Astro Exam

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1. Which house placement of sun is very bad for having good relationship with father
a. Kendras
b. Trines - 9th House
c. Ascendant
d. 8th house
2. Which house placement of moon can make the person fond of liquid food
a. 1st house
b. 2nd house
c. 12th house
d. 10th house
3. What is the significance of Mars placement in 6th house
a. Very fond of study
b. Good placement for defeating the enemies
c. Will be very angry
d. Good for spiritual pursuit
4. Which planet’s aspect on the 5th house can be dangerous for native’s child
a. Jupiter
b. Mercury
c. Saturn
d. Mars
5. Which planet is best in the 1st house for intelligence and good health in life
a. Mars
b. Jupiter
c. Moon
d. Rahu
6. Which house placement of Saturn will be not good for siblings
a. 3rd house
b. 7th house
c. 10th house
d. 12th house
7. Which is the best house for rahu to move the native to the foreign land
a. 1st house
b. 10th house
c. 12th house
d. 11th house
8. Which is the planet which is considered best in 12th house
a. Jupiter
b. Venus
c. Rahu
d. Saturn
9. In which house with Jupiter with ketu is Mokshakarka
a. 10th
b. 12
c. 4th
d. 7th
10. According to bhavat bhavam which is the house for the divorce or loss of spouse
a. 12th
b. 6th
c. 1th
d. 4th
11. What is “Karak bhav Nasham” rule. Please explain in 100 words.
Karak Bhav Nasham means if the karak is placed in it’s own sign is not considered as a good
placement, as it destroys the house which is represented by the same. It is also said that if it is placed in
it’s house of significator it also destroys the result of that house. For Eg: Jupiter placed in 5th House, Sun
placed in 9th house and Mars placed in 3rd house shall give challenges or issues related to relationships.

12. Which is the bhavat bhavam house for the 5th house
a. 1st house
b. 9th house
c. 3rd house
d. 7th house
13. What happens when the 1st lord will be in 8th house in a enemy sign
a. The person will be very good in health
b. The health of the person will suffer
c. Mother’s health will be poor
d. Brother’s health will be poor
14. The native will earn through creative arts and profession if the 2nd lord will move to
a. 7th house
b. 8th house
c. 3rd house
d. 4th house
15. If the 3rd lord will go to the 10th house the native will
a. Earn through his own means and will be self made
b. He will be dependent on others for living
c. The mother of the person will be enemy of native
d. He will move to foreign land
16. If the lord of 4th house is in 4th house
a. He will have poor relationship with mother
b. Will be a poor man
c. Will be happy man with all the pleasures
d. Will become a doctor
17. Which one of these will be best placement of 5th house
a. 8th house
b. 12th house
c. 3rd house
d. 5th house
18. If the lord of 6th house is sitting in kendra then
a. It will increase the power of that kendra
b. It will spoil the power of that kendra
c. Can’t say
d. It will give best results there
19. 7th lord in the 8th house and afflicted then
a. The spouse will be very beautiful
b. The spouse will be in problem and will have disease
c. The native will be working in foreign
d. The spouse will come with wealth
20. 8 lord in 12th house

a. Will be good because it is in “vipreejt rajyog’

b. A very bad placement
c. The native will be very religious
d. None of the above
21. 9 house lord in the 8th house then

a. The native will be very fortunate

b. The mother will be sick
c. The native will share poor relationship with father
d. All the three
22. What is gajkesari yoga
a. Venus and Moon in kendra with each other
b. Exalted Saturn with Jupiter in the kendra
c. Jupiter in the kendra from moon
d. Mars in the lagna
23. Which of the planet forms Hans panchmahapurush yoga
a. Jupiter
b. Mars
c. Saturn
d. Mercury
24. If there is no planets in the 1st and 12th house from Moon,then which yoga is formed
a. Gajkesri yoga
b. Chaamar Yoga
c. Kemudrum Yoga
d. Sunfa yoga
25. Which planets should have a malefic impact or should be in either 6,8,12 houses to become a
a. Jupiter
b. Mars
c. Sun,Moon
d. Saturn,Rahu
26. Which planet should have a relationship with 10th house or lagna and lagna lord to become a
a. Mars
b. Saturn
c. Rahu
d. Jupiter
27. Out of the combination which combination is responsible for making a lawyer
a. Jupiter and Saturn
b. Mars and Budh
c. Venus- moon
d. Saturn-sun

28. What is “D” in PACDARES

a. Deblitation
b. Density
c. Dhan yoga
d. Dhurdhara yoga

1. What is the significance of Karaka in vedic jyotish. Please explain the karaka of each house
with reason. Please explain “Karka bhav nasham” in short.
Every planet is the karaka for certain events in life. It Signifies the occurrence of events in the
Mahadasha/ antar dasha of the planets. karaka of each house is as follows :-
1. 1st House - Ascendant - Sun - Father, King, Body, nature, complexion, kendra, char rashi
2. 2nd House - Dhan sthan - Jupiter - family, speech, vision, wealth, death,
3. 3rd house - younger siblings - Mars - intelligence, throat, ears, courage, relatives, house of
4. 4th House - Mother House - Moon - Char rashi, house of property, vehicles, education, general
5. 5th House - House of Children - Jupiter - Trikon Rashi - Fame, children, poorvapunya, faith in
God, love relationships, emotions
6. 6th House - House of Debts - Saturn - Disease, debts, enemies, mental affliction, Mama sthan
7. 7th House - House of partnership - Venus - House of spouse, partnership in business, marital
8. 8th House - Ayu sthan - Saturn - Longevity, sudden gains, parental property
9. 9th House - Dharm sthan - sun - Father, bhagya sthan, guru, travel
10. 10th house - karma - Jupiter - profession, karma, knowledge, honour, travel
11. 11th House - elder brother/sister - Jupiter - house of gains, friends, freedom from misery
12. 12th House - Moksha - loss, moksha, expenditure, hospital bills, feet.


Sun - Father,political position/ success, fame, government

Moon - Mother, mind, politeness, property, assets, cold, silver
Mars - Brother, sister, litigation, physical strength,weapon, accident, bravery
Mercury - Intelligence, communication, maternal Uncles , business , education
Jupiter - Guru, happiness, religious, wisdom, honour, teacher, children
Venus - Pati/ Patni aur Woh...Husband, wife, sexual pleasure, music, art and creativity, family, jewelry
Saturn - Longevity, sorrow, servant, livelihood, dishonour, karma phal, past deeds
Rahu - unexpected gains, pilgrimage, ancestors, poision, illusions
Ketu - Moksha, maternal grand father, leprosy

Karak Bhav Nasham means if the karak is placed in it’s own sign is not considered as a good placement,
as it destroys the house which is represented by the same. It is also said that if it is placed in it’s house of
significator it also destroys the result of that house. For Eg: Jupiter placed in 5th House, Sun placed in
9th house and Mars placed in 3rd house shall give challenges or issues related to relationships.

2. What is maran karak. Please explain in which houses are considered as maran karak for all
the planets. What happens if 9th lord sun in maran karak sthana.
Maran Karak sthan means maraka sthan. A particular house where the planets are placed in a weak
state and are functionless. As those planets are ill placed in the birth chart.

1. Saturn - 1st House is markesh for shani as it is the house of physical health, over all fortune.
Shani signifies Death, sins and disease, cleanser of past karmas,truth, disciplines. therefore, it’s
uncomfortable in 1st house and fails to give good results.

2. Venus - 6th house for venus is marak, as venus is a planet of romance, creativity, love , luxury,
happiness. whereas 6th house represents disease, debts, which makes shukar uncomfortable.
anyone with venus in 6th house suffers in a relationship as it’s a marak sthan for the same.

3. Mars - 7th House for Mangal is a marak sthan as 7th house is a house of spouse , marriage, sex
and partnership and karka of that house is venus and mars is a planet represents Military, war ,
aggresive in nature. So it gives ill result in 7th house during it’s dasha and antardasha as Mars
cannot do romance.

4. Mercury - 7th house is maran kark for mercury as 7th house represents, marriage , intimacy and
romance. whereas mercury is a planet of learning, business, communication and Mercury is a
neutral planet or a Nepunsak Graha. Mercury is considered youngest among all planets so won’t
understand romance therefore it’s not comfortable in 7th house.

5. Moon - 8th house is maran karak for Moon as Moon is all about mind and emotions and 8th
house is considered as a house of death, occult science, seperation. Therfore, moon becomes
very uncomfortable in the 8th house. And ashtham Chandra is not considered good.

6. Jupiter - 3rd house is maran karak for Jupiter as 3rd house represents siblings, courage, activity
as it’s a house of parikrama and mars is the karak of 3rd house whereas Jupiter is a planet of
teaching, spirituality, learning. Therefore, Jupiter cannot hold weapon and it’s becomes
uncomfortable in the 3rd house.
7. Rahu - 9th house is maran karak for rahu as 9th house is a house of karma, father, spirituality
and rahu represents illusion, materialistic gains as Rahu is a planet of immorality so it’s not
comfortable in the 9th house

8. Sun - 12th house is maran karak sthan for sun as Sun is considered as king, father in astrology
and 12th house represents, jail, ill health, loss so Sun is not considered good in 12th house as
King cannot give away his kingdom therefore problems related to health, profession as seen if
sun is in 12 th house.

If 9th house lord is in marak sthan for sun it’s 12th house the person will have losses, will be a
spendthrift, can become poor and no good relationship with father. believes in entertaining guest.

3. What are the main combination to become a doctor and CA ? can you explain these concept
with the following details 4.06.1971 10.49 am Kanpur(UP). Will he be a doctor or CA. explain
with concept.

For Doctor - 5th house (education) and 10th house (karma), 6th house of disease and 12th
house of hospital , 9th house bhagya and for money 2nd and 11th house can make a person
doctor. Moon, sun, jupiter are the planets responsible to make a doctor.

For CA - Mercury and Jupiter are the primary planets aspecting 10th house/ L . Mercury is for
accounts and Jupiter is for Funds.

With the birth chirt the person should be a CA as mercury is in 10th house and jupiter in 4th
house aspecting mercury and visa versa. when 2nd, 6th, 10th 12th houses in kundli are put
together a CA is made and as we can see the chart moon is placed in the second house,mars
and rahu in 6th house, mercury, shani and sun in 10th house and ketu in 12th house. As the
5th lord of education is in the 4th house which is aspecting 10th house. and 6th and 10th
house represents audit and taxation.

therefore, for me person should be a CA

4. If in any chart of Scorpion(vrishchika) lagna, mangal is in the 7th house what will be the

If Mangal is in 7th house for scorpio ascendant it will make a person manglik and since
lagna lord in kendra will make a person powerful but mars in the 7th house is not
considered good for a married life there is a violence in married life. Also Mars in kendra
makes a Ruchak Yoga which is considered auspicious. it is formed if mars is placed in 1st,
4th, 7th or 10th houses char rashis. Person will be very famous and intelligent , full of
energy. Since Mars in 7th also makes a person manglik therefore it is advised for a
person to marry a person who is also a manglik.

Horoscope Analysis:35 Marks. Compulsory to attempt.

Please analyze this horoscope

DOB: 19.01.1994
Time: 7.05 PM
Place: Rajgarh (Dhar)

Please analyze on the following point.

● Please explain the overall life taking into consideration all the houses. Starting
from 1st house to 12th. Please explain the role of all the planets for the native.
● What should be the profession of the native. Is she still working and in which
status. Do you see any self earned money or is she dependent.
● When should she marry ideally ? What could be the timings of child birth if any.
Do you see any spiritual growth in the chart.
● How is the current time for the native. Predict the next 7 years covering health,
family life, wealth and career.
● Do you see any Rajyoga or dhanyoga in the chart ? Please explain.

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