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Words in English Meaning Romanian meaning

Legal allowed by the law Legal

Valid Which is legally correct Valid
Insolvent The state of a business not having enough money Insolvabil
to pay what it owes.
Act The thing a person actively does Acțiune
Damage The harm suffered by a person Prejudiciu
Harm The damage caused to a person Pagubă
To act for To represent someone in court A reprezenta pe cineva in
procesul de judecata
Litigation The process of taking legal action Litigiu, contestație
Law of tort Law that deals civil wrongs Drept civil
Offer A proposal, the terms of which are certain Ofertă
To reject Not to accept the offer A refuza
A term A single duty/ condition contained in a contract Condiție
Contract under A contract which is available even if a party has Contract sub sigiuliu
seal not provided consideration
Compensation Putting the claimant back in the position s/he was Compensație, dezpăgubire
before the negligent conduct
Merge The unity between two companies Fuzionare
Libel A form of written defamation Defaimare pe cale scrisă
Redress To put the claimant in the situation s/he was Despăgubire
before the negligent conduct
Tort A civil wrong delict
Party People involved in a dispute/ who have entered Parte
into a contract
Body of law A collection of laws Set de legi
Term The duration of the contract Termenul/durata
Legal practice A period in which the attorney acquires Stagiere
experience learning from a professional attorney.
Maritime Law Law that deals with everything connected with Dreptul Maritim
the sea or ships
Slander Verbal type of defamation Calomnie, defăimare
Factor Something that should be taken into Factor
consideration when taking the final decision
Revoke To cancel the offer, after changing one’s mind A anula
Actionable per se The claimant doesn’t need to prove the damage Înțeles de la sine
Intellectual The law that deals with the protection of the Dreptul proprietății
property law rights of the inventor or artists. intelectuale
Offeror The person who makes the offer Ofertant
Lapsed Which is not valid anymore; too much time has Expirat
Restriction A limit that is put on something Restricție
Objective Not influenced by the feelings Obiectiv
Damages The compensation that is awarded by a court to Daune
the injured part
Debt A sum of money owed to someone Datorie
IT Law The law that deals with everything connected to Dreptul IT
Defamation A negative statement which has the intention to Defaimare
harm a person’s reputation
Remedy Something that compensates the party’s loss Remediere
Battery the crime of attacking and beating someone Violență fizică
Heads of tort The different types of tort Tipuri de delicte
Breach The violation of a contract, the law Încălcare de lege
Represent To act for, to plead a case A reprezenta
Family Law The law that deals with such events as divorce, Dreptul familial
custody of children
Capital The total amount of Capitalul
Liable That is responsible Responsabil
False To keep someone in a certain space without that Detenție pe motive false
imprisonment person’s permission
Issue Conflict between parties Problema, conflictul
Duty of care The anticipation that your conduct will cause Responsabilitate
Discharged A contract which has come to an end Contract a cărui durată s-a
Omission The thing a person doesn’t do Inacțiune, omitere
Dispute Conflict Conflict, dispută
Legislation The collective word for all the statutes Legislație
Nuisance To interfere with someone’s joy in their private Neplăceri
Remote damages The damages the defendant could not foresee Despăgubiri care nu au
nevoie de dovadă
An enforceable A contract a court would consider as valid Împuternicit
Principle of law An established idea on which is based a certain Principiu
area of law
Obliged Which must be done, obligatorily. Obligat
Statute A source of contract law/ acts of the parliament Statutele
Consideration A part of the contract in which the parties state Considerație
what will be given/done to the other party
Tortfeasor The person who commits the tort Provocator de delict
Grounds The basis, foundation for the evidence Temei
Voluntarily Signing the contract freely, not under pressure Semnare benevolă
Tenant A person/company who/which pays rent to Chiriaș
another person
Oferee The person who receives the offer Cel care acceptă oferta
Proof of damage To prove that the defendant’s conduct cause Dovadă pentru
harm desbăgubire
Counter Offer To cancel the original offer, and to accept other Contra-ofertă
Conveyancing Agreement Acord, înțelegere, contract
Business and Law that deals with the way businesses are set up Drept comercial
company law
Proof The evidence Probă, dovadă
Pronouncement The judge’s word in the end of the case giving the Hotărâre/decizie/sentință
final decision
Employment Law The law that deals with people’s rights, pay or Dreptul muncii
conditions in the workplace
Obliged Which must be done, obligatorily. Obligat
Royal assent The permission that should be given by the Aprobare regală
monarch before a new statute becomes law
Allegation Setting out what the claimant expects to prove Acuzație
Contract law The law that deals with private agreements Drept contractual
between people
Ratio decidendi The legal reasoning for the judge’s decision. Temeiul rational
Obter dictum Does not provide the legal basis for the decision. Obiter dictum
Assault a violent attack Asalta
Source of law A place where law comes from. Izvor de drept
Matter Cause, situation that is judged Cauza
Party in breach Party that breaches the contract Partea care încalcă
Partnership Collaboration between two people/companies Parteneriat
Relevant Which is important or significant to a particular Relevant/important
Client The person who pays for the services of a lawyer Client
Plead a case To represent the client in court A reprezenta
Defamation A negative statement which has the intention to Defaimare
harm a person’s reputation
Distinguishable The case is different and the precedent does not Care este diferit
apply to this certain case
Conduct The behaviour of a person Comportament
Redundancy The process of reducing the number of employers Redundanță
Forbearance A promise not to do something in the future Abținere
Contract A legal agreement made between two parties Contract
Tort Harmful act Delict
Sick pay The money paid when the employee is sick Concediu medical plătit
Precedent A decision of a judge in an earlier case which must Precedent
be followed by the other judges, if the situation is
Negligence Not being careful enough Neglijență
Foreseeable The results of my conduct are predictable Previzibil
Subjective That is influenced by emotions Subiectiv
Acceptance The unconditional agreement to what is proposed Acceptare
by the other party
The right for The right to be heard by a judge Dreptul la audiere
Emotional A client’s mental pain and suffering Despăgubiri emoționale
Deterrent That has the intention to stop from wanting to
do/repeat a certain act Descurajant

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