Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan in MAPEH 10 (Visual Arts)

I. Learning Competency
The students should be able to identify distinct characteristics of arts from the various art
movements (A10EL-Ia-2)

Given a 60-minute discussion the students should be able to:
A. Define each art movement
B. Identify the characteristics of eachart movement
C. Analyze, interpret and evaluate the form and content of works of art in each ar

III. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Modern Art
B. Materials:
 Laptop
 Projector
 Pictures/Illustration of different art movement
 Art materials

C. Concepts:

 Modern art refers to late 19th and early-to-mid 20th century art. Works produced
during this time showcase artists' interest in re-imagining, reinterpreting, and even
rejecting traditional aesthetic values of preceding styles.

 A. Impressionism describes a style of painting developed in France during the mid-to-

late 19th century; characterizations of the style include small, visible brushstrokes that
offer the bare impression of form, unblended color and an emphasis on the accurate
depiction of natural light.

 B. Expressionism is an artistic style in which the artist seeks to depict not objective
reality but rather the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events
arouse within a person.The artist accomplishes this aim through distortion,
exaggeration, primitivism, and fantasy and through the vivid, jarring, violent, or
dynamic application of formal elements.

 C. Cubism is a highly influential visual arts style of the 20th century that was created
principally by the artists Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque in Paris between 1907 and
1914. The Cubist style emphasized the flat, two-dimensional surface of the picture
plane, rejecting the traditional techniques of perspective, foreshortening, modeling,
and chiaroscuro and refuting time-honoured theories that art should imitate nature.

 D. Dadaism is a form of artistic anarchy born out of disgust for the social, political and
cultural values. Characteristics include corrosive, confrontational, provocative, uses
elements of automatism and chance, uses physical elements from the real world, such
as newspapers, advertisements, and junk to relate its artworks to reality, was more of
a protest movement than a style of art, highly satirical, sought to offend rather than to
impress.believed that the idea behind the art is more important than the physical
results of the artwork itself (led to conceptual art)

 E. Surrealism a cultural movement that was expressed through art, literature, and
even politics.Surrealism also embraced the psychoanalytical idea of unconscious
desires, or things we want that we don’t know we want. The Surrealism movement
focused on these ideas of chaos and unconscious desires in an effort to dig deep into
the unconscious mind to find inspiration for political and artistic creativity.
D. References:
 https://mymodernmet.com/what-is-modern-art-definition/
 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://
 https://www.britannica.com/art/Expressionism/Expressionism-in-literature
 https://www.britannica.com/art/Cubism
 https://artedelic.wixsite.com/blog/single-post/2015/11/19/DADAISM-History-
 https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-surrealism-definition-art-
E. Values:
 The students gain insights about different art movement inmodern art.
 The students appreciate and understand arts from different art movement.
 The lesson teaches curiosity, ability to think logically and objectivity, open-
mindedness, healthy and constructive thoughts and attentiveness in the class
IV. Learning Task

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Routinary Activity (1 minute)
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am.

Please go to your proper seats and settle (student’s settled in their proper seats)
None ma’am.
Okay. Who is absent today?
(Students pick up the pieces of paper.)
Before we start the class kindly pick up the
pieces of paper below your chairs and be
sure that your chairs are properly aligned.

B. Review (5 minutes)
To begin this grading, may I know if you
already have the idea in mind when you hear
the word modern art and the art movements
under it, or does anyone in the class did an
advance reading about it?
Ma’am! Based on what I’ve read, Modern art refers to
late 19th and early-to-mid 20th century art.
Thank you Rya for that insight!

Now in addition to what Rya said as seen in 1. Impressionism

my PowerPoint presentation, you can see 2. Expressionism
the definition of modern art. I have here 3. cubism
different art movements undermodern art 4. dadaism
mixed with other terms, Now all you have to 5. surrealism
do is to identify and list down the art
movements under modern art… so as I call
on your name come in front and identify 1
art movement.

Those where the 5 modern art movement

that we will focus on today.
C. Motivation (5 minutes)
I will group you into five groups. Count off
1-7 from left to right. I will give each group a
picture of the artworks from different art
movements randomly and all you need to
do is to collaborate with your group about
what you think the artwork is trying to
convey. And after that share your answer to
the class. Do this for five minutes.

For group 1:
(each group will present their views on the artwork
given to them)

For group 2:
For group 3:

For group 4:

For group 5:
Thank you everyone for your participation,
I’m impressed with your ideas and
interpretation s. Give yourselves a round of

D. Presentation (5 minutes)
The 5 artworks that you presented by group
is actually a part of our topic today which is
the first 5 art movements in modern art.
There are 10 art movement under modern
art but we will focus onlyon the first 5 today.
Now, does anyone of you know what are the
different art movements, anyone? Ma’am! (raises his hand)

Yes Ronel! Give one only! Surrealism ma’am

Very good! Another one.

Yes Aeron Impressionism ma’am

Ok very good! Thank you.

Who else?
Yes Syrill? Abstract realism ma’am.

Thank you that’s right syrill!

Anyone who can provide more than two or
more?. Dadaism, cubism, Pop art and Op art ma’am.
Oh yes Emjay!

Wow! Thank you Emjayjt seems that you

have already a knowledge about this topic,
Very Good!

Okay! Since there are only 3 art movement

left, I’ll just provide it.
So it is:
Performance art
Happenings and mob
So we have ten total art movements in this The 10 art movement under Modern art ma’am are:
period, Please enumerate them all, Renz Impressionism
Abstract realism
Op art
Happenings and mob

Thank you renz, Very Good!

E. Lesson Proper (20 minutes)

Daniel please read what is in the powerpoint

presentation. Daniel: Modern art refers to late 19 th and early-to-mid
20th century art. Works produced during this time
showcase artists’ interest in re-imagining, reinterpreting,
and even rejecting traditional aesthetic values of
preceding styles.
Thank you Daniel!
Now from it’s definition, on the statement
“rejecting traditional aesthetic” when we
hear the word “modern” we will think about
the shift from traditional living to a more
easy and global approach of living. Modern
artists experimented with new ways of
seeing and with fresh ideas about the nature
of materials and functions of art. A tendency
away from the narrative, which was
characteristic for the traditional arts, toward
abstraction is characteristic of much modern
art. Class: None ma’am
Any question about the definition of Modern

Ok since you don’t have any question, we

proceed to the art movements under it.

As what I’ve said, there are 10 art

movements but we will only tackle 5 today. Yes ma’am, Impressionism is a 19th-century avant-
garde art movement that originated in France as a
First is Impressionism reaction against the established art of the French
Rya can you read the definition please and Academy and the government-sponsored annual
please give some understanding about it.. exhibitions (Salons). The aim was to accurately
portray visual impressions by painting scenes and
subjects on the spot, using visible brushstrokes to
record the changing qualities of light and
Ma’am for me, in this art movement they are more
on an on-the-spot painting for they believed that
you can best capture or paint a reference’s real
emotions. Maybe they believed that to see the
reference personally is better.

That’s right! Thank you Rya, In this art

movement they believed that the sense of
sight is the most effective way or tool to use
in order to create a wonderful art.

Impressionists moved away from completely

realistic depictions of historical subject
matter. They were interested in nature and
landscape scenes, as well as urban everyday
life scenes.

Preferring to work enplein air (in the open

air) or on the spot, rather than in the studio,
Impressionists found that they could better
capture the fickle, ever-changing effects of
sunlight, the transient effects of light and
colour, and the essence of their subject
matter, by painting quickly, with their
subjects right in front of them. Their
brushwork became rapid, more broken up
into separate strokes and dabs so as to
capture the fleeting quality of light.

Famous Impressionists:
Claude Monet (1840–1926)

Coquelicots, La promenade (Poppies), 1873

Edgar Degas (1834–1917)

At the Races, 1877–1880,

Camille Pissarro (1830–1903)

Jane: ma’am the lighting and brush strokes are good

and it compliments the real mood of the scenery.

The Boulevard Montmartre at Night, 1897 Expressionism is considered more as an

international tendency than a coherent art
Now what can you say about these movement, which was particularly influential at the
artworks? beginning of the twentieth century.
Ma’am based on my understanding on the definition
of expressionism, from the world itself “EXPRESS”
Very good jane! Thank you. that means that emotions are involved in making
pieces in this art movement.
Now we proceed to the second art
Shaine please read and give insights.

Very good! Thank you shane for that.

She is right, Expressionist artists sought to
express emotional experience, rather than
physical reality.These artists tapped into very
raw, true and eternal questions, topics and
struggles that had been stirring beneath the
surface and which remain familiar to us even

So here are famous expressionist

Edvard Munch’s The Scream,

Wassily Kandinsky, Improvisation VII.

EgonSchiele, Seated Woman with Bent Knee

Cubism is one of the most influential art styles of the

twentieth century, which radically broke away from
the long-standing tendency in art to attempt to
create the illusion of a real three-dimensional space
from a fixed viewpoint on the two-dimensional
canvas. Cubist artists and cubism art, in fact,
emphasized the two-dimensional nature of the
Next art movement, please read Mardy and canvas instead of creating the illusion of depth. So
explain. basically ma’am it is a painting that is drawn inside

Short but impactful understanding! Thank

Cubism developed in two distinct phases:
analytical cubism and (later) synthetic
cubism. Analytical cubism art is considered
to run from 1908-1912. The artworks look
severe, and are made up of an interweaving
of planes and lines in muted tones of blacks,
greys and ochres. This simplified palette was
chosen so as not to distract the viewer from
the structure of the form and the density of
the image at the centre of the canvas.

Synthetic cubism art is the later phase of

cubism, dating from around 1912 to 1914,
and characterised by simpler shapes and
brighter colours. Synthetic cubism began
when cubist artists started using textures
and patterns in their paintings and
experimenting with the collage form.

Famous cubism artist:

Picasso, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, 1907

Georges Braque,
Mandora, 1909-10 Yes ma’am!

Dada art proved to be one of the revolutionary

movements in the early twentieth century. Initially
conceived by a loose band of avant-garde
modernists in the prelude to World War I but
adopted more fully in its wake, the Dadaist
Ok are guys still with me? celebrated luck in place of logic and irrationality
instead of calculated intent.
Okey so we proceed to Dadaism Based on what I understood, dadaism type of art are
Who wants to volunteer reading experimental and is made with the use pf different
it’sdefinition and explain? material seen around and it has the purpose that
goes against politics and stuff.
Yes Edelyn! Go ahead.

Yes! Dadaism is not really for aesthetic

purposes it’sfor annoying people.
Characteristics include corrosive,
confrontational, provocative, uses elements
of automatism and chance, uses physical
elements from the real world, such as
newspapers, advertisements, and junk to
relate its artworks to reality, was more of a
protest movement than a style of art, highly
satirical, sought to offend rather than to
impress.believed that the idea behind the art
is more important than the physical results
of the artwork itself (led to conceptual art)

Famous dadaist
Marcel Duchamp, Fountain, 1917.
Hugo Ball, Cabaret Voltaire, 1916

Ma’am I have a question

Are those considered 3d artworks?

Jean Arp, Constellation with Five White

Forms and Two Black, Variation III, 1932 None ma’am!

“Surrealism is based on the belief in the

omnipotence of dreams, in the undirected play of
thought.” – André Breton
The art movement, which blossomed in the 1920s
with André Breton at the helm, rejected the
society’s oppressive rationality. Instead, the
movement’s followers explored the irrational and
the subconscious mind, which they deemed superior
What is it? to oppressive rationality. My key take away ma’am
in the given definition is that surrealism art is the
Very good question, So as provided by the expression of the fantasy that goes on the mind of
definition, It mentioned there that it focuses the Artist, it is a medium to express the impossible
of physical features and it made use of and the complicated thoughts.
different resources near you, So basically the
artworks are 3d. who have a question too?

Ok let’s go to the last one

Please read and explain vienne.
Ma’am, Surrealism aimed to revolutionise human
experience, rejecting a rational vision of life in
favour of one that asserted the value of the
unconscious and dreams. The movement’s poets
and artists found magic and strange beauty in the
unexpected and the uncanny, the disregarded and
the unconventional.

Very Good vienne!! Thank you! It is like a

psychic automatism in its pure state, by
which one proposes to express, either
verbally, in writing, or by any other manner,
the real functioning of thought, in the
absence of any control exercised by reason,
exempt from any aesthetic or moral concern.
It is not the technique of painting that is
surrealist, it’s the painter and the painter’s
vision of life.

Do you have anything to say about


Famous Surrealist
Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory,

Rene Magritte’s The Treachery of Images

Frida Kahlo, The Wounded Deer

Although many different styles are

encompassed by the term, there are certain
underlying principles that define modernist
art: A rejection of history and conservative
values (such as realistic depiction of
subjects); innovation and experimentation
with form (the shapes, colours and lines that
make up the work) with a tendency to
abstraction; and an emphasis on materials,
techniques and processes. Modernism has
also been driven by various social and
political agendas. These were often utopian,
and modernism was in general associated
with ideal visions of human life and society
and a belief in progress.

F. Application (10 minutes)

Now that you have already the knowledge on

the first 5 modern art movement that I
introduced to you, using your art materials
that I told you to bring today
“Choose one art movement that best
interests you and when you already chosen
one make an art that relates or that is under
it, make sure to consider it’s characteristic,
the theme and techniques or physical look
that it possess”and after finishing your
artwork, I will choose 3 students to present
their work and explain it to the class (Brought out their arts materials and make an art based
on their chosen art movement, considering it’s
characteristics and report it on class)

G. Generalization (5minutes)
Using graphic organizer synthesize what you
have learned in today’s lesson. Make a
generalization of what you have written and (Students output must include
what you understood. Write you answer in MODERN ART:
a sheet of paper, in your most creative way 1. Impressionism
Do this for 5 minutes. 2. Expressionism
3. Cubism
4. Dadaism
5. Surrealism
*with their characteristics and

Famous artists of each

movement and their famous

V. EVALUATION (5minutes)

A. Vocabulary: Match the artworks in column A with the art movement in column B.

1. Picasso, Les Demoiselles SURREALISM
d’Avignon, 1907
2. Coquelicots, La EXPRESSIONISM
promenade (Poppies),
3. Edvard Munch’s The IMPRESSIONISM
4. Salvador Dali, The DADAISM
Persistence of Memory,
5. Marcel Duchamp, CUBISM
Fountain, 1917

B. Identification: Answer what is asked on the following questions.

1) It is the art movement that uses physical things like newspapers to make an art that aims to
annoy not to impress.
2) It is the art movement that attempt to create the illusion of a real three-dimensional space from
a fixed viewpoint on the two-dimensional canvas.
3) Artists in this art movement sought to express emotional experience, rather than physical
4) This art movement aims was to accurately portray visual impressions by painting scenes and
subjects on the spot, using visible brushstrokes to record the changing qualities of light and
5) The art movement that is based on the belief in the omnipotence of dreams, in the undirected
play of thought.
C. True or False: Read each statement carefully. Write true if the statement is correct and write false
if it is incorrect.
1. The aim of Expressionism was to accurately portray visual impressions by painting scenes and
subjects on the spot, using visible brushstrokes to record the changing qualities of light and
2. Dadaism uses physical elements from the real world, such as newspapers, advertisements, and
junk to relate its artworks to reality, was more of a protest movement than a style of art.
3. According to Andre Breton “Cubism is based on the belief in the omnipotence of dreams, in the
undirected play of thought.”
4. impressionist artists sought to express emotional experience, rather than physical reality.
5. Cubism attempt to create the illusion of a real three-dimensional space from a fixed viewpoint
on the two-dimensional canvas.

VI. ASSIGNMENT (2minutes)

A. Enrichment: study the following artworks. Research and explain what you gathered about
the artworks. Provide citations.
1. Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory, 1931
2. Marcel Duchamp, Fountain, 1917
3. Edvard Munch’s The Scream
4. Coquelicots, La promenade (Poppies), 1873
5. Picasso, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, 1907

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