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 Introduction

 Psychometric Theories
o Spearman’s Two Factor Theory

o Bond Theory

o Primary Mental Abilities

o British Hierarchical Model

o Fluid and Crystallized Ability

o Three-Stratum Factor Analytic Theory of Cognitive

o Structure of Intellect

o Conclusions

 Cognitive Theories
o Simple Sensory Testing

o Inspection Time

o Simple/Choice Reaction Time

o Working Memory

o Cognitive Correlates

o Cognitive Components

o Processing Speed and Aging

o Conclusions

 Cognitive-Contextual Theories
o Triarchic Theory of Intelligence

o Multiple Intelligences

o Piaget’s Stage Theory of Development

o Conclusions

 Biological Theories
o Brain Size and Intelligence

o EEG String Length and Intelligence

o Glucose Metabolic Rate and Intelligence

o Jensen’s Neural Oscillation Model

o Conclusions

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