WHAT'S IN: Activity 1: WDYT? (What Do You Think?)

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WHAT’S IN: Activity 1: WDYT? (What Do You Think?

Teens now have the ability to connect with others in real time and share their lives through
photos, videos, and status updates thanks to social media platforms. Teens themselves have
described these platforms as essential tools for connecting with one another and maintaining
relationships, being creative, and learning more about the wider world. Among other things,
youth have been responsible for a variety of social changes, including influencing national
debates, leading important health sciences research, and increasing access to post-secondary
education and training. It is beneficial for society in many ways when youth are involved,
particularly when opportunities for empowerment and development are provided. Among
other things, knowledge is generated that is accessible to youth, and thus to society as a whole;
as a result, youth emerge more skilled, better connected, and ready to participate in society as
active, productive members. The literature on the effects of youth leadership and
entrepreneurship on young people's development is extensive, but there is a paucity of
literature on the discussion and evaluation of the impact of youth-led social change initiatives
on society.
WHAT I CAN DO: Activity 5: Example, please!

Advocacy, counseling, and case management are just a few of the skills that practitioners gain from
studying applied social sciences. They also gain the knowledge and experience they need to work with
individuals, organizations, and communities to improve their well-being and social functioning. The
occupations available include alcohol and drug counselors, caseworkers, school counselors, client
service officers, community social workers, contact supervisors, and rehabilitation officers, to mention a
few. A rich theoretical resource for describing a wide range of social phenomena that affect individuals,
families, organizations, and communities can be found in the social sciences when viewed in their
broadest sense. Affecting individuals' ability to fit well in their surroundings and pushing the
environment to improve in order for people to prosper, applied sciences transform social science into a
practical science that addresses personal, family, group, and community concerns by assisting
individuals in increasing their capacity to fit well in their surroundings and pushing the environment to
improve in order for people to prosper.

Among the many professions that provide processes, tools, techniques, and procedures to enable
people to interact with their communities are guidance and counseling; social work; communication and
journalism; and public relations and marketing. Concepts such as human rights, social justice, and
inclusion serve as the foundation for applied social sciences, as well as the empowerment of individuals,
groups, and communities to realize their full potential and achieve their highest level of well-being.
Apply social sciences intervene when these are not realized, rejected or violated, and take the necessary
actions to alter the course of human history and society. Academia's applied social science disciplines,
professions, and occupations are those that seek to apply fundamental social science knowledge,
particularly from sociology and economics, as well as political science and anthropology (to a lesser
extent), to better the lives of communities, organizations, and individuals on a daily basis. According to
some authorities, parts of economics, notably economic analysis and economic planning, should be
considered applied social sciences rather than pure economics.

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