LAW-MAKING PROCESS: The Summary Example Bill of The Senate

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HOW LAWS ARE CREATED? Law-making process.

 CONGRESS is responsible for making enabling laws to make
sure the spirit of the constitution is upheld in the country and, at
times, amend or change the constitution itself. In order to craft
laws, the legislative body comes out with two main documents:

 Resolutions - convey principles and sentiments of the senate or

the house of representatives. These resolutions can be further
be divided into three elements:

1. Joint resolution –resolutions that require the approval of both

chambers of Congress and the signature of the President, and
have the force and effect of a law if approved. General rule -
resolutions do not have the force and effect of laws. In joint
resolutions, there is a requirement of both the chambers and as
well as the president, that what makes it different to the other
2. Concurrent resolutions – used for the matters affecting the
operations of both chambers of Congress and must be approved
in the same form by both houses, but are not transmitted to the
President for his signature and therefore have no force and
effect of a law. - Matter affecting the operations: administrative
matters (buy tables, computers).
3. Simple resolutions - deal with matters entirely within the
prerogative of one chamber of congress, are not referred to the
President for his signature, and therefore have no force and
effect of a law. -a senator wants to recognize an achievement of
one person. Recognition of a Philippine hero. - declaring
persona-non-grata. 

 Bills -laws in the making.

-they pass into law when they are approved by both houses and the
President of the Philippines.
-may be vetoed by the president, but the House of Representatives
may overturn a presidential veto by garnering a 2/3rds vote.
-if the president does not act on a proposed law submitted by
Congress, it will lapse into law after 30 days of receipt.
-only proposal but IT IS NOT A LAW.

LAW-MAKING PROCESS: The summary; Example Bill of the

Senate 
 SB – Senate bill; originates from the senate 
 HB – House bill; originates from the house of representatives
1. Filing/Calendaring for First Reading
-a bill is filed in the office of the Secretary where it is given a
corresponding number and calendared for the first reading.

2. First Reading
-its title, bill number, and author’s name are read on the floor, after
which it is referred to the proper committee. (Education,

3. Committee Hearing/ Report

-committee conducts hearings and consultation meetings. It then
either approves the proposed bill without an amendment, approved
it with changes, or recommends substitution or consolidation with
similar bills filed.

4. Calendaring for Second Reading

-the committee report with its approved bill version is submitted to
the committee on rules for calendaring for the second reading.

5. Second Reading
-bill author delivers sponsorship speech on the floor. Senators
engage in debate, interpellation, turno en contra, and rebuttal to
highlight the pros and cons of the bill. A period of amendments
incorporates necessary changes in the bill proposed but the
committee or introduced by the Senator’s themselves in the floor.

6. Voting on Second Reading

-senators vote on the second reading version of the bill. If
approved, the bill is calendared for third reading.

7. Voting on Third Reading

-printed copies of the bill’s final version are distributed to the
senators. This time, only the title of the bill is read on the floor.
Nominal voting is held. If passed, the approved senate bill is
referred to the House of Representatives for concurrence.

8. at the house of Representatives

-the lower chamber follows the same procedures (First reading,
second reading, third reading)
9. Back to the Senate
- If the house – approved version is compatible with that of the
senate’s, the final version’s enrolled form is printed. If there are
certain differences, a bicameral conference committee is called to
reconcile conflicting provisions of both versions of the Senate and of
the House of Representatives. Conference committee submits
reports on the reconciled version of the bill duly approved by both
chambers. The senate prints the reconciled version in its enrolled
10. Submission to Malacanang
-final enrolled form is submitted to Malacanang. The president signs
into law, r vetoes, and sends it back to the senate with veto

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