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Bihar Govt Model Deed Paper
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general power of attorney

 (Eisdfut` ]ef` n``n) Read free for 30 days

 ys\<nloc ¶bmnzsrl» nl ul` %& OcGOc`rc--------------------------------------------------------------------------

 bhrlGhbr nl ul` %& Oc-------------------------------------------------------------- k`z%&--------------------------
 hs'll%&--------------------------------------------FBlli_ hrl%& xzl`G`qjXyl%&------------------------------------------
 dlK_ ue7%&--------------------------Kln/lo%&----------------------------------------Bllul%&---------------------------------
 dųl_`lu hrl %& -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 h]u ue7&----------------------------- <l hzh;&27 ¶vxo h]u uemo bux_r ujce bn<l x<l jls»
¶vxo f@hbr nl `wX< 0 yl\l <l kffs vb/ln jls»

¶n» ,stsPR nl ul`&---------------------------------------------------------------------k`z&------------------------------------

 bhrlGhbr nl ul` %& Oc---------------------------------------------------------------hs'll%&--------------------------
 FBlli_ hrl%&xzl`G`qjXyl%&------------------------------------------------------------------dlK_ ue7%&----------------
 dųl_`lu hrl %&-------------------------

¶\l» hldo vlZU ,sRuc_ vxo bumeb/lr jls rls kfnc fe\<l %& -----------------------------------------------
 d"l_&----------------------------------------------bume/lu nl<l_y<% &------------------------------------------------------

 ys\</lloc ¶nzsrl» nl ul` %& OcGOc`rc--------------------------------------------------------------------

 bhrlGhbr nl ul` %&-------------------------------------------------------------------------k`z%&-----------------------
 hs'll%&----------------------------------------FBlli_ hrl%&xzl`G`ls  jXyl %& -------------------------------------------
 dlK_ ue7%&------------------------Kln/lo%&-----------------------------------------Bllul %&-------------------------------
 dųl_`lu hrl %& -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 h]u ue7&----------------------------- <l hzh;&27 ¶vxo h]u  mo ue bux_r ujce bn<l x<l jls»
¶vxo f@hbr nl `wX< 0 yl\l <l kffs vb/ln jls»

 bubd_dla bmnz<&h; (Eisdfut` ]ef` n``n)

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  power of attorney n»--------------------------------------------------------Read free for 30 days
¶v{lo» ?h<lE
 mltlo `wX< btfho `qazlen pqnl<l x<l j] ----------------------------------------------------------¶ven»

   onml ¶bKfb`yG,nK+Gdx_UcR nc `lh `se»-----------------------------------

 t`cu ngb"lGvldlfc<GD<dflb<n btfnl hwol bddo.l bu@ubyb\lr j]E
vdo bume/lu nl<l_y<-----------------------------------btyl bume/lu nl<l_y<%&----------------------------
vepy%&-----------------------------------Bllul ue7%&-----------------------------------rl]tc ue7%&--------------------
 \llrl%&----------------\lsfol ue7%&-------------------dlK_ ue7%&----------------------jlsbXKex ue7%&-------------
 yxlu %&----------------------------------

 pl]ja~ac %&
 kųlo %& 
 ab{l.l %&
 hwom %&
 hb'p` %&
 `lh %& ¶UcRG`cRo»
 kųlo %& 
 ab{l.l %&
 hwom %&
 hb'p` %&

 ngb"l ns `l`ys `se%& bfebprGvbfebprG,n UfylGals UfylGpl]oGmyqvljcG
Clwb` nl `wX<% &------------------------------------

¶tls ylxw ujce jls kfs nlR ase»
Clwb` nl `wX<% &--------------------------------------

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general power of attorney Read free for 30 days

(h) bu`l_.l d"l_%&-------------------------------------
(hh) bnf fK+n ho vdbFBlr j]%&hz/llu fK+nG`q\<
fK+nG'll\ll fK+nGxz  fK+nGvP<----------------------

(hhh) feopulnl hznlo 
%& N`fux / Y.M.M. / Y.I.M. /
 ,fdsFRf[ \lho]yGUqf iY<lba-------E
 feopul nl {ls;Uy%& ¶dx_UcR `se»----------------------------
Cldu nl `wX< %&-----------------------------------------------------

(h)  vPrbor Clwb` `se dg{llse nc fe\<l%&----------

(hh)  dg{l nl k`z%&-------------------------------------------
(hhh) dg
  {l nl bnF` ¶UyaloGi`lorcGvP<» %&
(hv) dg
  {llse nl `wX<%&----------------------------------------

(h)   kųlolb/lnlo fs hzlHrGbmÓ<&h; <l vP< aFrldst fs
 hzlHr ¶tls ylxw u jls kfs nlR ase»
(hh)  aFrldst fs hzlHr jlsus nc bFBlbr `se aFrldst

 fe7&-------------------------- d"l_&---------------------------------------
 bume/lu nl<l_y< nl ul`&---------------------------------------

  Ejr``k`at td ]ef`
 rls aFrldst fe7&-------------------------------d"l_&---------------------------E
 kNr Clw\l.KGCldu nl ,n`l; Fdlb`Yd bmnzsrl nl j]E bmnzsrl kNr Clw\l.KGCldu nls
 bmnz< noul pljrl j]E kNr Clw\l.KGCldu nls bmnzc nous nl bmnzsrl nls hw.l_ vb/lnlo
 j]E bmnzsrl us iffs hwd_  `nluGClw\l.K 
  nls bnfc vP< nls bmnz<[ alu[ mP/ln <l
vP< hznlo fs jFrlPrbor ujce bn<l j] rBll kbXys \lr
b  f@hbųl ho bmnzsrl jc nlbmt
 j]E kNr f@hbųl ho nlsi_ T.l no ,de vP< hzCllo mnl<l ujce j] vl]o u jc bnfc
valyrc nl<_dljc `s
 e kNr f@hbųl bddlalFha j]E kNr  `nluGClw\l.K 
  FdYd nc agb"R
 fs jo roj fs hln dls flU j]E

 pw¡bn bmnzsrl kNr Clw\l.KGf@hbųl nls nqy ?Hl<s ¶ven `se»----------------------------------

¶v{lo `se»----------------------------------------------------------------------?h<s `se bm 
 < nl hzFrld

 bu@ubyb\lr 'lųlls_e ns flBl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------- nzsrl ns f`{l o\ll[ btfs nzsrl }lol Fdcnlo no by<l
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general power
 x<l j]E vr% bm  < `wof attorney
X< bu@ubyb\lr
Ó  vuqflo hlno bm   srl nls kholsNRead
 s rl us Ó 
Ó r free for 30 days
 f@hbųl fehw.l_ FdYd ,de vb/lnlolse fbjr bm 
Ó   no ba<lE

Clqxrlu nc ¶uxaGpsnGKªl²R»&-----------------------------------------------------------------

 nzsrl bmnzsrl nls bu"hlau ns f`< `ls7------------------------------------------------------?7 as pqns
 j]E 'ls"l------------------------------------?h<l ofca may]u fs hl<ssxsE ¶tls ylxw ujce jls kfs
 nlR asse» if hznlo nqy ?h<l dfwy hlno ys\<nloc us nzsrl nls \llul ue7& 0 nc
 f@hbųl ho a\ly nMtl as ba<lE kNr f@hbųl ho ys\<nloc <l kfns kųlolb/lnloc
 nls bnfc roj nl vb/lnlo <l Fdlb`Yd ujce ojl vl]o u Clbd"< `se ojsxlE

 if hznlo ys\<nloc us vhus ru `u nc hw.l_ FdFBlrl `se vhuc FdsWAl fs

 bmnz< h; by\l ba<l bn hz`l.l ojsE

vr,d kholsNr 'lųlls_ ns fl{< Fd?h alsulse h{lnlolse us bmul bnfc adlm ns
 rBll vhus hw.l_ jls'lls jdl'l `se bu@ubyb\lr als xdljlse ns f`{l jFrl{lo bn, j]eE

 xdlj ue7& 5 nl jFrl{lo-------------------------------------- jFrl{lo bmnzsrl----------------------------

 bhrlGhbr nl ul` %&--------------------------------

 xdlj ue7& 9 nl jFrl{lo----------------------------------------jFrl{lo nzsrl--------------------------------

 bhrlGhbr nl ul` %&----------------------------------

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general power of attorney Read free for 30 days

5-  tjlZ rn f@Cld j] nlyc F<ljc nl ols'luli_ dlyl ny` vBldl tsy ols'luli_  dlyl
 ny` jc hz<lsx noseE
9- <ba aFrldst Clwb` ns jFrlulPro.l fs f@meb/lr js rls `l]tl nl ul`[ rl]tc fe\<l[
 \llrl fe\<l[ \lsfol fe\<l[ oltFd Bllul fe\<l[ jXnl u@mo pl]jac[ {ls;Uy flU
 ,de fjc CloseE flBljc flBl Clwb` fs feemeb/lr utoc uN'll ,> fli_t ns nlxt ho
 alsulse h{llse }lol jFrl{lo no feySu noseE

=- <ba jFrlPro.l nl `wX< hlZep yl\l ?h<l ,de kffs vb/ln j] rls vhul vl<no
 }lol hzar hsu nlK_ ¶ Wea» fe\<l nl kXys\l aFrldst `se t?o noseE <ba h]u fe\<l
 khyM/l ujce j] rls vl<no nc hzh; fe\<l 27 ,de 25 tls ylxq j] kfnls Clono
 feySu noseE h]u nlK_ nc Al<l hzbr Clc aFrldst ns flBl feXSu noseE
>- ver_ys\lu[ \l.Ku[ nwRys\lu[ fs tjlZe rn f@Cld j] mpseE <ba ver_ys\lu \l.Ku
 nwRys\lu noul jc hK+s rls kfns mxy `se jlb'l, `se jFrl{lo nose ,de bdys\l ns vPr
 `se hz`l.l h; aseE
0- bu"hlau nl vBl_ j] jFrl{lo noulE jFrl{lo ns ucps brbBl vd'< asseE hoPrq brbBl nls
 \l.Ku[ vProys\lu u noseE
2- <ba bu"hlan h6+l by\ll ujce jls rls h6+l&by\ll D<bNr bu"hlan ns mayse `se aFr\lr
 nose tls if hznlo jlsxlE " jFrl{lo Oc  n' ' mlny` Oc  \l ' ' bu"hlan us if bm   <

 h; ho `sos f`{l mlZ, vexwIs nl Al<l <l bu'llu ba<l vl]o kPjse bdys\l nls h6+no
 fqul f`1l ba<l x<l"E
:- aFrldst ns fClc hPus ho bu"hlan nl jFrl{loGAlh tls t?oc jls vd'< ase <j
 aFrldst nc fqo{ll ns by, vld'<n j]E
3- Clwb` jFrlulPro.l f@me/lc bdys\l ns flBl nl'rnloc vb/lbu<` ns v/lcu fwpul[
Clw&jameac vb/lbu<` ns v/lcu 4lls"l.ll&h; ,de Cllorc< `qazlen vb/lbu<` nc /llol
>:¶>» ns vb/lu hzh; nls feySu noul u ClwysE
8- `qazlen 'lqXn ,de bume/lu 'lqXn vlba ns feme/l `se tlunloc jsr q bume/lu halb/lnloc fs
 bu%fenlsp fehn_ noseE
57- Clwb` vBldl `nlu ns jFrlPro.l `se dlFrbdn `wX< nls u bAhl<s &
 <j vlhns bjr `se j]E Clbd"< `se nClc Clc f`F<l \lK+c jls fnrc j]E
55-  f@hbųl  nl hw.l_ bddo.l t]fs & vepy[ rl]tc fe\<l[ \llrl[ \lsfol[ {ls;Uy[ pl]jac
vebnr bn<l tl,xlE <ba f@hbr ²y]R[ `nlu j][ rls ²y]R fe\<l[ vhlR_`sPR nl
 ul` a'll_,E
59- f@hbr n]f hzlHr nc xi_ j] kXys\l nose t]fs bmnzc h; fs alu vBldl krolb/lnlo
5=- vP< vld'<n hzh; tls nl<l_y< }lol bu/ll_bor bn<s x<s j][ kfs feySu noseE

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