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Black Witch’s Grimoire is a single player

journaling RPG played out over 7 days. In the

following pages you will establish facts and be
posed questions about your character, the
world they inhabited, and what they are doing
there. This game is intended to encourage and
guide your own creativity, not dictate it.
Because of this any time you choose from a set
of options you should treat each one as a
prompt which should be expanded on (and
made personal) through your writing.

While Black Witch’s Grimoire is designed to

encourage freedom of choice almost entirely
throughout, there is an alternate play style.
Every time you are presented a set of choices
there will be six options (unless stated
otherwise) allowing you to roll a d6 to make
your decision. Regardless of how you choose to
play I hope you enjoy your 7 days with the
game and create a story you’re proud of.
Name Setting
1) A Concrete Jungle of Urban Magic

Pronouns 2) A Fantastical Land of Dragons and Castles

3) The Hedonistic World of 1920’s America
4) An Ancient Age of Bronze and Prophesy
Appearance 5) The Dangerous Time of The Witch Trials
6) The Dark Woods and Isolated Farmlands

What Are You Afraid Of? What Do You Dream Of?

1) Your Wicked Family 1) Safety + Stability
2) The Powers That Be 2) Anger + Vengence
3) The Damage You Have Done 3) Wealth + Fame
4) Your Old Toxic Coven 4) Power + Control
5) The Isolation That Haunts You 5) Change + Renewal
6) The Promises You Made 6) Love + Adoration

Members of Your New Coven

(Choose a Minimum of Three)

Daisy, Ellis, Cory, Jack, Morgan, Matilda, Belladonna, Sybil, Joan, Blair,
Millie, Hazel, Forrest, Bethany, Juno, Delia, Max, Foster
Before you can become a member of The Coven, they require
a piece of you, but its sacrifice will leave you changed and
vulnerable. Decide what The Coven asks from you and
describe how is it taken?
The Letting of Secrets Never Yielding Your
Blood Told Body

A Powerful A Valuable Years of Your

Memory Possession Life

Choose how you are changed and left vulnerable

1) Your Sacrifice Can Never be Returned

2) You Will Never Truly Know What Was Lost
3) The Events of Today Cannot Be Forgotten
4) Someone Saw Deeper Inside you Than Ever Before
5) Your Perception of Yourself is Forever Shaken
6) The Future you Once Dreamed of is Transformed

But the experience also imbued you with magical power. The
Mark of the Coven has appeared somewhere on your body. In
your Grimoire detail where the Mark of the Coven has
emerged and draw what it looks like.
After your initiation, The Coven welcomes you with open
arms. You meet many new people who all remind you of
yourself in one way or another. Each carries their own pain,
harbours their own dreams, but all practice a similar form of
magic, taking it and making it their own. Learning from them
you have developed your magic. What Focus does everyone in
The Coven share and describe how you make it uniquely your
Invoking A Connection to Divination and
Otherworldly Nature Astral Projection

Spirits and Control of the Brewing,

Familiers Elements Cooking, and

The Mentor
Over time three members of The
Coven become most known to Name:
you: A Mentor, A Friend, and A
Rival. In your Grimoire, choose
three members of The Coven Pronouns:
(selected during character
creation) and the chracter
template (right) to fulfil these Past
roles and write about each of
them. How did their past lead
them to The Coven? What Feature
feature makes them stand out?
What moment defined your
relationship? Moment

It is up to you how much your character knows about these

members of The Coven. But, using all of the information
create an entry from each of them in your Grimoire outlining
a spell, potion, charm, hex or other magic creation you learnt
from them. Remember these entries are not made by your
character so use different writing tools, styles, and tones of
voice. If you feel comfortable you could ask someone else
entirely to write the entry using the information you wrote
previously as a prompt.
Today your mentor introduced you to The Apex Arcane a
powerful spell contributed to by every member of The Coven.
Each Witch has dedicated their talents, will, and arcane
abilities to bring The Coven’s goal to fruition. Now, it is your
turn to begin. However, before your work begins you must
first learn what The Apex Arcane is.

An Intricate A Far­Reaching A Powerful

Magic Spell Networks of Enchanted
Runes Object
An A Subtle A Complex
Amalgamation Manipulation of Alchemical
of Flesh and Fate Creation

And why it is being made...

1) To Hurt Those Who Wronged Us
2) To Erase Our Painful Memories
3) To Make Our Dreams Reality
4) To Protect the Coven from Harm
5) To Enhance Our Magical Abilities
6) To Transport Us to a Better World
Combining what you have been taught by your fellow
Witches, the Focus of The Coven and your own creative
abilities make a smaller version of your contribution. Some
suggestions are below but create whatever you like, just be sure
to record the process in your Grimoire.
• Go to your kitchen and create a potion with whatever items you find
• Using salt or a similar substance draw a magic ciricle on the floor
• Take items from around you and craft a charm to wear or hang
• Perform a tarot reading and document what it tells you
You joined The Coven to escape What You’re Afraid Of. It
was working, for the most part, but every now and then it
makes an appearance to ruin your day. Today is one of those
days and a particularly bad one at that. How do your Fears
catch up with you?
1) It has Found its Way into The Coven
2) It’s in Your Head
3) You Sought it Out
4) A Witch in the Coven Succumbed to it
5) You Encountered it by Pure Chance
6) You Gave into it

Today your Fears hurt more than ever before. Your reaction
was uncontrolled, visceral, and violent. How did you escape
from What You’re Afraid Of?
1) Self­Destruction
2) Giving in to Inhibition
3) Isolation
4) Total Dedication to The Coven
5) A Violent Outburst
6) Denial and Ignorance

Your Friend was hurt badly by your outburst. Whether it be

emotional or physical, the damage you have done has caused
them to leave The Coven and cut off contact with you. Before
leaving they left one final entry in your Grimoire. Write their
parting message to you, outlining what happened to them and
why they chose to leave.
You’re unsure if it’s your outburst, or your missing Friend, or
what, but it all feels different now. The Coven feels like it's
coming apart. What caused this conflict within The Coven?
The Absence of The Intention of The Forces
Your Friend the Apex Arcane You're Afraid of

Petty Changes to The The Toll of

Interpersonal Coven's Focus Everyone's
Drama Initiation

Despite the conflict one thing is agreed on by everyone, the

time to complete The Apex Arcane has come. What are you
doing to help complete it?
Preparing a Gathering Rare Collecting
Blood Sacrifice Ingredients Hidden
Consulting the Maintaining Finding the
Fates The Coven Right Time and
During your work on The Apex Arcane, the conflict within
The Coven finally hits you directly. Your Rival has irreparably
damaged your Grimoire. Decide how they would make this
attack and then choose a days’ worth of entries that get
destroyed. Then remove that section from your Grimoire and
destroy it in whatever way your Rivals attack manifests. If in
the future you need to refer to anything from the lost section
you must rely solely on your memory and any remaining
scraps. Some suggestions for the attack and how it affects your
Grimoire are provided below but do what you feel is best.
• The Grimoire is hexed and the section is covered in incoherent scribbles
• The chosen section was ripped out and stolen, you’ll never see it again
• Your Rival used fire, the pages are now mostly char and ash
• You find your Grimoire in a cauldron, the ink running off of the soaked
The ceremony of The Apex Arcane has begun. Every Witch
in the coven is doing their part. Crafting items, casting spells,
and calling upon spirits, everyone acting as a conduit for
magic. But the mess of thoughts and emotions running
throughout The Coven is too much. The magic is warped and
distorted by the instability. What does the new Apex Arcane
Spews Forth Overloads with Divides the
Uncontrolled Magical Power Coven Across
Spirits Reality

Empowers What Shatters The Warps the

You Fear Coven’s Minds Passage of Time

How does the Apex Arcane unintentionally benefit you?

1) It Fulfils its Intended Purpose

2) It Empowers Your Magic
3) It Protects Those You Care About
4) It Destroys Your Rival
5) It Leaves You Unharmed
6) Undoes the Cost of Initiation

Finally, The Apex Arcane merges with your Grimoire leaving

an entry of its own. How does it mark your Grimoire? What
does it say? And why did it choose you?
The Apex Arcane shattered The Coven, leaving you in a
similar place to where you started. Similar, but different. Roll
1d6 to see how you have changed. On a 1 ­ 2 see For the
Worse, on a 3 – 4 see Mostly the Same, on a 5 – 6 see For the

For the Worse

Choose a statement from below that does NOT happen
• You become what you fear
• Those who care for you most, leave
• Your lose your connection to magic

Mostly the Same

Choose a statement from below that does happen
• Your friend forgives you
• You keep your connection to magic
• You join a new coven

For the Better

Choose a statement from below that does happen
• You re­evaluate your dreams
• You face your fear
• You rebuild a better Coven

Write the final entry in your Grimoire. Describe what

happens to you after leaving The Coven and why you have
decided to leave this Grimoire behind.
A Game by Fizz Cox
Image Credit: Cover Book

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