the many
examples of differentiated instructional
strategies. As you progress through your
FOR-PD modules, you will also encounter
classroom friendly examples of these and
other differentiated strategies that you may
want to implement in your classroom.
Tiered Instruction
䇻 㻃Provides teachers with a means of assigning
different tasks within the same lesson or unit.

䇻 㻃The tasks will vary according to the students’:

㻃Learning Profile
What can be Tiered?

Process • HOMEWORK
Product • CENTERS
Planning Tiered Activities
A Four Step Method
Step 1. 㻬㼇 㼈㼑㼗㼌㼉㼜㻃㼎㼈㼜㻃㼆㼒㼑㼆㼈㼓 㼗㼖㻃㼒㼕㻃㼖㼎㼌㼏㼏㼖㻃㻋 㼌㻑 㼈㻑 㻏 㻃㻶㻶㻶㻌
㻃㻃㻺 㼋㼄㼗㻃㼖㼋㼒㼘㼏㼇 㻃㼖㼗㼘㼇 㼈㼑㼗㼖㻃㼎㼑㼒㼚 㻏
㻃㻃㼘㼑㼇 㼈㼕㼖㼗㼄㼑㼇 㻏 㻃㼒㼕㻃㼅 㼈㻃㼄㼅 㼏㼈㻃㼗㼒㻃㼇 㼒㻢

Step 2.㻃㻃㻃㻷㼋㼌㼑㼎㻃㼄㼅 㼒㼘㼗㻃㼖㼗㼘㼇 㼈㼑㼗㼖㻃㼄㼑㼇 㻒㼒㼕㻃㼘㼖㼈㻃㼄㼖㼖㼈㼖㼖㼐 㼈㼑㼗

㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㼗㼒㻃㼇 㼈㼗㼈㼕㼐 㼌㼑㼈㻝
㻃㻃㻵㼈㼄㼇 㼌㼑㼈㼖㼖㻃㻯㼈㼙㼈㼏㼖
㻃㻃㻯㼈㼄㼕㼑㼌㼑㼊 㻃㻳㼕㼒㼉 㼌㼏㼈㼖
Step 3.㻃㻃㻦㼕㼈㼄㼗㼈㻃㼄㼑㻃㼄㼆㼗㼌㼙㼌㼗㼜㻃㼉㼒㼕㻃䇵㼒 㼑㻐㼏㼈㼙㼈㼏䇶㻃㼏㼈㼄㼕㼑㼈㼕㼖㻃㼗㼋㼄㼗
䇻 㻬㼑㼗㼈㼕㼈㼖㼗㼌㼑㼊
䇻 㻦㼋㼄㼏㼏㼈㼑㼊 㼌㼑㼊
䇻 㻦㼄㼘㼖㼈㼖㻃㼖㼗㼘㼇 㼈㼑㼗㼖㻃㼗㼒㻃㼘㼖㼈㻃㼎㼈㼜㻃㼖㼎㼌㼏㼏㻋 㼖㻌 㻃㼗㼒
㼘㼑㼇 㼈㼕㼖㼗㼄㼑㼇 㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼐 㼄㼍㼒㼕㻃㼌㼇 㼈㼄㻃㼒㼕㻃㼆㼒㼑㼆㼈㼓 㼗㻑
Step 4.㻃㻃㻤㼇 㼍㼘㼖㼗㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼄㼆㼗㼌㼙㼌㼗㼜㻃㼄㼆㼆㼒㼕㼇 㼌㼑㼊 㼏㼜㻑 㻃㻃㻵㼈㼐 㼈㼐 㼅 㼈㼕䇿
㼜㼒㼘㻃㼐 㼄㼜㻃㼑㼒㼗㻃㼑㼈㼈㼇 㻃㼗㼒㻃㼄㼇 㼍㼘㼖㼗㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼄㼆㼗㼌㼙㼌㼗㼜㻃㼌㼉㻃㼜㼒㼘㻃㼄㼕㼈
㼇 㼌㼉㼉㼈㼕㼈㼑㼗㼌㼄㼗㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼅 㼜㻃㼌㼑㼗㼈㼕㼈㼖㼗㻃㼒㼕㻃㼅 㼜㻃㼏㼈㼄㼕㼑㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼓 㼕㼒㼉 㼌㼏㼈㻑
㻫㼒㼚 㼈㼙㼈㼕㻏 㻃㼌㼉㻃㼜㼒㼘㻃㼄㼕㼈㻃㼇 㼌㼉㼉㼈㼕㼈㼑㼗㼌㼄㼗㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼅 㼜㻃㼕㼈㼄㼇 㼌㼑㼈㼖㼖㻏 㻃㼜㼒㼘
㼚 㼌㼏㼏㻃㼑㼈㼈㼇 㻃㼗㼒㻃㼄㼇 㼍㼘㼖㼗㻃㼉㼒㼕㻃䇵㼖㼗㼕㼘㼊 㼊 㼏㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼏㼈㼄㼕㼑㼈㼕㼖䇶㻃㼄㼑㼇
䇵㼋㼌㼊 㼋㼏㼜㻐㼄㼅 㼏㼈䇶㻃㼏㼈㼄㼕㼑㼈㼕㼖㻑
Struggling On-Level Highly-Able
Learners Learners Learners

“Adjusting the Task”

Flexible Grouping
Flexible grouping is an opportunity for students to
work with a variety of students, through whole group
or in many different forms of small groups. The key
to flexible grouping is in the name…FLEXIBLE.
Students have an opportunity to be in different
groups depending on the activity.
• Initially use whole group for instruction
• Divide group for practice or enrichment
• Not used as a permanent arrangement
• Use groups for one activity, a day, a week, etc.
Flexible grouping is the cornerstone of successful differentiated
instruction – Carol Ann Tomlinson
How does flexible grouping benefit students?

• Gives students and teachers a voice in

work arrangements.
• Allows students to work with a variety of
• Keeps students from being “pegged” as
advanced or struggling.
Group Membership

Can be determined by:

䇻 㻃㻵㼈㼄㼇 㼌㼑㼈㼖㼖
䇻 㻃㻬㼑㼗㼈㼕㼈㼖㼗
䇻 㻃㻵㼈㼄㼇 㼌㼑㼊 㻃㻯㼈㼙㼈㼏
䇻 㻃㻶㼎㼌㼏㼏㻃㻯㼈㼙㼈㼏
䇻 㻃㻥㼄㼆㼎㼊 㼕㼒㼘㼑㼇 㻃㻮㼑㼒㼚 㼏㼈㼇 㼊 㼈
䇻 㻃㻶㼒㼆㼌㼄㼏㻃㻶㼎㼌㼏㼏㼖
Anchor Activities

㼒㼑㼊 㼒㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼄㼖㼖㼌㼊 㼑㼐 㼈㼑㼗㼖
㼗㼋㼄㼗㻃㼖㼗㼘㼇 㼈㼑㼗㼖㻃㼆㼄㼑㻃㼚 㼒㼕㼎
㼒㼑㻃㼌㼑㼇 㼈㼓 㼈㼑㼇 㼈㼑㼗㼏㼜
㼗㼋㼕㼒㼘㼊 㼋㼒㼘㼗㻃㼄㻃㼘㼑㼌㼗㻏㻃㼄
㼊 㼕㼄㼇 㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼓 㼈㼕㼌㼒㼇 㻏
㼒㼕㻃㼏㼒㼑㼊 㼈㼕㻑
Some Anchor Activities
㻃㻯㼈㼄㼕㼑㼌㼑㼊 㻃㻳㼄㼆㼎㼈㼗㼖
㻃㻤㼆㼗㼌㼙㼌㼗㼜㻃㻥㼒 㼛
㻃㻯㼈㼄㼕㼑㼌㼑㼊 㻒㻬㼑㼗㼈㼕㼈㼖㼗㻃㻦㼈㼑㼗㼈㼕㼖
㻃㻹㼒 㼆㼄㼅 㼘㼏㼄㼕㼜㻃㻺 㼒 㼕㼎
㻃㻤 㼆㼆㼈㼏㼈㼕㼄㼗㼈㼇 㻃㻵㼈㼄㼇 㼈㼕
㻃㻬㼑㼙㼈㼖㼗㼌㼊 㼄㼗㼌㼒 㼑㼖
㻃㻰㼄㼊 㼄㼝㼌㼑㼈㻃㻤㼕㼗㼌㼆㼏㼈㼖㻃㼚 㼌㼗㼋㻃㻪㼈㼑㼈㼕㼌㼆㻃㻴㼘㼈㼖㼗㼌㼒 㼑㼖㻃㼒 㼕㻃㻤㼆㼗㼌㼙㼌㼗㼌㼈㼖
㻃㻯㼌㼖㼗㼈㼑㼌㼑㼊 㻃㻶㼗㼄㼗㼌㼒 㼑㼖
㻃㻵㼈㼖㼈㼄㼕㼆㼋㻃㻴㼘㼈㼖㼗㼌㼒 㼑㼖㻃㼒 㼕㻃㻳㼕㼒 㼍㼈㼆㼗㼖
㻃㻦㼒㼐 㼐 㼈㼕㼆㼌㼄㼏㻃㻮㼌㼗㼖㻃㼄㼑㼇 㻃㻰㼄㼗㼈㼕㼌㼄㼏㼖
㻃㻭㼒 㼘㼕㼑㼄㼏㼖㻃㼒 㼕㻃㻯㼈㼄㼕㼑㼌㼑㼊 㻃㻯㼒 㼊 㼖
㻃㻶㼌㼏㼈㼑㼗㻃㻵㼈㼄㼇 㼌㼑㼊
㻃㻺 㼈㼅 㼖㼌㼗㼈㼖
The Purpose of an Anchor Activity

Provide meaningful work for students when

they finish an assignment or project, when
they first enter the class, or when they are
Provide ongoing tasks that tie to the content
and instruction

Free up the classroom teacher to work with

other groups of students or individuals
Exit Cards
Exit Cards (AKA “Tickets Out The Door”) are used
to gather information on student readiness levels,
interests, and/or learning profiles. They can be used as
quick assessments to see if the students are “getting it.”

The teacher hands out index cards to students at the

end of an instructional sequence or class period. The
teacher asks the students to respond to a pre-
determined prompt on their index cards and then turn
them in as they leave the classroom or transition to
another subject.

The teacher reviews the student responses and

separates the cards into instructional groups based on
preset criteria.
Exit Cards Groupings
Group 2
Group 1 㻶㼗㼘㼇 㼈㼑㼗㼖㻃㼚 㼌㼗㼋
㻶㼗㼘㼇 㼈㼑㼗㼖㻃㼚 㼋㼒 㼖㼒㼐 㼈㻃㼘㼑㼇 㼈㼕㼖㼗㼄㼑㼇 㼌㼑㼊
㼄㼕㼈 㼒㼉㻃㼆㼒㼑㼆㼈㼓 㼗㻃㼒㼕㻃㼖㼎㼌㼏㼏
㻃㼖㼗㼕㼘㼊 㼊 㼏㼌㼑㼊 㻃㼚 㼌㼗㼋
Group 3
㻃㼆㼒㼑㼆㼈㼓 㼗㻃㼒㼕㻃㼖㼎㼌㼏㼏
㻶㼗㼘㼇 㼈㼑㼗㼖㻃㼚 㼋㼒
㼘㼑㼇 㼈㼕㼖㼗㼄㼑㼇 㻃㼗㼋㼈
㼆㼒㼑㼆㼈㼓 㼗㻃㼒㼕㻃㼖㼎㼌㼏㼏

Readiness Groups
㻨㼛 㼓 㼏 㼄 㼌
㼑 㻃㼗
㼅 㼈 㼗 㼚 㼈 㼋 㼈 㻃㼇 㼌㼉 㼉 㼈 㼕 㼈 㼑 䇵㻫 㼄 㼓 㼓
㼜 㻃㼄 㼖 㻃㼄
㼈㼑 㼆㼈 㻃㼆 㼏㼄 㼐 䇶㻃
㼐 㼈 㼗 㼄 㼓 㻃㼖 㼌㼐 㼌㼏㼈 㻃㼄 㼑 㼇 㼄 㼑 㻃㼈 㼛 㼄
㼐 㼓 㼏㼈 㻃 㼌㼖
㼋 㼒 㼕㻑 㻋 㼆 㼌㼕 㼆 㼏㼈 㼒 㼉 㻃㼄 㻝
㻃㼗 㼋 㼈 㻃㼆 㼒 㼕 㼕 㼈
㼕㼈 㼖㼓 㼒 㼆㼗
㻪㼌㼙 㼈 㻃㼖 㼑 㼖㼈 㻌
㼒 㼐 㼈 㻃㼈
㼈 㼄 㼆 㼋 㻃㼄 㼛㼄
㼖 㻃㼓 㼄 㼕 㼗 㼐 㼓 㼏㼈 㼖 㻃㼒 㼉 㻶㼌 㼐 㼌 㼏 㼈
㼈 㼛 㼓 㼏㼄 㼑 㻃㼒
㼄 㼗 㼌㼒 㼑 㻑 㼉 㻃㼜 㼒 㼘 㼕 㻃㻃㻃㻃㻰 㼈
㼗㼄㼓 㼋㼒

Exit Card Samples

Notice how these exit cards have been differentiated by readiness.
Each student is still expected to know about similes and metaphors,
but their individual questions are based on their skill level and their
degree of knowledge.
Exit Card 3 – 2 – 1 Summarizer

After reading over my rough draft…

㻃㻃㻖 㻃㼕㼈㼙㼌㼖㼌㼒㼑㼖㻃㻬㻃㼆㼄㼑㻃㼐 㼄㼎㼈㻃㼗㼒㻃㼌㼐 㼓 㼕㼒㼙㼈㻃㼐 㼜
㼇 㼕㼄㼉㼗㻑
㻃㻃㻕 㻃㼕㼈㼖㼒㼘㼕㼆㼈㼖㻃㻬㻃㼆㼄㼑㻃㼘㼖㼈㻃㼗㼒㻃㼋㼈㼏㼓 㻃㼌㼐 㼓 㼕㼒㼙㼈
㻃㻃㻃㻃㻃㼐 㼜㻃㼇 㼕㼄㼉㼗㻑
㻃㻃㻔 㻃㼗㼋㼌㼑㼊 㻃㻬㻃㼕㼈㼄㼏㼏㼜㻃㼏㼌㼎㼈 㻃㼄㼅 㼒㼘㼗㻃㼐 㼜㻃㼉 㼌㼕 㼖㼗㻃㼇 㼕㼄㼉㼗㻑
Response Cards
Response cards are another form of quick assessment. Each
student has a card and indicates their understanding of a topic
by holding up the appropriate response. Response cards:
Increase participation level of all students
Increase on-task behavior
Provide immediate feedback
Are highly motivating and fun!

If response cards were used instead of hand raising

JUST THINK… for just 30 minutes per day, each student would
make more than 3,700 additional academic
responses during the school year.
Types of Response Cards…
Preprinted Student made Write-on boards


. ?
“ !
Think-Tac-Toe boards give students a choice in how they
demonstrate their understanding of a given topic.
Complete a Complete a Name & draw a
character analysis character report person who is like
for the main card . one of the
character of your characters from
story. the book.
Build a miniature Draw a picture Make up a
stage setting for describing at least limerick or
your story. 3 settings from cinquain poem
the story. about the setting
of your story
Use a sequence Write a new Make a game
chart or timeline to beginning or board about your
describe at least 7 ending to the story. story. Include key
events. events
(in order)
䇻 㻤㻃㼆㼘㼅 㼈㻃㼆㼒㼑㼖㼌㼖㼗㼖㻃㼒㼉㻃㻙 㻃㼆㼒㼐 㼐 㼄㼑㼇 㼖䇭 㼒㼑㼈㻃㼒㼑
㼈㼄㼆㼋㻃㼒㼉㻃㼌㼗㼖㻃㻙 㻃㼉㼄㼆㼈㼖䇭 㼉㼒㼏㼏㼒㼚 㼈㼇 㻃㼅 㼜㻃㼄㻃㼓 㼕㼒㼐 㼓 㼗
㼗㼋㼄㼗㻃㼇 㼈㼖㼆㼕㼌㼅 㼈㼖㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼗㼄㼖㼎㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼖㼗㼘㼇 㼈㼑㼗㻃㼖㼋㼒㼘㼏㼇
㼇 㼒㻑
䇻 㻦㼄㼑㻃㼅 㼈㻃㼘㼖㼈㼇 㻃㼗㼒㻃㼇 㼌㼉㼉㼈㼕㼈㼑㼗㼌㼄㼗㼈㻃㼄㼆㼗㼌㼙㼌㼗㼌㼈㼖㻃㼒㼑
㼗㼋㼈㻃㼅 㼄㼖㼌㼖㻃㼒㼉㻃㼖㼗㼘㼇 㼈㼑㼗㼖䇲㻃㼕㼈㼄㼇 㼌㼑㼈㼖㼖㻑 㻃㻃㻩㼒㼕
㼈㼛㼄㼐 㼓 㼏㼈㻏 㻃㼘㼖㼌㼑㼊 㻃㻕 㻃㼒㼕㻃㼐 㼒㼕㼈㻃㼆㼘㼅 㼈㼖㻃㼚 㼌㼗㼋㻃㼗㼋㼈
㼖㼄㼐 㼈㻃㼆㼒㼐 㼐 㼄㼑㼇 㼖㻏 㻃㼐 㼒㼇 㼌㼉㼜㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼓 㼕㼒㼐 㼓 㼗㼖㻃㼒㼕
㼗㼄㼖㼎㼖㻃㼖㼒㻃㼗㼋㼄㼗㻃㼗㼋㼈㼜㻃㼄㼕㼈㻃㼄㼗㻃㼇 㼌㼉㼉㼈㼕㼈㼑㼗㻃㼏㼈㼙㼈㼏㼖㻃㼒㼉
㼇 㼌㼉㼉 㼌㼆 㼘㼏㼗㼜㻑
䇻 㻦㼄㼑㻃㼅 㼈㻃㼘㼖㼈㼇 㻃㼗㼒㻃㼇 㼌㼉㼉㼈㼕㼈㼑㼗㼌㼄㼗㼈㻃㼄㼆㼗㼌㼙㼌㼗㼌㼈㼖
㼅 㼄㼖㼈㼇 㻃㼒㼑㻃㼖㼗㼘㼇 㼈㼑㼗㼖䇲㻃㼌㼑㼗㼈㼕㼈㼖㼗㼖㻃㼒㼕㻃㼏㼈㼄㼕㼑㼌㼑㼊
㼓 㼕㼒㼉 㼌㼏㼈㼖㻑

• Designed to help • Satisfies hunger to

students think about a do something
topic from different different
angles • Eliminates boredom
and lethargy
• Game-like—motivates
resulting from
children unnecessary drill
• Recognizes large and practice.
reservoir of knowledge • Often used to
and skills of some reinforce, extend or
learners demonstrate
Graphic Organizers
• Aides comprehension, concept
development and learning
• Highlights key vocabulary
• Provides an organized, visual display of
• Focuses attention on key elements
• Helps integrate prior knowledge with new
Graphic Organizers

Planning Organizer

Venn Diagram
Mind Mapping
Colorful Brain-Based
Arrows Fu
Key Co
Words nst i o na le
ruc Rat
ols tio
Symb n M Creative
In ulti
tel pl
lig e
c a t
p pli


Teachers Students

Add Details

Main Ideas
Planning Prewriting
Reflecting Central Image
What else can I do?
Here are some more specific strategies you can do as a teacher
that will help meet the needs of ALL the students in your class.
Use cassette recorders as a means for students to receive
information or as a means for students to demonstrate knowledge
Use graphic organizers such as flowcharts, Venn diagrams,
semantic mapping, mind mapping, etc.
Have students underline or highlight key words or phrases
Use texts that are tailored to the students’ reading levels
Use questions that are tailored to the students’ comprehension
level (Bloom)
Collect topic related supplementary materials such as comic
books, newspaper articles, magazines, etc.

Provide word walls for students to reference while reading/writing

Encourage different forms of expressing learning such as
drawing, acting, poetry, etc.
Use flexible grouping, peer tutoring, learning buddies, etc.
Use ongoing assessment of students progress so that intervention
can occur quickly (exit cards, response cards…)
Use student diaries, learning logs, journals, prediction logs
Shorten or lengthen assignments while still maintaining the
objective of the lesson
Rewrite problems using less/more complex language
• Examine Your Philosophy About Individual
Student Needs
• Start Small
• Grow Slowly - But Grow
• Envision How an Activity Will Look
• Step Back and Reflect
• Talk with Students Early and Often
• Continue to Empower Students
• Continue to be Analytical
In My Differentiated Classroom…

Everyone will feel welcomed

Mutual respect will be nonnegotiable
Students will feel physical, mental & emotional safety
There will be a pervasive expectation of growth
I will teach for success
A new sort of fairness will be evident and accepted
We will collaborate for mutual growth and success
We are for difference,
for respecting difference,
for valuing difference,

until difference no longer

makes a difference.

• www.FloridaInclusionNetwork.com
• ideanet.doe.state.in.us/exceptional/gt/tiered_curriculum/
• www.mcps.k12.md.us/departments/eii/eiimanage
• www.Help4teachers.com
• www.teachervision.com
• www.ascd.org

• www.quasar.ualberta.calddc/inc/difinst.htm

• http://pirate/shu.edu/~collinjo/edsites/difflearn.htm

• http://www.ascd.org/pdi/demo/diffinstr/tomlinson2.html
• www.KaganOnline.com
• www.weac.org/kids/1998-99/march99/differ.htm

 How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability

Classrooms 2nd Edition㻃㻃㻃㻃By Carol Ann Tomlinson University of

 The Differentiated Classroom Responding to the Needs of

All Learners㻃㻃㻃 By Carol Ann Tomlinson

㻲㼕㼇 㼈㼕㼌㼑㼊 㻃㻬㼑㼉㼒 㻝

㻃㻤㻶㻦㻧㻃㼌㼑㻃㻤㼏㼈㼛㼄㼑㼇 㼕㼌㼄㻏 㻃㻹㼌㼕㼊 㼌㼑㼌㼄
㻳㼋㼒 㼑㼈㻝 㻃㻔 㻐㻛 㻓 㻓 㻐㻜 㻖 㻖 㻐㻕 㻚 㻕 㻖 㻃㻃㻃㻩㼄㼛㻝 㻃㻋 㻚 㻓 㻖 㻌 㻃㻕 㻜 㻜 㻐㻛 㻙 㻖 㻔
㻃㼚 㼚 㼚 㻑 㼄㼖㼆㼇 㻑 㼒 㼕㼊

 Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn’t

Fit All By Gayle H. Gregory and Carolyn Chapman

 Differentiating Instruction for Students with Learning

Disabilities By William Bender

㻲㼕㼇 㼈㼕㼌㼑㼊 㻃㻬㼑㼉㼒 㻝

㻃㻦㼒 㼕㼚 㼌㼑㻃㻳㼕㼈㼖㼖㻏 㻃㻬㼑㼆㻑
㻳㼋㼒 㼑㼈㻝 㻃㻔 㻐㻛 㻓 㻓 㻐㻛 㻔 㻛 㻐㻚 㻕 㻗 㻖 㻃㻃㻃㻩㼄㼛㻝 㻃㻋 㻛 㻓 㻓 㻌 㻃㻗 㻔 㻚 㻐㻕 㻗 㻙 㻙
㻃㼚 㼚 㼚 㻑 㼆㼒 㼕㼚 㼌㼑㼓 㼕㼈㼖㼖㻑 㼆㼒 㼐

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