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Playing The Seer

Insightful, curious and paranoid. The Seer knows there is

more to life than what most can see, and they’re going
to dig until they uncover every last little secret being
kept from them.

The two stat options for the Seer will always have high
Dark, because you are always digging deeper than you
should. They differ in whether you use their gifts to put
yourself on top of the social ladder (Hot 1) or if you
stockpile knowledge and gossip to use against people
(Cold 1).

The Sight should only be triggered in scenes where a

main character is present, unless the side character is
particularly important. Whims of the Heart, for example,
shouldn’t trigger when a side character falls in love with
another side character, and Curse of Endings shouldn’t
trigger unless a main character is around to watch the
side character mess up their life.

The Seer likes conspiracies and secrets; they don’t

necessarily have to be big. If someone cheated on their
girlfriend and told their best friend about it, that is as
much a conspiracy as all the theatre kids sacrificing
dreams to a dark power each Halloween.

The Seer
Everything is connected. There are tangled webs weaving the world together,
there for anyone who noticed to pluck and tease at. Conspiracies, secrets,
gossip... it’s all yours.

Credits You see everything.

This is a fan Skin for Monsterhearts 2, designed by C.M.Ruebsaat.

Check out the game at
Identity Seer Moves Visions
You get The Sight, and choose one Choose two that you see:
Name: Cariolanus, Petra, Selene, Eyes: prying eyes, watchful eyes,
Rory, Alex, Steph, Olivia, Chance, more:
vacant eyes, clear eyes, muddy eyes
Ix, Jasmine, Del, Kare ❍ Blood and Fury
● The Sight When someone Skirts Death, gain
Look: distressed, in a fog, Origin: let spirits in, unlocked brain, You see more than average. one Fate. Spend Fate to have the
sleepless, kinda noir, knowing smile detective movies, born with visions, Choose two ways your Sight gives final say in how bad it turns out
gossipy you Visions. when someone takes harm.

Visions are triggered using Fate. ❍ Whims of the Heart

Your Backstory Strings and Fate You start with two Fate. When someone falls in love or has
their heart broken, gain one Fate.
You know where someone goes Spend Fate to Pull Strings without
when they want to be alone. Take
❍ Lift the Veil
When you help someone find spending any Strings even if you
a String on them. aren’t present in a scene.
their way deeper into the
mystical and weird, mark
You’re suspicious that someone
experience and gain one Fate. ❍ Things Speak
knows more than they let on.
When someone gives weight to an
Give them two Strings on you.
❍ Conspiracy Web inanimate object, gain one Fate.
When you manage to connect Spend Fate to determine when
someone to a mystery or strange and where an object gets lost, and
Darkest Self Harm event, take a String on them and
gain one Fate.
who finds it.

You can see omens and clues ❍ Can’t Lie To Me

everywhere. How everything ties Experience ❍❍❍❍❍ ❍ Ever Deeper When someone tells a big lie to
together in one big knot, linking When you dig into strange you, gain one Fate. Spend Fate to
every little conspiracy and piece ❍ Add +1 to one of your stats. mysteries as you Gaze Into the read someone’s thoughts for a
of knowledge you’ve uncovered. ❍ Take another Seer move. Abyss, you may ask the Abyss a moment.
Now that you know everything, ❍ Take the remaining Visions. follow-up question.
it’s time to share it with the ❍ Take a move from any Skin. ❍ Curse of Endings
world. Reveal every secret, every ❍ Take a move from any Skin. When someone completely messes
lie, every untruth. Show everyone ❍ You have Weird Sisters. up their own life, gain one Fate.
their rotten underbellies. Escape Spend Fate to give someone the
your Darkest Self when you Conditions Condition doomed or fighting
become genuinely surprised by
something you didn’t know.

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Sex

When you have sex with someone, ask them if they have
secrets to share with you. If they do, they must answer a
question you ask honestly, and you gain one Fate. If they
Hot -1 Cold 1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 Move don’t, you take a String on them.

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