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Best eBook For all Entrance Exams & For
All English Learning Students

With More than 10000 Words

With Synonyms & Antonyms
With Hindi & English Meaning
With Example Sentence

“None can destroy iron, but its own rust
can. Likewise, none can destroy a person,
but his own mindset can" - RATAN TATA

You Should Learn at least 5-10 Vocabularies


1000 Vocabularies (1-5)

1) Incongruity- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- अयो यता
English Meaning- the state of being incompatible.
Synonyms- incompatibility, disparity, dissimilarity, impropriety, anomaly,
Antonyms- congruity, consistency, consonance, compatibility, affinity
Example Sentence- He has been discharged from his job because of his
incongruity working style.

2) Profound- (noun & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- गहरा, गाढ़ा
English Meaning- very intensely or deep.
Synonyms- severe, profound, esoteric, intense, laborious, weighty
Antonyms- mild, shallow, slight, light, casual, limited
Example Sentence- After he shares his profound thinking with me, I become
more serious about my future.

3) Rigour- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- कठोरता
English Meaning- strictness.
Synonyms- hardness, harshness, severity, hardship, grimness
Antonyms- mildness, softness, resilience, delicacy, tenderness
Example Sentence- Government should make rigorous laws to control crime.

4) Deprivation- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- हा न, गरीबी
English Meaning- lack of something necessary.
Synonyms- detriment, privation, loss, damage, neediness, forfeit
Antonyms- offering, benefit, gain, supply, profit
Example Sentence- Still, there are millions of people in the world who are
suffering from severe deprivation.
5) Consonance- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- तालमेल, सामंज य
English Meaning- having compatibility.
Synonyms- coherence, conformity, euphony, accordance, agreement
Antonyms- chaos, dissonance, difference, incompatibility, clash
Example Sentence- The consonance between captain and coach can make the
team great. 1
1000 Vocabularies (6-10)

6) Consent- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- वीकृ त, अनुम त दे ना
English Meaning- permitting something.
Synonyms- accept, permission, sanction, agree, consent, allow, permit
Antonyms- disagree, differ, oppose, disapprove, denial, objection.
Example Sentence- Without taking any consent from the head of the
company, the manager took the wrong action.

7) Repatriation- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- वदे श लौटना
English Meaning- the return of your own country.
Synonyms- comeback, homecoming, return, restoration, rendition
Antonyms- exile, leave, depart, leaving
Example Sentence- The repatriation of talented people can solve many
problems in a country.

8) Hypothesis- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- प रक पना, अनुमान
English Meaning- a supposition made based on limited evidence.
Synonyms- guess, assumption, thesis, presumption, theory, belief
Antonyms- fact, evidence, reality, proof
Example Sentence- The engineer’s wrong hypothesis causes weak
9) Concurrence- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- सहम त, मेल
English Meaning- two or more events are happening at the same time.
Synonyms- acceptance, consensus, consent, concord, agreement,
Antonyms- dissent, difference, objection, rejection, conflict
Example Sentence- Every year, class 10th exam starts in concurrence with the
class 12th exam.
10) Shenanigans- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- छल कपट
English Meaning- fraudulent activity
Synonyms- trick, caper, antic, mischief, Manoeuvre, rascality
Antonyms- honesty, ignorance, truth, simplicity, sincerity
Example Sentence- The Politician was involved in financial shenanigans. 2
1000 Vocabularies (11-15)

11) Vacillate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- न य न कर पाना, हचकना, डगमगाना
English Meaning- a state of confusion.
Synonyms- wobble, fluctuate, hesitate, alternate, waver, seesaw, stumble
Antonyms- persist, plunge, remain, determine, persevere, abide
Example Sentence- When he saw different designs of shoes, he vacillated
between buying a perfect pair of shoes.

12) Abstain- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- बचना, परहेज रखना
English Meaning- restrain from doing something.
Synonyms- avoid, desist, decline, refuse, eschew, refrain, reject
Antonyms- accept, taste, try, attempt, enter, commit
Example Sentence- Pilots must abstain from alcohol for 24 hours before

13) Scruple- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- संदेह, झझखना, संकोच, आशंका होना
English Meaning- a feeling of hesitation.
Synonyms- hesitate, demur, doubt, uncertainty, vacillate, stickle
Antonyms- determine, decide, choose, persist, abide
Example Sentence- I always scruple when I ask my parents for money.

14) Astound- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- भयभीत करना, च कत करना, अचं भत करना
English Meaning- to surprise.
Synonyms- stun, stagger, shock, amaze, overwhelm, astonish
Antonyms- bore, annoy, sluggish, dull, fatigue
Example Sentence- Akshay Kumar’s performance in 2.0 movie astounded

15) Tarnish- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- कलंक त करना, ध बा, कलंक, धू मल करना
English Meaning- damage or fade something.
Synonyms- defame, stain, dirty, defile, pollute, harm, injure
Antonyms- brighten, polish, improve, purify, honour, dignify, glorify
Example Sentence- His crimes tarnished his family reputation. 3
1000 Vocabularies (16-20)

16) Oblivion- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- गुमनामी, भुल कड़ी, व मृ त
English Meaning- something which is forgotten.
Synonyms- forgetfulness, disregard, nothingness, limbo, nonexistence
Antonyms- heed, awareness, mindfulness, remember, consciousness
Example Sentence- The movie put me in such a state of oblivion that I forgot
to complete my homework.

17) Butcher- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- कसाई, ह या करना
English Meaning- a person whose trade is cutting up meat.
Synonyms- slaughter, murderer, perpetrator, massacre, murderer, killer
Antonyms- create, birth, renaissance, accomplish, origin, Genesis
Example Sentence- Some people don’t like to visit the meat market to see the

18) Proscribe- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- दे श से नकालना, याग करना
English Meaning- outlaw something.
Synonyms- outlaw, prohibit, ban, disallow, exclude, denounce
Antonyms- approve, accredit, allow, permit
Example Sentence- They are proscribed by federal law from owning guns.

19) Ragtag- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- न न वग, छछोरे, आवारे
English Meaning- disorganised.
Synonyms- villainy, roguery, heedless, negligent
Antonyms- attentive, prudent, kind, watchful, mindful
Example Sentence- A ragtag group of people always tarnish society.

20) Slant- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- तरछा करना, तरछापन, तरछा, झुकाव
English Meaning- a sloping position.
Synonyms- inclination, angle, tilt, slope, bend, twist, decline
Antonyms- straighten, level, even, flooring
Example Sentence- A slanted mountainside makes it easier to track for the
mountain climbers. 4
1000 Vocabularies (21-25)

21) Glean- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- बटोरना, बीनना
English Meaning- gather Something from various sources.
Synonyms- obtain, gather, harvest, extract, collect, deduce, earn
Antonyms- spread, dispose of, distribute, sow
Example Sentence- People are reacting to fake news gleaned from an
unauthorized source.

22) Proviso- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- तबंध, शत
English Meaning- a condition attached to an agreement.
Synonyms- condition, prerequisite, stipulation, onerous, clause, caveat
Antonyms- disorder, optional, volition
Example Sentence- Two companies always make a deal with some proviso.

23) Ludicrous- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ऊटपटांग, उपहासपूण, बेतुका
English Meaning- Something weird or absurd
Synonyms- laughable, nonsensical, idiotic, absurd, ridiculous, foolish, stupid
Antonyms- prudent, intelligent, logical, solemn, reasonable, believable
Example Sentence- His ludicrous statements are entertainment sources for

24) Succinct- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- सं त, छोटा
English Meaning- Something expressed briefly
Synonyms- concise, short, brief, summary, abbreviated, terse
Antonyms- lengthy, long, redundant, enlarged, prolonged
Example Sentence- An ideal speech should be succinct and to the point.

25) Adhesive- (noun & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- चपकने वाला, ग द
English Meaning- Something sticky
Synonyms- gummy, tenacious, glutinous, gooey, gluey, glue
Antonyms- separated, loose, incoherent
Example Sentence- I'm not too fond of the adhesive hair products which feel
sticky. 5
1000 Vocabularies (26-30)

26) Predator- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- द रदा, परभ ी, लूट मार करने वाला
English Meaning- An organism that naturally preys on others
Synonyms- killer, marauder, vulture, hunter, rapacious, buzzard
Antonyms- vegetarian, herbivore, victim
Example Sentence- The eagle is a predator that eats dead animals, which
helps to keep the earth clean.

27) Indecorous- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- गंदा, अभ , अमया दत
English Meaning- Something inappropriate.
Synonyms- immodest, improper, unseemly, indecent, inappropriate
Antonyms- decent, relevant, respectable, relevant, appropriate, decorous
Example Sentence- The behaviour of the corrupt policeman was indecorous
with the innocent man.

28) Peculiar- (noun & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अनोखा, असामा य
English Meaning- Something unusual.
Synonyms- bizarre, strange, unusual, weird, queer, eccentric, freakish
Antonyms- familiar, common, normal, general, usual
Example Sentence- The Statue of Unity is a peculiar destination for tourists.

29) Muster- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- इक ा करना, गनती
English Meaning- gather together.
Synonyms- collect, congregate, meet, gather, summon, collection, mobilize.
Antonyms- separate, adjourn, disperse, division, terminate.
Example Sentence- The farmers were mustered to protest against the
government policy.

30) Chaotic- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अ त त, वशृंखल
English Meaning- a state of disorder.
Synonyms- jumbled, turbulent, disorganised, disordered, messy, lawless
Antonyms- orderly, organised, systematic, calm, quiet, arranged.
Example Sentence- Markets are the most chaotic places in India. 6
1000 Vocabularies (31-35)

31) Perfidious- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- व ासघाती, नमकहराम
English Meaning- disloyal person.
Synonyms- dishonest, traitorous, disloyal, deceitful, unfaithful, recreant,
Antonyms- devoted, trustworthy, reliable, loyal, dependable
Example Sentence- After his perfidious act, his friends made a distance from

32) Pervasive- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ापक, फैलनेवाला
English Meaning- something is spreading widely.
Synonyms- universal, widespread, prevalent, omnipresent, broad
Antonyms- narrow, finite, collective, limited, moderate, enclosed, confined.
Example Sentence- In many countries, corruption is a pervasive issue that is
weakening the economic condition.

33) Chaperone- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- संर का, सहचरी
English Meaning- a person who watches and ensures the safety of another
Synonyms- usher, escort, convoy, guard, shepherd, safeguard, guardian
Antonyms- abandon, jejune, quit, leave, neglect, threat.
Example Sentence- Every mother chaperoned her children at all times.

34) Conscientious- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ईमानदार, कत न
English Meaning- duty well.
Synonyms- careful, honest, heedful, cautious, reliable, ethical, faithful, moral
Antonyms- lazy, careless, unscrupulous, dishonest, immoral, unjust, corrupt
Example Sentence- Every company likes conscientious workers.

35) Extradite- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- अपराधी को य पत करना
English Meaning- hand over a criminal to the police of a jurisdiction
Synonyms- expel, banish, deport, exclude, exile, exclude, outlaw, surrender
Antonyms- hold, capture, shelter, keep
Example Sentence- Because so many countries wanted to prosecute the
woman, it wasn't easy to decide where to extradite her. 7
1000 Vocabularies (36-40)

36) Conundrum- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पहेली, सम या
English Meaning- a puzzling and difficult problem.
Synonyms- puzzle, enigma, mystery, mystification, brainteaser
Antonyms- obviousness, clarify, solution, explanation, illustrate
Example Sentence- Solving maths is a difficult conundrum for the students
who are preparing for various exams.
37) Adhere- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- पालन करना, ढ़ रहना, चपकना, वफादार होना
English Meaning- stick to a factor and follow something rigorously
Synonyms- obey, stick to, embrace, persist, stick, hold, bind
Antonyms- apart, vacillate, loosen, alienate, detach, disobey
Example Sentence- There are millions of people in the world who do not
adhere to any religion.

38) Nullify- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- र करना, अमा य ठहराना
English Meaning- make no use of something legally
Synonyms- invalidate, cancel, revoke, abolish, quash, void, annul, repeal
Antonyms- ratify, validate, confirm, sanction, legalise, affirm, support
Example Sentence- New Government is trying to nullify the decisions of the
previous Government.

39) Susceptible- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- आसानी से भा वत होने वाला, हणशील, अ तसंवेदनशील, भावुक
English Meaning- likely to be influenced.
Synonyms- vulnerable, sensitive, tractable, flexible, pliable, delicate
Antonyms- strong, resistant, unbeatable, vigorous
Example Sentence- Drinking more soft drinks will be susceptible to diabetes.
40) Apparent- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- कट, , यमान
English Meaning- seeming prominent or visible.
Synonyms- clear, visible, apparent, evident, distinct, transparent, noticeable
Antonyms- covert, unclear, dubious, cryptic, indistinct
Example Sentence- Because of exam pressure nowadays, my friend gets
angry without any apparent reason. 8
1000 Vocabularies (41-45)

41) Concede- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- वीकार करना, कबूल करना
English Meaning- admit something true after first denying it.
Synonyms- accept, admit, grant, allow, surrender, confess, agree, accede
Antonyms- reject, deny, dispute, dissent, fight, refute, disapprove, disallow
Example Sentence- After the third-degree torture by the police, the criminal
concedes his crime.

42) Diverge- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- भ होना, छतरना
English Meaning- separate and go in a different direction.
Synonyms- separate, differ, deviate, split, dissent, diverge, digress, desert
Antonyms- coincide, join, concur, meet, associate, add, assent, blend, attend
Example Sentence- I was confused about choosing the exact route because
the road diverged into several routes.

43) Escort- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- मागर ण करना, अनुर क दल
English Meaning- a person or group is accompanying another for protection.
Synonyms- usher, convoy, guide, accompany, lead, companion, protector
Antonyms- neglect, drop, neglect, leave, betrayer, assaulter, deceive
Example Sentence- The police were assigned to escort the pilgrims, to deal
with any security threat.

44) Etiquette- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- श ाचार, तहज़ीब
English Meaning- polite behaviour in society.
Synonyms- manners, politeness, courtesy, decency, propriety, dignity
Antonyms- discourtesy, rudeness, indecency, misbehaviour, impropriety
Example Sentence- His etiquette won millions of hearts.

45) Courteous- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- वन , भ , शालीन
English Meaning- polite in manner.
Synonyms- respectful, humble, gentle, gracious, mannerly, polite, gracious
Antonyms- harsh, disrespectful, uncivil, rude, outrageous, ungracious, insolent
Example Sentence- Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam was known for his courteous
personality. 9
1000 Vocabularies (46-50)

46) Superfluity- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अ धकता, अ य धकता
English Meaning- an unnecessary excess amount of something.
Synonyms- overflow, abundance, surplus, excess, plethora, extravagance
Antonyms- shortage, deficiency, lack, inadequacy, need, deficit, insufficiency
Example Sentence- We should avoid anything superfluous in our life.

47) Elicit- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- नकालना, ा त करना
English Meaning- bring out
Synonyms- extract, educe, provoke, evoke, fetch, derive, kindle, obtain
Antonyms- detain, repress, cover, keep, abduct, append, amalgamate
Example Sentence- His parents were trying to elicit the truth from his son.

48) Figurehead- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- नाममा का शासक, क पत सरदार
English Meaning- a puppet without real power.
Synonyms- mouthpiece, puppet, dummy, so-called, tool
Antonyms- backside, big fish, commander, the main person
Example Sentence- Dr Manmohan Singh was denounced as a figurehead PM.

49) Burrow- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- बल खोदना, मांद
English Meaning- to dig to make a hole.
Synonyms- den, hovel, tunnel, dig, hole, undermine, mine, hollow, sap, scoop
Antonyms- fill, cover, apply, provide, place, include, expand
Example Sentence- The rabbit tried to burrow himself down in the ground so
that the fox wouldn't catch him.

50) Conflation- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- स म ण, मलना
English Meaning- merging of two or more sets of things.
Synonyms- amalgam, combination, fusion, merger, mixture, incorporation
Antonyms- isolation, separation, detachment, parting, disconnection
Example Sentence- The conflation of lemon and honey with water, makes it a
healthy drink. 10
1000 Vocabularies (51-55)

51) Enrage- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- ो धत करना
English Meaning- to make someone very angry.
Synonyms- anger, irritate, annoy, infuriate, provoke, exacerbate, arouse, nettle
Antonyms- soothe, please, assuage, appease, calm, comfort, relieve, satisfy
Example Sentence- His coming to home late at night, makes his parents
52) Bout- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- मुकाबला, मु केबाज़ी तयो गता
English Meaning- a short period of something unpleasant.
Synonyms- contest, battle, game, match, competition, encounter, attack, fight
Antonyms- Concord, trail, stagnation, Concord
Example Sentence- The boxer who will handle the pressure properly will win
the final bout.

53) Caprice- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- सनक, मौज, उमंग
English Meaning- a sudden change of mood or behaviour.
Synonyms- humour, whimsy, freak, mood, vagary, caprice, blatancy, wave
Antonyms- constancy, constant, permanence, dependability
Example Sentence- His caprices made his friend’s life difficult.

54) Emanate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- नकलना
English Meaning- to come out or emit.
Synonyms- emerge, exhale, issue, flow, originate, discharge, rise, begin, pour.
Antonyms- absorb, take, accept, eat up, conceal
Example Sentence- Chemical water emanates from Factories and mix with the
river, causing water pollution.

55) Trumpet- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- ढढोरा पीटना, घो षत करना, तुरही
English Meaning- proclaim widely
Synonyms- herald, broadcast, advertise, announce, proclaim, publicise, extol
Antonyms- conceal, secret, hide, silence, muteness, privacy
Example Sentence- The cricket team trumpeted its victory in the city. 11
1000 Vocabularies (56-60)

56) Electrocute- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- बजली से मर जाना
English Meaning- to die by electricity.
Synonyms- punish, kill, put to death, lynch, assassinate, guillotine, murder
Antonyms- support, recover, revive, save, protect, safeguard
Example Sentence- Many electricians electrocute due to lack of safeness.

57) Annihilate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- संहार करना, मटा दे ना, जड़ से मटाना
English Meaning- destroy utterly.
Synonyms- eliminate, eradicate, destroy, demolish, abolish, ruin, erase, annul
Antonyms- build, establish, revive, constitute, create, promote
Example Sentence- The farmers use Insecticide to annihilate the insects from
the crops.
58) Cluster- (noun & verb)
Hindi Meaning- समूह, इक ा करना
English Meaning- a group of similar things.
Synonyms- bunch, gather, collection, group, collection, bundle, aggregate
Antonyms- isolation, individual, break, one, disperse, spread
Example Sentence- The cluster of illegal weapons seized by the Police in the

59) Clobber- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- पीटना, मारना
English Meaning- hit someone strongly.
Synonyms- smash, batter, strike, drub, beat, hit, attack, punch, knock
Antonyms- uphold, praise, appreciate, promote, defend, assist, upraise
Example Sentence- The crowd of people clobbered the thief in the market
without informing the Police.

60) Disquiet- (verb and adjective)

Hindi Meaning- बेचैनी, अशांत, घबराहट
English Meaning- a feeling of worry.
Synonyms- disturb, trouble, anxiety, upset, embarrass, agitate, discomfort
Antonyms- comfort, please, ease, peace, easiness, coolness, patience, relief
Example Sentence- The novel is a tense thriller that will disquiet the reader. 12
1000 Vocabularies (61-65)

61) Spearhead- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- पहल करनेवाला, अगुआई करना
English Meaning- to lead an event.
Synonyms- forefront, pioneer, head, vanguard, spearpoint, innovator
Antonyms- inheritor, successor, destroyer
Example Sentence- The company has hired a marketing service provider who
will spearhead the marketing segment.
62) Admonish- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- ध कारना, चेतावनी दे ना
English Meaning- to warn strongly.
Synonyms- caution, warn, forewarn, scold, reproach, castigate, alert, criticize
Antonyms- laud, praise, compliment, applaud, support, flatter, hail, encourage
Example Sentence- The teacher has admonished the student who is always
absent from the class.
63) Remunerate- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- पा र मक दे ना
English Meaning- pay for services rendered.
Synonyms- reimburse, compensate, redress, repay, payment, refund, atone
Antonyms- take, charge, seize, due, penalise, punish, censure
Example Sentence- The owner of the company does not remunerate his
workers fairly.
64) Procurement- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- ा त, उपल
English Meaning- the action of obtaining something.
Synonyms- purchase, attainment, acquisition, obtainment, acquirement
Antonyms- sale, provide, allot, outflow, delivery, consumption
Example Sentence- The Indian Air Force is going to procure several aircraft to
increase the strength.
65) Concomitant- (noun & adjective)
Hindi Meaning- जुड़ा आ, सहचारी
English Meaning- naturally accompanying.
Synonyms- incidental, coincident, concurrent, attendant, simultaneous
Antonyms- independent, unrelated, accidental, antecedent, separate
Example Sentence- The audience was surprised after seeing the concomitant
performance of the performer. 13
1000 Vocabularies (66-70)

66) Staunch- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- न ावान, क र, ढ़, अटल
English Meaning- very committed in attitude.
Synonyms- determined, tenacious, tireless, stanch, firm, loyal, steadfast
Antonyms- disloyal, unreliable, faithless, insecure, unbelieving, unsafe
Example Sentence- He is a staunch fan of Virat Kohli, that’s why he always
watches his batting.

67) Scepticism- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- संदेहवाद, अ व ास
English Meaning- doubtful attitude.
Synonyms- distrust, suspicion, doubt, mistrust, wariness, cynicism, hesitation
Antonyms- trustfulness, credence, definiteness, confidence, belief, conviction
Example Sentence- Scepticism is becoming one of the biggest problems in

68) Persuasive- (noun & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- भावपूण, ेरणा
English Meaning- believe something through reasoning.
Synonyms- powerful, inspiring, effective, impressive, influential, weighty
Antonyms- discouraging, groundless, disheartening, fragile, mumbling
Example Sentence- His persuasive speech made me motivated.

69) Valiant- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- बहा र, साहसी
English Meaning- showing courage.
Synonyms- gallant, brave, courageous, heroic, fearless, bold, valorous
Antonyms- scary, afraid, coward, shy, timorous, nervous, horrified, terrible
Example Sentence- MC Mary Kom is one of the most valiant women boxers
whom India has ever produced.

70) Reassert- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- पु करना, ढ़तापूवक सामने रखना
English Meaning- saying something firmly.
Synonyms- reaffirm, affirm, confirm, reassertion, restate, corroborate
Antonyms- disclaim, deny, distressing, reject, repudiate
Example Sentence- He speaks loudly to reassert his statements. 14
1000 Vocabularies (71-75)

71) Triumph- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- सफलता, वजय ा त करना
English Meaning- a victory or achievement.
Synonyms- victory, glory, succeed, win, conquer, overcome, dominate
Antonyms- failure, flop, defeat, forfeit, disaster, loss, setback, letdown
Example Sentence- The whole nation has started a celebration after the
triumph of its team.

72) Conflict- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- टकराव, संघष करना
English Meaning- a serious disagreement.
Synonyms- clash, fight, combat, battle, disagreement, dispute, hostilities, differ
Antonyms- cooperation, cooperation, Concord, accord, consensus, congruity
Example Sentence- Because of the conflict, thousands of people died in
African nations.

73) Remonstrate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- वरोध करना, आप करना
English Meaning- to complain or criticise someone about something.
Synonyms- protest, argue, object, disapprove, complain, dispute, admonish
Antonyms- accept, allow, confess, consider, admit, tolerate
Example Sentence- The students remonstrated against poor school

74) Demonstrate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- दशन करना, द शत करना
English Meaning- to prove something by showing a practical exhibition.
Synonyms- exhibit, display, manifest, illustrate, show, reveal, explain
Antonyms- conceal, hide, refute, cover, veil, confound.
Example Sentence- He has demonstrated his project in the science exhibition.

75) Obligation- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कत , एहसान, आभार
English Meaning- a duty or commitment.
Synonyms- gratitude, promise, responsibility, onus, pledge, accountability
Antonyms- choice, dispute, option, license
Example Sentence- We should follow our national obligation to make our
country great. 15
1000 Vocabularies (76-80)

76) Exaggerate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- बढ़ा चढ़ाकर कहना
English Meaning- saying something beyond the limits.
Synonyms- magnify, overstate, hyperbolize, overestimate, expand, exacerbate
Antonyms- belittle, devalue, reduce, understate, minimise, underrate
Example Sentence- The teacher always exaggerates to explain the chapter

77) Downpour- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मूसलधार बा रश
English Meaning- heavy rain.
Synonyms- torrent, rainstorm, flood, monsoon, rainstorm, shower, rainfall
Antonyms- sprinkle, light rain, drizzle, drought
Example Sentence- Because of the downpour, the city is facing an awful flood.

78) Obstruct- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- बाधा डालना
English Meaning- to block.
Synonyms- impede, block, prevent, stop, hinder, prohibit, restrain, hamper
Antonyms- assist, support, help, aid, promote, favour, allow, boost, benefit
Example Sentence- Police arrested the protesters who were trying to obstruct
the traffic.

79) Hefty- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- मोट , ह ा-क ा
English Meaning- large and heavy.
Synonyms- tough, massive, hard, ponderous, muscular, powerful, robust
Antonyms- thin, small, lightweight, slight, mini, weak, slim, delicate, low
Example Sentence- The hefty hammer can break hard rocks.

80) Impute- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- दोष लगाना, लांछन लगाना
English Meaning- blame someone.
Synonyms- blame, impeach, condemn, intimate, complain, censure, reproach
Antonyms- help, defend, guard, exonerate, exempt, absolve
Example Sentence- The people who always impute others, are the people who
never accept their mistakes. 16
1000 Vocabularies (81-85)

81) Showdown- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- नणायक मुठभेड़
English Meaning- Final battle.
Synonyms- clash, conflict, encounter, confrontation, climax, hostility, fight
Antonyms- negotiation, settlement, agreement, peacemaking, appeasing
Example Sentence- Before their showdown, all players join their hands.
82) Chromosome- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- गुणसू
English Meaning- carrying genetic information in the form of genes.
Synonyms- factor, gene, heredity, genetics, endowment
Antonyms- totality, sum, amalgam, result
Example Sentence- The genetic difference between a male and a female is a Y
83) Realm- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- े
English Meaning- a field or domain.
Synonyms- area, region, domain, province, territory, field, zone, range, circle
Antonyms- estate, federation, metropolitan
Example Sentence- Because he is not familiar with the realm of technology, he
should not talk any wrong about this.

84) Stipulate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- त ा करना, शत लगाना
English Meaning- to insist upon something as a condition of an agreement.
Synonyms- a bargain, contract, promise, condition, provide, establish
Antonyms- brazen, imply, audacious, conflict, debate, egotistic
Example Sentence- I generally avoid buying items that stipulate dry cleaning

85) Amend- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- संशोधन करना
English Meaning- improve something.
Synonyms- reform, improve, revise, amend, repair, correct, rectify, upgrade
Antonyms- deteriorate, debase, degrade, humiliate, worsen, corrupt, impair
Example Sentence- He has given an application to his office to amend the
wrong spelling of his name. 17
1000 Vocabularies (86-90)

86) Maternity- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मातृ व
English Meaning- motherhood.
Synonyms- pregnancy, motherhood, origin, gestation
Antonyms- paternity, novelisation, fatherhood
Example Sentence- She is a woman with a great interest in maternity.

87) Entitlement- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अ धकार, सरकार सम थत अनुदान
English Meaning- having a right to something.
Synonyms- authority, license, right, privilege, permission, allowance, allotment
Antonyms- ban, exclusion, prohibition, restriction, restraint, rejection
Example Sentence- The government has given him an entitlement to open a
shop in the city center.

88) Tranche- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अंश, शेयर का ह सा
English Meaning- a portion of the money.
Synonyms- slice, portion, piece, chunk, share, wedge
Antonyms- emit, entirety, whole, combine, aggregate, gather
Example Sentence- The investor is willing to take back his tranche from the

89) Retrench- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- छटनी करना, घटाना
English Meaning- reduce something.
Synonyms- cut down, reduce, decrease, curtail, slash, abridge, deduct, crop
Antonyms- expand, augment, amplify, enlarge, multiply, widen, broadening
Example Sentence- The CEO of the company has announced to retrench some
workers from the company.

90) Derogation- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अनादर, अपमान
English Meaning- the treatment of someone or something as being of little
Synonyms- disgrace, depreciation, obloquy, debasement, dishonour
Antonyms- dignify, flattery, hyperbole, expansion, glorification, heighten
Example Sentence- He could not tolerate the derogation of his companion. 18
1000 Vocabularies (91-95)

91) Immigrate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- परदे श म बसना
English Meaning- Permanently live in a foreign country.
Synonyms- come in, transmigrate, arrive, infiltrate, move in, resettle
Antonyms- emigrate, depart, displace, evict, leave, evacuate, deport, quit
Example Sentence- People from different countries want to immigrate to the
USA for a better lifestyle.

92) Emigrate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- वदे श यगना
English Meaning- Leaving your own country to live in another country.
Synonyms- migrate, leave, transmigrate, immigrate, relocate, escape, resettle
Antonyms- immigrate, remain, abandon, transmigrate, resettle
Example Sentence- Many Mexicans illegally immigrate into the USA from
Mexico, which is a severe issue in the USA.

93) Turmoil- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- उथल-पुथल, शोरगुल
English Meaning- a state of great disturbance.
Synonyms- disturbance, tumult, disorder, mess, chaos, agitation, fuss
Antonyms- peace, harmony, calmness, peacefulness, discipline, quietness
Example Sentence- During the election, it is a challenging task for the police to
curb any turmoil in the city.

94) Vigilant- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- जाग क, चौक ा, सावधान
English Meaning- keeping careful watch.
Synonyms- attentive, watchful, observant, guarded, cautious, heedful, awake
Antonyms- unaware, careless, negligent, heedless, oblivious
Example Sentence- During the festive season, security agencies keep special
vigilance on the unsocial elements.
95) Bystander- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- दशक, तमाशाई
English Meaning- a person who is present at an event but does not take part.
Synonyms- spectator, eyewitness, onlooker, watcher, viewer, audience
Antonyms- participator, contributor, entrant, nominee, performer
Example Sentence- Police took help from the bystanders to settle the case. 19
1000 Vocabularies (96-100)

96) Belligerent- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- लड़ाकू
English Meaning- hostile and aggressive.
Synonyms- hostile, warlike, aggressive, militant, combative, fighter, offensive
Antonyms- friendly, kindly, pleasant, gracious, defensive, benevolent
Example Sentence- The belligerent countries are having difficulties funding
the war.

97) Pivot- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- धान आधार, क ब
English Meaning- the central point.
Synonyms- hub, midpoint, centre, wheel, revolve, axis, axle, middle
Antonyms- edge, outskirt, perimeter, border, contour
Example Sentence- His marketing strategy became the pivot of the company’s

98) Liberty- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- वतं ता, आजाद , रहाई
English Meaning- the state of being free.
Synonyms- licenses, freedoms, choices, exemptions, permissions, amnesties
Antonyms- dependence, captivity, restraint, limitation, slavery, suppression
Example Sentence- People who were fighting for liberty are going to organise
a movement against the government.

99) Introspection- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- आ ममंथन
English Meaning- observation of one’s mental processes.
Synonyms- thought, contemplation, rumination, meditation, soul-searching
Antonyms- extrovert, sociable, gregarious
Example Sentence- We should take some time daily to introspect for a
peaceful life.
100) Statecraft- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- शासन कला
English Meaning- the skilful management of state affairs
Synonyms- politics, policy, king-craft, government, statesmanship, diplomacy
Antonyms- incivility, irresponsible, incompetence
Example Sentence- Sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee was known for his statecraft. 20
1000 Vocabularies (101-105)

101) Steadfast- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ढ़, अडीग, नरंतर
English Meaning- Dutifully firm and unwavering.
Synonyms- firmness, persistence, constancy, determination, tenacity, pluck
Antonyms- disloyalty, instability, resilience, inconstancy, flexibility, infidelity
Example Sentence- Because of his steadfastness towards his work, he is now
the most successful person in the city.
102) Stereotype- (noun & verb)
Hindi Meaning- ढ़, अडीग, नरंतर
English Meaning- Conservative perception.
Synonyms- pigeonhole, ritual, archetype, typecast, categorise, custom, pattern
Antonyms- difference, disorganised, imitation, unusual, unorthodox
Example Sentence- Many people are planning to boycott the show because
they believe the show reinforces the stereotype that black people are evil.
103) Poignant- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- मा मक, दय श , तीखा
English Meaning- something which is soul touching.
Synonyms- sharp, touching, pungent, acute, affecting, heartfelt, pitiful
Antonyms- dull, emotionless, flat, colourless, uninteresting, deadpan
Example Sentence- The climax of the movie was poignant and caused me to
reflect upon my childhood days.
104) Cynicism- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- नराशावाद, मानव े षवाद
English Meaning- A feeling of doubt to do something.
Synonyms- distrust, disbelief, discouragement, doubt, pessimism, uncertainty
Antonyms- belief, confidence, faith, optimism, certainty, reliance
Example Sentence- Because of his cynicism, people always stay away from
105) Combustion- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- जलाना, दहन, दाह
English Meaning- The process of burning.
Synonyms- fire, burning, flaming, blaze, explosion, flurry, turmoil, heat
Antonyms- calm, cold, freezing, icy, frozen, smooth, arctic
Example Sentence- The combustion of the forest is dangerous for many
animals and the environment. 21
1000 Vocabularies (106-110)

106) Abhorrent- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- घनौना, बीभ स
English Meaning- Something which is disgusting.
Synonyms- foul, repugnant, vile, disgusting, revolting, nasty, nasty, hateful
Antonyms- pretty, beautiful, appealing, gorgeous, attractive, lovely, handsome
Example Sentence- The Police arrested three people who were involved in an
abhorrent crime.

107) Menace- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- A person or thing that causes problems.
English Meaning- ख़तरा, हा नकारक, धमक दे ना
Synonyms- risk, endanger, threaten, hazard, peril, jeopardise, terrorise, loom
Antonyms- guard, defence, aid, assistance, safety, help, comfort, protection
Example Sentence- Mosquitoes are the real menaces for poor people.

108) Legislation- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- क़ानून, वधान
English Meaning- A body of law
Synonyms- act, law, statute, regulation, rule, edict, canon, constitution
Antonyms- dissolution, annulment, negation, violation, anarchy, disorder
Example Sentence- The parliament is going to amend the old legislation.

109) Mortgage- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- बंधक, गरवी, ऋण, ब क रखना
English Meaning- An agreement of borrowing money from a financial
Synonyms- lease, loan, debt, bond, debenture, stake, promise`
Antonyms- redeem, ownership, sell, takeover, ownership, possession
Example Sentence- He was unable to pay the mortgage on his home loan.

110) Shrink- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- सकोड़ना, घटना, छोटा होना
English Meaning- Make or become smaller.
Synonyms- dwindle, recoil, contract, diminish, decrease, reduce, shorten
Antonyms- stretch, increase, grow, expand, lengthen, maximise, extend
Example Sentence- If the GDP continues to shrink, the country will be in a
recession. 22
1000 Vocabularies (111-115)

111) Scrutiny- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- छानबीन, समी ा, सू म परी ण
English Meaning- heedful observation or examination.
Synonyms- study, analysis, inspection, examination, investigation, inquiry
Antonyms- flash, glance, neglect, carelessness, glimpse, ignorance
Example Sentence- After the detailed scrutiny of the virus, scientists have
reported to the Government.

112) Entail- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- आव यक, अप रहाय होना, आव यक बना दे ना
English Meaning- to require or involve.
Synonyms- implicate, involve, necessitate, imply, require, demand, impose
Antonyms- exclude, depict, cut, delete, annul, eject, expel, pull, eliminate
Example Sentence- That will entail an early start tomorrow morning.

113) Impasse- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ग तरोध, क ठन त, ब द गली
English Meaning- A situation where no advancement is possible
Synonyms- deadlock, jam, standstill, stalemate, blockage, halt, block, stop
Antonyms- movement, passage, advance, furtherance, headway, progress
Example Sentence- A successful person always tackles every impasse in his

114) Encapsulate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- संपु टत करना
English Meaning- To summarise something.
Synonyms- abbreviate, enclose, wrap, abridge, shorten, summarise
Antonyms- extend, expand, lengthen, enlarge, prolong, maximise, increase
Example Sentence- A plastic encapsulates after burning.

115) Nuisance- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- बाधा, परेशानी, उप व, ववाद
English Meaning- Something or someone irritates.
Synonyms- trouble, pain, bother, irritation, irritant, headache, problem
Antonyms- benefit, pleasure, joy, comfort, godsend, enjoyment, assistance
Example Sentence- After facing every nuisance, he reached to the top. 23
1000 Vocabularies (116-120)

116) Optimal- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- सव म, े , सव कृ
English Meaning- Best or most favourable.
Synonyms- excellent, optimum, superlative, peerless, perfect, superb, flawless
Antonyms- mediocre, nasty, poorest, worst, basic, regular, ordinary, tolerable
Example Sentence- I always believe in buying the optimal products.

117) Renaissance- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पुनजागरण, नवजागृ त
English Meaning- Rebirth of something.
Synonyms- rejuvenation, revival, rebirth, Renascence, renewal, reawakening
Antonyms- destruction, demolition, decline, end, elimination, deterioration
Example Sentence- The launching of the JIO in India brought about a
renaissance in uses of the Internet.

118) Invasion- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- आ मण, चढ़ाई, हमला
English Meaning- An instance of capturing another's territory by force.
Synonyms- assault, raid, foray, incursion, onslaught, attack, foray, offence
Antonyms- defend, surrender, defence, protection, security, refuge, shelter
Example Sentence- An invasion would certainly precipitate a political crisis.

119) Redundant- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अनाव यक, ज़ रत से यादा
English Meaning- something that is not essential.
Synonyms- excess, extra, unnecessary, surplus, superfluous, overflowing
Antonyms- essential, necessary, indispensable, concise, vital, crucial
Example Sentence- We should use redundant money in the welfare of the
needy people.

120) Quotation- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भाव ववरण, उ रण, हवाला
English Meaning- A repetition of words of an original author or speaker.
Synonyms- mention, citation, mention, reference, example, illustration
Antonyms- original, paraphrase, reproach, dishonour, ignore
Example Sentence- His quotation was irrelevant in that context. 24
1000 Vocabularies (121-125)

121) Monarchy- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- सा ा य, राज-तं , राजशाही
English Meaning- The state or country which is governed by a King or Queen.
Synonyms- royalty, empire, sovereignty, autarchy, crown
Antonyms- republic, democracy, mobocracy, aristocracy
Example Sentence- For centuries, India was ruled by monarchs.

122) Renege- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- इनकार करना, मुकरना, यागना
English Meaning- go back on a promise
Synonyms- withdraw, revoke, deny, disavow, forswear
Antonyms- support, admit, agree, commit, acknowledge
Example Sentence- The Government has reneged to cut-down the price of the

123) Assert- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- ढ़ता से कहना, दावा करना, अ धकार जताना
English Meaning- Speaking or believing confidently.
Synonyms- affirm, claim, state, proclaim, insist
Antonyms- reject, refute, deny, disavow, refuse
Example Sentence- He asserted that he would not come under any pressure.

124) Sulk- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- नाराज़ होना, ठना, उदास होना
English Meaning- Be in a bad mood.
Synonyms- lour, stew, anger, brood, mope
Antonyms- vibes, smile, joy, happiness, pleasure
Example Sentence- When his teacher told him to stop being silly, he decided
to frown and sulk the rest of the afternoon.

125) Ignominy- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- बदनामी, मानहा न, तर कार
English Meaning- Public Shame.
Synonyms- infamy, shame, discredit, dishonour, insult, disgrace
Antonyms- glory, pride, honour, renown, repute
Example Sentence- The criminal faced ignominy after the verdict by the court. 25
1000 Vocabularies (126-130)

126) Revisionist- (adjective & noun)

Hindi Meaning- संशोधनवाद , संशो धत
English Meaning- A person who advocates to revise or modify a policy or rule.
Synonyms- reformer, revolutionary, corrective, liberal, heretical
Antonyms- traditional, rightist, orthodox, habitual, fixed
Example Sentence- PM Narendra Modi is one of the revisionists who always
believe in amending the redundant laws.
127) Cautious- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- सतक, ख़बरदार, चौक ा, सावधानता
English Meaning- Be watchful to avoid any problem.
Synonyms- heedful, watchful, careful, alert, attentive
Antonyms- heedless, careless, imprudent, naive, unguarded
Example Sentence- We should be cautious about the cleanliness of our
surroundings to avoid any disease.
128) Pronouncement- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- घोषणा, नणय सुनाना, राय
English Meaning- a formal announcement or declaration, especially given by
an authority.
Synonyms- statement, declaration, sentence, revelation, announcement
Antonyms- inquiry, dubious, concealment, furtive, covert
Example Sentence- The pronouncement by the court gave justice.
129) Confrontation- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- आमना-सामना, मुक़ाबला, वरोध
English Meaning- An act of challenging face to face one to another.
Synonyms- combat, conflict, fight, battle, clash, contest
Antonyms- support, calm, consensus, agreement, favor, harmonize
Example Sentence- India won the Asia Cup 2018 after a close confrontation
with Bangladesh.

130) Hegemony- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- नेतृ व, ाधा य, आ धप य
English Meaning- a dominance of a state or any group.
Synonyms- power, supremacy, leadership, rule, sovereignty
Antonyms- coercion, dictatorship, oppression, disability, coercion
Example Sentence- The captain of the team has the hegemony over the team
members. 26
1000 Vocabularies (131-135)

131) Exodus- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ान, पलायन, ान
English Meaning- A situation when a vast number of people leave a specific
Synonyms- evacuation, immigration, departure, exit, emigration, flight
Antonyms- entry, arrival, entrance, coming, landing, arrive, introduction
Example Sentence- Villages are dying because of the exodus of people to the
132) Indigenous- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- वदे शी, वदे श म उ प , मूल नवासी
English Meaning- occurring, living, or existing naturally in a specific place.
Synonyms- local, domestic, innate, native, inherent, private, ethnic
Antonyms- strange, non-native, foreign, exotic, alien, external, foreigner
Example Sentence- The marine scientists were confused when they found a
species of fish that was not indigenous to the ocean water.
133) Leap- (noun & verb)
Hindi Meaning- छलांग, उछलना, छलांग मारना
English Meaning- a sudden increase and spring or jump up in the air quickly.
Synonyms- bounce, jump, dance, spring, move, upswing, surge, gambol, vault
Antonyms- decrease, drop, dive, bout, slump, abate, destruction, dip, stumble
Example Sentence- I enjoyed while watching the stunts in the movie, where
the actor was leaping from the buildings.
134) Norm- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- आदश, मानदं ड, कसौट , नयम
English Meaning- a pattern or standard.
Synonyms- rule, pattern, standard, prototype, benchmark, example, measure
Antonyms- abnormality, exception, anomaly, exception, oddity, estimate
Example Sentence- The norm of the company for the employee is stringent.
135) Epitome- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- न कष, सारांश, नचोड़
English Meaning- a summary of excellent writing.
Synonyms- brief, paragon, paradigm, summary, model, synopsis, abstract
Antonyms- extension, expansion, addition, antithesis, enlargement
Example Sentence- The epitome of that article was beyond the imagination
for the readers. 27
1000 Vocabularies (136-140)

136) Rhetoric- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ा यान व ा, भाषण कला
English Meaning- The art of effective speaking, which is often considered as
Synonyms- verbosity, oral skills, oratory, bombast, elocution, discourse
Antonyms- quiet, silence, fumbling, shyness
Example Sentence- Indian politicians are known for their rhetorical
137) Snatch- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- छ नना, बलपूवक हण
English Meaning- Forcefully seize something.
Synonyms- catch, grab, seize, abduct, scrap, swipe, capture, jerk, grapple
Antonyms- release, give, liberation, exemption, free, let go, relief
Example Sentence- Police have caught some goons who were snatching
money from shopkeepers at the market.
138) Emulate- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- अनुकरण करना, बराबरी करना
English Meaning- Imitate to copy someone.
Synonyms- follow, copy, mimic, echo, imitate, parrot, simulate, parallel
Antonyms- ignore, neglect, condemn, disregard, overlook, divest, reproach
Example Sentence- We should always emulate successful persons to get
139) Carnage- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- नरसंहार, क लेआम, मार-काट
English Meaning- A mass killing.
Synonyms- killing, butchery, slaughter, homicide, bloodshed, bloodbath
Antonyms- hospitality, friendship, courtesy, civility, amiability, decency,
Example Sentence- The world has seen several carnages where millions of
people were killed.
140) Hurdle- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- बाधा, कावट
English Meaning- a difficulty or obstacle
Synonyms- hindrance, impediment, obstacle, barrier, bound, bar, blockade
Antonyms- aid, help, assistance, advantage, ease, cooperate, encourage
Example Sentence- We face a lot of hurdles in life, but we should face it
courageously. 28
1000 Vocabularies (141-145)

141) Expedition- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अ भयान, मु हम, चढ़ाई, खोज-या ा
English Meaning- A trip taken by a group of people for a particular purpose.
Synonyms- outing, journey, voyage, campaign, jaunt, junket, alertness, drive
Antonyms- halt, hindrance, drawback, inaction, avocation
Example Sentence- The clean India expedition will succeed if almost everyone
will participate in it.

142) Absurd- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- बेतुका, हा या द, असंगत, बे दा
English Meaning- Something which is illogical or inappropriate
Synonyms- senseless, foolish, ludicrous, silly, irrational, illogical, laughable
Antonyms- logical, intelligent, valid, sensible, substantial, rational, brainy
Example Sentence- His lifestyle is so absurd that people hesitate to talk with

143) Erupt- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- व ोट होना, नकल आना, फटना
English Meaning- Something which breaks out suddenly
Synonyms- burst, explode, detonate, break, discharge, spurt, spurt, break out
Antonyms- carry, contain, catnap, bring, consume, adapt, acquire
Example Sentence- The peace march erupted into a violent carnage.

144) Coercion- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- बल योग, जोर जबरद ती, बला कार
English Meaning- Using pressure or threat to get someone to do something
Synonyms- brutality, violence, ferocity, fury, extortion, pressure, commotion
Antonyms- autonomy, liberty, democracy, independence, back
Example Sentence- The Police used coercion to make the criminal.

145) Sedentary- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ग तहीन, सु त, बैठा आ, अ मणशील
English Meaning- Staying in one place without activity.
Synonyms- motionless, immobile, stationary, idle, sluggish, inactive
Antonyms- athletic, active, energetic, moving, activated, vivacious, vigorous
Example Sentence- Gadgets and Televisions are making the people sedentary
day by day. 29
1000 Vocabularies (146-150)

146) Instance- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- उदाहरण, घटना, ेरणा, आ ह
English Meaning- A particular incident and an example.
Synonyms- specify, example, illustration, sample, paradigm, pattern, standard
Antonyms- repetition, device, indication
Example Sentence- After the Kargil instance, there is a lack of trust in the
India-Pakistan relation.
147) Indigent- (noun & adjective)
Hindi Meaning- द र , ज रतमंद, गरीब
English Meaning- A needy and poor person.
Synonyms- poor, needy, necessitous, underprivileged, bankrupt
Antonyms- abundant, generous, wealthy, rich, affluent, prosperous
Example Sentence- We are living in the 21st century, but still there are millions
of people who are so indigent that they can't afford three meals a day.
148) Indignity- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- अपमान, अवहेलना, तर कार, ोध
English Meaning- An act or situation that makes a person feel shame or
Synonyms- humiliation, abuse, outrage, insult, affront, discourtesy, offence
Antonyms- honour, dignity, respect, glory, benevolence, compliment, glory
Example Sentence- He committed suicide because he could not tolerate the
149) Assault- (noun & verb)
Hindi Meaning- आ मण, धावा, आ मण करना
English Meaning- A physical attack on someone or somewhere.
Synonyms- invasion, attack, strike, raid, onslaught, invade, onset, incursion
Antonyms- protect, support, assert, guard, defend, uphold, withstand, shelter
Example Sentence- There are millions of people who died in various assaults
in the world.
150) Perpetrator- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- अपराधी, मुज रम
English Meaning- A person who is involved in any illegal activity.
Synonyms- offender, culprit, crook, criminal, violator, malefactor, villain
Antonyms- victim, sufferer, target, martyr, innocent, injured, scapegoat
Example Sentence- The Government assured the victim's family that the
perpetrator would be punished. 30
1000 Vocabularies (151-155)

151) Predecessor- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पूवज, पूववत , पूव अ धकारी
English Meaning- A person who holds a position before the current person.
Synonyms- forebear, antecedent, antecedent, forefather, previous
Antonyms- heir, successor, inheritor, follower, replacement
Example Sentence- Dr. Manmohan Singh is the predecessor of Narendra
152) Ambivalent- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- उभयभावी, मले जुले भाववाला
English Meaning- having a mixed or contradictory idea or feeling.
Synonyms- equivocal, undecided, indecisive, changeable, ambiguous
Antonyms- definite, asserting, absolute, conclusive, blatant
Example Sentence- His ambivalent speech was beyond people's
153) Benediction- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- आशीवाद, मंगल कामना
English Meaning- the state of prayer asking for the blessing.
Synonyms- a blessing, boon, godsend, worship, grace, prayer
Antonyms- bane, curse, damnation, harshness, execration
Example Sentence- The priest has decided to organize a benediction
gathering for the nation's well being.
154) Abase- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- अपमा नत करना, मानहा न करना, नीचा दखाना
English Meaning- Behave in a manner that belittles someone.
Synonyms- pervert, defile, degrade, lower, disgrace
Antonyms- honour, laud, praise, improve, enhance, elevate
Example Sentence- Those people who have no aim in life, always abase
155) Contingent- (noun & adjective)
Hindi Meaning- द ता, आक मक, सै यदल, दल
English Meaning- An incident that occurs suddenly and a group of people for
an expedition.
Synonyms- team, corps, squad, incidental, unforeseen, unexpected
Antonyms- independent, definite, unit, individual, single, certain
Example Sentence- The Government has decided to secure sufficient food for
the future contingent calamities. 31
1000 Vocabularies (156-160)

156) Erudite- (noun & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- व ान, ानी, वै ा नक
English Meaning- Having excellent knowledge.
Synonyms- educated, scholarly, literate, knowledgeable, academic, wise
Antonyms- silly, fatuous, uneducated, ignorant, dumb, unlearned
Example Sentence- Albert Einstein is known as one of the greatest erudites of
the planet.

157) Potion- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पीने क दवा, खूराक
English Meaning- A liquid that has healing property.
Synonyms- medicine, tonic, dose, elixir, essence, antidote, corrective
Antonyms- poison, virus, toxin, venom, bacteria, germ
Example Sentence- The doctor prescribed some potion for the patient.

158) Heedless- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- असावधान, लापरवाह, बेपरवाह
English Meaning- Careless nature.
Synonyms- oblivious, negligent, careless, unmindful, reckless, neglectful
Antonyms- thoughtful, attentive, prudent, careful, smart, cautious, observant
Example Sentence- Because of his heedless nature, his parents always scold

159) Repeal- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- भंग, तोड़ना, र करना
English Meaning- The action of cancelling any law or act.
Synonyms- abolish, nullify, annul, rescind, cancellation, invalidate
Antonyms- accomplish, support, improve, ratify, sanction, approve
Example Sentence- The supreme court has decided to repeal section 377.

160) Arbitration- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- म य ता, पंच फ़ैसला
English Meaning- An arbitrator who settles any dispute.
Synonyms- mediation, settlement, agreement, compromise, negotiation
Antonyms- provocation, affront, aggravation, anger
Example Sentence- Pakistan wants an arbitration to settle the Kashmir issue,
which is against the Indian interest. 32
1000 Vocabularies (161-165)

161) Portray- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- च त, च बनाना
English Meaning- Represent something in a particular way.
Synonyms- draw, describe, sketch, depict, paint, illustrate, present
Antonyms- distort, disguise, misrepresent, confine
Example Sentence- The way he portrayed the whole project is unprecedented.

162) Stricture- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- नदा, नयम, बा यता
English Meaning- Censorious remark
Synonyms- criticism, hindrance, constraint, blame, inhibition
Antonyms- support, amnesty, praise, gratitude, endorse
Example Sentence- People should obey the government stricture of the
alcohol ban.

163) Stern- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- कठोर, न ु र, कड़ा
English Meaning- severe and unrelenting act.
Synonyms- cruel, strict, harsh, hard, tough, unkind
Antonyms- soft, kind, tolerant, easy-going, lenient
Example Sentence- India needs some stern rules to curb corruption.

164) Incarnation- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अवतार, दे ह धारण
English Meaning- A form taken by a person
Synonyms- avatar, epitome, appearance, showing, an embodiment
Example Sentence- Mahatma Gandhi was the incarnation of non-violent and

165) Collude- (verb)  

Hindi Meaning- कपट-सं ध करना, सांठ-गांठ करना
English Meaning- A secret conspire.
Synonyms- machinate, combine, conspire, collaborate, intrigue
Antonyms- differ, disagree, split
Example Sentence- Few people collude with anti-national elements to break
the unity of India. 33
1000 Vocabularies (166-170)

166) Hasten- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- ज द करना, शी ता करना
English Meaning- Be in a hurry to do something.
Synonyms- rush, hurry, speed, sprint, expedite
Antonyms- slow, halt, lazy, hinder, procrastinate
Example Sentence- In the final match of the Asia cup, India should avoid

167) Subsume- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- शा मल करना
English Meaning- To include or absorb something.
Synonyms- include, involve, embrace, cover, incorporate
Antonyms- release, exclude, concession, resignation
Example Sentence- He subsumed a new feature in his personal computer to
enhance the performance.

168) Reminiscent- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- मृ त जगानेवाला
English Meaning- Tending to remind memories.
Synonyms- recalling, nostalgic, redolent, mindful, memorial
Antonyms- forgetful, unmindful, unscented
Example Sentence- The trailer of Thugs of Hindustan is reminiscent of the
Pirates of the Caribbean.

169) Polygamy- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ब ववाह
English Meaning- a marriage of convenience
Synonyms- bigamy, multi-marriage
Antonyms- monogamy
Example Sentence- Polygamy is not legal in the Hindu religion.

170) Hue- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- रंग, वण
English Meaning- A shade or colour.
Synonyms- colour, shade, complexion, imbue
Antonyms- bleach, flaccidity, discolour, achromatic
Example Sentence- The hue of the sky looks scary in the rainy season. 34
1000 Vocabularies (171-175)

171) Patriarchy- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पतृतं
English Meaning- An organisation or house where the eldest male is the head
Synonyms- home rule, principality, martial law, nobility
Antonyms- lowness, plebeians, baseness, peasant
Example Sentence- There are some political parties in India which are
patriarchy, led by the father.
172) Imbue- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- दल पर असर डालना, रंगना
English Meaning- Inspire by the quality of emotion.
Synonyms- infuse, implant, diffuse, saturate, permeate
Antonyms- dry, drain, dribble, take out
Example Sentence- Mahatma Gandhi has imbued millions of people across
the world from his generosity.
173) Vulture- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- द रदा, लुटेरा, ग
English Meaning- A bird that preys.
Synonyms- attacker, eagle, predator, piranha, gorilla
Antonyms- herbivore, guardian, defender
Example Sentence- There are hundreds of vultures that attacked the
wounded animal.
174) Territory- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- इलाक़ा, े , दे श
English Meaning- A land under the rule.
Synonyms- zone, field, area, province, region
Antonyms- boundary, line, private, autocracy
Example Sentence- The Indian army is capable of defending the territory of
175) Regulator- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- ग त व ापक
English Meaning- A person or thing that regulates something.
Synonyms- arranger, controller, manager, governor, director
Antonyms- worker, follower, intensifier, assistant, inferior
Example Sentence- The regulators were well capable of handling the situation. 35
1000 Vocabularies (176-180)

176) Disenfranchise- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- नाग रकता से वं चत करना
English Meaning- Deprive some of the rights to vote.
Synonyms- deprive, enthral, suspend, coerce, capture
Antonyms- empower, liberate, allow, free, permit
Example Sentence- People who are involved in the anti-national activity,
should be disenfranchised.

177) Paradigm- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मसाल, उदाहरण
English Meaning- A typical pattern of something.
Synonyms- standard, example, model, instance, sample
Antonyms- swallow, guzzle
Example Sentence- His programming paradigm is going to be the game-
changer for other programs.

178) Fledge- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- उड़ने यो य बनाना
English Meaning- Develop wing feature for flight.
Synonyms- flight, develop, grow, ripen, feather
Antonyms- standing, steady, immobile
Example Sentence- Telecom operator JIO is now going to launch its full-
fledged GigaFiber broadband service.

179) Guise- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पहनावा, भेष
English Meaning- a way of appearance
Synonyms- show, form, dress, look, costume
Antonyms- disappearing, invisibility, evade
Example Sentence- The guise of ancient Indian ladies was so colorful.

180) Malicious- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- भावनापूण
English Meaning- Intended to harm.
Synonyms- evil, malevolent, cruel, hateful, unkind, wicked
Antonyms- kind, loving, benevolent, gracious, kindly
Example Sentence- Because of the goons' malicious activity, it is very
impractical to go for a late-night outing. 36
1000 Vocabularies (181-185)

181) Largesse- (Noun)

Hindi Meaning- उदारता, द रया दला, दानशीलता, ब ीश
English Meaning- Something gave generously.
Synonyms- donation, charity, generosity, endowment, philanthropy
Antonyms- greed, stinginess, illiberality, miserliness
Example Sentence- The self-dependent people never live on other's largesse.

182) Cling- (Verb)

Hindi Meaning- चपटना, ढ़ पकड़ना
English Meaning- Hold on very tightly.
Synonyms- grasp, hold, stick, adhere, attach, grip, clutch.
Antonyms- release, let go, detach, displace, discard
Example Sentence- When the child got afraid, he clung his father's hand

183) Invincible- (Adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अजेय, अपराजेय
English Meaning- It's very hard or impossible to beat.
Synonyms- unbeatable, unyielding, stiff, dominant, undefeated
Antonyms- vulnerable, breakable, beatable, fragile, weak
Example Sentence- Indian under-19 cricket team was invincible in the 2018
world cup.

184) Meteorite- (Noun)

Hindi Meaning- उ का पड
English Meaning- A piece of rock that falls from outer space.
Synonyms- comet, shooting star, fireball, the meteoric stone
Example Sentence- A white streak is visible when a meteorite falls into the
earth's surface

185) Anathema- (Noun)

Hindi Meaning- अ भशाप
English Meaning- A potent curse
Synonyms- curse, taboo, malediction, abomination
Antonyms- blessing, benediction, amnesty, kindness, grace
Example Sentence- The reservation process in India is like an anathema for
the students. 37
1000 Vocabularies (186-190)

186) Bifurcate- (Verb)

Hindi Meaning- दो भाग म बँटना, भाजन
English Meaning- Divide into two parts or branches.
Synonyms- forked, ramify, split, divide
Antonyms- united, add, adjoin, attain
Example Sentence- The political party bifurcates due to internal disputes.

187) Wayward- (Adjective)

Hindi Meaning- मनमौजी, ज़ , वे ाचारी
English Meaning- Undisciplined or headstrong.
Synonyms- contrary, erratic, stubborn, fickle, unruly
Antonyms- humble, obedient, unfailing, teachable
Example Sentence- Nobody likes him in the class because of his wayward

188) Necessitate- (Verb)

Hindi Meaning- आव यक बनाना, ज़ री बनाना
English Meaning- Make something compulsory.
Synonyms- require, need, demand, postulate, constrain
Antonyms- annul, avoid, appeal, eliminate
Example Sentence- The Government necessitated the PAN card in every

189) Terrain- (Noun)

Hindi Meaning- भूभाग, इलाक़ा, भूखंड
English Meaning- The attributes of the land.
Synonyms- area, field, region, territory, turf, ground
Antonyms- heaven, orbit, sky, space, ocean
Example Sentence- The mountainous terrain is full of challenges, but it is

190) Hurl- (Noun & Verb)

Hindi Meaning- उछालना, वेग से फकना
English Meaning- Throw something with great force.
Synonyms- Throw, Fling, Fire, Send, Shoot
Antonyms- Block, Acquire, Receive, Absorb, Attract
Example Sentence- Some anti-social elements in Kashmir are hurling stone
into the Security personnel. 38
1000 Vocabularies (191-195)

191) Grapple- (Noun & Verb)

Hindi Meaning- पकड़ना, हाथापाई करना
English Meaning- A close fight or holding firmly.
Synonyms- grasp, grip, catch, wrestle, grab, snatch
Antonyms- unhand, liberate, free, release, disconnect
Example Sentence- Two people were arrested due to grappling with each

192) Arbitrage- (Noun)

Hindi Meaning- पंचायत, मुनाफा
English Meaning- The profit amount.
Synonyms- debenture, earner, expediency, pickings, margin
Antonyms- deficit, loss, disadvantage
Example Sentence- Some startups fail due to not able to earn arbitrage.

193) Paralegal- (Noun)

Hindi Meaning- अध या यक
English Meaning- A person who helps in legal matters but not fully qualified as
a lawyer.
Synonyms- legal assistant
Example Sentence- Some paralegals are taking lots of money from the people
in return to do their work.

194) Jurisprudence- (Noun)

Hindi Meaning- यायशा
English Meaning- The theory of law
Synonyms- act, enactment, constitution, legislation, law
Example Sentence- Every country has its Jurisprudence, which is equal for all
the citizens of that country.

195) Ingrained- (Adjective)

Hindi Meaning- द घ ायी, जमा आ
English Meaning- Something which is firmly fixed.
Synonyms- deep-rooted, inherent, habitual, intrinsic, fixed
Antonyms- acquired, incidental, coincidental, airy, superficial
Example Sentence- I have an ingrained desire to have a world tour one day. 39
1000 Vocabularies (196-200)

196) Consortium- (Noun)

Hindi Meaning- संघ, संघटन
English Meaning- An association
Synonyms- alliance, union, combine, club, federation, partnership
Antonyms- detachment, division, isolation, separation, disunion
Example Sentence- A consortium of world leaders will meet to discuss global

197) Remedial- (Adjective)

Hindi Meaning- उपचारा मक, सुधारा मक
English Meaning- A Corrective way.
Synonyms- restorative, corrective, healing, helpful, soothing
Antonyms- damaging, harmful, dangerous, toxic, worsening
Example Sentence- The remedial steps taken by the Singaporean government
for urban development is a lesson for developing countries like India.

198) Malfeasance- (Noun)

Hindi Meaning- कम
English Meaning- An unethical or unlawful act
Synonyms- evil, crime, wrongdoing, malpractice, fault
Antonyms- uprightness, goodness, virtue, justice, correct
Example Sentence- To cope with the malfeasance, every woman should learn
self-defence techniques.

199) Shamble- (Verb)

Hindi Meaning- भ चाल, पैर घसीटकर चलना
English Meaning- Walk awkwardly.
Synonyms- drag, creep, hobble, shuffle
Antonyms- glide, sprint, grade, stride
Example Sentence- After seeing him shambling, I thought he was ill.

200) Grievance- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- क , था, शकायत
English Meaning- Complaint.
Synonyms- affliction, objection, hardship, distress, trouble
Antonyms- benefit, flattery, paradise, acknowledge, applause
Example Sentence- Because of the warden's grievance, no one does late-night
parties in the hostel. 40
1000 Vocabularies (201-205)

201) Ambit- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- सीमा, प र ध
English Meaning- Something which is in a range.
Synonyms- orbit, perimeter, reach, extent
Antonyms- centre, midpoint, spotlight, hub
Example Sentence- Her case falls within the ambit of the moral law.

202) Applaud- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- सराहना करना, शंसा करना
English Meaning- Praise someone.
Synonyms- clap, cheer, commend, glorify, hail, laud
Antonyms- blame, jeer, boo, belittle, criticise, vilify
Example Sentence- Some economists applauded the decision of the
government to provide loans for the startups.

203) Restrain- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- रोकना, तबंध करना
English Meaning- Prevent from doing something.
Synonyms- control, curb, hinder, prevent, block
Antonyms- free, promote, enlarge, abet, nurture, aid
Example Sentence- The Bihar government has decided to restrain alcohol in
the state.

204) Mishmash- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- घपला, गड़बड़, मलावट
English Meaning- Mixture.
Synonyms- mixture, muddle, jumble, mess, disorder
Antonyms- structured, classified, alright, ordered
Example Sentence- Some shopkeepers do mishmash to get little profit.

205) Moratorium- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पाबंद , रोक
English Meaning- Something which is temporarily prohibited.
Synonyms- suspension, pause, delay, block, ban, sanction
Antonyms- continuation, survival, prolongation, duration
Example Sentence- The moratorium of crackers in Delhi was a bold decision
by the Court. 41
1000 Vocabularies (206-210)

206) Nowhere- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- सु र, कह नह
English Meaning- A remote place.
Synonyms- hermit, secluded, secret, cloistral, anywhere, isolated
Antonyms- everywhere, nearby, home, social, considerable
Example Sentence- Nowhere is the effect of government policy more
apparent than in agriculture.
207) Beacon- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- काश, काश त
English Meaning- A light that is set up high.
Synonyms- signal, sign, alert, lighthouse, lamp, flame
Antonyms- black, dark, dark, dismal, gloomy
Example Sentence- Our Parliament has been a beacon of hope to the peoples
of Europe.
208) Revolting- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- घनौना, अ चकर
English Meaning- Something which is disgusting.
Synonyms- offensive, loathsome, nasty, vile, horrible, repellent
Antonyms- beautiful, appealing, attractive, gorgeous, alluring
Example Sentence- The college is disgraceful because of some student's
revolting works.
209) Hail- (noun & verb)
Hindi Meaning- ओलावृ , अ भवादन करना
English Meaning- Appreciate someone and frozen rainfall.
Synonyms- laud, welcome, greet, praise, cheer, glorify
Antonyms- ignore, disparage, debase, humiliate, condemn
Example Sentence- The principal of the college hailed the result of the
210) Dislodge- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- हटाना, व ा पत करना
English Meaning- Remove from a position
Synonyms- oust, shift, displace, dislocate, remove, move
Antonyms- stick, plant, embed, fix, put, adhere
Example Sentence- The police dislodged several kiosks who were encroached
roadside. 42
1000 Vocabularies (211-215)

211) Kiosk- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- गुमट , टल
English Meaning- A small shop
Synonyms- stall, hut, booth, cottage, stand, box
Antonyms- big store, mall, shopping centre
Example Sentence- The government ordered the kiosk owners to evacuate
their shops from the footpath.
212) Mishap- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- घटना, वप
English Meaning- An unfortunate accident.
Synonyms- calamity, disaster, tragedy, affliction, blow
Antonyms- success, blessing, fortune, boon
Example Sentence- Due to the smog in Delhi, the mishap is becoming a
common problem there.
213) Subsequent- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- आगामी, बाद का
English Meaning- Upcoming or coming after something
Synonyms- future, later, upcoming, next, successive
Antonyms- earlier, first, prior, preceding, initial
Example Sentence- After losing the first two-game, the opposition is looking to
win the subsequent game.
214) Curtail- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- घटाना, काटना, छोटा करना
English Meaning- Reduce or cut something.
Synonyms- reduce, shorten, abridge, trim, decrease, crop
Antonyms- add, prolong, expand, increase, widen
Example Sentence- The bank has decided to curtail the interest rate for the
student loan.
215) Martyr- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- शहीद
English Meaning- The people who give up their life for their nation or religion
Synonyms- torture, agonise, sufferer, victim, strike
Antonyms- savoir, goon, suppressor, hustler
Example Sentence- People should help the family of martyrs who sacrificed
their lives for the country. 43
1000 Vocabularies (216-220)

216) Reassure- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- आ त, राज़ी करना, यक़ न दलाना
English Meaning- Saying or doing something to remove fear or doubt of
Synonyms- assure, comfort, ease, assuage, console
Antonyms- annoy, worry, discourage, disbelief, dispirit
Example Sentence- The government reassured the farmers that it would give
compensation to them.
217) Exhume- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- खोद कर नकालना
English Meaning- Dig out something from the ground.
Synonyms- dig up, unearth, discover, scoop, unbury
Antonyms- cover, bedazzle, absorb, entomb, devour
Example Sentence- The city police exhumed a dead body from beside the
218) Eventual- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- अं तम, संभा वत, मुम कन
English Meaning- Something which is likely to happen.
Synonyms- possible, ensuring, later, consequent, final
Antonyms- initial, first, before, past, beginning
Example Sentence- Team India is looking for the eventual players for the
upcoming world cup.
219) Portfolio- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- मं ी का पद, नवेश सूची
English Meaning- The position of a Minister.
Synonyms- profile, dossier, file, summary, collection, list
Antonyms- disorder, jumble, collapse, mess, commotion
Example Sentence- The senior leader of the party was disappointed for not
getting any portfolio in the cabinet.
220) Frailty- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- दोष, नबलता
English Meaning- Weakness.
Synonyms- defect, infirmity, indisposition, vulnerability, fallibility
Antonyms- strength, firmness, Fitness, healthy, energy
Example Sentence- The frailty of the child makes his parents worry. 44
1000 Vocabularies (221-225)

221) Poise- (noun and verb)

Hindi Meaning- संतुलन, संतु लत रखना, तौलना
English Meaning- Make balance or equilibrium.
Synonyms- hover, balance, equanimity, composure, symmetry, stability
Antonyms- insanity, instability, imbalance, agitation, unsteadiness
Example Sentence- The principal gave a poise speech about the discipline.

222) Spectacle- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- तमाशा, दशनी
English Meaning- A visually striking event
Synonyms- show, scene, display, exhibition, performance
Antonyms- normality, dryness, hiding, perusal
Example Sentence- In the election time, the spectacle can be seen

223) Foster- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- लालन-पालन करना, ो साहन दे ना
English Meaning- Bring up or encourage.
Synonyms- nourish, cherish, nurture, assist, cultivate, support
Antonyms- suppress, hurt, neglect, dampen, hinder, hamper
Example Sentence- Every citizen should foster at least one plant for making a
healthy environment.

224) Discourtesy- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अस यता, अ श ता
English Meaning- Bad behaviour
Synonyms- incivility, offence, vulgarity, crudeness, barbarism
Antonyms- courtesy, civility, friendliness, goodness, modesty, kindness
Example Sentence- Three students are rusticated because of their discourtesy
in the class.

225) Genuflect- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- घुटने टे कना
English Meaning- Bend the knee or defeat.
Synonyms- bow, kneel, bend, stoop, loss, duck
Antonyms- overlook, overrule, terminate, ignore, disobey
Example Sentence- Team India genuflects against Sri Lanka in the first ODI
match. 45
1000 Vocabularies (226-230)

226) Travail- (verb and noun)

Hindi Meaning- कड़ी मेहनत करना, पीड़ा, क
English Meaning- Hard work.
Synonyms- strive, labour, effort, toil, struggle, suffering
Antonyms- fun, comfort, amusement, peace, luxury, ease, relieve
Example Sentence- Rickshaw Pullers are those who travail for three-time food.

227) Intricacy- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ज टलता, क ठनता
English Meaning- A complex condition.
Synonyms- difficulty, knot, tangle, obscurity, hard, complexity
Antonyms- simple, secure, solution, plain, necessary, ordinary
Example Sentence- The majority of students face intricacy while solving the

228) Overt- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- खुला, कट
English Meaning- Something which is done or shown openly.
Synonyms- open, transparent, unconcealed, visible, public, apparent
Antonyms- secret, private, hidden, concealed, invisible
Example Sentence- Nowadays, youngsters are becoming more overt.

229) Incompetent- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अ म, अयो य
English Meaning- Not having eligibility or skill.
Synonyms- incapable, unskilled, unable, unfit, inexpert, feeble
Antonyms- able, expert, capable, competent, fit, skilful, adequate
Example Sentence- Reports Says, 90 Percent of the Engineers are
Incompetent for the Jobs.
230) Mantle- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- दा य व, ढं कना, छपाना
English Meaning- Responsibility
Synonyms- cover, veil, wrap, coat, mask, task, duty
Antonyms- show, expose, undress, freedom, distrust
Example Sentence- Infosys gave a mantle to Salil Parekh for the betterment of
the company. 46
1000 Vocabularies (231-235)

231) Regime- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- रा य-काल, शासन-प त
English Meaning- a style of management.
Synonyms- administration, government, governance, tenure, jurisdiction
Antonyms- anarchy, lawlessness, disorganisation, disorder, unauthorised
Example Sentence- The military regime has promised to restore democracy
232) Render- (noun & verb)
Hindi Meaning- दे ना, अनुवाद करना, तुत करना
English Meaning- to provide.
Synonyms- provide, present, give, return, hand over, offer, deliver
Antonyms- take, beg, receive, get, capture, accept
Example Sentence- I will use some portion of my salary to render food to the
233) Respite- (noun & verb)
Hindi Meaning- टालना, गतकरण
English Meaning- a short period of rest or postpone.
Synonyms- delay, pause, rest, intermission, halt, stop, gap, a moratorium
Antonyms- awake, continuation, expedite, hasten, proliferation
Example Sentence- Travelling to new places is a perfect hobby for those who
need a respite from hectic city life.

234) Rampant- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अ नयं त, उ
English Meaning- unrestrained in action.
Synonyms- violent, uncontrolled, rearing, furious, wild, prevalent, turbulent
Antonyms- contained, controlled, calm, moderate, temperate
Example Sentence- Unfortunately, fake news is becoming rampant in social

235) Rampage- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- हसा मक आचरण
English Meaning- violent behaviour by a group of people.
Synonyms- turmoil, fury, ruckus, storm, riot, violence, agitation, roar, splurge
Antonyms- harmony, order, relax, calm, peace, union, euphony, arrangement
Example Sentence- During the riot, protesters went on a rampage and
destroyed several shops in the city. 47
1000 Vocabularies (236-240)

236) Compensation- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- नुकसान भरपाई, मुआवज़ा
English Meaning- awarded to someone in recognition of loss.
Synonyms- reward, redress, remuneration, pay, retribution, compensation
Antonyms- penalty, fine, loss, wastage, forfeit, retribution, toll
Example Sentence- A customer claimed over a million dollars to the company
as compensation for the damaged product.
237) Apocryphal- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- अ ामा णक, शंकायु
English Meaning- widely circulated but probably not true.
Synonyms- fake, fictitious, untrue, false, unreal, doubtful, imaginary
Antonyms- genuine, real, factual, authentic, accurate, doubtless, proper
Example Sentence- Nowadays, lots of apocryphal stories are circulating on the
238) Safeguard- (noun & verb)
Hindi Meaning- र ा करना, बचाव
English Meaning- to protect.
Synonyms- security, protect, defend, secure, shield, guard, save, cover, safety
Antonyms- harm, hazard, threat, hurt, expose, jeopardy, attack, peril, destroy
Example Sentence- We should use a firewall system in our computers to
safeguard private information.
239) Regimen- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- रहन सहन एवं आहार स ब ी नयम
English Meaning- a controlled course of medical treatment, diet, or exercise.
Synonyms- rule, system, cure, diet, treatment, discipline, method
Antonyms- no-rule, indiscipline, disorder, negligence, laziness
Example Sentence- The doctor has told him to follow a strict regimen for a
faster recovery.
240) Delicacy- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- वन ता, वा द भोजन
English Meaning- an expensive food that is specific to a region or culture.
Synonyms- taste, frailty, elegance, tenderness, nicety, fineness, grace
Antonyms- violence, bloodlust, harshness, roughness, atrocity, strength
Example Sentence- India is known for its diverse delicacy for a different
culture. 48
1000 Vocabularies (241-245)

241) Flak- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- वमान भेद गोलाबारी, कड़ी आलोचना, भयंकर लड़ाई
English Meaning- criticism strongly and anti-aircraft firing.
Synonyms- fire, abuse, anti-aircraft, condemnation, blast, attack
Antonyms- support, flattery, praise, compliment, accolade, allege
Example Sentence- The politician faced flak for her outrageous statement.

242) Flay- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- लूटना, खाल उतारना, कटु आलोचना करना
English Meaning- Blame severely or strip the skin off.
Synonyms- lash, attack, castigate, strip, censure, rebuke
Antonyms- aid, praise, assist, laud, endow, cover
Example Sentence- The public flays the police for its unfriendly behavior.

243) Waive- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- माफ, इनकार करना, जाने दे ना
English Meaning- Relaxation or to give up one's claim.
Synonyms- abandon, renounce, forgo, yield, abdicate, leave
Antonyms- continue, claim, hold, occupy, atone
Example Sentence- The government has decided to waive the loan of the

244) Stance- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मु ा, व प, आसन
English Meaning- The position or posture.
Synonyms- pose, posture, stand, position, angle
Antonyms- deface, unsteadiness, nonappearance, softly
Example Sentence- The stance of the great cricketer always looks perfect
while they batted.

245) Adieu- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- वदाई, माण
English Meaning- A farewell
Synonyms- farewell, goodbye, parting, leave, departure
Antonyms- coming, arrive, welcome, baptism, hello
Example Sentence- After the marriage of a daughter, her adieu is always an
emotional moment for parents. 49
1000 Vocabularies (246-250)

246) Mighty- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- श मान, ताकतवर, बहा र, बशाल
English Meaning- Very powerful.
Synonyms- strong, gigantic, colossal, mountainous, vast, robust
Antonyms- weak, tiny, helpless, fragile, abject
Example Sentence- The mighty aircraft of Indian Air Force Mi-8 Helicopter is
going to retire soon.

247) Gambit- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पहला क़दम, पहली चाल
English Meaning- Taking some initiative or risk.
Synonyms- trick, artifice, dodge, play, gamble
Antonyms- frankness, clumsy, tightness
Example Sentence- The gambit of bringing Angelo Mathews into the attack
with the new ball gave Sri Lanka success.

248) Molest- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- छे ड़ना, उ पी ड़त करना, तंग करना
English Meaning- Harass someone (especially to a female)
Synonyms- disturb, abuse, maltreat, trouble, annoy, rape, harm
Antonyms- heal, guard, cheer, adhere, amuse, allay
Example Sentence- Bollywood actress Zaira Wasim was allegedly molested on
a Delhi-Mumbai flight.
249) Bleak- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- न कपट, बेरंग, उदास, नराशाजनक
English Meaning- Lack of enthusiasm.
Synonyms- sad, grim, cheerless, joyless, severe
Antonyms- happy, bright, pleasant, cheery, friendly, mirthful
Example Sentence- The player looked bleak in the last match of his career.

250) Pliable- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- लचीला, कोमल, आसानी से बश म आने वाला
English Meaning- Something which can be influenced easily.
Synonyms- tractable, flexible, supple, soft, amenable, tensile
Antonyms- firm, harsh, stiff, unformed, strong, tough
Example Sentence- Aluminium becomes pliable when heated to high
temperatures. 50
1000 Vocabularies (251-255)

251) Defer- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- टालना, वलंब करना
English Meaning- To put off.
Synonyms- delay, suspend, postpone, adjourn, procrastinate
Antonyms- hurry, decide, forward, advance, continue
Example Sentence- The Supreme Court refused to defer the hearing of the
Ram Mandir issue.

252) Broader- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ापक, चौड़ा
English Meaning- A wide area
Synonyms- wider, breadth, bulky, vast, colossal, copious
Antonyms- short, small, tiny, lesser
Example Sentence- Indian cities need some broader roads to overcome the
traffic issue.
253) Aesthetic- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- स दय, स दया मक
English Meaning- Charming.
Synonyms- graceful, artistic, gorgeous, beautiful, pleasing
Antonyms- unattractive, nasty, ugly, homely
Example Sentence- The Taj Mahal is known for its aesthetic marble art.

254) Conspicuous- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- व श , वशेष
English Meaning- Something which is unique or noticeable.
Synonyms- outstanding, obvious, apparent, famous, remarkable, eminent
Antonyms- obscure, hidden, unseen, unknown, unimportant
Example Sentence- My friend has a conspicuous personality, which makes
him different from others.

255) Conviction- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ढ व ास, दोष स
English Meaning- A strong belief in something.
Synonyms- belief, confidence, sureness, certainty, persuasion
Antonyms- amnesty, disbelief, doubt, distrust, hesitation
Example Sentence- It is my conviction that my friend will get a good job this
year. 51
1000 Vocabularies (256-260)

256) Statute- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- क़ानून, वधान, व ा
English Meaning- A written act.
Synonyms- acts, canons, laws, ordinances, legislation
Antonyms- violation, anarchy, bandit, corruptness
Example Sentence- A new statute for the pollution will pass by parliament.
257) Penchant- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- च, झुकाव
English Meaning- A strong liking for something.
Synonyms- fondness, taste, inclination, preference, weakness
Antonyms- dislike, hate, distaste, disinclination, disgust
Example Sentence- Indian cricket team captain Virat Kohli has a penchant for

258) Anomaly- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अ नय मतता, अ नयम, अ या शत
English Meaning- Something inconsistent or unexpected.
Synonyms- irregularity, deviation, nonconformity, inconsistency, distortion
Antonyms- conformity, regularity, punctuality, normalcy, usual
Example Sentence- It is an anomaly because my friend came to school on
259) Exposure- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- अनावरण, दशा
English Meaning- No protection or visible to others.
Synonyms- display, revelation, disclosure, exhibition, showing
Antonyms- cover, hiding, protection, concealment, annexation
Example Sentence- Exposure to U.V. rays from the sun can cause harmful skin
260) Beset- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- घेर लेना, रोकना
English Meaning- to surround and interrupt someone.
Synonyms- surround, attack, harass, invade, encircle
Antonyms- protect, support, defend, cover, confront
Example Sentence- The goons are a big problem, as they are besetting
innocent people. 52
1000 Vocabularies (261-265)

261) Reticence- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अ पभा षता, मौन
English Meaning- A quality of being uncommunicative
Synonyms- prudery, silence, reserve, restraint, coolness, modesty
Antonyms- boldness, openness, audacity, frankness, candidness
Example Sentence- The reticence of the accused person is giving birth to
262) Spat- (noun & verb)
Hindi Meaning- झगड़ा, झगड़ना
English Meaning- To argue intensely.
Synonyms- quarrel, dispute, fight, argument, conflict
Antonyms- peace, Concord, boo, accord, admonish, calm
Example Sentence- We should not spat with others.
263) Envision- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- क पना करना
English Meaning- To visualising about something
Synonyms- visualise, imagine, envisage, anticipate, think
Antonyms- disregard, wonder, ignore, misread, neglect
Example Sentence- I always envisioned becoming a successful entrepreneur
in the future.

264) Sordid- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- घनौना, ग दा, लालची
English Meaning- Very bad or third class.
Synonyms- mean, dirty, nasty, greedy, filthy
Antonyms- clean, neat, noble, honourable, ethical
Example Sentence- The police arrested a vendor who was selling sordid food
to the customers.

265) Nerve- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- श दे ना, जोश, नस
English Meaning- To strengthen.
Synonyms- guts, courage, bravery, daring, audacity
Antonyms- modesty, cowardice, discourage, fearfulness, shyness
Example Sentence- A sensitive nerve in a tooth can cause great pain. 53
1000 Vocabularies (266-270)

266) Envisage- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- क पना करना, समझना
English Meaning- To conceive or visualise.
Synonyms- visualise, foresee, imagine, dream, anticipate
Antonyms- blind, unseen, disaster, disregard, browse
Example Sentence- The police envisaged correctly about the criminals
involved in the robbery.
267) Pertinent- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- उ चत, मुना सब
English Meaning- Something which is relevant.
Synonyms- germane, relevant, fitting, suitable, proper, convenient
Antonyms- irrelevant, unsuitable, inappropriate, contradictory, impatient
Example Sentence- The celebrity has given a pertinent reply to those who
raised a finger on him.
268) Articulate- (adjective & verb)
Hindi Meaning- साफ़ साफ़ बोलना, , जोड़ना
English Meaning- An ability to speak clearly or coherently.
Synonyms- express, enunciate, utter, clear, fluent, talkative
Antonyms- unclear, silent, mute, dumb, amorphous, speechless
Example Sentence- The boy could not articulate in front of his father about his
low marks in the exams.
269) Sectarian- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- सां दा यक, क रपंथी
English Meaning- Rigidly following to a particular principal.
Synonyms- fanatic, bigot, partisan, heretic, separatist, communal
Antonyms- ecumenic, liberal, unsectarian, tolerant, broad-minded
Example Sentence- The sectarian belief is a big concern nowadays for the
270) Bastion- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- गढ़, बुज
English Meaning- A Stronghold in an institution or place.
Synonyms- stronghold, rampart, fortress, garrison, Citadel
Antonyms- flew, assault, weakness, fault, infirmity
Example Sentence- It is tough to beat BJP in Gujarat, which is like a bastion for
BJP. 54
1000 Vocabularies (271-275)

271) Defection- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- दल-बदल, भंग, उ लंघन
English Meaning- Changing party or ideology in a betrayal manner.
Synonyms- betrayal, falseness, abdication, turncoat, backsliding
Antonyms- loyalty, adherence, adoption, conformity, commitment
Example Sentence- The political parties face defection in the election time.

272) Inflammatory- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- भड़काऊ, उ ेजक
English Meaning- An outrageous manner or statement.
Synonyms- instigative, seditious, explosive, insurgent, fiery
Antonyms- soothing, calming, pleasing, Pacific, appeasing
Example Sentence- Some politicians give the inflammatory statement to
polarise the voters.

273) Agility- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- फुत , चंचलता
English Meaning- An ability to move quickly
Synonyms- quickness, skill, activity, alertness, mobility
Antonyms- laziness, slowness, disability, sluggishness, sedentary
Example Sentence- The agility of the tiger helps it to hunt.

274) Meld- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- म ण करना
English Meaning- To mix two or more things.
Synonyms- combine, amalgamate, merge, unite, compound
Antonyms- separate, divide, curdle, cleave, coagulate
Example Sentence- The government may meld together the Make in India and
Invest in India Campaign.

275) Atrocity- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ू रता, उ ं डता, अ याचार
English Meaning- A ruthless action.
Synonyms- outrage, barbarity, offense, mischief, brutality
Antonyms- mercy, kindness, humbleness, goodness, empathy
Example Sentence- Hitler is known for his atrocious act against Jews. 55
1000 Vocabularies (276-280)

276) Pledge- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- वादा करना, त ा
English Meaning- To commit or promise.
Synonyms- vow, promise, assurance, oath, assure
Antonyms- cancel, falsify, break, disobey, inkling
Example Sentence- The company pledged to recruit two thousand workers for
its plant.

277) Testimony- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- गवाही, शपथ-प
English Meaning- A formal writing or spoken proof provided in the Court.
Synonyms- proof, evidence, statement, witness, avowal
Antonyms- rebuttal, charge, allegation, denial, negation
Example Sentence- The true testimony is a boon for an honest person.
278) Insist- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- अड़े रहना, हठ करना
English Meaning- Demanding forcefully like a stubborn.
Synonyms- persist, maintain, assert, affirm, stubborn
Antonyms- tolerate, abandon, ask, desire, disavow
Example Sentence- The opposing team insisted on its demand to play in the
rainy conditions.
279) Synergy- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- ताल मेल, सह या
English Meaning- Joint effort.
Synonyms- collaboration, coaction, alliance, cooperation, symbiosis
Antonyms- antipathy, isolation, inactivity, dyssynergia, mismatch
Example Sentence- The synergy of Gautam Gambhir and Virat Kohli in the
world cup 2011 was crucial for winning the cup.
280) Avert- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- टालना, रोक दे ना
English Meaning- To stop doing something.
Synonyms- divert, deter, stop, avoid, prevent
Antonyms- accept, help, allow, enable, aid
Example Sentence- The Government ordered the protester to avert their
protest. 56
1000 Vocabularies (281-285)

281) Embed- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- लागू करना, बैठाना
English Meaning- Place or fix something.
Synonyms- insert, plant, implant, install, establish
Antonyms- destroy, demolish, revoke, disprove, terminate
Example Sentence- The carpenter perfectly embedded the glass on the door.

282) Consummate- (verb & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- समा त, समा त करना, प रपूण
English Meaning- To end something.
Synonyms- complete, accomplish, foremost, furthest, finished
Antonyms- incomplete, begin, continue, unfinished, carry
Example Sentence- The producer has decided to consummate the reality
show due to low TRP rate.

283) Hereditary- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- पैतृक, वंशागत
English Meaning- Holding something of the father.
Synonyms- genetic, native, familial, inherent, congenital
Antonyms- acquired, wayfarer, migratory, vagrant
Example Sentence- The owner of the company is going to donate all
hereditary property to the underprivileged people.

284) Dodge- (verb & noun)

Hindi Meaning- चकमा दे ना, चकमा, चालाक, कपट
English Meaning- An unexpected or sudden movement.
Synonyms- sidestep, trick, ruse, elude, contrivance
Antonyms- loyalty, encounter, tolerate, suffer
Example Sentence- The wrestler was able to dodge his opponent to win the

285) Confiscate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- ज़ त करना, अ धहरण करना
English Meaning- Taking or seizing something for a reason.
Synonyms- take, seize, arrogate, grab, take over
Antonyms- provide, deliver, render, offer, give
Example Sentence- The custom-officers confiscated some illegal drugs at the
airport. 57
1000 Vocabularies (286-290)

286) Hierarchy- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- म, पद म
English Meaning- A ranking of things according to their importance.
Synonyms- sequence, order, position, pyramid, rank
Antonyms- disorder, jumble, turmoil, declassification, mess
Example Sentence- The hierarchy system of caste is dividing the people in the

287) Indignant- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ो धत, गु से म
English Meaning- Showing anger.
Synonyms- furious, angry, resentful, harmed, unhappy
Antonyms- pleased, cold, happy, cheerful, contents
Example Sentence- The teacher became indignant because of the noise made
by the students.

288) Slaughter- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- वध, पशुबध, ह या करना
English Meaning- the mass killing of animals or people
Synonyms- kill, killing, murder, assassinate, exterminate
Antonyms- create, assemble, birth, renaissance, build
Example Sentence- The UP government has ordered to close the illegal
slaughter houses.

289) Divisive- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- बांटनेवाला
English Meaning- To separate due to disagreement.
Synonyms- conflicting, factious, belligerent, divisional, partisan, Distributor
Antonyms- Connector, joiner, associative, integrator, joinder
Example Sentence- The British rule in India was divisive.

290) Flutter- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- फड़फड़ाहट, खलबली
English Meaning- A wave of wings quickly.
Synonyms- fluctuate, vibrate, disturbance, shake, tremble
Antonyms- calm, still, constant, steady, compose
Example Sentence- Fluttering of arms is a form of exercise. 58
1000 Vocabularies (291-295)

291) Scribble- (verb & noun)

Hindi Meaning- अ लेख, अ लखना
English Meaning- Write something without clarity.
Synonyms- cacography, scrawl, write, scribe
Antonyms- neat, legible
Example Sentence- Because the teacher was not repeating himself, I had
scribbled down the notes.
292) Ostensible- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- ख़याली, झूठ , दखावट
English Meaning- stated as such, but the reality is different.
Synonyms- alleged, pretended, apparent, superficial, elusive
Antonyms- actual, genuine, absolute, real, assertive
Example Sentence- Nowadays, people are living an ostensible lifestyle, which
causes mental disorders.
293) Tenet- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- स ांत, का मक नयम
English Meaning- A belief of tradition or religion.
Synonyms- opinion, principle, doctrine, philosophy, belief
Antonyms- scepticism, reality, atheism, doubt
Example Sentence- Most Of the villagers of India have a tenet to worship the
294) Reckon- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- मानना, अनुमान लगाना
English Meaning- To anticipate a thing before it occurs.
Synonyms- judge, consider, estimate, think, figure, suppose
Antonyms- neglect, ponder, ignore, carelessness, amaze
Example Sentence- The flood victims could not reckon such a catastrophe
occurred in their area.
295) Agony- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- था, यातना
English Meaning- Extreme sadness
Synonyms- pain, suffering, torment, woe, affliction
Antonyms- pleasure, euphoria, joy, happiness, delight
Example Sentence- The agony of the farmers continues as they did not get the
insurance of their crops. 59
1000 Vocabularies (296-300)

296) Expedite- (verb & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ज द, ज द करना
English Meaning- speed up something.
Synonyms- hurry, speed, quicken, accelerate, rush
Antonyms- block, stop, delay, slow, halt
Example Sentence- The Indian government is going to expedite all the
upcoming projects.

297) Mourn- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- शोक करना, वलाप करना
English Meaning- Feel sad or sorrow for a loss or death.
Synonyms- sorrow, weep, grieve, lament, anguish
Antonyms- laugh, celebrate, rejoice, smile, console
Example Sentence- The mother continues to mourn her child's death.

298) Hostility- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- श ुता, वरोध, े षभाव
English Meaning- Unfriendliness behaviour.
Synonyms- enmity, hatred, enmity, conflict, antipathy, malevolence
Antonyms- harmony, kindness, charity, blessing, friendship
Example Sentence- The hostility of the opposition team is visible on their face.

299) Revive- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- पुनरजी वत करना, फर से जी वत करना
English Meaning- Bring back to a firm or healthier position.
Synonyms- restore, refresh, renew, recover, renovate
Antonyms- destroy, kill, abate, eradicate, abolish
Example Sentence- Steve Smith revived his team by an outstanding inning of a

300) Dichotomy- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- वरोधाभास
English Meaning- A division between two opposite things or ideas
Synonyms- contradiction, conflict, contrast, disagreement, bisection
Antonyms- agreement, similarity, community
Example Sentence- The dichotomy between two political parties is minimal, as
both are involved in corruption. 60
1000 Vocabularies (301-305)

301) Prologue- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- तावना, आरंभ
English Meaning- An introduction to any event
Synonyms- introduction, act, beginning, opening, an overture
Antonyms- end, finish, finale, closing, ending
Example Sentence- A prologue before the play excites the audience.

302) Contention- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ववाद, वरोध, तकरार
English Meaning- A disagreement between two sides.
Synonyms- argument, conflict, dispute, quarrel, controversy
Antonyms- harmony, amity, affection, agreement, accord
Example Sentence- The contention between two sides caused a fight.

303) Havoc- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- नाश, तबाही
English Meaning- Lavish devastation
Synonyms- ruin, chaos, destruction, damage, destroy
Antonyms- calm, peace, building, rehabilitation, Concord
Example Sentence- An earthquake havocked Nepal a few years ago.

304) Disciple- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- श य, अनुयायी
English Meaning- A fan or follower of someone.
Synonyms- supporter, follower, adherent, pupil, fan, student
Antonyms- opponent, mentor, enemy, adviser, coach
Example Sentence- Arjun was an ideal disciple of Guru Dronacharya.

305) Beckon- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- इशारा करना, संकेत से बुलाना
English Meaning- A motion with the hand.
Synonyms- gesture, signal, sign, command, indicate
Antonyms- discard, ignore, repudiate, prevent, revolt
Example Sentence- The bus contractor beckoned the traveller to travel by his
bus. 61
1000 Vocabularies (306-310)

306) Upsurge- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- चढ़ाव, तर क़
English Meaning- An upward growth
Synonyms- increase, growth, rise, surge, soar, boost
Antonyms- downturn, decline, decrease, slump, collapse
Example Sentence- The upsurge in the price of diesel and petrol causes

307) Colossus- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भीमाकार
English Meaning- A thing or person with a vast size.
Synonyms- monster, giant, mammoth, Titan, jumbo, whopper
Antonyms- lightweight, midget, severe, wimp, weakling
Example Sentence- A colossus statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel built in

308) Flock- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- झु ड, भीड़, एक होना
English Meaning- a large number of people or animal or birds
Synonyms- crowd, group, mass, throng, mob, cluster
Antonyms- few, separate, divide, break, scatter
Example Sentence- The flock of people celebrated the new year at the center
of the city.

309) Recoup- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- संभलना, तपू त करना
English Meaning- Earn back something which was lost.
Synonyms- regain, recover, restore, compensate, reclaim
Antonyms- drop, confer, lose, endure, forfeit
Example Sentence- The seller raised the price of the goods to recoup the loss.

310) Furore- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- उ ेजना, हंगामा
English Meaning- Public Violence.
Synonyms- rage, chaos, ruckus, disturbance, outcry
Antonyms- pleasure, hush, temperance, docility
Example Sentence- The furore from the public against the government policy
turned into a riot. 62
1000 Vocabularies (311-315)

311) Flurry- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- घबराहट, उ ेजना, झ का, अचानक होना
English Meaning- A sudden excitement.
Synonyms- hurry, flutter, stir, agitation, disquiet
Antonyms- calm, dull, peace, comfort, harmonious
Example Sentence- With the flurry of snow coming down harder in the hill
stations, it is tough to drive on the road.
312) Bully- (noun & verb)
Hindi Meaning- ध सया, गुंडा
English Meaning- A person who tries to oppress others.
Synonyms- rowdy, hooligan, hector, tough, coerce, rough
Antonyms- help, support, serve, favor, mitigate
Example Sentence- Police arrested some bullies who were involved in
313) Prevail- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- जीत लेना, बहकाना
English Meaning- Persuade someone to do anything.
Synonyms- win, endure, triumph, persist, command, beat
Antonyms- fail, misfire, forfeit, lose, attain
Example Sentence- It is tough to prevail in mind to stop eating junk food.

314) forbid- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- रोकना, बाधा दे ना
English Meaning- Disallow something.
Synonyms- ban, prevent, proscribe, block, hinder, stop
Antonyms- permit, allow, empower, sanction, enable
Example Sentence- The Government made a rule to forbid the old vehicles
driving on the road.

315) Abdicate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- यागना, छोड़ दे ना
English Meaning- Give up something.
Synonyms- quit, leave, abandon, resign, forgo
Antonyms- remain, continue, retain, maintain, stay, keep
Example Sentence- People who abdicated their bad habits became successful
in their life. 63
1000 Vocabularies (316-320)

316) Derisive- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- हा यजनक, उपहासपूण
English Meaning- Expressing ridicule
Synonyms- absurd, mocking, ironic, jeering, taunting
Antonyms- praising, attentive, admiring, courteous, flattering
Example Sentence- Some people give a derisive statement for cheap publicity.
317) Relent- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- तरस खाना, नरम पड़ना
English Meaning- become less severe or intense.
Synonyms- blink, bow, budge, capitulate, concede, quit, submit, succumb
Antonyms- contend, fight, battle, breast, combat, confront, counter, defy, face
Example Sentence- Because my father is furious, he won’t relent on my harsh
318) Assuage- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- शांत करना, धीमा करना
English Meaning- Decrease intensity.
Synonyms- calm, mollify, relieve, soothe, soften, ease
Antonyms- hurt, agitate, intensify, disturb, provoke
Example Sentence- Some people drink to assuage the worries and ignore
health issues.
319) Proliferate- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- सं या बढ़ना, सार
English Meaning- Increase the number rapidly.
Synonyms- grow, increase, spread, multiply, widen, expand
Antonyms- fall, lessen, decrease, cut, damage
Example Sentence- The Government of India is regularly proliferating the
arms of the army.
320) Plight- (verb & noun)
Hindi Meaning- दशा, वचन दे ना
English Meaning- A bad situation.
Synonyms- situation, trouble, promise, hell, case
Antonyms- boon, blessing, advantage, solution
Example Sentence- The plight of farmers in India is one of the most significant
issues for the Government. 64
1000 Vocabularies (321-325)

321) Ratify- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- पु करना
English Meaning- Give confirmation or approval.
Synonyms- confirm, support, approve, affirm, certify
Antonyms- disapprove, abolish, reject, nullify, disallow
Example Sentence- The police ratified the criminals who were involved in the

322) Crown- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ताज, राज-मुकुट
English Meaning- A golden rim wears in the head.
Synonyms- diadem, acme, crest, cap, apex, head
Antonyms- foot, bottom, nadir, worst
Example Sentence- After becoming the Miss World, Manushi Chhillar wore the

323) Distort- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- तोड़ मरोड़ करना, वकृत करना
English Meaning- Misrepresentation of something.
Synonyms- pervert, falsify, twist, disfigure, contort.
Antonyms- beautify, untwist, demonstrate, define, clarify
Example Sentence- Some film directors distort history while making a period

324) Doom- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- अंत, नाश, दं ड दे ना, बबाद होना
English Meaning- Unfortunate disaster.
Synonyms- condemn, end, destruction, ruin, the downfall
Antonyms- building, birth, creation, construction, absolve
Example Sentence- Terrible earthquake caused Nepal’s doom.

325) Cripple- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- पंगु बनाना, नबल करना, वकलांग
English Meaning- Inability
Synonyms- Lame, impair, disable, weaken, Enfeeble
Antonyms- Aid, Heal, Robust, Strengthen, improve
Example Sentence- If we do not take steps to prevent pollution, it will cripple
the world. 65
1000 Vocabularies (326-330)

326) Indomitable- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अजय
English Meaning- impossible to beat
Synonyms- Brave, courageous, fearless, stubborn, determined
Antonyms- weak, cowardly, insecure, vulnerable, powerless
Example Sentence- Indomitable MC Mary Kom said every medal is a story of
327) Haze- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- धु द, कुहरा
English Meaning- Obscuration of the lower atmosphere.
Synonyms- Fog, smog, haze, cloud, blur, darken
Antonyms- glow, clearness, glow, sparkle, vivacity
Example Sentence- Air pollution in Delhi is very lethal because of the toxic
grey haze.
328) Sheer- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- पूणतया, पारदश , एकदम
English Meaning- Something fragile.
Synonyms- steep, downright, utter, complete, transparent, absolute
Antonyms- gradual, impure, thick, opaque, uncertain, suspect
Example Sentence- Indian cricket team won the complete season in Sri Lanka
with sheer dominance.
329) Vaccination- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- ट काकरण
English Meaning- Treatment with an injection to eradicate any disease or virus
Synonyms- injection, vaccine, prevention, antitoxin, antidote
Antonyms- poison, harmful drug
Example Sentence- The Government is providing free vaccination for the poor
people to fight with polio.
330) Diminish- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- कम करना, छोटा करना
English Meaning- Cut down something.
Synonyms- decrease, reduce, cut, curtail, minimise
Antonyms- expand, enlarge, increase, prolong, augment
Example Sentence- The price of restaurant food should diminish. 66
1000 Vocabularies (331-335)

331) Scant- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- कम, थोडा
English Meaning- Less amount.
Synonyms- short, little, stingy, little, lean
Antonyms- copious, ample, excess, abundant, enough
Example Sentence- It is tough for me to survive because of the scant salary.

332) Disdain- (noun and verb)

Hindi Meaning- तु समझना, घृणा करना, तर कार
English Meaning- insult someone.
Synonyms- neglect, sneer, ridicule, contempt,
Antonyms- admiration, respect, praise, regard, like
Example Sentence- We should not disdain anybody for his weakness.

333) Conceive- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- वचार करना, नमाण करना, गभवती होना
English Meaning- Invent or form something; become pregnant.
Synonyms- imagine, think up, perceive, originate, create, devise
Antonyms- abort, mistrust, confusion, destroy, doubt
Example Sentence- The scientist is trying to conceive a robot which can help
the doctors in surgeries.

334) Truncate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- काट कर छोटा करना, छांटना
English Meaning- Shorten something by trimming.
Synonyms- shorten, trim, reduce, cut, shorten, cut down
Antonyms- lengthen, augment, expand, enlarge, extend
Example Sentence- The electrician truncated the unwanted part of the wire.

335) Gritty- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अ य, बाहा र
English Meaning- Ruthless nature.
Synonyms- rough, fearless, rude, courageous, brave
Antonyms- soft, gentle, cottony, spineless, smooth
Example Sentence- His gritty performance helped his team to win the match. 67
1000 Vocabularies (336-340)

336) Soot- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- का लख
English Meaning- A deep black substance
Synonyms- dust, dirt, carbon black, smoke, carbon
Antonyms- cleanliness
Example Sentence- The black soot emitted from the chimney is dangerous for

337) Onrush- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- आ मण
English Meaning- Attacking way.
Synonyms- assault, Invasion, onset, offensive, incursion
Antonyms- defence, safeguard, protection
Example Sentence- The home team could not handle the onrush of the
visiting team.

338) Crutch- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- बैसाखी, आधार
English Meaning- A supporting stick used by the old person
Synonyms- rod, support, aid, back, backing
Antonyms- oppose, hindrance, trouble, contradict, hamper
Example Sentence- A crutch is the backbone of a lame person.

339) Betray- (Verb)

Hindi Meaning- धोखा दे ना
English Meaning- To Cheat someone.
Synonyms- deceive, delude, dupe, fool, cheat
Antonyms- support, guard, be loyal, defend, shield
Example Sentence- He has betrayed so many people, that’s why people do not
believe him.

340) Acrimony- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कटु
English Meaning- Something unpleasant or Bitter.
Synonyms- bitterness, sarcasm, malevolence, virulence, ruthless
Antonyms- kindness, harmony, benevolence, diplomacy, politeness
Example Sentence- Because of his acrimonious behavior, no one likes him. 68
1000 Vocabularies (341-345)

341) Insurgency- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- व ोह
English Meaning- The way of protesting against the country or Government.
Synonyms- revolt, uprising, riot, sedition, rebellion
Antonyms- subordination, patriotism, nationalism, calm
Example Sentence- The police arrested many people who were part of the

342) Lethal- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- जानलेवा
English Meaning- Something which is harmful.
Synonyms- deadly, toxic, dangerous, fatal, poisonous
Antonyms- safe, healthy, hygienic
Example Sentence- The stuntman always does lethal stunts for the lead actor
in the movie.

343) Incognito- (adjective and adverb)

Hindi Meaning- गु त, अ ात
English Meaning- Something without identity.
Synonyms- anonymous, hidden, stealthily, privately, covertly
Antonyms- openly, famed, famous, known
Example Sentence- He had served his country when he was living incognito.

344) Juncture- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- समय, अवसर
English Meaning- A specific time or stage
Synonyms- time, moment, event, occasion, stage
Antonyms- break, breach, division, disjuncture
Example Sentence- He always performs at the critical juncture.

345) Vicinity- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पड़ोस
English Meaning- A near place.
Synonyms- neighbourhood, closeness, locality, proximity, nearness
Antonyms- distance, farness, far away
Example Sentence- My friend lives in the vicinity of my house. 69
1000 Vocabularies (346-350)

346) Illustrate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- समझाना
English Meaning- Explain with proof.
Synonyms- show, explain, demonstrate, represent, display
Antonyms- puzzle, becloud, confuse, disguise, darken
Example Sentence- The teacher illustrates the physics very well.

347) Discomfiture- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पराजय, बफलाता
English Meaning- Losing something.
Synonyms- defeat, rout, failure, beating, lose
Antonyms- win, triumph, victory, coup, pleasure
Example Sentence- Because of his discomfiture, he is behaving strangely

348) Perceive- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- समझना, महसूस करना
English Meaning- Become conscious of something.
Synonyms- notice, understand, feel, know, recognise
Antonyms- ignore, avoid, neglect, misinterpret, misread
Example Sentence- The doctor perceived the cause of the disease very well.

349) Turncoat- (noun)

Hindi meaning- दलबदलू, व ासघाती
English Meaning- A dishonest person who changes his/her opinion according
to his/her interest.
Synonyms- Betrayer, Defector, Deserter, Judas, Quisling, Backslider
Antonyms- Loyalist, Patriot, Follower, Companion, Jingoist
Example Sentence- Because of his turncoat nature, no one believes him.

350) Paradox- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- बरोधाभास
English Meaning- Something which seems contradictory
Synonyms- Absurdity, Riddle, Contradiction, Dilemma, Enigma, Irony
Antonyms- Reality, Truth, Accuracy, Correction, Certainty
Example Sentence- It’s a paradox that a large population is still below the
poverty line in this modern world. 70
1000 Vocabularies (351-355)

351) Charismatic- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- क र माई, आकषक
English Meaning- The power to attract towards charm
Synonyms- Alluring, Charming, Captivating, Magnetic, Appealing
Antonyms- Boring, Tiresome, Awful, Apathetic, Repulsive
Example Sentence- The company always makes charismatic ads to attract
352) Endorsement- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- समथन, व ापन
English Meaning- The process to campaign or support someone/something
Synonyms- Ratification, Permission, Approval, Backing, Acceptance
Antonyms- Embargo, Condemnation, Blame, Complaint, Contempt
Example Sentence- Successful celebrities demand a considerable fee to
Endorse the products.
353) Infallibility- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- अचूक
English Meaning- The quality of being unmistakable
Synonyms- Certainty, Faultlessness, Reliability, Faithfulness, Correctness.
Antonyms- Imperfection, Debility, Fault, Fumble, Improbability
Example Sentence- Because of his infallibility work, there are a lot of people
who want to learn from him.
354) Integrity- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- प व ता, इमानदारी
English Meaning- Being honest.
Synonyms- Morality, Probity, Honesty, Goodness, Righteousness
Antonyms- Corruptness, Deceit, Dishonesty, Crookedness, Immorality
Example Sentence- Because of his integrity, people respect him.
355) Germane- (adjective)
Hindi meaning- साथक, अनुकूल
English Meaning- Appropriate according to the situation
Synonyms- Fitting, Relevant, Pertinent, Proper, Suitable
Antonyms- Unsuitable, Irrelevant, Improper
Example Sentence- The high court will pass judgement after assessing all the
evidence. 71
1000 Vocabularies (356-360)

356) Spurt- (noun and verb)

Hindi Meaning- उछाल, तेजी से चढ़ना
English Meaning- Sudden burst.
Synonyms- Flow, Rush, Cascade, Surge, Flood, Spray.
Antonyms- Trickle, Drip, Drool, Slump, Defer
Example Sentence- The share market spurted after the GST implementation.

357) Grievous(adjective)
Hindi Meaning- गंभीर, क दायक, सोचनीय
English Meaning- Something serious or awful
Synonyms- Painful, Severe, Serious, Unbearable, Tough, Woeful
Antonyms- Joyful, Happy, Pleasant, Fortunate, Bearable
Example Sentence- He is one of those doctors, who has the remedies for
grievous diseases.

358) Reminisce- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- याद दलाना
English Meaning- To remind.
Synonyms- Remember, Recall, think back, Ponder, Revive
Antonyms- Forget, Lose, Misremember, Oblivion, Neglect
Example Sentence- He always reminisces about his past obligation.

359) Sovereign- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- धान, शासक
English Meaning- The ruler or head
Synonyms- Chief, Head, Monarch, Paramount, King, Queen, Ruler
Antonyms- Servant, Inferior, Minor, Ineffective, Subordinate
Example Sentence- The sovereign of the state always takes care of ordinary

360) Maritime(adjective)
Hindi Meaning- समु
English Meaning- Something related to the sea
Synonyms- Oceanic, Aquatic, Sea, Coastal, Pelagic
Antonyms- Land, Desert, Mountain
Example Sentence- Goa is well known for its maritime tourism. 72
1000 Vocabularies (361-365)

361) Tenacious- (adjective)

Hindi meaning- ढ़, क ठन, स त
English Meaning- Keeping a tight hold of something.
Synonyms- Firm, Determined, Stubborn, Hard, Relentless, Tough
Antonyms- Weak, Loose, Soft, Fragile, Delicate
Example Sentence- Because of his tenacious nature, no one teases him.

362) Pacifism (noun)

Hindi Meaning- शं तवाद
English Meaning- Believe in peace.
Synonyms- Nonviolence, Calm, Prosperity, Coolness, Peace lover
Antonyms- Rage, Fight, Violence, Roar, Riot, Ruckus
Example Sentence- Mahatma Gandhi is known for his pacifism thinking.

363) Assertion (noun)

Hindi Meaning- दावा
English Meaning- A claim with confidence
Synonyms- Affirmation, Avowal, Announcement, Disclosure, Argument
Antonyms- Disproof, Allege, Disavowal, Doubt
Example Sentence- His assertion about the thief was proved wrong.

364) Adversary (noun)

Hindi Meaning- बरोधी
English Meaning- An opponent
Synonyms- Competitor, Rival, Opponent, Foe, Hostile
Antonyms- Helper, Partner, Ally, Assistant, Soulmate, Backer
Example Sentence- If you want to live a peaceful life, you should learn how to
digest the criticism of your Adversary.

365) Importunate- (adjective)

Hindi meaning- हठ , ज
English Meaning- forcefully demand something or persistence nature.
Synonyms- Determined, Obstinate, Tenacious, Stubborn, Headstrong
Antonyms- Imperative, Relaxed, Peaceful, Apathetic, Calm, Appeasing
Example Sentence- His secretary shielded him from importunate visitors. 73
1000 Vocabularies (366-370)

366) Rampart- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कले क द वार
English Meaning- A fortified wall used for defence
Synonyms- Wall, Barricade, Defence, Fence, Barrier, Bulwark
Antonyms- Risk, Peril, Hazard, Open castle
Example Sentence- Every year on Independence Day the Indian prime
minister hoists the flag in the rampart of the red fort.

367) Hamper- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- बाधा डालना
English Meaning- To Interrupt someone or something
Synonyms- Curb, Obstacle, Hinder, Restrain, Obstruct
Antonyms- Aid, Help, Assist, Facilitate, Promote, Liberate
Example Sentence- If anyone is working hard, we should not hamper his work.

368) Temptation (noun)

Hindi Meaning- लोभन
English Meaning- The way to lure or attract someone
Synonyms- Appeal, Charm, Invitation, Draw, Allure
Antonyms- Hate, Dislike, Awe, Fear, Repulsion
Example Sentence- Sometimes, people do the wrong work because of

369) Eulogise (verb)

Hindi Meaning- तारीफ करना
English Meaning- Praise someone.
Synonyms- Kudos, Applaud, Glorify, Flatter, Honour
Antonyms- Criticise, Abase, Blame, Damnation, Condemn
Example Sentence- Everyone eulogise when you become successful in any
particular work.

370) Eliminate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- हटा दे ना, नकाल दे ना
English Meaning- Exclude or remove something/someone.
Synonyms- Eradicate, Erase, Delete, Abolish, Remove
Antonyms- Add, Include, Contain, Embrace, Carry
Example Sentence- He was eliminated from the team because of his poor
performance. 74
1000 Vocabularies (371-375)

371) Pothole (noun)

Hindi Meaning- सड़क का ग ा
English Meaning- Pit on a road
Synonyms- Hollow, Depression, Dent, Cave
Antonyms- Plain, Flat, Smooth
Example Sentence- The accidents have increased in the city because of the
deep pothole.

372) Backdrop (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पृ भू म
English Meaning- Background
Synonyms- Back, Soil surface, Environment, Canvas
Antonyms- Forefront, Present
Example Sentence- Never blame your backward backdrop for hiding your
present failure.

373) Indulge (verb)

Hindi Meaning- तृ त करना, मं मु ध करना
English Meaning- Making someone satisfied
Synonyms- Pamper, Coddle, Pander, Delight, Happy
Antonyms- Hurt, Forbear, Annoy, Displease
Example Sentence- An ice cream after the dinner always makes me indulge.

374) Oust (verb)

Hindi Meaning- नकाल दे ना, बेदखल करना
English Meaning- Expel someone from any position
Synonyms- Remove, Eject, Dismiss, Dislodge, Throw out
Antonyms- Retain, Keep, Engage, Continue, Hold
Example Sentence- The company ousted those workers who did not work

375) Ruckus (noun)

Hindi Meaning- हंगामा, हो ह ला
English Meaning- A quarrel
Synonyms- Commotion, Uproar, Rumpus, Tumult, Turmoil
Antonyms- Harmony, Peace, Amity, Calm, Silence
Example Sentence- The market was closed before time because of the ruckus. 75
1000 Vocabularies (376-380

376) Ransom (noun and verb)

Hindi Meaning- फरौती, धन दे कर छु ड़ाना
English Meaning- Release the captive in return of property.
Synonyms- Free, Redeem, Deliver, Liberation, Payment
Antonyms- Compensation, Punish, Shackle, Captivate, Contain
Example Sentence- The goons have kidnapped a kid for the ransom.

377) Standpoint (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कोण
English Meaning- Having a viewpoint on any issue
Synonyms- Viewpoint, Attitude, Stance, Aspect, Opinion
Antonyms- Dumb, Peer, Neutral
Example Sentence- We should have a clear standpoint for our future.

378) Encompass (verb)

Hindi meaning- घेरना, शा मल करना
English Meaning- Surround something or hold within.
Synonyms- Cover, Surround, Embody, Encircle, Enclose
Antonyms- Exclude, Annul, Abolish
Example Sentence- We have encompassed all the places on our list, where we
want to visit.

379) Notion (noun)

Hindi Meaning- धारणा, बचार, इरादा
English Meaning- A conception about something
Synonyms- Thought, Idea, Conception, Belief, Sentiment
Antonyms- Truth, Fact, Actuality, Reality
Example Sentence- Due to his absurd notion, people always make the joke on

380) Impediment (noun)

Hindi Meaning- बाधा, हकलाहट
English Meaning- An obstruction in any work
Synonyms- Barrier, Difficulty, Hurdle, Hamper, Hindrance, Obstacle
Antonyms- Privilege, Aid, Help, Assist, Support
Example Sentence- When we start doing something, impediments come, but
we should not stop. 76
1000 Vocabularies (381-385)

381) Hospice (noun)

Hindi Meaning- धमशाला
English Meaning- A residential home for destitute and ill people
Synonyms- Roadhouse, Shelter, Monastery, Hospitium, Asylum
Antonyms- Unfriendly place, Jail, Hell
Example Sentence- A hospice is like a heaven for poor people.

382) Strive (verb)

Hindi Meaning- संघष करना, यास करना
English Meaning- Working hard for something
Synonyms- Fight, Endeavour, Struggle, Try, Battle, Labour
Antonyms- Chill, Relax, Lazy, Dull, Idle
Example Sentence- If you strive sincerely, nobody can stop you from getting

383) Dawn (verb and noun)

Hindi Meaning- उदय, कट होना, जाग उठना
English Meaning- The first appearance of sun
Synonyms- Rise, Morning, Start, Illumination, Sunrise
Antonyms- End, Death, Finish, Demise, Sunset
Example Sentence- The farmers always wake up before dawn and start
working in their fields.

384) Consensus (noun)

Hindi Meaning- आम सहम त, तालमेल
English Meaning- an agreement
Synonyms- Accord, Unity, Agreement, Unison, Understanding, Deal
Antonyms- Clash, Dispute, Conflict, Difference, Disagreement, Dissensus
Example Sentence- The consensus between two sides brought peace in the

385) Herculean (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- बलशाली, बशाल
English Meaning- Heavy or massive
Synonyms- Huge, Strong, Enormous, Colossal, Jumbo
Antonyms- Small, Tiny, Normal, Conventional
Example Sentence- A Herculean cyclone destroyed thousands of houses in
the city. 77
1000 Vocabularies (386-390)

386) Consolidate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- मजबूत बनाना, ठोस बनाना
English Meaning- Make something stronger.
Synonyms- Join, Amalgamate, Merge, Solidify, Integrate, Unite
Antonyms- Weaken, Break, Split, Divide
Example Sentence- Unity is the first requirement if you want to consolidate
any organisation.

387) Incentive- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ेरणादायक
English Meaning- The process to motivate someone
Synonyms- Motivation, Spur, Instigate, Motivate, Stimulus, Impetus
Antonyms- Prevention, Hindrance, Block, Barrier, Obstruction
Example Sentence- The story of A.P.J Abdul Kalam’s life is very Incentive.

388) Consequence- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- प रणाम
English Meaning- The result is usually not pleasant
Synonyms- Result, Effect, Aftermath, Outcome, Conclusion
Antonyms- Antecedent, Start, Rise, Cause, Beginning
Example Sentence- Consequence of all unlawful acts comes to an end in jail.

389) Catastrophe- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- तबाही, आपदा, बबाद
English Meaning- A disaster-caused damage
Synonyms- Calamity, Mishap, Disaster, Cataclysm, Trouble
Antonyms- Happiness, Calmness, Fortunate, Prosperity, Paragon
Example Sentence- Facebook donated 1 million dollars to the victims of the

390) Drastically- (adverb)

Hindi meaning- जबरद त प से, बल प से
English meaning- strong effect
Synonyms- Sharply, Extremely, Dramatically, Immensely, Radically
Antonyms- Commonly, Calmly, Silently, Lightly, Superficially
Example Sentence- The price of electronic gadgets decreases drastically in the
festive seasons. 78
1000 Vocabularies (391-395)

391) Revamp- (verb)

Hindi meaning- मर मत करना, ठ क करना
English Meaning- to repair or fix something
Synonyms- Renew, Fix, Repair, Improve, Renovate
Antonyms- Break, Destroy, Impair, Abolish, Damage
Example Sentence- The engineer revamped the impaired machine of the
392) Quixotic- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- याली, क पनायु
English Meaning- Something unrealistic.
Synonyms- Utopian, Dreamy, Imaginary, Absurd, Impractical
Antonyms- Realistic, Common, Apparent, Pragmatic, Actual
Example Sentence- Lots of youths are misleading because of the quixotic
Bollywood movies.
393) Liberalise- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- उदार बनाना, मु करना
English Meaning- Facilitate or revoke of restriction.
Synonyms- Make easy, Facilitate, Acquit
Antonyms- Restriction, Blocking, Confine
Example Sentence- The Indian Government is liberalising the process so that
Foreign investors can invest efficiently.

394) Terminate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- ख म करना, बनाश करना
English Meaning- The act of ending or destroying.
Synonyms- Finish, End, Wind up, Close, Destroy
Antonyms- Start, Begin, Engage, Continue, Restart
Example Sentence- Both sides decided to terminate the MOU because of
some disagreement.

395) Offence- (verb & noun)

Hindi Meaning- गुनाह, उलंघन
English Meaning- Unlawful work or breaching the rule
Synonyms- Crime, Violation, Outrage, Misdeed, Sin
Antonyms- Dignity, Service, Aid, Correct, Lawful
Example Sentence- Two employees have been rusticated by the company
because of their offensive act. 79
1000 Vocabularies (396-400)

396) Agitation- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अशांत, आंदोलन, खलबली
English Meaning- the act of disturbance
Synonyms- Turmoil, Unrest, Disturbance, Disorder, Rage
Antonyms- Calm, Peace, Coolness, Quietness, Relief
Example Sentence- The majority of the school closed yesterday because of
the agitation in the city.
397) Evacuate- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- खाली करना
English Meaning- Leave a place.
Synonyms- Leave, Void, Quit, Depart, Abandon, Exhaust
Antonyms- Load, Fill, Come, Adhere, Stay, Abduct
Example Sentence- The flood victims evacuate the unsafe area and migrate to
a safe place.
398) Overhaul- (noun & verb)
Hindi Meaning- कायापलट, पूरी मर मत करना
English Meaning- examine and revamp if necessary.
Synonyms- Revamp, Fix, Repair, Restore, Renovate, Rebuild
Antonyms- Break, Impair, Spoil, Fracture, Damage
Example Sentence- The mechanics overhauled the whole machine in the
399) Anonymity- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- गुमनामी
English Meaning- being anonymous
Synonyms- Secrecy, Namelessness, Aloneness, Oblivion, Isolation
Antonyms- Fame, Popular, Reputation, Celebrity, Renown
Example Sentence- There are so many Bollywood actors living an anonymous
life due to no work in hand.
400) Provocation- (noun)
Hindi meaning- उकसावा, उ ेजना
English Meaning- to instigate someone.
Synonyms- Stimulus, Motivation, Impulse, Encouragement, Spur, Incentive
Antonyms- Suppression, Appeasement, Prevention, Mediation
Example Sentence- The cheap politician always provokes innocent people to
get political benefits. 80
1000 Vocabularies (401-405)

401) Ponder- (verb)

Hindi meaning- सोचना, वचार करना
English Meaning- to think or introspect.
Synonyms- Think, Evaluate, Meditate, Muse, Ruminate
Antonyms- Forget, Neglect, Bury, Ignorant
Example Sentence- We should give ourselves at least one hour daily to
402) Influence (noun & verb)
Hindi Meaning- भाब, असर, े रत होना, भाब डालना
English Meaning- the capacity to affect someone or something
Synonyms- Control, Power, Sway, Effect, Rule, Command
Antonyms- Debility, Weakness, Inability
Example Sentence- The influencers should not misuse their power against the
403) Underpin- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- नचे से सहारा दे ना
English Meaning- to support from the bottom or ground level.
Synonyms- Support, Help, Back, Uphold, Reinforce, Corroborate
Antonyms- Accuse, abase, Undermine, Dismantle, Diminish
Example Sentence- Basic knowledge of any topic underpins the whole subject.

404) Withhold- (verb)

Hindi meaning- रोके रखना, दबाके रखना
English Meaning- suppress or refuse to share.
Synonyms- Keep, Hold, Suppress, Deny, Refuse
Antonyms- Release, Give, Donate, Deliver, Pass
Example Sentence- The opposition party withholds some crucial bills in the

405) Facilitate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- सरल बनाना
English Meaning- make something easy.
Synonyms- Aid, Ease, Simplify, Relieve, Smooth
Antonyms- Complicate, Hinder, Obstruct, Prohibit, Hamper, Foil
Example Sentence- Gadgets are facilitating our daily life; at the same time,
these are making us lazy. 81
1000 Vocabularies (406-410)

406) Edible- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- खाने यो य
English Meaning- eatable or the food which can be eaten
Synonyms- Eatable, Good to eat, Wholesome, Digestible
Antonyms- Poison, Harmful, Inedible, Vile, Uneatable
Example Sentence- There are lots of food which is not edible but shops are
selling them openly.

407) Counter- (noun & verb)

Hindi meaning- बरोध करना, वपरीत, गनने का य , जवाबी हमला
English meaning- to confront, backfire and calculate
Synonyms- Oppose, Reverse, Contradict, Buffet, Hinder, Resist
Antonyms- Support, Agree, Equal, Acquiescence, Similar
Example Sentence- The Army has made a strong counter-attack on the

408) Possession- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- क जा, वा म व, अ धकृत
English Meaning- owning or controlling something.
Synonyms- Hold, Ownership, Control, Occupancy, Tenancy
Antonyms- Release, Give-up, Want, Forfeit
Example Sentence- The goons have possessed many lands illegally in the city.

409) Kudos- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- संशा
English Meaning- praise someone.
Synonyms- Praise, Applause, Fame, Glory, Honour, Prestige
Antonyms- Barb, Shame, Sarcasm, Criticism, Anonymity, Blame
Example Sentence- Virat Kohli gets lots of kudos for his consistent

410) Infiltration- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- घुसपैठ
English Meaning- entrance unlawfully or without permission
Synonyms- Incursion, Penetration, Invasion, Entry, Access, Infusion
Antonyms- Departure, Surrender, Evacuation, Retreat, Escape
Example Sentence- Infiltration of terrorists in the border is one of the most
significant issues for India. 82
1000 Vocabularies (411-415)

411) Harsh- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- न ु र, कठोर
English Meaning- Unkind or unnecessarily severe
Synonyms- Hard, Tough, Ruthless, Rigid, Merciless, Bitter, Unkind
Antonyms- Soft, Kind, Calm, Mild, Harmonious, Comfy
Example Sentence- Hitler was known for his harsh nature.

412) Presume- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- मानना, अनुमान लगाना
English Meaning- Believing something with having confidence.
Synonyms- Belief, Suppose, Guess, Think, Hope, Suspect, Imagine
Antonyms- Doubt, Amaze, Anticipate, Adjudge
Example Sentence- The father always presumes that his son will become
more successful than him.

413) Acquiescence- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- सहम त, चुपचाप मान लेना
English Meaning- accept something without any contrast.
Synonyms- Approval, Acceptance, Consent, Sanction, Compliance
Antonyms- Objection, Denial, Resistance, Refusal, Hostility, Rejection
Example Sentence- The Zealots perhaps interpreted the famine as a
punishment for their acquiescence in the rule of an apostate.

414) Introspection- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- आ ममंथन, आ म नरी ण
English Meaning- Deep thinking.
Synonyms- Soul searching, Self-observation, Thought, Meditation
Antonyms- Heedless, thoughtless
Example Sentence- You should introspect the reason for your failure.

415) Multilateral- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ब प ीय
English Meaning- Having three or more than three sides.
Synonyms- Multifaceted, Mixed, Many-sided, Multinational, Worldwide
Antonyms- One-sided, Unilateral, Mutual
Example Sentence- The multilateral summits are those where more than two
countries participate. 83
1000 Vocabularies (416-420)

416) Confer- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- परामश करना, दान करना
English Meaning- give any suggestion and grant something.
Synonyms- Advice, Award, Grant, Bestow, Donate, Give
Antonyms- Beg, Withhold, Eject, Get, Deprive
Example Sentence- The health experts always confer people to avoid junk
417) Devise- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- आ व कार करना, ढूं ड नकालना, वचार करना
English Meaning- invent something or think about something.
Synonyms- Create, Form, Organise, Invent, Plan
Antonyms- Copy, Duplicate, Destroy, Disorder
Example Sentence- Telecom operator Jio should devise a solution to increase
the internet speed.
418) Saint- (noun & adjective)
Hindi Meaning- संत, साधू, महा मा
English Meaning- a person with spiritual knowledge.
Synonyms- Angel, Holy man, Paragon, Sacred, Religionist
Antonyms- Crook, Witch, Scoundrel, Creep, Hound
Example Sentence- India has always been the land of great saints.

419) Nightmare- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भयानक सपना
English Meaning- a fearful dream or bad experience.
Synonyms- Dream, Fantasy, Fear, Illusion, Bugbear, Horror
Antonyms- Pleasure, Truth, Daymare, Reality
Example Sentence- Travelling alone at night is like a nightmare for the
majority of the people.
420) Penetration- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- वेश, घुसना
English Meaning- entering somewhere.
Synonyms- Insight, Entrance, Invasion, Infiltration, Acumen, Discernment
Antonyms- Enigma, Departure, come
Example Sentence- The main reason bullets have such high penetration into
other materials is because they move so fast after being fired. 84
1000 Vocabularies (421-425)

421) Pedestrian- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पैदल या ी
English Meaning- walker without any vehicle
Synonyms- Wayfarer, Walker, Hiker, Runner
Antonyms- Driver, Motorist, Biker
Example Sentence- Some major cities of India need a particular track for

422) Disclose- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- कट करना, खोलना, पदाफाश
English Meaning- revealing something secret.
Synonyms- Unveil, Expose, Revelation, Publication
Antonyms- Hiding, Blanket, Covert, Privacy
Example Sentence- When we saw the disclosure report of the 2G scam, we
were shocked.

423) Tackle- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- नपटना, हाथ म लेना
English Meaning- dealing with some problems.
Synonyms- Undertake, Take-on, Attempt, Deal with, Try, Confront, Accept
Antonyms- Neglect, Ignore, Avoid, Let go, Compensate
Example Sentence- All winners have the same attitude; they all tackle the
problem smartly.

424) Flagship- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मु य, सव कृ
English Meaning- Main or best thing or product.
Synonyms- Prime, Main, Head, Iconic, Leader, Primary, Elite, Leading, Top
Antonyms- Pointless, Old, Lagging, Non-flagship, Worthless
Example Sentence- Apple will launch its next flagship device iPhone 8.
425) Extortion- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- जबरन वसूली
English Meaning- the act of obtaining something by threatening or forcefully
Synonyms- Blackmail, Squeeze, Theft, Drive, Violence
Antonyms- Peace, Support, Donate, Charity
Example Sentence- Yesterday, the police arrested three goons, who used to
extort the market. 85
1000 Vocabularies (426-430)

426) Racial- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- जातीय, जा तगत
English Meaning- related to genetically
Synonyms- Tribal, Cultural, Racist, Genetic, Traditional
Antonyms- Nonracial, Secular
Example Sentence- India is known for its racial unity.

427) Wizard- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- जा गर
English Meaning- a man having magical power
Synonyms- Witch, Magician, Expert
Antonyms- Callow, Beginner, Natural
Example Sentence- A wizard practices hard before showing his feat.

428) Pretend- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- दखावा करना, ढ ग कारण
English Meaning- showing off or unrealistic behaviour.
Synonyms- Artificial, Fake, Drama, Show-off, Make believe
Antonyms- Real, Honest, Truth, Genuine, Actual
Example Sentence- People who always pretend they never live their actual

429) Despite- (noun & preposition)

Hindi Meaning- के बाबजूद, बरोध, गु सा
English Meaning- not affected and showing rampage
Synonyms- However, Despite, Even though, Malevolence, Even
Antonyms- Exalt, Because of
Example Sentence- Indian cricket team won the test match despite Virat
Kohli’s failure.

430) Underutilised- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- कम उपयोग करना
English Meaning- less use
Synonyms- Less use, Underused
Antonyms- Overuse, Excess use
Example Sentence- He Underutilised his intelligence in his first game of Chess. 86
1000 Vocabularies (431-435)

431) Dispute- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- बबाद, मतभेद
English Meaning- lack of agreement.
Synonyms- Conflict, Argument, Argue, Fight, Contest
Antonyms- Trust, Agreement, Solution, Amid, Accept
Example Sentence- India and China always have tension because of border

432) Eradicate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- जड़ से मटाना
English Meaning- to terminate something.
Synonyms- Eliminate, Delete, Destroy, Remove, Terminate
Antonyms- Establish, Aid, Construct, Help, Plant
Example Sentence- Farmers use Insecticide to eradicate insects in their farms.

433) Tribunal- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- याया धकरण, ा धकरण
English Meaning- Judiciary System.
Synonyms- Judicature, Court, Bench, Legislature, Council
Antonyms- Unjustness
Example Sentence- The Indian tribunal system is known for its justness.

434) Stringent- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- कठोर
English Meaning- tough and strict
Synonyms- Harsh, Rigid, Hard, Austere, Stern
Antonyms- Flexible, Easygoing, Mild, Pliable, Relaxed
Example Sentence- The English teacher of that school is so stringent that the
students always maintain discipline in class.

435) Conspiracy- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- सा जश
English Meaning- a secret plan for someone to do something terrible and
Synonyms- Machination, Trick, Intrigue, Plot, Collision
Antonyms- Truth, Reliability, Trustworthiness, Accuracy
Example Sentence- He is arrested due to the conspiracy of a policeman. 87
1000 Vocabularies (436-440)

436) Ambiguous- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अ , अनेकाथ
English Meaning- something not bright or not having one specific Meaning.
Synonyms- Uncertain, Unclear, Puzzling, Doubtful, Vague
Antonyms- Clear, Explicit, Lucid, Unequivocal, Distinct
Example Sentence- His way of talking is so ambiguous that people can’t
understand what he wants to say.

437) Fraudulent- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- धोखेबाज
English Meaning- Cheater who cheats.
Synonyms- False, Fake, Dishonest, Crooked, Counterfeit
Antonyms- Honest, Genuine, Valid, True, Ethical
Example Sentence- We should always beware of online Fraudulence.

438) Fragment- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- टु कड़ा, खंड, भाग
English Meaning- Broken part of a whole thing and broke something.
Synonyms- Piece, Bit, Portion, Part, Section, Fraction
Antonyms- Whole, Complete, Total, Unite, Unbroken
Example Sentence- He fragmented his toy because he was upset.

439) Juvenile- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कशोर
English Meaning- a young person under 18-year-old
Synonyms- Youthful, Young, Adolescent, Immature, Puerile
Antonyms- Mature, Old, Adult, Elder, Aged
Example Sentence- There is a high rate of juvenile delinquency in this area.

440) Ebullient- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- जोशीला, फु लत
English Meaning- Living with joy.
Synonyms- animated, Lively, Exuberant, Vivacious, Spirited
Antonyms- Spiritless, Downcast, Depressed, Apathetic, Sad
Example Sentence- Virat Kohli is known for his Ebullient Nature. 88
1000 Vocabularies (441-445)

441) Awestruck- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- आ यजनक
English Meaning- something surprising
Synonyms- Amazed, Stunned, Surprised, Marvelling, Awed
Antonyms- Bored, Casual, Aweless
Example Sentence- Burj Khalifa is the World's tallest building that completely
awestruck the whole World.
442) Hinge- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- नभर होना
English Meaning- to depend
Synonyms- Link, Reunion, Hang, Joint
Antonyms- Independent
Example Sentence- In many cases, the Indian Cricket team seems to Hinge on
Virat Kohli.

443) Drizzle- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- बूंदा बूंद , हलक बा रश
English Meaning- light rain and to sprinkle.
Synonyms- Shower, Spray, Mizzle, Drip
Antonyms- Downpour, Deluge, Cataclysm, Flood
Example Sentence- It's always a fantastic experience to take a walk when it's
444) Endanger- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- जो खम म डालना
English Meaning- put in risk.
Synonyms- Jeopardise, Imperil, Put in risk, Gamble
Antonyms- Defend, Protect, Safeguard, Befriend, Shield
Example Sentence- Stuntmen are the real hero as they endanger their lives,
doing stunts of actors.
445) Detention- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- हरासत, कैद
English Meaning- to take in custody.
Synonyms- Confinement, Restraint, Arrest, Captivity
Antonyms- Freedom, Liberation, Dispatch, Release, Discharge
Example Sentence- A detention centre was set-up to hold all the illegal
immigrants. 89
1000 Vocabularies (446-450)

446) Probe- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- जाँच, परख करना
English Meaning- to investigate something.
Synonyms- Examine, Study, Research, Explore, Investigate
Antonyms- Answer, Ignore, Reply, Denial, Deficient
Example Sentence- An independent investigator will probe the allegations of
racial bias in police hiring.

447) Propel- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- े रत करना, ढकेलना
English Meaning- to motivate someone.
Synonyms- Push, Launch, Project, Motivate, Haul, Impel
Antonyms- Hold, Hinder, Restrain, Desist, Deactivate
Example Sentence- Sandeep Maheshwari is one of the best Motivational
speakers who propels the youth to do the best in their lives.

448) Crusade- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- धमयु , इसाइय का धमयु
English Meaning- a war for political, social, or religious change.
Synonyms- Drive, Fight, Battle, Holy war, Movement
Antonyms- Peace, Halt, Haul, Tardiness
Example Sentence- Crusade is not the right choice to settle any issue.

449) Paradise- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- वग, परलोक
English Meaning- a place where the holy spirit lives
Synonyms- Heaven, Bliss, Utopia, Elysium, Eden
Antonyms- Hell, Agony, Underworld, Dystopian, Perdition
Example Sentence- India is a paradise for food-loving people.

450) Stagger- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- च का दे ना
English Meaning- Deeply shocking
Synonyms- Astonish, Amaze, Stumble, Stun, Surprise
Antonyms- Calm, Stay, Clear up
Example Sentence- Michael Jackson was the first dancer who Staggered the
World with his Staggering dance moves. 90
1000 Vocabularies (451-455)

451) Uproar- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- शोरगुल
English Meaning- a noise or disturbance
Synonyms- Turmoil, Ruckus, Rumpus, Din, Riot, Tumult
Antonyms- Peace, Calm, Hush, Silence, Harmony
Example Sentence- Indian roads are full of uproar due to the unwanted loud

452) Enthral- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- मं मु ध करना
English Meaning- to make someone interested or draw attention.
Synonyms- Delight, Captivate, Charm, Mesmerise, Enchant
Antonyms- Bore, Tire, Disenchant, Dull, Annoy
Example Sentence- Many places in India which Enthral the Foreigners.

453) Dispel- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- र करना
English Meaning- to take away or disappear something
Synonyms- Scatter, Breakup, Dissipate, Disperse
Antonyms- Collect, Gather, Accumulate, Compile
Example Sentence- Nowadays, Google becomes a vital medium to dispel any

454) Vivacious- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- जदा दल
English Meaning- live with joy or cheerfulness.
Synonyms- Lively, Spirited, Animated, Cheerful
Antonyms- Dull, Spiritless, Lazy, Boring, Sad, Sluggish
Example Sentence- Skilful and Vivacious Virat Kohli is one of the best batsmen
in the World.

455) Prowess- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कौसल, बीरता, दलेरी
English Meaning- Skilled in Particular fields and Bravery.
Synonyms- Valour, Courage, Heroism, Bravery, professionalism, Expert
Antonyms- Weakness, Inability, Fright, Cowardice
Example Sentence- Indian Soldiers have shown their Prowess many times in
History. 91
1000 Vocabularies (456-460)

456) Skyrocket- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- बढ़ना
English Meaning- Rise or Increase something (price, rate).
Synonyms- Soar, Improve, Arise, Progress, Increase
Antonyms- Crush, Collapse, Comedown, Debase
Example Sentence- The price of vegetables skyrocketed due to heavy rain in
the farming area.
457) Daunt- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- भयभीत करना
English Meaning- to feel someone intimidated or apprehensive.
Synonyms- Intimidate, Discourage, Scare, Frighten, Terrify
Antonyms- Encourage, Aid, Assist, Stimulated, Insist
Example Sentence- There is nothing in this World that can make us daunt if
we have the courage.
458) Slapstick- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- हँसी मजाक, तमाशा
English Meaning- a way of comedy
Synonyms- Funny, Comedy, Comic, Amusing, Humorous
Antonyms- Humourless, Calamity, Curse, Debacle
Example Sentence- We should live our life in a Slapstick way.

459) Inundate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- जलम न कर दे ना
English Meaning- submerge an area with water.
Synonyms- Flood, Swamp, Deluge, Immerse, Submerge
Antonyms- Dry, Drain, Arid, Drought
Example Sentence- There are so many places in India that are inundated
during the rainy season.

460) Dilapidated – (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- टु टा फुटा
English Meaning- something damaged.
Synonyms- Damaged, Demolished, Deteriorated, Ruined, Impaired
Antonyms- Built, Fixed, Improved
Example Sentence- There are millions of poor people in the World who are
still living in dilapidated houses. 92
1000 Vocabularies (461-465)

461) Disenchantment- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मोह भंग
English Meaning- Free from a false belief
Synonyms- Disillusion, Let-down, Discontent, Detection
Antonyms- Trust, Delight, Idealism, Satisfaction
Example Sentence- If you watch the same movie again and again, it might be
the cause of Disenchantment.

462) Slump- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- गरावट
English Meaning- to fall slowly or collapse.
Synonyms- Drop, fall, Decline, Collapse, Sag, Go down
Antonyms- Surge, Rise, Ascent, Growth, Boom, Climb
Example Sentence- The majority of the country's economy slumped in 2008.

463) Accommodate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- अनुकूल बनाना, सहायता करना
English Meaning- to do kindness or to facilitate.
Synonyms- Adapt, Adjust, Fit, Suit, Oblige, Provide
Antonyms- Disturb, Hinder, Disoblige, Impede, Disarrange
Example Sentence- The hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests.

464) Befit- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- अनुकूल होना
English Meaning- Proper or appropriate
Synonyms- Suit, Behove, Agree, Match, Go with
Antonyms- Contrary, Censure, Clash, Differ, Disagree
Example Sentence- An intelligent person always befits himself according to
the situation.

465) Opportune- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- उपयु
English Meaning- suitable for a time
Synonyms- Timely, Auspicious, Favourable, Convenient
Antonyms- Inopportune, Unsuitable, Inconvenient, Improper
Example Sentence- You should always wait for an opportune time to answer
those who criticised you. 93
1000 Vocabularies (466-470)

466) Baffle- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- असमंजस म पड़ना
English Meaning- confused or frustrated.
Synonyms- Confuse, Puzzle, Confound, Frustrate, Stump
Antonyms- Aid, Assist, Explain, Support, Abet
Example Sentence- The majority of students always baffle while solving the

467) Affirm- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- दाबे के साथ कहना, पु करना
English Meaning- Confirm with confidence.
Synonyms- Confirm, Assert, Declare, State, Certify, Verify
Antonyms- Deny, Negate, Nullify, Disclaim, Disavow
Example Sentence- After the surgical strike, the Indian Army affirms the news
at the press conference.

468) Avenue- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- माग, ार
English Meaning- A way of entering.
Synonyms- Way, Road, Route, Path, Street
Antonyms- Hearth, Refusal, Egress
Example Sentence- Hard work is the only avenue of success.

469) Mercurial- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- चंचल, अ र
English Meaning- Quick or Changeable.
Synonyms- Volatile, Unstable, Quick, Excitable, Fickle, Erratic
Antonyms- Consistent, Calm, Certain, Stationary, Stable
Example Sentence- A mercurial person can never play Chess.

470) Allegedly- (adverb)

Hindi Meaning- आरो पत, तथाक थत
English Meaning- something claimed Without any proof.
Synonyms- Reportedly, Presumably, Apparently, Ostensibly
Antonyms- Accurately, Definitely, Assuredly
Example Sentence- Police arrested three people for allegedly stealing money
from the Bank. 94
1000 Vocabularies (471-475)

471) Sovereignty- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- सं भुता
English Meaning- power or authority
Synonyms- Freedom, Command, Domination, Supremacy, Independence
Antonyms- Subjection, Hegemony, Dependence, Captivity
Example Sentence- Thousands of Indian freedom fighters Sacrificed their lives
for the sovereignty of India.
472) Tortuous- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- कपटपूण, पेचीदा, ज टल, व
English Meaning- something excessively complicated.
Synonyms- crooked, convoluted, twisted, curved, zigzag
Antonyms- straight, untwisted, straightforward, direct
Example Sentence- Because of the tortuous road, we couldn't find our

473) Pragmatic- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ावहा रक, त या मक
English Meaning- facts instead of speculation.
Synonyms- realistic, logical, practical, reasonable, materialistic, practicable
Antonyms- quixotic, impractical, unrealistic, illogical, irrational
Example Sentence- If you want to succeed, you should pragmatically do
474) Culminate- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- समा त होना, समापन
English Meaning- reach a climax.
Synonyms- close, terminate, climax, finish, end, result, finalise
Antonyms- beginning, initiate, start, begin, proceed.
Example Sentence- Weeks of protest culminated after the justice given by the
court to the victims.
475) Circumvent- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- धोखा दे ना, ठगना, घेर लेना, नाकाम बनाना
English Meaning- to get around something; to trick or mislead.
Synonyms- avoid, dupe, trick, bypass, sidestep, surround, encircle
Antonyms- assist, help, provide, encourage, support
Example Sentence- If you want to be a successful person in life, you must
learn how to circumvent the problems. 95
1000 Vocabularies (476-480)

476) Bifurcate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- दो शाखा म बांटना, भाजन
English Meaning- divide into two branches or parts.
Synonyms- divide, split, separate, bisect, branch, halve
Antonyms- united, assemble, attach, adjoin, connect
Example Sentence- The political party bifurcated after the defeat in the

477) Sedition- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- व ोह, राज- ोह
English Meaning- instigating people to rebel against authority.
Synonyms- agitation, revolution, rebellion, revolt, disloyalty, violation
Antonyms- adherence, loyalty, obedience, devotion, committal
Example Sentence- The sedition charge on him made his life difficult.

478) Manoeuvre- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पतरेबाज़ी, दाँवपच, चाल
English Meaning- manipulate to achieve an end or plan for something.
Synonyms- manipulate, trick, plan, tactic, machination, gambit
Antonyms- coincidence, gamble, fluke, disorder
Example Sentence- The war policy provided by the army chief has no room for

479) Dissonance- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ककश, बेसुरापन, मतभेद
English Meaning- a lack of harmony or agreement between something.
Synonyms- raucous, harsh, unmusical, cacophonous, unmelodious, tuneless
Antonyms- melodious, harmonious, consonant, symphonic
Example Sentence- His voice is so dissonant that nobody asks him to sing a

480) Compel- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- ववश करना, मजबूर करना
English Meaning- pressurise someone to do something.
Synonyms- coerce, force, enforce, press, pressure, bully, suppress
Antonyms- discourage, free, deter, block, obstruct
Example Sentence- He is too rigid that nobody can compel him to do
something. 96
1000 Vocabularies (481-485)

481) Portent- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पूवसूचना, अपशकुन
English Meaning- a signal of something is about to occur.
Synonyms- foreboding, augury, presage, prognostic, forecast, prediction
Antonyms- doom, expectation, reality, nostalgia
Example Sentence- Cats are regarded as being portents of unfortunate
happenings in many places in the World.

482) Innocuous- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- हा न न करने वाला, सीधा सादा, अहा नकर
English Meaning- not harmful.
Synonyms- innocent, safe, naive, guiltless, soft, non-toxic
Antonyms- hurtful, harmful, wrong, destructive, damaging, wicked
Example Sentence- His innocuous nature makes him favourite of all.

483) Patronise- (Verb)

Hindi Meaning- सहायता दे ना, कृपा दखाना, नय मत ाहक होना
English Meaning- to support someone.
Synonyms- support, sponsor, frequent, prioritise, connect
Antonyms- boycott, avoid, proscribe, reject, discourage
Example Sentence- We should always patronise the needy people.

484) Poach- (Verb)

Hindi Meaning- अवैध शकार करना, गरम पानी म तलना
English Meaning- hunting illegally; cook over boiling water.
Synonyms- hunt, pirate, smuggle, plunder, snare, loot, rob
Antonyms- show, gift, protect, embalm
Example Sentence- The poached egg is considered a healthy option, but
everyone does not like it.

485) Extradite- (Verb)

Hindi Meaning- य पत करना, अपराधी को स पना
English Meaning- hand over a criminal to the foreign state where the crime
was committed.
Synonyms- oust, deport, exile, expel, outlaw, ban, proscribe
Antonyms- hold, keep, shelter, promote, retain, appoint
Example Sentence- When the country receives proof of his guilt, it agrees to
extradite him to the local authorities. 97
1000 Vocabularies (486-490)

486) Earmark- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- च त करना, अलग रखना, दाग़, अनुदान दे ना
English Meaning- to designate something for a particular reason.
Synonyms- label, mark, hallmark, stamp, designate
Antonyms- unclassified, vague, unidentified
Example Sentence- I have earmarked some portion of the budget to invest in
some start-ups.
487) Alacrity- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- आतुरता, फुरती
English Meaning- having an eager attitude.
Synonyms- forwardness, quickness, enthusiasm, readiness, expedition
Antonyms- slowness, sluggishness, laziness, dullness, fatigue
Example Sentence- After a long practice session, I went to play the match with

488) Paranoid- (noun & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- पागल, सं व म रोगी
English Meaning- suffering from a mental disorder.
Synonyms- disturbed, insane, nervous, suspicious, psychotic, neurotic
Antonyms- healthy, trusting, logical, calm, smart, believable
Example Sentence- People always think that he is paranoid, but it was their

489) Pessimism- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- नराशावाद
English Meaning- the habit of seeing the worst aspect of things
Synonyms- hopelessness, cynicism, gloom, distrust, doubt, suspicion
Antonyms- optimism, hope, resilience, hopefulness, believe
Example Sentence- Because of his pessimism, he failed in the exam badly.
490) Demise- (noun & verb)
Hindi Meaning- नधन, मृ यु, वसीयत करना
English Meaning- expiration or end of something; death
Synonyms- abolition, end, destruction, abolition, downfall, fall
Antonyms- dawn, start, birth, creation, rise, beginning, genesis
Example Sentence- Online shopping is causing the demise of traditional
shopping. 98
1000 Vocabularies (491-495)

491) Enmesh- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- जाल म फंसना, उलझना, फाँस लेना
English Meaning- engage in a difficult situation.
Synonyms- hook, entangle, trap, tangle, capture, snag
Antonyms- free, disentangle, detach, clear
Example Sentence- The police enmeshed an innocent man in a hurry to close
the case.
492) Embroil- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- उलझाना
English Meaning- to involve in conflict or difficulties.
Synonyms- broil, mire, enmesh, ensnare, entangle, entrap
Antonyms- emancipate, free, liberate, release, acclimate, relieve, soothe
Example Sentence- I avoided my two best friends because I did not want to
get embroiled in their dispute.

493) Singe- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- झुलस जाना, झुलसाना
English Meaning- to burn superficially or lightly.
Synonyms- scorch, burn, sear, char, blacken, roast, blaze, ignite, inflame, kindle
Antonyms- freeze, chill, refrigerate
Example Sentence- After several hours at the beach without sunscreen, the
intense rays began to singe my skin.
494) Discordant- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- बेसुरा, बेमेल
English Meaning- harsh and jarring because of a lack of harmony.
Synonyms- cacophonous, clashing, dissonant, divergent, jarring, contradictory
Antonyms- similar, agreeable, agreeing, concordant
Example Sentence- The functional modernity of the computer struck a
discordant note amid the elegant eighteenth-century furniture.
495) Privy- (noun & adjective)
Hindi Meaning- गु त, शौचालय, रह यपूण, गु त ान
English Meaning- participating in the knowledge of something private.
Synonyms- covert, personal, private, separate, buried
Antonyms- open, public, unconcealed, known, revealed, unaware
Example Sentence- Since I am quite young, I am not privy to my parents’
intimate conversations. 99
1000 Vocabularies (496-500)

496) Clamour- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कोलाहल, शोर मचाना
English Meaning- a loud and confused noise.
Synonyms- din, racket, loud noise, uproar, tumult, shouting, screaming
Antonyms- calm, hush, lull, quietude, serenity, quiet, silence, stillness, peace
Example Sentence- The government was not strong enough to resist the
clamour of their numerous partisans for participation in the spoils of party
497) Usurper- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- जबद ती क ज़ा करने वाला
English Meaning- a person who takes a position of power or importance
illegally or by force.
Synonyms- autocrat, tyrant, absolutist, authoritarian, oppressor, totalitarian
Antonyms- abdicator, solitary, follower, surrender.
Example Sentence- He considers his friend as the usurper of my property.
498) Tyranny- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- उ पीड़न, अ याचार, जु म
English Meaning- cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.
Synonyms- despotism, absolutism, dictatorship, oppression, suppression
Antonyms- compassion, emancipation, liberty, sovereignty, exoneration
Example Sentence- The judge removed the children from their home because
of their mother’s tyranny.

499) Pedestal- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ान, बैठक, भवन का तंभपाद
English Meaning- a position in which someone is admired.
Synonyms- idealise, exalt, lionise, admiration, revere, glorification, adulation
Antonyms- ceiling, confrontation, top, disapproval
Example Sentence- He dismounted a statue from its pedestal.

500) Stentorian (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ब त ऊँची और जोरदार आवाज
English Meaning- extremely loud
Synonyms- booming, loud, thundering, deafening, resonant, orotund
Antonyms- taciturn, quiet, soft, sheepish, calm
Example Sentence- He spoke in stentorian tones. 100
1000 Vocabularies (501-505)

501) Utter- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- पूण, उ ारण करना
English Meaning- without qualification
Synonyms- total, absolute, voice, express, unqualified, articulate
Antonyms- hide, ambiguous, conceal, slow, eligible
Example Sentence- No one can blame an honest mechanic for holding a
wealthy snob in utter contempt.

502) Conduct- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- आचरण, संचालन
English Meaning- direct the course of; manage or control
Synonyms- manage, perform, carry, behaviour, escort
Antonyms- carelessness, comply, neglect, abstemious, misconduct
Example Sentence- Scientists have been conducting studies of individual
genes for years.

503) Obtain- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- ा त करना
English Meaning- come into possession of
Synonyms- gain, get, secure, earn, receive, achieve
Antonyms- give, loss, divide, scatter, decline
Example Sentence- I haven't been able to obtain that book.

504) Scarce- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- लभ
English Meaning- deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand
Synonyms- scanty, uncommon, insufficient, infrequent, rare
Antonyms- ample, common, plentiful, plenteous, sufficient
Example Sentence- Food and fuel were scarce in this region.

505) Stock- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भ डार, पूँजी
English Meaning- capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares
Synonyms- share, reserve, stockpile, inventory, lineage, store
Antonyms- original, waste, lavish, distribute, spend
Example Sentence- Some stores inventory their stock twice a month. 101
1000 Vocabularies (506-510)

506) Apparent- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning-
English Meaning- clearly revealed to the mind
Synonyms- clear, visible, patent, manifest, evident
Antonyms- unclear, obscure, dubious, mysterious, cryptic
Example Sentence- Certain problems were apparent from the outset.

507) Passage- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- माग, गमन
English Meaning- a covered path where we or anything can walk or move
Synonyms- passing, crossing, passageway, path, journey
Antonyms- barrier, ebb, denial, refusal, block
Example Sentence- The house has an underground passage.

508) Vain- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- थ
English Meaning- unproductive of success
Synonyms- useless, fruitless, pointless, futile, worthless
Antonyms- fruitful, potent, powerful, modest, meek
Example Sentence- An attempt was made to ignore his brilliant performence,
but in vain; he is now the best player in the team.

509) Coast- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- तट, कनारे का
English Meaning- the shore of a sea or ocean
Synonyms- shore, beach, coastline, seashore, bank
Antonyms- jerk, inland, stumble, stomp
Example Sentence- The towers must be built within short distances all round
the coast.

510) Circumstances- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- प र त
English Meaning- one's overall condition in life
Synonyms- condition, situation, state, terms, context
Antonyms- illusion, avocation, absence, hypothesis
Example Sentence- The circumstances leading up to the shootings was not
immediately available. 102
1000 Vocabularies (511-515)

511) Constitute- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- ग ठत करना
English Meaning- combine to form
Synonyms- form, institute, establish, create, compose, comprise
Antonyms- muddle, refuse, Jeff, annul, penalise
Example Sentence- Twelve months constitute a year.

512) Affect- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- भा वत करना
English Meaning- have an influence upon
Synonyms- impact, influence, feign, sway, strike
Antonyms- isolate, disaffect, ineffectiveness, avoid
Example Sentence- Your opinion will not affect my decision.

513) Appeal- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- अपील करना
English Meaning- make a serious request.
Synonyms- request, petition, attraction, entreaty, plea
Antonyms- denial, renounce, deny, repulse, revoke
Example Sentence- He tried to appeal to their finer feelings.

514) Grant- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- अनुदान
English Meaning- allow to have
Synonyms- allow, permit, bestow, concede, admit, accord
Antonyms- refuse, deny, disempower, disown, withhold
Example Sentence- His rareness disinclined me to grant his request.

515) Dwell- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- यान के त करना
English Meaning- think moodily or anxiously about something
Synonyms- inhabit, abide, brood, consist, occupy
Antonyms- depart, move, depart, adumbrate
Example Sentence- Pride and grace dwell never in one place. 103
1000 Vocabularies (516-520)

516) Earnest- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- उ सुक, त पर
English Meaning- serious and determined
Synonyms- solemn, zealous, serious, sincere, eager
Antonyms- goofy, insincere, unconcerned, frivolous
Example Sentence- I am earnest in my future endeavors.

517) Yield- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- पैदावार
English Meaning- give or supply
Synonyms- produce, cede, relinquish, provide, deliver
Antonyms- disallow, reject, oppose, fight, withstand
Example Sentence- That apple tree yields plenty of apples.

518) Wander- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- भटकना, घूमना
English Meaning- travel aimlessly through
Synonyms- stray, walk, ramble, stroll, tramp, swan
Antonyms- sit, stay, keep, remain, rest, stick
Example Sentence- While each animal wandered through the maze, its brain
was working furiously.

519) Knight- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- शूरवीर
English Meaning- a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry
Synonyms- gallant, cavalier, noble, warrior, gallant, heroic
Antonyms- pacifist, negotiator, doormat
Example Sentence- The knight was gallant not only in war, but in love also.

520) Convince- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- व ास दलाना
English Meaning- make realise the truth
Synonyms- persuade, satisfy, sway, induce, coax, assure
Antonyms- discourage, avoid, demoralise, dissuade, compel
Example Sentence- It's hopeless trying to convince her. 104
1000 Vocabularies (521-525)

521) Inspire- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- उ साह दे ना
English Meaning- serve as the inciting cause of
Synonyms- prompt, encourage, stimulate, motivate, provoke
Antonyms- discourage, weaken, dispirit, daunt, deter
Example Sentence- We need someone who can inspire the team.

522) Convention- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- परंपरा, स मेलन
English Meaning- a large formal assembly
Synonyms- conference, tradition, congress, custom, meeting
Antonyms- oddity, discord, loneliness, strangeness, abnormity
Example Sentence- They believe it is essential to defy convention.

523) Harry- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- सताना
English Meaning- annoy continually or persistently harass.
Synonyms- harass, badger, bother, torment, pester
Antonyms- assist, help, appease, support, calm
Example Sentence- The enemy troops harried the village.

524) Reflect- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- त ब बत, वचारना
English Meaning- show an image of.
Synonyms- ponder, consider, contemplate, think, ruminate
Antonyms- disturb, divulge, absorb, ignore, disregard
Example Sentence- I often reflect on my school days.

525) Novel- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- उप यास
English Meaning- an extended fictional work in prose
Synonyms- book, unique, original, unusual, story, fiction
Antonyms- familiar, common, traditional, shabby
Example Sentence- Her latest novel is eagerly awaited. 105
1000 Vocabularies (526-530)

526) Furnish- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- दान करना
English Meaning- provide with objects or be a source of
Synonyms- equip, contribute, supply, present, provide
Antonyms- bereave, unfurnished, conceal, withhold
Example Sentence- I will furnish my house with furniture.

527) Venture- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- काय
English Meaning- proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers
Synonyms- adventure, gamble, enterprise, stake, dare, endeavour
Antonyms- protection, security, safeguard, fear, safety
Example Sentence- Any business venture contains an element of risk.

528) Temper- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मनोवृ
English Meaning- a characteristic state of feeling
Synonyms- character, rage, mood, disposition, anger
Antonyms- calmness, excite, flex, wrath
Example Sentence- You must learn to control your temper.

529) Bent- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- झुका आ
English Meaning- fixed in your purpose or sharply curved.
Synonyms- inclination, leaning, disposition, twisted, curved
Antonyms- straight, strong
Example Sentence- The tree must be bent while it is young.

530) Intimate- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अ तरंग
English Meaning- private or involving very close connection.
Synonyms- personal, close, private, secret, inner, confidential
Antonyms- public, extrinsic, unfriendly, distant, stranger
Example Sentence- We're not on intimate terms with our neighbours. 106
1000 Vocabularies (531-535)

531) Undertake- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- आरंभ करना, हाथ म लेना
English Meaning- enter upon an activity or promise to do a particular thing.
Synonyms- promise, take, contract, tackle, attempt
Antonyms- avoid, forego, abjure, relinquish, repudiate
Example Sentence- I want you to undertake all the responsibility.

532) Majority- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ब मत
English Meaning- more than half of the votes in an election
Synonyms- mostly, bulk, larger part, preponderance
Antonyms- rare, minority, infancy, peculiar
Example Sentence- Republicans need just four seats in the Senate to take
control as the majority party.

533) Crew- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कम दल
English Meaning- a group of people who work closely together.
Synonyms- group, team, squad, staff, crowd, troop
Antonyms- one, single, loner, empty
Example Sentence- The crew took to the lifeboats.

534) Humble- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- वनीत
English Meaning- modesty; not arrogant or prideful
Synonyms- modest, simple, ordinary, respectful, abash
Antonyms- arrogant, egotistical, superior, sassy, boastful
Example Sentence- The more noble the more humble.

535) Keen- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- इ ु क
English Meaning- showing eagerness or enthusiasm.
Synonyms- eager, sharp, enthusiastic, acute, astute, ardent
Antonyms- blunt, dull, slow, stupid, apathetic, reluctant
Example Sentence- Dogs have a keen sense of smell. 107
1000 Vocabularies (536-540)

536) Despair- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- नराशा
English Meaning- a state in which all hope is lost or absent
Synonyms- depression, gloom, misery, anguish, sorrow
Antonyms- optimism, joy, happiness, hope, ecstasy
Example Sentence- He soon gave up the attempt in despair.

537) Tide- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- वार
English Meaning- the periodic rise and fall of the sea level
Synonyms- stream, flood, course, wave, spate
Antonyms- trickle, immobility, drought, dropwise
Example Sentence- High tide is at seven in the morning.

538) Manifest- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- कट
English Meaning- reveal its presence or make an appearance
Synonyms- show, apparent, evident, display, reveal
Antonyms- conceal, dark, unclear, obscure, withhold
Example Sentence- The anger he felt is manifest in his paintings.

539) Scale- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पैमाना
English Meaning- relative magnitude
Synonyms- measure, scope, level, ascend, size
Antonyms- dismount, fall, descend, condescend
Example Sentence- They entertain on a large scale.

540) Persist- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- ढ़ रहना
English Meaning- continue to exist
Synonyms- remain, persevere, continue, abide, prevail
Antonyms- quit, give up, exit, expire, stop
Example Sentence- Despite official denials, the rumours still persist. 108
1000 Vocabularies (541-545)

541) Contempt- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- तर कार
English Meaning- lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
Synonyms- disregard, disdain, shame, disgrace, mockery, hatred
Antonyms- approval, regard, respect, honour, affection
Example Sentence- He interpreted the silence as contempt.

542) Plead- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- वकालत करना, पैरवी करना
English Meaning- make an emotional appeal.
Synonyms- implore, appeal, solicit, entreat, beseech
Antonyms- demand, command, denial, ignore
Example Sentence- His mother did her best to plead his case.

543) Mode- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- साधन
English Meaning- a way of operating or using a system.
Synonyms- manner, method, style, vogue, way, procedure
Antonyms- complex, uproot, caprice, abstruse
Example Sentence- Heat is a mode of motion.

544) Distinction- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भेदभाव
English Meaning- a discrimination between things as different
Synonyms- differentiation, eminence, discrepancy, disparity, discrimination
Antonyms- integration, fairness, justice, fair, justness
Example Sentence- He is a writer of real distinction.

545) Attribute- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- वशेषता, आरो पत करना
English Meaning- a quality belonging to or characteristic of an entity
Synonyms- feature, quality, characteristic, property, aspect
Antonyms- lack, miss, absence, deficiency, inadequate
Example Sentence- Politeness is an attribute of a gentleman. 109
1000 Vocabularies (546-550)

546) Exert- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- प र म करना
English Meaning- make a physical or mental effort.
Synonyms- utilise, employ, exercise, wield, strain, strive
Antonyms- careless, negligent, negligent, lazy
Example Sentence- I was too tired to exert myself.

547) Oppress- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- उ पी ड़त करना
English Meaning- come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's
Synonyms- torment, trouble, harass, distress, persecute
Antonyms- relieve, aid, help, comfort, liberate
Example Sentence- Those who managed to survive were later oppressed by
548) Contend- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- ववाद करना
English Meaning- compete for something
Synonyms- struggle, assert, fight, argue, compete, compete
Antonyms- abandon, surrender, acquiesce, collaborate, agree
Example Sentence- The man contend that it was not his fault.

549) Stake- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- दाँव
English Meaning- a strong wooden or metal post driven into the ground
Synonyms- gamble, risk, jeopardise, venture, hazard
Antonyms- safety, security, safe, protection, guard
Example Sentence- He set the stake in the ground.

550) Toil- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- क ठन प र म
English Meaning- work hard
Synonyms- travail, moil, labour, grind, slog, effort
Antonyms- laze, idle, ease, leisure, rest
Example Sentence- If you want knowledge, you must toil for it. 110
1000 Vocabularies (551-555)

551) Perish- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- न हो जाना
English Meaning- pass from physical life
Synonyms- pass, expire, exit, conk, croak, choke
Antonyms- live, survive, exist, revive, prosper
Example Sentence- Sunlight has caused the rubber to perish.

552) Disposition- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- वभाव
English Meaning- your usual mood
Synonyms- nature, inclination, character, personality, mood
Antonyms- chaos, mess, disinclination, distaste, objection
Example Sentence- Her property is at her disposition.

553) Rail- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- ख ली उड़ाना, छड़
English Meaning- complain bitterly or a bar
Synonyms- path, track, train, scold, vilify, criticise
Antonyms- praise, defend, rejoice, flatter
Example Sentence- She held tightly onto the rail.

554) Cardinal- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- आधारभूत, मूल
English Meaning- one of a group of prominent bishops
Synonyms- main, primary, chief, essential, carmine, foremost
Antonyms- ancillary, unimportant, minor, inferior, irrelevant
Example Sentence- This is a matter of cardinal significance.

555) Boast- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- ड ग मारना
English Meaning- talk about oneself with excessive pride or self-regard
Synonyms- vaunt, pride, show off, bluster, swagger, blow
Antonyms- modesty, decency, reserve, chastity, simplicity
Example Sentence- The company is inclined to boast of its success. 111
1000 Vocabularies (556-560)

556) Advocate- (verb & noun)

Hindi Meaning- वक ल, हमायत करना
English Meaning- a person who puts a case on someone else's behalf.
Synonyms- promote, defender, advise, support, lawyer
Antonyms- oppose, criticise, foe, hinder, antagonist
Example Sentence- I don't advocate doing such things.

557) Bestow- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- दान करना
English Meaning- confer or present an honour or gift.
Synonyms- grant, confer, provide, give, present, donate
Antonyms- withhold, deprive, beg, take, steal
Example Sentence- There may be some musical magic which only practice can

558) Notwithstanding- (preposition & adverb)

Hindi Meaning- बावजूद, तथा प
English Meaning- despite anything to the contrary
Synonyms- despite, however, still, nevertheless, nonetheless
Antonyms- hence, according to, thence, subsequently
Example Sentence- The marriage took place notwithstanding his objections.

559) Lofty- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- बुलंद
English Meaning- of imposing height.
Synonyms- eminent, exalted, grand, noble, gallant
Antonyms- lowly, below, short, common, little, beneath
Example Sentence- She has such a lofty manner.

560) Multitude- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भीड़
English Meaning- a large number of people or things.
Synonyms- mass, crowd, flock, throng, mob, masses
Antonyms- portion, few, portion, bit, couple
Example Sentence- Charity covers a multitude of sins. 112
1000 Vocabularies (561-565)

561) Cede- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- हवाले करना
English Meaning- relinquish possession or control over
Synonyms- surrender, transfer, relinquish, deliver, waive, forgo
Antonyms- fight, defend, keep, withhold, guard, guard
Example Sentence- The military has refused to cede power to elected officials.

562) Perpetual- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- न य, लगातार
English Meaning- continuing forever or indefinitely
Synonyms- endless, permanent, eternal, unending, continuous
Antonyms- intermittent, occasional, temporary, fleeting, brief
Example Sentence- Nothing seems to dampen his perpetual enthusiasm.

563) Decree- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- मनामा
English Meaning- a legally binding command or decision
Synonyms- mandate, command, order, dictate, dictum
Antonyms- claim, plea, bidding, appeal, disorganisation
Example Sentence- More than 200 people were freed by military decree.

564) Contrive- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- आ व कार करना, योजना करना
English Meaning- make or work out a plan for; devise
Synonyms- plan, fabricate, devise, engineer, devise
Antonyms- wreck, ruin, demolish, destroy, plagiarise
Example Sentence- I can contrive without your help.

565) Derived- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- ा त, उ प
English Meaning- formed or developed from something else; not original
Synonyms- originated, obtained, resulting, distil, derive, extract
Antonyms- original, inflectional, invented, vital
Example Sentence- He derived great pleasure from painting. 113
1000 Vocabularies (556-570)

566) Elaborate- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- व तृत
English Meaning- marked by complexity and richness of detail
Synonyms- expand, embellish, expand, enlarge, extravagant
Antonyms- normal, simple, basic, simplify, abridge
Example Sentence- She went on to elaborate her argument.

567) Substantial- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- वा त वक, संतोषजनक
English Meaning- real; having a material or factual existence
Synonyms- important, considerable, material, firm, persistent
Antonyms- insignificant, insubstantial, flimsy, unimportant, pointless
Example Sentence- The effects were substantial in magnitude.

568) Frontier- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- सीमा त
English Meaning- a line or border separating two countries.
Synonyms- border, borderland, demarcation, periphery, outskirts
Antonyms- inland, central, inside, internal
Example Sentence- The incident on the frontier touched off a major war.

569) Facile- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अनुकूल, फुरतीला
English Meaning- arrived at without due care or effort; lacking depth
Synonyms- fluent, shallow, eloquent, proficient, handy
Antonyms- stressful, arduous, hard, laborious, onerous
Example Sentence- He has a facile imagination in writing.

570) Cite- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- हवाला दे ना
English Meaning- make reference to
Synonyms- refer, specify, quote, mention, citation
Antonyms- enclose, neglect, hide, degrade, disregard
Example Sentence- He will cite some figures for comparison. 114
1000 Vocabularies (571-575)

571) Steep- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- भगोना, ढलानवाला
English Meaning- having a sharp inclination
Synonyms- immerse, stiff, outrageous, soak, sheer
Antonyms- moderate, frugal, deep, gradual, despicable
Example Sentence- It is dangerous to climb up a steep slope.

572) Modest- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- शालीन, मामूली
English Meaning- not large but sufficient in size or amount
Synonyms- shy, simple, humble, timid, unassuming
Antonyms- immodest, arrogant, proud, vain, sassy
Example Sentence- She is modest without being coy.

573) Partial- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- आं शक, प पातपूण
English Meaning- being or affecting only a segment
Synonyms- incomplete, prejudiced, biased, unjust, partisan
Antonyms- entire, unprejudiced, whole, unbiased, fair
Example Sentence- I'm very partial to sweet foods.

574) Apt- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- उपयु
English Meaning- naturally disposed toward
Synonyms- relevant, fit, proper, appropriate, suitable
Antonyms- incorrect, incapable, unsuitable, improper, inapt
Example Sentence- Chinese cups are apt to break.

575) Esteem- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मा यता दे ना
English Meaning- the condition of being honoured
Synonyms- regard, admire, revere, honour, appreciate
Antonyms- hate, disgust, disregard, contempt, dislike
Example Sentence- I esteem his work highly. 115
1000 Vocabularies (576-580)

576) Credible- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- व सनीय
English Meaning- appearing to merit belief or acceptance
Synonyms- trustworthy, reliable, plausible, believable, rational
Antonyms- unlikely, improbable, unsustainable, nonsensical, suspect
Example Sentence- The news report is hardly credible.

577) Provoke- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- भड़काना
English Meaning- provide the needed stimulus for
Synonyms- stimulate, arouse, trigger, trigger
Antonyms- appease, please, calm, quiet, pacify, quiet
Example Sentence- She said it deliberately to provoke me.

578) Tread- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- चाल, क़दन रखना
English Meaning- a step in walking or running
Synonyms- tramp, pace, march, gait, step, footfall
Antonyms- crawl, drive, rest, skate, flee
Example Sentence- The back tyre tread is worn a little.

579) Ascertain- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- सु न त करना
English Meaning- learn or discover with confidence
Synonyms- ensure, establish, verify, assure, insure
Antonyms- assume, mislay, actuate, disregard, addicted
Example Sentence- I'm going to ascertain the truth.

580) Fare- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कराया
English Meaning- someone who pays to be driven somewhere.
Synonyms- price, charge, tariff, cost, rate
Antonyms- free, collapse, fail, fizzle, block
Example Sentence- He got into a dispute over a taxi fare. 116
1000 Vocabularies (581-585)

581) Warrant- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- इ तयार
English Meaning- authority for an action
Synonyms- license, order, permit, authorise, authority
Antonyms- denial, veto, denial, ban, rejection
Example Sentence- They issued a warrant for her arrest.

582) Sob- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- के अंतगत, ससक
English Meaning- weep convulsively
Synonyms- weep, cry, blubber, moan, lament
Antonyms- giggle, chuckle, laugh, smile, muzzle
Example Sentence- A sob caught in his throat.

583) Dense- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- घना
English Meaning- permitting little if any light to pass through
Synonyms- thick, dull, tight, solid, fat, heavy
Antonyms- thin, light, shrewd, nimble, agile
Example Sentence- The sun dispelled the dense fog.

584) Afflict- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- क दे ना
English Meaning- cause physical pain or suffering in
Synonyms- torture, trouble, torment, rack, oppress
Antonyms- help, aid, assist, support, relieve
Example Sentence- I don't want to afflict you with my troubles.

585) Flourish- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- पनपना  
English Meaning- grow vigorously
Synonyms- bloom, develop, grow, rise, boom, prosper
Antonyms- die, sink, shrink, decrease, lose, dwindle
Example Sentence- Crops flourish in rich soil. 117
1000 Vocabularies (586-590)

586) Ordain- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- म दे ना
English Meaning- invest with ministerial or priestly authority
Synonyms- order, command, dictate, decree, direct
Antonyms- void, follow, refuse, suggest
Example Sentence- Equal punishment was ordained for the two crimes by the

587) Pious- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- धा मक
English Meaning- having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity
Synonyms- religious, godly, devout, saint, spiritual
Antonyms- unholy, atheist, godless, irreligious
Example Sentence- He was a quiet and pious man.

588) Vex- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- चढ़ना
English Meaning- disturb, especially by minor irritations
Synonyms- bother, annoy, nettle, irritate, disturb
Antonyms- please, appease, comfort, pacify, assist
Example Sentence- She is vexed by many cares.

589) Gravity- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- गु वाकषण, गंभीरता
English Meaning- the force of attraction between all masses in the universe
Synonyms- weight, seriousness, importance, gravitation, heaviness
Antonyms- weightlessness, silliness, giddiness, frivolity
Example Sentence- Gravity is a natural phenomenon.

590) Retort- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- बदला लेना
English Meaning- a quick reply to a question or remark
Synonyms- respond, reply, answer, counter, repay
Antonyms- ask, take, acquire, thieve, plead
Example Sentence- I was very impressed with his clever retort. 118
1000 Vocabularies (591-595)

591) Bolt- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- भाग जाना, चटखनी
English Meaning- run away, a metal bar on a door or window
Synonyms- race, sprint, rush, run, dart, speed
Antonyms- wait, slow, stay, lazy, dull
Example Sentence- I have closed the bolt of the door.

592) Assent- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- अनुम त दे ना
English Meaning- agree or express agreement
Synonyms- approval, agree, acquiescence, accept, sanction
Antonyms- , differ, reject, ban, dissent, disagreement
Example Sentence- I will not assent to such an idiotic request.

593) Purse- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- बटु ए
English Meaning- a sum spoken of as the contents of a money container
Synonyms- pouch, wallet, handbag, funds, case
Antonyms- debt, loss, penalty, poverty
Example Sentence- A heavy purse makes a light heart.

594) Exalt- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- शंसा करना
English Meaning- glorify or honour
Synonyms- praise, magnify, laud, acclaim, ennoble
Antonyms- criticise, humiliate, decry, condemn, depreciate
Example Sentence- Some exalt themselves by anonymously posting their own
laudatory reviews.

595) Siege- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- घेराबंद
English Meaning- an action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified place
Synonyms- surrounding, fence, blockade, siege
Antonyms- defend, protect, guard, safeguard, armistice
Example Sentence- He captained the siege of Berlin. 119
1000 Vocabularies (596-600)

596) Malice- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- े ष
English Meaning- feeling a need to see others suffer
Synonyms- animosity, hatred, malevolence, venom, acrimony
Antonyms- friendship, benevolence, goodwill, generosity, sympathy
Example Sentence- She has no malice in her.

597) Extravagant- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- फ़जूल ख़च
English Meaning- recklessly wasteful
Synonyms- fancy, excessive, lavish, exorbitant, spendthrift
Antonyms- moderate, reasonable, cheap, tightfisted, saving
Example Sentence- He had a wildly extravagant lifestyle.

598) Wax- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- मोम, बढ़ना
English Meaning- increase in phase, a sticky moldable substance
Synonyms- enlarge, grow, rise, increase, flourish
Antonyms- contract, shrink, diminish, fade, descend
Example Sentence- I need wax candles for the upcoming tour.

599) Throng- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भीड़
English Meaning- press tightly together or densely packed crowd
Synonyms- flock, mass, multitude, crowd, gathering
Antonyms- empty, few, vacant, void, evacuate
Example Sentence- He got lost in the throng.

600) Venerate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- स मा नत करना
English Meaning- regard with feelings of respect and reverence
Synonyms- adore, worship, exalt, respect, praise, admire
Antonyms- dishonour abhor, scorn, despise
Example Sentence- He venerated me like a being descended from an upper
world. 120
1000 Vocabularies (601-605)

601) Assail- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- आ मण करना
English Meaning- attack someone physically or emotionally
Synonyms- assault, attack, bombard, strike, invade
Antonyms- aid, defend, praise, protect, safeguard
Example Sentence- He always assists his parents, not assail them.

602) Sublime- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- उ कृ
English Meaning- of high moral or intellectual value
Synonyms- magnificent, superb, lofty, splendid, wonderful
Antonyms- vile, poor, bad, horrible, shabby
Example Sentence- The location of the hotel is sublime.

603) Exploit- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- शोषण करना
English Meaning- draw from or make a use of
Synonyms- utilise, use, adventure, utilise, benefit
Antonyms- minimise, downplay, Jeff, belittle, loss
Example Sentence- He began to exploit her in subtle ways.

604) Exertion- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- प र म
English Meaning- use of physical or mental energy; hard work
Synonyms- labour, toll, effort, hard work, struggle
Antonyms- rest, idleness, laziness, inactivity, relax
Example Sentence- You should try to avoid physical exertion.

605) Kindle- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- व लत करना
English Meaning- catch fire
Synonyms- excite, provoke, fire, ignite, arouse
Antonyms- quiet, calm, smother, extinguish, discourage
Example Sentence- The wood you bought is too wet to kindle. 121
1000 Vocabularies (606-610)

606) Endow- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- दान करना
English Meaning- furnish with a capital fund
Synonyms- provide, invest, give, endue, empower
Antonyms- take, beg, dispossess, receive, deprive
Example Sentence- He is going to endow some funds to the startup.

607) Impose- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- थोपना
English Meaning- set forth authoritatively as obligatory
Synonyms- force, inflict, enforce, dictate, apply
Antonyms- coax, nullify, lift, overrule, dethrone
Example Sentence- I don't want to impose any opinion on you.

608) Humiliate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- अपमा नत करना
English Meaning- cause to feel shame
Synonyms- mortify, embarrass, shame, abase, disgrace
Antonyms- laud, honour, praise, exalt, dignify
Example Sentence- We should not humiliate anyone in public.

609) Suffrage- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मता धकार
English Meaning- a legal right to vote
Synonyms- franchise, vote, ballot, democracy, entitled
Antonyms- censorship, devoice, abstain, tyranny, negation
Example Sentence- Still there are some countries where women have to fight
for their suffrage.

610) Ensue- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- खोज करना, घ टत होना
English Meaning- take place or happen as a result
Synonyms- follow, occur, happen, transpire, result, proceed
Antonyms- precede, antecede, predate, backfire
Example Sentence- Nobody knows What will ensue from this deal. 122
1000 Vocabularies (611-615)

611) Brook- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- नाली, बहना
English Meaning- a natural stream of water smaller than a river
Synonyms- stream, rivulet, runnel, flow, swallow, tolerate
Antonyms- prohibit, annul, banish, abstain, abscond
Example Sentence- The brook is deluged with impure water.

612) Gale- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- आंधी
English Meaning- a strong wind
Synonyms- typhoon, storm, tempest, hurricane, tornado
Antonyms- breeze, peace, calm, stillness, sprinkle
Example Sentence- A strong gale is blowing from the north.

613) Muse- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- गंभीर वचार
English Meaning- reflect deeply on a subject
Synonyms- think, ponder, meditate, fantasise, imagine
Antonyms- neglect, conjecture, ignore, abrupt, snap
Example Sentence- We should not muse upon past errors.

614) Satire- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- हा य ं य
English Meaning- witty language used to convey insults
Synonyms- spoof, sarcasm, mockery, ridicule, scorn
Antonyms- courtesy, generosity, serious, applause, praise
Example Sentence- He is known for his unique and unconventional satires.

615) Intrigue- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- सा ज़श, कुतूहल
English Meaning- cause to be interested or arouse the curiosity
Synonyms- Intrigue, Intrigue, interest, connive, conspiracy
Antonyms- boring, annoy, disinterest, disenchant, deter
Example Sentence- Old stories always intrigue most children. 123
1000 Vocabularies (616-620)

616) Indication- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- संकेत, नदश
English Meaning- something that serves to suggest
Synonyms- hint, signal, evidence, clue, demonstration
Antonyms- conceal, contain, withhold, confine
Example Sentence- He is giving every indication of being a criminal.

617) Dispatch- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- भेजना
English Meaning- send something away towards a designated goal
Synonyms- send, ship, transmit, forward, shipment
Antonyms- prohibit, retain, keep, hold, arrival, collect
Example Sentence- The online retailer dispatched my product yesterday.

618) Cower- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- पालथी मारकर बैठना, झुकना या पीछे हटना
English Meaning- crouch or curl up in fear
Synonyms- shrink, crawl, grovel, creep, crouch
Antonyms- unafraid, bold, flourish, fearlessness
Example Sentence- The students always cower in the teacher's presence.

619) Tract- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- णाली, इलाका
English Meaning- a large area of land
Synonyms- plot, zone, pamphlet, territory, belt, sector
Antonyms- infield, briefness, autocracy, verge
Example Sentence- A vast tract of land is illegally captured by goons.

620) Canon- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कसौट
English Meaning- a collection of books accepted as holy scripture
Synonyms- credo, principle, doctrine, tenet, statute
Antonyms- rebellion, violation, chaos, breach, valley
Example Sentence- I have to read a canon of accepted literary texts within
seven days. 124
1000 Vocabularies (621-625)

621) Impel- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ंथ सं ह , धम स ांत
English Meaning- cause to move forward with force
Synonyms- force, spur, drive, motivate, urge, stimulate
Antonyms- discourage, deter, repress, prevent, suppress
Example Sentence- People impelled him toward his most unique acts.

622) Latitude- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ढ ल
English Meaning- freedom from normal restraints in conduct
Synonyms- space, space, liberty, flexibility, scope
Antonyms- limitation, seizure, termination, suppression, banning
Example Sentence- At this latitude we often face crimes.

623) Vacate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- खाली करना
English Meaning- leave behind empty
Synonyms- leave, void, abandon, annul, nullify
Antonyms- adopt, occupy, mandate, overflow, undertake
Example Sentence- Everyone must vacate their homes by 11:00 AM.

624) Undertake- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- बीड़ा उठाना
English Meaning- any piece of work that is attempted
Synonyms- conduct, pledge, assume, pledge, promise
Antonyms- forsake, abjure, avoid, forego, forsake
Example Sentence- We can't undertake that you will make a profit.

625) Slay- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- ह या करना
English Meaning- kill intentionally and with premeditation
Synonyms- kill, murder, butcher, slaughter, eliminate, shoot
Antonyms- build, revive, make, recover, aggravate, create
Example Sentence- Goons are out of control and slaying people openly. 125
1000 Vocabularies (626-630)

626) Forsake- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- यागना
English Meaning- leave someone who needs or counts on you
Synonyms- quit, leave, abandon, repudiate, repudiate
Antonyms- adopt, own, undertake, cherish, revert
Example Sentence- We must forsake your bad habits to succeed in life.

627) Beseech- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- ाथना करना
English Meaning- ask for or request earnestly
Synonyms- entreat, beg, request, plead, petition
Antonyms- offer, provide, give, mandate, deliver
Example Sentence- He always beseeches a favor of you.

628) Grove- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- बगीचा
English Meaning- a small group of trees without underbrush
Synonyms- orchard, wood, copse, thicket, bush
Antonyms- barren, wasteland, infertile, arid, desert
Example Sentence- I am planning to develop a grove in my backyard.

629) Frustrate- (verb & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- नराश करना
English Meaning- cause someone to feel upset
Synonyms- obstruct, hinder, block, thwart, stop
Antonyms- aid, encourage, support, assist, help
Example Sentence- The slow internet is Frustrating me.

630) Illustrious- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- शानदार
English Meaning- widely known and esteemed
Synonyms- distinguished, famous, prominent, notable, eminent
Antonyms- insignificant, unimportant, minor, unknown, inferior
Example Sentence- After seeing her talent, I can say She has an illustrious
career. 126
1000 Vocabularies (631-635)

631) Device- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- यं ,  योजना
English Meaning- an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose
Synonyms- tool, machine, appliance, gadget, apparatus
Antonyms- mayhem, liberalism, verity
Example Sentence- Next generation devices are going to be the future.

632) Pomp- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- धूमधाम
English Meaning- vain display
Synonyms- display, show, glory, pageantry, grandeur
Antonyms- austerity, simplicity, modesty, decency, chastity
Example Sentence- People always waste their money in the name of pomp.

633) Entreat- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- वनती करना
English Meaning- ask for or request earnestly
Synonyms- request, adjure, solicit, beseech, implore
Antonyms- claim, demand, command, abandon
Example Sentence- He may entreat a little favour of me.

634) Impart- (verb)

Hindi Meaning-  बताना, श ा दे ना
English Meaning- transfer knowledge or skill
Synonyms- convey, reveal, tell, give, inform, disclose
Antonyms- conceal, hide, cover, enclose, withhold
Example Sentence- He is so dumb that he has no news to impart.

635) Propriety- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- औ च य
English Meaning- correct behaviour
Synonyms- morality, integrity, protocol, decorum, politeness
Antonyms- injustice, dishonesty, indecency, badness, corruption
Example Sentence- Kids of today’s generation have no sense of propriety. 127
1000 Vocabularies (636-640)

636) Consecrate- (verb & adjective)

Hindi Meaning-  सम पत करना, प व करना
English Meaning- render holy by means of religious rites
Synonyms- bless, dedicate, ordain, sanctify, anoint
Antonyms- demonise, defile, abuse, curse, desecrated
Example Sentence- I am going to consecrate my remaining life to God.

637) Proceeds- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ा त, लाभ
English Meaning- the income or profit
Synonyms- yield, income, return, revenue, earnings
Antonyms- expenditure, cost, invest, debt, outlay
Example Sentence- His own share in the proceeds was about a hundred
thousand dollars.

638) Fathom- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पूण प से समझना
English Meaning- come to understand
Synonyms- grasp, understand, apprehend, perceive, interpret
Antonyms- doubt, confusion, mislead, perplex, construe
Example Sentence- What he did with me, after that I can't fathom her at all.

639) Objective- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- उ े य
English Meaning- the goal intended to be attained
Synonyms- mission, purpose, aim, ambition, target, goal
Antonyms- aimlessness, doom, confusion, disorder
Example Sentence- The objective of my life is to contribute to the betterment
of the world.

640) Clad- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ढका आ
English Meaning- wearing or provided with clothing
Synonyms- clothed, covered, attired, garbed, sheathed
Antonyms- bare, uncovered, exposed, unclad
Example Sentence- In the winter season, he returned fully clad. 128
1000 Vocabularies (641-645)

641) Partisan- (noun & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- प पातपूण
English Meaning- devoted to a cause or political group
Synonyms- adherent, partial, biased, sectarian, prejudiced
Antonyms- unbiased, impartial, neutral, fair, independent
Example Sentence- Most news channels are politically partisan.

642) Faction- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- दल
English Meaning- combining form
Synonyms- group, party, set, clique, wing, gang
Antonyms- whole, total, entirety, complete, full
Example Sentence- They have unconditional respect for their Army Faction.

643) Contrived- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- का प नक
English Meaning- artificially formal
Synonyms- forced, artificial, false, fake, imaginary
Antonyms- real, true, ingenuous, genuine, authentic
Example Sentence- The political leaders contrived to gain their votes.

644) Venerable- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- स मा नत
English Meaning- impressive by reason of age
Synonyms- eminent, respectable, august, dignified, honoured
Antonyms- vile, dirty, disgraceful, sordid, despicable
Example Sentence- People of this city always venerable tradition.

645) Restrained- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- संय मत
English Meaning- kept under control
Synonyms- sober, controlled, reticent, inhibited, reserved
Antonyms- free, loud, loquacious, uncontrolled, flamboyant
Example Sentence- His paintings are quite restrained. 129
1000 Vocabularies (646-650)

646) Besiege- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- घेरा डालना
English Meaning- surrounded by
Synonyms- circumvent, surround, blockade, enclose, encompass
Antonyms- protect, aid, defend, assist
Example Sentence- He is always besieged by his friends.

647) Manifestation- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कट करण
English Meaning- a clear appearance
Synonyms- exhibition, display, show, demonstration, disclosure
Antonyms- cover, hiding, vagueness, concealing, mystery
Example Sentence- In India, many animals are seen as the manifestation of a

648) Rebuke- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- फटकार
English Meaning- an act or expression of criticism
Synonyms- chide, scold, reprimand, castigate
Antonyms- eulogy, praise, congrats, commend, compliment
Example Sentence- He politely accepted all the rebuke.

649) Insurgent- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- व ोही
English Meaning- in opposition to a civil authority
Synonyms- subversive, rebel, agitator, seditious, maverick
Antonyms- loyal, obedient, votary, subordinate, devoted
Example Sentence- The Insurgent forces were behind the disruption in the

650) Scrupulous- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ईमानदार
English Meaning- having ethical or moral principles
Synonyms- rigorous, meticulous, strict, painstaking, fussy
Antonyms- careless, negligent, reckless, dishonest, vile
Example Sentence- She is known for her scrupulous works. 130
1000 Vocabularies (651-655)

651) Stump- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- चकरा दे ना
English Meaning- cause to be confuse
Synonyms- confound, puzzle, baffle, perplex, flummox
Antonyms- explain, explicate, clarify, explicate, illustrate
Example Sentence- He let me stumped in Delhi last week.

652) Discreet- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- वचारशील
English Meaning- wise self-restraint
Synonyms- judicious, prudent, circumspect, cautious, cautious
Antonyms- foolish, silly, careless, incautious, thoughtless
Example Sentence-  They are very discreet in giving his unnecessary opinions.

653) Wistful- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- च तत
English Meaning- showing pensive sadness
Synonyms- mournful, gloomy, sad, nostalgic, yearning
Antonyms- glad, satisfy, cheerful, shallow, comical
Example Sentence- He is very wistful because of his recent failures.

654) Mortify- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- वश म करना, नीचा दखाना
English Meaning- cause to feel shame
Synonyms- chagrin, abase, shame, subdue, humiliate
Antonyms- heal, respect, honour, respect, compliment
Example Sentence- Arrogant people always mortify other.

655) Ripple- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- लहराना
English Meaning- stir up so as to form small waves
Synonyms- wave, surge, bubble, undulate
Antonyms- serene, calm, stillness, immobility
Example Sentence-  I always heard the ripple of the stream from my home. 131
1000 Vocabularies (656-660)

656) Premise- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- प रसर, त ा
English Meaning- a previous statement that is held to be true
Synonyms- hypothesis, thesis, proposition, assumption, presumption
Antonyms- fact, actuality, factual, certainty
Example Sentence-  We should not believe his premise.

657) Subside- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- कम होना
English Meaning- wear off or die down
Synonyms- lessen, sink, recede, dwindle, decline
Antonyms- rise, grow, ignite, enhance, magnify
Example Sentence-  The storm began to subside in the city.

658) Adverse- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- वपरीत, हा नकर
English Meaning- contrary to your interests
Synonyms- hostile, harmful, negative, detrimental, damaging
Antonyms- helpful, positive, supportive, fortunate, friendly
Example Sentence-   So many drugs have adverse side effects.

659) Comprehensive- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ापक, व तृत
English Meaning- broad in scope
Synonyms- complete, broad, thorough, extensive, whole
Antonyms- limited, limited, jejune,selective, exclusive
Example Sentence- His Comprehensive lecture is very helpful to understand
the topic.

660) Accede- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- मान लेना
English Meaning- yield to another's opinion
Synonyms- join, agree, accept, adhere, consent
Antonyms- deny, refuse, denounce, disagree, protest
Example Sentence-  He would not accede to my request. 132
1000 Vocabularies (661-665)

661) Fervent- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning-  उ सुकता भरी
English Meaning- characterised by intense emotion
Synonyms- eager, passionate, enthusiastic, vehement, earnest
Antonyms- apathetic, unexcited, unenthusiastic, detached, unexcited
Example Sentence- His fervent explanation amazed everyone.

662) Cohere- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- अनुकूल होना, जुड़ना
English Meaning-  be logically consistent.
Synonyms- stick, adhere, bind, bond, hold, cohesion
Antonyms- divide, separate, differ, resist, hinder
Example Sentence-  Sports can cohere different social groups.

663) Austere- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- कठोर, सादा
English Meaning- severely simple
Synonyms- harsh, ascetic, severe, stern, abstemious
Antonyms- luxurious, extravagant, adorned, lavish, indulgent
Example Sentence- A certain austere simplicity was noticeable all over
Longfellow's house.

664) Stratum- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- परत
English Meaning-  a thin layer within any structure.
Synonyms- grade, coat, covering, overlay, skin
Antonyms- clot, roof, coagulate
Example Sentence-  So many different scripts were found in every stratum.

665) Arbitrary- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- मनमाना, वे ाचारी
English Meaning-  unrestrained and autocratic in the use of authority.
Synonyms- autocratic, bossy, dictatorial, despotic, whimsical
Antonyms- equitable, rational, electable, reasonable
Example Sentence-  My choice is always arbitrary because I believe myself. 133
1000 Vocabularies (666-670)

666) Exasperate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- भडकाना
English Meaning- irritate
Synonyms- anger, rile, annoy, provoke, aggravate
Antonyms- please, calm, comfort, mollify, soothe
Example Sentence- Some political leaders always exasperate in public.

667) Conjure- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- जा करना
English Meaning- summon into action or bring into existence
Synonyms- arouse, evoke, beseech, conspire, machinate
Antonyms- drowse, repulse, disenchant
Example Sentence-  After many day's of hard work, they managed to conjure
a victory.

668) Ominous- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अमंगल
English Meaning- foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
Synonyms- minatory, threatening, sinister, baleful, gloomy
Antonyms- favourable, propitious, promising, benign, hopeful
Example Sentence- Your ominous silence must be broken.

669) Edifice- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भवन, महल
English Meaning- a structure that has a roof and walls.
Synonyms- skyscraper, pile, house, building, architecture
Antonyms- tenement, cell, bunker, slum
Example Sentence- The government is going to construct a iconic edifice in
the city centre.

670) Elude- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- टालना, हाथ न आना
English Meaning- escape something either physically or mentally
Synonyms- escape, dodge, sidestep, evade, duck
Antonyms- confront, accept, face, invite, dare
Example Sentence- He is eluding my proposal since two years. 134
1000 Vocabularies (671-675)

671) Pervade- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- ा त होना, वेश करना
English Meaning- spread or diffuse through
Synonyms- fill, imbue, permeate, saturate, riddle
Antonyms- collocate, drain, vacate, extract
Example Sentence-  Artificial Intelligence will soon pervade the world.

672) Retiring- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- शम ला
English Meaning- not arrogant or presuming
Synonyms- timid, shy, humble, bashful, reticent
Antonyms- bold, proud, arrogant, assertive, loquacious
Example Sentence- He is one of the retiring men I have ever met.

673) Incidental- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- आक मक, जुड़ा आ
English Meaning-  happening as a result of
Synonyms- casual, random, accidental, fortuitous, peripheral
Antonyms- important, essential, intentional, primary, inherent
Example Sentence- Some of the questions that the boy couldn’t answer were

674) Slew- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- ढे र, घूमना
English Meaning- a large number or amount
Synonyms- pile, mass, steak, plenty, flock
Antonyms- sprinkle, few, handful, halfpenny
Example Sentence-  He is convicted with slew of other crimes.

675) Sentinel- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पहरेदार
English Meaning- a person employed to keep watch for something
Synonyms- sentry, guardian, protector, patrol, scout
Antonyms- assaulter, thief, attacker, criminal, intruder
Example Sentence-  The policemen stand sentinel to protect us. 135
1000 Vocabularies (676-680)

676) Precision- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- शु ता, सू मता
English Meaning-  the quality of being exact and accurate.
Synonyms- nicety, clarity, accuracy, fidelity, exactness
Antonyms- falsity, chaos, inaccuracy, inexactness, mistake
Example Sentence-  I always chose my words with precision.

677) Depose- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- गवाही दे ना, नकाल दे ना
English Meaning- force to leave an office
Synonyms- oust, unseat, remove, displace, dismiss
Antonyms- designate, elect, select, appoint, establish
Example Sentence- The witness is going to depose against the criminal.

678) Wanton- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ठरक , चंड
English Meaning- without motive or sexually unrestrained
Synonyms- licentious, lascivious, profligate, shameless, lustful
Antonyms- clean, decent, chaste, wise, tender
Example Sentence- I would not tolerate wanton destruction and violence.

679) Odium- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- घृणा
English Meaning- general or widespread hatred
Synonyms- abhorrence, hate, disgust, enmity, hostility
Antonyms- admiration, respect, love, affection, affinity
Example Sentence-  Because of his crime, he earned widespread public
contempt and odium.

680) Precept- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- नयम, उपदे श
English Meaning- a general rule
Synonyms- canon, dictum, law, rule, dictum
Antonyms- ambiguity, chaos, lawlessness, ignorance, stupidity
Example Sentence-  Taking action is better than precept. 136
1000 Vocabularies (681-685)

681) Deference- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- स मान, आदर
English Meaning- a courteous expression of esteem or regard
Synonyms- admiration, honour, regard, respect, obedience
Antonyms- disregard, disrespect, disdain, rudeness, disobedience
Example Sentence-  She spoke with great deference with everyone.

682) Fray- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- कलह, दं गा
English Meaning- a noisy fight
Synonyms- affray, ruckus, battle, brawl, conflict
Antonyms- quiet, calm, harmony, tranquillity, cooperate
Example Sentence- Armed rebels have joined the fray in recent months.

683) Candid- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- वाद , मुँहफ़ट
English Meaning- openly straightforward speaker
Synonyms- outspoken, open, frank, outspoken, blunt
Antonyms- deceitful, lying, tricky, cunning, hypocritical
Example Sentence- He is one of most candid person in our office.

684) Enduring- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- टकाऊ
English Meaning-  lasting over a period of time
Synonyms- stabling, lasting, firm, strong, persistent, stable
Antonyms- temporary, brief, impatient, unfixed
Example Sentence- They have an enduring chill in their lives.

685) Impertinent- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अ भमानी, धृ
English Meaning- not showing proper respect
Synonyms- cheeky, brazen, disrespectful, sassy, insolent
Antonyms- polite, humble, courteous, gracious, pertinent
Example Sentence- My teacher a lot of impertinent questions. 137
1000 Vocabularies (686-690)

686) Bland- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- नरम, बे वाद
English Meaning- lacking strong features
Synonyms- dull, vapid, mild, insipid, humdrum
Antonyms- vivid, lively, sharp, tasty, harsh
Example Sentence-  That oatmeal is so bland that you don't have to chew it.

687) Insinuate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- कटा करना, इशारा करना
English Meaning- suggest in an indirect or covert way
Synonyms- suggest, hint, indicate, signify, connote
Antonyms- withhold, hide, spurn, conceal
Example Sentence-  He was trying to insinuate me.

688) Nominal- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- नाममा
English Meaning- insignificantly small
Synonyms- minimal, symbolic, small, titular, tiny
Antonyms- considerable, important, significant, titanic, maximum
Example Sentence-  We only pay a nominal rent for this outstanding home.

689) Suppliant- (noun & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- नवेदन करनेवाला
English Meaning- humbly entreating
Synonyms- claimant, beggar, petitioner, requester
Antonyms- charitable, generous, philanthropic, beneficent
Example Sentence-  She asked me for help in a suppliant attitude.

690) languid- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- सु त
English Meaning- lacking spirit or liveliness.
Synonyms- sluggish, lazy, slow, lethargic, feeble, torpid
Antonyms- animated, lively, vivacious, excited, energetic
Example Sentence-  The illness made me feel languid. 138
1000 Vocabularies (691-695)

691) Rave- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- बड़बड़ाना, पागल होना
English Meaning- talk incoherently
Synonyms- spout, rage, jabber, storm, seethe
Antonyms- discourage, bemoan, accuse, criticise
Example Sentence- So many of my friends like rave music.

692) Monetary- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- आ थक
English Meaning- relating to or involving money
Synonyms- economic, fiscal, monitory, commercial, budgetary
Antonyms- impecunious, broke, poor
Example Sentence- India needs a supple monetary policy.

693) Headlong- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अ नयं त
English Meaning- in a hasty and foolhardy manner
Synonyms- hasty, rush, reckless, hurry, impulsive, quick
Antonyms- careful, slow, dull, wary, sluggishly
Example Sentence- Never leap headlong into decisions.

694) Infallible- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अचूक, दोष र हत
English Meaning- Incapable of making mistakes
Synonyms- foolproof, perfect, flawless, trustworthy, unfailing
Antonyms- faulty, weak, imperfect, defective, errant
Example Sentence- He had an infallible cure for hair fall.

695) Coax- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- चापलूसी करना, फुसलाना
English Meaning- influence or urge by gentle urging
Synonyms- cajole, beguile, urge, lure, seduce, beguile
Antonyms- argue, affront, disgust, dissuade, induce
Example Sentence- They were able to coax him to commit the crime. 139
1000 Vocabularies (696-700)

696) Explicate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- पता लगाना,   ा या करना
English Meaning- analyse and develop in detail
Synonyms- expound, formulate, elucidate, interpret, illustrate
Antonyms- baffle, bewilder, obscure, mystify, befuddle
Example Sentence- l have not tried to explicate the mystery.

697) Gaunt- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- बल
English Meaning- very thin especially from disease
Synonyms- lean, bony, thin, pinched, skinny
Antonyms- plump, obese, fat, chubby, corpulent
Example Sentence- His gaunt physic is not eligible for Army.

698) Morbid- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- रोग त
English Meaning- indicative of disease
Synonyms- gloomy, macabre, morose, unhealthy, ghoulish
Antonyms- cheery, joyful, healthy, flourishing, nutritious
Example Sentence- He is not as morbid as he looks.

699) Ranging- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- म से करना
English Meaning- wandering freely
Synonyms- order, array, wandering, spanning, vagabond
Antonyms- mooring, embedding, freezing, stilling
Example Sentence- His detective work is fascinating and wide ranging.

700) Pacify- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- शांत करना
English Meaning- ease the anger
Synonyms- compose, calm, soothe, mollify, quiet
Antonyms- agitate, provoke, enrage, agitate, disturb
Example Sentence-  I had to use energy drink to pacify him. 140
1000 Vocabularies (701-705)

701) Pastoral- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- दे हाती
English Meaning- rural life.
Synonyms- Arcadian, rural, agrarian, bucolic, priestly
Antonyms- city, metropolitan, urban, municipal
Example Sentence-  Whenever I have time, I makes pastoral visits.

702) Dogged- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- हठ , ढ़
English Meaning- stubbornly unyielding
Synonyms- persistent, obdurate, tenacious, pertinacious, inflexible
Antonyms- docile, irresolute, flexible, submissive, irresolute
Example Sentence-  Soon I am going to resume my dogged effort.

703) Ebb- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- ीण हो जाना, कम होना
English Meaning- fall away or decline
Synonyms- sink, fade, decay, decrease, decline, abate
Antonyms- rise, develop, flow, surge, loom
Example Sentence-  The tsunami is on the ebb.

704) Aide- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अंगर क, सहायक
English Meaning- someone who acts as an assistant
Synonyms- deputy, assistant, helper, minion, associate
Antonyms- keeper, manager, leader, superior, director
Example Sentence- He has been a great aide to me.

705) Appease- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- तु करना
English Meaning- cause to be more favourably inclined
Synonyms- calm, soothe, pacify, assuage, gentle, satisfy
Antonyms- disturb, annoy, disturb, provoke, displease
Example Sentence- I never give my opinion to appease people. 141
1000 Vocabularies (706-710)

706) Recourse- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- सहारा, आ य
English Meaning- Help in difficult situation.
Synonyms- asylum, sanctuary, refuge, alternative, resort
Antonyms- prohibition, hindrance, blockage, deflect, prohibition
Example Sentence-  No recourse was left for us.

707) Constrained- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ववश
English Meaning-  appearing forced
Synonyms- limited, bound, restricted, confined, compelled
Antonyms- feed, loose, allowed, uncontrolled, unrestricted
Example Sentence- I feel constrained to tell the truth about the criminal.

708) Bate- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- ोध, चंडता, घटाना
English Meaning-  an angry mood; decrease something 
Synonyms- beat, dwindle, diminish, reduce, lessen
Antonyms- inflate, improve, multiply, abrasive, accentuate
Example Sentence-  They waited with bate breath for the court decision.

709) Aversion- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- घृणा
English Meaning- a feeling of intense dislike
Synonyms- hate, dislike, disgust, disrespect, antipathy
Antonyms- like, love, alacrity, respect, affection, attachment
Example Sentence- His passive dislike towards her had grown into an active

710) Conceit- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- घम ड
English Meaning- an artistic device or effect
Synonyms- egoism, pride, narcissism, arrogance, hubris
Antonyms- modesty, timidity, altruism, decent, humbleness
Example Sentence-  Modesty urges, conceit hinders. 142
1000 Vocabularies (711-715)

711) Loath- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अ न ु क, अ स
English Meaning- strongly opposed
Synonyms- unwilling, opposed, hesitant, reluctant, indisposed
Antonyms- greedy, eager, inclined, willing, keen
Example Sentence- He was loath to work hard for the project.

712) Tarry- (verb & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- दे र लगाना
English Meaning- leave slowly or to delay
Synonyms- linger, stay, remain, hold, abide, dawdle
Antonyms- flee, go, run, vagabond, scramble
Example Sentence- You should not tarry for your work.

713) Perpetrate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- पाप करना
English Meaning- commit a harmful or illegal action.
Synonyms- commit, effect, inflict, perpetrating, enact
Antonyms- buff, undergo, abstain, reinforce
Example Sentence- Terrorist groups have reportedly employed to perpetrate
attacks on India.

714) Decorum- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- श ाचार
English Meaning- propriety in manners
Synonyms- dignity, decency, manners, etiquette, courtesy
Antonyms- vulgarity, crudeness, rudeness, indecency, badness
Example Sentence- Ratan Tata is known for his decorum.

715) Luxuriant- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- सुखभोगी
English Meaning- rich and profuse in growth  
Synonyms- lush, rich, profuse, luxurious, plentiful, riotous
Antonyms- scanty, poor, barren, sterile, jejune
Example Sentence- Luxuriant forests covered the hills which looks beautiful. 143
1000 Vocabularies (716-720)

716) Cant- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कपट क बात
English Meaning- insincere talk about religion or morals
Synonyms- slant, jargon, slang, hypocrisy, argot
Antonyms- fairness, candour, honesty, truth, integrity
Example Sentence- There was no cant in his utterances.

717) Enjoin- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- म दे ना
English Meaning- direct somebody to do something
Synonyms- command, instruct, order, urge, dictate, direct
Antonyms- allow, permit, sanction, promote, encourage, authorise
Example Sentence- I enjoined him strictly not to tell about the secret.

718) Avarice- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- लोभ
English Meaning- extreme greed for material wealth
Synonyms- rapacity, greed, avidity, desire, selfishness
Antonyms- generosity, charity, philanthropy, compassion
Example Sentence- His avarice never ends.

719) Edict- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- आदे शप
English Meaning- a formal or authoritative proclamation
Synonyms- dictate, dictum, directive, order, ordinance, command
Antonyms- claim, appeal, excuse, muddle, request
Example Sentence- I know that the edict was misleading.

720) Disconcert- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- बगाड़ना
English Meaning- disturb the composure or unsettle.
Synonyms- rattle, disturb, faze, unsettle, upset
Antonyms- soothe, calm, uphold, embolden, console
Example Sentence- Never disconcert the mind of kids. 144
1000 Vocabularies (721-725)

721) Symmetry- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- संतुलन
English Meaning- balance among the parts of something
Synonyms- harmony, uniformity, equality, balance, evenness
Antonyms- chaos, irregularity, controversy, disproportion, inequality
Example Sentence- There is no symmetry between the players.

722) Capitulate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- आ मसमपण करना
English Meaning- surrender under agreed conditions
Synonyms- surrender, cede, concede, yield, defer
Antonyms- defend, conquer, resist, withstand, win
Example Sentence- The less prepared team capitulate against the strong

723) Arbitrate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- म य ता करना
English Meaning- act between parties with a view to reconciling differences
Synonyms- intercede, mediate, intermediate, intercede, adjudicate
Antonyms- inflame, impel, insist, disturb, incite
Example Sentence- I am ready to arbitrate this conflict.

724) Cleave- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- तोड़ना
English Meaning- separate or cut with a tool
Synonyms- separate, rive, cling, rend, split
Antonyms- connect, reunite, meld, connect, attach
Example Sentence- This can cleave a man's skull easily.

725) Append- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- जोड़ना
English Meaning- add to the very end
Synonyms- attach, join, affix, stick, include, connect
Antonyms- subtract, divide, disjoin, deduct, disconnect
Example Sentence- It is easy to append a measurement unit. 145
1000 Vocabularies (726-730)

726) Visage- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- चेहरा
English Meaning- the human face
Synonyms- face, look, expression, appearance, aspect
Antonyms- dodge, character, shyness
Example Sentence- My teacher has a smiling visage.

727) Horde- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- झु ड
English Meaning- a moving crowd
Synonyms- mob, mass, flock, crowd, throng, gathering
Antonyms- portion, few, little, piece
Example Sentence- A horde of natives is there to cheer the winning team.

728) Parable- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कहावत
English Meaning- a short moral story
Synonyms- anecdote, story, tale, yarn, narrative, metaphor
Antonyms- factual, truthful, valid, realistic, genuine
Example Sentence- India has so many ancient parables.

729) Chastise- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- दं ड दे ना
English Meaning- censure severely
Synonyms- punish, scold, castigate, admonish, upbraid
Antonyms- forgive, pardon, encourage, praise, promote
Example Sentence- The teacher chastised his student for his misconduct.

730) Foil- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- नाकाम करना, प ी
English Meaning- hinder or prevent a plan
Synonyms- hamper, impede, hinder, stop, block
Antonyms- support, help, assist, aid, encourage
Example Sentence- I will work hard to foil every plan of my enemies. 146
1000 Vocabularies (731-735)

731) Veritable- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- स य, स ा
English Meaning- being real or genuine
Synonyms- authentic, genuine, real, factual, sheer, true
Antonyms- fake, unreal, bogus, fictitious, imaginary
Example Sentence- His veritable efforts for the project is an inspiration for us.

732) Gentry- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भ जन
English Meaning- people of good social position
Synonyms- gentility, nobility, aristocracy, nobleness, aristocrats
Antonyms- proletariat, scum, plebeians, rabble
Example Sentence- The local gentry are kind and supportive.

733) Pall- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- क दे ना
English Meaning- a sudden numbing dread
Synonyms- curtain, tire, weary, cloy, fatigue, drapery
Antonyms- excite, brighten, engross, electrify, enthral
Example Sentence- The bad news cast a pall over the night.

734) Projection- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मान सक क पना, ेपण
English Meaning- a prediction made by extrapolating from past observations
Synonyms- forecast, prediction, prominence, estimate, eminence
Antonyms- trench, dejection, dent, depression, indentation
Example Sentence- I am going to learn video making projection.

735) Dingy- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अंधेरा और गंदा
English Meaning- thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot
Synonyms- dismal, gloomy, dull, dirty, muddy, shabby
Antonyms- neat, pure, photogenic, bright, spotless, hygienic
Example Sentence- The office is damp and dingy. 147
1000 Vocabularies (736-740)

736) Semblance- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- दखावा, झलक
English Meaning- an outward appearance that is deliberately not real
Synonyms- illusion, appearance, show, pretense, resemblance
Antonyms- disappearance, hide, cover, conceal, obscure
Example Sentence- His semblance of anger frightened his students.

737) Tout- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- दलाल,  इतराना
English Meaning-  a person soliciting custom or business
Synonyms- boast, peddle, brag, swash, hawk
Antonyms- admonish, chide, chasten, reprove
Example Sentence- Nowadays, the Media is becoming tout of powerful

738) Fortitude- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- धैय
English Meaning- strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity
Synonyms- resolution, valour, guts, courage, tenacity
Antonyms- foible, fear, cowardice, fright, frailty
Example Sentence- Without fortitude one can not get success in life.

739) Asunder- (adverb)

Hindi Meaning- अलग-अलग
English Meaning- into parts or pieces
Synonyms- separate, aside, divided, away, distant, aloof
Antonyms- combined, conjointly, together, collective, entire
Example Sentence- Last year the boat was torn asunder on the rocks.

740) Rout- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ज़बद त हार
English Meaning- an overwhelming defeat
Synonyms- conquer, lick, beat, trounce, overcome, defeat
Antonyms- victory, triumph, win, heal, yield
Example Sentence- The game ended in a total rout of weaker team. 148
1000 Vocabularies (741-745)

741) Staid- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- शांत, गंभीर
English Meaning- sedate and unadventurous.
Synonyms- composed, sober, steady, grave, sedate, solemn
Antonyms- droll, funny, humorous, frivolous, comic
Example Sentence- He has a very staid life, which is different from others.

742) Beguile- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- बेवकूफ बनाना
English Meaning- influence by slyness
Synonyms- captivate, enchant, seduce, bewitch, charm, inveigle
Antonyms- advise, undeceive, enrage, repulse, disillusion
Example Sentence- The media is beguiling people systematically.

743) Purport- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मु ा, अ भ ाय, दावा करना
English Meaning- the meaning or sense of something
Synonyms- sense, drift, implication, purpose, tenor, intention
Antonyms- ignore, resign, decline, rebuff, refuse
Example Sentence- The purport of Kangana's remarks was all too clear.

744) Deprave- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- करना, नुक़सान प ंचाना
English Meaning- corrupt morally
Synonyms- corrupt, pollute, debauch, subvert, pervert
Antonyms- clean, cleanse, optimise, honour, elevate
Example Sentence- He has depraved my projects.

745) Bequeath- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- वसीयत करना
English Meaning- leave or give, especially by will after one's death
Synonyms- give, grant, endow, transmit, bestow
Antonyms- disown, rob, beg, disinherit, penalise
Example Sentence- He bequeath half of his wealth to his children. 149
1000 Vocabularies (746-750)

746) Enigma- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पहेली
English Meaning- something that baffles understanding and hard to explain
Synonyms- riddle, mystery, puzzle, poser, paradox, conundrum
Antonyms- neatness, clarity, lucidity, acuteness, evaluation
Example Sentence- Sushant Singh Rajput mysterious death case is becoming
a enigma for all.

747) Assiduous- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- प र मी
English Meaning- marked by care and persistent effort
Synonyms- tireless, attentive, sedulous, diligent, zealous, laborious
Antonyms- idle, lazy, dull, neglectful, careless, sleepy
Example Sentence- He is one of the most assiduous person I have ever seen.

748) Vassal- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- जागीरदार
English Meaning- a person holding a fief
Synonyms- serf, servant, follower, slave, dependent, minion
Antonyms- host, master, commander, lord, traitor
Example Sentence- He needs some vassals for his house.

749) Quail- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- घबरा जाना, एक कार क प ी
English Meaning- draw back, as with fear
Synonyms- recoil, tremble, flinch, wince, funk, blench
Antonyms- relax, chill, settle, calm, flower
Example Sentence- Quail nests were shallow scrapes in the ground with grass

750) Outskirts- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- सरहद
English Meaning- area relatively far from the centre
Synonyms- edge, suburb, border, suburban, perimeter
Antonyms- centre, hub, locus, root
Example Sentence- We live on the outskirts of the city. 150
1000 Vocabularies (751-755)

751) Bulwark- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- बांध
English Meaning- a protective structure of stone or concrete
Synonyms- rampart, bastion, mole, guard, barrier, wall
Antonyms- fragility, shack, massacre, imperil, forage
Example Sentence- The new dam is a bulwark against floods.

752) Swerve- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- भटकना
English Meaning- an abrupt change of direction.
Synonyms- deviate, trend, deflect, veer, swerving, zigzag, twist
Antonyms- criterion, concur, straighten, remain, settle
Example Sentence- I will never swerve from my dream.

753) Gird- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- बांधना
English Meaning- prepare oneself for a confrontation
Synonyms- enclose, surround, encompass, fortify, compass
Antonyms- disarm, hindrance, flattery, deterrent, whittle
Example Sentence- I am girding for a cricket match.

754) Betrothed- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मंगेतर
English Meaning- pledged to be married
Synonyms- engaged, fiancee, promised, affianced, espoused
Antonyms- divorced, uncommitted, free, single, unattached
Example Sentence- My friend was betrothed to his friend.

755) Prospective- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- भावी, या शत
English Meaning- likely to happen at a future date.
Synonyms- likely, expected, potential, future, probable
Antonyms- former, retro, retrospective, unlikely, indefinite
Example Sentence- The company is focusing on prospective clients. 151
1000 Vocabularies (756-760)

756) Advert- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- व ापन
English Meaning- an advertisement
Synonyms- advertisement, refer, mention, commercial, publicity
Antonyms- disregard, concealment, hiding, snub
Example Sentence- The company is going to advertise it's first product.

757) Peremptory- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- बा यकारी
English Meaning- not allowing contradiction or refusal
Synonyms- bossy, dictatorial, dogmatic, imperious, dominating
Antonyms- modest, submissive, demure, opportunistic
Example Sentence- The Government issued peremptory commands to the

758) Rudiment- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मूल त व, ाथ मक
English Meaning- the elementary stage of any subject
Synonyms- beginning, element, fundamental, base, essential
Antonyms- avert, annex, advance, last, extraneous
Example Sentence- I will research the rudiments of the theory.

759) Deduce- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- अनुमान करना, तक से पता लगाना
English Meaning- draw as a logical conclusion
Synonyms- surmise, assume, reckon, conclude, guess
Antonyms- confound, disregard, ascension, devalue
Example Sentence- That's what I can deduce from the book.

760) Halting- (verb & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- लड़खड़ाता, हच कचाता आ
English Meaning- slow and hesitant
Synonyms- crippled, broken, gimpy, hesitant, lame
Antonyms- flowing, fluent, effortless, continuing, activating
Example Sentence- His halting voice makes everyone in doubt. 152
1000 Vocabularies (761-765)

761) Ideology- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- वचारधारा
English Meaning- an orientation that characterises the thinking of a group
Synonyms- belief, tenet, credo, philosophy, dogma, theory
Antonyms- blindness, ignorance, fascism, abortion
Example Sentence- Everyone should have their own Ideology.

762) Pallid- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- फ का
English Meaning- lacking in vitality or effectiveness
Synonyms- ashen, sallow, colourless, pasty, drained, waxen
Antonyms- colourful, flush, strong, swarthy, glowing
Example Sentence- He had a pallid look for the party.

763) Chagrin- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- चढ़
English Meaning- strong feelings of embarrassment
Synonyms- humiliate, embarrass, shame, abase, mortification
Antonyms- comfort, joy, honour, delight, pleasure
Example Sentence- I felt chagrin at being rejected for the game.

764) Obtrude- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- थोपना
English Meaning- thrust oneself in as if by force
Synonyms- impose, interfere, intrude, intervene, impinge
Antonyms- ignore, assist, dethrone, agreeable
Example Sentence- She had no right to obtrude herself into his life and to
disturb it.

765) Audacious- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- साहसी
English Meaning- disposed to venture or take risks
Synonyms- brave, valiant, bold, courageous, plucky, brazen
Antonyms- afraid, coward, fearful, scary, cautious
Example Sentence- His audacious decision gave everyone a hope. 153
1000 Vocabularies (766-770)

766) Construe- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- अथ करना, श दानुवाद करना
English Meaning- make sense of
Synonyms- explain, interpret, expound, render, illuminate
Antonyms- bewilder, misunderstand, baffle, confuse, cipher
Example Sentence- His words did not construe anything.

767) Mountebank- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कपट , धोखेबाज़
English Meaning- a person who deceives others
Synonyms- fraud, trickster, deceiver, swindler, crook
Antonyms- honest, sincere, truthful, genuine, ethical
Example Sentence- We should ignore mountebank and a racist people.

768) Repast- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- दावत
English Meaning- the food served and eaten at one time
Synonyms- feast, banquet, feed, dinner, lunch
Antonyms- futurity, appetiser, appy
Example Sentence- Dinner at his house is a repast.

769) Stint- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कायकाल, रोकना
English Meaning- allotted period of work
Synonyms- period, duration, stretch, term, shift
Antonyms- lavish, bless, generous, plush
Example Sentence- He praised me without stint.

770) Fresco- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भ - च
English Meaning- a mural done with water colours on wet plaster
Synonyms- painting, frescoes, drawing, sketch, illustration
Antonyms- discolour, bleach, peroxide
Example Sentence- I prepared a masterpiece in fresco. 154
1000 Vocabularies (771-775)

771) Dutiful- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- आ ाकारी
English Meaning- willingly obedient
Synonyms- compliant, obedient, biddable, faithful, dedicated
Antonyms- disobedient, outrageous, irreverent, uncivil, scornful
Example Sentence- He is one of the most dutiful students in my class.

772) Hew- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- कु हाडी से काटना
English Meaning- make or shape as with an axe
Synonyms- chop, whittle, chip, cut, chisel, slice
Antonyms- attach, combine, merge, gather, join, unite
Example Sentence- We should not hew any tree.

773) Parity- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- समानता, त धा
English Meaning- functional equality
Synonyms- similarity, equality, likeness, uniformity, equivalence
Antonyms- unfairness, inequality, disproportion, malevolence
Example Sentence- Their Wages were converted at parity.

774) Affable- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- मलनसार
English Meaning- diffusing warmth and friendliness
Synonyms- friendly, pleasant, amiable, sociable, cheerful
Antonyms- unsociable, unfriendly, discourteous, impolite, uncivil
Example Sentence- Sushant Singh Rajput was a affable and lovable person.

775) Interminable- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अनंत
English Meaning- seemingly without end
Synonyms- ceaseless, endless, eternal, persistent, infinite, limitless
Antonyms- little, limited, finite, short, ending, concise
Example Sentence- I am running in a Interminable path. 155
1000 Vocabularies (776-780)

776) Pillage- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- लूट का माल, डकैती
English Meaning- steal goods
Synonyms- loot, ransack, despoil, plunder, steal, thieve
Antonyms- safeguard, protect, guard, shield, protection
Example Sentence- The Honest policeman recovered all the pillage from the

777) Foreboding- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पूवाभास
English Meaning- act as an advance warning of something bad.
Synonyms- premonition, prognostic, prophecy, prediction, auspice, forecast
Antonyms- hopeful, conviction, sureness, reliance, composure
Example Sentence- I have a foreboding of danger.

778) Rend- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- फाड़ना
English Meaning- tear or be torn violently
Synonyms- split, pull, divide, tear, rupture, separate, slash
Antonyms- merge, join, consolidate, integrate, gather
Example Sentence- Wolves will rend a piece of meat to pieces.

779) Livelihood- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- आजी वका
English Meaning- the financial means whereby one supports oneself
Synonyms- employment, living, subsistence, vocation, income, profession
Antonyms- avocation, unemployment, hindrance, retirement, jobless
Example Sentence- The farmers work very hard for their livelihood.

780) Deign- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- खुद को यादा मह वपूण समझना
English Meaning- do something that one considers to be below one's dignity
Synonyms- patronise, descend, condescend, concede, bestow, lower
Antonyms- appreciation, respect, honour, esteem, admiration
Example Sentence- I would never deign to notice them. 156
1000 Vocabularies (781-785)

781) Capricious- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- मनमौजी, सनक
English Meaning- given to sudden changes of mood or behaviour.
Synonyms- volatile, inconstant, mercurial, changeable, fickle
Antonyms- predictable, steady, constant, changeless, unvarying
Example Sentence- He is one of the most capricious cricketers I have ever

782) Stupendous- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अ त वशाल
English Meaning- so great in size, force
Synonyms- enormous, terrific, huge, gigantic, colossal
Antonyms- small, tiny, little, minute, minuscule
Example Sentence- There is a stupendous mountain in my native place.

783) Chaff- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भूसा, हसी उड़ाना
English Meaning- worthless things
Synonyms- banter, straw, tease, mock, ridicule, taunt
Antonyms- praise, property, assets, flatter, compliment
Example Sentence- Everyone chaff him for his fear of his wife.

784) Innate- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ज मजात
English Meaning- inborn
Synonyms- inherent, native, inborn, hereditary, indigenous
Antonyms- accidental, extrinsic, foreign, adopted, acquired
Example Sentence- Children have an innate ability to learn anything fast.

785) Reverie- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भावना, सपना
English Meaning- a fanciful or impractical idea
Synonyms- fantasy, musing, daydream, thought, cogitation
Antonyms- nightmare, vigilance, actuality, fact, alertness
Example Sentence- He is the person who always lost in reverie. 157
1000 Vocabularies (786-790)

786) Wrangle- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- लड़ाई
English Meaning- quarrel noisily or disruptively
Synonyms- fight, argument, dispute, quarrel, spat, row
Antonyms- agree, peace, negotiate, harmony, acquiesce
Example Sentence- The protesters were wrangling with police.

787) Crevice- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- दरार
English Meaning- a long narrow opening
Synonyms- rift, crack, break, breach, chink, gap
Antonyms- bridge, solid, blockade, connection, bond
Example Sentence- There is a crevice in the wall of his house.

788) Craven- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- डरपोक
English Meaning- abjectly fearful
Synonyms- gutless, timid, chicken, coward, fearful, dastardly
Antonyms- brave, fearless, courageous, daring, gallant
Example Sentence- Bad People always threaten the craven people.

789) Vestige- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- नशान, शेष
English Meaning- the smallest amount
Synonyms- sign, evidence, hint, trace, indication, point
Antonyms- terminate, dismiss, finish, end, halt
Example Sentence- There is not a vestige of truth in the report prepared by
the police.

790) Plumb- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- गहराई म जानना
English Meaning- examine in great depth
Synonyms- measure, gauge, straight, fathom, plummet
Antonyms- roughly, approximately, vaguely, deceitful, misleading
Example Sentence- He was trying to hit me plumb on the nose. 158
1000 Vocabularies (791-795)

791) Reticent- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- मौन रहने वाला
English Meaning- not revealing one's thoughts
Synonyms- timid, quiet, silent, taciturn, reserved
Antonyms- loquacious, chatty, conversational, talkative, outspoken
Example Sentence- I am very reticent about his opinion.

792) Propensity- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- झुकाव
English Meaning- an inclination to do something
Synonyms- bent, leaning, bias, inclination, tendency, affection
Antonyms- disfavour, disinclination, dislike, antipathy, indisposition
Example Sentence- His propensity towards me I quite biased.

793) Chide- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- डाँटना
English Meaning- scold or reprimand severely
Synonyms- berate, reprimand, scold, reprove, lecture, trounce
Antonyms- applaud, praise, cheer, appreciate, flatter
Example Sentence- The teacher chided him for not doing homework.

794) espouse- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- सहायता दे ना, हण करना
English Meaning- adopt or support a cause or belief
Synonyms- embrace, adopt, promote, advocate, defend, accept
Antonyms- repudiate, oppose, reject, disown, renounce
Example Sentence- He always espouse the rights of people.

795) raiment- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पोशाक
English Meaning- decorative clothing
Synonyms- dress, array, apparel, clothing, costume, garment
Antonyms- abrogate, deprive, undress, unclothe, despoil
Example Sentence- She looks beautiful with her outstanding raiment. 159
1000 Vocabularies (796-800)

796) Intrepid- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- नडर
English Meaning- invulnerable to fear or intimidation
Synonyms- fearless, valiant, brave, courageous, audacious, valorous
Antonyms- cowardly, afraid, timid, scared, horrified
Example Sentence- Intrepid people with honesty can win the world.

797) Seemly- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- उ चत, सुंदर
English Meaning- conforming to accepted notions of propriety
Synonyms- fitting, suitable, proper, befitting, respectable, modest
Antonyms- unsuitable, inappropriate, outrageous, dreadful, improper
Example Sentence- They will call me at a more seemly time.

798) Allay- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- शांत करना, घटाना
English Meaning- lessen the intensity of or calm
Synonyms- soothe, assuage, appease, alleviate, calm, mollify
Antonyms- aggravate, agitate, provoke, excite, stimulate
Example Sentence- It is very important to allay his fears.

799) Fitful- (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- चंचल
English Meaning- active or occurring spasmodically
Synonyms- capricious, irregular, spasmodic, interrupted, variable, inconstant
Antonyms- constant, unvarying, continuous, regular, steady
Example Sentence- I am the most fitful person for this job.

800) Erode- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- न करना
English Meaning- deteriorate something
Synonyms- diminish, reduce, abrade, undermine, corrode, lessen
Antonyms- rebuild, build, assemble, improve, maximise
Example Sentence- Drug erode people's freedom. 160
1000 Vocabularies (801-805)

801) Unaffected (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अ भा वत, वाभा वक
English Meaning- free of artificiality or genuine
Synonyms- genuine, sincere, honest, unpretentious, insensible, unfeigned
Antonyms- artificial, affected, mannered, unnatural, pretentious
Example Sentence- I thought he is arrogant, but he greeted me with
unaffected warmth.

802) Canto (noun)

Hindi Meaning- क वता खंड, गीत
English Meaning- a major division of a long poem
Synonyms- singing, vocals, song, sing, verse, stanza
Antonyms- carouse, bury, exult
Example Sentence- Kumar Vishwas is known for his appealing cantos.

803) Docile (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- वनीत, वन , व य
English Meaning- easily handled or managed
Synonyms- manageable, obedient, gentle, amenable, pliant, humble
Antonyms- headstrong, wild, arrogant, rude, stubborn
Example Sentence- He is always docile and obedient.

804) Teem (verb)

Hindi Meaning- भरा होना, गभ धारण करना
English Meaning- be full of or abuzz with
Synonyms- overflow, pour, shower, seethe, swarm, bristle
Antonyms- absence, lack, need, disperse, want
Example Sentence- The river is teem with fish.

805) Estrange (verb)

Hindi Meaning- हटाना, र कर दे ना
English Meaning- arouse hostility or indifference in
Synonyms- distance, isolate, alien, alienate, disjoin
Antonyms- reconcile, engage, espouse, unite, enclose
Example Sentence- His bad behavior estranged him from me. 161
1000 Vocabularies (806-810)

806) Warble (noun)

Hindi Meaning- लयपूण वर, गीत
English Meaning- sing or play with trills
Synonyms- sing, chirp, chirrup, twitter, croon, vocalise
Antonyms- hear, goggle, monotone
Example Sentence- I heard the faint warble of his voice.

807) Mien (noun)

Hindi Meaning- हावभाव
English Meaning- a person's appearance
Synonyms- expression, presence, appearance, manner, conduct
Antonyms- backside, grin, fence, suppression
Example Sentence- His mien seems quite suspicious to everyone.

808) Sate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- स तु करना  
English Meaning- fill to contentment
Synonyms- assuage, satisfy, appease, indulge, engorge, satiate
Antonyms- frighten, disappoint, displease, frustrate, annoy
Example Sentence- It is very hard to sate his greed.

809) Constituency (noun)

Hindi Meaning- चुनाव े
English Meaning- an area whose voters elect a representative to a legislative
Synonyms- electorate, division, constituent, ward, section, district
Example Sentence- Majority of the voters of his constituency are educated.

810) Patrician (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अ भजात
English Meaning- characteristic of the aristocracy
Synonyms- aristocrat, noble, highborn, genteel
Antonyms- lowborn, plebeian, proletarian, unrefined
Example Sentence- The Patrician started his agitation again. 162
1000 Vocabularies (811-815)

811) Parry (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- हफ़ाज़त, रद करना
English Meaning- avoid or try to avoid fulfilling
Synonyms- repel, fence, defend, hinder, demolish, circumvent
Antonyms- assist, encourage, support, attack, betray
Example Sentence- I will parry some of the weaker kids.

812) Practitioner (noun)

Hindi Meaning- वसायी, च क सक
English Meaning- someone who carries out a learned profession
Synonyms- physician, professional, medic, specialist, expert
Antonyms- nonprofessional, theorist, layman, fancier
Example Sentence- The police has arrested the corrupt practitioner.

813) Ravel (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- उलझ जाना, फैल जाना
English Meaning- disentangle
Synonyms- unravel, tangle, twist, confuse, enmesh, jumble
Antonyms- unpick, explain, clarify, interpret
Example Sentence- I am trying to ravel all this matter out.

814) Infest (verb)

Hindi Meaning- हमला करना, सताना
English Meaning- occupy in large numbers
Synonyms- harass, invade, pervade, infiltrate, invading
Antonyms- support, disperse, surrender, downfall, evacuate
Example Sentence- My food was infested with ants.

815) Actuate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- उकसाना, स य करना
English Meaning- give an incentive for doing something
Synonyms- trigger, motivate, spark, prompt, incite, stimulate
Antonyms- restrain, impede, deactivate, prevent, repress
Example Sentence- He was actuated by terrorist groups. 163
1000 Vocabularies (816-820)

816) Convalesce (verb)

Hindi Meaning- अ ा हो जाना, वा यलाभ करना
English Meaning- get over an illness
Synonyms- heal, revive, improve, recover, restore, remedy
Antonyms- weaken, deteriorate, vandalise, mutilate, decline
Example Sentence- He has convalesced from fever.

817) Demoralise (verb)

Hindi Meaning- करना, ह मत तोड़ना
English Meaning- lower someone's spirits
Synonyms- misdirect, vitiate, debauch, corrupt, discourage, daunt
Antonyms- uplift, encourage, strengthen, moralise, elevate, inspire
Example Sentence- They seem very demoralised.

818) Devolve (verb)

Hindi Meaning- उतरना, गरना, स पना
English Meaning- grow worse
Synonyms- degenerate, transfer, drop, fall, consign, descend
Antonyms- improve, accumulate, streamline, intensify, congregate
Example Sentence- He will devolve his house to his son.

819) Seethe (verb)

Hindi Meaning- खौलना, उबलना
English Meaning- be turbulent as if boiling
Synonyms- fume, boil, simmer, burn, surge, ferment
Antonyms- freeze, demean, frost, solidify
Example Sentence- The high temperature made my lukewarm water seethe.

820) Scrutinise (verb)

Hindi Meaning- अनुस ान करना
English Meaning- look at critically or searchingly
Synonyms- survey, examine, probe, contemplate, study, inspect
Antonyms- neglect, glance, glimpse, omit, ignore
Example Sentence- We must scrutinise and evaluate our mistakes. 164
1000 Vocabularies (821-825)

821) Diffident (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- संकोची
English Meaning- lacking self-confidence
Synonyms- modest, timorous, timid, hesitant, mousy, coy
Antonyms- bold, confident, narcissistic, courageous, strong
Example Sentence- He seemed diffident at the party.

822) Execrate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- नफ़रत करना
English Meaning- curse or declare to be evil
Synonyms- abhor, hate, loathe, dislike, denounce, condemn
Antonyms- adore, admire, love, cherish, commend, praise
Example Sentence- So many people execrate him.

823) Implacable (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- कठोर च
English Meaning- incapable of being appeased
Synonyms- ruthless, relentless, unyielding, stubborn, pitiless
Antonyms- merciful, charitable, benevolent, sympathetic
Example Sentence- China is one of India's most implacable enemies.

824) Pique (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- मनमुटाव, अ भमान करना
English Meaning- a sudden outburst of anger
Synonyms- annoy, exasperate, nettle, miff, displease, offend
Antonyms- delight, pleasure, adore, joy, cheer
Example Sentence- It is not a serious matter because he did it out of pique.

825) Mite (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अ प मा ा
English Meaning- a slight but appreciable amount
Synonyms- pinch, iota, whit, crumb, scrap, ounce
Antonyms- colossus, abundance, barrel, chunk, bundle
Example Sentence- I am mite wealthier than him. 165
1000 Vocabularies (826-830)

826) Encumber (verb)

Hindi Meaning- उलझाना
English Meaning- hold back or impede
Synonyms- hamper, restrain, burden, hinder, obstruct, oppress
Antonyms- assist, help, aid, relieve, promote
Example Sentence- They tried to encumber us on the road.

827) Uncouth (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- गंवार, नजन
English Meaning- lacking good manners
Synonyms- vulgar, crude, uncivilised, boorish, loutish, rough
Antonyms- graceful, fine, elegant, classy, sophisticated, civilised
Example Sentence- He behaves in a most uncouth way with everyone.

828) Petulant (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ढ ठ, धृ
English Meaning- easily irritated or annoyed
Synonyms- peevish, irascible, irritable, crabby, grumpy, querulous
Antonyms- gracious, genial, sweet, pleasant, kindhearted
Example Sentence- He is moody and petulant from childhood.

829) Expiate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- नवृ करना
English Meaning- make amends for
Synonyms- compensate, redeem, redress, offset, atone, rectify
Antonyms- pledge, embezzle, hock, abandon, leave
Example Sentence- She tried to expiate his guilt.

830) Cavalier (noun & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- घुड़सवार, अ भमानी
English Meaning- a horseman or given to haughty disregard of others
Synonyms- chevalier, knight, supercilious, horseman, disdainful, gallant
Antonyms- modest, reticent, humble, decent, polite, gloomy
Example Sentence- The Obama administration is less cavalier. 166
1000 Vocabularies (831-835)

831) Banter (verb)

Hindi Meaning- हंसी उड़ाना, मज़ाक
English Meaning- light teasing repartee
Synonyms- joke, tease, josh, chaff, kidding, taunt
Antonyms- praise, flatter, allay, advise
Example Sentence- The banter between us is always full of excitement.

832) Bluster (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- धमक , धमकाना
English Meaning- Indignant talk with little effect
Synonyms- swash, tout, vaunt, boast, gust, bravado
Antonyms- silence, chill, salve, settle, quieten
Example Sentence- Everyone is unhappy by his bluster.

833) Debase (verb)

Hindi Meaning- करना, मू य घटाना
English Meaning- corrupt morally
Synonyms- vitiate, corrupt, demean, degrade, demoralise, lower
Antonyms- upgrade, purify, honour, clean, enhance, amend
Example Sentence- You must not debase yourself by such activity.

834) Retainer (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अनुचर, सेवक
English Meaning- someone working in the service of another
Synonyms- lackey, slave, servant, minion, maid
Antonyms- commander, traitor, king, boss, master, owner
Example Sentence- The agency will pay monthly to the retainer.

835) Subjugate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- जीतना, परा जत करना
English Meaning- make subservient
Synonyms- conquer, suppress, subdue, defeat, beat, quash
Antonyms- lose, fail, unbind, surrender, liberate
Example Sentence- She had thought she could subjugate him but she was
wrong. 167
1000 Vocabularies (836-840)

836) Extol (verb)

Hindi Meaning- शंसा करना
English Meaning- praise or glorify
Synonyms- laud, praise, laud, applaud, honour, adore
Antonyms- abase, blame, criticise, condemn
Example Sentence- My teachers always extol me.

837) Fraught (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- भरा आ
English Meaning- filled with
Synonyms- overwrought, heavy, loaded, pregnant, frantic, tense
Antonyms- destitute, short, tranquil, devoid, empty, void
Example Sentence- The mission was fraught with danger.

838) August (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ग रमापूण, अग त
English Meaning- profoundly honoured
Synonyms- venerable, eminent, noble, grand, royal, magnificent
Antonyms- crude, shabby, paltry, undignified, inferior
Example Sentence- I was there last August.

839) Fissure (noun)

Hindi Meaning- दरार
English Meaning- split or crack
Synonyms- rift, crack, slit, split, fracture, rupture, rent
Antonyms- barricade, closing, jam, emend, improve
Example Sentence- There's a fissure in the bucket.

840) Knoll (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ट ला, पहाड़ी
English Meaning- a small natural hill
Synonyms- hill, elevation, mount, hillock, hump, drumlin
Antonyms- sour, cavern, valley, trough, hollow, meadow
Example Sentence- There are so many bowers on the knoll. 168
1000 Vocabularies (841-845)

841) Callous (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- नदयी, कठोर
English Meaning- showing cruel disregard for others
Synonyms- cruel, heartless, insensitive, insensible, ruthless, merciless
Antonyms- kind, charitable, sympathetic, tender, feeling
Example Sentence- Nobody likes arrogant and callous people.

842) Inculcate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- मन म बैठाना, समझाना
English Meaning- teach someone an attitude or idea
Synonyms- implant, instil, train, imbue, infuse, instruct
Antonyms- withstand, repulse, neglect, hinder, spurn
Example Sentence- We should Inculcate the habit of deliberation.

843) Nettle (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- चढ़ना, खजलाना
English Meaning- irritate or annoy someone
Synonyms- bother, anger, irritate, annoy, provoke, rankle
Antonyms- please, soothe, appease, delight, comfort
Example Sentence- All the real heroes grasping the nettle.

844) Blanch (verb)

Hindi Meaning- सफेद करना, रंग उड़ जाना
English Meaning- make white or pale by extracting colour
Synonyms- blench, pale, whiten, lighten, bleach, fade
Antonyms- colour, vividness, blush, suffusion, liveliness
Example Sentence- I Blanch the spinach for 1 minute.

845) Inscrutable (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- रह यपूण, अग य
English Meaning- difficult to understand
Synonyms- cryptic, mysterious, unfathomable, obscure, enigmatic
Antonyms- evident, clear, definite, strong, clear, comprehensible
Example Sentence- He stood strong and inscrutable in public. 169
1000 Vocabularies (846-850)

846) Thrall (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- ग़लाम, ग़लाम बनाना
English Meaning- the state of being under the control of another person
Synonyms- bondage, slavery, thraldom, serfdom, servant, vassalage
Antonyms- king, freedom, commander, sovereignty, mastery
Example Sentence- He should not treats his wife like a thrall.

847) Exigency (noun)

Hindi Meaning- आपातकाल, ज़ रत
English Meaning- an urgent need or demand
Synonyms- necessity, emergency, need, demand, contingency
Antonyms- plethora, anonymity, comfort, humility, plenty
Example Sentence- We should put financial exigency before personal

848) Disconsolate (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- नराश
English Meaning- incapable of being soothed
Synonyms- unhappy, depressed, dejected, sorrowful, downcast
Antonyms- cheerful, joyful, happy, exuberant, consolable
Example Sentence- The death of Sushant Singh Rajput left Mary disconsolate.

849) Impetus (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ो साहन, ेरणा
English Meaning- a force that makes something happen
Synonyms- incentive, motivation, impulse, boost, stimulus, encouragement
Antonyms- block, hindrance, disorder, apathy, inhibition, deterrent
Example Sentence- The impetus come from the unity.

850) Imposition (noun)

Hindi Meaning- आरोपण, लगान
English Meaning- process of imposing something
Synonyms- introduction, demand, imposing, exaction, establishment
Antonyms- honesty, aid, help, entreat, offload, openness
Example Sentence- Imposition of foreign models is illegitimate. 170
1000 Vocabularies (851-855)

851) Auspices (noun)

Hindi Meaning- संर ण
English Meaning- kindly endorsement and protection
Synonyms- protection, support, backing, guardianship, assistance
Antonyms- endanger, blight, massacre, raid, opposition
Example Sentence- The association is under the auspices of Government.

852) Sonorous (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- मधुर
English Meaning- deep and full or ringing sound
Synonyms- resounding, resonant, booming, magniloquent, bombastic, deep
Antonyms- soft, quiet, sheepish, gentle, taciturn, snappy
Example Sentence- He is known for his deep sonorous voice.

853) Exploitation (noun)

Hindi Meaning- शोषण
English Meaning- an act that victimises someone
Synonyms- victimisation, utilisation, misuse, exploiting, manipulation
Antonyms- contribute, honour, aiding, freedom, boosting
Example Sentence- It was the worst kind of exploitation by the goons.

854) Bane (noun)

Hindi Meaning- फटकार, लानत
English Meaning- something causing misery
Synonyms- curse, plague, affliction, blight, misfortune, venom
Antonyms- godsend, blessing, boon, privilege, resurrection
Example Sentence- Brothers are the bane of sister's life.

855) Dint (noun)

Hindi Meaning- हार, चोट
English Meaning- force or effort
Synonyms- dent, force, hit, dig, strength, force
Antonyms- weakness, bulge, debility, inactivity, crumple
Example Sentence- He succeeded by dint of discipline and hard work. 171
1000 Vocabularies (856-860)

856) Ignominious (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ल ाकर
English Meaning- bringing disgrace or shame
Synonyms- disgraceful, shameful, disreputable, opprobrious, ignoble
Antonyms- noble, admirable, Honorable, glorious, pleasing
Example Sentence- His first entry was ignominious.

857) Amicable (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- म तापूण
English Meaning- characterised by friendliness
Synonyms- amiable, congenial, friendly, congenial, agreeable, harmonious
Antonyms- unfriendly, contentious, hostile, bellicose, inimical
Example Sentence- An amicable settlement was reached between them.

858) Onset (noun)

Hindi Meaning- शु आत, आ मण
English Meaning- the beginning stages
Synonyms- beginning, inception, assault, onrush, emergence, offensive
Antonyms- expiration, termination, conclusion, end, ending
Example Sentence- It can have sudden onset of Covid-19.

859) Conservatory (noun)

Hindi Meaning- संर का
English Meaning- a room with a glass roof and walls with special facilities for
fine arts
Synonyms- glasshouse, nursery, conservator, greenhouse, veranda
Example Sentence- The Government is planning to build on a conservatory.

860) Zenith (noun)

Hindi Meaning- शीष ब
English Meaning- the highest point
Synonyms- climax, height, maximum, peak, pinnacle
Antonyms- nadir, floor, bottom, beginning, decline
Example Sentence- My career is now at its zenith. 172
1000 Vocabularies (861-865)

861) Voluble (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- बातूनी
English Meaning- a person talking fluently
Synonyms- loquacious, fluent, garrulous, communicative, effusive
Antonyms- silent, quiet, dumb, reticent, gummy
Example Sentence- The new student in our school is voluble.

862) Yeoman (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भू मधर, छोटा जम दार
English Meaning- a man holding and cultivating a small landed estate
Synonyms- farmer, cultivator, farmer, agriculturist, sergeant
Antonyms- burrower, harmer, steriliser, hunter
Example Sentence- The yeoman worked on their land after the movement.

863) Levity (noun)

Hindi Meaning- छछोरापन
English Meaning- a manner lacking seriousness
Synonyms- jocularity, flippancy, humour, merriment, frivolity
Antonyms- gravity, permanence, depression, soberness, gloominess
Example Sentence- It was cruel levity by the goon gang.

864) Rapt (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- मगन, लीन
English Meaning- feeling great delight
Synonyms- enraptured, spellbound, engaged, rapturous, absorbed
Antonyms- dejected, disinterested, oblivious, bored, inattentive
Example Sentence- They listened my song with rapt attention.

865) Sultry (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- उ ण, उमसदार
English Meaning- hot and humid weather
Synonyms- humid, muggy, hot, sweltering, stifling, boiling
Antonyms- freezing, cool, frigid, chilly, cold, awful
Example Sentence- After the rain, the weather was very sultry. 173
1000 Vocabularies (866-870)

866) Pinion (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पंख काटना
English Meaning- cut off a wing of bird to prevent flight
Synonyms- cogwheel, wing, sprocket, restrain, fetter, pinions
Antonyms- resist, separate, fight, assail, combat
Example Sentence- They pinioned her arms tightly behind her.

867) Axiom (noun)

Hindi Meaning- स ांत
English Meaning- a proposition that is not susceptible of proof or disproof
Synonyms- aphorism, maxim, truism, belief, belief, sureness
Antonyms- ambiguity, absurdity, bullshit, paradox, clanger
Example Sentence- They were setting forth an important axiom.

868) Descry (verb)

Hindi Meaning- अनुभव करना, समझ जाना
English Meaning- catch sight of
Synonyms- observe, glimpse, detect, espy, distinguish, discover
Antonyms- overlook, neglect, ignore, misplace, confuse
Example Sentence- I descry a sail on the horizon.

869) Retinue (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अनुचरवग
English Meaning- the group following to some important person
Synonyms- escort, entourage, train, cortege, convoy, followers
Antonyms- master, owner, individual, lord, keeper
Example Sentence- She is a retinue of a corrupt politician.

870) Functionary (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अ धकारी, पदा धकारी
English Meaning- a worker who holds an office
Synonyms- administrator, official, bureaucrat, agent, executive, attorney
Antonyms- entrepreneur, patron, coordinator, employer, manager
Example Sentence- She married to a Government functionary. 174
1000 Vocabularies (871-875)

871) Imbibe (verb)

Hindi Meaning- सोख लेना
English Meaning- take in liquids
Synonyms- guzzle, consume, swallow, ingest, booze, assimilate
Antonyms- blow, abstain, exhale, produce, provide
Example Sentence- The mattress imbibed the water.

872) Diversify (verb)

Hindi Meaning- व वधता, च त करना
English Meaning- become or make more diverse or varied
Synonyms- modify, transform, broaden, alter, differ, differentiate
Antonyms- narrow, specialise, consistent, combine, persist
Example Sentence- Government needs to diversify the economy.

873) Maraud (verb)

Hindi Meaning- लूटना
English Meaning- go about in search of things to steal
Synonyms- loot, plunder, ravage, foray, ransack, forage
Antonyms- receive, defend, guard, preserve, safeguard
Example Sentence- Gangs are marauding in the streets.

874) Partiality (noun)

Hindi Meaning- प पात
English Meaning- a predisposition to like something
Synonyms- prejudice, bias, inclination, fondness, liking
Antonyms- dislike, equity, fairness, impartiality, justice
Example Sentence- The police needs to investigate the case without partiality.

875) Philology (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भाषाशा
English Meaning- the branch of knowledge that deals with relationships of a
Synonyms- philological, linguistics, paleography, phonology, derivation
Example Sentence- The new philology went from strength to strength. 175
1000 Vocabularies (876-880)

876) Wry (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- टे ढा, ं यपूण
English Meaning- humorously sarcastic
Synonyms- twisted, crooked, distorted, bent, cynical, skew
Antonyms- awash, clear, straight, outright, impartial
Example Sentence- His mouth twisted into a wry smile when he saw me.

877) Caucus (noun)

Hindi Meaning- गुट बैठक
English Meaning- a group within an organisation meets independently to
discuss strategy
Synonyms- assembly, convention, conference, conclave, meeting
Antonyms- evasion, individual, soliloquy, divergence
Example Sentence- It kept the Democratic caucus from fragmenting.

878) Permeate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- ा त होना, रसना
English Meaning- spread through
Synonyms- saturate, pervade, impregnate, suffuse, imbue
Antonyms- evaporate, drain, dry, parch
Example Sentence- Water can easily permeate blotting paper.

879) Propitious (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अनुकूल, कृपालु
English Meaning- presenting favourable circumstances
Synonyms- favourable, promising, fortunate, felicitous, appropriate
Antonyms- inopportune, unfriendly, unfavourable, gloomy, detrimental
Example Sentence- All the Conditions are propitious for development.

880) Salient (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- मुख
English Meaning- most prominent or important
Synonyms- important, notable, prominent, remarkable, chief, eminent
Antonyms- unimportant, normal, insignificant, subtle, ordinary
Example Sentence- The reporter wrote the salient facts quickly. 176
1000 Vocabularies (881-885)

881) Propitiate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- संतु करना
English Meaning- make peace with
Synonyms- conciliate, assuage, calm, appease, placate, compose
Antonyms- agitate, annoy, irritate, unsettle, discompose
Example Sentence- I will propitiate my father with my hard work.

882) Excise (noun)

Hindi Meaning- उ पाद शु क
English Meaning- a tax levied on certain goods
Synonyms- duty, expunge, tariff, levy, toll, taxes
Antonyms- slash, support, reward, donations, subsidy
Example Sentence- Government should decrease the excise duty on petrol.

883) Betoken (verb)

Hindi Meaning- सहारा लेना, संकेत करना
English Meaning- be a signal for
Synonyms- portend, indicate, augur, signal, forecast, signify
Antonyms- whimsical, conceal, mislead, abrogate
Example Sentence- Dark clouds betoken a storm.

884) Palatable (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- वा द
English Meaning- acceptable to the taste
Synonyms- toothsome, tasty, luscious, yummy, delicious
Antonyms- disgusting, distasteful, unsavoury, tasteless, yucky
Example Sentence- My wife always cooks very palatable food.

885) Upbraid (verb)

Hindi Meaning- फटकारना
English Meaning- express criticism
Synonyms- castigate, scold, chide, chastise, admonish, criticise
Antonyms- commend, admire, praise, extol, applaud
Example Sentence- The teacher upbraided her with her ingratitude. 177
1000 Vocabularies (886-890)

886) Renegade (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पाख डी
English Meaning- a person who deserts and betrays
Synonyms- traitor, apostate, dissident, rogue, recreant, turncoat
Antonyms- patriot, loyalist, paragon, obedient, faithful
Example Sentence- Majority of the politicians are renegade.

887) Hoary (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- पुरातन, सफ़ेद बाल वाला
English Meaning- old and having white hair or ancient
Synonyms- ancient, grizzly, gray, aged, hackneyed
Antonyms- young, modernistic, current, pleasing, youthful
Example Sentence- My grandfather's hoary hair showed his age.

888) Pedantic (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- पं डताऊ
English Meaning- marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning
Synonyms- perfectionist, academic, punctilious, bookish, didactic
Antonyms- dispelled, careless, imprecise, negligent, academic
Example Sentence- His lecture was so pedantic.

889) Coy (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- संकोची
English Meaning- making a pretence of shyness
Synonyms- timid, flirty, modest, flirtatious, shy, bashful
Antonyms- arrogant, bold, blatant, strong, impudent
Example Sentence- I want to be modest without being coy.

890) Bauble (noun)

Hindi Meaning- छोट बात, तु व तु
English Meaning- something attractive but useless or worthless
Synonyms- ornament, toy, knickknack, trifle, trinket, frippery
Antonyms- main, vital, diamond, core, cornerstone
Example Sentence- A mere bauble to jog the memory. 178
1000 Vocabularies (891-895)

891) Encroachment (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अ त मण
English Meaning- intrusion on a person's territory
Synonyms- violation, usurpation, infringement, incursion, breach, encroach
Antonyms- affection, protect, compliance, obedience
Example Sentence- An encroachment of other's property is a crime.

892) Belie (verb)

Hindi Meaning- झुठलाना
English Meaning- fail to fulfil or justify
Synonyms- disprove, distort, contradict, misrepresent, invalidate
Antonyms- reveal, confirm, prove, explain, uncover
Example Sentence- His innocent looks belie his character.

893) Armada (noun)

Hindi Meaning- जहाज का बेड़ा
English Meaning- a large fleet
Synonyms- flotilla, fleet, naval, squadron, convoy, ships
Example Sentence- India will be known for its strong armada.

894) Succour (verb)

Hindi Meaning- परेशानी म सहायता
English Meaning- assistance in time of difficulty
Synonyms- assistance, relief, support, ease, aid, rescue
Antonyms- obstruction, harshness, hindrance, handicap, harm
Example Sentence- I had the fortune to succour at the right time.

895) Imperturbable (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अ वच लत
English Meaning- extreme calm and composure
Synonyms- composed, unperturbed, unflappable, calm, unruffled, phlegmatic
Antonyms- spooky, violent, irritable, wild, anxious, worried
Example Sentence- I can not see her imperturbable face. 179
1000 Vocabularies (896-900)

896) Irresolute (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ढु लमुल, अ न य
English Meaning- showing hesitancy or uncertain
Synonyms- undecided, flexible, indecisive, uncertain, wavering
Antonyms- steadfast, firm, decisive, unwavering, undaunted
Example Sentence- He is always irresolute and inactive.

897) Knack (noun)

Hindi Meaning- आदत, कौशल
English Meaning- a special way of doing something
Synonyms- skill, expertise, capacity, mastery, competence, forte
Antonyms- incapacity, inadequacy, inability, incompetence
Example Sentence- I have a knack for playing cricket.

898) Unseemly (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- गंदा, अ ील
English Meaning- not a proper or appropriate behaviour or actions
Synonyms- inappropriate, unfitting, improper, indecent, indelicate
Antonyms- appropriate, proper, fitting, apt, suitable
Example Sentence- I was shocked by his unseemly conduct.

899) Accentuate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- बल दे ना
English Meaning- single out as important
Synonyms- emphasise, underline, stress, spotlight, intensify
Antonyms- belittle, degrade, diminish, suppress, downplay
Example Sentence- It would only accentuate the present imbalances.

900) Brawn (noun)

Hindi Meaning- सूअर का मांस, बा बल
English Meaning- the trait of possessing muscular strength
Synonyms- strength, muscle, heftiness, power, vigour, toughness
Antonyms- weakness, frailness, debility, delicacy
Example Sentence- Brain always beats brawn. 180
1000 Vocabularies (901-905)

901) Burnish (verb)

Hindi Meaning-  चमकना, झलकना
English Meaning- polish and make shiny
Synonyms- glaze, shine, polish, furbish, brighten, shined
Antonyms- darken, dull, deepen, sadden, fade
Example Sentence- Bollywood Celebrities missed no opportunity to burnish
their image.

902) Palpitate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- धड़कना, तड़पना
English Meaning- beat rapidly
Synonyms- beat, vibrate, beat, pulse, pump, hammer
Antonyms- lurch, plunge, firm, stable, persistent
Example Sentence- When he sees snakes, he palpitates with fear.

903) Dissemble (verb)

Hindi Meaning- छपाना, छल करना
English Meaning- disguise one's true feelings or beliefs
Synonyms- mask, hide, feign, camouflage, cover, curtain
Antonyms- disclose, publish, unveil, manifest, concede
Example Sentence- I always dissemble an interest I didn't feel.

904) Flotilla (noun)

Hindi Meaning- बेड़ा
English Meaning- a fleet of small craft
Synonyms- squadron, fleet, armada, marine, ships
Example Sentence- A flotilla of cruise can be seen near the beach.

905) Invective (noun)

Hindi Meaning- फटकार, आ ेप
English Meaning- abusive language used to express blame
Synonyms- vilification, sarcasm, diatribe, vituperation, vitriol
Antonyms- flattery, praise, eulogy, kudos, honour
Example Sentence- The author made full use of his arsenal of invective for the
Government. 181
1000 Vocabularies (906-910)

906) Hermitage (noun)

Hindi Meaning- आ म, कु टया
English Meaning- the abode of a recluse
Synonyms- shelter, sanctuary, retreat, cell, asylum, convent
Antonyms- hazard, openness, uncovering, cabin
Example Sentence- I get peace when I visit any hermitage.

907) Despoil (verb)

Hindi Meaning- डाका डालना, खसोटना
English Meaning- steal valuable possessions from
Synonyms- loot, plunder, strip, spoil, rob, vandalise
Antonyms- construct, dower, build, improve, decorate
Example Sentence- Barbarians despoiled so many markets in Delhi.

908) Sully (verb)

Hindi Meaning- मैला करना, ध बे लगाना
English Meaning- make dirty
Synonyms- tarnish, blacken, pollute, taint, smirch, dirty
Antonyms- sanctify, purify, clean, clarify, rinse
Example Sentence- He claimed they were sullying her name with false

909) Malevolent (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- भावनापूण, ोही
English Meaning- exerting a malignant influence
Synonyms- vicious, hateful, evil, spiteful, nasty, wicked
Antonyms- kindhearted, amiable, benevolent, kind, genial
Example Sentence- The malevolent intention always reflects on the face.

910) Irksome (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ःखदायी
English Meaning- tedious or irritating
Synonyms- irritating, vexatious, annoying, wearisome, tedious, dull
Antonyms- romantic, delicious, narcotic, grateful, pleasing
Example Sentence- He always says irksome stories. 182
1000 Vocabularies (911-915)

911) Prattle (verb)

Hindi Meaning- गपशप करना, चहकना
English Meaning- speak about unimportant matters rapidly
Synonyms- jabber, gibber, chatter, prate, twaddle
Antonyms- quiet, diction, silence, mute, silent
Example Sentence- Women tend to prattle on when they meet with each

912) Subaltern (noun & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- आधीन, मातहत, सब से नीचा
English Meaning- inferior in rank or status
Synonyms- inferior, lower, minion, subordinate, modest
Antonyms- leader, lordly, uppermost, superior, elite
Example Sentence- We are not subaltern to anybody.

913) Welt (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- कोड़ा मारना, धारी
English Meaning- strike someone or something hard
Synonyms- trounce, whip, slash, lash, thwack, bash
Antonyms- unlace, support, reward, defend, tribute
Example Sentence- You can give it a welt with your hammer.

914) Wreak (verb)

Hindi Meaning- बदला लेना
English Meaning- to occur as a consequence
Synonyms- cause, inflict, effectuate, deliver, execute
Antonyms- reward, honour, benefit, award, tip
Example Sentence- Their fight would wreak havoc on their relationship.

915) Tenable (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- तकसंगत, मा य, ढ़
English Meaning- based on sound reasoning
Synonyms- justifiable, reasonable, defensible, stable, believable, resilient
Antonyms- untenable, unsustainable, illogical, unjustifiable, nonsensical
Example Sentence- The new theory given by him was tenable. 183
1000 Vocabularies (916-920)

916) Inimitable (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अ दतीय, अननुकरणीय
English Meaning- matchless
Synonyms- matchless, peerless, unique, unequalled, incomparable
Antonyms- matchable, comparable, shabby, common, frequent
Example Sentence- He creates inimitable contents for his YouTube videos.

917) Depredation (noun)

Hindi Meaning- लूट-पाट
English Meaning- a destructive action
Synonyms- robbery, looting, spoliation, plunder, destruction
Antonyms- miracle, goodness, boon, formation, salvation
Example Sentence- Police is completely failed to stop the depredation.

918) Amalgamate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- मलाना
English Meaning- bring or combine together
Synonyms- unify, unite, join, join, mingle, meld, consolidate
Antonyms- divide, dissolve, separate, scatter, distribute
Example Sentence- The painter amalgamates different colours to create a
new colour.

919) Immutable (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अ डग, ढ़
English Meaning- unchanging over time
Synonyms- unchanging, permanent, constant, unalterable, constant, invariable
Antonyms- changeable, adjustable, flexible, capricious, adaptable
Example Sentence- My immutable work style will make me a successful
entrepreneur one day.

920) Proxy (noun)

Hindi Meaning- त न ध
English Meaning- a person authorised to act for another
Synonyms- agent, delegate, deputy, surrogate, agency, authority
Antonyms- client, customer, fighter, jingoist, courtier
Example Sentence- I will make my friend a proxy for the next mission. 184
1000 Vocabularies (921-925)

921) Dote (verb)

Hindi Meaning- अ तशय नेह करना, मूख हो जाना
English Meaning- shower with love
Synonyms- idolise, pamper, adore, indulge, drivel, love
Antonyms- detest, betray, hate, traitor, cheat, violate
Example Sentence- Every Parent dote on their child.

922) Reactionary (noun)

Hindi Meaning- त यावाद , उ त रोधक
English Meaning- resistant to change
Synonyms- traditionalist, reactionist, conventional, conservative, regressive
Antonyms- unorthodox, radical, unwise, unconventional, impolitic
Example Sentence- His previous statements created an image of him as a

923) Endue (verb)

Hindi Meaning- दान करना, आवृ करना
English Meaning- give qualities or abilities to
Synonyms- empower, indue, give, provide, endow, equip
Antonyms- take, beg, unequipped, ask, implore, solicit
Example Sentence- I prayed to God to endue her with wisdom and happiness.

924) Discriminate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- प पात करना
English Meaning- make an unjust or prejudicial distinction
Synonyms- distinguish, discern, differentiate, segregate, distinction
Antonyms- indiscriminate, unite, combine, equate, join
Example Sentence- The teacher should not discriminate against weak

925) Brooch (noun)

Hindi Meaning- एक कार का गहना
English Meaning- a decorative pin
Synonyms- jewellery, broach, clasp, locket, necklace
Antonyms- cheapo, rubble, dust, plainness
Example Sentence- She looks beautiful with her small gold brooch. 185
1000 Vocabularies (926-930)

926) Pert (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- फूलदार, आकषक
English Meaning- characterised by a lightly saucy
Synonyms- fresh, impudent, sassy, brazen, cheeky
Antonyms- lifeless, dull, decorous, bland, timorous
Example Sentence- She wore a pert little hat which made her different from
others at the function.

927) Disembark (verb)

Hindi Meaning- उतरना, बोझ उतारना, जहाज से उतारना
English Meaning- exit from a ship, vehicle, or aircraft
Synonyms- dismount, debark, deplane, alight, descend, unload
Antonyms- board, skurt, arise, embark, mount, bill
Example Sentence- They disembarked the goods from the right exit.

928) Aria (noun)

Hindi Meaning- गीत
English Meaning- a long elaborate song for a solo voice
Synonyms- melody, arian, song, tune, music, anthem
Antonyms- bury, disrupt, silence, break
Example Sentence- Her aria is soft, melodious, and heart touching.

929) Abet (verb)

Hindi Meaning- बढ़ावा दे ना, उकसाना
English Meaning- encourage, usually in some wrongdoing
Synonyms- encourage, support, aid, boost, assist, favour
Antonyms- frustrate, discourage, obstruct, thwart, prevent
Example Sentence- Some terror minded people abetted the riots in Delhi.

930) Clandestine (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- गु त, ग़ैरक़ानूनी
English Meaning- marked by hidden aims or methods
Synonyms- undercover, concealed, secret, covert, private
Antonyms- blatant, public, open, manifest, truthful
Example Sentence- I never did any kind of clandestine activities. 186
1000 Vocabularies (931-935)

931) Distend (noun)

Hindi Meaning- तान दे ना, फूलना या फूलाना
English Meaning- swell or cause to swell from internal pressure
Synonyms- expand, swell, enlarge, inflate, bloat
Antonyms- shrink, abbreviate, curtail, shorten, diminish
Example Sentence- The stomachs of lazy and inactive people often distend.

932) Glib (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- फसलनदार, बकवाद
English Meaning- a speaker fluent but insincere or something slippery
Synonyms- slick, voluble, smooth, facile, eloquent, slippery
Antonyms- quiet, rough, dry, crude, unrefined
Example Sentence- In rainy reason so many roads in the city become glib.

933) Pucker (verb)

Hindi Meaning- सकोड़ना, सलवरे पडना
English Meaning- gather something into small wrinkles
Synonyms- crumple, wrinkle, contract, line, crease
Antonyms- smooth, enlarge, broaden, expand, stretch
Example Sentence- She can pucker her eyebrows whenever she wants.

934) Rejoinder (noun)

Hindi Meaning- प यु र, उ र
English Meaning- a quick reply to a question
Synonyms- reply, answer, response, reaction, retort, return
Antonyms- ask, question, request, beg, quiz, grill
Example Sentence- He always brings funny rejoinder for every question.

935) Spangle (noun)

Hindi Meaning- सतारा, द त
English Meaning- a small thin piece of glittering material
Synonyms- sparkle, flash, decorate, sequin, twinkle
Antonyms- dull, tedious, slow, gloomy
Example Sentence- The sky was spangled with beautiful stars. 187
1000 Vocabularies (936-940)

936) Nicety (noun)

Hindi Meaning- प रशु ता, बा रक
English Meaning- a fine or subtle detail
Synonyms- accuracy, delicacy, rightness, nuance, elegance
Antonyms- bullshit, falsehood, unfairness, blunder
Example Sentence- I am a fan of the nicety of his work.

937) Aggrieve (verb)

Hindi Meaning- पीड़ा दे ना, शोक करना
English Meaning- infringe on the rights of
Synonyms- injure, oppress, distress, harass, outrage
Antonyms- placate, amuse, rejoice, aid, assist, help
Example Sentence- I felt aggrieved to see his insult.

938) Vestment (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पहनाव
English Meaning- a gown worn by the clergy
Synonyms- costume, dress, attire, garment, robe
Antonyms- undress, disrobe, disarray
Example Sentence- The actor wore a stylish vestment in the film.

939) Urbane (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- श , भला
English Meaning- courteous and refined in manner
Synonyms- polite, polished, courteous, civilised, gracious
Antonyms- uncivil, sarcastic, awkward, impolite, swinelike
Example Sentence- He tried hard to be urbane but he failed.

940) Defray (verb)

Hindi Meaning- चुकाना
English Meaning- bear the expenses of
Synonyms- settle, liquidate, redeem, satisfy, pay, fund
Antonyms- receive, heap, owe, earn, take
Example Sentence- I will defray all the load taken from bank. 188
1000 Vocabularies (941-945)

941) Spectral (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- भुतहा
English Meaning- of or like a ghost
Synonyms- ghostly, scary, supernatural, shadowy, incorporeal
Antonyms- normal, alive, natural, human, obnoxious
Example Sentence- I don't like to watch spectral movies.

942) Munificent (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- उदार, दानवीर
English Meaning- very generous
Synonyms- lavish, unsparing, generous, liberal, philanthropic
Antonyms- mean, selfish, greedy, frugal, niggardly
Example Sentence- We should try to be a munificent person.

943) Dictum (noun)

Hindi Meaning- उ , वा य, कथन
English Meaning- a formal declaration from an authoritative source
Synonyms- axiom, saying, dictate, decree, command, aphorism
Antonyms- stupidity, request, silliness, foolishness
Example Sentence- Every dictum of the poet mesmerize me.

944) Adulterate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- मलावट करना, मलावट
English Meaning- make impure by adding inferior substance
Synonyms- corrupt, debase, taint, pollute, weaken
Antonyms- purify, filter, cleanse, concentrate, improve
Example Sentence- The corrupt shopkeeper always adulterates the goods.

945) Beleaguer (verb)

Hindi Meaning- धेरा डालना, अवरोध करना
English Meaning- annoy persistently
Synonyms- surround, beset, plague, circumvent, blockade
Antonyms- encourage, aid, comfort, furnish, kindness
Example Sentence- Everyone is beleaguered by problems in 2020. 189
1000 Vocabularies (946-950)

946) Gripe (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- क , चंगुल म करना, दबाव
English Meaning- complain about something in a persistent
Synonyms- grumble, whine, complaint, grievance, niggle, criticism
Antonyms- praise, soothe, please, compliment, rejoice
Example Sentence- My only gripe is that I could not attend that School

947) Remission (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मा, छू ट
English Meaning- forgiveness of sins
Synonyms- absolution, respite, relief, forgiveness, pardon
Antonyms- agony, blame, retaliation, revenge, payback
Example Sentence- If we did any mistake we should ask for the remission.

948) Exorbitant (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अ य धक
English Meaning- greatly exceeding bounds of reason
Synonyms- excessive, outrageous, steep, inordinate, extreme
Antonyms- reasonable, low, cheap, cheapest, budget
Example Sentence- We should donate our exorbitant clothes to the poor.

949) Invocation (noun)

Hindi Meaning- ाथना, आ ान
English Meaning- the act of appealing for help
Synonyms- prayer, petition, plea, request, worship
Antonyms- disfavour, curse, despise, dictate, charge
Example Sentence- Nobody listened to his invocation.

950) Cajole (verb)

Hindi Meaning- फुसलाना, चापलूसी, बहलाना
English Meaning- influence or urge by gentle urging or flattering
Synonyms- induce, coax, persuade, beguile, blandish
Antonyms- force, belittle, condemn, criticism, accuse
Example Sentence- Some people try to cajole for their benefit. 190
1000 Vocabularies (951-955)

951) Inclusive (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- स म लत, समावेशी
English Meaning- including all the services or items
Synonyms- complete, inclusiveness, integrated, include, integral
Antonyms- exclusive, restrictive, individual, singular
Example Sentence- The fully inclusive budget for my start up is $5000.

952) Interdict (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- पाबंद , तबंध लगाना
English Meaning- command against
Synonyms- proscribe, prohibit, embargo, outlaw, ban, disallow
Antonyms- permit, allow, sanction, acquiesce, privilege
Example Sentence- The Government should interdict outrageous and sexual

953) Obviate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- छु टकारा पाना, बचना
English Meaning- avoid or prevent something undesirable
Synonyms- avoid, avert, deflect, forestall, anticipate, eliminate
Antonyms- permit, need, require, compel, beckon
Example Sentence- We should enhance our immunity to obviate from the

954) Hurtle (verb)

Hindi Meaning- ज़ोर से फकना, ध का लगाना
English Meaning- move or cause to move at high speed
Synonyms- dart, rush, speed, shoot, scoot, bolt
Antonyms- slow, loiter, crawl, linger, falter
Example Sentence- They had to hurtle the old truck to start it again.

955) Unanimity (noun)

Hindi Meaning- एकमतता, सव-स म त
English Meaning- everyone being of one mind
Synonyms- concurrence, concord, agreement, accord, agree, union
Antonyms- discord, dispute, conflict, disagreement, chaos
Example Sentence- We have taken a unanimity decision for our team. 191
1000 Vocabularies (956-960)

956) Mettle (noun)

Hindi Meaning- उ साह, दलेरी
English Meaning- the courage to carry on
Synonyms- spirit, courage, spunk, guts, valour, boldness
Antonyms- fear, cowardice, weakness, apathy, atrophy
Example Sentence- The next match will put me on my mettle.

957) Interpolate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- जड़ना, बैठाना, लगाना
English Meaning- interject a remark in a conversation
Synonyms- interject, add, enter, introduce, implant, append
Antonyms- subtract, delete, remove, deduct, abstract
Example Sentence- The analyst will interpolate values between standards.

958) Surreptitious (noun & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- छल से कया आ, लुका छपा, चोरी का
English Meaning- kept secret, because it may not be approved
Synonyms- secret, stealthy, undercover, furtive, secretive
Antonyms- honest, obvious, admissible, apparent, legal, lawful
Example Sentence- One day everyone will know about his surreptitious works.

959) Dissimulate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- छल-कपट करना, बहाना करना
English Meaning- hide feelings from other people
Synonyms- disguise, conceal, deceive, pretend, obscure, mislead
Antonyms- disclose, uncover, unveil, oath
Example Sentence- His always dissimulates with people.

960) Ruse (noun)

Hindi Meaning- चाल, धोखा
English Meaning- a deceptive manoeuvre
Synonyms- dodge, trick, deception, artifice, hoax
Antonyms- loyalty, kindness, honesty, integrity, purity
Example Sentence- It was just a ruse to capture all the properties. 192
1000 Vocabularies (961-965)

961) Specious (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- दखावट , स याभास
English Meaning- plausible but false
Synonyms- misleading, false, spurious, untrue, illogical
Antonyms- real, real, truth, valid, loyal, frank
Example Sentence- The speaker should stop his specious lecture.

962) Revulsion (noun)

Hindi Meaning- तबद ली, घृणा
English Meaning- intense aversion
Synonyms- disgust, abhorrence, aversion, hatred, antipathy, dislike
Antonyms- affinity, love, liking, desire, attraction
Example Sentence- He felt revulsion to see her appearance.

963) Hale (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- ह ा क ा, त त
English Meaning- restored to vigorous good health
Synonyms- strong, robust, healthy, vigorous, fit
Antonyms- sick, bad, unwell, frail, unfit, weakly
Example Sentence- All his brothers are hale and hearty.

964) Palliate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- कम करना, घटाना
English Meaning- lessen the seriousness
Synonyms- reduce, ease, soften, decrease, assuage, lighten
Antonyms- magnify, agitate, blame, accuse, condemn
Example Sentence- It is hard to palliate the Covid-19.

965) Obtuse (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- कुं ठत, सु त
English Meaning- annoyingly insensitive
Synonyms- stupid, dull, slow, dumb, dim, stolid
Antonyms- sharp, speed, intelligent, sharp, nimble, quick
Example Sentence- He was so obtuse to complete the training. 193
1000 Vocabularies (966-970)

966) Querulous (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- वलापी, चड़ चड़ा
English Meaning- habitually complaining nature
Synonyms- irritable, peevish, fractious, crabby, cranky, waspish
Antonyms- genial, affable, amiable, gracious, happy, sweet
Example Sentence- He is feeling so querulous today.

967) Vagary (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मौज, उतार चढ़ाव, सनक
English Meaning- an unexpected change in something
Synonyms- fancy, whimsy, notion, impulse, freak, conceit
Antonyms- brake, conflict, charm, cajole, antipathy
Example Sentence- His mood is so vagary and unpredictable.

968) Incipient (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- उ प होनेवाला, ारं भक
English Meaning- beginning to happen
Synonyms- beginning, inchoate, initiatory, inaugural, nascent, initial
Antonyms- tardy, end, conclusive, belated, delayed
Example Sentence- My incipient works in the office were easy and

969) Obdurate (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- हठ , ज़ , रा ही
English Meaning- stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
Synonyms- obstinate, rigid, firm, stubborn, relentless, steadfast
Antonyms- warmhearted, amenable, tractable, submissive, flexible
Example Sentence- I don't like obdurate people and always stay away from

970) Grovel (verb)

Hindi Meaning- गड़ गड़ाना, वनीत भाव दरसाना
English Meaning- act in an obsequious way to obtain someone's forgiveness
Synonyms- humiliate, cower, creep, kowtow, groveling
Antonyms- hustle, mortify, lower, demean, cheapen
Example Sentence- He groveled to me for help in his business. 194
1000 Vocabularies (971-975)

971) Refractory (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- हठ ला, अ ड़यल, रा ाही
English Meaning- stubbornly resistant to authority
Synonyms- stubborn, persistent, firm, stiff, rigid
Antonyms- obedient, amenable, tractable, pliable
Example Sentence- I always stay away from refractory people.

972) Ascendancy (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भु व, धानता
English Meaning- occupation of a position of dominant power
Synonyms- dominance, mastery, supremacy, domination, influence
Antonyms- inferiority, democracy, embargo, hindrance
Example Sentence- He is gaining ascendancy in the group.

973) Supercilious (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- घमंडी, अ भमानपूण
English Meaning- having or showing arrogant disdain
Synonyms- superior, disdainful, arrogant, scornful, proud
Antonyms- attentive, humble, demure, patient, benevolent
Example Sentence- I don't like his supercilious smile.

974) Pundit (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पं डत, वशेष
English Meaning- an expert in a particular subject or field
Synonyms- guru, savant, expert, scholar, professor
Antonyms- apologist, beginner, novice, newbie, amateur
Example Sentence- I want to become a business pundit one day.

975) Commiserate (verb)

Hindi Meaning- हमदद रखना
English Meaning- feel or express sympathy
Synonyms- condole, sympathise, empathise, compassionate, console
Antonyms- disregard, ignore, neglect, gloat
Example Sentence- I never commiserate with bad people. 195
1000 Vocabularies (976-980)

976) Alcove (noun)

Hindi Meaning- गुफा, कुट
English Meaning- a recess in the wall of a room
Synonyms- arbour, recess, hollow, pergola, hole, nook
Example Sentence- I want to live in an alcove for one day.

977) Assay (verb)

Hindi Meaning- परख करना, परी ा करना
English Meaning- make an effort
Synonyms- evaluate, check, testing, examine, analyse
Antonyms- neglect, heedlessness, ignore, oversight
Example Sentence- He will assay the Material which was found outside my

978) Parochial (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- संकु चत, सी मत
English Meaning- narrowly restricted in outlook
Synonyms- narrow, limited, provincial, rigid, insular
Antonyms- broad, globally, endless, countless
Example Sentence- I never expect any useful invention from his parochial

979) Conjugal (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- वैवा हक
English Meaning- a relationship between a wife and husband
Synonyms- married, spousal, marital, wedded, matrimonial
Antonyms- divorced, unmarried, bachelor, unwed
Example Sentence- I believe a couple's conjugal fate is prearranged.

980) Abjure (verb)

Hindi Meaning- यागना, खंडन करना
English Meaning- formally reject
Synonyms- abandon, disclaim, disavow, renounce, forgo
Antonyms- accept, adopt, desire, adhere, defend
Example Sentence- He abjured all bad habits from his life. 196
1000 Vocabularies (981-985)

981) Bauble (noun)

Hindi Meaning- छोट बात, खलौना
English Meaning- a small showy trinket
Synonyms- gewgaw, knickknack, trifle, toy, frippery
Antonyms- invaluable, expensive, costly, worthy, premium
Example Sentence- I don't need any bauble of little value.

982) Ornate (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- अलंकृत, आलंका रक
English Meaning- highly decorated
Synonyms- ornamented, fancy, flamboyant, decorated, extravagant
Antonyms- jejune, unpretentious, unadorned, modest, minimalist
Example Sentence- I was mesmerised after seeing her ornate dress.

983) Machination (noun)

Hindi Meaning- चालबाज़ी, कुच
English Meaning- a crafty and involved plot
Synonyms- intrigue, conspiracy, manoeuvre, deception, deceit
Antonyms- honesty, morality, goodness, decency, veracity
Example Sentence- I never involved in his machinations.

984) Mendicant (noun)

Hindi Meaning- भ ुक
English Meaning- a person who lives by begging
Synonyms- bankrupt, beggar, tramp, vagabond, panhandler
Antonyms- sponsor, finance, promote, donor, sponsorship
Example Sentence- We should always help mendicants.

985) Meander (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- भूल भुलैया, दशाहीन घूमना
English Meaning- aimless journey
Synonyms- zigzag, twist, wander, stroll, turning
Antonyms- parallel, direct, straight, flatline, equivalent
Example Sentence- He was meandering on road. 197
1000 Vocabularies (986-990)

986) Bullion (noun)

Hindi Meaning- सोने क ठोस ईट
English Meaning- gold or silver in bars
Synonyms- coinage, gold, coinage, wampum, assets
Antonyms- poverty, debt, liability, arrears
Example Sentence- Has has so many undisclosed bullion at his locker.

987) Diffidence (noun)

Hindi Meaning- झझक
English Meaning- shyness resulting from a lack of self-confidence
Synonyms- hesitation, shyness, modesty, timidity, insecurity
Antonyms- boldness, arrogance, courage, pride, sociability
Example Sentence- The police should arrest all the culprits without any

988) Makeshift (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- कामचलाऊ, अ ायी
English Meaning- made using whatever is available
Synonyms- temporary, interim, brief, irregular, volatile, casual
Antonyms- settled, permanent, immortal, durable, stable
Example Sentence- I am planning to buy a second-hand makeshift bike.

989) Husbandry (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कृ ष, कृ षकम
English Meaning- the practice of cultivating the land
Synonyms- cultivation, farming, agriculture, agronomy, cattle
Antonyms- metropolitan, urbanised, industrialised, non-agricultural
Example Sentence- The Government should encourage crop and animal

990) Podium (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मंच
English Meaning- a platform where a performer can perform for the audience
Synonyms- platform, stage, grandstand, rostrum, tribune
Antonyms- disorganise, sideways
Example Sentence- A new podium is under construction in my college. 198
1000 Vocabularies (991-995)

991) Dearth (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अकाल, कमी
English Meaning- an insufficient quantity
Synonyms- insufficiency, shortage, lack, deficiency, scarceness
Antonyms- surplus, plenty, excess, sufficiency, plethora
Example Sentence- There is a dearth of skilled engineers in the state.

992) Granary (noun)

Hindi Meaning- अ भंडार
English Meaning- a storehouse for threshed grain
Synonyms- storehouse, hayloft, shed, barnyard, depository, storeroom
Antonyms- home, consumption, disburse
Example Sentence- The Government is building so many granaries for crops.

993) Whet (verb)

Hindi Meaning- तेज करना
English Meaning- sharpen the blade of a tool
Synonyms- arouse, sharpen, stimulate, incite, enhance
Antonyms- dull, dishearten, slow, tedious, gloomy
Example Sentence- The documentary will whet my knowledge.

994) Imposture (noun)

Hindi Meaning- पाखंड
English Meaning- pretending to be another person
Synonyms- hoax, fraud, trick, counterfeit, gimmick, deception
Antonyms- sincerity, honesty, frankness, simplicity, loyalty
Example Sentence- I have never seen an imposture like him.

995) Diadem (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मुकुट, ताज
English Meaning- a jeweled crown
Synonyms- headband, crown, circlet, chaplet, turban
Antonyms- inferiority, depose, dishonor, base
Example Sentence- The diadem was the symbol of royalty in ancient times. 199
1000 Vocabularies (996-1000)

996) Fallow (noun & adjective)

Hindi Meaning- बंजर, परती
English Meaning- undeveloped but potentially useful land
Synonyms- dormant, uncultivated, barren, infertile, unproductive
Antonyms- cultivated, green, mannerly
Example Sentence- The Government will use fallow lands for factory

997) Hubbub (noun)

Hindi Meaning- कोलाहल
English Meaning- loud confused noise
Synonyms- turmoil, commotion, tumult, noise, ruckus
Antonyms- calm, silence, peace, calmness, rest
Example Sentence- I don't like the hubbub atmosphere.

998) Dispassionate (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- उदासीन, आवेगहीन
English Meaning- unaffected by strong emotion
Synonyms- unemotional, unbiased, apathetic, composed, emotionless,
Antonyms- prejudiced, biased, partial, sentimental, zealous, distorted
Example Sentence- A politician should be a dispassionate servant of the public.

999) Askance (adjective)

Hindi Meaning- संदेह से
English Meaning- the look of suspicion
Synonyms- doubtfully, dubiously, skeptically, mistrustfully, scornfully
Antonyms- sincerely, faithfully, truthfully, fairly, honestly
Example Sentence- Everyone looks askance at his works.

1000) Lancet (noun)

Hindi Meaning- चाकू
English Meaning- a surgical knife with a double-edged blade
Synonyms- knife, scalpel, lance, blade, cutter
Antonyms- rescue, preserve, assist, spoon
Example Sentence- I found a lancet and some other weapons on the road. 200
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