Fatima Al Fihri

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Built in 859, 200 years prior to Oxford University in the United Kingdom and 400 years before

the Sorbonne university in France, Al Quaraouiyine is considered the oldest university in the
world still in operation. Medina of Fez. (n.d.). UNESCO. https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/170/
However, what adds demeanor to this reputable institution is not simply its age but the fact that it
was established by a woman, Fatima al Fihri, hundreds of years ago in a time known for masking
females’ achievements. Mortimer, R. (2018, March 8). Fatima al-Fihri: Founder of the world’s
first university. Manchester University Press.

As a devoted Muslim, Fatima believed that she must help communicate her religion’s most
precious values which are knowledge and worship. Therefore, following her father’s death, who
was a wealthy merchant living in Fez, she worked towards fulfilling her dreams of creating a
place where her believes can be shared through her newly inherited fortune.

The young woman devoted herself to the construction of the Al Quaraouiyine mosque starting in
859, which is now one of the most important mosques in Morocco with a capacity of more than
22,000 worshippers/students. Rumor has it that among the many scholars who studied there ,we
could mention Pope Sylvester II ( who is given the merit of introducing the nowadays-used
Arabic numerals in Europe)

It is also important to mention that Fatima had made an oath of fasting during the whole process
of building the AQ university which took 2 or 3 years (exact period not agreed upon by
historians) but has also participated in the architectural designing although she had no educational
background in such area of expertise!

Until this day the university of AQ offers teachings in a multitude of branches (theology,
jurisprudence, philosophy, mathematics, astrology-astronomy, language sciences, logic...).
Through this variety and these specializations, it has been the one that influenced the model of
the present-day universities.

As a modern-day young Muslim woman, I have humongous and profound respect for Fatima al-
Fihri who despite her gender in the mirth of the 9th century decided that her fortune should only
be spent on education and spiritual illumination.

Fatima is a symbolic figure when it comes to the fight for gender equality throughout history. An
individual whom we do not hear about quite often but should remembered for her achievements
and influence over modern day education. A person that waved a path for women to access
higher education all thanks to an award bearing her name created in 2017 by the MED21
Program, a network of Mediterranean Awards, to recognize initiatives for women's access to
training and professional responsibilities as well as an academic program and a scholarship
"Erasmus Mundus Fatima al-Farhi", aimed at university students from Europe and North Africa.

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