Techlog Fundamentals Course Exercises

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Techlog Fundamentals Course Exercises (1 day)

Module 1: Create a new Techlog project “My First Techlog Project”

In this exercise, you create a Techlog project.

1. In the Techlog main window, select Project > New to open the New project wizard.
2. Enter the appropriate information: Project name, Project unit system, Project location and
Description fields.

Module 2: Import Data

In this module, you will load the next files:

Import Log data with .dlis format

1. Read the files Well1.dlis, Well2.dlis, Well3.dlis, Well4.dlis and Well9.dlis into Techlog
and just import all the datasets named DATAFULL and Remove the underscore (_) in the
dataset DATAFULL in Well 2.4

Import Deviation Survey

2. Import the files Well1.las, Well2.las, Well3.las, Well4.las and Well9.las into Techlog.

Import Stratigraphy from a txt file

3. Import the ZONES.txt file for Well1, Well2, Well3, Well4, and Well9.

Import a CSV spreadsheet

4. From the folder \Techlog_2014\Exercises\04 CSV import the next files:

Import core images (.png and .jpg)

5. Navigate to the folder \Techlog_2014\05 Core images PNG/ Well9/Daylight and import
all files.

6. Navigate to the image folder \Techlog_2014\06 Core Images TIF/Well9/UV and import
all files.

Import Log Data .xml Format

7. From the Folder \Techlog_2014\07 XML.xml Import the next XML files:

Export data from the DATAFULL dataset

8. Export (LAS 2.0 format) the Caliper (CAL), Gamma ray (GAMM), Density (DENS),
Neutron porosity (NEUT), and Compressional slowness (SONI) data from the
DATAFULL dataset for the wells 1, 2, 3, 4, and 9 that you loaded into your project.
However, you export only ZoneD data. Add a note on the header of the well.

Individual Exercises: Import Data

Import the TOPS file

1. From the folder \Techlog_2014\Exercises\01 Import Exercise\ 01 Import various text
configurations import the next files:

Import formation pressure data

2. For well 10, Import the Formation Pressure.csv file from Techlog_2014\Exercises\01
Import Exercise\02 Tables and spreadsheets. Notice that at 7,587m, the depth is repeated
twice, it means that two stations were taken at this depth.

Import a thin section analysis table

3. From the folder \Techlog_2014\Exercises\01 Import Exercise\02 Table and
spreadsheets\, import the file Thin section analysis.csv for Well 60.

Import Images
4. Import all the .tif files from the folder \Techlog_2014\Exercises\01 Import Exercise\03
Example images\

Import data with the same name

5. From de Folder \Techlog_2014\Exercises\01 Import Exercise\04 Well identification
solver\ import the next files into the Project:

Import time data

6. Import the file 1_Well9_DateTime.las from the
\Techlog_2014\Exercises\01 Import Exercise\05 Time data folder

Import xml data

9. Import the files from folder Techlog_2015_Fundamentals_Dataset\Exercises\03 Depth
shift, Splice, Variable processing.

Module 3: Variable and families management

1. Create a Log Quality Control (LQC) dataset, using the DATAFULL variables with next
curves for Well1:

2. In the dataset DATAFULL, some curves are not assigned to a family and units. Assign a
correct family to the variables C_PHI (Core Porosity) y v/v units using filters.

and CKK (Core Permeability) y mD units using the Query rename tool with the next

3. Edit the Gamma Ray Display properties as follow:

2. Import the FamiliesProjectList.csv file as Project:

Module 4: Reference management

In this exercise, you compute the TVD from deviation survey data for the Wells 1, 2, 3, 4, and 9.
You also create the Index dataset.

1. Select Data > Techdata > Reference and coordinates >TVD computation and
Configure as:

2. To change the elevation reference, go to the True Vertical Depth Properties window and
enter KB as the Default elevation property.

3. To be sure that the Index dataset covers all the intervals, right-click in Well1 cell of the
Total depth column and select Use the property ‘Total_depth’ of all the wells to get
the correct TD values to be created.

4. Click on Apply
5. Compute TVD for “WELL_A” (Import data from
Module 4: Log view

1. Create the next template for the Well 9 using the DATAFULL dataset:

Track Track Track Track Track Track Track Track

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2. Save as:
 MyTemplate
 Layout_Well9

3. Apply MyTemplate to other wells (Well3, Well4) in the same layout:

4. Create the zones “MYZONES” for well 4 and correlate for Well3 (Global zonation,
Markers or Interactive selection tool).

5. Optional: Print the layout as pdf:

Drilling Events:
1. Using the Patters/Symbols tool, import the images at the project level (from the folder

2. Insert the following events:

Module 4: Depth shifting tool and variables splice tool

1. For Well4, Drag GAMM data from RUN2 and RUN3 into a LogView layout.
2. Select the two gamma ray curves in the layout. Select the curve to shift (RUN_3 GAMM)
and select the reference curve (RUN_2 GAMM).
3. Right-click and select Depth shift window.
4. To insert a depth shift line, press Shift and click the mouse.
5. Graphically adjust the anchor bar in track 2 so that the two logs line up together in track

6. Save the depth shift table.

7. In the Project browser, select the dataset RUN3, right-click and select Apply one depth
shift table on the reference.

8. Enter _Shifted as a suffix and click OK.

9. Splice the logs from RUN1, RUN2, RUN3_Shifted, RUN4, using the Variables splice


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