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● The new South

○ all about sufficiency diversity and laissez-faire capitalism

○ Alabama: Steel
○ Virginia tobacco
○ Georgia, North America and Southern Carolina; textile
○ expansion of railroad
○ South stolp worst in nation
○ late to industrialization party
○ no education
○ relied on sharecropping too much
● settling the West Great Plains
● West pre-1860 known as Great American desert
○ 15 million bison
○ 250000 natives
○ buy 1900 Frontier game bison gone native land taken over by ranches farms
railroads and boom towns
● Mining
○ Pikes Peak 1859 Co Gold Rush
○ Comstock Lode 1859 Nevada Gold and Silver Rush
■ individual miners replaced by large corporations who hired foreign
■ Miner's tax to All Foreign miners
■ anti Cooley clubs
■ Chinese Exclusion Act 1882
■ band immigration To Us by Chinese laborers
○ any of this sound familiar
● bringing the whites over
○ Homestead Act 1862
○ 160 Acres free if work for 5 years
○ 500000 families came between 1860- 1900 called homesteads
○ obvious issues with new territory
■ Solutions Bart weijers windmill irrigation techniques new crops
■ issues + costly Solutions = 2/3 of Homestead failed
● natives in the West
○ two-thirds of tribes were in the
○ Treaty of Fort Laramie 1851
■ reservation policy
■ Nate has refused→ War
○ native Wars
■ Sand Creek Massacre Co
■ fetterman Massacre SD
● second Treaty of Laramie
■ Sioux war SD
■ Gold Rush In Black Hills SD led to war
■ battle of bighorn
■ Ghost Dance and Wounded Knee massacre
■ end of native resistance 1890
● station over natives
○ Indian appropriation act 1871
■ tries no longer independent nations nullified all previous treaties
○ Carlos O School PA
■ native assimilation through boarding schools
○ darwis severalty act 1877
■ broke up tribal land into 160 acre plots that natives could own it worked
for 25 years in s simulation
● Natives in the 20th and 21st century
○ 1924 American Indians finally granted US citizenship
○ FDR's Indian reorganization Act of 1934 reunited tribal organizations and culture
○ over 3 million Indians in 500 tribes today
● closing of the frontier
○ US Census Bureau officially closed Oklahoma territory
○ Frederick Jackson Turner
■ the significance of Frontier in America
■ West spreading democracy
■ closing us condemned to following Europe
● Latinos in southwest
○ California
○ Latinos promised US citizenship and land rights
○ most land claimed by whites
● Second Industrial Revolution
○ the error of Steel petroleum electricity and Industrial machinery
● the rise of big business and second industrialization
○ industrialization in Europe and the US revolutionize the world economy
■ political machine
● bosses politicians giving out jobs to supporters/voters
● provided services to immigrants in exchange for votes - often
corrupt fraud bribery
● price of goods decreased and workers raise wages increase
● new goods and services emerge sewing machine sporting equipment and other
household items
● American Standards of living improved have a gap between rich and poor
● captains of industry versus barons
● Andrew Carnegie the poor enjoy what the rich could not before afford what were
luxuries have become then the necessaries of life
● in 1860 the top 1% own 10% of the wealth by 19 the top 1% own 45% of the wealth by
1950 the top 1% oh just 10% of the world but 2017 the top 1% or 38.6% of the wealth
● robber barons vs. captains of industry
○ Robert Barron
■ a wealthy person who tries to get land money or someone else's
business do dishonest message
■ aware that what they're doing is wrong but money is priority
■ examples Andrew Carnegie and John D Rockefeller
○ captains of industry
■ businessman who contributed growth of the United States with their
Vision creativity and innovation
■ present-day example of Steve Jobs Jeff Bezos Bill Gates
● Railroads
○ 35000( 1865)--> 193,000 MI( 1900)
○ major effects
■ Mass consumption
■ mass production
■ expanded National Market
■ created time zones 1883
■ Investments I would do
● Train traveling at 1,800
○ New Haven→ New York
○ broad train at 12 p.m. New Haven time
○ it takes two hours to get to New York so we could get there at what time
● the corporate workplace
○ pre Civil War most American boys were either Farmers Artisans are minor
○ post Civil War workers divided into
■ white collar
■ blue collar
○ major corporations need to organize structure
■ the drummer
● traveling salesman
○ the register
■ invented by James ready
○ Women
■ secretary clerking office work or telephone operator
● commercial culture
○ ` consumer culture at 4 front of industrialized America
○ → struggle over class inequality race privilege and proper male / female Behavior
● masculinity and Rise of sports
○ successful man
■ prerr self-employed
■ post IR brains over brawn
○ young men's Christian Association( YMCA)
■ promotive Fitness
○ team sports became a fundamental part of American manhood
● Football
○ offered benefits in manly training
○ first leg appeared in 1902
● The Great Outdoors
○ women drop corsets and played Sports
○ Archery
○ Golf
○ Charles Gibson and the Gibson Girl
■ new women
○ national parks
○ Yellowstone
○ Grand Canyon
○ Yosemite
● changes in family life
○ family is decreasing size
○ 1800 - had an average seven children
○ 1900 - head average of 3.6 children
○ education> jobs
■ get a place in the world
■ 1990 % literate
● Science & Faith
○ new discoveries enhance faith in science
○ the theory of evolution
■ Evolution that idea that species are not fixed but ever-changing
○ On the Origin of Species
■ survival of the fittest
● social Darwinism
○ what is social Darwinism
○ how much validity is there to this argument
● the new petropolis
○ new technologies helped people navigate Industrial City
■ cable cars
● electric trolley; Frank spray glue
■ Subway
○ 1880s skyscrapers
■ Bessemer converter: mass production of Steel→ cheap and quick
○ the Electric City
■ Gas→ electric light
● Henry Ford and assembly line
○ made it possible to produce cars quickly and cheaply
○ as the car frame moved on track past lives of workers each worker added a part
● Newcomers
○ many young men and women arrived from the countryside
■ “ a child with any respect about herself or his self wouldn't like to see their
mother or father work so hard to earn nothing I feel like my duty to help”
○ patterns of settlement varied by ethnic group
● corruption and problems
○ discover problems we can dramatically evident in the depression of 1980s when
unemployment reached 25% in some cities
■ Homelessness
■ Hunger
■ Desperation
■ Suicide
● wages 1900
○ maldistribution of wealth
■ top 10% had 90% of the wealth
○ 2/3 work for low wages
○ women and children forced to work
○ 11 / 12.5 million families made 380 a year
○ long hours
○ dangerous conditions
● rise of organized labor
○ unions organized using political action and confrontation strikes picketing
boycotts and slow down to use collective bargaining
● great Railroad Strike 1877
○ National strike of 500000
● Haymarket Riot 1886
○ protest of McCormick car versus workers
● Homestead Strike 1892
○ Steel Workers strike
● Pullman Strike 1894
○ American Railroad Union
● fighting dirt and vice
○ How the Other Half Lives Jacob Riis
○ Disease
■ Durex of Calera plague ET cie
■ cities begin sprinting average of 1.28 / residence for sanitation / Health
○ Prostitution
■ Mann Act of 1910
● prohibit transportation of prostitutes
● New Age reform
○ National woman's Suffrage Association
■ founded by suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B Anthony
■ gained suffrage in some Western States
■ Wyoming 1869
○ women's Christian Temperance Union and anti-saloon League
■ political pressure for prohibits
● the movement for social settlers
○ Chicago 1889
○ Community welfare centers to raise funds to Facey Urgent needs and help
○ developed the social work profession
● cities in National politics
○ Urban workplaces and environments were suffering
○ upon Sinclair and the jungle
○ Pure Food and Drug Act of 1806
■ Food and Drug Administration created to oversee compliance with new
● Rising immigration
○ pool to u.s.
■ political and religious freedom and industrial jobs
○ 1950- 1900 US population ratio of 23.2 276.2 million with 16.2 million immigrants
■ mostly poor and illiterate Southern and Eastern Europeans( Italian Greek
croaks Slovak spoiled in Russian)
○ Americans against immigrants
■ contract labor law 1885 anti temporary workers
■ immigration restriction League 1984
■ American Protective Association anti-catholic
■ social Darwinism
● Ellis Island
○ off coast of New York did not have to prove on paper America Family Ties
● Angel Island
○ coast of San Francisco
○ how to prove I'm paper the Family Ties one had in America
● current political state of the u.s.
○ Republicans: North supported from businesses middle class white Anglo-Saxon
Protestants( wasp) blacks Pro Terrace Pro temperature for prohibition
○ Democrats Southern whites political machines immigrants non-participants
working class
○ Industrial Revolution the era of Party Loyalty and well-defined voting blocks
● the populist party 1891 AKA People's Party
○ made up Farmers Farmers Alliance and the grand( sought to connect farmers
and Cher techniques) Knights of Labor people Pro economic reforms
○ reasons for creation
■ growth of corporate business and Banks power
● ESP railroads→ shipping rates
● grain elevators
■ wanted more government involvement in the economy
■ Panic of 1873 and 1893
● crop prices plummeted Farmers suffered
● call The People's Party
○ economic relief+ government intervention
○ all seen in Omaha platform
■ direct election of senators
■ graduation income tax
■ Australian( secret ballot)
■ government control of railroads Telegraph and telephones
■ civil service reform
■ eight-hour workday
■ free coinage of silver at ratio of 16 colon one with gold
● bimetallism
○ would increase money supply and fines would pay off their
● William Jennings Bryan
○ Democratic savior to populist party Cross of gold speech called for introduction
of silver
● but what happened to the P party
○ many of the P party ideas were enacted during the Progressive Era
○ 16th Amendment-> income tax
○ 17th Amendment→ direct election of senators
○ secret ballots
● Imperialism
● cause of imperialism
○ already conquered east west north and south
■ purchase Alaska from Russia in 1867 for 7.2 million
■ Marines overthrew Queen liliuokalani and create a republic of Hawaii in
● Competition
● commercial / business interest-> expansion
● Social
● Spanish-American War
● an imperial race
○ Great Britain versus France versus Russia versus Germany versus Japan
● why Cuba?
● yellow journalism
○ sensationalize and sometimes manufactured events
○ use melodrama romance and Hyper hyperbole to sell millions of newspapers
○ New York Journal New York World relied on yellow journalism
○ Spanish-American War referred to as First Media War

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