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V- I
1. Answer the following questions (16 points):

1. In England and the USA, is the law of tort an area of criminal or civil law?


2. There are different types of tort. In general, what is a tort?


3. How many types of torts are there in English Legal System?


4. Name the elements of the negligence that must exist in order for a plaintiff to win a negligence


5. Who are considered to be founders of European Union?


6. When was The European Coal and Steel Community founded and what were the 6 founding


7. What are the main EU institutions?

8. How many countries form the European Union?


2. Look at the groups of words below, in each group, three of the words belong to the same
subject idea. Put a circle around the word that is the odd one.

a. wind up liquidate quorum strike off

b. convene hold call debt

c. shadow executive creditor non-executive

d. liquidation profit administration receivership

e. director mortgage security charge

f. vote merger poll show of hands

3. Look at the list of people. They are all connected with a company. Match each person in
the list with the correct description below.

directors(1) accountant (5)

shareholders(2) employee (6)

company secretary (3) creditors (7)

auditor (4) debtors (8)

a. All of the people who are empoyed by a company

b. The people or comanies that a comany owes money.
c. The owners of a company.They are also called the members of a company.
d. A person who checks the financial records of a company to verify that the accounts are
true reflection of the company’s financial position.
e. The people who run or manage the company.
f. A person who deals with company’s finance.
g. The people or companies who owe a copmany some money.
h. The person who is responsable for making sure that a company’s statutory obligations are
complied with.
4. Use the correct words from exercise 3 to fill in the gaps.

My name is Louise Nichols. I own 40 % of the issued shares in Sanders & Nichols Ltd. The
other __________________________ are Denis Sanders and Kit Neilson. As well as being
members of the company, we are responsible for running the company, as we are the
____________________ of the company. Kit Neilson has an additional responsibility as he is the
____________________ .He has to make sure that all legal requirements in connection with
filing documents at Companies House are complied with. We have three ___________________

who work in our shop in Chatsworth. We use the services of an __________________________

to keep our financial records up-to-date. We have regular meetings with her and each month we
look at the list of people who haven’t paid our invoices. Of these _________________________,

we look to see if there is a good reason why they haven’t paid us. If there is no reason, we
contact them and ask to pay us immediately. In the same way, we look at the people that we owe
money to. These are our ____________________. We pay most of these, but if we have a query
we will raise that with them. Once a year it is necessary for an __________________ to check
the financial records and accounts of our company. This is an independent check, to make sure
that our annual accounts show the true financial position of Sanders & Nichols Ltd.

5. Create an opening statement on behalf of defendant’s lawyer or plaintiff’s lawyer

representing one of the parts in a law suit based on the situation described above. (150
words) 22points
Susie and Ellen are juniors in college and have been best friends since high school. Jeff asked Ellen to
the homecoming dance. When Susie found out, she was very upset because she told Ellen that she
liked Jeff and wanted to go with him. To get even, Susie spray-painted Ellen’s 1965 Mustang
convertible. Susie admits to vandalizing Ellen’s car, but refuses to pay for the damages claiming that
“Ellen asked for it.” Nothing is done at the time but 10 years later Ellen tries to sell her car and realizes
that she will get less for it because of the paint. Ellen sues Susie for the difference.


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