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Remdamiesi pasakojimu bei giminės medžiu, įrašykite praleistus žodžius bei
atsakykite į klausimus.

1. Sigismund the Old had two ___________ Barbara and Bona Sforza.
2. Sigismund the Old had a ___________ named Bielikas.
3. Sigismund Augustus was ___________ of Sigismund the Old.
4. Bona Sforza had four ___________, while Barbara just one.
5. Sigismund the Old came from big family, how many siblings he had?
6. Vytautas had few cousins. What were their names?
7. Sigismund Augustus had a powerful ___________, her name was Bona
8. Sigismund Augustus had four sisters and one ___________ .
9. Who is grandmother of Sigismund Augustus?
10.Who is grandfather of Sigismund the Old?
11. Jadvyga was married to Jogaila. So Jogaila is her ___________ .

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