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Economics ppt

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Usama bin Tahir
Waleed hassan
Ahmar khalid
Ghazal Fatima
Hamna ghafar
Where did money comes from
The basic real truth of the matter is you and I know as the financial in the larger centers has owned

the govt since the time of Andrew Jackson.

President Franklin D.Rosawelt .
Money is the economic bond in which we live our moves around us we live for it love
for it die for it. but what is it. Where It comes from. How created and who controls it.
The story started from the central reserves bank of America.
*The signing of the federal Reserve Act by wodrow wilsop on December 23 1913 in white
There was a law by which every bank was responsibe to print there crouncy.
But it has a back draw the note printed by one bank could be worthy in one state or one
bank but not in other. So there was a Amendment made
Federal Resources

Bank resources

Business Consumers Govt

So what happened when bankers decided to legislate and control the industry. They did not
sit back and and wait what happen. They decided to do what so many cortile do today.
The bankers decided to reform our own industry and build the cortile and give them the
power of govt. So we call it federal reserve act.
It was a brilliant act.
And they got power from the nation to issue money. It was incredible. Congress
gave them power to issue money.
(G Edward griffen)

It was a secerative indeed as fertive as any conspirator. I do not feet it as any exaggeration
to jeky island as te occasion of the atual conception of what eventualy become the federal
reserve system.
Discovery (of our plane) we lnow simply must not happen on else all our time and effort
would not happen on else all over time and effort would be wasted, if it were to be exposed
publicaly that our particular group had got togather and wasted banking bill, that bill would
have no chance whatever of passage by congress.
The banking system controlled by banks themselves. At end of meeting they went back to
their respective offices.
The detail of plane changed in drafting of 1910. But the essential ideas were

Moving back in time

The story began in late 17s in Europe. The 17 year old king William occupies the more area of island
all the problems were solved but there remained a big problem that was money.

*William find a proposal to form a company to lend a million pound to the govt at 6 percent + 5000
management fee with the right of note issue.*

(Sir William Peterson)

By 1694vthe idea was revised by 1.2 million pounds by the bank of England. It was creation of
tempelate 1781 the paper currency was issued by America.

Robert morris 1731-1806 the most powerfull man of America after George
Washington. He ordered to privately owned banks.

Hamelton was working on next privately owned bank in USA. A national debt if it is not excessive
will be to us a national blessing. It will be a powerfull cement to our Union. It will also create a
necessity for keeping up taxation to a degree which, without being oppressive, will be a spur to

The spirit of war and indiciment, Since the modern theory of the perpetuation of the debt of debt,
has drenched the earth with blood.

In 5 years USA earn 8.2 million dollars and prices rises 72% by 1795.

In 1811 the Hameltons bank was destroyed. Now started debt rising inflation rising and liquidation.

Whatever interest or nfluence this act mode. It can not found either in the wishes or necessity of the
executive department , by which present action is deemed. Premature and the powers conferred
upon its agent not only unnecessary.

But dangerous to the country

John peerpon morgan.
He was centeral man in the bank. He build general group of companies. General steel the only
1billion US dollar company in America.

The crises of 1907 shakes the financial system of USA.

*At 19s there was investigation for these financial panics and the investigation was on JP Morgan
and city bank of new york. Which basically controls the complete financial setup.

The publichatered was unprecedented. They want Govt control on centeral Bank.
The public suspicious of the bankig system.

Part two

The study of money, above all other fields economics,

is one in which complexity is used. to disguise truth or
to evade truth, not to reveal it." (John Kenneth
So how does the Federal Reserve System work what does it do who owns
and controls it ? these are the basic questions that would get to the heart of the
Fundamental question what money and that is why the answer to these questions have been
shrouded in impenetrable economic. jargon even the Federal Reserve's educational own propaganda
which has an ususual tendency towards cutesy animation and talking down to its audience has a
difficult time summarizing the feds mission and responsibilities according to the Fed to achieve these
goals the Fed then and now combine centralized national. Authority through the Board of Governors
remember that on the map with a healthy dose of regional independence. through the Reserve
Banks a third entity the Federal Open Market Committee brings together the expertise of the first
two in setting the nation's monetary policy precisely what imaginary gaggle of school children is this
economic aimed at the simple truth. hidden behind a gibberish hand of economic jargon sleight-of
and Magisterial titles is that a banking cartel has monopolized the most important item in our entire
we are economy money itself taught to think of money as the pieces of papers printed in goverment
printing presses or coins minted by government mints while this is partially true in this day andl age
the actual notes and coins circulating in the economy represent only a tiny fraction of the money in
existence over 90% of the money supply is. in fact created by private banks as loans that are payable
back to the banks at interest although this simple fact is obscured by the Wizards of Wall Street and
gods of money. who want to make the money creation process into some special art of alchemy
carefully overseen by the goverment the truth is not hidden from the public in December 1977 the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York published another of its dumbed-clown cartoon written
information pamphlets for the general public attempting to explain the functions of the Federal
Reserve System - They're in black and white they carefully explain the money creation process
commercial banks create. checkbook money whenever they grant a loan simply by adding new
deposit dollars to accounts on their books in exchange for a borrower's lou banks. create money by
monetizing the private debts of businesses and individuals that is they. create amounts of money
against the value of those lous there.. it is in plain English the vast majority of money in the economy
the checkbook money in our accounts of the bank and that we use in our electronic transfers. and
digital payments is created not by a government printing press but by the bank itself it is created out
of thin air as debt owed back to the bank that created it at interest. this means that bank loans are
not money taken from other bank depositors but new money. simply conjured into existence and
placed into your account and the bank is able to create much more money than it has cash. to back
up those deposits the fed claims to be the entity overseeing and backing up the banking inclustry it
was established according to its own propaganeda to stabilize the system and prevent bank runs
after like the panic of 1907 from happening. again throughout much of the eighteen hundreds
almost any organization that wanted could quit its own money as a result many states banks even
one New York druggist did just that in fact at one time there were over 30.000 different varieties of
currency in circulation magine the confusion. not only. were there multitudes of currencies some
others were backed by bonds issued by regional government it was not unusual for people to lose
faith. the value of their in the entire financial currency system many people trying to withdraw with
their deposits at once sometimes the banks don't enough money on hand to their depositors. pay
then when the funds ran out the banks suspended payment temporarily at some even closed people
lost their entire savings.

Sometimes regional economy suffered obviously something had to be and in 1913 something. was
and that year President Woodrow Wilson. signed into effect the Federal : Reserve Act this Act
created the Federal Reserve System to provide. a safer and more stable monetary and banking
System if it was indeed its aim it signally failed to do so in running up one of the greatest bubbles in
American his bory to that point in the 1920s. just a decade after its creation the popping of that
bubble of course led directly into the Great Depression and one of the greatest periods of mass
poverty in American history economists have long argued that the Fed itself was the cause of the
depression by itself its complete. mismanagement money of the supply as former Federal Reserve
Chairman Ben Bernanke admitted in a speech commemorating Fed critic Milton Friedman's 90th
birthday regarding.

"Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we

did it. We're very Sorry. But thanks to your We
won't do it again". - Ben Bernanke.
Price stability is another sighted tenant of the Federal Reserve's mandate but here too
the Fed has completely fouled to live. up their standards aside from own banking system the
Federal the Reserve has another responsibility that's probably even more important it's in
charge of something called monetary policy basically it means trying to keep prices stable to
avoid inflation say you buy a CD today for $14. but if what next year the price of the CD
jumped to $20 or or $50 not because of a in supply change or but because all' prices were
going up that's inflation there are a lot of different causes of inflation but one of the most
important is too much the fed can adjust the money. money supply by injecting money into
the system electronically or by withdrawing money from the economy think of it the Federal
Reserve has the ability to create money and make it disappeare what's most important is
what happens as a result any time the supply of money. time the supply is allered any of
money is altered the effects of the economy the feels methods have changed over to take
advantage of the latest computers and electronics. but its mission remains the same to aim
for stable prices full employment and a -growing economy.

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