American Imperialism Foreign Policy

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American Imperialism - Foreign Policy Description

Open Door Policy It called for protection of equal

privileges for all countries trading
with China and for the support of
Where does this apply? Benefits to the US: Chinese territorial and
- Great Britain, administrative integrity.
Germany, France, - the Open Door Policy allowed the
Italy, Japan, and United States to expand its
Russia markets for industrialized goods

How did President use

By protecting the
rights of all countries Conflicts caused:
to trade equally with - Japan challenged and openly violated
China and confirming the policy multiple times, which led
multi-national to conflict with China and the US
acknowledgment of
administrative and
territorial sovereignty
American Imperialism - Foreign Policy Description
An artificial canal was created to
Panama Canal connect the Pacific and Atlantic ocean.
This canal was meant to help countries
by reducing their travel around the
Where does this apply? Benefits to the US:
This applies to those who This was a cheaper and easier way at
live and Panama and those this time to transport goods through a
who wish to not travel ship. This canal reduced the time it
around South America took for cargo ships to go to the west
coast, which helped promote more
How did President use economic activity.
The president used the
Panama Canal to help
transport goods from Conflicts caused:
the east coast to the The united states helped Panama with
west coast their independence, this allowed for a Please place image here that relates to
treaty that allowed the U.S. create this your Foreign Policy.
American Imperialism - Foreign Policy Description
An agreement between the United
Hay-Banua-Varilla Treaty States and Panama granting
exclusive canal rights to the United
States across the Isthmus of
Where does this apply? Benefits to the US: Panama in exchange for financial
Panama & The United Gained access to a strip of land which reimbursement and guarantees of
States. would be used to build a canal the protection to the newly established
United States had been attempting to republic
How did President use
The president used the
Conflicts caused:
canal to regulate trade
The Canal Zone became a racially
and transportation
and socially segregated area, ever
throughout it and since its creation upon the treaty over
Panama. Please place image here that relates to
your Foreign Policy.
American Imperialism - Foreign Policy Description
The United States was willing to
Roosevelt Corollary interfere with the Latin American
countries if they must maintain order in
the regions
Where does this apply? Benefits to the US:
This applies to the Latin This provided more security to the
American countries. United States economy due to the lack
of involvement of the European
countries in this area.
How did President use
The president used this
as a way to control the Conflicts caused:
Latin American This caused conflict with these Latin
countries to keep out American countries and the European
European countries and countries that wanted to be involved in Please place image here that relates to
assure there was no these regions your Foreign Policy.
American Imperialism - Foreign Policy

Big Stick Diplomacy The idea is negotiating peacefully but

also having strength in case things go
Where does this apply? Benefits to the US: wrong. But also having the threats of
Latin America and the this 'big stick or even the military,
Caribbean Nonetheless, as negotiations with Japan implying their pursuit of political
illustrated, the maintenance of an power.
empire was fraught with complexity.

Conflicts caused:
How did President use this?
Negotiating--> speaking Changing alliances, shifting economic
needs, and power politics all meant that
the United States would need to tread
'big stick'--> the military
carefully to maintain its status as a
world power.
American Imperialism - Foreign Policy Description

Gentlemen’s Agreement Japan agreed not to issue passports

to emigrants to the United States,
except to certain categories of
Where does this apply? Benefits to the US: business and professional men.
The United States and Japan It dramatically decreased the number
of Chinese immigrants.

How did President use this?

To appease Californians and
avoid an open breach with
the rising world power of
Japan, President Theodore
Roosevelt brokered this Conflicts caused:
diplomatic agreement It significantly restrict immigration to
whereby the Japanese the United States
government assumed
responsibility for sharply
restricting Japanese
American Imperialism - Foreign Policy Description

Root-Takahira Agreement-Chris Accord between the United States

and Japan that averted a drift toward
possible war by mutually
Where does this apply? Benefits to the US:
acknowledging certain international
The United States and
policies and spheres of influence in
The Root-Takahira agreement reduced
Japan as well as Pasific the Pacific.
conflict between Japan and the United
islands. States as well as imporving the US's
relations with England
How did President use

Theadore Rosavelt used

this to reduce the
Conflicts caused:
conflict between Japan
The agreement was made specificly to
and The United States
reduce conflicts and diplomatic tensions
and to improve his
between America and Japan diminished
approval by the
with relations returning to their former
American people

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