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Why is it necessary for senior management to step in rather than let the chiefs of the directorates
handle the conflicts?

It is necessary for the senior management to step in because letting the chiefs of the directorates try
and handle the conflicts they have between them have not resolved its self by now. Their prioritizing of
projects has not helped the company because of their poor management and communication between
the chiefs due to the fact they are selfish. Therefore, the senior management has to step in to handle the
conflicts and help them share the resources and get started in completing projects on time.

2. What should the senior management team do to resolve the problem?

The senior management need to sit down with all the chiefs of the directorates and prioritize all the
projects based on importance and relevance to helping areas of improvement between them. The
critical resources should be shared amongst each so it will help get projects done.

3. Let’s assume that the decision was to create a list that included all of the projects from the four
directorates. How many of the projects on the list should have a priority number or priority code?

I believe that the projects should be numbered 1-5 and giving a code so that the projects with the
highest importance, established by the whole team, are getting completed on time so that focuses can
be done to lower the number of projects.

4. Can the directorate chiefs assign the priority or must it be done with the involvement of senior

It has to be done with the senior management involved because even before they stepped it the
priorities of each project were not getting completed because of the huge differences between the
directorates. With senior management involved they can have the final say and will have an unbiased
view of which projects should be completed.

5. How often should the list of prioritized projects be reviewed and who should be in attendance at the
review meetings?

The list of prioritized projects should be reviewed weekly in comparison to progress made, meaning that
it will help the team review the progress and provide help with the project if it were to run into road
blocks. Meeting weekly with the team will help everyone as a whole because this is an opportunity for
other helpful resources from other team members.

6. Suppose that some of the directorate chiefs refuse to assign resources according to the prioritized list
and still remain focused on their own pet projects. How should this issue now be resolved?

This will rely on senior management to adhere to company policies and standard practices, designate
individuals on the team to specific projects and set the tone for them to complete, hold each one
responsible but overall actively work with the chiefs of directorates in resolving their issues, focus and
road blocks to establish a well working team.

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