Unit 2 War and Peace - Worksheet 2

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I. Use one of the following words to fill in the sentences below, making all necessary changes: go; horrors;
join; avert; fight; open; rage

1. The presidents said our country is ready to _______to war against our enemies. He said that he has done
everything possible to __________war, but now there was no alternative.

2. A two hour battle____________in the Southern region today, after troops ___________fire on rebel

3. The police will continue to ______________the war against the drug barrons

4. The president said that young personswho_____________the army must expect to fight to defend their
country. They would experience the_________________of war, but they must be brave.

II. Rewrite the sentences, replacing the words in brackets with collocations from above:

1 The war between the 2 countries (started) in 1983 after a dispute over territory in the northern province.
At first there were just (small events) but it soon turned into (a full-scale war). The war ended after (a
battle which finally decided the course of events) in 1987.

2 There was (very violent fighting) in the capital city yesterday. United Nations (forces who will maintain
peace) are expected to enter the city as soon as (the armies say they will stop firing at each other).

3 Forces sent in to (make the peace continue) in the troubled region had to (turn back) after they came
(within the firing distance) of rebel artillery.

4 The country today (officially stated that it was at war) against its neighbor.

5 Armed troops were sent in to (bring order again) after the riots and violence of last week.

6 Even though the two sides (put their names to a document officially stating that the war was at an
end) last July, fighting has started again and hopes for (a peace which might continue for a long time) are

7 As more of our soldiers were killed or (captured and put in prison), (people who were actively
promoting peace) organized demonstrations against the unpopular war.

8 Representatives of the two sides are meeting in Zurich in an attempt to (make peace) in the troubled
region. It is hoped that they will (have negotiations and agree the details for peace) which both
governments can accept.
III. Listen to the fragment entitled THE UNITED NATIONS and fill in the blanks with the correct words:

1) The United Nations was established on 24.10.1945 by 51 nations committed to _______________ peace
2)…leading the international campaigns against terrorism and drug trafficking; _______________________
3)….promoting respect respect for ____________________
4)….providing _________________________
5)…..establishing programmes to ______________________
6) It may not, however, interfere, in the _____________________ of a country
7) It tries to help countries find peaceful ways to _________________________
8) These include diplomacy and sending ___________________ as mediators
9) If there is a fighting the Council tries to secure a ___________________
10) It may also send a peacekeeping force to help prevent the ____________ of a crisis.
11) It can also impose economic sanctions (such as _______________)
12)…development and poverty ______________…..strengthening the _________________________

IV. Understanding written reports.

a) Click on the following link:https://www.cfr.org/global-conflict-tracker/?category=usConflictStatus

b) Each student will be assigned a conflict to report on
c) In your own words, fill in the table below:

CONFLICT NAME: North Korea Crisis

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS (2-5 sentences):North and South Korea make a diplomatic
rapprochement bacause of Winter Olympics. The leaders signed a join statement and the war
officially ended between the two countries. Also President Donald J. Trump and Kim Jong-un met in
Singapore and released a joint statement about denuclearization. The leaders met again in Vietnam
but ended the summit early without making a deal or announcement.
BACKGROUND (2-5 sentences): North Korea is isolated, impoverished, and a proclaimed enemy,
South Korea—an important U.S. ally. U.S. military involvement in the Korean peninsula has its roots
in the Cold War, in which the United States supported forces in the southern part of the peninsula
against communist forces in the north, who were aided militarily by China and the Soviet Union.
CONCERNS (1-2 sentences): North Korea is a nuclear power with a complex relationship with China,
and preventing both an interstate Korean war and a North Korean internal collapse are critical U.S.
national security interests. North Korean weapons can now reach U.S. territories and even the U.S.
USEFUL VOCABULARY (minimum 10 nouns, verbs, collocations):missile test, deployed, attended,
summit, announcing, denuclarization, resolution, estimate, unilateral, sanction, abroad, detained,
purging, escalation, claims. Beáta

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