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Revolutionary period 
10 Kasım 2021 Çarşamba  09:12 

•proprietary colonies: Pennsylvania and all Southern colonies, the proprietor

reigns, often with a colonial assembly and a governor appointed by the
colony’s owner 
•all other colonies: separation of governmental power into a governor (usu.
appointed by the British King) and a colonial assembly (representatives of the
settlers elected by the settlers); some colonies were “self-governing” for
various time periods (Plymouth and Massachusetts in the 17th, Connecticut
and Rhode Island in the 18th century) 
most colonial assemblies have the power of the purse 
The assemblies decide on the use of the finance, including the governor's
voters: white men, often religious qualifications or proprietary qualifications; 
British King/Queen: right to veto bills  
You had to own a peice of land or a home in order to be able to vote 
Loyal colonies where the king didn't have to worry about, they could appoint their
own goevrnors etc. 

The british king laying too much tax on the colonies stating protection the reason. 

 Sugar act: always about protecting bitish west india

Iron act: export finished products. In order to keep the
money in great britain and not in the colonies. 
Stamp act: stamp duty put on everything printed on
Townshend act: input duty. Colonists had to pay high
duties on everything they imported from britain. 
Navigation act: colonists could only export their goods
on british ships. Some goods could only be sold in
great britain.{df60565c-99a2-4634-bb42-5893a8… 1/4
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Colonists had no voice in the parliement they had no

impact on policies. "no taxation without
representation". They were at this point fighting for
representation. They violated the acts, boycotted
british goods, rioted against tax collectors. Lead to
violent acts: boston massacre. Caused an uprising
against the mother country: boston tea party.
Colonists entered a british ship loaded with tea and
they threw all the tea in the harbour. As retaliation
decided to have britsh ship to close in on boston
harbours. The settlers who broke into the tea ship
were dressed as native americans. Why? 
The british troops have to come from britain and it took months and months. In the colonies there were
some troops stationed. The colonies only have the minute men. They asked a prussian leader to come in
and train new troops and he did. Paul revere: famous night ride! George washington was appointed
commander in chief of the colonial troops. First real battle btw the colonies and the british. 
War of indepence 
1775 Second Continental Congress  

After almost a year of heated debating the decision is made to press for

independence from GB; debate influenced by polemical tracts, e.g. Thomas Paine,

Common Sense (1776); 

British loyalists (Tories) flee to the North and later settle in Canada; 

July 4, 1776 the Second Continental Congress issues the Declaration of

Independence (drafted by Thomas Jefferson from Virginia).  

In the original draft of the decleration of independence, thomas jefferson added a

passage that would make slave ownership illegal in the new country. He realised

that slavery would cause a huge problem in a new nation. It was dropped. 

All men doen't mean every human being, it doesn't apply to women, to people

from different ethnic groups (africans and native americns) still a democratic

document. Against a monarchy, against a theocracy. Caused a huge scandal in

europe.{df60565c-99a2-4634-bb42-5893a8… 2/4
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Justification from people: in others from god. 

Especially being able to choose your profession. Pursuit of happiness.  

The first naiton to actually recognise the US politically was france but it was

becasue france lost t GB and had been in several fights against GB. Maybe they

could regain some power against the british now. 

13 original colonies, joined the two coloniel congresses and signed the declaration

of independence. They did not recognise the borderlines between the natives and

them, they completely forgot about them. 

A new country,  a new nation, democratic system but no government yet: articles

of confederation (preliminary constitution). 1787 constitutional convention: in

philedelphia. Bicameral system. President is the head of state and the leader of

governments. Electoral system is written down. Made sense at the time becasue

the difference between the north and the south was too big. The new nation was

big and electives who would collect the votes in the region they lived and casted

the votes.  

First president: george washington. Designated Washington dc as the capital, a

district with land from the both sides. In 1792 was intorduced us dollar as the

indepedent currency. 

1790 bill of rights: freedom of worship, freedom of speech, freedom of press, no

trial without due process of law; in later years further amendments were added 

The original constitution was kept unchanged. They do not want to change the

electoral system because the constituation is the oldest working in the world. 

The bicameral system is based on the british system.  

Copyright law also was intorduced 1791.{df60565c-99a2-4634-bb42-5893a8… 3/4
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