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African Leadership University

Computer Science Department

OTTIS - Project-Tracking System

Prepared and Submitted by : Kudakwashe Solomon Mavuru

Project Advisor : Donart Ngarambe

Table of Contents

1. The system's brief description

2. The list of the system’s functional requirements
3. The system’s UML design
4. Your software’s functional screenshots.

System’s Brief Description

OTTIS is a project management solution that enables organizations to create, collaborate, organize and
review project documents. The system’s initial concept was designed to offer both cloud-based and
on-premise deployment but to time constraints the design was based on the latter.

OTTIS’ editor feature allows employees to create content such as meeting notes, product requirements
and research reports. The solution enables managers to review and share feedback in documents
themselves. OTTIS’ knowledge management module provides users with a centralized repository to
access and search relevant content according to project requirements. The system lets managers restrict
access to confidential data and collaborate within closed groups. Users can publish, organize and access
company information in a central location.

OTTIS' task management feature allows managers to delegate, monitor and track changes to tasks
assigned to each employee. The task management feature updates managers with status on tasks that
are completed, impending, or overdue.

With further development, the software will integrate with JIRA to enable project transparency.

The list of the system’s functional requirements

1. Administrator- is responsible for registering the company and initiating a project, sending
invitation mails to the project manager.

✔ Invite Project Manager- the Admin sends an invitation email to the desired project
manager who will be responsible for managing the project so created.
✔ Assign Project Manager- the Admin assigns the project manager a particular project
on which he/she needs to work.
Screenshot The system shall invite a Project Manager.

Description – an invitation email will be sent to project manager for confirmation.

Pre Condition The Admin should be logged in the system.

Normal Flow of Events –

✔ An invitation email will be sent to Project Manager

✔ Project Manager will confirm the request.

✔ Project information will be completed and status will be updated to ready.


Workflow Diagram

Screenshot :
2. Project Manager – is responsible for managing the overall project, it’s tasks, messages, reports,
related deadlines and documents

✔ Invite New Member – the PM is authorized to invite new members for the
project and he/she do so by sending them an invitation.

✔ Create New Task – The PM is responsible for creating a new task and assign
members to it

✔ Create Messages – PM can add messages to the project and these messages
will be displayed to all the users.

✔ Provide Documentation - The PM is responsible for providing documentation

for the various tasks involved.

✔ Generate Reports – The PM can generate various types of reports whenever he

feels a requirement.

✔ Update Project Status – The PM can update the project completion status by
analyzing the various task completion statuses.

✔ Decide Deadlines – The PM is responsible for setting project and task deadlines
i.e. the start date and end date.

Screenshot The system shall allow the PM to invite a new team member

Description – an invitation email will be sent to team members for confirmation.

Pre Condition –

✔ The Project Manager should be logged in the system.

Normal Flow of Events –

✔ An invitation email will be sent to Team Member.

✔ Team Member will confirm the request.

✔ Project information will be completed and status will be updated to ready.


Workflow Diagram

Screenshot : The system shall allow the PM to create a new task

Description – PM starts new task and assign team members to it.

Pre Condition –
✔ The PM should be logged in the system.
Normal Flow of Events –

✔ A task will be added to the project and timelines will be displayed.

✔ Team Members will update the task status.

✔ The Project completion status will also be updated.


Workflow Diagram The system shall enable the PM to create a new Message

Description – a new message will be created which will be displayed to all the users.

Pre Condition –
❏ The PM should be logged in the system.

Normal Flow of Events –

❏ A Msg will be created by filling in the details of the msg.
❏ This msg will be displayed to all the active users of the project.


Workflow Diagram The system shall enable the PM to provide documentation

Description – a task or project related document will be given to the team members for their guidance

Pre Condition –
❏ The PM should be logged in the system.

Normal Flow of Events –

❏ A document will be uploaded to the system.
❏ Other team members can read the doc.


Workflow Diagram

Screenshot The system shall allow the PM to generate reports

Description – a report can be generated by the PM at any instance of time to view the project
completion status

Pre Condition –
❏ The PM should be logged in the system.

Normal Flow of Events –

❏ A project report will be generated

❏ A database entry would be made.


Workflow Diagram The system shall allow the PM to update a project status

Description – a PM can update the project status by looking at the task completion status.

Pre Condition –
❏ The PM should be logged in the system.

Normal Flow of Events –

❏ Analyze project tasks.

❏ Update project completion status.


Workflow Diagram
Screenshot : The system shall allow the PM to decide deadlines
Description – a time line i.e. a start date and an end date would be set for every task.

Pre Condition –
❏ The PM should be logged in the system.

Normal Flow of Events –

❏ Set a start date and an end date.

3.1.2.Team Member – is responsible for updating task status and completing the task so that the project
may not get delayed.

❏ Update Task Status – the team member is responsible for updating the
completion status of the project.

❏ Create/ update MSG – the team member can create and update the msgs.

Screenshot The system shall allow a staff member to update a task status
Description – completion status of the task could be updated.

Pre Condition –
❏ The Team Member should be logged in the system.

Normal Flow of Events –

❏ Sets the percentage completion status.


Workflow Diagram The system shall allow a team member to create/ update MSG.
Description – a new MSG will be created or an already existing MSG will be updated.

Pre Condition –

❏ The Team Member should be logged in the system.

Normal Flow of Events –

❏ Create a new msg

❏ Edit an already existing msg.



3.1.3 Provide Search facility.

❏ The system shall enable the user to enter the search text on the screen.
❏ The system shall enable the user to select multiple options on the screen to search.
❏ The system shall display all the matching products based on the search
❏ The system shall display only 10 matching results on the current screen.
❏ The system shall enable the user to navigate between the search results.
❏ The system shall notify the user when no matching product is found on the search.

3.1.4 Provide Customer Support.

❏ The system shall provide online help, FAQ’s customer support, and sitemap options for customer
❏ The system shall allow user to select the support type he wants.
❏ The system shall allow user to enter the customer and product information for the support.
❏ The system shall display the customer support contact numbers on the screen.
❏ The system shall allow user to enter the contact number for support personnel to call.
❏ The system shall display the online help upon request.
❏ The system shall display the FAQ’s upon request.

The system’s UML design

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