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International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 94 (2019) 24–28

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Bond integrity of cross laminated timber from Acacia mangium wood as T

affected by adhesive types, pressing pressures and loading direction
Norwahyuni Mohd Yusofa, Paridah Md Tahira,b,∗, Adlin Sabrina Muhammad Roseleya,b,
Lee Seng Huaa,∗∗, Juliana Abdul Halipa,c, Redzuan Mohammad Suffian Jamesa, Zaidon Ashaarib
Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Faculty of Technology Management and Business, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia


Keywords: Cross laminated timber (CLT) was fabricated from Acacia mangium wood by using phenol resorcinol for-
A. adhesive for wood maldehyde (PRF) and one component polyurethane (PUR) as binders. The purpose of the study was to evaluate
A. phenolic the bond integrity of A. mangium CLT produced using different working parameters. The assemblies were pressed
B. wood and wood composites at 30 °C for 30 min using three pressing pressures (0.9 N/mm2, 1.2 N/mm2, and 1.5 N/mm2). Delamination and
D. delamination
block shear tests were conducted on the CLT according to European Standards, EN 391 and EN 392, respectively.
The results revealed that PRF-bonded CLT experienced lower percent delamination compared to that bonded
with one component PUR. It appears that a higher clamping pressure i.e. 1.5 N/mm2, is needed to sufficiently
bond A. mangium lumbers as indicated by a marked increase in bond shear strength with an increase of pressing
pressure. PRF was found to be a more superior adhesive than PUR irrespective of cramping pressure and loading
direction. A. mangium wood is relatively dense thus requires quite high pressure, 1.5 N/mm2, irrespective of
adhesive used. PRF appears to bond A. mangium wood better compared to PUR with shear bond strength of 21%
and wood failure percentage of 220% higher.

1. Introduction and width of ≥3 m. Typically, temperate softwood lumber is used to

manufacture CLT. With an exception of a study by Hamdan et al. [2]
A typical cross laminated timber (CLT) is made from lamellae of who used sesenduk (Endospermum spp) in CLT, very little information
lumbers which are bonded on top of one another in a perpendicular can be found for CLT made from other tropical hardwoods.
direction using a polymer adhesive. The resulting alternating grain di- A. mangium is the main planted forest species in Malaysia. It is one
rections give CLT strength and stiffness in two directions, making it of the most popular fast-growing wood species in the tropics owing to
suitable for primary structural material in multi-storey construction its good mechanical properties and suitability for laminated product
such as two-way spanning slabs, walls, and diaphragms. CLT falls [3]. The density of A. mangium ranges from 290 kg/m³ to as high as
within the “mass timber” family of engineered wood products, along- 675 kg/m³ depending on the age, location and parts where the sampling
side glued-laminated timber (glulam) which has been widely used in was done [4]. Owing to its highly refractory nature, A. mangium is re-
buildings for decades. According to Van De Kuilen et al. [1], con- latively difficult to dry with tangential and radial shrinkages averaging
struction using mass timber building systems has become more popular 6.4% and 2.7% respectively [5]. Its movement in service is classified as
due to various sustainability advantages and benefits in terms of the medium. Lumber from this species has been classified under strength
speed and ease with which CLT buildings can be constructed particu- group SG5-SG6 (modulus of elasticity at green condition ranged from
larly in congested urban centres (North American, Austria, Germany, 6700 to 8800 N/mm2) of the Malaysian timber strength classes.
Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Switzerland, Ireland, Sweden, and Both strength and movement of wood are closely related to the bond
United Kingdom). CLT is formed in a similar way to glue-laminated. integrity of laminated structure consequently influencing the types of
Usually, CLT panels are produced with 3, 5, 7 or more layers with a adhesive to be used. There are several types of adhesives that have been
maximum thickness of approximately 500 mm, length of ≥16–20 m used for structural adhesives and dominating the current industry

Corresponding author. Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (P. Md Tahir), (S.H. Lee).

Available online 23 May 2019

0143-7496/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Mohd Yusof, et al. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 94 (2019) 24–28

include phenol resorcinol formaldehyde (PRF), polyurethane (PUR), Table 1

melamine urea formaldehyde (MUF) and emulsion polymer isocyanate Criteria used for lumber selection.
(EPI). The selection of a suitable adhesive depends very much on the Group Criteria
species of wood. Hamdan et al. [2] used phenol resorcinol for-
maldehyde (PRF) to bond CLT from tropical wood due to its structural A Free from defects and good appearance
B Contain small amount of defects such as knots, ripple marks, fuzzy grain
capabilities in bonding for outdoor applications. While Frangi et al. [6]
used melamine urea formaldehyde (MUF) to bond CLT from temperate
wood at lower costs and shorter hardening times. They also used
polyurethane (PUR), a fast ambient temperature curing adhesive, which layer A. mangium CLT boards were fabricated by arranging each lumber
offers a broad range of application possibilities. Furthermore, PUR is on top of each other with the second layer in a perpendicular direction
simple to use, it does not require any premixing and most importantly, to the face and back layers as shown in Fig. 1. The adhesive spread rate
it is a formaldehyde free adhesive. was set at 150 g/m2 for both PRF and PUR. Using a compressive ma-
The integrity of a wood-adhesive bond is of particular importance to chine, the assemblies were subjected to three pressing pressures, 0.9 N/
the manufacturers and end users of glued products. This property can mm2, 1.2 N/mm2, and 1.5 N/mm2, and retained under pressure at room
be measured using a shear block test which gives the shear strength of temperature for more than 30 min. Then the laminated panels were
the bonded wood as well as estimated wood failure percentages. The conditioned at 65 ± 5% RH and 20 ± 2 °C for 2 weeks prior to cutting
latter measurement is particularly important as it indicates the extent of into specimens of size 90 × 90 × 60 mm for delamination testing.
bonding which has occurred within the wood, interface, boundary
layers and adhesive. In the delamination test, water is forced to pene- 2.2.2. Shear block test specimen preparation
trate into the glued specimens which consequently causes substantial The shear block test specimens were prepared by gluing two layers
swelling in wood cells. In the course of being dried, the wood shrinks of 400 mm long x 30 mm wide x 20 mm thick lumbers with grain par-
and experiences considerable mechanical stresses in the glue lines. allel to each other. PRF and PUR were used as binders and pressing
Poorly made joints cannot withstand such stresses thus open glue lines pressures were set at either 0.9 N/mm2, 1.2 N/mm2, or 1.5 N/mm2 at
appear at the edges of the bonded surfaces. This is known as “delami- 30 °C. After being conditioned at 65 ± 5% RH and 20 ± 2 °C for 2
nation” which is usually more prominent at end joints because of weeks, each two-layer laminated lumber was cut into seven pieces of
greater penetration of water into the transverse of the wood. The extent 50 mm-long sections. The block shear specimens were prepared by
of both bonding shear and delamination are significantly influenced by shaving off 5 mm from the ends of the joints for shear testing parallel to
wood species as the rate of permeability, absorption, wettability, the grain and from the edges of the joints for shear testing perpendi-
movement and density differ amongst species; other factors include cular to the grain (Fig. 2).
types of adhesive, compression pressure, grain direction of the face
layers, and wood-adhesive compatibility. This study evaluates the 2.2.3. Delamination test
bonding integrity of A. mangium Cross Laminated Lumber (CLT) bonded The 3-layer Acacia CLT with dimensions of 90 × 90 × 60 mm were
with PRF and PUR adhesives under different pressing pressures and subjected to delamination testing according to BS EN 391:2002 [7] for
loading directions. Glued Laminated Timber (delamination test of glue lines) method ‘B’.
Three specimens were tested for each adhesive type and pressing
2. Materials and methods pressure with a total of 18 specimens. The specimens were placed in a
pressure vessel and submerged in water at ambient temperature. Then a
2.1. Materials vacuum of 60 kPa was drawn and held for 30 min. Subsequently, the
vacuum was released and a pressure of 550 kPa was applied and re-
2.1.1. Acacia lumber tained for 2 h. Once the vacuuming was complete, the test pieces were
Twenty-year-old Acacia mangium wood with density of dried for a period of approximately 24 h in a circulating oven at
637 ± 92 kg/m³ and moisture content of 12 ± 3% was obtained from 70 ± 5 °C. Delamination was observed and recorded when the mass of
a local processing mill located at Bukit Rambai, Melaka, Malaysia. Only the test pieces had returned to within 100%–110% of the original mass.
heartwood section was used in this study. The wood was sawn, trimmed Upon removal from the oven, the specimens were examined for the
and planed into 400 mm long by 90 mm wide and 20 mm thick lumber. occurrence of delamination or open glue lines. The length of the open
Since the diameter of the A. mangium logs is relatively small, i. e. glue lines was determined by first inserting a thin metal probe between
around 30 cm, and tropical hardwoods have no growth rings, the the two delaminated surfaces. Measurements were only carried out if
lumber was flat sawn to the desired dimensions. The planed samples the depth of the delaminated area was more than 2.5 mm and the length
were conditioned for 2 weeks prior to adhesive application. more than 5 mm. Two attributes were recorded: (i) total length of de-
laminated area and (ii) maximum length of delaminated area of each
2.1.2. Adhesives test piece. The percent delamination was calculated using equation (1)
Two types of adhesives were used in this study i.e., phenol re- and equation (2).
sorcinol formaldehyde (PRF) and one component polyurethane (PUR)
supplied by AkzoNobel, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. A hardener was also ltot , delam
Delam tot = 100 (%)
used in the preparation of PRF at a ratio of 100 to 15 parts by weight of ltot , glueline (1)
PRF to hardener. lmax , delam
Delam max = 100 (%)
l, glueline (2)
2.2. Methods
2.2.1. CLT fabrication
In this study, a 3-layer CLT of 400 × 90 × 60 mm in size was pro- ltot , delam is the total delaminated length (in mm),
duced by gluing three pieces of lumber perpendicular to each other ltot , glueline is the sum of the length of all glue lines in the test
without any edge bonding. Prior to lamination, the A. mangium lumbers specimen (in mm),
were segregated into two groups, A and B, based on the quality of lmax , delam is the maximum delaminated length (in mm),
lumber. The criteria for the grouping is shown in Table 1. The A-group l, glueline is the length of one glue line in the test specimen (in mm).
lumber was used for face and back layer, whilst group B for core. Three-

N. Mohd Yusof, et al. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 94 (2019) 24–28

Fig. 1. Three-layer A. mangium CLT fabricated in this study (a), and delamination test specimen (b).

2.2.4. Block shear test A. mangium.

Small block shear testing was carried out using a Universal testing On further examination, PRF-bonded CLT experienced lower dela-
machine brand GOTECH on shear block specimens according to BS: mination compared to PUR with 56–63.9% in the former and 69–73%
EN392:1995 for Glued laminated Timber (shear test of glue lines) [8]. in the latter. Pressing pressure did not have any significant influence on
The tests were carried out in both loading directions, parallel and the extent of delamination as shown by the same lettering “A” upon LSD
perpendicular to the grain (Fig. 3). A total of 36 specimens were tested analysis in Table 3. Table 3 tabulates the average values of delamina-
comprising three replications for each adhesive type and pressing tion percentage of 3-layer CLT made from A. mangium. Although no
pressure. The loading was applied under displacement control at a rate significant difference was detected between the samples made with two
of 3 mm/min, ensuring failure after no less than 20 s with the appli- different adhesive types, the CLT panel bonded with PRF displayed
cation of a 50 KN load carried out at a constant rate reaching the failure slightly better delamination properties compared to that of the PUR-
of the specimen in a time of at least 20 s. The effects of pressure and bonded CLT.
loading direction on the bonding performance of the 2-layer A. mangium As reported by Ammann and Niemz [11], laminated softwood
board was evaluated by performing a two-way analysis of variance samples bonded with PRF were less prone to delamination during the
(ANOVA). The effects were further analysed using least significant test when compared with PUR. A similar finding was reported by Castro
difference (LSD) test. and Paganini [12] where PRF-bonded poplar and Eucalyptus grandis
laminated boards had the lowest percentage of delamination as com-
2.2.5. Estimation of wood failure percentage pared to other adhesives used in their study. The prEN16351 specifies
The estimation of wood failure was performed on the sheared test that the allowable delamination can be met in two ways: (i) De-
specimens. According to Frihart and Hunt [10], the wood failure refers lamtot ≤ 10% and Delammax ≤ 40% or (ii) Delamtot ≥ 50% and Delammax
to the percentage of the total failure area that is wood, rather than ≥70%. In this study, the extent of delamination of A. mangium CLT met
adhesive. High wood failure is preferred because the load design values the second (ii) requirement only. PRF provides better water resistance
can be based upon the known wood strength and not reduced because compared to one-component PUR. PUR tends to foam during curing/
of the quality of the bond line. Each of the wood failure surfaces was hardening due to the reaction between a hydroxyl-terminated polyether
measured and the results were averaged. The wood failure percentage or polyester with a reactive isocyanate group [13]. A foam will result
was estimated to the nearest 5% by examining the total area covered by when CO2 is trapped within the mass of the adhesive due to the reaction
wood fibres (signifies wood failures) on the sheared area in comparison of isocyanate with water to abstract CO2, while a low gel strength hy-
to the area covered with glue failure and this percentage were ac- drogel (CO2 will bubble away) is formed when the provision is not
cording to The Fibre and Biocomposite Development Centre (FIDEC), made [14]. The foam eventually formed void in the glueline during
an accredited lab. The obtained results were compared with specifica- curing, creating a weak point along the joint. Upon shear loading, this
tions stated in EN 386 - Performance requirements and minimum pro- weak point will initiate the breakage of the glueline resulting in total
duction requirements [9]. delamination. Furthermore, A. mangium is a relatively hard wood with
an average density of 637 ± 92 kg/m3 and average tangential and
3. Results and discussion radial shrinkages of 6.4% and 2.7%, respectively [4]. Hence, delami-
nation in laminated A. mangium board is likely to occur when it is being
3.1. Effects of adhesive types and pressure on the delamination percentage exposed to hot and wet conditions.

The analysis of variance (ANOVA) in Table 2 shows the effect of 3.2. Effects of adhesive types and pressure on the wood-adhesive bond
adhesive type and pressing pressure on the delamination percentage of integrity
laminated A. mangium. There was no interaction found between the
adhesive types and pressing pressure on the delamination percentage of The analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the effect of adhesive types,
the CLT, implying that both factors act independently towards dela- pressing pressure and loading direction on shear bond strength is ta-
mination. Both adhesive types and pressing pressure did not exert a bulated in Table 4. Loading direction was found to be the most domi-
significant influence on the delamination percentage of the laminated nant factor in influencing the shear strength of the laminated A.

Fig. 2. Shear block test specimens: Shear parallel to grain (left) and shear perpendicular to grain (right).

N. Mohd Yusof, et al. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 94 (2019) 24–28

Fig. 3. Loading direction for shear block test: (i) Parallel and (ii) Perpendicular to the grain.

Table 2 0.9 N/mm2. While all the shear strengths perpendicular to wood grain
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the effects of adhesive and pressure on dela- (┴ shear) were found to be lower than the minimum value (6 N/mm2)
mination. which is 4.9 N/mm2 for PRF and 4 N/mm2 for PUR adhesive. As can be
Source df p-value seen in this study, all the//shear bond strengths of PRF-bonded A.
mangium laminated lumber met the minimum requirement specified in
Delamination EN386 for shear strength. Meanwhile, all the ┴ shear values did not
Adhesive 1 0.0887 ns
meet the minimum requirement irrespective of adhesive type.
Pressure 2 0.8195 ns
Adhesive * pressure 2 0.8624 ns Between PRF and PUR adhesives, the former performed sig-
nificantly superior which can be attributed to the better gap-filling
Note: ns Not significant at p > 0.05. properties of PRF [15]. This can be seen in the higher shear strength
* Significant different at p ≤ 0.05. value of 10.5 N/mm2 and wood failure percentage of 70% compared to
PUR. These findings are in agreement with Ammann and Niemz [11]
Table 3 where the samples bonded with PRF show better shear performance
Effects of adhesive and pressing pressure on percent delamination of 3-layer than those of PUR under increasing clamping pressure. According to
CLT made from A. mangium. Nadir and Nagarajan [16], the minimum specified pressure for lami-
Adhesive Pressing pressure (N/mm2) Delamination (%) nated specimens is 1 MPa. This is not usually true as the pressure de-
pends on the density of the wood. A study done by Shams et al. [17]
PRF 0.9 63.9A (24.7) revealed that there is a linear relationship between pressing pressure
1.2 56.0A (7.6)
1.5 57.9A (12.1)
and density. A. mangium has a density of 290 kg/m³ to 675 kg/m³ [18],
PUR 0.9 70.8A (8.0) 637 ± 92 kg/m³ in the present study, thus requiring a relatively
1.2 69.0A (5.8) medium level of pressing pressure such as 1–2 N/mm2. Generally, la-
1.5 73.0A (12.3) minated samples that were tested in a parallel direction exhibited better
shear strength properties in comparison to those tested in a perpendi-
Values in parenthesis are standard deviations.
cular direction.
Means followed by the same letters are not significantly different at p ≤ 0.05
according to LSD. Generally, the CLT panels bonded with PRF displayed better prop-
erties (shear bond strength and wood failure percentage) compared to
those bonded with PUR. Loading direction had a substantial influence
Table 4
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the effects of adhesive, pressing pressure and on the shear bond strength. Loading in parallel to the wood grain can
loading direction on the shear bond strength of laminated A. mangium lumber. carry much more force than in perpendicular; the average strength of
8.6 N/mm2 and 3.9 N/mm2, respectively for PRF, and 6.6 N/mm2 and
Source df p-value
3.1 N/mm2, respectively for PUR. This effect is reversed in the wood
Shear bond strength failure percentage values where the average wood failure is 33% and
Adhesive 1 0.0812 ns 50% respectively, for PRF, and 3% and 23%, respectively for PUR.
Pressure 2 0.4196 ns When tested parallel to the grain, the shear strength value is extremely
Loading direction 1 < .0001 ***
strong (ranged from 6.1 to 10.5 N/mm2) with corresponding wood
Adhesive * pressure 2 0.1217 ns
Pressure * Loading direction 2 0.0659 ns failure 0–70% with an average of 18.3%. On the other hand, when
Adhesive * Loading direction 1 0.4593 ns tested perpendicular to the grain, the shear strength values were ranged
Adhesive * pressure * Loading direction 2 0.4449 ns from 1.3 to 4.9 N/mm2 only but its corresponding wood failures were
relatively higher, ranging from 5 to 70% with an average of 36.7%.
Note: ns No significant at p > 0.05.
Ideally, a good bonding represents high shear strength and wood failure
*** Significantly different at p ≤ 0.05.
percentage. In the case of high strength substrates, the shear values
would be much higher than the normal so much so that the wood would
mangium, while both adhesive types and pressing pressure did not have
experience very limited failure. Conversely, the low strength substrates
significant effects on the shear strength. There was no significant in-
would experience the opposite as shown in this study. Thus, it is im-
teraction found in all the factors studied.
portant to consider both shear strength and wood failure percentage
Table 5 gives the shear strength and wood failure percentage of
when evaluating the bond integrity of wood joints. In this study, all the
laminated A. mangium bonded with PRF and PUR adhesives. It was
parallel shear values met the minimum shear value requirements (6 N/
observed that all the shear bond strengths parallel to the wood grain
mm2) stipulated in EN 386, except for PUR bonded at 0.9 N/mm2. On
(//shear) were greater than the minimum (6 N/mm2) acceptable value
the contrary, all perpendicular values did not meet the minimum re-
stated in EN 386 (Performance requirements and minimum production
requirements) [9], except for PUR-bonded laminated lumber pressed at

N. Mohd Yusof, et al. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 94 (2019) 24–28

Table 5
Average shear bond strength and wood failure percentage of 2-layer laminated lumber made from Acacia mangium.
Adhesive Pressing pressure (N/mm2) Shear strength (N/mm2) Wood failure (%)

//to grain ┴ to grain //to grain ┴ to grain

PRF 0.9 9.3A (2.0) 4.9B (0.35) 20 70
1.2 6.1B (2.1) 2.7B (1.25) 10 10
1.5 10.5A (1.8) 4.2B (0.72) 70 70
PUR 0.9 4.4B (1.6) 3.9B (1.08) 0 45
1.2 6.6A (5.0) 4.0B (0.25) 10 20
1.5 8.7A (4.8) 1.3C (1.3) 0 5

Values in parenthesis are standard deviations.

Means followed by the same letters in the same column are not significantly different at p ≤ 0.05 according to LSD.

4. Conclusions support from HLM Wood Products Sdn. Bhd.

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The authors would like to extend their gratitude for the facilities


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