JWT Criminology Samu Ul Hassan

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Reece Le aes ridf PUBLICATIONS An Introduction to Revised updated “Edition, Compiled by ETO ESCO BCU| Nile aa mee ha h CamScanner JAHANGIR'S LICATIONS: An Introduction to jor CSS & Other Competitive Exams Compiled by Sami Ul Hassan Rana Advocate High Court Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner © ALLRIGHTS RESERVED. No patois book may be reprodoced inany foun, by photon microil, o any other | raion ncorperate ito any inforain reeval | Sor mecinnist aol eo Wes ‘sion of Whicr ad Publisher | system. sean hy Bo hr hr ae yh abi fom imate Bs te toner te of tpi TOE MTL Screener wanes mir ara, | pa ear aad me repo for ay eet | Rn et ed fmt We of ch ron + Imation Published by Adee! Niaz For suggestions aod complains please contact email: info jworkimes.com | ‘wunbipres.com | | 7 Legal Adve: | : Choudhary Hise AKMaF M4. 1LB) | Dedicated to.. ans Suatond Khalid (hoi Cota) My beloved Son Muhammad Hur Abbas Front Tile Designed by: JAD An Section Price RS. 775 JAHANGIR'S. RESEARGH IS THE Key To SUCCESS Head Office : Quality Control Dept. | Lahore Out haze Set, Uda Baza | + 121-D, Gulberg I Al Kareem Marit Labor Pie3T314319 | Labose.Phs3s7sasi9 | Urdu Bazaae Ph:37220879 Lahore : Jahangir Sons, Johar Town, Ph: 042-35290892-3 Lahore : fahagir Sons, Gulberg, Ph: 042.3577 1000 Rawalpindi: Iqbal Road, Coramittee Chowk. Ph:051-5339609 Hyderabad : House No.194/8, Near Ali Mansion, Lajpat Road, Ph: 022-2780128 ‘Karachi | Gawali Line #3, Near Mugadas Magjid, Urdu Dazaar, 021-32765086 ‘Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner EVISED SYLLABUS FOR CSS CRIMINOLOGY (100 Marks) SECTION: (25 MARKS) I. Introduction Basic concepts used in understanding crime, criminality end criminal behaviour, 1. Understanding Criminology Definition, meaning and scope of criminology; Criminology and criminal law; Crime as social problem; Deviance, Sin Vice, Eyil, Norms, Values; Security (Physical, Social, Economic) U1, Crime and Criminals Occasional criminals, Habitual criminals, Professional criminals, White-collar crime, Organized crime, corporate crimes, IV. Crime and Criminality: Theoretical Perspectives Early explanation of criminal behavior Biological Theories; Psychological Theories; Sociological Theories. Social Disorganization theory Strain theory Sogial Control theory Learning theory Labelling Theory Islamic perspective on deviance and crime, SECTION-II (25 MARKS) V. Juvenile Delinquency Meaning, definitions (Behavioural Vs Legal), Juvenile delinquent Vs status offender, OMicial statistics of juvenile delinquency Juvenile Justice System. © — Role of police Juvenile court process: © Pre-trial, trial and sentencing e Role of prosecutor, defence counsel, juvenile judge, juvenile probation officer © Juvenile correctional institutions; probation and non-punitive alternatives Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner 1 Criminal Justice System: Police andits role Teal and Conviction of Offenders ind informal st, © Agencies: format © Criminal cours: procedures and problems # Roleof prosecutors Prisons, Probation and Parole Punitive and Reformative Treatment of Criminals Corporal punishnent, Imprisonment, Rehabilitation of criminals, SECTION-II (25 MaRKs) IX, Criminal Investigation Principles of criminal investigation, Manual of preliminary investigation, Intelligence Opecations, Data base investigation, Electronic investigation, Forensic Investigation X.— Teekmiques of Lavestigations Gathering information from persons, Interviewing and interrogation techniques, (Criminal investigation analysis, NL. Legal and Ethical Guidelines for Investigators Stop and frisk operations, Arrest procedures, Search and seizure, XIL International Policing and Criminal Justice Monitoring Organizations UNAFEL, INTERPOL, EUROPOL, UNGDC, UNICEF, IPA, etc. SECTION-IV (25 MARKS) XIIL. Modern Coneepts in Contemporary Criminology © Terrorism, Radicalism and War on Teeror + Media's representation of Crime and the Criminal Justice System + Modem Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention © Iotelligence-ted Policing © Commonity Policing © Private Public Partnership ‘© Gender and Crime in Urban and Rural Pakistan (Crime and Urbanization, Organized Crime and White-Collar Crime am Rigs Abuses ad Protection, especial of Cen; Women nd Minors creeds at NGOS Yo cmM: Ween Mori Moony lnndig * Cyber Crime Root Ab in, ANE QBasic Concepts of Crime... © Criminality and Criminal Behaviour... al Law. Criminology and Cri o O Concept of Deviance © Sin . ° o ° Evil Norms and Values. Security of Person. Crime and Criminals. Types of Criminals O White-Collar Crime Organised Crime... Corporate Crime... (Crime and Criminality: Theoretical Perspectives... O Biological Theories of Crime, ‘Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Papebologies! Thevsies of Crime, (© Sociological Tacone © bstamic Perspective on Crime. SECTION -II Juvenile Delinquency. CO. Sutws Offences. Juvenile Justice System... Role of Prosecution... Defence Lawyer... Juvenile Cour. @ Right of Bs “ Juvenile Correctional Insitetions D1 The Criminal Justice System meson © Policeand is Role © Agencies: Formal and Informal Procedure of Trial Procedure for Execution of Sentence, Criminal Justice System and its Problems... © Roleof Prosecutors, Pakistan's Prison Systern sn. Theories and Types of Punishmeet.. a | O Rehabiliation of Criminals. SECTION -III Criminal investigation... Principles and Prelimiaary investigation Intelligence Operations Database Investigation. Electronic Crime Scene Investigation. oooco Fores Investigton ‘Techniques of Investptios © Gathering infomation by Paice. © tntenogitin.. © Criminal! nvestigutive Anal ysis, Legal and Etiesl Guidelines for Investigators. Stop and risk Operations O Arrest Procedure. © Sesech sed Seine loterionsl Policing se Criminal Sestice Mentoring Organisations Asia and Far East Instiute for the Preveation of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (ONAFED.. dD Tatepol. BOO een mere United Nations Ofie oa Drug Contol (UNODC).... UNICEF, lotenationa Plise Associaton (PA)... ea000 SECTION -IV Modern Concepis in Contemporary Criminology nnn o Mesias Represniation of Cxime andthe Criminal Justice System. Modern Law-Enforcerent a Crime Prevention eo00 ‘Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner 90000000000000 Crime ssociatod with Urbanization. Hunan Rigs. ‘ust of aman Rightsin Pakisto Hurnan Rights of Women — ms Pakistan and Children’s Rights. Righeof Minors Role of Civil Society in Pakistan. Role of NGOs. Meoey-Laundering (Cyber Came. ‘The lntcmet as Teroret's Tool Social Lesming Perspective. [Natianal Accountbilty Bure... Federal lnvestigning Agency. ‘Anti Narcotics Fores. 330 340 SEcTION- I ‘Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner INTRODUCTION BASIC CONCEPTS OF CRIME 4. Introduction Crime is the transgression by individuals of rules made by the community through its elected represcntatives ie. legislature. Wrongdoing may be either infensfonal or accidental — a wilful revolt against law or a lapse through ignorance of it. Both are punishable by all codes alike, but the latter is not necessarily a crime, To constitute a really criminal act, the offence must be wilful, perverse, malicious; the offender then becomes the general enemy, to be combated by all good citizens. Crime is inevitable in any human society since one violation or the other of any code of conduct prescribed for the members of a society is bound to oceur, Not only is crime inevitable but, paradoxical as it may sound, some sociologists have gone to the extent of saying that crime, to some extent, helps in promoting social solidarity among people constituting the society. 2. What is Crime? ‘What sort of person comes to mind when you hear the word criminal? The term can be applied to many types of behaviour, some of which nearly all of us have been guilty of at some time in our lives. However, very few people ever commit murder, robbery or major theft. Those who do, especially those who do so repeatedly, are what most people think of as “real criminals.” Even so, ité important (0 recognize that the dividing line between “real criminals” and most of the rest of us fuzzy and difficult to specify with precision. Nearly all of us can think of acts that we feel ought to be criminal but are not, or acts that should not be criminal but are. As you can imagine, the roster of possible wrongs that someone or another considers crimes is enormous, with only a select few being defined as crime by the law. 3. Defining Crime Itis easy to trace the meaning of the word ‘crime" to the Latin ‘crimen’ (accusation) that takes us no further forward to an understanding of the subject. Common definitions from non-legal dictionaries do not provide much help cither with bland definitions such as ‘an act or omission prohibited and punished by law’, ‘The substantive criminal law, which is the written code that defines crimes and their punishments, reflects the values, beliefs, and opinions of society's mainstream. That there is general dereement among a majority of citizens on what behaviors should be outlawed by the eriminal law and henceforth viewed as crimes. ‘As the eminent criminologists Edwin Sutherland and Donald Cressey put i Criminal behavior is behavior in violation of the criminal law. it is not a crime unless it is prohibited by the criminal law which is defined conventionally as a body of specific rules regarding human conduet which have been promulgated by political authority, which apply uniformly to all members of the classes io which the rules refer, and which are enforced by punishment administered by the state. Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner “ “Thinapproach to rie implies that itis a furetion of te Beles, morality, amd rales established sythe existing lal poucrsnct- iis possible to take lemons rm ech shoot ofejine sah tise: Crime is a siolation of socicial rules of bebsvioe as interpreted sndl ‘expressed by 2 ‘rina se coe by ake bldg src nd piel pow. Indias who welts Bese le Eoin psacoubocyaecieomssnsinststes| perdi ale rar than sie concet haslitions fr the esi dy cay eal eccrine mor sig by resid al fi erin ae are A old tx ciate th bchavnur apeiiod by he ws, ft i chain sarily fates siete behav cold no linge be ici pnb. West ie aber io Fat esp ile cine protien by citing i cir S13 gig ‘eile seen reving ing Ysandeseing fom the ins! 4. Characteristics of a Crime Despite he lack of unvessolly accepted definition oe elear unified sauce of criminal law itis) pontble to point fo ceriain chirueterisies that are generally found in conduct which is criminal in ‘articular, itasally involves apublic wrong and a mora wrong, (@) A publicwrong Chines ycorlly sve ais wich have 8 panicle barf eect on the public and do mere than interfere with mel peat rghs Sf Carton Alen writs Ceime is erme Boone tcansts in wrongdoing ick erect nd in | serious degree trecen th securiy or wel-beng of society and Bcense jie not sof eave i redresabte only by compensation ofthe party infured, ‘This explains why acs have been mde crmes ener by judi decision or by legislation ana it does rot nesssariy avurtly represen he preven sate of ahi. A crime may remain 3 rime dong ater hes cessed tobe a tteat¥ the secur wel-bcing of society. Thus Allen's proposition tells ws what, ashe thnks, ought 1 Be criminal ater than what iminal “The “poblic” nature of crime is evidencod by the caniast betwcen the rules of civil and stinial roredues, Any seen ean, 2+ © gen rele and inthe absence of some Provision 1 the nary. ring a erimielpeoecin, wero not e has ulTered any special am over and ‘bore ether members of tie pubi. As arabe of the public he hasan interest inthe enfrcersen of the cat uD steals W's watch V isyproseute Him, so may X, Y Z ov any other citizen However ie paces of cunt, th a oye We pseuton ie cris n byte Sine th fs peron itera in he oteoe: ‘Grimes, ten, are wrongs which th judyes have held, or print haf ine 10 te ad sdoun to be afin jarbar Wo the pe wart the apjition of cna posed odd ‘ih tem.Of couse, dis dows pot ease uso recognize an ata erie when we see one, Sorme a asa sony ow pai tats wd ay hey sh be enna ach 9 iat etaiky ae bu there are many axhrsaboxt which opinions may dee widely. When a iin it | beard igi tat "There ought lobe saw oganst i." hes expressing his prsral conviction Gis ome vant af acti 3o haat to society tht tough tobe Gseauaged by being made the subject Of tie eeceehogs. Thee wl, aloes! invariably, be a body of opinion whith cisogress But cron if {EYEE are with him, de oe in gueson would ol tereby bocce 8 crime, Public concemnatioe Isinetctve wibout th enfrerman ofa Ast of Paracsnl ra. deision of» cou. _ of thought ta formulae iteyratd detinitiog fo} A‘moral” wrong “The second characteristic ofeime, wh smarally Wrong, ) Moraity accent days oft a leh cal dar of let hen dh umber of eis was river nol th mt urea i mak, oibery rape ee iy wa, wo Sobt, oe Dat xpriene soyrets hs moray and ecm at ence ssc ada rovew af area eo rotied ox eae serene tht hs proponin indole ve Many ae on the round af social expetieny aa got beste ef tet inert Manse. {hiss espcillysoin he field cf summary slice sd canna ee Whether an act ougt a be & erm simply athe ground ofits immoral san the wenger ensue Revco rh rte el den won was thal the exerci of marly isnot 3 yroper objec ee ei Fea olde cenielue wiyerkinn oe oC eee ee “ato preserve public order and decency, o protect the citcen from what ‘afensive or lajurius ana to prostdesefictent safeguards against exploitation and camapion of or par toe ioe epee nee {nmetthefncion of he owt irene fate privet es Otc 010 seek fo evforce en partclar pate of behav, ather han sneer ‘acary ou te purpore mehr evlne. “This view wt ellenged by Lord Devin who ego ht this pubis morality wich is sn aoerial pat of is bre Ca lees Gc pao et ey ea ee cal io preserve mocality in the sune way at it aes ito peste aying se Gat is ese os ‘existence. The standard of morality {s that of the ‘mam in ihe jury box’, based on the “mass of ‘ortinobes experience halfcansiouly oe ucoatiusly sscumlsed and cribdis fa the marty ‘tcommon sas Inthe mist of chit contoveny was decided the case af Shaw Vi. Dinar of Pubic Proseclan, in whish Lard Sinoods sere hat there reins in he coat of wr arial power oenece the supreme ant fades purpose ofthe lao soseve oa onthe sft ad rer bt also the moral ele of 9 Tad thatthe King's Hench wis tbe cttos moran ofthe people sod had Be rpertendence of ‘tenes coma Bonar more, {i} Harms or Wrongs to Others Implicit ne requencnt tata rine incoronies a orl ons ste ssxpance that 3 “wrong” harm fancier or ehers i volved. gan, he poer 1 problem tac ito i eres fprement aso the moral ass or eimaaizing at here ely tobe azeeent ao whether he ‘conduct involves a harm, What will be ‘wrong’ or ‘harmful’ for the paternalist will not mecessarily be 30 for the liberal. ‘Cussifcaon of an scviy as harm or wrong or avlving» ‘setback fo nee! wll Ben {be 2 controversial question. In recent yeu, English Isw hss, according te many commentatocs,t readily accepted that a form of behaviour i suficemly hand or wrong to warrant eiminalizaton (rather than some alternative less cacccive form of regulation). ch i usually emphasized, ia tht they are acs which are ‘Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner 6 (CRIMINALITY AND CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR 1, Introducti we iene eigen ee fee tp J) sha neues om oer rs ow sh a ore opal rep ef be Cooperation and division of labour, they sometimes must subordinate heir person Ee a epee Se rec beak eipcomntics sce ou iercactt on 2. Crime and criminal behaviour concept of eine mit exist efor hat ofthe rina i pombe, Ani ssi Bebaviou | van eee Ecru the time instr whan asyatem of eiioal ow emerged Allo the | rearcgi behaiont eriology fe tec ofeinal behaviour They tet s| tases of Si tor efiheenminal Camden tery of rime, «teoy which epi stint bas cpmene of crenal lw in rma af the iatlonl soc of society, Bo ner vor ofcchaviurvhichexlsin the behavior tat is beled criminal. | Grins ae fea tap to seprste criminology an erimial ln. They do 30 oo the ee eS at an explenatin af bebviur san explanation of rie, Ths enfin aa ee titrate of oat Asean chmologis tink. A ey of ra a gprs used en te assumption tat criminology mist incade wii is sope Sein of simi lev. The sy of soll juspradene and the soilory of lw woud Syplonen ety of be eel 3. Definition of Terms ‘Lega, erimes usually are defined as acts or omissions forbidden by law that can be punished by iippatament andlor fine. Murder, obbery, burelary, rape, and Baile 10 pay your taxes all are ‘common examples However, as several eouinent erininologists recenlly ave noted the key lo ‘understanding erie i Wo focus on fundamental atcbutes ofall eciminal behaviours rather than on specific criminal acts, Iestead of uring 10 separately understand crimes such as homicide, robbery, ‘ape, burglary, embesslement, and herois use, we need fo identify what itis they all have in eommon. ‘Much past researeh an erime bas been confounded by its focus oa these poltcoslegal rather than behavioural defini. “The behavioural definition of crime focuses an, criminality, certain personality profile that ‘uses the mast alarming sors of rims, All-criminal behaviours iavelve the use of force, fraud, of ‘Sadie obais matesal or symbolic resources. As Gotedson ancl Heschi (1990) noted, Criminality isa syle of strategie behaviour characterized by sel-ceaterodness, indifference ta the suffering al ‘eed of others, ae low self-control. More impulsive individuals are mone likely to find criminality ‘matinctve style of Behaviou? beesse it can provide immediate gratifieatin through relatively ey ‘or smplesategics 4. Psychology of Criminal Behaviour ‘The prycholopical school is based on the propzstion that criminals differ fiom nor ‘criminals in terms of personality its which are expressed im some form of anti-social behaviow. ” ‘imi bhava i nee emosons meat colic. Trio sarement fo shat personal fot nl 10 criminality, Estimates as to the number of criminals who afe Beurstic of rayne vais fom $ 1098 pecen The ppcholopieal theory doesnot etpanthe ier crime rate for different age and ex groups, for urkan areas, and for minority groups. Crepe is enced ans yUns at mits ho ae mente of min ops ma me Ie he Inertia areas f they. 5. Theory of Differential Association Sutharlands Theory of DiffeenialAuosiaionf exten theory of eaming. states that nia bavi ef cn wih noe wenn clei ad proce The proves of faring ceieal betuvourisby association with rnin sad snt-ereniaal pes Suihctands theory is 38 clgromth ofthe work of G. H. Mend and Cte H. Cooley fa 3ocal ‘pave, and the wok of Rober Pak od E,W. Buca bana sclogye (i) Criticism ‘The following criticism can be made of the theory of differential association: 1. The theory docs not explain the origin of criminality, since criminality has to exist before it can be learned by someone ele. Why theft criminal at? 2. Thethesry des not explain eximes of pasion acide 3. The hay et tepid wih opie oc wi xin criminal atiudes Teds nt explain the ext fhe serial Uving in eiminal envronoeat 5. Thetheary des not diferente between erinial and poweviminal bebavoes, ince ‘both yes of behviour ea be eared. 1 doesnot take into accoust the pyehslogial factor refered to as motivation ot “sifleeatal response pater” : 1. The teary doesnot acount or he ere cof crime ssacated wid age, sex, ‘urban areas, and minarity groups. Why do males commit more crimes tham females? It EE no answer to ty tat thee groups ate criminal berauve they exocste wih criminal pte, since what we ae tying to explain inthe fst place ete existence ‘of eriminal pater in hese gros, Wat iter about being 3 male, oa mpember ofa incrity group, a ving ina slum area at produces a high crime rate? Suherlan’s theory doesnot explain the orga of ene rates ther it enpins how a pervon comes to conse wth eiminaly isd when nina pao his eulura este. 6. Theory of Sacial Alienation ‘A person cannot become a criminal without associating with otber human beings: he <2 become a criminal witout sssicating with other criminals. Aa skemstive theory of criminal bechaviour, « theory which auismpls to integrate the prychological and sociological concepts of criminality, states thal crime rites are high in groups Where social interaction is characterized by isolation, anonymity, sipesonalization, and eaomie, Such areas are intrstia! aves or areas of transition, marked by a minimum of personal, timate socal interaction. From the point of ev the individu! offender the theory states thatthe eral is eae who Iacks interpersonal relations ins ‘The fypieslesmina has failed a sehievesatistacory interpersonal relations with others; he is onsly {soloed emosionlly, licks membership in lawful primary groops, is insecure, hostile, aggresive eels ‘Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner e 8 se nny vedo wane and han ial ee of longing, He the prot of soil spre at th bin psycholog yong of soi lication iin cavers agresmet with he current rend in psychological sn eteihfc vl ko ie ajo am chlo encriyond hos, ad soft. The they inn Fe tory of ena] behaviour which states hat criminality i due 1 physial bul areor herdy some eter Balog concept of personally development. Howes, Fa ee et bei to 1s fot Ga uce fe pian of cel ee jovuichapersen mains wih those about iA feeble minded sik anno ntact with reer mnent inthe sate way tht a nocmal eld can. This docs not can thal feeblesmindeloest aa ee iGiequaney, does meaa that fecble mindedses i fair in sci] interaction (Comparing Theories of social alienation and differential association difference The thesey of social slicsation differs fom the theory of differential ssseciation in the following respects 1. Thexplains sudden evimes af passion, Agpresson against one's self or others isa result of a breakdown in 2 person's system of interpersonal security. A man who depends upon his wife for love and affection, finds this sevurity destroyed by an act of wnfsithfilness, 2. It explains why an individual can live in a delinquent sub-culture and yet isolate biel from delingvent pattems. If he bas adequate interpersonal interaction he will fh eel the need to join a pang orto commit anti-social ucts. 3. explains why a person with no history of association with criminals will commit criminal act. A person who has not established satisfactory interpersonal relationships will adjust to bis feelings of loncliness and insecurity. One form of adjustment is aggression and hostility. Ibis inthis sense that Glucck’s observation that the emotional plier necrssiry for delinguent acts may exst prio to and independent of associations With eviminals is correct, 4. Itexplains the origin of eriminal behaviout in the fest place. High erine rales ext in teat characterized by anonymous, impersonal relationships. S. The theory of social alienation integrates the sociological and peychologieal schools. It Feiains emphasis on social interaction, while emphasizing the emotional content of human interaction. (i) Social isolation and Personality Development ‘The basic thesis of social psychology is that proup membership is vital to the development of ‘human nature. G. H. Mead and C. Ht, Cooley emphasized the importance of the primary group as the ‘peat of socialization. Inimate sosial relaionships are essenial to personality development “The leat individual is sick. He is sick in mind, he will exhibit disorders of behaviour, emotion, and ‘hough ..Ta escape islation + perton must beable to become a member of 3 group” Psychiatry har shown that mersbership ina group sustains a man and helps him to meet the shocks e life, hove dale without love and affection become aggressive, hostile and Yateful. Infants without love develop marsamas,2 withering away of the human organism 19 Avtroplogeleutes eal atthe mie of j aos trellis vr ow in hse scien at enh imess is igh in thre cine whee = Med oneal pos Te at of ‘Thre the system ore ctogencou ted les erner™” EaPPe® sovees Ras cece, and 7. Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry ‘There has emerged in the writings of Eich Fy schoo! of psychiatry known as the interper orm, Karn Homey, and Hany 5. Sullivan 9 Inyo laos eto dagen i ae he emptaslcedepon 8. Sociopathic Personalities ‘The conezt ofthe soit echpa ie wat name a efninloy in pelo Sitesi man pat tbe co atte Sse, the concep bsas close elaonsip fo criminally thts do scree and prea ee would bo an evo cate sostoputhy and erininliy, "mister tants ore aes eee [Envi aon contny to he pen rl Aca of re sag ete conceivable psychological type, normal as wel as pathological." McCord tates atte reyeeolow Shen confss devin beh aed ooops Rares ta hee Ee Seyi devn televise bhava there cial cone mute socepae bar” Ths ce pe Some ose ea matkeoneni be Some epee sta bat Criminality and Social Alienation IC he thor of socal aliation i vail we ea enpet to ida high eine rt thse areas sal by tov lon, prea nd ogy. Cm ase eet ce rates are bigh for young adult males who tivein urban sium: lower socioeconomic ‘roups, and who are members of minority groups. arian ‘Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner UNDERSTANDING CRIMINOLOGY Why Criminology? “oumay ask why do poop get pido study erie and criminal behaviour and why do people foumectl ree ee ‘a variety of answers to these questions, buill around many kkinds of concems like the: anxiety, ang ad fear that a common respanses terme : : 1 is ue desire to predict and contra crime the hope of preventing crime through individual and svi efor the wish to understand ad explain erime and societal reactions oi; andthe simple ‘fone o leam move about rime and what iteaa tell us about our soit. ‘Criminoogiss disagree, sbout which of these kinds of coocems are most legitimate: and So Criminology was the composite result ofthe thinking and endeavours of many people and their dae tothe understanding of individual behaviour and deviation and the siruerering of the socal Criminology is derived fom Latin word rimen, (i, ‘The word criminology eiymologically saad for “ecieatific srady of the nature, extent, causes, and contra of criminal behavior ia bot the individual arin society. ‘Criminology ean be simply defined asthe stody of the erie. Websier (1959) define the crminclogyas ‘the scientific study oferime ond erminas". However, we must also acknowledge that this definition is as inadequate as itis succinct, Edwin Sutherland is offered that remains a more or lest acceplable definition of criminology: "Criminology 18 the body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon. it ixcludes within dis scope the process of making laws, of breating laws and of reacting toward the breaking of tows, The objective of criminology ithe developmen of « body of general and verfed priniples tnd other per of inowledge regerding is process of law, erime and ‘To this definition, Wolfgang eed Feevacutl append a mote that "ihe term eriminalogy should be me ta ody of eeentife knowleve shout erie. Criminology tdught before anpthing to show humanity ths way ta combat and especially, prevent crime. What ic required more than anything is sound Krowledge, whereas up tothe preset, ‘webave had far too uch of dopma and dletantism, Whoever iin clase touch with what is saled secio-paologis! phenomena should make a note of this spesially criminal jurists, whose EN owledge of the Law imperstively waar so deal HY noel to be supplemented wi Chiminology Is the siete gross to d examine sii an india de vigor po f we 8 bet have tom ener ane stenly foe panes aera a ci alae, Holy ed eae lie ch a yc nomi, pala ges 1200-60) stele, sa apa ag aig ih rman pong Me Soo! (he lat 1700 ad the ery 800) Neochasie Stan eerie tad ss 19D nd is sill growing), positivism (From mid-1800 to aed Sogydnid 180 now), MT#OH 10 ely 1900) md Rely the Selo 3, The Nature of Criminological Study Criminlory i eaaceried wit he scene study of erne, I is eicaly 4 wal ciscipnary sty. Testy cme fea ut by ray ache foce be agree of eee sie ies ‘and sometimes (hough rarely and with difficly) vrvogh lnterdiscplinary (i) Criminology'vs. Crime detection Cimictony should notte confed with he tcc of rns econ Eres since sod forse puolory. Thee mo det connection beween oe tector the stay of {fines and criminal bhuvourearied cat by erolopss, agree Way somcime be an {fra consecion Fras scone ang pathlogat seve nek of pales the cute Ee estction and crime prevention. Indirect, haveve the work way vw come valle ht tn cris behav ia Nays wich wil be of ce fo Ge stninologsts, ey. repvia the fates of bomiid, the baled baby syndrome ead he sly af echo scl reg ace ia nto to crime. A crsinolgi i eoncrd move wh how an why ches come tobe Comat fhertan who dd i and powdiog poo opal (i) Criminology asa Social Science Criminology is Best seen a «soe weienceeoqsemed with those aspects of human behs‘out regarded a crimical because they ae pohibited bythe riminal lw, together with auch axpests of socially deviant bebsviowr as are clovaly related to eine and may wicilly be studsed in this connection ‘The mini Foes of + enmianlgit sould yemat on caminal behaviour 35 an aspect of Socal behaviour, including te way pogple come mo be perecivd and Geak with as alfescr. The Stay can best be viewed a limited bythe rangr of behaviour cacealy cal with 28 criminal Because is prohibited by the coment ximinal law The list of emesis not immutable, however snd Bistoraly many changes have occumed i he ist of riinl prohibitions. ln ort, changes ave ‘been made oe are seen a3 desirable in oder to fet changes ia public satiment or judgements of publicneeds and vals (ii) Areas of study ‘A eximinolopiet may propery be concerned to sadyFinge zea, deviant behaviour which not laren ia ede fo fin IgRt 95 the gaps ithe criminal Law orto abow that eae leeely clued typeof tebevour, which ae cegarded as criminal, should longs be #2 Sutted’ The socologich desrbe tas ably deviant bebavfour and aomctimes study aspects of Seay deter betrviogt ia bit own ight ar i-vere. Studies of alcoholism, drug abuse, Fea gad thueaL betavioue provide examples, as Go studs of cerain “white-collar Business thor ofthe subject master with ‘Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner

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