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So, you can see the chart that shows percentage of students in Estonia who think

that their school community was democratic. We can see that in 2013 38% of Estonia
students think that their school community was democratic. In 2015 the percentage
increased by 9% to 47%. In 2017 the percentage increased by 10% to 57% and in 2019 the
percentage increased by only one percent to 58%. From 2013 to 2017, the percentage grew
rapidly, and from 2017 to 2019 stays equal.

Democracy in school is when there is an illness among all students, everyone has
the same rights. You are free to express your opinion and be heard. Democracy gives you
the freedom to live freely and unfetteredly and to feel full, not to be afraid of anything and
to live in peace. The first example of democracy in school is the election. There is a freely
elected school president and senate. All students who wish can go to school government
be elected. A second example of democracy at school would be that we can say things
freely, express an opinion and, if necessary, vote. At school, many teachers and people
listen to you and your opinions, can speak freely without being restricted by anyone. I think
democracy at school is very humble because we can feel free and unfettered.

The third question about volunteering seems a bit complicated in terms of choice. I
think that cleaning the local park or helping at an animal shelter are very important works. I
only have to choose one, so I think I would choose an animal shelter. Yes, local park
cleaning is also a very important thing, but I think more help is needed at the animal shelter.
I feel compassion for animals that are homeless. I feel very sorry for animals that feel
femine. Animals always need care. They need to be fed, played with, washed, handled their
bearings and do endless other things. Every animal, like man, wants love and warmth.
Animals also crave attention and a warm touch. Must dedicate a lot of time and constant
care. So, I think helping at an animal shelter is more useful volunteering activity than
cleaning the local park.

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