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Iran at Night

►►Mount Damavand
Strong moonlight has illuminated snow-cov- magnificent live volcanoes on the planet. As
ered landscape of northern Iran in this winter noted by the photographer “it was 4 am in
night picture taken from the slopes of Mount the morning. Along with two other landscape
Damavand, the highest volcano in Asia, ris- astrophotographers I trekked a road covered
ing to an altitude of 5610 meters. Located by 1-2 meters deep snow to find this overlook-
in the Alborz mountain range of Iran, not ing location. The temperature was well below
far from the capital Tehran, Mt. Damavand -20o C with freezing wind. Clouds were mov-
has been a legendary mountain in Persian ing fast against the volcano and the northern
culture. The volcano has been dormant for stars in the constellation Ursa Minor were vis-
many thousands of years. However it is a live ible just above the peak.”
volcano and is listed among the seven most Babak Amin Tafreshi ( / tafreshi)

►►Welcome to Iran

Message by Acting Minister of Education

Distinguished scholars, professors, organiz-

ers, honorable participants, dear guests to
the 3rd International Olympiad of Astronomy
and Astrophysics.
It is indeed my great pleasure to witness a
lively and dynamic presence of lovers of as-
tronomy in a warm atmosphere of friendship,
brotherhood and affection, in which one can
feel the scent of venture for knowledge and
understanding. ‫ﺧﻮﺵ ﺁﻣﺪﯾﺪ‬
We are privileged to be your host in a great
land with an ancient historical and scientific
background in terms of astronomy. This coun-
try is proud to be the cradle of prominent
scientists namely Khajeh Nasir al-Din Tousi,
Abdolrahman Soufi-Razi, Qiaseddin Jamshid-
Kashani and tens of other renowned figures,
each of whom is truly the origin of significant
developments and breakthroughs in the
whole world. We are honored to have such
national scientific assets as well as a tireless
young generation who has guaranteed our
scientific developments.
I hope this year competition will create a suit-
able ground for growth of merits and talents,
enhancement of astronomy and internation-
al congruity.
To conclude, I would like to express my sin-
cere thanks to all founders and organizers
of this scientific forum and such a valuable
competition and wish you prosperity and suc-
Seyed Ramezan Mohsenpour
Acting Minister of Education
3rd Ioaa countries (leaders & students)

14500 BCE 3000 BCE 2485 BC

France: Some believe Lascaux The Sumerians draw up the first The Great Pyramids were built
cave paintings depict celestial star catalogue, and coin the in Egypt; these pyramids were
constellations term zodiac for the twelve con- aligned along the four principal
stellations on the ecliptic. directions of North, South, West,
and East, and were most prob-
ably used for astronomical ob-
4 servations.
2354 BCE 2000 BCE 1900 BCE
The first known female astrono- The oldest extant document England: The building of Stone-
mer lived and worked in Baby- from Babylon refers to a lunar henge lasted from 3000 BCE
lon. eclipse. to 1500 BCE. This monument is
one of the largest and oldest
structures the use of which for
astronomy and chronometry
has been established with great 5
astronomy in iran

►►A Short History of Persian Astronomy

have been found engraved on constellations. With refinements
individual land boundary mark- in eclipse predictions and the
ers known as kudurru stones. development of astrology, citi-
zens’ daily lives were linked to
Iran underwent profound sky events. A few centuries later,
changes with the birth of Per- three Persian magi are said to
sia’s religion, Zoroastrianism, in have followed a bright star to
the 7th century BC. Founded Bethlehem in the West with gifts
by Zoroaster (often known as for the newborn Jesus.
Zarathustra in the West), the an-
cient faith is the basis for many Progress in the Persian Empire
of modern Iran’s most cherished came to a halt following the
traditions. Astronomy at the time devastation wrought by the in-
was the dominion of Zoroastrian vasion of Alexander the Great in
priests known as magi (the ori- 330 BC. According to some ac-
gin of the term magician) and counts, Alexander sent the enor-
An image of an Islamic observatory,
the holy book of the Zoroastrian mous library at the royal capital
showing an astrolabe in use. From the faith, the Avesta, has many ref- of Persepolis back to Greece for
Whipple Collection erences to astronomical obser- translation before his troops de-
vations. Zoroaster himself is said stroyed the books and set fire to
to have been an astronomer the palaces and temples.
W hile Persia’s written record who established an observatory
that produced a zij, a set of as- In AD 624, Byzantine soldiers
spans millennia, clues regard-
ing astronomical observations tronomical tables. conquered the city of Shiz in
come to us from the even northwestern Iran. They reported
more distant past. Pottery dat- The founder of the Persian Em- a remarkable structure called
ing back more than 5,000 years pire, Cyrus the Great, captured
is adorned with painted figures Babylon in 539 BC. The magi
suggestive of constellations. The who migrated there trans-
ziggurat of Chogha Zanbil, built formed Babylonian astronomy.
more than 3,200 years ago by For example, they were the
the Elamites near their capital first to record planetary motion
of Susa in southwestern Iran, is through constellations. The magi
suspected of having an astro- learned from the Babylonian as-
nomical purpose, perhaps as tronomers as well and translated
an ancient observatory. Many Babylonian books into the early
constellation symbols and other Persian language.
celestial shapes made their first
appearances in neighboring During the 5th century BC, the
6 Babylon. Dating to the dynasty
of the Kassites, who migrated
zodiac as we know it first ap-
peared when Babylonian priests
from the Zagros Mountains of and Persian magi divided
western Iran over three millen- the ecliptic plane into 12 equal-
nia ago, up to 40 cosmic figures sized zones represented by Orion rising over the 3200-year old Zig-
gurat of Choqha Zanbil
Takht-e Taqdis — The Throne of
the Dome — that speaks vol-
umes to the Persian interest in
astronomy. They found repre-
sentations of the Sun, Moon,
stars, and planets moving across
the ceiling of a domed throne
room. This may have been the
world’s first planetarium. The
soldiers also reported rain fall-
ing from holes in the simulated
sky to the accompaniment of
thunder. Because the Byzantines
viewed Persians and their Zoro-
astrian religion as pagans, the
throne room suffered the same
ignominious fate as other glories
of Persia’s past — destruction at
the hands of invaders.
Full moon night at Persepolis
A few decades later, invading astronomers from throughout the one of many contradictions to
Arab armies destroyed much region made contributions. Per- the accepted Ptolemaic system
of the historical record after sian astronomer al-Sufi worked of planetary motion that he elu-
conquering most of the region. in Baghdad and Iran during the cidated. Some of al-Tusi’s ideas
What little that has survived re- 10th century, refining part of the are found in the work of Coper-
veals a continuing keen interest star catalog in Ptolemy’s Almag- nicus 200 years later, although
in astronomy with similarities to est, one of the seminal works of it’s not known if Copernicus read
the older science of Mesopota- Greek astronomy. The Mongols al-Tusi’s works. We still don’t know
swept through Persia during the why the flower of Islamic sci-
Some of al-Tusi’s ideas 13th century. ence faded while Europe expe-
rienced its Renaissance. Perhaps
are found in the work of
The great Persian astronomer the new interest in astronomy
Copernicus 200 years Nasir Al-Din Tusi, known as al-Tusi among Iran’s burgeoning youth
later, although it’s not in the West, joined with the Mon- will engender a renaissance of
known if Copernicus read gols. They built al-Tusi a great astronomy in Iran. — Mike Sim-
al-Tusi’s works observatory at Maragha, near mons
the original Throne of the Dome.
The observatory featured a 3.5- (Mercury, Jan-Feb 2003)
mia, along with the influence of meter wall
Greek translations of works that quadrant and
found their way back to Persia. many other
i n s t r u m e n t s,
Astronomy flowered under the some of al-
Islamic caliphs, while science Tusi’s own de-
languished in Europe during the sign, which
Dark Ages. Astronomy was partic- were capable
ularly important to Muslims, who of precise star
were obliged to predict when position mea-
the New Moon might first be
visible, thus marking the start of
surements. Al-
Tusi precisely
each month in the Islamic lunar measured the
calendar. While Baghdad was precession of
the center of the Islamic Empire, the equinoxes, the tomb of Cyrus the Great in Pasargadae
►►Photo of the Day
Northern stars, including those of Ursa Major and Minor,
over the west end of Great Wall of China; the gate of Ja
Yu which once was the eastern edge of the ancient Silk
Road. The Great wall of China was built and rebuilt from
5th century BC to the 16th century, to protect the north-
ern borders of the Chinese Empire. The Wall,
a World Heritage Site, is the world’s longest
human-made structure, stretching over ap-
proximately 6,400 km from Shanhaiguan in
the east to Lop Nur in the west. (P.K. Chen.)

►►IYA2009 Projects in 209 Words

►Portal to the Universe ►►Weather Forecast for Tehran

Keeping up-to-date with cutting-edge astronomy ►TODAY

and space science breakthroughs has just become
that much easier, thanks to the Portal To The Universe,
Clear to partly cloudy
the latest Cornerstone project of the International Year
of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009). As a high-tech website High: 23 °C
embracing Web 2.0 technologies, the Portal To The Uni- Low: 14 °C
verse aims to become a one-stop-shop for astronomy
The Portal To The Universe provides a global portal for
online astronomy content, serving as an index and ag-
gregator. The site itself features news, blogs, video pod-
casts, audio podcasts, images, videos and more. Web
2.0 collaborative tools, such as the ranking of different Clear
services according to popularity, help the user to sift High: 22 °C
constructively through the wealth of information avail- Low: 13 °C
able and will promote interactions within the astronomy
multimedia community. A range of “widgets” (small ap-
plications) have also been developed to tap into all
sorts of existing “live data”, such as near-live pictures of (Forecast by AccuWeather)
the Sun, live positions of spacecraft or live observations
from telescopes.
The vision for the Portal is to enable real-time access
to content by aggregating (pulling) from providers of Front Page:
dynamic content like blogs, images, news, etc. and
distributing (pushing) to users, as well as indexing and The Gate of all Nations, con-
archiving, collecting and maintaining a central reposi- sisted of a grand hall that was a
tory of useful information. square of approximately 25 me-
ters (82 feet) in length, with four
Check this out now on: columns and its entrance on
the Western Wall. There were two
Managing Editor: Shahab Saghri more doors, one to the south
Coordinator: Zahra Rahimdel which opened to the Apadana
Editorial Board: yard and the other opened onto
Nader Heydari, Fatemeh Azimloo, M.J. Torabi, B.A. Tafreshi a long road to the east. Pivot-
Art Director: Hassan Azimloo ing devices found on the inner
Produced by: Nojum Magazine ( corners of all the doors indicate
Published by: Zarvan Co.
that they were two-leafed doors,
The 3rd IOAA is organized by Young Scholars Club
probably made of wood and
( covered with sheets of ornate
Ministry of Education – Islamic Republic of Iran metal. (photo: Oshin Zakarian)

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