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Module 3 Earth and our place on it

LESSON: Module 3 Lesson 3 School: 48

Earth and our place on it
Use of English 3B Modals
Date: 12.11.2021 Teacher’s name: Zhaksigali A.B.
CLASS: 9 Number present: absent:
objectives use a variety of simple perfect forms including some passive forms, including time
that this adverbials on a range of familiar general and curricular topics;
lesson is deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a range of familiar general and
contribut curricular topics;
ing to
Lesson All learners will be able to:
objectives Listen and read for gist, read for specific information,
Most learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about the place they live in
Some learners will be able to:
Listen and read for gist, read for specific information, talk about differences in city life
and country life, write a blog entry

Assessme Learners have met the learning objective if they can: talk about life in the city and in the country
nt criteria
Value Explore the themes of city life and country life
Cross – Geography and History of Kazakhstan
ICT skills Using videos& pictures, working with URLs
Previous Vocabulary “City life/ country life”

Planned Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned Excel Resources
timings activities)

BEGINNI Today we are having a grammar lesson. It will be devoted to modal verbs
NG THE in the English language. Recording
LESSON Let’s begin our lesson with the revision of the modal verb that you know
well and use every day at our lessons Video
Warming up
Students name the modal verb with the most common examples:
- May I come in? / May I go out?
- Can I ask you a question?
- Must we do this exercise now?
- Etc.

PRESENT 2. Let us think! What modal meanings we express when we use these
ATION modal verbs?
(оқушылар аталған модаль етістіктердің қолданылған жағдаяттардан
модальдық мағыналарын болжайды және берілген мысалға
байланысты мүмкіндігін, міндетін немесе ықтималдылығын
мағыналарын атайды)

Modal verbs do not denote actions or states, but only show the attitude of
the speaker towards the action expressed by the infinitive.

There are twelve modal verbs in English. They are can (could), may
(might), must (to be to, to have to), should, ought to, shall, will
(would), need, dare.

Modal verb Modal meanings Examples

and its
equivalent Give each Ss
Can 1. physical or mental ability 1. I can skate. Soon he will be able to
Could 2. possibility speak English quite fluently.
To be able 3. permission 2. Everybody can make a mistake. The
to 4. prohibition (in negative railways could be improved. The sea can
sentences = нельзя, ненадо) be rough.
5. strong doubt 3. You can go now!
6. reproach or surprise (with Can I ask you a question?
perfect infinitive) 4. You cannot do that!
5. He can’t be working at this time!
6. You could have told me about it!
You can’t have spent all the money, I’ve
given you a lot!
Collocations with can:
I can’t help laughing.
We cannot but hope he is right.
May 1. permission 1. May I go out? Might I interfere?
Might 2. possibility (might is more polite)
To be 3. prohibition 2. You may find all these books in our
allowed to (in negative sentences = library.
несмей!!!) 3. You may not touch this!
4. uncertainty 4. He might be at home, but I am not sure.
5. reproachoruncertainty 5. You might have helped me.
(withperfectinfinitive) They might have gone on holiday.
Must 1. obligation or necessity 1. You must do your home work!
To be to 2. prohibition You were toread this book.
To have to (in negative sentences) What am I to do?
3. near certainty What is to become of me?
(a past action with the perfect Where am I to go?
infinitive) (necessity or obligation arising out of an
arrangement or plan)
Will I have to go there alone?
(obligation or necessity arising out of
2. You must not cross the street here!
3. She must be packing for the trip now.
They must have gone home by now.
Need 1. necessity (in questions and 1. Need we do the exercises now?
negative sentences) 2. You need not have brought your friend
2. absence of necessity (in here! ( with perfect infinitive – зря,
negative sentences) незачем было)
Should 1. moral duty or obligation 1. You should be careful talking to him.
Ought to 2. advice (следует)
3. reproach or criticism 2. You ought to see a doctor.
( with perfect infinitive) 3. You should have stayed a thome!
Shall 1. promise, oath or strong 1. It shall be done as you wish.
intention 2. That day shall come.
2. threat or warning 3. Shall we begin?
3. a suggestion or offer

And now let us practice what we have just learned.

Ex 1 Match the modals in bold to their meaning Ex 1 p 32 SB
1C Ex 2 p 32 SB
2E Ex 3 p 32 SB
10 L
11 K
12 D
Ex 2
Choose the correct item
Ex 3
Fill in the gaps with the correct past modal

3.To read for specific information

Explain the task and allow Ss three minutes to prepare their answers. Ss
share their answers with their partners. Ask some pairs to report back to
the class.
Suggested answers:
I think that you understand the modal verb and can use it in speech.
Home work
Ex 4 p 33 on SB

ENDING The lessons is over, good bye! Student’s Book: 3b

THE Workbook: 3b

Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
more support? How do you plan to planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
challenge the more able learners? learning? ICT links
monitor for spoken accuracy in Values links
prompt less able learners to engage in whole
plot prediction task and use a
class checking and plenary activity with
range of oral correction
supportive questioning
provide sentence starters for final
challenge more able learners to structure final
writing to include key words
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the
most relevant questions from the box on the left about
your lesson
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and


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