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Sustainability and


Arpit Jain - 319 - BASF
Devansh Srivastav - 324 - Pidilite
Kanupriya Bahuguna - 334 - Sinopec
Prerana Agrawal - 352 - Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Tushar Aggarwal - 371 - Dow










Company is working Company is

to increase its global Most of the Decent global
significantly raising
initiatives are only Company is mainly focusing outreach of CSR
SCALE reach while they
on community development
its medium term
have focused mainly China-focused. projects, but mainly
2030 target for
on their products so Poverty alleviation works in Gujarat, where it had focused around
reduction in
that they produce programmes work undertaken a plethora of Japan
greenhouse gas
less harmful globally. projects

Dow's 2025 are

aligned to a high targets 11 0f the 17 SDGs, but Targets only 6 SDGs
Targets all 17 SDGs BASF follows total 8
degree with that of offers a wide range of initiatives but multiple projects
and has projects in sustainable
UNSDGs and to and projects for sustainability
DEGREE progress to achieve
cover single SDG developmental
achieve them they and community development thus increasing the
those targets. goals
have well defined depth

The company has three core

They are focusing Very high focus on Highly focused on Company want to
plans for promoting
INTENSITY on innovation and innovation: through
sustainability chiefly
sustainability create value for the
they have new porgrammes, through KAITEKI via environment, society
comprising of renewable
maintained 2025 green products, new innovations. and business with
energy and energy
sustainability goals dimensions to Formulation of the products,
conservation measures,
and are working to existing Vision30 & Vision50 solutions and
employee safety measures, and
achieve them programmes. to achieve midterm technologies.
community building measures.

The project quality has Sustainability High quality and Sustainability BASF is committed to
been high since they have integrated in the unique projects ingrained in their quality and compliance.
QUALITY OF integrated their measures value chain. 'People' catering to problems mission as KAITEKI. BASF's MRO service
PROJECTS with the business and and 'responsibility' faced by the Every decision team leverages BASF's
they are achieving are in their core community aligns with benefit proven catalysis
success in various values. for people, planet or expertise.
metrics. ESG goals

The quality of reporting

Authentic reporting The company has been Open to sharing of Depends on project. They
has been high for them have published about the
except in 2020. following the CSR policies trends in their
and they have shared the factory site efficiencies and
QUALITY OF benefits of their
Follows standards of and it has been transparent achievements. But
UNGC, GCAP, GRI, in its figures and the division hides poor process efficiencies. But
REPORTING programmes as well as the
GSSB of total CSR amount in its performing years social programs are not
areas they are lagging report compliant with GRI supported with a lot of data.
while reporting
behind Standards

The fund allocation they 6-6.4% of annual 2% budget allocation 46,112 mn of yens in $22 billion by 2025
LEVEL OF FUND have maintained is in revenue (RMB 462.8 from net Profit which may environmental
compliance with laws of bn in 2019) vary from time to time. cause.
ALLOCATION land in which they are 23.12 crore CSR
operating spending for FY19
Since 1995, Dow has been setting its sustainable goals for the long term for a decade. It has set up sustainability goals for 2005, 2015 and
currently they are working on the goals set for 2025.
The goals for sustainability for 2025 are as follows:
Leading the Blueprint: Dow leads in developing societal blueprints that integrate public policy solutions, science and technology, and
value chain innovation to facilitate the transition to a sustainable planet and society.
Advancing a Circular Economy: Dow advances a circular economy by delivering solutions to close the resource loops in key markets.
Safe Materials for a Sustainable Planet: A future where every material we bring to market is sustainable for our people and our planet.
World-Leading Operations Performance: Dow maintains world-leading operations performance in natural resource efficiency,
environment, health and safety.
Delivering Breakthrough Innovations: Dow delivers breakthrough sustainable chemistry innovations that advance the well being of
Valuing Nature: Dow applies a business decision process that values nature, which will deliver business value and natural capital value
through projects that are good for business and better for ecosystems.
Engaging for Impact: Communities, Employees, Customers Dow people worldwide directly apply their passion and expertise to advance
the well-being of people and the planet.
Some of their key works and impacts in sustainability:
In India, Dow worked with the cities of Bangalore and Pune and waste collectors to bring together the people and materials needed for 40
kilometers of roads – diverting 100 metric tons of waste from landfills.
Dow is leading the industry in innovating new technologies to remove workers from higher-hazard activities in an effort to help achieve its
2025 target to “eliminate fatalities, reduce severe injury and illness incidents and maintain its total recordable injury and illness rate at
industry-leading levels."

Dow is either on track or have exceeded on reaching their targets
in sustainability goals.
Their vision of transforming the role of business in society is
inspirational and can lead other organizations.
They are working on their products which are produced
sustainably. From raw materials to emissions they are working on
their key processes.
Their work on long-term goals is ideal and this implies at least on
first impression that their work is not mere for being fulfilling
government regulations but to make some long lasting impact.
Dow knows that they have long way to go and they are working
consciously on it which is aspirational
They are working on their three key focus areas and achieving
success in them as well, their three key focus areas are Circular
economy, climate protection and safer materials.
SINOPEC (Highlights)

2018 2019

Started initiatives like Green Enterprise Campaign, poverty alleviation in Became the 1st Chinese company to join AEPW (Alliance to End Plastic Waste)
758 countries and villages
Launched 10 new green and high performance synthetic resin products and
Launched biodegradable industrial oils, 10+ brands of eco-friendly elastomers
synthetic resins
Started dedicated efforts against Covid-19 by donating RMB 50mn to Red Cross, 200
Implemented 481 Energy Efficiency Projects tonnes of medical supplies to Wuhan, supporting construction of 2 Covid hospitals.

Lubricant Subsidiary was channeled entirely through clean energy Developed VOCs treatment technology

Continued running public welfare programmes like the Sinopec Lifeline Formed Measures for the Management of Ecological Protection of Sinopec Corp. to
Express, Sanitation Workers' Stations Programme, Warm Stations promote bio-diversity
Programme, Volunteer Service Programme etc.
Developed a 2D materiality matrix based on importance to stakeholders and Sinopec


Strengthened its efforts against Covid-19 through multiple donations, convenience stores, ensuring continuous supply of fuel and healthcare etc.

Started the production of PBSA biodegradable plastic and a carbon asset management information system, implemented 2,892 Energy Efficiency projects

Formed the Sinopec Carbon Emission Management Measures to outline carbon emission guidelines, trading and procedures.

Built 3 hydrogen purification equipment and reduced packaging waste by 11,000 tonnes

Formed the Sinopec 2020 VOCs Special Action Plan for Ozone Pollution Prevention
SINOPEC (Analysis)

All sustainability initiatives Sustainability reports don't

are aligned with China's mention any
goals because of being challenges/shortcomings. It can
look into making the delivery
completely state-owned.
process more sustainable.

Vision: To build a world-

leading clean energy and
chemical corporation

Increase in revenue doesn't

result in a corresponding Initiatives impacting
increase in social areas both globally and
contribution. locally

Development Pattern:
Materiality Matrix
One Foundation of
energy and resources, Energy Saved GHG Emissions Social
Two Wings of clean fuels
Year (equivalent to (mn tonnes CO2 Contribution (in
and advanced chemicals
Other initiatives are within standard coal) equivalent) RMB billions)
and Three Growth Integrated sustainability
the business products, Engines in new energy, in procurement, supplier
presumably to bring higher new materials and new selection and 2018 28,000 tonnes 171.52 480.2
margins. economy manufacture.

2019 370,000 tonnes 170.69 462.8

2020 4.58 mn 170.94 -

PIDILITE •Promoting Renewable Energy

•Employee Protection Measures

The firm aims to attain the sustainable development goals
through its various activities- Evaluation Of Sustainability Measures-
•The company has three core plans for promoting sustainability chiefly
1.ACCOUNTABILITY TRUST AND VALUE CREATION comprising of renewable energy and energy conservation measures,
employee safety measures, and community building measures. The initiatives
are in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
which were published at the 2015 UN Sustainable Development Summit. The
company has also stated the impact of each measure. The Company has
received several awards for its sustainability initiatives such as:

·For Mahad manufacturing sites A21 and C58, MPCB awarded a 5-star ranking
for consistently lower emissions from stacks compared to consent norms.

·It also received a letter of appreciation for its contribution to water

conservation activities as part of the ‘Sujalam Sufalam Jal Abhiyan 2018', a
programme launched by India's Prime Minister and Gujarat's Chief Minister.

•These awards show that the company is taking sustainability issues seriously
and pursuing the right way to achieve goals. Furthermore, as more
environmentally sustainable practices are implemented, the idea that
3. PEOPLE SAFETY AND COMMUNITY WELFARE companies must become more environmentally friendly would spread.
•For taking care of the community’s health, Over 52,207 outpatients were treated, 2,149 surgeries were performed, and 4,058 emergency cases were dealt
with. In Mahuva, a free eye checkup was held in 48 villages, screening 3,850 people and conducting 225 cataract surgeries.
•The corporation Assisted in the deployment of additional 50 new learning software, bringing the total number of new learning software installed to 300
since inception to boost the quality of primary education in rural areas.
•Various measures for water conversion were undertaken such as Optimization of De-mineralization Plant, Reduction of water wastage by preventing
overflow and cooling tower blowdown through water check quality, rain water harvesting, and other recycling methods.
•The Company has collaborated with Agriculture, Farmers Welfare & Co-operation Department, Government of Gujarat, with the objective of providing
farmers the latest recommended cultivation practices. The Company has supported the Milk and Animal Health Initiative in Mahuva Taluka in Gujarat.
•The Company helped in forming, nurturing and developing 70 new Self Help Groups (SHGs) - MahilaMandals in Bhavnagar and Amreli district, Gujarat.
More than 900 additional mahilas were added as members.
•31 check dams and 40 pond deepenings were completed in 2018-19. With the assistance of the Company, 69 check dams and 248 farm ponds were
constructed . Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrician, and Construction Technician courses benefited over 7,000 students from 155 ITIs during the year.
•The company is actively developing its unique “Model Community: Kushal Gram” project in Kalsar village. 5,500 villagers have received training in a
variety of fields. In partnership with District Rural Development Authority, the Company has implemented PPP model for the development of Kalsar village
•The Company has supported the setting up of four watershed development centres in Bhavnagar district to accomplish the task of creation of watershed
structures. More than 600 wells covering 80 villages have been recharged, and over 1,200 hectares of farmland have been upgraded to drip irrigation.
•The Company continued its support for establishing Farmers Service Centre at Mahuva for revamping of the Soil Health Card system and further
development of i-Khedut portal with the Government of Gujarat. The Company has assisted in the testing of more than 8,000 soil samples and providing
technical inputs and prescription to farmers to improve soil health

We create innovative solutions globally based on our core values of Sustainability, Health and Comfort, striving for the well-being of people, society and our planet Earth.
medium-to-long term basic management strategy
KAITEKI refers to “the sustainable well-being of people, society and our planet Earth.”
MCC shares the vision of KAITEKI and builds on a foundation of chemistry by providing
Freedom from Food and Water Scarcity
solutions to environmental and social issues through businesses related to performance Resource Circulation
products and industrial materials. Sustainable cities with smart systems
GHG Impact Neutral cycle
Strengthening management Creation, growth & advancement Healthy and vibrant lives
Business portfolio transformation
foundation of business

Growth Potential Resolution of Performance Products Globalization

Digitization Backcasting
Technological Innovation E environmental issue Industrial Materials Socialization
S social issue
Market Size Health Care
G Corporate Governance KVision 2030
Earth Society People
Carbon Promoting Circular Empower self-
Management of management economy by actualization
KAITEKI VALUE MOS Compensation based
Sustainability through LCA chemical recycling
Sustainability Axis Addressing Use of bio-based on market values
climate change polymers Cluster type
Reducing GHG Resolving social organization for
Management of emissions issues complex problem
Technology solving
Innovation Axis
Management of
expansion of regional economic zones Increasing population &
E Increasing medical expenses aging society
M O Rise of protectionism Water stress
Capital Efficiency Axis
Results and Analysis

Materialistic Matrix Social and

Environmental Corporate
MCC conducts materiality assessments to identify important management FY Year Impact Healthcare Governance
issues (materiality) and further enhance KAITEKI Value.
Not achieved due to Number of safety
decrease in sales and Positive
contribution made incidents improved
2019 demand
due to decrease in Long working hours on
Increase in rise.
environmental burden sales
due to acquisitions

Positive impact on Achieved targets in Failure in number of

environmental pollution pharma and vaccines accidents & safety
2018 Exceeded goals in Marginal progress in -incidents
energy conservation health field sanitation Employee wellness
MOS Indices products improved
MCC has created MOS Indices to gauge its contribution to people, society and involvement improved
the Earth. It uses these indices to evaluate progress made with regard to MOS
and further keep a check on the achievements Promotion of reusable Employee wellness
energy successful Clinical testing
saw no index improved
2017 GHG emission
improvement Improvement rates in
Achieve zero occurrences of serious accidents decreased number of complaints
Index that needs to be achieved Energy saving efforts Contribution to
and compliance violations pharma index rose registered
were fruitful customer satisfaction
to double
Contribute to reducing index decreased
environmental impact Reduce burden on the atmospheric environment
Efficient use of energy Promote activities to conserve energy
S index Convert to resource-saving and reusable materials
and resources Analysis
Contribute to Provide products and services that contribute to
sustainability reducing GHG emissions They have tried to imbibe within their business the concept of sustainability in depth which is really
Contribute to medical It has received various awards including Dow Jones Awards & Sustainability Bronze Class Awards
treatment Pharmaceutical provisions
Provide vaccines The employee wellness programs being taken by the company are ones which already exist for
H index Contribute to achieving
Health healthy & hygienic Provide products for medical facilities various other companies. Gender equality ratio is very poor.
services During Covid, MCC has tried to contribute a lot in providing safety kits and technological solutions
- They are not open to discussing the challenges or future contingency, should discuss it more sizably.
Promote Improve awareness of compliance Despite multiple attempts the company is not being able to control the intake of water and discharge
communication with Reduce safety incidents and injuries of water pollutants and also cases of accidents haven't fallen much.
C index stakeholders Improve evaluation by stakeholders
MCC&Me Survey and other engagement surveys to involve employees in the state of 'Sustainable
Achieve better lifestyle Provide products and services that contribute to a engagement'
& comfortable society comfortable society and better lifestyles
Integration & Sustainability
By adding value to the world, culture, and economy, the company is able to achieve long-term
market success. The future of sustainability is in jeopardy. The heart of what company does, a
source of development and value, as well as a source of inspiration. The company use it as part of
our risk control strategy. As a result, the concept of sustainability is firmly established. As part of
governance, compensation processes, and business models, anchored into the enterprise.
From the 2020 fiscal year forward, the company will incorporate the corporate strategy and the
global goals that result from it. Targets for sustainability (CO2-neutral growth before 2030 and
achievement) Accelerator revenues of €22 billion by 2025) through short-term Group-level
Customers, employees, suppliers, and investors are among our stakeholders, as are representatives
from academia, industry, and government. Politics and culture are two different things. Sections of
the company's operations, such as the use of these emerging technologies, as well as the company’s
environmental effects, are also important considerations. Stakeholders always look at it with a critical
eye. The company deal with these issues ask questions, launch conversations, and take part in
discussions. The company depend on the expertise of global initiatives and networks while also
contributing their own knowledge. The company participate in global projects with a variety of
stakeholder groups. The Business
"Catch your reader's eye by
highlighting one of your
for Inclusive Growth project, which was launched in 2019 by a
group of 40 multinational businesses, the G7 nations, and the OECD to improve equality of
main points in this space."

opportunity, is one of- Name

them. HereBASF, along with other companies from around the globe, co-founded

the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) in January 2019.

Source: Dow report of 2017

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