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1. Unhappy marriage (Judson and Mabel Webb )

2. Revenge (Judson Webb)
3. Justice (Judson Webb, Mabel Webb)
4. Humanity (Judson Webb (doesn't have), Mabel Webb)
5. Crime and punishment (Judson Webb, a thief)


Theme/Character Example Effect

Unhappy marriage "Not even his wife was These lines show us that
● Judson and Mabel Judson doesn't trust his
allowed to have a key, for
Webb wife, so they are not really
Judson Webb loved his close. In their dialogue it is
obvious that Judson doesn't
personal possessions and
listen to Mabel: he has his
became furious if they were own opinion and this opinion
is only one right.
touched by any hand but his

Revenge “Whoever broke into my Judson decides to take

● Judson Webb closet last winter and stole revenge. Someone broke
my liquor will probably try it into his house last winter, so
again once we are out of he wants to kill a thief by
here deadly drink.

Justice “When it comes to I think that for Judson Webb

● Judson Webb protecting my property, I justice is something that he
make my own laws.” creates himself. If someone
does something to Webb's
property that will be fair to
make his own decision on
the punishment.

● Mabel Webb the law doesn`t

punish She thinks that it is unfair to
poison a person just
burglary by death; so what
because he has stolen
right have you………?” something, especially liquor.
Death penalty is a
punishment for super
serious crimes.

Humanity “the law doesn`t punish She doesn't want someone

● Mabel Webb burglary by death; so what to be killed and doesn't want
right have you………?” to be connected to such a
"“But all they did was to crime. For her to kill a
steal a little liquor,” she person is not okay.
pleaded, “probably some She wants kind of saving
boys off on a lark. They this person from death
didn’t do any real damage.”"

● Judson Webb "“The law doesn`t call it Judson guesses that it is

murder if I shoot a thief who alright to kill a man if this
is entering my house by person has touched his
force,”" personal possessions. He
excuses himself with laws.

Crime and punishment "A small whiskey glass was This man was about to do
● Judson Webb pressed to Judson`s lips. something really bad. He
Dazed and half-conscious made a deadly drink to
he drank." poison a thief with rat poison
but in the end he drunk it

● A thief “Whoever broke into my Someone committed a

closet last winter and stole crime, he stole the Webb's
my liquor will probably try it liquor, so Judson made a
again once we are out of punishment for this person,
here he made a deadly drink.


I had a great chance to watch a video which was made by students. It was based on
"Ruthless" by William de Mille, where last winter someone broke into Judson Webb's closet
and stole his liquor, so he decides to poison the whiskey and leave it for a thief to kill him,
but in the end he drinks this deadly drink himself.
Actors are trying to tell us the story with some little differences but it doesn't affect the plot.
The length of the video is 4:38, so it is as short as a story is and doesn't take too much time
to watch.
Actually, I was shocked. The video is really terrible. The acting is very amateur. It looks
super unnatural. The dialogues are too wooden. Moreover, it was easy to notice that the guy
who plays the main role is reading his text from a paper.
The whole thing is unconvincing and just bad. That's why I don't recommend watching it to
anyone, but if you want to have such an experience, you are welcome.


I guess that Mabel is really patient. We might think that she always listens to her husband
who is a ruthless person. She may be helping and organized, responsible and clever. So,
that's why I suppose that both Self and Social Awareness and both Self and Social Skills are
well-developed. She probably has time-management skills, networking skills and conflict
resolution skills.
I don't think that it is quite fair what happened to Mr. Webb because, in my opinion, people
should be punished by special services not just accidentally even if he really was guilty. But,
anyways, I am strongly believed that the proverb 'Curses like chickens come home to roost'
perfectly fits the story. Never do bad things and they will never happen to you. I really think
that it is a great moral in this text. Jodson Webb was trying to kill a thief due to saving his
personal possessions but he was poisoned by his deadly drink instead by accident while
the thief didn't steal something important.

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