Week 5: Statistics and Probability

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STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY Step 1: Illustrate the z-score and the area

that is asked.
WEEK 5 The illustration below depicts the area to the right of Z=1.36.
Step 2: Look for the value of the z-score on the z-table. If there are two
z-scores, look for both values on the z-table.
LESSON 2: STANDARD SCORES AND UNDER THE NORMAL CURVE The area under the curve to the left of Z=1.36 is
Most Essential Learning Competencies Step 3: Solve for the area of the region using the val-
ue/s obtained from the z-table.
 Identify regions under the normal curve corresponding to different The area of the entire region under the standard
standard normal values. normal curve is one. Thus, the area of the region to the right of Z=1.36 is
YOU NEED TO KNOW!!! equal to 1−P(Z<1.36).
Since the area of the region is to the right of the z-score, then subtract
Standard Scores or Z-Scores 0.9131 from 1. This gives us: 1 - 0.9131 = 0.0869.
By using the normal distribution, the number of standard deviations of a val-
ue away from the mean can be found. However, by converting the values to ACTIVITY 1: Find the area of the region between Z=-0.56 and Z=2.1
standard scores (z-scores), it will be easier to make conclusions from the under the standard normal curve.
data through the Standard Normal Distribution Table (z-table). Here are im-
portant things you should know when looking at the z-table. SOLUTION:
 If the region is to the left of the z-score, then the z-table value is the area. Step 1: Look for the value of the z-score on the z-table. If there are two z-
scores, look for both values on the z-table
 If the region is to the right of the z-score, then subtract the z-table value
from 1 to get the area.
If the region is between two z-scores, subtract the z-table value of the left- Step 2: Solve for the area of the region using the value/s obtained from the z-
most z-score from the z-table value of the rightmost z-score to get the area. table.
In the standard normal distribution, the mean is equal to zero and the stand- Since the region is between two z-scores, subtract the z-table value of the left-
ard deviation is equal to one. The values under the normal curve indicate the most z-score which is 0.2877 from the z-table value of the rightmost z-score
proportion of area in each region. For instance, the area between the mean which is 0.9821. This gives us:
and 1 standard deviation below or above the mean is approximately 0.34. 0.9821-0.2877=0.6944
Additionally, the distance of a value from the mean in terms of standard de- Thus, P (−0.56<Z<2.1)=0.6944.
viation through its absolute value can be easily determined
Find the area of the region to the
right of Z=1.36 under the stand- Most Essential Learning Competencies
ard normal curve.
 Convert a normal random variable to a standard normal variable and vice

YOU NEED TO KNOW!!!! A normal random variable x in normal distribution has a correspond-
ing z value (z-score) in standard normal distribution. It shows how many
A continuous random variable that is normally distributed is called a normal
standard deviations the normal random variable x is from the mean.
random variable. The graph of a normal distribution is called a normal curve.
The following formula is used to convert any normal variable to its corre-
Normal distribution is the most commonly used distribution. The graph of the
sponding z value on a standard normal distribution.
distribution is shaped like a bell. Since it looks like a bell, the distribution is
symmetric. Thus, the mean, median, and mode are equal and are located at the z=x−μ
center. σ
What are the mean and standard deviation of a standard normal distribution? where
z is the standard normal distribution value,
x is the normal random variable,
μ is the mean of the normal distribution, and
σ is the standard deviation of the normal distribution.

Step 1: Find the known and unknown facts of the problem.
Allan’s exam score = 85
The standard normal distribution has a mean equal to zero and standard devi-
mean of the Math final exam score = 80
ation equal to one as shown in the illustration above.
standard deviation = 5
A standard normal variable is a normally distributed random variable, and is
unknown: z
denoted by z.
Step 2: Substitute the values to the formula and solve for the unknown.
Suppose that Math final exam scores are normally distributed with a
mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 5. If Allan got 85 in the Math final
z = 85 − 80
exam, what is its equivalent z-score?
Converting a Normal Random Variable to a Standard Normal Variable
z = 5/5 =1
If each normal random variable x in a normal distribution is converted to a
standard deviation unit called standard normal variable z, the result will be If Allan got 85 in Math final exam, the equivalent z-score is 1.
the standard normal distribution. The problem can be illustrated using the figure below.

What does it mean if Allan got a z-score of one? LET’S GET STARTED!!!
The z-score shows how many standard deviations from the mean Al- Case 1: Left of any z value or “less than” the probability
lan's score is. In this example, Allan’s score is one standard deviation Vehicles' speeds at McArthur Hi-way have a normal distribution with a mean of
above the mean. 65 mph and a standard deviation of 5 mph. What is the probability that a ran-
domly selected car is going 73 mph or less?
Case 2: Right of any z value or “greater than” the probability
ACTIVITY 1: SOLVE THE UNKNOWN The pulse rates of adult females have a normal curve distribution with a mean
Suppose you have a set of test scores that are normally distributed with mean of 75 beats per minute (bpm) and a standard deviation of 8 bpm. Find the prob-
equal to 80 and standard deviation equal to 5. If Alexa got 75, what is her z- ability that a randomly selected female has a pulse rate greater than 85 bpm.
score? Case 3: Between any two z values or “between” the probability
Solution: The mean for IQ scores is 100 and the standard deviation is 15. What propor-
Step 1: Find the known and unknown facts of the problem. tion of IQ scores falls between 100 and 130?
Alexa’s score = 75 When a random variable x is normally distributed, you can find the probability
mean of test scores = 80 that x will lie in an interval by calculating the area under the normal curve for
standard deviation = 5 the interval.
unknown: z To transform an x value to a z-score, use the formula
Step 2: Substitute the values to the formula and solve for the unkown.
z= value – mean
Standard deviation or z = x−μ
Note: Round the z-score to
the nearest hundredth.


THE STANDARD NORMAL TABLE probability of standard normal
table (also known as z-table)
Most Essential Learning Competencies gives the area (to four decimal
places) under the standard nor-
 compute the probabilities and percentiles using the standard normal mal curve for any z value from -
table. 3.49 to 3.49.
For example, given a z-score
Before you proceed with this lesson, you should be able to recall the normal 1.55, the area of this z-score
curve and its properties. can be found by looking up 1.5
A normal curve distribution is represented by a normal curve. The area under in the first column and 0.05 in
a normal curve indicates probability. Thus, as the area becomes larger, the the top row. Where the two
probability also becomes greater. The graph of a normal distribution is a bell- lines meet gives the area of the
shaped curve that extends indefinitely in both directions. z-score 1.55 which is 0.9394.
The standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with a mean μ of
zero and standard deviation σ of one and has a total area under its normal
curve of one.
HOW TO DO !!! Step 2: Compute for the z-score for observation x.
Case 1: Left of any z value or “less than” the probability z= 85 −758
z = x−μ
Step 1: Draw the normal distribution curve and shade the area. z= 1.25
Step 3: Find the corresponding area of the z-score.
Given that z=1.25, use the z-table to determine the cumulative probability.
The cumulative probability for z=1.25 is 0.8944 which is the proportion below
a pulse rate of 85 bpm.
Step 2: Compute for the z-score for observation x.

z = x−μ z = 73 − 65/5
σ z = 1.60
To find the proportion above
Step 3: Find the corresponding area of the z-score. a pulse rate of 85, subtract
Using the z-table, we could determine the proportion of the curve under 73 the area from 1.
mph. Because z=1.60 look in the 1.6 row and the 0.00 column (1.6 plus 0.00 1.000 - 0.8944=0.1056
equals 1.60).
The probability that a ran-
The cumulative probability for domly selected female will
z=1.60 is 0.9452. have a pulse rate above 85
bpm is 0.1056 or 10.56%.

Therefore, there is a 94.52%

chance of randomly selecting a
vehicle that is going 73 mph or
less. Case 3: Between any two z values or “between” the probability
Step 1: Draw the normal distribution curve and
shade the area.
Step 2: Compute for the z-score for observation x.
For an IQ of 100,
Case 2: Right of any z value or “greater than” the probability z=0
Step 1: Draw the normal distribution curve and shade the area For an IQ of 130,
z=130−100/15 z= 2
Step 3: Find the corresponding area of the z-score.
This problem is asking for the proportion of observations that fall between a z-
score of 0 and a z-score of 2. Using the z table,
P (z ≤ 0) = 0.5000 and P (z ≤ 2) = 0.9772
P (0 ≤ z ≤ 2) = P (z ≤ 2) – P (z ≤ 0) = 0.9772−0.5000 = 0.4772
The proportion of IQ scores between 100 and 130 is 0.4772 or 47.72%
A mobile company survey indicates that their employees keep their mobile HOW TO DO !!!
phone an average of 1.5 years before replacing it with a new one. The standard Note: The sample problem is of a finite population.
deviation is 0.25 year. The mobile phone users are randomly selected. Find the Step 1: List the required samples.
probability that the user will keep his/her mobile phone for less than a year
before replacing it with a new one.
Step 1: Draw the normal distribution curve and shade the area.

Step 2: Compute for the z-score for observation x. Step 2: Compute for the sample means.
Here, simply find the mean of the two numbers in each sample.
z = x−μ z=
σ. z=

Step 3: Construct the sampling distribution of the sample mean.
LESSON 1: SAMPLING DISTRIUTION There are several ways of presenting the sampling distribution: (a) tabular
method (b) graphical method.
Most Essential Learning Competencies a. Tabular form
 illustrate random sampling
 distinguish between parameter and statistic
 identify sampling distributions of statistics (sample mean)

Consider the set of single-digit odd numbers {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}. List all possible sam- b. Graphical form
ples of size 2 and create a sample distribution of its sample means.
Say you are interested in studying a particular population. You need to look
into certain parameters such as the populations mean (μ) or standard devia-
tion (σ) to describe it. A parameter is a numerical value that summarizes the
data of an entire population. However, in reality, complete information about
the population is not thoroughly accessible and may probably be unable to get
the exact value.
Sampling Distribution
To address this concern, sample of the population, typically using random sam-
pling, and obtain a statistic is taken. A statistic is a numerical value that sum-
marizes the sample data. From the sample data collected, statistics such as
sample means (x¯) or sample standard deviations (s) to make predictions or
approximates about the parameters of the population can be computed.
A five-sided die has been modified to appear one side with one dot, two sides
with two dots, and two sides with three dots. Construct a sampling distribution Most Essential Learning Competencies
of the 20 sample means of size 3.
 Finds the mean and variance of a sampling distribution of the sample mean
This is an example of a finite but quite a big population. You may choose which
The table below shows the population data of the weight of ten hogs.
20 samples you would like, but for illustration purposes, this particular set is
Step 1: List the required samples.

Step 2: Compute for the sample

Here, simply find the mean of the
three numbers in each sample. Take ten random samples of size four that can be drawn from this population.
What is the mean and variance of this sampling distribution?
Mean and Variance of the Sampling Distribution of Sample Means
If all possible random samples of size n are taken from a population with
mean μ and standard deviation σ, then the sampling distribution of sample
means has the following characteristics:
a. The mean of the sampling distribution μx¯ is equal to the mean of the μ.

Step 3: Construct the sampling distribution of the sample mean.

b. The variance of the sample mean σ2x¯ is equal to the variance of the popula-
a. Tabular form
tion σ2 divided by the sample size n.
x 1.67 2.00 2.33 2.67 σ2_\overline x=\displaystyle\frac\{\sigma^2}{n}
_\overline x=\displaystyle\frac\{\sigma^2}{n}
F (frequency) The variance of the population can be computed using the formula:
b. Graphical form


N is the total number of the population

IN YOUR OWN !!! xi is the observations in the population
Given that you can compute for the sample mean of repeated samples, will you The square root of the variance is the standard deviation. The standard devia-
be able to approximate the value of the population mean? tion of the sample mean is the standard error of the mean.

Step 1: Calculate the population mean, the sample means and the mean of the Using the sample problem, take seven random samples of size 5. Find the mean
sampling distribution. and variance of the sampling distribution.
a.Population Mean Solution:
μ=49+57+56+54+55+61+63+65+45+58/10 Step 1: Calculate the population mean, the sample means and the mean of the
μ=56.3 kg sampling distribution.
b. Sample Means and Mean of the Sample Mean a. Sample Means and Mean of the Sample Means

b. Mean of the sampling distribution

c. Mean of the sampling distribution Notice that the mean of this sampling distribution is close or near to the popula-
tion mean. This is an example that the sample mean varies per sampling distri-
μ= 50.75+53.5+55.5+56.5+58+59.75+61.75+58.5+55.5+53.25 bution.
10 Step 2: Calculate the variance of the population.
μ= 56.3 kg

Notice that the population mean is equal to the sample mean of the sampling
Step 2: Calculate the variance of the population.

What would happen to the mean if the population is normally distributed?

1). A group of 1000 students took an achievement test. The scores have a nor-
mal distribution and the population mean and variance of the scores are 85
Most Essential Learning Competencies and 9, respectively. Define the sampling distribution of the sample mean of the
scores with a sample size of 36.
 Define the sampling distribution of the sample mean for normal popula- (Note: The standard deviation is the square
tion when the variance is known. root of the variance.)
In this example, the population mean μ is equal to
The sampling distribution of a statistic is defined to be the distribution of a 85. Thus, μM is also equal to 85. For the standard
statistic when taken from a random sample of size n from the population. In error of the mean, it can be seen
other words, if all the possible samples of size n from the population are taken that n=36 and σ=3. Solve for σM.
and a particular statistic from each sample is computed, then the sampling
distribution of that statistic is found. Therefore, the sampling distribution of the sample mean of the scores with a
For normal populations where the population mean and variance are known, sample size of 36 has a mean of 85 and standard deviation of 0.5.
the sampling distribution of the sample mean can be defined with the help of
YOU NEED TO KNOW!!! 1.The mean height of men aged 20 to 30 in a city is normally distributed with a
How does the sampling distribution of the sample mean of a normal population mean of 67 inches and a variance of 16. Define the sampling distribution of the
when the variance is known can be defined? sample mean with a sample size of 400.
To define the sampling distribution, the two most important things to know are In this example, the populations mean μ is equal to 67. Thus, μM is also equal to
the mean and standard deviation. 67. For the standard error of the mean, it can be noticed
In a normal population, the mean μM of the sampling distribution of the sample that n=400 and σ=4. Solve for σM.
mean is always equal to the population mean μ.

In computing for the standard deviation σM of the sampling distribu-

tion σ and the sample size n are needed.
2. The mean height of men aged 20 to 30 in a city is normally distributed with
a mean of 67 inches and a variance of 16. Define the sampling distribution of
the sample mean with a sample size of 400.
In this example, the populations mean μ is equal to 67. Thus, μM is also equal to
The standard deviation of the sampling distribution is commonly called as For the standard error of the mean, it can be noticed that n=400 and σ=4. Solve
the standard error. The standard error is used to measure the accuracy of for σM.
which the sample represents the population.
However, the mean and standard deviation of sampling distributions are only
considered to be true if the sample size is large enough. A sample size above 30
is generally accepted in practice.

VARIANCE IS UNKNOWN The heights of a sample of 100 children aged 6 to 8 in a rural area are meas-
ured. Their average height is 50 inches with a standard deviation of 14 inches.
Estimate the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the
Most Essential Learning Competencies
sample mean.
 Define the sampling distribution of the sample mean for normal population In this example, no parameters were given so an assumption about the sam-
when the variance is unknown. pling distribution of the sample mean can be made using the data of the single
sample of 100 children.
The sampling distribution of a statistic is defined to be the distribution of a sta- Thus, the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean is also 50
tistic when taken from a random sample of size n from the population. In other inches.
words, if you take all the possible samples of size n from the population and
compute for a particular statistic from each sample, then you get the sampling It is given that s=14 and n=100. Compute for the standard error of the mean
distribution of that statistic. using the formula.
For normal populations where the population mean and variance are known,
the sampling distribution of the sample mean can be defined with the help of
these population mean and variance. However, in most real-life applications,
the parameters are usually unknown.
How can the sampling distribution of the sample mean of a normal popula-
tion be defined when the variance is unknown? ACTIVITY 1: FIND THE UKNOWN
To grasp the idea of knowing the mean of the sampling distribution of the 1. The average weight of women aged 40 to 50 who are working in a business
sample mean when the population mean and variance are unknown, consider a district is computed using a sample size of 60. Their average weight is 62 kg
small population and solve for the sample mean for every possible sample with a standard deviation of 15 kg. Estimate the mean and standard deviation
without replacement. of the sampling distribution of the sample mean
To solve for the population mean, use the formula Solution:
No parameters were given so an assumption about the sampling distribution
Where of the sample mean can be made using the data of the single sample of 60
μ is the population mean, Thus, the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean is also 62 kg.
∑x is the total of data values and N is the number of data values in the popula- It is given that s=15 and n=60. Compute for the standard error of the mean us-
tion. ing the formula.
Five students took an exam on Statistics and Probability and got the following
scores: 5, 10, 17, 19, and 22. Find the mean of the sampling distribution of the
sample mean with a sample size of 3.
Solve the population mean.

μ = 5+10+17+19+22

μ = 14.6

WEEK 7 Example 1:
To illustrate the Central Limit Theorem, take the population that contains five
numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and consider the samples of size two.
The histogram below shows the distribution (N=1) of the population.
Most Essential Learning Competencies

 Illustrates the central limit

 Defines the sampling distribution of the sample mean using the central lim-
it theorem
 Solve problems involving sampling distribution of the sample mean


In this lesson, you need to remember the properties of a sampling distribution The following are the population parameters:
and how to get the mean and variance of the sampling distribution of sampling
means. a. Mean
To get the standard deviation of the population, use the following formula: μ=1+2+3+4+5 μ= 3
b. Standard Deviation

Sampling distribu-
tion of sample
means of sample
The Central Limit Theorem states that the sampling distribution of the mean size n=2
approximates a normal distribution with a mean of μ and a standard deviation
of σ/√n if the sample size N of the random samples is large enough.
This means to say that as we take more samples with large sample sizes, the
sampling distribution obtained will closely resemble to that of a normal distri-
bution. But how large should the sample size be? The histogram below shows the distribution (n=2) of the sampling distribution
Statisticians differ in opinion as to which sample size to take. Some would sug- of the sample means.
gest taking a sample size of at least 30 to get a close approximation of a normal
distribution. Others would suggest a sample size as large as 50 or even more.
This happens when the parent population sampled does not appear to be nor-
mal. When a population is already normally distributed, the sampling distribu-
tion of the mean is normal as well. In cases that the parent population does
show normality, the central limit theorem guarantees that the distribution of
sampling means approaches normality given that large sample sizes are taken.

ACTIVITY 1: SOLVE In this lesson, you will learn a new distribution for inference called t-
Test the normality of a sampling distribution of sample means for 30 random distribution. It is a probability distribution that is used in estimating the popu-
samples with sample size n=3 from the population that contains five numbers lation parameter when the sample size is small or less than 30, and the popula-
1, 2, 4, 3, and 5. tion variance is unknown.
Solution: LET’S GET STARTED!!!
The population parameters are μ=3 and σ=1.414.
The sampling distribution statistics (n=3) are the following: What is the area of the tail region of the t-distribution with 10 degrees of
freedom that falls above the t-value 1.812?
a. mean b. Standard Deviation
T– DISTRIBUTION is a probability distribution that is used to estimate the
population mean or population proportion for small sample size n<30 and
when the population variance is not known.
The histogram below shows the distribution (n=3) of the sampling distribution The following formula is used to convert any normal variable to its corre-
of the sample means. The histogram also suggests normality. sponding t-value on a t- distribution.

The t-distribution is determined by its degree of freedom. The degree of free-

dom depends on the number of parameters to be estimated. It is often denoted
by df, which is equal to one less than the sample size. The degrees of freedom
What do you think? ANSWER THIS…… describe the shape of the distribution. As the degrees of freedom increases, the
How does the sample size of random samples affect the variability of the distri- T-distribution resembles a normal distribution.
bution? Graph of a T-Distribution

The t-distribution is similar to the standard normal distribution. It is symmet-

ric with the mean, centered at zero, and the total area under the curve is one.
CHAPTER 4 The difference is a larger dispersion around zero because there is an increase
in variability by replacing population standard deviation σ by sample standard

Most Essential Learning Competencies

 illustrate the t-distribution

The smaller the degree of freedom, the shorter and wider it will be. The larger The left side is the degrees of freedom while the top column corresponds to
the degree of freedom, the more it will exactly look like the standard normal the right tail probabilities. The entries in the table are the t-values. The t-table
distribution. When the degree of freedom is about 20, the t-distribution is very does not have any negative values because t-distribution is symmetric. The
close to a normal distribution. area below of a negative t-score is equal to the area above a positive t-score.
T- Distribution Table How to Do
Step 1: List the known facts of the problem.
degree of freedom = 10

Step 2: Draw a bell-shaped curve. Locate the given t-value on the t-distribution
curve and shade the appropriate region.

Just like a normal distribution, shade the area of the region to the right of

Step 3: Find the area using the degrees of freedom and t-value
The degree of freedom is 10. Look for the column containing 1.812. It is the
second column. Since this is one tail, examine the top line of the table that
shows right tail probability which is t0.050 and that is 0.05 or 5%.

The area above the t-value 1.812 is 0.05. Therefore, 5% of the distribution falls
to the right of the t-value 1.812

What is the area of the tail region of the t-distribution with 12 degrees of free- TABLE
dom that falls below the t-value -2.179? Most Essential Learning Competencies
Step 1: List the known facts of the problem.  identifies percentiles using the t-table

In the previous lesson, you learned how to construct and identify regions un-
der t-distribution with its corresponding t-values.
Step 2: Draw a bell-shaped curve and locate the given t-value on the t-
distribution curve and shade the appropriate region. Remember that a t-distribution is similar to the standard distribution. The
curve is symmetric about the mean and the total area under the t-curve is
equal to 1 or 100%. It is also bell-shaped like the z-distribution, but the values
in t-distribution are more spread out around the middle which makes the
curve shorter and flatter around the center. The t-distribution is used when
Step 3: Find the area using the degrees of freedom and t-value. the sample size is less than 30 and the population variance is unknown.
The degree of freedom is 12. Look for the column containing 2.179. The area to
the right of 2.179 is the same as the area to the left of -2.179 because t- YOU NEED TO KNOW!!!
distribution is symmetric. 2.179 is on the third column. Examine the top line of
the table that shows right tail probability which is t0.025 and that is 0.025 or What is the 10th percentile of a t-distribution when the sample size is 7?
2.5%. Identifying Percentiles Using T-Distribution
Consider the graphs below. The 10th percentile is located somewhere in the
lower-end tail on the left side of zero. The 10th percentile is the value where
10% of the values lie below it, and 90% lie above it. It also mean that 0.10 is
the area to the left of the 10th percentile t-value, while 90th percentile is locat-
ed somewhere in the upper-end tail on the right side of zero. The 90th percen-
tile is the value where 90% of the values lie below it, and 10% of the values lie
above it. This mean 0.10 is the area to the right of the 90th percentile t-value.

The area below the t-value -2.179 is 0.025. Therefore, 2.5% of the distribution
falls to the left of -2.179. NEGATIVE VALUE POSITIVE VALUE

RIGHT TAIL PROBABILITIES When is a t-score positive and when is it negative?
T- Distribution Table
 Percentiles higher than 50 (50th percentile is the center, which is the loca-
tion of the mean) are located to the right of the mean and has a positive t-
 A percentile lower than 50 are located to the left of the mean and have a
negative t-value.
Since the 10th percentile is lower than 50 and is located to the left of the mean,
then it has a negative t-value. On the other hand, the 90th percentile is higher
than 50 and is located to the right of the mean, which means that it has a posi-
tive t-value.
Step 1: List the known facts of the problem .

10th percentile
Step 2: Find the degrees of freedom by subtracting 1 from the sample size n.
df = n-1
df = 7-1
df= 6
Step 3: Find the area associated with the percentile by dividing it by 100.
10th percentile is 10/100 which is equal to 0.10.

Step 4: Identify if the area or probability is higher or lower than 0.50. If the
percentile is higher than 0.50, subtract it from 1.
Since 0.10 is lower than 0.50, there is no need to subtract it from 1. Thus, the
area to use is 0.10.

Step 5: Find the t-value by

finding the intersection of the
right tail area column and the
row for the degrees of freedom.
The desired t-value is in the
body of the table. Look for the
Since the t-distribution table only shows the right tail area, if the percentile lies corresponding area or proba-
to the right of the mean or above the 50th percentile, the area to the right of bilities column head-
the given percentile can be found by subtracting the percentile from 100% or ing t0.10 and locate it with the
1. degrees of freedom 6.
The area to the left of the 10th percentile t-value is equal to the area to the The t-value is 1.440.
right of the 90th percentile t-value. This means that the 10th percentile and the
90th percentile have the same t-value on the t-distribution table.

Step 6: Identify if the t-score is positive or negative. Thus, the t-value is 1.383.
Since the 10th percentile is lower than 50 and it lies below the mean, the t- Step 6: Identify if the t-score is positive or negative.
score must be negative. Thus, the 10th percentile with sample size 7 is –1.440. Since the 90th percentile is higher than 50 and it lies to the right of the mean,
The 10th percentile has a t-score of –1.440 which signifies that 10% of the val- the t-score must be positive. Therefore, the 90th percentile with sample size 9
ues lie below it, and 90% of the values lie above it. is 1.383. The 90th percentile has a t-score of 1.383 which means 90% of the
ACTIVITY 1: IT’S YOUR TURN values lie below it, and 10% of the values lie above it.
What is the 90th percentile of a t-distribution when the sample size is 10? What do you think?
What is the 50th percentile of a t-distribution when the sample size is 12?
Step 1: List the known facts of the problem.

ACTIVITY 2: WORD PUZZLE: Circle the word or group of words that look fa-
Step 2: Find the degrees of freedom by subtracting 1 from the sample size n.
miliar to you. The words can be read forward, backward upward, downward
or diagonally.
Step 3: Find the area associated with the percentile by dividing it by 100.
90th percentile is 90/100 which is equal to 0.90. Normal Distribution Population Central Limit Theorem
Standard Deviation Mean Table
Step 4: Identify if the area or probability is higher or lower than 0.50. If the
Variance Sample Size Bar Graph
percentile is higher than 0.50, subtract it from 1.
0.90 is higher than 0.50. Thus, it must be subtracted from 1.
1-0.90=0.10 D E V I A T I O N C
Therefore, 0.10 is the area to the right of the 90th percentile.
Step 5: Find the t-value by intersecting the right tail area column with the row G C Z T D E F C A E
for the degrees of freedom.
The desired t-value is in the body of the table. Look for the corresponding area
or probabilities column heading t0.10 and locate it with the degrees of freedom




WEEK 8  There are three factors that affect the Length of confidence interval. These
LESSON 3: LENGTH OF A CONFIDENCE INTERVAL are Standard deviation of confidence, and sample size.
 The Standard deviation tells the amount of variation or dispersion on a
data set. The more variability or, the larger the dispersion on data set is the
Most Essential Learning Competencies more difficult to estimate the parameter. As the standard deviation in-
 Identifies the length of confidence interval and: creases, the length of the confidence interval also increases given all the
 compute for the length of confidence interval. other values remain the same.
 A higher level of confidence gives a larger margin of error because the crit-
ical value Z a/z or T a/z multiplier increases given the other values remain
From the previous lesson, you learned that as the level of confidence increases,
the same.
the length of the confidence interval also increases. However, as the length of
the confidence interval increases, the accuracy of the interval estimate de-  If the sample is large, the margin of error is small which makes the length
creases. of interval decrease and more accurate .
In this lesson, you will learn what factors affect the confidence interval and
how the length of the confidence interval is computed. HOW TO DO !!!
Step 1: List the known
facts of
the problem
Suppose you want to estimate the average weights of adult males in a
province. You draw a random sample of 1000 men from the population
and found out that the average weight of the sample is 170 pounds with a
standard deviation of 40 pounds. Using 95% confidence level, what is the
length of the confidence interval?

Length of Confidence Interval

 The confidence interval estimate, point estimator ± margin of error, can be
expressed in terms of the length of the confidence interval or in terms of Step 3: Substitute the margin of error to the formula L= 2E to find the confi-
margin of error E. dence interval.
L= 2E
L= 4.96

The length of the confidence interval is 4.96.

The length of the confidence interval can also be computed by subtracting the
 The Length of the right endpoint of the interval and the left endpoint of the interval. If you solve
confidence interval L is equal to twice the margin of error E. In symbol, this problem using the formula of confidence interval estimate, you will obtain
L=2E where a confidence interval estimate of 167.52<μ<172.48. To get the length of the
confidence interval, subtract 172.48 by 167.52 resulting to 4.96 which is the
same as the answer above.

In a random sample of 40 students in a university, the mean waiting time to log  Even without changing the level of confidence, the accuracy of the estimate
in to their student portal school website is 8 seconds, and the standard devia- of the population mean or population proportion can be improved through
tion is 3 seconds. Assume the waiting times are normally distributed; find the increasing the sample size.
length confidence interval using 90% confidence level.  Large samples take more time and money. On the other hand, small samples
Solution: may give inaccurate results.
Step 1: Find the known facts of the problem.  The relationship between the margin of error and the sample size is inverse-
ly proportional. As the sample size increases, the margin of error decreases. As
the margin of error decreases, more accurate results can be guaranteed.

If the population standard deviation is unknown, use the sample standard de-
viation s instead of σ.
Step 2: Substitute the known facts to the formula to find the margin error.


Step 3: Substitute the margin of error to the formula L=2E to find the length of
the confidence interval.


Most Essential Learning Competencies

 compute for an appropriate sample size using the length of the interval and
 solve problems involving sample size determination

YOU NEED TO KNOW!!! Step 2: Find the margin of error.

A researcher wants to estimate the mean age of flight attendants in an L=2E
Step 1: List the known facts of the prob-
airline company. The population standard deviation from the previous lem.
study is 6.30 years. How many flight attendants must be selected if he L=3.2
wants to be 95% confident that the entire length of the interval must be
95% confidence interval
3.2 years?

Step 3: Substitute the values to the formula for finding the sample size.
The equivalent z-score for 95% confidence interval is 1.96.

n= 59.56 or 60


1. A guidance counselor wants to estimate the average age of all students en-
rolled in a barangay to public elementary schools. Determine the required sam-
ple size to construct a 99% confidence interval, assuming that the population
standard deviation is 5.9 years based on past studies, and the length of interval
must be 3.6.
Step 1: List the known facts of the problem.

Step 2: Find the margin of error given the length of confidence interval.

Step 3: Substitute the values to the formula for finding the sample size.
The equivalent z-score for 95% confidence interval is 2.575.

FIRST QUARTER EXAMINATION _________8. You decided to conduct a survey of families with two children. You are
IN interested in counting the number of boys (out of 2 children) in each family. Is this a
STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY random variable? If it is, what are the possible values?
A. Yes, it is a random variable and its value can be 1 or 2.
B. Yes, it is a random variable and its value can be 0, 1 or 2.
Name: ___________________________________________Grade/Section:_____________________ C. Yes, it is a random variable and its value can be 2 or 4.
D. No, it is not a random variable since it is not random.
TEST 1: Multiple Choice: choose the letter of the correct answer.
__________9.In a local community, a couples were asked the questions “Are you satisfied
_______1. Discrete variable is from qualities that can be
with the work of the current president?” If the husband and the wife both said “yes”,
A. Measured C. Both A and B
the response is written as YY. If the husband said yes and the wife said “no”, the re-
B. Counted D. none of these
sponse is YN. Let X = the number of “yes” responses. , what are the
_______2. Continuous variable is from qualities that can be
possible values of the random variables?
A. Measured C. Both A and B
A. 0, 1, 2 B. 1, 2, 3 C. 2, 3, 4 D. 1, 1, 2
B. Counted D. none of these _________10. A quantity resulting from an experiment by chance, can assume a different
_______3. Which of the following is NOT a continuous variable? values is called
A. A person’s height each year A. Random Experiment C. Random Variable
B. A person’s weight on each birthday B. Random Sample D. Random process
C. Number of Cars finished in a factory each day _________11. The appropriate formula in finding the mean of discrete random variable is
D. The volume of water in a swimming pool
_______4. Which of these is NOT a discrete variable? A. C.
A. The number of students absent in a class
B. D.
B. The number of death per year attributed to lung cancer
C. The average amount of electricity consumed per household per month _________12. What formula is used to find the variance of discrete random variable?
D. The number of people who drive through a red light each hour during rush hour
_______5. The following are scores of students: 9, 7, 8, 9, 7, 5, 8, 10, 7, 8, and 10.
A. ; for all possible values of x
What is the value of the population mean?
A. 7 B. 8 C. 8.3 D. 8.5
B. ; for all possible values of x
_______6. If two coins are tossed, which is NOT a possible value of the
random variable for the number of heads? C. ; for all possible values of x
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
_______7. Which of the following is NOT a true statement? D. ; for all possible values of x
A. The value of a random variable could be zero. __________13. Which statement is true about the standard deviation of a discrete random
B. Random variables can only have one value.
A. It deals about the average or center of location of the probability distribution.
C. The probability of all the value of a random variable could be zero. B. It is obtained by multiplying the x values and its corresponding probability.
D. The sum of all the probabilities in a probability distribution is always equal C. It is the square root of the variance of discrete random variable.
to one. D. It is the summation of the product of the square of the difference of x and its
_________14.One thousand tickets are sold for ₱10.00 each. One ticket will win
_________24. If P(X)= , what are the possible values of X for it to be probability
₱2,000.00, two tickets will win ₱1,000.00 each and four tickets will win
₱500.00 each. What is the probability of winning any amount in the purchase
A.0,2,3 B.1,2,3 C. 2,3,4 D.1,1,2
of one ticket?

__________25.If P(X)= , what are the possible values of X for it to be a proba-

A. B. C. D. bility distribution?
________15. A roulette wheel in a fiesta carnival has the numbers 1 through 50. A.0,2,3,4 B.0,1,2,3 C. 1,3,4 D.1,2,3
If you bet ₱5.00, you will have a chance to win a kitchen utensil worth ₱200.00.
How much the organizer will earn if 100 games will be played? TEST II: TRUE or FALSE: Write True if the statement is correct and False if
A. ₱2,000.00 B. ₱3,000.00 C. ₱4,000.00 D. ₱5,000.00 wrong.

_________1. The number of avocado produced by an avocado tree each year is a

For 16-20 :A population consists of the five (5) measurements 2, 3, 6, 5, and 7.
continuous variable.
_________16. What is the mean? _________2. The following are scores of students: 9, 7, 8, 9, 7, 5, 8, 10, 7, 8, and
A. 3.44 B. 4. 60 C. 5.20 D. 4.92 10. the value of the population variance is 4.
_________3. Continuous random variable is a set of all possible values that are
_________17. What is the variance of the population? not countable or infinite.
A. 3.44 B. 4.60 C. 5.20 D. 4.92 ________4. Random Variable is also called a Stochastic Variable.
________5. Normal Random Variable is a discrete variable that follows normal
_________18. How many different samples of size n=2 can be drawn from the pop- distribution.
ulation? ________6. Population refers to the totality of observation or elements.
A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10
________7. Normal probability distribution is used to determine the probabilities
_________19. What is the mean mx of the sampling distribution of the means? of a discrete random variable.
A. 3.44 B. 5.20 C. 4.60 D. 4.92 ________8. The mean, median and mode have the same value.
________9. The distance of the number in the horizontal line or the x-axis should
_______20. What is the variance of the sampling distribution? always proportion.
A. 3.90 B. 0.89 C. 2.20 D. 1.29 ________10.The total area of the normal curve is 1.

________21. The total area under the standard normal curve is _________.
A. -1 B. 0 C. 0.5 D. 1
_______22. What is the shape of a Normal Probability Distributions?
1. On a nationwide placement test that is normally distributed, the mean was
A. bar B. bell C. circle D. line 125 and standard deviation was 15. If you scored 149, what was your z-score?
_______23. Which part of a normal curve is extended indefinitely both directions
along the horizontal axis, approaching but never touching it? 2. The 20 students in Statistic and Probability got a score of 10, 5, and 8 in
A. center B. tail C. top D. spread question number 20, 18, and 15. What is the mean and the variance?
Given : X= 10, 5, 8

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