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By Mark Cooney

A Verb’s Lament

n a hunch, I stepped into a bar Example: The defendant made the ar- service on junk instead of we served.
around the corner from an of- gument that the plaintiff ‘s lawsuit was And I see it in briefs all the time.
fice building filled with law untimely.
firms. B.B. King riffs filled the Author: Prove it.
Better: The defendant argued that the
smoky room. And there it was: plaintiff’s lawsuit was untimely. Verb: Okay, smart guy. Here are some real-
Sitting at the bar, with its head life examples:
hung over a Scotch and water, was a verb. Example: The parties engaged in a discus-
sion over the possibility of settlement. Brief: ‘‘This event . . . caused an interrup-
Author: Why so glum? Better: The parties discussed the possibility tion in the flow of their testimony.’’
Verb: You know, just the usual stuff. of settlement. Better: This event interrupted the flow of
their testimony.
Author: What usual stuff? Author: I see the improvement.
Verb: Well, it’s those lawyers again. A lot Verb: Some writing experts call nominal- Brief: ‘‘Neither she nor any other indi-
of them just don’t seem to like me. ized verbs ‘‘buried’’ verbs. A writer vidual had made an assessment of [the]
They make me feel who nominalizes a verb has killed attachment.’’
nominalized. the poor thing, so it might as well Better: Neither she nor anyone else had
Author: Buddy, I’m no psychiatrist. What do be buried. It’s verbicide! assessed the attachment.
you mean? Author: Settle down, fella. Is this really that Brief: ‘‘APHIS then undertook an investi-

Verb: I’m a nice, simple verb, but they big a deal? gation into the cause of the larvae finds.’’
aren’t satisfied with that. They try Verb: Imagine being forced to read these Better: APHIS then investigated the cause
to change me into some highfalu- wordy, lifeless nominalizations page of the larvae finds.
tin, abstract noun with a bunch of after page in a long brief. Which
extra words. style do you think a busy judge Author: You’ve certainly done some digging.
Author: Give me an example. would rather read? Verb: You and your lawyer friends will im-
Verb: Sure. Suppose a lawyer wants to say press judges, judicial clerks, and cli-
Author: Okay, okay, I get it. But what makes
that a statute ‘‘protects’’ a certain ents far more if you just give us verbs
you think that lawyers are the
class of people. That’s just fine the a chance.

way it is. But many lawyers inflate Verb: Don’t get me started on letters to cli- Author: Yeah, well, I guess now we’ve come to
simple verbs like protects to make ents, with all that we have effectuated an understanding about each other.
them sound more impressive: ‘‘The

statute provides protection for workers Verb: You mean, now we understand each
who are discriminated against be- other. You’re all hopeless. Bartender!
cause of their age.’’ That took three ‘‘Plain Language’’ is a regular feature of the
words to say what one simple verb Michigan Bar Journal, edited by Joseph Kimble This piece first appeared in the Winter
for the Plain English Subcommittee of the Publi- 2005 issue of The Scrivener, the newsletter of
said better. They. . . they do it to me
cations and Website Advisory Committee. We
all the time. [The author hands the Scribes—The American Society of Writers on
seek to improve the clarity of legal writing and the
verb a tissue.] Legal Subjects. ♦
public opinion of lawyers by eliminating legal-
Author: Does nominalizing a verb always ese. Want to contribute a plain-English article?
Contact Prof. Kimble at Thomas Cooley Law Mark Cooney is an assistant professor at Thomas M.
add extra words? Cooley Law School, where he teaches legal research
School, P.O. Box 13038, Lansing, MI 48901, or at
Verb: I can’t see how it wouldn’t. Some- and writing. Before joining Cooley’s faculty, he spent For more information about
times it takes three, four, even five 10 years in private practice with defense-litigation
plain English, see our website—www.michbar.
words to say what one little verb firms, most recently Collins, Einhorn, Farrell &
says just fine. Check these out: Ulanoff, in Southfield.


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