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Lesson 2.1 我的房⼦ 学习目标 Learning Targets

Skills: You will be able to (can-do statements)
Interpretative Mode
• I can identify key information from the audio files.
• I can demonstrate the understanding of authentic reading material, such as conversations, signs,
stories and texts on the topic "Home Compound".
Interpersonal Mode
• I can have a conversation on one's rooms, flat or house and ask follow-up questions to maintain
the conversation.
• I can discuss the elements of a comfortable home and generalize the rules or regulations to
maintain a nice and organized living space using simple sentences.
• I can compare the living space and environment under different cultural backgrounds.
Presentational Mode
• I can describe one's room, flat or house in details using a series of sentences.
• I can present on my current home in series of sentences by making a short movie to introduce
my home.
• I can compose conversations, paragraphs and role play scripts on the topic "My House (Flat)"
using series of sentences.

Knowledge—Vocabulary and Structures
Be able to write, and demonstrate the understanding and applications of the
vocabulary and grammatical structures from Lesson 2.1 “My House”.

2.1 Core Vocabulary (46 words) 2.1 Core structures. (10 structures)

To Read and Write: (26 words) 1. A 没有 B… VS A 不比 B…
楼 房子 到处 卧室 客厅
2. Potential complements with verb + 不下/得下
厨房 饭厅 书房 卫生间 过道房
间 更 对面 台 用 3. The use of 更 E.g: 更好,更快
自己 打包 打扫 放 文具 4. Continuation of an action
一定 合适 亮 现在 合住 5. 是…的 structure
乱 6. Measure words. E.g. 一张饭桌,一台冰箱。
7. Directional Complements 来/去/上/下/进/出
To Read only: (20 words)
8. Verb + 得+descriptive complements
餐具 调料 参观 礼物 拍照 手机
勤劳 搬家 这儿 整齐 9. 把 Constructions
当然 带 公寓 客气 间 这边 10. 当... to serve as…; to treat as…
够 真 玩具 当时

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