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The Valley of Decisions!

[1205hrs, 23rd May 2008, Friday]

When the Drudgery becomes familiar!

The drudgery of life is that time when you have to do what you have to do yet you don’t
necessarily enjoy it.
In life this is the situation most regard it as boredom and we would realize such a
wonderful opportunity to be expanded and grow in the grace of the Lord.

I have been in such places several times, and it is not a pleasant place to be initially yet
when I changed my perspective, I suddenly saw much grace and joy and strength coming
from the very presence of the Lord, why because something supernatural happened.

I remember in my First Year at the University, during the long holiday of August 1999,
while participating in preaching of the gospel and going on as many missions as I could
for the passion for the gospel the Lord had given me overwhelmed all of my reasoning
and any hindrance known till this point. I joined a group of believers with the hope that I
would get my first opportunity to preach on the Crusade.
To my dismay I was put in charge of sanitation and time keeping. So I had to wake
earliest and ensure there was enough water for our need. I gladly took this on, yet by the
second day I could control myself no longer for it was such a tiring experience. Thus I
frowned and grumbled inwardly. But being a first-year in the midst continuing students, I
could not help it but continue serving them all.
The leader realizing what was going on, served a general rebuke to all who obliged for a
moment but later left me to fetch water from a borehole in a hot and humid sunny

Something awesome happened however, I suddenly begun operating by the Spirit of God
and this took away the feeling of Drudgery and boredom when I suddenly thought to
myself that “Let everything you do be done as unto the Lord…” and this transformed my
experience on that mission when what had seemingly been drudgery became a glorious
experience and everyone was encouraged by my input for readily there was water for
cooking, bathing because other willing joined in to help fetch it and we all did that
joyfully or is it as having fun, for that is what we termed it then!

Likewise you could be doing things that you don’t particularly enjoy doing or as several
people would say it does not come naturally for you and you are wondering how long,
how long do I have to put with this work or this job? I can assure you if you begin to see
that work as a blessing and do it with all your might, and heartily as to the Lord Jesus,
suddenly a joy you have never known will flood your heart and you will feel the glory of
the Lord because He is right there with you giving you all the victory all the while.
Even when it seemed as though he was far, yet that too will change because He promised
to never leave nor for forsake you who believes on His name.
The drudgery of life may have become familiar in your experience, and nothing seems to
ever flow and happen in time or as expected, yet as you press on in life you have a faint
hope that one day all that will roll away and you enjoy life like others.
Yes that day is closer than you had ever imagined or thought, it actually is as near as you
choose to come out of the valley of decisions.

This valley is the place of indecision and failure to make the right choice that would
benefit the one making the choice.
This is common where individuals perceive themselves to have lost the power of volition
and having the ability and opportunity to choose for themselves that they would surrender
their moral responsibility and obligation to another.
This is common with the public places and facilities for all where individuals think that
someone else should choose on their behalf and make their decisions. Even on what to eat
one may say you decide for me after all you are the one paying for the meal.
Even where the Lord says I have already favored you would like you to enjoy life to its
full this person still imagines that if they chose their desired good then they would be
overburdening the lord and threatening to bankrupt heavens due to the poverty mentality.

In a moment of hesitation, the bible says that Lot lost his wife who looked back and
turned into a pillar of salt. The problem was for lot to stop rather than flee to the
mountains according to the instructions of the Angel.
This calamity would have been avoided if Lot had not hesitated.
We often miss important opportunities and life changing experiences when we hesitate to
think about the details before making a decision and forget that we live in very
competitive world that will not stop to favor an individual because of his hesitation.
Time and chance happens to them all the scripture says meaning that one point or another
the path to destiny is there for us to choose but how we respond is the difference between
destiny achievers and a mediocre in life.

Wednesday 4th March 2010 0550hrs

Often looked at as an obvious task, decision making has become a most crucial concern
in the world today; senior management training is bent toward accomplishing this major
task and management role – decision making.

Whether one is Kindergarten, elementary school, secondary or high school, they will be
making decisions.
At college and university decisions made at this level have a major bearing on one’s
future hence making it crucial to be prepared before making the most significant
decisions as some of the decisions are irrevocable for example concerning a marriage
The implication here is a commitment for a lifetime; therefore this is a decision that has
to be taken with utmost care and caution so as to limit instances of regret because one has
to live with the consequences of such a decision for life.

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