Asking Giving Direction 2

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Places Around Town

airport cemetery movie theater prison

alley church gas station museum restaurant
apartment clinic grocery store neighborhood school
building coffee shop gym news stand shopping mall
art gallery college hair salon office building sidewalk
bakery convenience hospital park stadium
bank store hotel parking lot suburbs
bank machine crosswalk house pet store subway
barbershop department Internet cafe pharmacy supermarket
bookstore store intersection playground temple
bowling alley downtown laundromat police station train station
bridge factory law court port university
bus stop fire station library post office zoo
garage mosque
Asking Directions

 Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest .....?
 Excuse me, do you know where the nearest ........ is?
 Excuse me, can you show me the way to the ......., please?
 Do you know where is .....?
 Do you know how to get to ......?
 Could you show me the way to .....?
 Could you tell me the best way to get to ....?
 Can you please tell me how can I get to .......?
 Can you give me directions to .....?
 How can I get to the ........?
 How do I get to the .......?
 What's the best way to get to ........?
 What’s the easiest way to get to ......?
 Where is ........ can you tell me please?

Giving Directions
 Turn right
 Turn left
 Turn left after the ...
 Turn right / left after ...
 Take the first / second / third street on the left / right.
 Take the second right / left
 Take a right / left at the junction.

Giving Locations:
It is ....
 on the left.
 on the right.
 on the right / left side.
 opposite the bank.
 across the road.
 near my office.
 next to Mall.
 behind the hospital.
 in front of the bus station.
 between the our office and the supermarket.
 on the right in between the pet shop and the grocery store.
 at the end of Paris Street.
 on/at the corner of Daniel Road.
 over there, near the post office.
Asking for Directions

Putri : Excuse me, Can you help me, please?

Cindy : yes, sure!
Putri : Can you show me the way to Drugstore, please?
Cindy : Of course. The drugstore is next to the Police Station on the corner there. So,
here, from my house. You need to go straight on Jalan Garuda. On the T-
Junction, turn right. Go along Jalan Paksi until you find the Police Station, the
Drugstore is on the left of it.
Putri : Well, it’s very clear. Thank you very much.
Cindy: You are welcome.

Another example:
Conversation 1
Jack : Could you tell me where the Science Museum is, please?
Mark : It is on the corner of Maple Street and Lincoln Road.
Jack : How do I get there from here, please?
Mark : Go down this street and turn right at the traffic light. Walk two blocks and
turn right onto Maple Street. Go past the department store and the flower
market, and you'll see the Science Museum across the street. It is a large red-
brick building. You can't miss it.
Jack : Is it far from here?
Mark : No, it's just a ten-minute walk.
Jack : Thank you very much.
Mark : You're welcome.
Conversation 2
Anita : Would you mind giving me some directions?
Clara : What are you looking for?
Anita : The Central Exhibition. Do you know where is it?
Clara : The Central Exhibition? Well, it's pretty far from here. You'd better take a bus.
Anita : Is it a long ride? How long does it take to get there?
Clara : About ten minutes by bus.
Anita : Which bus do I take to get there?
Clara : Let me think. It's probably best of all to take Bus 5 on East Street.
Anita : And where is East Street, please?
Clara : Walk down this street to the next intersection and turn right. You will be on
East Street. The bus stop will be near a small park on your right.
Anita : Thank you.
Clara : Any time. Have a nice day.

Conversation 3
Monica : Excuse me, Ma’am.
Mrs. Eva : Yes?
Monica : I’m lost. Could you show me how to get to the Quatro Café?
Mrs. Eva : Oh, of course. Go straight and follow this street. When there is a T-
junction, you need to turn right. After that, go along the street for
about 100 meters and you will find the café on your left side. It’s near a
Monica : Oh, I see, Ma’am. Thank you very much.
Mrs. Eva : No problem.

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