Vocabulary - English - Icpna

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- Skepticism: escepticismo

initiating a group call ...

Y: Hi guys, how are you?

B: Hi, i'm okay.

I: Hi, i'm boring... what are you doing?

Y: Oh... Me too... I'm not doing anything.

B: I will going to practice basketball. Do you want to go with me?

I: I would like to go but I don't remember the address. Is near here?

Y: Can you explain us? Please.

B: it´s a coliseum, it is on white avenue, in block 5 and it is on the corner of the

yellow street, mmm more specific next to a restaurant.

Y: How much traffic is there in that place?

B: There is usually a lot of traffic, but the rush hour has passed and now there is
not much traffic.

Y: How many sports there in the place?

B: There are many sports like volleyball, judo, swimming and more.

I: Are there many boys in the place?

B: Yes, there are many persons.

Y: I want to go. It sounds like fun.

I: I don’t know… I don’t like to practice those sports.

B: Oh no:(

Y: Oh… Come on, you can just watch and then we can to eat pizza.

B: Yes, you can. Remember that the idea is to have a fun.

I: Yeah, I would love to. Now… I want to go with you.

B: Okay… What time will we meet?

I: I can at 2pm.

Y: Me too.

B: Okay, see you later.

I and Y: Goodbye
End of the call…
Laidback: Relajadx
Workaholic: Adictx al trabajo

Harmony: Armonía

Politicians: Políticos

Thinker: Pensador

Engineers: Ingenieros

Filmmaker: Cineasta

Fields: Campos

Once in a while: de vez en cuando / rara vez

Hardly ever: Casi nunca

Several times: many times

Often: a menudo

I am not organized, i'm a little messy. I am an ambitious person because I study

six times a week. I'm talkative person because I talk with my friends and my
family every day. I see my friends once in a while but we call us twice a week. I'm
not selfish because I love share my things and my time with my parents and people
who I loved.
That means
that i'm

generous and helpful. I love my family, but I can't see them often. That's why I
try to see them once in a while. For example, I see my grandmothers twice a year
and I miss them very much.

Request: solicitud

Chores: tareas

Schedule: calendar

Laundry/ to wash to the dirty clothes: ropa sucia / lavar la ropa sucia

Feed: alimentación / alimentar

Takes out the trash

Errands: mandados

Which: cual

Sweep the floor: barrer el piso

Sweep is with the broom

Set the table: poner la mesa

Fold my clothes: doblar mi ropa

Workout: exercise

Achievable: realizable

Advice: a tip or a recommendation

Write down / annotate

annotate all your goals to make more easy to do

lift: aumentar/ elevar

spicy: picante

thin: delgada

2. Barbara likes to draw. She’d like to go to art school.

3. Luis likes to travel. He’d like to practice his English in other countries.

4. Katie likes to talk to people. She’d like to work in a restaurant.

5. You like to sing. You’d like to be an artist.

6. I like to teach. I’d like to be a teacher.

- Getting ready: preparándose

- take time off: tomarse timpo libre
- I become: me convierto/ convertirse
I think that the text talk about the boys who want to become a soccer
Teammates: compañerxs de equipo
- Lawyer: abogadx
- Major: especializado / especializarse
- Chemistry: química
- Match: partido
- Who are you going to married with? : con quién te vas a casar?
- Politely: apropiadamente

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