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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Sede Ibarra

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Sede Ibarra
FCE “Communication” ENGLISH COURSE


Student’s name: Eliana Peñafiel, Sebastián García

Date: 21/02/22


Page 2-3

1. Unexpectedly (adv.)
Meaning: In a way that is surprising or unforeseen.
Example: One of her friends passed away unexpectedly this
Translation: inesperadamente

2. Punches (n.)
Meaning: to give a sharp thrust or blow to,
especially with the fist.
Example: The boxer punches well.
Translation: puñetazos

Page 4-5
3. Easygoing (adj.)
Meaning: Calm and unworried; relaxed and rather casual.
Example: an easygoing person.
Translation: tranquilo
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Sede Ibarra

4. Outgoing (adj.)
Meaning: Interested in and responsive to others;
friendly; sociable.
Example: an outgoing personality.
Translation: extrovertido

5. Trustworthy (adj.)
Meaning: Deserving of trust or confidence; dependable;
Example: The treasurer was not entirely trustworthy.
Translation: Confiable

6. Polite (adj.)
Meaning: Showing good manners toward others
Example: a polite reply
Translation: cortés

7. Sharing (n.)
Meaning: The practice of giving specific users access to
digital documents or other online content.
Example: The facebook user is sharing the post.
Translation: intercambio

8. Apologize (v.)
Meaning: To offer an apology or excuse for some fault,
insult, failure, or injury
Example: He apologized for accusing her falsely
Translation: disculparse

Page 6-7
9. Encourages (v.)
Meaning: To inspire with courage, spirit, or confidence.
Example: His coach encouraged him throughout the
marathon race to keep on running.
Translation: alentar
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Sede Ibarra

10. Forbid (v.)

Meaning: to prohibit (something); make a rule or law against.
Example: to forbid smoking.
Translation: prohibir

11. Groceries (n.)

Meaning: merchandise, esp foodstuffs, sold by a grocer.
Example: That store has fresh groceries.
Translation: comestibles

12. Spouses (n.)

Meaning: a husband or wife, considered in relation to their
Example: Employees and their spouses are covered by the
health plan
Translation: esposos

13. Sweetheart (n.)

Meaning: a person with whom someone is having a romantic
Example:The pair were childhood sweethearts"
Translation: Cariño, novio, encanto

14. Schedule (n.)

Meaning: a plan for carrying out a process or procedure,
giving lists of intended events and times.
Example: We have drawn up an engineering schedule
Translation: Calendario

15. Reliable (n.)

Meaning: a person or thing with trustworthy qualities.
Example:The supporting cast includes old reliables like
Translation: seguro, de confianza
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Sede Ibarra

Page 8-9

16. Sooner (adv.)

Meaning:in or after a short time.
Example:Everyone will soon know the truth
Translation: Cuanto antes

17. Otherwise (adv.)

Meaning: in circumstances different from those present or
considered; or else.
Example:The collection brings visitors who might not come
to the college otherwise
Translation: De lo contrario

Page 10-11

18. Meaningless (adj.)

Meaning: having no meaning or significance.
Example: The paragraph was a jumble of meaningless
Translation: Sin sentido

19. Hopeless (adj.)

Meaning: feeling or causing despair about something.
Example: Jessica looked at him in mute hopeless appeal
Translation: Sin esperanza

20. Stashed (v.)

Meaning: store (something) safely and secretly in a
specified place.
Example: Their wealth had been stashed away in Swiss
Translation: escondido
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Sede Ibarra

Page 12-13

21. Lazy (adj.)

Meaning: unwilling to work or use energy.
Example: He was too lazy to cook

22. Brains (n.)

Meaning: an organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the
skull of vertebrates, functioning as the coordinating center of
sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.
Example: Scientists are learning more about how the human
brain works.
Translation: sesos

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