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Co-branding is also known as brand partnership, two or more brands jointly work as one team to achieve mutual
benefits and to create.
Here are some benefits which Levi’s can have after cobranding strategy.

 Builds Credibility and Trust: customer knows your brands and products because it’s clear. This helps
your product and brand to build the credibility and keep customer to stick to your product. When
credibility built, you also increase trust in your business which leads to consumers to make purchasing
decision. Two brands coming together to establishes credibility because each company is able to
highlight and reflect each other's assets and thus strengthen their position in the market.
 Extend Reach: When two or more than it brands come together to form a co-branding partnership, they
have the opportunity to gain the interest of each other's market. This act extends their reach and visibility
to a market to which they may not have access in the past.
 Branding Makes Business Memorable: Strong brands always makes your business memorable
recognized to consumers. Being memorable it is helpful when it comes to ad spend. A memorable brand
can advocate more resources in promoting products and less to brand awareness it just because the
consumer already knows who you are?
 Effective Marketing & Sales: Due to Co-branding the combined business will have a much longer
common budget for marketing which provides the flexibility to invest more where it counts. Apart from
this, cobranding helps in bringing more talent to drive marketing, promotions & sales, leading towards
better ROI.
 Less Risk Factors: Every business has risk factor; with co-branding the risk of failure minimizes across
the brands.

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