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UNDERSTANDING HISTORY: HEGEL, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich(1770-1831)

INTRODUCTION: The lessons will introduce the students into the reflections and
philosophical analysis of a German Philosopher Hegel on the vital role of REASON in
the historical discourses, analysis of the chunks or fragments of events of history most
importantly in or contemporary time. Focus is given on the more reflective and critical,
transcendental approach to history, bringing the importance in our context. Hegel will
show the importance of a rational being as a historical man, and the concept of reason
as a substance and infinite energy of all histories in the world. Hegel perceived history,
as it derived from, reason as essential to the flourishing of the present. Various
methods or approaches to treat history were also introduced by Hegel for our use.

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lessons, the students will be able to:

1.describe the task of philosophy in charting the development of the being, of people in
any historical circumstances.

2.reflect on the Role of Historical Man (Hegel’s) which he called the world spirit,
embodied in the ideals of patriotism, unity, nationalism.

3.explain how does reason play its role in the becoming of a nation.

4.enumerate, discuss the methods in treating history.

5.explain philosophical history.


-As rational being, how should you keep the fire of nationalism burning a midst the
many problems that seem to blunder your love of country today? –SHARE YOUR

ACQUISITION OF KNOWLEDGE: Lesson presentation.


One of the most prominent thinkers of the 19th century was Georg Wilhelm
Friedrich Hegel. He was a German idealist philosopher who conceived the subject
matter of philosophy to be reality as a whole. This reality he referred to as the Absolute
Spirit. For him, the task of philosophy is to chart the development of the Absolute Spirit.
Hegel’s ‘Role of Historical Man’ follows a principle, which he called Weltgeist - or
world spirit, which embodies ideals like patriotism, heroism and unity. Since historical
individuals are ideals, and man follows his ideals, this thought which is guided by a
particular ideal becomes what Hegel called as GEISTESWISSENCHAFTEN - world
view or spirit of thought.


Reason or Absolute Spirit is the Substance and Infinite Energy of the universe. It
reveals itself in nature and in individual human beings. World history, local, national, are
necessary path of the development of the World Spirit towards its absolute aim which is
its complete and absolute actualization. Nature is an embodiment of reason
(understanding, Absolute Spirit, Providence or God) as it rules and directs the world.
The Divine Plan is manifested in history as we see these in isolated cases
wherein the guiding hands of God unexpectedly come to an individual in great perplexity
and need. We are here dealing with individual men in history, which comprise the
totality of peoples, the states.


1. ORIGINAL HISTORY- it is the description of current events, deeds, and states of

society as historians see them before their eyes either as participants or as an
interested spectator of events. This is similar to reportage or journalistic news gathering.
They simply transferred what was passing in the world around them to the realm of the
representative intellect. It is of limited scope. The author’s spirit and the actions he
narrates are one and the same.

2. REFLECTIVE HISTORY- it is a panoramic history. It goes beyond the limits of the

time to which it relates or it transcends the present. It attempts to gain a universal view
of history- a comprehensive or complete history of people, country or the world.

a. Reflective history - through abstraction of events. The historian shortens

events necessarily because of the wide latitude of his subject matter. Hegel calls the
historian a compiler whose spirit is other than that which he treats.

b. Pragmatical reflective history . Practical analysis whose spirit is always of

the present.the author takes the occurrence of the category of the past and makes it
virtually present., whether reflections of the past are interesting or not depends on the
current spirit of the author.
c. Critical - analytical investigation of historical is an investigation of
historical narratives, as to their truth and credibility, credence.It is usually called
higher criticism, a method making the past a living subjective reality.

d. Fragmentary reflective history - the author here selects from world history a
limited subject and treats it abstractly and comprehensively such as history of art, law or
religion. This forms a transition to the philosophical history.

3. Philosophical History - thoughtful consideration of history. The emphasis is on the

thought with in which philosophy dwells as a region of self-produced ideas, without
reference to actuality. And the only thought which philosophy brings with it in
contemplation of history is reason., the sovereign of the world, in that the history of the
world presents us with rational process.


Great historical men are those who carry God’s general principles in their aims.
They make a difference in the world. Because their own particular aims involve those
large issues which are the Will-Spirit. Historical men are conscious of the general idea
they were unfolding while carrying out their subjective will. They have the insights of the
requirements of the time- what was ripe for development. This was the truth for their
age, for their world. They knew what was ready at hand- to make it their aim. The deeds
and words were the best of that time.

ASSIGNMENT: Reflect on the value of logic and analysis in history.

ASSESSMENT: To be conducted in the our synch sessions.

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