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Results in Mathematics 0378-6218/94/040348-0681.50+0.20/0 Vol. 26 (1994) (©) 1994 Birkhauser Verlag, Basel An Integral Jensen Inequality For Convex Multifunctions - Janusz Matkowski and Kazimierz Nikodem Abstract ‘We prove the following multivalued version of the Jensen integral inequality. Let X,Y be Banach spaces and DC X an open and convex set. If F : D + el(Y) is a continuous convex function, then for each normalized messure space (2,5, p), and for all p-integrable functions ¢ : ++ D such that eonva(Q) CD, frrcoace(f stn) Dedicated to Professor Janos Aczél on the occasion of his 70 birthday Introduction Let I ¢ R be an open interval and f : [ + Ra (continuous convex function. Then, according to the well-known integral Jensen inequality (cf. for instance Roberts-Varberg {10}, p. 193, Remark J; also Kuczma [4], p. 181, Theorem 2), for each normalized measure space (9,5, z), and for all integrable functions 6: J, I (fede) < [ (Poe)de This inequality plays an important role in many parts of mathematics: for instance in probability theory (cf. Feller [3], p. 147), as well as in applications of some fixed point 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 26B25, 26E25, 26A51. Key words and phrases: convex functions, multivalued functions, integral Jensen inequality, subdifferential Matkowski and Nikodem 349 theorems (cf. Matkowski [5] and [7]). Let us also mention that this inequality permits to give a joint generalization of the integral versions of Hélder’s and Minkowski’s inequalities (cf. Matkowski [6], and Matkowski-Ratz [8]). The main purpose of the present paper is to prove a multivalued counterpart of the above integral Jensen inequality. Let X and Y be real normed spaces, and D C X a convex open set. Denote by n(¥’) the family of all nonempty subsets of Y. A set-valued function F : D+ n(Y) is said to be conver if for all 2,y € D, and t € (0,1), F(z) + (1 —#)F(y) C F (tz + (1- ty) (Note that F is convex if, and only if, the graph of F is a convex set in X x Y). We say that a set-valued function F : D ++ n(¥) is continuous at a point zo € D if for every neighbourhood V of zero in ¥ there exists a neighbourhood U of zero in X such that F(z) C Flo) +V and F(x9) C F(x) +V, for all 2 € (to + U)ND. Denote by cl(Y) the family of all nonempty closed subsets of Y. In section 1 we prove that if X,Y are Bancch spaces and F : D + cl(Y) is conver and continuous, then for each normalized measure space and for all integrable functions @:9 D such that convg(Q) C D we have [fodlduc Ff édy) The integral of a multifunction G is understood here in the sense of R. J. Aumamn, i. e. it is the set of integrals of all integrable selections of G (cf. for instance Aubin-Frankowska [1], p. 326-327) 1. An auxiliary result For the proof of the main theorem we need the following Lemma. Let X be a lincar topological space and suppose that D C X is open and convex. If F: D+ el(R) is a conver function, then F has one of the following forms: a) F(z) =(f(2),9(@)], © € D; b) F(z) =[f(z), +00), ee D; ©) F(z) =(-c0,9(2)], 2 € D; d) F(x) =(-c0,+00), ED, 350 Matkowski and Nikodem where f : Dv» Ris a conver function, and g : D+ Ris a concave function. Moreover, if F is continuous then f and g are continuous Proof. First note that if F(zo) is bounded above (below) for some zo € D, then F(x) is bounded above (below) for all z € D. In fact, for every x € D there exist y € D and #6 (0,1) such that tx + (1 —t)y = ao. From the convexity of F we get the inclusion tF(z) + (1-4) Fy) C F(20), which clearly implies the claim. If the values of F are bounded below, then f : Dr R given by f(@) :=inf Fe), 2€D, is well defined, and, by the convexity of F, the function f is convex. Similarly, if the values of F are bounded above, then g : D ~» R given by a(2) = sup F(z), 2 € D, is well defined, and, by the convexity of F, the function g is concave. By the convexity of F, its values are convex sets in R. By assumption the values of F are also closed in R. It follows that for every x € D, F(z) is a closed and convex interval in R. Since it is easy to check that the continuity of F implies the continuity of the functions f and g, the proof is completed, 2. Jensen’s integral inequality ‘The main result of this paper reads as follows: Theorem. Let X,Y be Banach spaces and let D CX be open and convez. If F: D+ cl(Y) is a continuous conver set-valued function, then for each normalized measure space (2,3, 4), and for all p-integrable functions 6: %+ D such that convd(Q) C D, qa) [Weeduc F(f édn) Proof. We divide the proof into two steps. Matkowski and Nikodem < 351 Step 1. The Theorem holds true if Y =R In view of the Lemma, the function F is either of the form a), b), c) or d). Suppose that F has the form a), i.e. that F(z) = [{(c), g(e)], © € D, where f: D+ Ris continuous and convex and g : D ++ Ris continuous and concave. Put i= f bdy. sim ff bd By the mean-value theorem (cf. Diestel-Uhl [2], p. 48, Corollary 8) and the assumption conve(O) CD we get 2 € conva(Q) C D. Since f is continuous at z, the subdifferential f(z) is non-empty (cf. Phelps [9], prop. 1.11), ie. there is a continuous linear functional 2 : X +R such that (2) S(z) 2 2°(z- 2) + f(z), zED. Let h: Q++ R be an arbitrary -integrable selection of the composite function Fod. Then h(w) € F (d(w)) = [f(¢()).9(¢())], and, consequently, h(w) > f (Gv), wv EX Applying (2) we hence get h(w) > 2" (wv) — 2) +f), wen. Integrating both sides we obtain Jedd =f (6(e) 2° (dw) — 2)dp =2"([ d(w)du— f 2dp) = 2°(2 - 2) =0, in nm in we hence get yu [ fleddn. Since Jf Werdn 2 f fedu = 50). In the same way, taking an affine function that supports the concave function g at point z, we can show that ol S9(z)- Therefore J Weoddu e fle),a2)] =F) = F (f edx) « Since the relevant arguments in cases b) and c) are even simpler, and in case d) there is nothing to prove, this completes the proof of step 1. 352 Matkowski and Nikodem Step 2. Theorem holds true for an arbitrary Banach space Y. Let us take an arbitrary continuous linear functional y* ; Y ++ R and consider the multivalued function y* 6 F defined by the formula FeF(2):=7 (Fa), ced. ‘This function is convex and continuous, and its values are closed subsets of FR. From Step 1 of the proof we obtain (3) [FoF eddy cFOF (f dau). Let hi 2+ ¥ be an arbitrary p-integrable selection of F'0 d. Then y* oh is a u-integrable selection of the function y*o Fo ¢. Consequently, in view of (3), [iv ohdu cP ([ edn). Hence, making use of the relation Jv ondu =a (J, du), v (fide) ey (F J, ou ) Since this property holds true for all continuous linear functionals y* and the set F (J, du) is convex and closed, we obtain, by the separation theorem (cf. Rolewicz [11], p.98, Corollary 2.5.11): [ide P (fed). Because h is an arbitrary integrable selection of the function F'o ¢, it follows that [Feeds cr (f édu), we get which was to be shown. Remark. Let J C R be an open interval and f ; J++ Ra convex function, Taking in the above result D := J and F : D+ el(R) defined by F(a) :=[f(2), +00), 2€D, we obtain the inclusion (1) for each normalized measure space (,D,y4), and for all p— integrable functions 3: J++ R. Since (1) implies that t (fod) < [ifooydn, it follows that our Theorem generalizes the classical single-valued Jensen inequality. Matkowski and Nikodem 353 References {1) J. P. Aubin, H. 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