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Strength and Conditioning Journal Publish Ahead of Print

DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000445

A needs analysis of karate kumite with recommendations for performance testing and training

Helmi Chaabene 1,2, Yassine Negra 2, 3, Laura Capranica 4, Olaf Prieske1, Urs Granacher 1.

Division of Training and Movement Sciences, Research Focus Cognition Sciences, University

of Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam, Germany

High Institute of Sports and Physical Education, Kef, University of Jendouba, Tunisia

Research Unit (UR17JS01), “Sport Performance, Health & Society” Higher Institute of Sports
and Physical Education of Ksar Said, University of “La Manouba”, Manouba, Tunisia
Department of Human Movement and Sport Sciences, University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Italy.

Corresponding author

Dr. Helmi Chaabene

Division of Training and Movement Sciences, Research Focus Cognition Sciences, University of

Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam, Germany

Phone: 0163 4440607



Short title: Karate kumite needs analysis and practical recommendations

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Helmi Chaabene is a Post-doctoral researcher in Training and Movement Sciences at the
University of Potsdam, Germany

Yassine Negra is a karate conditioning trainer

Laura Capranica is a Professor of Sports Sciences, University of Rome Foro Italico


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Olaf Prieske is a post-doctoral researcher in Training and Movement Sciences at the University of
Potsdam, Germany

Urs Granacher is a Professor in Training and Movement Sciences at University of Potsdam,

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An effective training program needs to be customized to the specific demands of the respective
sport. Therefore, it is important to conduct a needs analysis in order to gain information on the
unique characteristics of the sport. The objectives of this review were i) to conduct a systematic
needs analysis of karate kumite and ii) to provide practical recommendations for sport-specific
performance testing and training of karate kumite athletes.

Key words: sport profile, striking combat sports, strength, power, energetic systems, injury,

Karate is one of the most popular combat sports worldwide and kumite represents one of the
main types of practice and competition. Kumite consists of combat which allows punching
(Tsuki), striking (Uchi), and kicking (Geri) techniques to the opponent’s head (Jodan) and torso
(Chudan) to score points (1). Kumite competitions are performed on an 8x8 m mat with a 3-min
or 2-min combat time for men and women, respectively (1). Three main scores can be achieved
in karate kumite: IPPON (three-points), WAZA-ARI (two-points), and YUKO (one-point).
Recently, karate kumite was officially included into the program of the 2020 Olympic Games in
Tokyo (16). Consequently, karate kumite has received more attention from national and

international sport organizations. However, only limited information is available for karate
kumite. The few available studies focused on physical and/or physiological profiles of athletes

(4, 7, 9, 10, 21, 48), physiological responses following training (34), official (7) and simulated
(11, 25) karate contests, and time-motion analysis of karate competitions (7, 11, 50, 51, 52). In
general, elite karate athletes displayed high levels of joint flexibility, and upper and lower limbs

power production (9). Likewise, research findings indicated high physiological demands during
kumite with for instance remarkable blood lactate (La) concentrations (11.2±2.2 mmol.L-1) (7).
Moreover, it has been reported that karate athletes exhibited heart rate frequencies >90% of their
peak value (HRpeak) for 65% of the total combat time (7). Finally, significant salivary
testosterone and cortisol increases were found during a simulated karate kumite resulting in a
catabolic hormonal response profile (10).

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Despite these research findings, there is a lack of evidence-based guidelines for karate kumite
training and competition to assist coaches prescribing specifically targeted training programs to
improve kumite performances (9). Of note, to design appropriate training programs for karate
kumite practitioners, coaches and strength and conditioning professionals should conduct a sport-
specific needs analysis. According to Kraemer et al. (31), a systematic needs analysis consists of
the following three key questions that should be addressed in order to gain in-depth knowledge
on a specific sport: i) What are the biomechanical demands of the sport? ii) What are the

metabolic and physical fitness demands of the sport, and iii) What are the common injuries
associated with the practice of the sport? Therefore, the aim of this narrative review is to provide

systematic needs analysis of karate kumite by briefly summarizing previous literature on
biomechanical, metabolic and physical fitness demands, and sport-specific injury risk (31). From
this, we deduced practical recommendations for sport-specific performance testing and training
of karate kumite athletes.
What are the biomechanical demands in karate kumite?
Karate kumite is a highly dynamic sport that affords high levels of muscle power for punching
and kicking in order to effectively score according to the official karate rules (1). Therefore,
rapid active and reactive full-body movements are needed to be successful during competition.
Kinematic analysis

A high degree of situational unpredictability characterizes karate kumite. To highlight relevant

situational and contextual aspects of combats that help coaches to better prepare their athletes for

competition, time-motion (e.g., the duration of specific combat phases) and notational (e.g., the
analysis of technical and tactical aspects) analyses of matches are crucial (24). Most kinematic
studies in karate focused on simulated (4, 10, 11, 25) or official karate (7, 50, 51) kumite. Even

though simulated combats allow data collection under controlled conditions, they may come up
with misleading interpretations if the demands during simulated matches are different from those
of official competitions (11).

A notational analysis using kinematic methods during karate kumite contests revealed that,
irrespective of sex, match outcome, and weight category, karate techniques directed to the head
occurred three-times more often compared with techniques targeted to the torso (50). This is

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most probably due to their fast execution and thus the high likelihood of being officially scored.
In this context, whether official or simulated karate kumite conditions, upper-limb techniques
achieved higher scoring rates compared with lower-limb techniques (11). In general, previous
studies reported that karate athletes prefer to perform single punches (7, 11, 50). This
observation is mainly due to the rapid execution of punches and thus the higher chances to be
formally awarded with score points (7, 11, 50).
A new time motion analysis approach evaluating the decisive moment (DM) has recently

been introduced (51). In general, the new approach aimed to identify the decisive factors that
discriminate winners from defeated athletes. For this purpose, the scoring progress report during

the match is used (51). Previous studies (7, 50) examining time motion variables with regards to
the final results of the match (i.e., win or defeat), failed to define the exact time-motion
parameters distinguishing winners from defeated athletes. More specifically, the DM refers to the
moment from which one of the two opponents dominates the fight and keeps dominating until
the end of the match. According to this approach, the authors classified the various technical and
tactical variables into three main periods: before DM, around DM, and after DM (51). The study
of Tabben et al. (51) revealed that punching techniques represented 84.4% of the total decisive
actions with 70% of the total techniques around DM were directed to the head vs. 30% to the
remaining parts of the body. Similarly, after DM, the same authors reported that winners and
defeated athletes used more upper-limb techniques as compared with the before DM period (51).

Moreover, Tabben et al. (51) demonstrated that the first formally awarded match point before
DM was the only significant difference recorded between winners and defeated athletes and

reached the conclusion that the DM approach help distinguishing between winners and defeated
athletes. This means that taking the initiative and succeeding to score first is highly beneficial
from a psychological point of view to increase chances of winning. With regards to around DM,

an offensive behavior was recorded in winners. These offensive actions force opponents to
perform two times more defensive actions. After DM, winners adopted an offensive strategy
which is indicated by a higher offensive/defensive ratio. Consequently, after compared to before
DM, losers used more timed-attack actions (i.e., simultaneous attack in response to the opponent
attack). Therefore, to specifically tailor training programs, coaches are advised to consider the
technical and tactical aspects that discriminate between winners and defeated athletes during
official matches. For instance, coaches are advised to encourage their athletes to work on scoring

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first during the match to increase the likelihood of winning. Moreover, when attempting to score,
instructions to prioritize using punching techniques have to be provided.
Taken together, kumite athletes preferably use upper-limb techniques which are mostly directed
to the head rather than the lower limbs. Additionally, an offensive behavior throughout the match
appears to be the most promising strategy to be successful during competition. The first formally
achieved score of the match might be of particular importance from a psychological point of
view to increase the likelihood of winning the match. All these particularly important outcomes

have to be considered by practitioners when designing sport-specific training interventions for
karate kumite athletes.

A time-motion analyses using kinematic methods during official karate kumite contests showed
an effort-to-rest ratio of 1:1.5 and a high-intensity action-to-rest ratio of 1:10 (7). The same
authors showed that karate athletes performed 17±7 high-intensity actions per-fight ranging from
<1 to 5-s each with 83.8±12.0% of the actions lasting less than 2-s. Chaabene et al. (11)
conducted another study in which they aimed to compare performance parameters during official
vs. simulated karate kumite conditions. The main outcomes of this study demonstrated that high-
level karate athletes performed more high-intensity actions during the simulated karate kumite
(18±5) compared with the official condition (14±6). Consequently, the total fighting activity
duration was significantly higher during simulated compared with official kumite (21.0±8.2-s vs.

30.4±9.9-s, respectively). These differences indicate that karate athletes tend to be more cautious
during official matches. Interestingly, Tabben et al. (50) analyzed the activity profile of high-

level karate athletes during the 2012 Senior World Karate Championship by considering sex,
match outcome, and weight categories. The main results of this study demonstrated that the
referees’ decisions resulted an overall effort-to-rest ratio of ~1:1.5 with a significant difference

between karate athletes’ weight categories (light weight = 1:1.5; middle weight = 1:2; heavy
weight = 1:1). When considering high-intensity actions-to-rest, the ratio amounted to ~1:8. In
agreement with the study of Chaabene et al. (7), Tabben et al. (50) reported no significant
difference between winners and defeated karate athletes in all time-motion (e.g., effort-to-rest
ratio, number of high intensity actions) variables.

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Overall, findings imply that coaches and strength and conditioning professionals should pay
attention to the reported differences between simulated and official conditions when deducing
information for specific training programs that are supposed to mirror kumite activity.

Kinetic analysis
Few studies explored the kinetic characteristics of the main karate kumite skills. For instance,

Sbriccoli et al. (43) examined the neuromuscular responses of knee flexor and extensor muscles
in a group of elite and amateur karate athletes during isokinetic knee flexion/extension

movements and during the execution of the mae-geri kick. Results of this study showed a higher
level of antagonist (i.e., biceps femoris) activation during the mae-geri in the elite compared to
the amateur group. According to the same authors, such an activation is mainly adopted to better
control the kicking leg. Additionally, elite karate athletes demonstrated higher knee flexion peak
torque during the isokinetic task as well as higher muscle fiber conduction velocity in both
experimental conditions (i.e., isokinetic and mae-geri kick tasks) (43). These authors
hypothesized that the observed higher muscle fiber conduction velocities in elite karate athletes
could be due to the ability to recruit higher number of fast motor units. Pozo et al. (38) studied
lower limb kinetics of the mae-geri kick in a group of national versus international karate kumite
athletes. The same authors showed that when performing the mae-geri kick from a zenkutsu-

dachi position, an initial concentric action of the knee flexors is observed. Such concentric
actions pre-load the knee extensors as these muscles oppose the flexion motion. This pre-loading

was performed faster by international-level karate athletes as compared to their national

counterparts (38). In terms of impact forces, no significant between group differences were
found (38). This particular observation is most likely due to the specific learning strategies to

better control the kicking impact imposed by the karate rules (1). The kick impact control is
compelled by rules to protect opponents from severe injury.
What are the metabolic and physical fitness demands in karate kumite?
Due to the intermittent nature of karate kumite, aerobic metabolism (77.8 ± 5.8%) plays a major
role during combat followed by the anaerobic alactic (16.0±4.6%) and the anaerobic lactic
(6.2±2.4%) metabolisms (4). Furthermore, a well-developed aerobic capacity enhances recovery
between subsequent bouts of fighting activities and between single matches during a competition

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(9). In addition, it prevents fatigue accumulation during training, and it accelerates the recovery
process between training sessions (4, 25). Despite the relevant role of aerobic capacity in karate
(8, 9), the anaerobic metabolism is crucial to achieve the most decisive high-intensity scoring
actions during the match (9, 21). Given that karate kumite is a high intensity intermittent activity,
coaches are advised to train both, athletes’ aerobic and anaerobic metabolisms in accordance
with the combat demands.
From a mechanical perspective, power is characterized by the equation force multiplied by

velocity. High muscle power can therefore be achieved if athletes are able to generate high forces
at high movement velocities. Obviously, there is a trade-off in force with increasing movement

velocity which corresponds to Hill’s well-established force-velocity relation (18). In other words,
karate athletes have to perform fast movement techniques while generating high forces which
ultimately results in high levels of muscle power (5, 30). Loturco et al. (32) showed significant
large to very large-sized correlation coefficients (0.63 ≤ r ≤ 0.76) between performance in lower
and upper limb one repetition maximum (1RM) tests and punching acceleration in international
level karate athletes. These authors reported an explained variance of 56% to 65% for punching
acceleration from lower and upper limb 1RM test. This particular observation can be of utmost
importance in designing appropriate training programs for karate kumite athletes. Moreover,
when considering the force-velocity relationship, Roschel et al. (42) suggested that karate
performance relies more on the ability to perform sport-specific actions at high movement

velocities. Such an observation was substantiated by comparing winners vs. defeated karate
athletes (42). Findings from this study revealed that there were no significant between-group

differences in terms of power performance at medium loads (i.e., 60% 1RM) and slow
movement velocities. However, at lower loads (i.e., 30% 1RM) and higher movement velocities,
significant differences manifested between winners and defeated athletes. This was found for the

bench press as well as squat exercises in favor of winners.

Given that the decisive karate kumite actions (kick or punch) require high levels of
muscle power, strength and conditioning coaches should incorporate relevant exercises for the
promotion of muscle power in their training programs to optimize karate athlete’s kumite

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What are the common injuries observed in karate kumite?
Karate kumite can cause injuries of low (e.g., light abrasions, epistaxis, and contusion) and high
(e.g., laceration, nose fracture, knee joint ligament rupture) severity (3, 15). Of note, injuries of
high severity during karate kumite are rare (15). A recently published prospective cohort study
proved that the risk of injuries recorded in junior karate practitioners involved in the last four
World Karate Championships (Rabat, Morocco, 2009; Melaka, Malaysia, 2011; Guadalajara,
Spain, 2013; and 2015 Jakarta, Indonesia, 2015) amounted to 41 per 1000 athlete exposures (15).

Additionally, from the total injuries, 70% affected the face (15). This could be explained by the
greater number of punching and kicking techniques to the face and head compared to the rest of

the body (7, 50). According to the same authors, most facial injuries are of minor severity such
as light abrasions and epistaxis (24% each) and contusions (17%) (15). High severity injuries
such as laceration (2%) and nose fractures (2%) were rarely documented (15). Arriaza et al. (3)
recorded injuries from 2,762 matches in three consecutive senior World Karate Championships
(Madrid, Spain, 2002; Monterrey, Mexico, 2004; and Tampere, Finland, 2006). Overall, a total
of 497 injuries was registered with an incidence rate of 0.18 injuries per match or 6.7 per 100-
min of active fighting time. The same authors proved that punches caused more injuries (67%)
than kicks (16%). In 56% of cases, severe injuries affected the head (e.g., concussion, nose
fracture, laceration requiring stitching, and mandible fracture). Other severe injuries were located
at the knee joint (ACL injuries), the finger joints, and the foot (3).

Recommendations for performance testing

Performance assessment should be conducted on several occasions over the training season to
monitor athletes’ performance progression. This can be realized by scheduling tests before and

after accumulation, transmutation, and realization phases (28). If several peak

performances/major competitions are scheduled during the training season, the periodization
process has to be repeated accordingly. Data from performance assessment should be
individually treated and used to deduce period-specific training contents, intensities, and
volumes to ensure performance progression and avoiding chronic fatigue.
Based on the findings of our needs analysis, several physical qualities and thus performance tests
can be identified. These tests are described in Table 1 with the respective choice justification out

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of the literature. Two different forms of performance tests are usually applied. First, general
physical fitness tests that are associated with sport-specific punching kinematics (32) or sensitive
enough to discriminate between winners and defeated athletes (42) as well as national and
international level athletes (26, 41). Second, sport-specific tests that were developed and
validated with karate kumite athletes (49).
Physical fitness tests can be conducted in the laboratory or the field. Laboratory tests
comprise stage tests or ramp tests on the treadmill or cycle ergometer to detect aerobic and

anaerobic thresholds and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). The Wingate and the force-
velocity tests can be used to assess anaerobic capacity. Further, field tests may include 1RM

testing of bench-press and half-squat exercises to assess maximal strength and muscle power. All
these tests have been conducted with elite karate athletes (21, 32, 41, 49). Less attention has been
given to the development of valid sport-specific assessment protocol for elite karate kumite
practitioners. Tabben et al. (49) developed a sport-specific aerobic test for karate athletes. The
protocol considered the most frequently used punching and kicking techniques (i.e., Kisami-
Gyaku-Zuki and Mawashi geri chudan) during karate kumite (50) performed in an intermittent
fashion. This protocol has been shown to be valid and reliable in a sample of high-level karate
athletes. Additionally, peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) recorded from the karate-specific
aerobic test and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) derived from the cycle ergometer test
correlated significantly (r=0.83, R2=69%). Most importantly, the same authors revealed that the

time to exhaustion during the karate-specific aerobic test correlated significantly (r=0.81,
R2=65%) with VO2max derived from the cycle ergometer test (49). This means that time to

exhaustion recorded from the karate-specific aerobic test is a valid variable that can be
considered informative about the aerobic level of karate kumite athletes.
In terms of sport-specific anaerobic assessment test, no studies have been conducted so

far. Previous studies made use of generic tests. For instance, to assess the anaerobic profile of
karate athletes the 30-second Wingate anaerobic test (21), the maximal accumulated oxygen
deficit (MAOD) test (39) and force-velocity tests (41) were used. Similarly, no sport-specific
tests have been validated for evaluating the physical fitness components (e.g., muscle power,
strength, speed) of karate athletes, even though some jump, strength, and speed tests showed a
discriminatory capability between elite and sub-elite level karate athletes (26, 32, 41, 42).

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Table 1 near here

Recommendations for sport-specific training

The outcomes of our needs analysis clearly showed that the aerobic metabolism is the main
energy source during karate kumite. However, the anaerobic system primarily provides energy
for the decisive actions during the match. In accordance with the needs analysis, the decisive
moments of the match are related to the athlete’s ability to execute repetitive exercises that

afford upper and lower limb muscle power. Therefore, these key karate kumite metabolic and
fitness demands need to be developed through an appropriately designed sport-specific training


Aerobic-anaerobic training
To effectively develop athletes’ aerobic fitness, a proper training periodization is needed. Within
the current decade, a new training periodization approach called block periodization emerged as
an efficient alternative to traditional training (28, 29). This new training periodization approach
has been shown to be more effective with highly competitive compared to sub-elite athletes (28,
29). The main philosophy of this approach is the sequenced but not concurrent (i.e., traditional
periodization model) development of targeted physical qualities by sequencing highly
concentrated (i.e., minimal number of targeted physical qualities) training blocks (28, 29). The

sequenced development mainly benefits from the residual training effects (28). According to
Issurin (27), residual training effects represent “the retention of changes induced by systematic

workloads beyond a certain time period after cessation of training”. It is noteworthy that no
clear evidence is available to support the effectiveness of block periodization in karate kumite
athletes. However, previous findings on team sports players (6, 36) and judo athletes (33) may

substantiate its use with karate athletes. Therefore, future studies considering factors like sex,
age, and expertise level are needed in karate kumite.
One of the most effective training approaches to optimize aerobic capacity whilst maintaining
and/or increasing athletes’ anaerobic performance is high-intensity interval training (HIIT) (35,
44). In this regard, Ravier et al. (40) added HIIT for 7 weeks (two sessions per week) to the daily
training routine of elite-level karate athletes. This study demonstrated significant aerobic (∆4.6%
VO2max) and anaerobic (∆10.3% MAOD) performance improvements. This means that HIIT can

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be used to improve both aerobic and anaerobic performance of karate athletes. From another
perspective, HIIT has been demonstrated to be similarly effective to a moderate intensity
continuous effort in decreasing body fat (44). In this context, Panissa et al. (37) revealed that 6
weeks of HIIT with three sessions per-week resulted in greater fat loss compared to a continuous
moderate aerobic training. Therefore, HIIT can be used to lose fat mass as well as to improve
performance. Table 2 presents an example of an aerobic training program for elite level karate
athletes according to the block periodization approach. Three main phases are detailed, i.e.,

accumulation, transmutation, and realization. Examples of single training sessions, training
frequency as well as duration of a mesocycle are detailed in Table 2. High-intensity interval

training can be realized by using running exercises or by integrating karate-specific technical
skills (i.e., punching and kicking) when approaching competition (e.g., the second half of the
transmutation block and during the realization block). These specific HIIT sessions should be
based on the outcomes of a karate kumite performance analysis (7,11, 50, 51). By doing so, the
actual physiological strain of an authentic competition can be simulated. During a sport-specific
HIIT exercise, for instance 1 vs. 1 in a reduced area (e.g., 4×4 meters), coaches can instruct
athletes to only (mostly) use punching techniques directed to the head in accordance with the
literature outcomes (7, 11, 50, 51). Coaches can also encourage athletes to take the initiative and
score first to increase the chances of winning the match (51).
In terms of anaerobic metabolism, previous performance analysis studies came up with

interesting findings that can be used to design sport-specific karate kumite training sessions. For
example, by analyzing official karate kumite of elite level karate athletes, Chaabene et al. (7)

showed that the high-intensity action-to-rest ratio was ~1:10. Similar outcomes were
demonstrated by Tabben et al. (50) with a high-intensity action-to-rest ratio of ~1:8 in
international level karate athletes. These findings could be translated into the field of training to

improve sport-specific anaerobic performance of karate kumite athletes. For instance, coaches
and strength and conditioning professionals can design a targeted HIIT session using the 1:10
ratio to specifically address the ATP-PCr system. In other words, coaches can instruct their
athletes to perform a 2-s attack using a single and/or a combination of upper and lower limb
techniques followed by a 20-s passive rest. Several sets and blocks can be programmed in series
based on this prescription. To make the exercise even more challenging, athletes can be

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instructed to reach a moving target, for instance the head of an active partner, by mainly using
punching techniques. Such an exercise can be performed in a reduced area (e.g., 4×4 meters).

Table 2 near here

Strength and power training

According to our sport-specific needs analysis, high levels of muscle strength and power are

paramount to be successful in karate kumite contests (9). In Table 3, we provided an example of
a training program based on the block periodization approach. In the same table we detailed an
example of a training session, sessions’ frequency, and the expected physiological adaptations.
Figure 1 illustrated an example of strength and power goals in each mesocycle during a
macrocycle leading to a competition. It is obvious that there is a fundamental association
between strength and muscle power. Accordingly, Cormie et al. (19) claimed that adequate
strength levels should be developed prior to the training of muscle power. In this context,
previous findings demonstrated that athletes with high maximal strength levels are also able to
achieve higher muscle power performance compared with those with lower strength levels (17,
47). Consequently, given that the main karate kumite scoring techniques are related to athlete’s

muscle power (9), well developed muscle strength is the foundation of muscle power.
Power output can be improved by mixing various training approaches. These include traditional

resistance training exercises, ballistic exercises (i.e., projection of the external load at the end of
the concentric phase), plyometrics (i.e., actions involving the stretch-shortening cycle of the
muscle), and weightlifting exercises (e.g., snatch, clean and jerk) (19). In fact, due to its high

degree of mechanical specificity, plyometric training is very effective at improving muscle

power during specific karate kumite movements. It is noteworthy that karate kumite performance
relies more on high rather than low movement velocities (41, 42, 55). Therefore, it appears
justified to consider including low-load high-velocity resistance training exercises to specifically
train this section of the force-velocity curve (9). To do so, ballistic and plyometric exercises
seem to be the most effective training methods. Also, traditional resistance and weightlifting
training at low load can be considered appropriate alternatives for karate kumite athletes. All

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these power training methods may contribute to improve the neural drive, rate of neural
activation, and inter-muscular coordination of karate kumite athletes (18).

Plyometrics seems to be the most accessible and effective training modality for karate kumite
athletes. There are some key safety recommendations for coaches and athletes that need to be
taken into account before athletes start a plyometric training program (22). In this context, it is

important to develop sufficient levels of lower limb muscle strength before proceeding with
plyometric training. In addition, a proper warm-up has to be accomplished before starting each

plyometric session. An adequate drill (i.e., low intensity easy to perform drills before more
complex plyometric exercises) and load progression constitute two other important points that
need to be considered by coaches. Also, athlete’s level of technical competency is paramount
before starting plyometric drills. Moreover, a sufficient recovery time within and between
plyometric training sessions and the implementation of sport-specific plyometric drills as to the
sport in concern (karate kumite) represent the two last points that need to be taken into account
by practitioners. Due to the sport-specific demands of karate kumite, upper limb plyometric drills
(e.g., medicine ball throws, push-ups) are as important as drills for the lower limbs. However,
there is hardly any evidence available on the effectiveness of upper limb plyometric training.
Anecdotal but not evidence-based examples of upper limb plyometric drills to be used with

karate kumite athletes are illustrated in Table 4. To better emphasize the sport-specific demand,
athletes can rapidly throw a medicine ball against a wall which mimics the punching movement.

Elastic bands of various resistance can also constitute useful tools for sport-specific upper limb
plyometrics. The majority of the scoring attempts in karate kumite require athletes to quickly
move forward to a target with a single or combined punching and/or kicking technique which

results in horizontal force production. With reference to the principle of training specificity, a
special emphasis should be placed on performing horizontal plyometric exercises (e.g., standing
long jump, bounds) to optimize performance gains. An example of an effective lower limb
plyometric exercise is to drop off from boxes of various height, land, and to immediately move
forward after landing and perform punching and/or kicking movements against a passive partner.
To make the exercise even more complex and specific, the exercise can be progressed from a
passive to an active partner.

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Noteworthy, the individual athlete’s level of strength before starting a power-oriented mesocycle
is critical to optimize muscle power adaptations. In this regards, the scientific literature provided
some useful information that should be considered. For instance, to optimize muscular power
adaptations gained from plyometric training, strength and conditioning professionals need to test
strength, speed, and balance of their karate athletes. Specifically, before starting lower limb
plyometrics, it needs to be ensured that the athlete’s 1RM squat should be between 1.5 and 2.5
times his/her body mass (13, 14, 23, 54). Similarly, before starting upper body plyometrics,

athlete’s bench press 1RM should be at least 1.5 times his/her body mass (23, 54). In terms of
speed, the athlete should be able to perform five repetitions of the squat/bench press with 60%

body mass in an interval of 5-s or less before starting a plyometric training block (54). Finally,
regarding balance level, an experienced athlete must maintain a single-leg half squat for 30-s
without falling on the same surface used for plyometric training (2, 53). All these indices may
inform strength and conditioning professionals about the readiness (or not) of their athletes to
start a plyometric training program. Nevertheless, these recommendations still need to be
supported by controlled studies as they appear too conservative. Particularly, recommendations
related to the strength base appear to be better useful when performing complex high intensity
drills (e.g., depth/drop jump from high heights) but not low intensity plyometric exercises (e.g.,
standing long jump, squat jumps).

Table 3 near here

Table 4 near here

Figure 1 near here


In this review article we present findings from a systematic needs analysis of karate kumite. We
specifically provide information on the biomechanical, metabolic and physical fitness, and injury
risk profile of the sport. Findings from the needs analysis allowed concluding information on
general physical fitness and sport-specific tests that can be applied in karate kumite athletes to
monitor performance development. An important result is that we identified a lack of valid sport-
specific anaerobic tests for karate kumite athletes. Finally, we deduced information from the

Copyright Ó 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
systematic needs analysis for sport-specific training. In other words, we provided information on
how to properly develop aerobic and anaerobic capacity and muscle strength and power.

Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: The authors report no conflicts of interest and no
source of funding


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Figure 1: An example of a 14-week strength and power training macrocycle for karate kumite
athletes. Information is provided from the needs analysis on the level of 2-4 week mesocycles.

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Table 1: General and specific tests that could be used with karate kumite athletes
Measures Justification
Anthropometric measures Body mass, body height, body-mass Health and body weight category monitoring
index, biological age, percentage of
body fat, somatotype
Cardio-respiratory capacity Karate-specific aerobic test (49) • The only available valid field sport-specific aerobic test for
karate practitioners that used the most common karate punching

and kicking skills.
• Good ability to detect small but worthwhile performance change.
• Large correlation between VO2peak recorded from the karate-

specific aerobic test and VO2max laboratory test.
• Large correlation between the time to exhaustion during the
karate-specific aerobic test and VO2max laboratory test.

Laboratory test (treadmill continuous Gold standard aerobic test that provides accurate and valid outcomes on

running or cyclo-ergometer test) maximal oxygen uptake, aerobic/anaerobic threshold, and maximal heart
Muscle power Bench press and squat at 30% 1RM Bench press and squat at 30% 1RM differentiate between winners and
defeated in favor of winners (42). The same authors reported that karate
performance relies more on muscle power at low rather than high loads.

Vertical jumping (e.g., squat jump
and countermovement jump)

Higher vertical jump performance for international karatekas
compared with national level ones (41)
Strong association of squat jump and counter-movement jump
with punching acceleration (32)

Medicine ball throw Valid test for the assessment of upper limb muscle power (46)
Anaerobic profile Force-velocity test Differentiates between national and international level karatekas (41)
Muscle strength 1RM bench press and squat Strong association with punching acceleration (32)
Maximal absolute bench-press and leg squat 1RM differentiate between
highly competitive and novice karatekas (26)
Flexibility Dynamic flexibility test In karate kumite, it is much more important to have good dynamic
flexibility than static flexibility (9)
Flexibility index: maximal range of kick motion /body height (45)

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Agility Planned taekwondo agility test Even thought that this protocol still need to be validated with karate
adapted for karate practitioners (12) practitioners, it can be used by maintaining the single kick directed to the
face performed in both sides and including only punch technique (e.g.,
Kizami-Zuki /Gyaku-zuki-jodan/chudan) instead of the double-kick.
VO2peak: Peak oxygen consumption; VO2max: Maximal oxygen consumption


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Table 2: Aerobic training recommendations for elite karate kumite practitioners
Mesocyle Characteristics Example session Session’s Physiological adaptations
blocks frequency
Accumulation Targeting general Two to three sets of 15 minutes continuous run -Two to three Improve cardio-respiratory capacity

aerobic endurance at 80 to 90% peak oxygen consumption sessions per- (stroke
High volume, (VO2peak) or heart rate reserve (HRres), 5 week volume, cardiac output, muscle
reduced intensity minutes active recovery between sets. -4 to 6 weeks capillarization, and systemic vascular

resistance), delivery of oxygen [O2],
pulmonary diffusion, Haemoglobin
affinity, and enhance venous return)
Transmutation Developing more - High intensity interval training (HIIT): 7 to 9 -Two to three Increase muscle glycogen stores,
specific abilities sets of 20-sec run at 140 maximal aerobic sessions per- oxidative enzymes, capillary and
Specialized muscle velocity (MAV), 15 sec of recovery between week mitochondrial density

endurance repetitions (40). -4 weeks Maintain and/or improve anaerobic
Volume decreases - Integrating the most frequently used karate adaptations level (44)
progressively with kumite punching and kicking skills in the form
increasing intensity of HIIT (e.g., 20 seconds shuttle run with
punching and kicking techniques at 90 to 100%
HRres against two partners placed 8 meters apart,
C 20 seconds of passive recovery between
repetitions, two to three blocks of 6 to 12
repetitions each with 5 minutes recovery
between blocks.
Realization Accentuate specific - Punching and kicking technique in the form of -One session Transfer adaptations accumulated
training HIIT (e.g., 10 seconds of combat position per-week during previous mesocycle training
Low-volume high displacement between two partners placed 4 -5 to 14 days blocks to karate-specific activity
intensity meters apart, 10 seconds of passive recovery profiles (kumite/tactical behavior)
Taper and peaking between repetitions, two blocks of 6 repetitions while maintaining cardio-respiratory
towards each at an intensity ≥ 90% HRres, 5 minutes and neuromuscular adaptations
competition recovery between blocks.
- 2 vs. 1 or 1 vs. 1 in a reduced area (e.g., 4×4
meters) by only using upper limb, only lower
limb or free combat, high-intensity actions to

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preparatory phase ratio 1:5 (7, 50), 2 to 3
minutes each block at an intensity ≥ 90% HRres,
two to three blocks with 5 minutes recovery in-


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Table 3: Strength and power recommendations for karate kumite athletes
Mesocyle Characteristics Example session Session’s Physiological adaptations
blocks Frequency

Accumulation Targeting strength  Strength endurance: 3-5 sets at <60% -Two to three
endurance, 1RM, ≥12 repetitions per-set, ≤30 sessions per- • ↑cross sectional area of
hypertrophy, and seconds between sets recovery time. week muscle fibers and, therefore,

maximal strength • Muscle hypertrophy: >4 sets at ≥60% of the whole muscle size (i.e.,
High volume, 1RM (no more than 85% 1RM), 6-12 muscle hypertrophy)
reduced intensity repetitions per-set, 60-90 seconds • Neuronal adaptation (e.g.,

between sets recovery time, ↑activated motor unit, coding
• Maximal strength: 4 sets at 90 to 100% rate, ↑motor unit
1RM, 1-6 repetitions per-set, 2-3 synchronization, inter-
minutes between sets recovery time. muscular coordination)
Transmutation Targeting muscular  Muscular power: 3-5 sets at 30-70% -Two to three Neuronal adaptation (e.g.,
power and power- 1RM, 3-5 repetitions per-set, 2-3 sessions per-

↑activated motor unit, coding
velocity specific minutes between sets recovery time week rate, ↑motor unit
training • Power-velocity: 3-4 sets ≤30% 1RM, 3- synchronization, inter-
Volume decreases 5 repetitions per-set, 2-3 minutes muscular coordination)
progressively with between sets recovery time
increasing intensity
• •
Realization Accentuate power-

Low-volume high
C Power velocity specific exercises (e.g., -One to two
using elastic band, plyometric drills session
with and without additional load) per-week
Transfer the neuromuscular
during the
mesocycle to karate-specific
intensity drills.
Taper and peaking • Maintaining or even
towards accentuating the
competition neuromuscular adaptations

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Table 4: Examples of upper limb plyometric training drills for karate kumite athletes
Exercises Description Justification
Plyometric push up (exercises are ordered from the most to the least intensive (20))
A clap push up exercise Participant lowers the chest down toward the ground by flexing the elbows, whilst keeping a Very effective to train
straight body line. After that participant forcefully and rapidly push-up so as to lose contact with upper limb rate of force
the ground (i.e., take-off). While in the air, participant clap the hands together before landing back development (20)
onto the ground.

Box-drop plyometric push- From a standard push-up position, participant lowers their chest down towards the ground, while
ups maintaining their body in a straight line. Once peak depth is obtained, they rapidly extend the
elbows and push-up and, while in the air, manoeuvre their hands, such that they land on the blocks

simultaneously. Upon contact with the blocks, the participant immediately and explosively
another push-up off the blocks, landing with their hands in the starting position (on the force plates)
to perform a subsequent repetition.
Kneeling countermovement From a kneeling position, participant descends by flexing their elbows until the elbows are flexed at
push-up approximately 90°. They immediately extend their arms to propel the upper body as high as
possible. They are requested not to flex their elbows during the flight phase. Upon landing, the

participant is requested to reduce the impact as much as possible and resume the starting position.
Fall push-up From a kneeling position, participant lets himself/herself fall forward and, at the moment of impact,
tries to minimize the impact-force as much as possible by flexing the elbows until the sternum is
approximately 3 cm from the floor. From that position, participant extends the elbows and flex their
arms, in order to take their hands off the floor and attempt to return to the starting position.
Medicine ball throw

Two hand side to side throw

From an upright standing position with feet shoulder-width apart, face the partner (the wall) with
2/3 meters away for instance. Raise the medicine ball in both hands to a position over one
shoulder/head with the elbows flexed. Throw dynamically the medicine ball the partner/against the
Developing upper limb
muscle power
wall by rapidly extending the elbows. Intensity may be increased by increasing the weight of the
medicine ball.
Power drop Lie supine on the ground with elbows extended and both shoulders in approximately 90° of flexion.
Head should be close to the base of the box. The partner should be on the box with the medicine
ball held above the athlete’s arms. Once the partner drops the ball, athlete catch it using both arms
and immediately throw it back to the partner. Intensity may be increased by increasing the weight
of the medicine ball or by increasing the height of the box.

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TE Figure 1

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