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ELCC Competencies

TCU Educational Leadership

Portfolio Evaluation Form

Standard 1.0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by
facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a school or district vision of learning supported by the school community.
***Meets Standards for School Building Leadership (K-12 Principal)
1.1 Develop a Vision Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

a. Candidates develop a vision of 1. Course Syllabus for World (+) 1. Ed 632 – I created a standards based syllabus that
learning for a school that promotes the Geography outlined my vision for my current teaching position.
success of all students. The syllabus included a conceptual framework aimed to
teach the entire student body.
2. Leadership Essay 2. Ed 730 – I wrote an essay that describes my vision and
beliefs on leadership and how I foresee myself as an
educational leader.
3. Leader Interview/Observation 3. Ed 730 - I interviewed an administrator to gain insight
into their leadership style and vision of the school in
4. Vision for Technology Enhanced order to use in my own professional development.
Environment Paper 4. Ed 633 – I wrote a paper that outlines my vision of a
paperless classroom through technology components
that would increase student learning and abilities.
ELCC Competencies
b. Candidates base this vision on 1. 4Mat PowerPoint (+) 1. Ed 632 – I created a PowerPoint presentation that
relevant knowledge and theories, highlighted the learning styles of 4Mat and how they
including but not limited to an inform classroom practices and student achievement.
understanding of learning goals in a 2. Ed 712 – I conducted a sociological inventory of my
pluralistic society, the diversity of 2. Sociological Inventory and Letter district to identify social and cultural variables impacting
learners and learners’ needs, schools as to Successor my school. I reported my findings and implications of
interactive social and cultural systems, them to a hypothetical successor.
and social and organizational change. 3. Differentiated Instruction Unit 3. Ed 632 – I created a World Religions unit based on the
differentiated instruction principles to ensure the needs
of all learners were addressed.

1.2 Articulate a Vision Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Leadership Essay (+) 1. Ed 730 – I wrote an essay that describes my vision and
articulate the components of this vision beliefs on leadership and how I foresee myself as an
for a school and the leadership educational leader.
processes necessary to implement and 2. Leader Interview/Observation 2. Ed 730- I interviewed an administrator to gain insight
support the vision. into their leadership style and vision of the school.
3. Professional Learning Communities 3. Ed 735 – In this activity I demonstrate how the staff
development of the school supports the vision of the
school and district.
ELCC Competencies
b. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Interview with Administrator + 1. Ed 632- I interviewed our assistant principal regarding
use data-based research strategies and the relevance of data with professional development,
strategic planning processes that focus mission, vision, and goals.
on student learning to inform the 2. Budget Activity 2. Ed 636 – In this activity I analyzed the budgeting
development of a vision, drawing on process the administrators follow.
relevant information sources such as 3. Sociological Inventory Data 3. Ed 712 – I conducted a sociological inventory of our
student assessment results, student and Summary Sheet district to identify social and cultural variable impacting
family demographic data, and an our schools.
analysis of community needs. 4. Check and Connect Program 4. Ed 794 – This program was implemented in the school,
and I participate in it. The goal is to raise graduation
rates for those that are at risk of dropping out.
c. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Leadership & Teaming for (+) 1. Ed 643 – In this essay I analyzed the process of change
communicate the vision to staff, parents, Curriculum Change by looking at the roles other play in curriculum
students, and community members development and how to create an environment of
through the use of symbols, ceremonies, change.
stories, and other activities. 2. Family School Partnership Action 2. Ed 712 – I created an action plan to improve the
Plan relationships between the school and community
members in order to raise achievement.
3. Check and Connect Program 3. Ed 794 –The goal is to raise graduation rates for those
that are at risk of dropping out. I communicate daily
with the student and weekly with the parent regarding
successes and derailers.
1.3 Implement a Vision Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments
a. Candidates can formulate the 1. Leadership Essay + 1. Ed 730 – I wrote an essay that describes my vision and
initiatives necessary to motivate beliefs on leadership and how I foresee myself as an
staff, students, and families to educational leader.
achieve the school’s vision. 2. Leader Interview/Observation 2. Ed 730 - I interviewed an administrator to gain insight
into their leadership style and vision of the school in
order to use in my own professional development
3. Check and Connect Program 3. Ed 794 – It is a program designed to increase
achievement and decrease drop-out rates for students at
risk. I am on the team for implementing this program
and I piloted it the previous semester.
ELCC Competencies
4. RTI - A & B 4. Ed 794 – I am on the team and we have initiated various
activities to address student, staff, and family’s needs in
accordance with our vision.

b. Candidates develop plans and 1. Family School Partnerships + 1. Ed 712 - I created an action plan to improve the
processes for implementing the vision relationships between the school and community
(e.g., articulating the vision and related members in order to raise achievement.
goals, encouraging challenging 2. Professional Development Plans 2. Ed 794 – As a part of the P.D. team I help plan and
standards, facilitating collegiality implement activities for weekly meetings and
and teamwork, structuring significant professional development days.
work, ensuring appropriate use of 3. Reflection Session Three 3. Ed 643 – In this paper I reflect on the programs that are
student assessments, providing being implemented and the process of change.
autonomy, supporting innovation,
delegating responsibility, developing
leadership in others, and securing
needed resources).

1.4 Steward a Vision Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

a. Candidates demonstrate an 1. Essay Response to Outliers. + 1. Ed 634 – I responded to the importance of personal
understanding of the role effective Question 8 communication and how that can contribute to the
communication skills play in success or failure of a school or administrator.
building a shared commitment to the 2. Behavior Matrix 2. Ed 794 – As a part of the RTI-B team, I helped in
vision. creating a behavior matrix to be used by all staff and
b. Candidates design or adopt a system 1. Sociological Inventory + 1. Ed 712 - I conducted a sociological inventory of our
for using district to identify social and cultural variables impacting
data-based research strategies to our schools.
regularly 2. Literacy in Secondary Curriculum 2. Ed 643 – I interviewed our administrator to understand
monitor, evaluate, and revise the vision. the change in curriculum based on data and research. I
am also in the process of evaluating those change
ELCC Competencies
c. Candidates assume stewardship of 1. Leadership Essay + 1. Ed 730 - I wrote an essay that describes my vision and
the vision through various methods. beliefs on leadership and how I foresee myself as an
educational leader.
2. Leader Interview/Observation 2. Ed 730 - I interviewed an administrator to gain insight
into their leadership style and vision of the school in
order to use in my own professional development.
3. Extra-Curricular Supervision 3. Ed 794 – I acted as the administrator on duty for two
basketball games in our building.
4. Student Schedule 4. Ed 794 - I assisted with the scheduling of 8th and 10th
grade students and handled schedule changes. I also
assisted in creating the master schedule for our building.
5. Check and Connect Program 5. Ed 794 – I led the introduction of the program during
professional development and also develop and led the
discussion online.
1.5 Promote Community Involvement Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments
in the Vision 3

a. Candidates demonstrate the ability 1. Crisis Management Report + 1. Ed 712 – I produced a formal report based on the
to involve community members in preparedness of our district in various crisis situations.
the realization of the vision and in Through this report, I identified areas of strength and
related school improvement efforts. areas of need in working with various community
2. Family School Partnerships partnerships.
2. Ed 712 – I wrote a memo reporting the use of currently
used community agencies and those that are in the
process of being used. I created an action plan to further
improve the relationships between the school and
community members in order to raise achievement and
build family school relationships.
b. Candidates acquire and demonstrate 1. Design of Collaboration Projects (+) 1. Ed 794 – I designed a collaboration handout to share
the skills needed to communicate Handouts for STEM Families with STEM parents to communicate our plans for
effectively with all stakeholders incorporating those students into our school.
about implementation of the vision. 2. School Culture & Climate 2. Ed 730 – I conducted a survey of staff members to
Assessment Paper analyze and diagnose the culture and climate of the
school. I also emphasized the importance
ELCC Competencies
communication with stakeholders and various ways in
which the school achieves this and ways to improve.
3. Technology Expenditures 3. Ed 633 - I created a PowerPoint to justify the
PowerPoint expenditures for technology resources in schools to meet
the needs of students and prepare them for their future.

Standard 2.0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by
promoting a positive school culture, providing an effective instructional program, applying best practice to student learning, and designing comprehensive
professional growth plans for staff.
2.1 Promote Positive School Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments
Culture 4

a. Candidates assess school culture 1. School Culture & Climate + 1. Ed 730 – I conducted a survey of staff members to
using multiple methods and implement Assessment Paper analyze and diagnose the culture and climate of the
context-appropriate strategies that school.
capitalize on the diversity (e.g. 2. Sociological Inventory and Letter to 2. Ed 712 – I conducted a sociological inventory of our
population, language, disability, gender, Successor district to identify social and cultural variables impacting
race, socio-economic) of the school the culture of our school and community.
community improve school programs 3. Week three text notes 3. Ed 730 – I journaled my notes on the Valensky text week
and culture. three that focused on culture and climate.

2.2 Provide Effective Instructional Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

Program 4

a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Check and Connect Discussion (+) 1. Ed 794 – I setup and led the discussion board of the
facilitate activities that apply principles Board Check and Connect program.
of effective instruction to improve 2. SharePoint Training 2. Ed 794 – I was trained to lead and train staff on the new
instructional practices and curricular SharePoint site, specifically the calendars for lesson
materials. plans and overall use for curricular materials.
3. STEM and 21st Century Skills 3. Ed 794 – I am an active participant in creating various
Training activities that focus on cross curricular activities and 21st
century skills that are shared with the rest of the staff.
ELCC Competencies
b. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. 4Mat PowerPoint + 1. Ed 632 – I created a PowerPoint presentation that
make recommendations regarding the highlighted the learning styles of 4Mat and how they
design, implementation, and evaluation inform classroom practices and student achievement.
of a curriculum that fully accommodates 2. Final Reflection 2. Ed 643 – My final reflection includes my definition of
learners’ diverse needs. curriculum, and my understanding of curriculum and the
curriculum change process.
3. Leadership & Teaming for 3. Ed 643 – In this essay I analyzed the process of change
Curriculum Change by looking at the roles other play in curriculum
development and how to create an environment of
c. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Technology Expenditures + 1. Ed 633 – I created a PowerPoint to justify the
use and promote technology and PowerPoint expenditures for technology resources in schools to meet
information systems to enrich the needs of students and prepare them for their future.
curriculum and instruction, to monitor 2. Administrative Uses of Technology 2. Ed 633 – I wrote a review that includes
instructional practices and provide staff recommendations of various technology applications in
the assistance needed for improvement. regards to student information systems, scheduling,
curriculum planning, security, website management and
staff management
3. New Ideas for Professional 3. Ed 633 – I wrote a paper that analyzes sever technology
Development options to use with staff development.
4. Vision for Technology Enhanced 4. Ed 633 - I wrote a paper that outlines my vision of a
Environment Paper paperless classroom through technology components
that would increase student learning and abilities.
5. SharePoint Training 5. Ed 794 – I was trained to lead and train staff on the new
SharePoint site, specifically the calendars for lesson
plans and overall use for curricular materials.

2.3 Apply Best Practice to Student Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments
Learning 4

a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Curriculum Definition + 1. Ed 632 – I wrote about what makes up a curriculum and
assist school personnel in understanding the various components.
and applying best practices for student 2. Check and Connect Discussion 2. Ed 794 – I setup and led the discussion board of the
learning. Board Check and Connect program.
ELCC Competencies
3. SharePoint Training 3. Ed 794 – I was trained to lead and train staff on the new
SharePoint site, specifically the calendars for lesson
plans and overall use for curricular materials.
4. STEM and 21st Century Skills 4. Ed 794 – I am an active participant in creating various
Training activities that focus on cross curricular activities and 21st
century skills that are shared with the rest of the staff.
b. Candidates apply human development 1. World Geography Syllabus + 1. Ed 632 - I created a standards based syllabus that
theory, proven learning and motivational outlined my vision for my current teaching position.
theories, and concern for diversity to the The syllabus included a conceptual framework aimed to
learning process. teach the entire student body.
2. Differentiated Instruction Unit 2. Ed 632 - I created a World Religions unit based on the
differentiated instruction strategies based on DesCartes
and Bloom’s Taxonomy to ensure the needs of all
learners were addressed.
3. 4MAT PowerPoint 3. Ed 632 - I created a PowerPoint presentation that
highlighted the learning styles of 4Mat and how they
inform classroom practices and student achievement.

c. Candidates demonstrate an 1. Differentiated Instruction (+) 1. Ed 632 - I created a World Religions unit based on the
understanding of how to use appropriate differentiated instruction principles to ensure the needs
research strategies to promote an of all learners were addressed.
environment for improved student 2. Technology Expenditures 2. Ed 633 – This PowerPoint explains the need for
achievement. PowerPoint technology based on existing research explaining the
3. School Schedule impact of technology and student achievement.
3. Ed 794 – I assisted with the scheduling of 8th graders for
remedial, advanced and special needs students.
4. Annotated Bibliography 4. Ed 633 – I wrote this bibliography to summarize
numerous scholarly articles in order to develop the
Technology Expenditure PowerPoint
2.4 Design Comprehensive Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments
Professional Growth Plans 3
ELCC Competencies
a. Candidates design and demonstrate 1. Professional Development Handout + 1. Ed 794 – I assisted in creating a handout that outlines
an ability to implement well-planned, what an effective professional development should look
context-appropriate professional like.
development programs based on 2. Virtual Learning Communities 2. Ed 633 – I wrote a reflective paper that discusses my
reflective practice and research on Evaluation insight on online virtual learning communities and their
student learning consistent with the role in professional development.
school vision and goals. 3. Professional Learning Communities 3. Ed 735 – In this activity I conducted an achievement gap
Activity of our professional development and presented my
findings to a mock school board.
4. Professional Development team 4. Ed 794 – I am currently on the professional development
team and we are in the implementation and evaluation
stage of our professional development for the 2011-2012
school year.
b. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Professional Development Team (+) 1. Ed 794 – One area of focus for our professional
use strategies such as observations, development is for staff member to go out and observe
collaborative reflection, and adult other businesses or university to find out what skills and
learning strategies to form knowledge student would need to pursue that type of
comprehensive professional growth career. We are in the process of developing forms for
plans with teachers and other school teachers to use when they go.
personnel. 2. Design Comprehensive Professional 2. Ed 735 – In this activity, I hope aid in the development
Growth Plans in professional growth plans for a teacher through
observations, collaborative reflection, and adult learning
c. Candidates develop and implement 1. Plan of Study (+) 1. I developed this plan of study to achieve my goal of
personal professional growth plans that attaining a Master’s in Educational Leadership.
reflect a commitment to life-long 2. Professional Growth Plan 2. This document is created every year as a means for me
learning. to set goals to improve my instructional practices.

Standard 3.0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by
managing the organization, operations, and resources in a way that promotes a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.
3.1 Manage the Organization Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments
ELCC Competencies
a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Leadership Essay (+) 1. Ed 730 – I wrote an essay that describes my vision and
optimize the learning environment for beliefs on leadership and how I foresee myself as an
all students by applying appropriate educational leader.
models and principles of organizational 2. Leader Interview/Observation 2. Ed 730 - I interviewed an administrator to gain insight
development and management, into their leadership style and vision of the school in
including research and data driven order to use in my own professional development.
decision making with attention to 3. Ed 639 – In this paper I reflect on my knowledge about
indicators of equity, 3. Principals and Special Education Special Education and the relationship between the
effectiveness, and efficiency. 4. Reflection Session 3 administrator and Special Education.
4. Ed 643 -In this paper I reflect on the programs that are
being implemented and the process of change.
b. Candidates develop plans of action 1. Family School Partnership Action + 1. Ed 712 – I created an action plan to improve the
for focusing on effective organization Plan relationships between the school and community
and management of fiscal, human, and 2. Crisis Management Report members in order to raise achievement.
material resources, giving priority to 3. Check and Connect Program 2. Ed 712 – I produced a formal report based on the
student learning, safety, curriculum, and 4. RTI – A & B preparedness of our district in various crisis situations.
instruction. Through this report, I identified areas of strength and
areas of need in working with various community
3. Ed 794 –The goal is to raise graduation rates for those
that are at risk of dropping out. I communicate daily
with the student and weekly with the parent regarding
successes and derailers.
4. Ed 794 - I am on the team and we have initiated various
activities to address student, staff, and family’s needs in
accordance with our vision: all students can learn.
c. Candidates demonstrate an ability to 1. Extra-Curricular Supervision (+) 1. Ed 794 – I acted as the administrator on duty for two
manage time effectively and deploy 2. Professional Development Team basketball games in our building.
financial and human resources in ways 2. Ed 794 - We have designed professional development to
that promote student achievement. meet the needs of the school and staff. One such
opportunity is setting a budget aside for teachers to visit
businesses of their field for instructional growth.
3.2 Manage Operations Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments
ELCC Competencies
a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Leadership Essay + 1. Ed 730 – I wrote an essay that describes my vision and
involve staff in conducting operations beliefs on leadership and how I foresee myself as an
and setting priorities using appropriate educational leader.
and effective needs assessment, 2. Leader Interview/Observation 2. Ed 730 – I interviewed an administrator to gain insight
research-based data, and group process into their leadership style and vision of the school.
skills to build consensus, communicate, 3. Final Reflection 3. Ed 643 – My final reflection includes my definition of
and resolve conflicts in order to align curriculum, and my understanding of curriculum and the
resources with the organizational vision. curriculum change process.
4. Professional Development Staff 4. Ed 794 – A survey was designed and sent out to involve
Survey the staff in planning professional development for the
following year.
5. Professional Development Team 5. Ed 794 – We have designed professional development to
meet the needs of the school and staff. One such
opportunity is setting a budget aside for teachers to visit
businesses of their field for instructional growth.
6. RTI – Discipline Referral Forms
6. Ed 794 – This form is designed in a way for the
collective staff to manage their classroom and provide
the necessary data for student behavior.
b. Candidates develop communications 1. Working with Community Agencies + 1. Ed 712 - I wrote a memo reporting the use of currently
plans for staff that includes used community agencies and those that are in the
opportunities for staff to develop their process of being used. I created an action plan to further
family and community collaboration improve the relationships between the school and
skills. community members in order to raise achievement and
build family school relationships.
2. Check and Connect Program 2. Ed 794 – We discussed way in which to communicate
with family members as a part of the Check and Connect
3. RTI- A & B – Discipline Referral 3. Ed 794 – We have employed various methods for
Forms, Sheyenne Shout Outs increasing collaboration and communication with
families and the community.
c. Candidates demonstrate an 1. Handbook Assignment (+) 1. Ed 631 – I examined several policies of the student
understanding of how to apply legal handbook for validity into various statutes.
principles to promote educational equity 2. Chapter 2 Brief 2. Ed 631 – I wrote a brief on a case that reviewed the
and provide a safe, effective, and constitutionality of participation fees in public education
efficient facility.. settings.
ELCC Competencies
3. Chapter 6 Brief 3. Ed 631 – I wrote a brief on a case that reviewed the
constitutionality of expelling unimmunized students
from school at the time of a measles outbreak
3.3 Manage Resources Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments
a. Candidates use problem-solving 1. Administrative uses of Technology (+) 1. Ed 633 – I wrote a review that includes
skills and knowledge of strategic, recommendations of various technology applications in
long-range, and operational planning regards to student information systems, scheduling,
(including applications of technology) curriculum planning, security, website management and
in the effective, legal, and equitable staff management.
use of fiscal, human, and material 2. Technology Expenditures 2. Ed 633 - I created a PowerPoint to justify the
resource allocation and alignment that PowerPoint expenditures for technology resources in schools to meet
focuses on teaching and learning. the needs of students and prepare them for their future.
3. Budgeting Activity 3. Ed 636 – I wrote this paper based on questions I
formulated regarding budgeting for the school district.
b. Candidates creatively seek new 1. Professional Development Ideas (+) 1. Ed 633 – I wrote a paper that analyzes sever technology
resources to facilitate learning. options to use with staff development.
2. STEM Development & 21st Century 2. Ed 794 – I am an active participant in creating various
Skills activities that focus on cross curricular activities and 21st
century skills that are shared with the rest of the staff.
3. Working with Community Agencies 3. Ed 712 - I wrote a memo reporting the use of currently
used community agencies and those that are in the
process of being used. I created an action plan to further
improve the relationships between the school and
community members in order to raise achievement and
build family school relationships.
c. Candidates apply and assess current 1. Administrative Uses of Technology (+) 1. Ed 633 – I wrote a review that includes
technologies for school management, recommendations of various technology applications in
business procedures, and scheduling. regards to student information systems, scheduling,
curriculum planning, security, website management and
staff management
2. Professional Development Ideas 2. Ed 633 - I wrote a paper that analyzes several
technology options to use with staff development.
3. SharePoint Training
ELCC Competencies
3. Ed 794 – I was trained to lead and train staff on the new
SharePoint site, specifically the calendars for lesson
plans and overall use for curricular materials.

Standard 4.0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by
collaborating with families and other community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.
4.1 Collaborate with Families Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments
and Other Community Members 3

a. Candidates demonstrate an ability to 1. Family School Partnerships Action + 1. Ed 712 – I created an action plan to improve the
bring together the resources of family Plan relationships between the school and community
members and the community to members in order to raise achievement.
positively affect student learning. 2. Working with Community Agencies 2. Ed 712 - I wrote a memo reporting the use of currently
used community agencies and those that are in the
process of being used. I created an action plan to further
improve the relationships between the school and
community members in order to raise achievement and
3. Check and Connect Program build family school relationships.
3. Ed 794 – Through this program we can communicate
and collaborate with others to utilize community
b. Candidates demonstrate an ability to 1. Student-led Conferences + 1. Sheyenne – We utilize student-led conferences as a way
involve families in the education of their to involve both parent and child in the education process
children based on the belief that families and as a way for them to advocate and communicate
have the best interests of their children with us.
in mind. 2. Family School Partnerships Action 2. Ed 712 – I created an action plan to improve the
Plan and Data relationships between the school and community
members in order to raise achievement.
3. Course Syllabus 3. World Geography - I designed my syllabus in a way to
open that communication door to families.
4. Check and Connect Program 4. Ed 794 – In order to start the process with a student,
communication was necessary with the parents. It is a
part of the process.
ELCC Competencies

c. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Sociological Inventory and Letter to (+) 1. Ed 712 - I conducted a sociological inventory of my
use public information and Successor district to identify social and cultural variables impacting
research-based knowledge of issues and my school. I reported my findings and implications of
trends to collaborate with families and them to a hypothetical successor.
community members. 2. Family School Partnerships Action 2. Ed 712 – I created an action plan to improve the
Plan and Data relationships between the school and community
members in order to raise achievement.
3. Check & Connect Program 3. Ed 794 - This program was developed based on research
on the correlation between the relationships between
students, families and school with graduation rates.
d. Candidates apply an understanding of 1. Working with Community Agencies (+) 1. Ed 712 - I wrote a memo reporting the use of currently
community relations models, marketing used community agencies and those that are in the
strategies and processes, data-based process of being used. I created an action plan to further
decision making, and communications improve the relationships between the school and
theory to create frameworks for school, community members in order to raise achievement and
family, business, build family school relationships.
community, government, and higher 2. Family School Partnerships Action 2. Ed 712 – I created an action plan to improve the
education Plan and Data relationships between the school and community
partnerships. members in order to raise achievement.
3. Professional Development 3. Ed 794 – As we move towards more 21 st Century Skills
we want to provide the opportunity for staff to go out
into the community and observe or interview others in
their field for what skills are necessary for students
leaving school.
e. Candidates develop various methods 1. Professional Development (+) 1. Ed 794 - As we move towards more 21 st Century Skills
of outreach aimed at business, religious, we want to provide the opportunity for staff to go out
political, and service organizations. into the community and observe or interview others in
their field for what skills are necessary for students
leaving school.
2. Working with Community Agencies 2. Ed 712 - I wrote a memo reporting the use of currently
used community agencies and those that are in the
process of being used. I created an action plan to further
improve the relationships between the school and
ELCC Competencies
community members in order to raise achievement and
build family school relationships.
f. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Sociological Inventory Data (+) 1. Ed 712 - I conducted a sociological inventory of my
involve families and other stakeholders district to identify social and cultural variables impacting
in school decision-making processes, my school.
reflecting an understanding that schools 2. Check and Connect Program 2. Ed 794 – This program was developed based on research
are an integral part of the larger on the correlation between the relationships between
community. students, families and school with graduation rates. It
necessary therefore to have parents approval and
involvement in any plans and procedures to aid in their
students success.
g. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Working with Community Agencies (+) 1. Ed 712 - I wrote a memo reporting the use of currently
collaborate with community agencies to used community agencies and those that are in the
integrate health, social, and other process of being used. I created an action plan to further
services. improve the relationships between the school and
community members in order to raise achievement and
build family school relationships.
2. Crisis Management Report 2. Ed 712 - I produced a formal report based on the
preparedness of our district in various crisis situations.
Through this report, I identified areas of strength and
areas of need in working with various community
h. Candidates develop a comprehensive 1. Design of Collaboration Projects (-) 1. Ed 794 – I designed a collaboration handout to share
program of community relations and Handouts for STEM Families with STEM parents to communicate our plans for
demonstrate the ability to work with the incorporating those students into our school. These
media. handouts were used at district and community meetings.
2. Roll-Over Education for 2. Ed 794 – I had students attend a simulation emphasizing
Students the importance of wearing seatbelts that was put on by
the West Fargo Police Department
4.2 Respond to Community Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments
Interests and Needs 3
ELCC Competencies
a. Candidates demonstrate active 1. Sociological Inventory Data (+) 1. Ed 712 - I conducted a sociological inventory of my
involvement within the community, district to identify social and cultural variables impacting
including interactions with individuals my school.
and groups with conflicting

b. Candidates demonstrate the ability 1. Sociological Inventory Data and (+) 1. Ed 712 - I conducted a sociological inventory of my
to use appropriate assessment Letter to Successor district to identify social and cultural variables impacting
strategies and research methods to my school. I reported my findings and implications of
understand and accommodate them to a hypothetical successor
diverse school and community 2. Student Schedules 2. Ed 794 - I assisted with the scheduling of 8th and 10th
conditions and dynamics. grade students and handled schedule changes. We looked
at MAP scores as well as grades for placement into
developmental and year-long classes. I also assisted in
creating the master schedule for our building.
3. Alternative Ed Program Placement 3. Ed 794 – I assisted in the placement of alternative
education students in the program based on a various
factors including behavior, academic, etc.
c. Candidates provide leadership to 1. Alternative Ed Program Placement (-) 1. Ed 794 – I assisted in the placement of alternative
programs serving students with education students in the program based on a various
special and exceptional needs. factors including behavior, academic, etc.

d. Candidates demonstrate the ability 1. Sociological Inventory Data and (+) 1. Ed 712 - I conducted a sociological inventory of my
to capitalize on the diversity Letter to Successor district to identify social and cultural variables impacting
(cultural, ethnic, racial, economic, my school. I reported my findings and implications of
and special interest groups) of the them to a hypothetical successor.
school community to improve 2. Family School Partnerships and 2. Ed 712 - I wrote a memo reporting the use of currently
school programs and meet the Action Plan used community agencies and those that are in the
diverse needs of all students. process of being used. I created an action plan to further
improve the relationships between the school and
community members in order to raise achievement and
build family school relationships. One such area was
involving the ELL populations by having a culture night
for students, families and the community to learn about
the diversity within the school and community.
ELCC Competencies

4.3 Mobilize Community Resources Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

a. Candidates demonstrate an 1. Working with Community Agencies (+) 1. Ed 712 - I wrote a memo reporting the use of currently
understanding of and ability to use used community agencies and those that are in the
community resources, including process of being used. I created an action plan to further
youth services, to support student improve the relationships between the school and
achievement, solve school community members in order to raise achievement and
problems, and achieve school goals. build family school relationships.
2. Crisis Management Report 2. Ed 712 – I produced a formal report based on the
preparedness of our district in various crisis situations.
Through this report, I identified areas of strength and
areas of need in working with various community
3. Check and Connect Program 3. Ed 794 – Part of this mentorship program is promoting
students to be actively involved in the community or
extracurricular activities.
b. Candidates demonstrate how to use 1. Working with Community Agencies (−) 1. Ed 712 - I wrote a memo reporting the use of currently
school resources and social service used community agencies and those that are in the
agencies to serve the community. process of being used. I created an action plan to further
improve the relationships between the school and
community members in order to raise achievement and
build family school relationships.
c. Candidates demonstrate an 1. Professional Development (+) 1. Ed 794 – One area of focus for our professional
understanding of ways to use public development is for staff member to go out and observe
resources and funds appropriately other businesses or university to find out what skills and
and effectively to encourage knowledge student would need to pursue that type of
communities to provide new career. We are also hope to bring in various businesses
resources to address emerging to come into school and talk about the skills needed for
student problems. that field.
ELCC Competencies

Standard 5.0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by
acting with integrity, fairly, and in an ethical manner.
5.1 Acts with Integrity Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

a. Candidates demonstrate a respect 1. Strengths Based Leadership Essay + 1. Ed 634 – In this essay, I review my five strength themes
for the rights of others with regard based on the Strengths Finder 2.0 Assessment.
to confidentiality and dignity and 2. Letter to Successor 2. Ed 712 – This hypothetical letter was derived from the
engage in honest interactions. sociological inventory that I completed on the West
Fargo Schools. It is my views of the situation my
successor will be walking into.
3. Check and Connect Program 3. Ed 794 – This mentorship program is built off of trust,
respect and open and honest communication.
5.2 Acts Fairly Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

a. Candidates demonstrate the ability 1. Strengths Finder 2.0 Assessment + 1. Ed 634 – I took this assessment to identify my areas of
to combine impartiality, sensitivity Report leadership strengths and potential derailers.
to student diversity, and ethical 2. DAC In-Basket– Pre-Assessment 2. Ed 645 – I took this pre-assessment in order to gain
considerations in their interactions Exercise experience and practice before the post assessment. This
with others. provided insight to my strengths and potential derailers
as I completed the remaining coursework for the
3. Essay Response Question #5 and 9 3. Ed 634 – I discussed the impact of culture on the
operations of education and the code of ethic of teachers
vs. administrators.
5.3 Acts Ethically Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

a. Candidates make and explain 1. Strengths Finder 2.0 Assessment + 1. Ed 634 – I took this assessment to identify my areas of
decisions based upon ethical and legal Report leadership strengths and potential derailers.
principles. 2. Handbook Policy Activity
ELCC Competencies
2. Ed 631 – I examined several policies of the student
3. Essay Questions #9 handbook for validity into various statutes.
3. Ed 634 - I discussed the differences between the code of
ethics for teachers and administrators and why they are

Standard 6.0: Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by
understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
6.1 Understand the Larger Context Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

a. Candidates act as informed 1. Family School Partnerships Action (+) 1. Ed 712 – I created an action plan to improve the
consumers of educational theory and Plan relationships between the school and community
concepts appropriate to school context members in order to raise achievement.
and can demonstrate the ability to apply 2. 4MAT PowerPoint 2. Ed 632 – I created a PowerPoint presentation that
appropriate research methods to a highlighted the learning styles of 4Mat and how they
school context. inform classroom practices and student achievement.

b. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Handbook Policy Activity (+) 1. Ed 631 – I examined several policies of the student
explain how the legal and political handbook for validity into various statutes.
systems and institutional framework of 2. Discussion Board Activities 2. Ed 631 – I responded to various discussion questions
schools have shaped a school and regarding NCLB, school searches and vouchers.
community, as well as the opportunities 3. Chapter 2 Brief 3. Ed 631 – I wrote a brief on a case that reviewed the
available to children and families in a constitutionality of participation fees in public education
particular school. settings.

c. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Sociological Inventory Data (+) 1. Ed 712 - I conducted a sociological inventory of my
analyze the complex causes of poverty district to identify social and cultural variables impacting
and other disadvantages and their effects my school. I reported my findings and implications of
on families, communities, children, and them to a hypothetical successor.
learning. 2. Working with Community Agencies 2. Ed 712 – I wrote a memo reporting the use of currently
used community agencies and those that are in the
ELCC Competencies
process of being used. I created an action plan to further
improve the relationships between the school and
community members in order to raise achievement and
build family school relationships.
d. Candidates demonstrate an 1. Handbook Policy Activity (+) 1. Ed 631 - I examined several policies of the student
understanding of the policies, laws, and handbook for validity into various statutes.
regulations enacted by local, state, and 2. Discussion Board Activities 2. Ed 631 – I responded to various discussion questions
federal authorities that affect schools, regarding NCLB, school searches and vouchers.
especially those that might improve
educational and social opportunities.

e. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Reflection Session #4 (+) 1. Ed 643 – This question analyzes what factors determine
describe the economic factors shaping a success and how interconnected families and schools
local community and the effects are.
economic factors have on local schools. 2. Sociological Inventory Data and 2. Ed 712 - I conducted a sociological inventory of my
Letter to Successor district to identify social and cultural variables impacting
my school. I reported my findings and implications of
them to a hypothetical successor.
3. Working with Community Agencies 3. Ed 712 – I wrote a memo reporting the use of currently
used community agencies and those that are in the
process of being used. I created an action plan to further
improve the relationships between the school and
community members in order to raise achievement and
build family school relationships.
f. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Sociological Inventory Data and (+) 1. Ed 712 - I conducted a sociological inventory of my
analyze and describe the cultural Letter to Successor district to identify social and cultural variables impacting
diversity in a school community. my school. I reported my findings and implications of
them to a hypothetical successor.

g. Candidates can describe community 1. Sociological Inventory Data and (+) 1. Ed 712 - I conducted a sociological inventory of my
norms and values and how they relate to Letter to Successor district to identify social and cultural variables impacting
the role of the school in promoting my school. I reported my findings and implications of
social justice. them to a hypothetical successor.
2. Working with Community Agencies 2. Ed 712 – I wrote a memo reporting the use of currently
used community agencies and those that are in the
ELCC Competencies
process of being used. I created an action plan to further
improve the relationships between the school and
community members in order to raise achievement and
build family school relationships.
h. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Leadership Essay (+) 1. Ed 730 – I wrote an essay that describes my vision and
explain various theories of change and beliefs on leadership and how I foresee myself as an
conflict resolution and the appropriate educational leader.
application of those models to specific 2. Leader Interview/Observation 2. Ed 730 - I interviewed an administrator to gain insight
communities. into their leadership style and vision of the school in
order to use in my own professional development.
3. Sociological Inventory Data and 3. Ed 712 - I conducted a sociological inventory of my
Letter to Successor district to identify social and cultural variables impacting
my school. I reported my findings and implications of
them to a hypothetical successor.

6.2 Respond to the Larger Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

Context 3

a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Sociological Inventory Data and (+) 1. Ed 712 - I conducted a sociological inventory of my
communicate with members of a school Letter to Successor district to identify social and cultural variables impacting
community concerning trends, issues, my school. I reported my findings and implications of
and potential changes in the them to a hypothetical successor.
environment in which the school 2. Crisis Management Report 2. Ed 712 - I produced a formal report based on the
operates, including maintenance of an preparedness of our district in various crisis situations.
ongoing dialogue with representatives Through this report, I identified areas of strength and
of diverse community groups. areas of need in working with various community
3. Working with Community Agencies 3. Ed 712 - I wrote a memo reporting the use of currently
used community agencies and those that are in the
process of being used. I created an action plan to further
improve the relationships between the school and
community members in order to raise achievement and
build family school relationships.
ELCC Competencies
4. Professional Learning Communities 4. Ed 735 – In this activity I conducted a gap analysis of
and Presentation to the School our current professional learning. I then presented my
Board findings and course of action to a mock school board
6.3 Influence the Larger Context Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Crisis Management Report (+) 1. Ed 712 - I produced a formal report based on the
engage students, parents, and other preparedness of our district in various crisis situations.
members of the community in Through this report, I identified areas of strength and
advocating for adoption of areas of need in working with various community
improved policies and laws. partnerships.
2. Check and Connect PowerPoint 2. Ed 794 – This program was implemented in the school,
and I participate in it. The goal is to raise graduation
rates for those that are at risk of dropping out.
3. Design of Collaboration Projects 3. Ed 794 – I designed a collaboration handout to share
Handouts for STEM Families with STEM parents to communicate our plans for
incorporating those students into our school.
b. Candidates apply their understanding 1. Check and Connect Program + 1. Ed 794 – This program was implemented in the school,
of the larger political, social, economic, and I participate in it. The goal is to raise graduation
legal, and cultural context to develop rates for those that are at risk of dropping out.
activities and policies that benefit 2. Staff Development 2. Ed 794 – I am assisting in the planning, implementation
students and their families. and evaluation of professional development.
Technology and mentoring are two key areas of focus.
3. Design of Collaboration Projects 3. Ed 794 – I designed a collaboration handout to share
Handouts for STEM Families with STEM parents to communicate our plans for
incorporating those students into our school.
4. Working with Community Agencies 4. Ed 712 - I wrote a memo reporting the use of currently
used community agencies and those that are in the
process of being used. I created an action plan to further
improve the relationships between the school and
community members in order to raise achievement and
build family school relationships.
ELCC Competencies
c. Candidates advocate for policies and 1. Technology Expenditures (+) 1. Ed 633 – I created a PowerPoint to justify the
programs that promote equitable PowerPoint expenditures for technology resources in schools to meet
learning opportunities and success for the needs of students and prepare them for their future.
all students, regardless of 2. RTI - A & B 2. Ed 794 – I am on the team and we have initiated various
socioeconomic background, ethnicity, activities to address student, staff, and family’s needs in
gender, disability, or other individual accordance with our vision.

Standard 7.0: Internship. The internship provides significant opportunities for candidates to synthesize and apply the knowledge and practice and develop the
skills identified in Standards 1-6 through substantial, sustained, standards-based work in real settings, planned and guided cooperatively by the institution and
school district personnel for graduate credit.
7.1 Substantial Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

a. Candidates demonstrate the ability to 1. Check & Connect Program + 1. Ed 794 – This program was implemented in the school,
accept genuine responsibility for and I participate in it. The goal is to raise graduation
leading, facilitating, and making rates for those that are at risk of dropping out. I piloted
decisions typical of those made by the program last year to serve as a reference for this
educational leaders. The experience(s) year. I led the professional development day where I
should provide interns with substantial presented a PowerPoint discussing the components of
responsibilities that increase over time the program. I led the discussion board by posting
in amount and complexity and involve notes, reading assignments, discussion questions. I also
direct interaction and involvement with wrap up the discussion by paraphrasing key points and
staff, students, parents, and community responding to individual posts.
leaders. 2. RTI – A & B 2. Ed 794 - I am on the team and we have initiated various
activities to address student, staff, and family’s needs in
accordance with our vision. I have designed and
implemented the plans for signage throughout
classrooms, locker bays, team areas, and the commons.
3. STEM & 21st Century Skills 3. Ed 794 - I designed a collaboration handout to share
Training with STEM parents to communicate our plans for
incorporating those students into our school. I am
piloting the use of Active Boards and Voters as a way to
bring in 21st Century Skills. I am an active participant in
ELCC Competencies
creating various activities that focus on cross curricular
activities and 21st century skills that are shared with the
rest of the staff.
4. Professional Development Team 4. Ed 794 – As a part of the P.D. team I help plan and
implement activities for weekly meetings and
professional development days.
5. 4MAT Survey 5. Ed 794 – I created a handout for teachers that
highlighted the learning styles of 4Mat and how they
inform classroom practices and student achievement.
The handout also included where students can go to take
the survey. I created a schedule for staff to bring their
OH to various locations to take the survey and provided
them with a condensed handout for students to record
their scores to be shared at the next conference.
6. Student Schedule 6. Ed 794 - I assisted with the scheduling of 8th and 10th
grade students and handled schedule changes. I also
assisted in creating the master schedule for our building.

b. Each candidate should have a 1. Practicum Contract + 1. Ed 794 – I developed the contract as a guide for my
minimum of six months (or equivalent, practicum experience. My advisor approved such
see note below) of fulltime internship contract and I am now in the final stages of my
experience. practicum. I will be finished at the end of November.
2. Daily Reflection Log 2. Ed 794 – I created a daily log of my hours and
experiences reflecting on the various tasks of my
practicum. It includes dates, times, activities, and
7.2 Sustained Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

a. Candidates participate in planned 1. Practicum Contract + 1. Ed 794 – I developed the contract as a guide for my
intern activities during the entire course practicum experience. My advisor approved such
of the program, including an extended contract and I am now in the final stages of my
period of time near the conclusion of the practicum. I will be finished at the end of November.
program to allow for candidate 2. Daily Reflection Log
ELCC Competencies
application of knowledge and skills on a 2. Ed 794 – I created a daily log of my hours and
full-time basis. experiences reflecting on the various tasks of my
practicum. It includes dates, times, activities, and
3. Practicum Reflection Paper reflection.
3. Ed 794 – I am in the final stages of my practicum and
have my paper up to my most current state of my
practicum. I reflect on my experiences and growth that
have taken shape in part to the support and mentorship
of my administration.
7.3 Standards-based Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

a. Candidates apply skills and 1. Practicum Contract + 1. Ed 794 – I developed the contract as a guide for my
knowledge articulated in these standards practicum experience. The areas that I chose to work on
as well as state and local standards for were based on areas of need based on my reflection of
educational leaders. my in-basket exercise from Ed 345 and this grid.

b. Experiences are designed to 1. Practicum Contract + 1. Ed 794 – I developed the contract as a guide for my
accommodate candidates’ individual practicum experience. The areas that I chose to work on
needs. were based on areas of need based on my reflection of
my in-basket exercise from Ed 345 and this grid.

7.4 Real Settings Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

a. Candidates’ experiences occur in 1. Daily Reflection Log + 1. Ed 794 – I created a daily log of my hours and
multiple settings that allow for the experiences reflecting on the various tasks of my
demonstration of a wide range of practicum. It includes dates, times, activities, and
relevant knowledge and skills. reflection.
2. Check & Connect Program 2. Ed 794 – This program was implemented in the school,
and I participate in it. The goal is to raise graduation
rates for those that are at risk of dropping out. I piloted
the program last year to serve as a reference for this
year. I led the professional development day where I
presented a PowerPoint discussing the components of
ELCC Competencies
the program. I led the discussion board by posting
notes, reading assignments, discussion questions. I also
wrap up the discussion by paraphrasing key points and
responding to individual posts.
3. RTI – A & B 3. Ed794 - I am on the team and we have initiated various
activities to address student, staff, and family’s needs in
accordance with our vision. I have designed and
implemented the plans for signage throughout
classrooms, locker bays, team areas, and the commons.
4. STEM & 21st Century Skills 4. Ed 794 - I designed a collaboration handout to share
Training with STEM parents to communicate our plans for
incorporating those students into our school. I am
piloting the use of Active Boards and Voters as a way to
bring in 21st Century Skills. I am an active participant in
creating various activities that focus on cross curricular
activities and 21st century skills that are shared with the
rest of the staff.
5. Professional Development Team 5. Ed 794 – As a part of the P.D. team I help plan and
implement activities for weekly meetings and
professional development days.
6. 4MAT Survey 6. Ed 794 – I created a handout for teachers that
highlighted the learning styles of 4Mat and how they
inform classroom practices and student achievement.
The handout also included where students can go to take
the survey. I created a schedule for staff to bring their
OH to various locations to take the survey and provided
them with a condensed handout for students to record
their scores to be shared at the next conference.
7. Student Schedule 7. Ed 794 - I assisted with the scheduling of 8th and 10th
grade students and handled schedule changes. I also
assisted in creating the master schedule for our building.

b. Candidates’ experiences include work 1. STEM Planning Meeting (+) 1. Ed 794 – We met with an Engineer Professor at NDSU
with appropriate community to discuss possible opportunities to utilize NDSU or
students for projects.
ELCC Competencies
organizations such as social service 2. Counselor Meetings 2. Ed 794 – I have worked with the counselors in
groups and local businesses. organizing materials with community organizations to be
utilized by students and families
3. RTI – B Signage 3. Ed 794 – I helped to organize and prepare the signage to
be printed local businesses and the graphics team in the
7.5 Planned and Guided Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments
Cooperatively 4

a. Candidates’ experiences are planned 1. Practicum contract + 1. Ed 794 – I developed the contract as a guide for my
cooperatively by the individual, the site practicum experience. My advisor approved such
supervisor, and institution personnel to contract and I am now in the final stages of my
provide inclusion of appropriate practicum. I will be finished at the end of November.
opportunities to apply skills, knowledge, 2. Practicum Reflection Paper 2. Ed 794 – I am in the final stages of my practicum and
and research contained in the standards. have my paper up to my most current state of my
These three individuals work together to practicum. I reflect on my experiences and growth that
meet candidate and program needs. have taken shape in part to the support and mentorship
of my administration.
b. Mentors are provided training to 1. Practicum Reflection Log + 1. Ed 794 – I created a daily log of my hours and
guide the candidate during the intern experiences reflecting on the various tasks of my
experience. practicum. It includes dates, times, activities, and
2. Practicum Reflection Paper 2. Ed 794 – I am in the final stages of my practicum and
have my paper up to my most current state of my
practicum. I reflect on my experiences and growth that
have taken shape in part to the support and mentorship
of my administration.
7.6 Credit Portfolio Evidence Self Score Comments

a. Candidates earn graduate credit for 1. Transcript Grade ⊕ 1. This is my unofficial academic transcript which shows
their intern experiences. my grade and credit for the final class.
ELCC Competencies

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