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Sensors and Actuators B 120 (2007) 719–723

Fabrication of long-term hydrophilic surfaces of poly(dimethyl siloxane)

using 2-hydroxy ethyl methacrylate
Dhananjay S. Bodas, Chantal Khan-Malek ∗
FEMTO-ST/Department LPMO CNRS UMR 6174, 32 Av. de l’Observatoire, Besançon 25044, France
Received 16 January 2006; received in revised form 9 March 2006; accepted 24 March 2006
Available online 2 May 2006

In the present work, 2-hydroxy ethyl methacrylate (HEMA) was used to modify surface of poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) elastomer. Fourier
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and wetting angle measurements were used for the analysis of modified surface and hydrophilic stability
of PDMS. Results of the surface reconstruction reveal that long-term hydrophilic surfaces of PDMS can be achieved by use of HEMA.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: PDMS; Surface modification; Contact angle measurements; Hydrophilicity

1. Introduction have appeared on tailor-made permanently hydrophilic surfaces

[11–14]. The report presented here is a part of our study aimed at
The polymer with different properties at its surface is lately fabrication of permanently hydrophilic surfaces via controlled
one of the most popular areas of research in polymer chemistry grafting of HEMA. It is well known that exposure of poly-
[1–3]. Amongst all the techniques of surface modification, func- mer film to plasma conditions leads to degradation and surface
tional group implantation using plasma grafting [4] has emerged cross-linking [15,16]. Taking the advantage of the drawbacks of
to be the most rational alternative due to many obvious advan- cross-linked surfaces, we have accomplished deliberate cross-
tages including uniform and controlled modification. However, linking of HEMA onto the PDMS surface.
it is often reported that hydrophilic functionalities generated at Poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) elastomer is the most
the polymer interface as a result of plasma grafting are temporary widely and one of the most versatile material used in the con-
and are lost with storage time [5–7]. This phenomenon termed, struction of microfluidic devices, in particular for rapid pro-
as ‘surface reconstruction’ is the major drawback associated totyping. One of the reasons for the popularity of PDMS is
with this technique. Surface dynamics leading to hydrophobic the particularly straightforward manufacturing methods. PDMS
recovery depends on many factors like polymer physio-chemical has essential characteristics like, it is elastomeric, can be opti-
properties, temperature, storage time and is therefore, a feebly cally transparent, is chemically inert, is permeable to gases and
understood complex phenomenon, which differs from one sub- amenable to fabrication via rapid prototyping [17,18]. However,
strate to another [8,9]. The hydrophobic recovery is determined in spite of the many advantages of PDMS, the surface of PDMS
by an increase in the water contact angle, the rate of which varies is naturally hydrophobic and cannot be used as it is for a variety
with the nature of polymer. of applications. A number of efforts have been made to mod-
The loss of surface functionality with time is the major ify the surface of PDMS micro channels, in order to enhance
concern of the researcher working in the area of surface modi- hydrophilicity and EOF which limit its applicability for analyt-
fication. Although, there are a large number of reports on the ical devices.
surface modification of polymers [10], only a few of them In the present study, functional HEMA monomers were spin
coated onto the surface of the PDMS and exposed to the oxygen
plasma to obtain long-term hydrophilic surfaces with a cross-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 381 853 999; fax: +33 381 853 998.
linked network of grafted monomers. Surface reconstruction
E-mail addresses: (D.S. Bodas), was studied as a function of storage time under ambient con- (C. Khan-Malek). dition upon storage. All the samples are analyzed using surface

0925-4005/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
720 D.S. Bodas, C. Khan-Malek / Sensors and Actuators B 120 (2007) 719–723

sensitive technique like FTIR spectroscopy and contact angle Table 1

measurement. The results of the graft density (Gd ) and contact angle measurements (θ) of
HEMA coated on pure PDMS and pretreated PDMS sample

2. Experimental Sample Gd (mg/cm2 ) Θ (◦ )

HEMA on pure PDMS 0.123 10

A 2-component PDMS from Dow Corning (SYLGARD 184) HEMA on pretreated PDMS 0.153 7
with a 10:1 base to curing agent mixing ratio was used. The two
components were thoroughly mixed and degassed in vacuo to
remove bubbles. The mixture was cured at a 100 ◦ C for 1 h. on pretreated PDMS generates better hydrophilicity compared
The process involved a monomer HEMA, commercially to HEMA coated on pristine PDMS (parameters used for plasma
available from Aldrich Chemicals. The surface modification treatment are: RF power 100 W at 5 min treatment time). This
was conducted in two ways. Firstly, HEMA was spin coated is due to higher content of hydroxyl groups attached to the film
on pristine PDMS at a spin speed of 1500 rpm for 15 s (thick- for HEMA coated on pretreated PDMS.
ness ∼600 nm). The HEMA-coated PDMS was then treated with
oxygen plasma at a constant pressure of 100 ␮barr at an oxy- 3.1. ATR-FTIR
gen flow rate of 20 sccm. RF power was maintained at 100 W
for 5 min. All plasma treatments were carried out in a Plassys The presence of surface anchored HEMA onto the PDMS film
reactive ion etching (RIE) system using an RF power supply for pretreated PDMS is evident from the ATR-FTIR spectrum in
of 13.56 MHz frequency coupled via a matching network for Fig. 1b. Fig. 1a gives an ATR-FTIR spectrum for pristine PDMS
the plasma excitation. A capacitive coupling was used for the for comparison. Also, ATR-FTIR spectrum for HEMA coated
plasma excitation. on pristine PDMS in Fig. 1c. These samples of HEMA coated
In the second process, oxygen modification of PDMS was car- on pristine PDMS and HEMA coated on pretreated PDMS are
ried out at a system pressure of 100 ␮barr and flow rate 20 sccm, treated at plasma power of 100 W for 5 min. The presence of
and an RF power of 100 W was used for 30 s for the modifi- hump from 3200 to 3600 cm−1 in Fig. 1b and Fig. 1c indicates
cation. HEMA was then spin coated onto the oxygen modified hydroxyl group of HEMA. The hump in case of Fig. 1a is of
PDMS surface at a spin speed of 1500 rpm for 15 s (thickness lower intensity compared to that in Fig. 1c indicating surface
∼600 nm). The HEMA-coated PDMS was finally treated with anchored HEMA. The vibrational frequencies corresponding to
oxygen plasma at a constant pressure of 100 ␮barr at an oxygen 1710 cm−1 (O C O) and 1163 cm−1 (1◦ alcohol) are evident
flow rate of 20 sccm. RF power was varied from 50 to100 W in Fig. 1b. Fig. 1c shows vibrational frequency corresponding to
with a time variation of 1–5 min. O C O at 1720 cm−1 [19–23]. Peak corresponding to 1◦ alco-
ATR-FTIR spectra were recorded using a Nicolet 5-PC FTIR hol is missing in Fig. 1c indicating that pretreatment of PDMS
spectrometer to assess the changes on the surface after differ- facilitates bonding between two surfaces. Also a shift in peak
ent modifications. The FTIR spectra were recorded within 5 min intensity is observed in the two spectra for HEMA coated on
of surface modification. Graft density (Gd ) was defined as the
difference in the film weight before and after grafting divided
by the total surface area of the film. The sample dimensions
for graft density measurements were 2.54 cm × 1 cm. All the
samples were also characterized for hydrophilic stability using
contact angle measurements. In present study, a manual con-
tact angle measurement setup was used having an error of ±2◦ .
Deionized water droplet (2 ␮L) was delivered on the PDMS
surface by a calibrated syringe. The static contact angles were
measured before and after modification, as well as a function
of time within the time interval of 0–12 h, every 5 min at the
beginning and every hour thereafter.

3. Results

HEMA grafted onto the surface of PDMS is substantiated

by gravimetric analysis, the contact angle measurements and
ATR-FTIR. The results of the gravimetric analysis, graft den-
sity (Gd ) and contact angle measurements (θ) are compiled in
the Table 1. The gravimetric analysis reveals that the anchoring
of HEMA is more efficient when PDMS has been pre treated in
oxygen plasma. This is due to formation of silanol bonds on the
PDMS surface which facilitate attachment of HEMA. It is obvi- Fig. 1. ATR-FTIR spectra for (a) pristine PDMS, (b) HEMA coated on pretreated
ous from the contact angle measurements that the HEMA coated PDMS (c) HEMA coated on pristine PDMS.
D.S. Bodas, C. Khan-Malek / Sensors and Actuators B 120 (2007) 719–723 721

pristine PDMS (1720 cm−1 ) and HEMA coated on pretreated claim we have carried out surface reconstruction of the both the
PDMS (1710 cm−1 ). Presence of peak at 1163 cm−1 and a shift PDMS films.
of peak at 1710 cm−1 from standard indicated reconstruction
in HEMA on PDMS surface. This might be thought as cross- 3.2. Contact angle measurements
linking of HEMA functional monomer on the surface of PDMS.
Moreover, the pendent segments in pretreated PDMS undergo Contact angle measurements were carried out for HEMA-
cross-linking with HEMA under the influence of plasma, a pro- coated on pretreated PDMS film with variation in oxygen plasma
cess similar to the vulcanization of rubber. To substantiate our parameters. Plasma power was varied from 50 to 100 W and
treatment time was varied from 1 to 5 min. Contact angles were
measured after 5 min interval for 1 h to study aging effect of
the film in clean room atmosphere. Fig. 2 shows a graph of
variation of contact angle with aging time for various treatment
parameters. It is clear from the graph that as the plasma power
or treatment time is increased lower contact angle is obtained.
Hydrophilic stability is also improved with increase in plasma
power and treatment time. Increase beyond 100 W plasma power
produced rough film surface which can be visible visually. Also
increase in treatment time beyond 5 min does not improve the
hydrophilic stability any further. Hence, plasma power of 100 W
and treatment time of 5 min was optimum parameters for treat-
ment of HEMA coated on pretreated PDMS. Fig. 3 shows a
graph of contact angle versus aging time for HEMA-coated on
pristine PDMS and HEMA-coated on pretreated PDMS sam-
ples. The oxygen plasma parameters for both the treatments are
kept same (100 W plasma power for 5 min). The contact angles
were recorded after 5 min interval initially and after every hour
later till 12 h. Similar measurements were carried out on same
film till 2 weeks. For comparison, contact angle data for pristine
PDMS and that for O2 plasma modified PDMS are given. The O2
plasma treatment has been carried out in a reactive ion etching
(RIE) system at system pressure 100 ␮barr, plasma power 150 W
for 15 min at oxygen flow rate of 20 sccm. It can be clearly seen
from the graph that HEMA-coated on pretreated PDMS sam-
ple has more hydrophilic stability than that of HEMA-coated
on pristine PDMS as well as that of O2 plasma treated sample.
Similar study has been reported by Choi and Yang [23] for Syl-
gard PDMS. They have used spin coated HEMA on pretreated
PDMS. They have carried out post baking of HEMA on a hot
plate at various temperatures. In the present study no post baking

Fig. 2. Graph of water contact angle vs. aging time with plasma power and Fig. 3. Graph of water contact angle vs. aging time for various different treat-
exposure time for HEMA coated on pretreated PDMS. ments.
722 D.S. Bodas, C. Khan-Malek / Sensors and Actuators B 120 (2007) 719–723

Table 2 clean room atmosphere was monitored by the changes in water

The results contact angle measurements (θ) of HEMA coated on pure PDMS contact angle, the values of which are complied in Table 2. The
and pretreated PDMS sample after aging
decrease in surface hydrophilicity is a common symptom if sur-
Sample 12 h 24 h 1 week 2 weeks face instability is encountered after reactive plasma treatment,
HEMA on pure PDMS (◦ ) 36 40 65 86 which is due to the mobility of polymer chains and dynamic
HEMA on pretreated PDMS (◦ ) 20 26 41 49 nature of the surface. This phenomenon is common in case of
elastomers on account of their exceptional flexibility, PDMS in
particular. Here, the oxygen plasma treated films demonstrate
a very high degree of hydrophobic recovery which has been
reported extensively in the literature, whereas HEMA coated
on pretreated PDMS shows little amount of reconstruction.
As reported, use of higher plasma powers hardly shows any
improvement in surface reconstruction, whereas longer expo-
sures to plasma cause surface erosion. An SEM micrograph was
recorded at a power 150 W for 10 min exposure and 100 W power
for 20 min plasma exposure (shown in Fig. 4a and b) to show
this effect.
The behavior of HEMA coated film is mainly due to the
cross-linked network at the surface, which does not permit the
orientation/free mobility of the grafted polymer chains bearing
functional groups. A very small hydrophobic recovery in HEMA
coated samples may be due to the free rotation of the functional
groups generated on the grafted polymer chains due to the reac-
tive plasma.

5. Conclusion

The surface modification of Sylgard 184 PDMS was studied

in terms of hydrophilic stability using HEMA modification. The
study shows in particular the possibility of grafting long-term
stable hydrophilic functional groups onto PDMS using oxygen
plasma induced polymerization of HEMA. HEMA-coated on
pretreated PDMS shows excellent hydrophilic stability. Aging
for 2 weeks in clean room atmosphere shows increase in con-
tact angle from 7◦ (just after treatment) to 49◦ . HEMA-coated
on pristine PDMS recovers in 2 weeks to its original hydropho-
bicity. The contact angle value measured after 2 weeks is 86◦ .
This is due to free rotation of the functional groups generated
on the grafted polymer chains due to the reactive plasma. These
results may find use in the construction of microfluidic devices
with PDMS as it increases the time available for sealing e.g.
Fig. 4. SEM of HEMA coated on PDMS at (a) 150 W plasma power for 10 min cover and channels, confers superior wetting properties to the
exposure and (b) 100 W plasma power for 20 min exposure to plasma. microchannels that facilitate channel filling, and may prevent

conditions are used after spin coating HEMA on pretreated or

pristine PDMS samples. Acknowledgements

4. Discussion Dr. M. Fromm (LMN, Besançon) and Dr. J. Takadoum

(ENSMM, Besançon) are respectively thanked for the help with
Attempts have been made in past to fabricate long- recording FTIR spectra and for lending the contact angle mea-
term hydrophilic surfaces by covalent grafting of functional surement apparatus.
monomers, however, uncertainty still prevails in locating the The work was performed within the framework of the 4M
functional groups at the interface, since they migrate below the Network of Excellence “Multi Material Micro Manufacture:
grafted homopolymer chains to attain a minimum free energy Technology and applications (4M)” (EC funding FP6-500274-1;
state. In the present study, surface reconstruction upon aging in
D.S. Bodas, C. Khan-Malek / Sensors and Actuators B 120 (2007) 719–723 723

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