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Maria, a 15-year-old senior high school student tells the school nurse that she is
worried she will get pregnant like her sister did. What questions should the
school nurse ask to determine what teaching response is needed? (Select all that
O"What age was your sister when she became pregnant?"
O"Are you sexually active now?"
O "Do your parents know you are sexually active?"
O "Have you talked to your sister about your fear?"
O"What steps are you taking to prevent pregnancy now?"

3.Maria, a nurse in a Barangay clinic is caring for a 16-year-old mother and her
baby. The mother seems anxious about her new role as a mother. She looks at
the nurse and says, "I don't think I can do this." What are some of the
conclusions that the nurse might make about this situation? (Select all that
The mother should be encouraged to give up the infant for adoption
There may be a concern for postpartum depression. (feel ko-tori)
An intervention could be providing information for the nearest safe house for the
This mother may be at risk for abandoning her baby.(feel ko-tori)
The mother should have been taught how to deal with this situation in prenatal

5.Which of the following characteristic that often affects an adolescent's approach

to illness and treatment that a nurse should be aware of?
O Using thinking that is both concrete and reality oriented
O Striving for industry as a developmental task (school age ang industry eh)
O Concerned more with the present than with the future (pwede to-tori)
O Accurately in touch with their feelings

6. In a teleconsultation, the parents of a Mario, a 17-year-old male are concerned

about his recent attitude changes, physical changes, and lack of interest in
eating. Which intervention should the nurse Erika consider first?
Ask the parents whether they have alcohol in the home.
O Refer to a family counselor, so the family can work together on the changes.
O Tell the physician to order drug screens to check for substance abuse.
O Ask the teen privately whether he is using any substances such as drugs or alcohol

7. Mario, a 17-year-old is planning to enroll in college after high school graduation.

The school nurse informs the student that a healthcare visit needs to be
scheduled prior to the start of college for what primary purpose?
OTo assess whether there are any health problems that could interfere with the student's
Performance (feel ko ito)
O To make a nutrition plan for when the student is in classes
OTo obtain immunization updates - ITO SABI SA QUIZLET PAKITA Q
OTo allow the student to obtain birth control pills
4.A nurse is preparing do physical examination to an adolescent in the school
clinic. Which principle is most important for the nurse to consider when
interacting with the client?
OAvoid a straightforward approach because adolescents cannot fully process their health
OReassure the teenager that it is unnecessary to answer all questions; however, before
the examination is complete the client will need to provide all information.
O Because adolescents want to be treated as adults, the same cognitive information
should be provided as if they were an adult. (qo quizlet, feel ko ito -TORI)
OAvoid conveying surprise over comments made by the client

8. A nurse is teaching a group of parents about a developmental expectation that

occurs in girls at about 10 years of age. What should the nurse explain about one
of the earliest signs of sexual maturity?
OPaying attention to grooming
O Interest in the opposite sex
O The appearance of axillary and pubic hair
O The first menstrual period or menarche

9. A clinic nurse is completing a school physical examination on an adolescent girl.

The girl is concerned because she is 13 years old and has not yet starting
menstruating. Which statement by the nurse should be most helpful when
addressing the girl's concerns?
O"Don't worry about it; your period will come."
O"The average age for a girl to experience menarche is 12.5 years. That means some girls
will be younger and some will be older than 12.5 years."
O "I can refer you to a specialist who can answer your questions."
O 'I can see why you are concerned, since some girls get their period when they are 10
years old."

11.A school nurse's evaluation during an annual physical examination of Edward, a

14-year-old reveals a BMI in the 90th percentile. He also has a lifestyle that
includes spending 4 hours a day, playing video games and eating supper while
watching television. What is the priority nursing diagnosis for Edward?
ODelayed Growth and Development related to inappropriate intake
O Disturbed Body Image related to distorted perception of body size and shape
O Imbalanced Nutrition: More than Body Requirements related to excessive intake and
sedentary lifestyle(FEEL KO ITO -TORI)
O Fatigue related to malnutrition

12.A teenager refuses to wear the clothes his mother bought for him. He states he
wants to look like the other kids at school and wear clothes like they wear. The
nurse explains this behavior is an example of teenage children rebellion related
to internal conflicts of:
OInitiative vs. inferiority
OTrust vs. mistrust'
OAutonomy vs. shame and doubt
O Identity vs. role confusion
14. Maria, the school health nurse conducts health education classes to graduating
senior high school students. When teaching an adolescent about the rules for
safer sex, which of the following would Maria include?
O Sex during menstrual flow carries little risk.
OChoosing sexual partner is extremely important.
O Always use a condom when having sexual intercourse (feel ko TORI)
O Anal sex carries a little risk in contracting STD's.

13. Mario, a 16 year old tells the school nurse that he smoke. Which response by the
school nurse would be appropriate regarding Mario's condition?
O"Did you know that smoking can stunt your growth?"
O "If you continue to smoke, you will get lung cancer and die."
O"We need to discuss how smoking can affect your health."
O "You are hurting your family with your secondhand smoke."

15.Maria, a mother of an adolescent boy complains that her son has had some
recent behavioral changes. He comes home from school every day, closes his
door, and refrains from interaction with his family. The nurse's best response to
Maria is:
OYou should speak with your son and ask him directly what is wrong with him".
O "Your son's behavior is normal. You should listen to him without being judgmental" (feel ko
ito ang weird na nung ibang answer)
O"You should set limits with your son and tell him that this is unacceptable behavior"
O "Your son's behavior is abnormal, and he is going to need a psychiatric referral".

16.A guardian is complaining to the school nurse that her 16-year-old nephew who
plays varsity football has been "eating too much junk." Which comment by the
school nurse is appropriate?
O"Two thousand calories are more than enough to support his needs."
O "Talk to him about the benefits of good nutrition and stopping all fast food intake."
O"Because your son is so active, he might need three thousand or more calories daily."
O "Discuss the need for him to add fruits and vegetables to his diet."

17.A school nurse is concerned about the lack of physical activity in high school.
The nurse has gathered data related to appropriate activity from the document
Healthy People 2030: Understanding and Improving Health. Which recommendation for
physical activity should the school nurse recommend for
this age group?
O Teenagers should be exercising at least 30 minutes three to five times per week
O Adolescents should get at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily.
O High school students should be required to participate in physical education classes.
O Adolescents should be exercising every day for at least 15 minutes

18. In discussing sexual maturation with a health class, the nurse would include the
information that secondary sexual characteristics begin to appear at:
O 12 years in girls and boys
O 12 years in girls, 16 years in boys
O 8 years in boys, 10 years in girls
O 10 years in girls, 12 years in boys

19.Mario, a 13-year-old boy tells the school nurse that he is getting breasts. How
should the nurse respond?
O "There is nothing to worry about; this happens to a lot of boys your age.
O "This is expected at your age; let's talk about it."
O "You should get a physical; I'll talk with your parents about this."
O "Wear a tight undershirt inside a button-down shirt; that should hide them.

20. Which of the following therapeutic communication would be best accomplished with an
O Dealing in concrete terms
O Establishing a relationship over time
O Using teen language
O Relating on a peer level

21. Maria, a school nurse is teaching adolescents about sexual activity and how the
human papilloma virus (HPV) is contracted and prevented. Which statements
should the nurse include when teaching about HPV. (Select all that apply).
HPV is contracted through anal sex.
HPV can be contracted by oral sex.
HPV is so common that most people can get it soon after becoming sexually active.
Condom use can fully protect against contracting the HPV virus
HPV can be contracted on the toilet seat.
HPV is contracted through vaginal sex.

22. Mario, an 11 year old male has gained weight. His mother is concerned that Mario, who
loves sports, may become obese. Which of the following would the nurse do?

O Discusses the relationship of genetics and weight gain

O Urges a decreased caloric intake
O Explains this is normal for a preadolescent
O Advises an increase in activity

23. Nurse Maritess is teaching growth and development to a group of parents. When
discussing puberty, one parent asks at what age a girl will get her first period. Which of
the following responses needs further health teachings? Select all that apply.
O Near the age the mother had her first period
O Before the pubic hair appears
O About the same time the breasts develop
O At the end of the prepubertal growth spurt

24. Nurse Maritess is planning to discuss the importance of following the prescribed course
of treatment with a group of senior high school students. What should Nurse Maritess will
NOT consider about their approach to illness and treatment? Select all that apply
They are in touch with their feelings and concerns.
They are involved more with the present than the future.
Their thinking is both concrete and reality oriented.
Their developmental goal is striving for industry versus Inferiority.

25. Nurse Maritess is teaching a group of parents about a developmental expectation that
occurs in girls at about 10 years of age. What should Nurse Maritess NOT explain about the
earliest signs of sexual maturity? Select all that apply. (same ques pala to sa nauna pero not
na ngayon sa question nato)
O Interest in the opposite sex
O Paying attention to grooming
O The appearance of axillary and pubic hair
O The first menstrual period or menarche

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