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Role of 12 Signs in Vastu

By: Jitender Kumar

(Astrological Researches Group)
Date: June 28, 2015

Note: “This whole article is for each Sign’s role in general Vastu only in correlation
with Horoscope, which is topic of further research”.

Vastu very closely co-relates with Horoscope. “Directions” in Vastu corresponds

through Different Houses/Signs in Horoscope. Planets act as catalyst to activate/
deactivate different Events. In previous posts, I shared views for Taurus and Leo
Signs. In this post, I will try to summarize all 12 Signs in respect of Vastu. In BPHS
and Jataka Parijata and other classical texts, characteristics of each Sign have
been quoted there. Following are some of the characteristics of 12 Signs:

Table: Sign and characteristics

Sign Characteristics
1. Aries: Resides in East, Related to Kings, Wanders in Hills.
Aries Sign is also known as Surface of Earth which contains
minerals and Gemstones.
2. Taurus: Resides in South, Villages, and Businessmen, Earthy.
Taurus governs Land, Farms (Agriculture land), Cow station
(Goushala) and Forests.
3. Gemini: Resides in West, Villages, Windy.
Gambling house and pleasure hunts like Garden or Park
4. Cancer: Resides in North, Resorts to Forests.
Water resource like Pond, Lake or Sand bank in midst of
5. Leo: Resides in East, Resorts to Forests.
Deep mountain caves and forests.
6. Virgo: Resides in South, Hill resorter, Business community,
Earthy, pleasure of a Woman.
Pasture Land or pleasure room of a woman.
7. Libra: Resides in West, Resorts of Land, Mischievous.
Bazar of a city abounding in all kind of valuable things.
8. Scorpio: Resides in North, Resides in Holes, Resorts to Water and
earth (Land).
The lair consists of a region abounding in flint or holes of
noxious reptiles.
9. Sagittarius: Resides in East, Resorts of Land.
The Camp or Barracks containing Horses, Chariots and
10. Capricorn: Resides in South, Resorts to both Land and Forests, Earthy.
River or Water abounding region.
11. Aquarius: Resides in West, Resorts to Deep Water.
Water pot and receptacles of vessels in a house.
12. Pisces: Resides in North, Resorts in Water.
River or Sea.

Moon and Venus are known as watery Planet, Mercury and Jupiter are known as
water resorters, Sun, Mars and Saturn are known as Waterless.

Researcher can further explore these views in respect of Vastu and their impact
on nature of: Residence, Business, Living style etc.
To be Conti….

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