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Child is

Health Stories
Amamo½` H Wm
Dear Children Read these
stories and become
ß`mao ~ƒm| `h H hm{Z`m± nTm|
Am¡a OrVZodmbo ~ƒo ~Zmo &

Dr. Hemant Joshi / Dr. Archana Joshi

Sm°. ho_§V Omoer, Sm°. AM©Zm Omoer

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


Xodmo ^d!
Story Therapy
Best to Entertain educate & Improve Child Survival

1. Use Krishnakatha, improve

practice & child survival 06
3. Jungle’s Race. 17
4. From care to Advocacy
4 useful stories:true & amazing 33
5. ...And Pappu became a Hero 36
6. Story of our guru “mad doctor” Simmelweis. 39
7. Alexander’s story :Give amnesty, to hospitals,
doctors, & nurses. 47
2001 keâer peveieCeveevegmeej Yeejle keâer 49
DeMeeskeâ Deewj yegæ kesâ keâeue ceW Ùetjeshe ØeefleMele pevemebKÙee yeÛÛeeW keâer nw~ peveleb$e ceW 49
pebieueer Lee~ nceejs Ùeneb megJeCe&Ùegie Lee~ ØeefleMele pevemebKÙee efpevekeâer nw Gve yeÛÛeeW kesâ efueÙes
Ùegjeshe ceW meyeves, meyekeâes meerKeekeâj nesefMeÙeej mejkeâej keâe DeeOee hewmee KeÛe& nesvee ÛeeefnÙes~ DeeOes
yeveeÙee~ ncemes Deeies efvekeâue ieÙee~ nce hej efJeOeeÙekeâ, he$ekeâej yeÛÛeeW kesâ efueÙes keâece keâjvee ÛeeefnÙes~
GvneWves jepe efkeâÙee~ Ûeuees nce Yeer jespe veÙee yeÛÛeeW keâes keâce mes keâce hetjW šerkesâ efceueves ÛeeefnÙes~ efyevee
meerKeWies~ Ùen efkeâleeye he{Wies~ meyekeâes DeeJeepe veesš Deewj Jnesš kesâ 49 Heâermeoer yeÛÛeeW kesâ
meerKeeÙeWies, ogefveÙee hej jepe keâjWies~ heeuekeâ yevekeâj GvnW meye šerkesâ GheueyOe keâjeSb~
Sm°. Omoer àH meZ efkeâleeye kesâ efueÙes
› ñdê n H m°_.qàQ , {dama.
àH meH Heâesve keâerefpeÙes
ì`dñWmnH -eaXM§Ð ^m. n§{SV
Omo e r ~mbé½Umb`, 0250-2502710/2502709
_wIn¥ð -{demb YmSdo
{dama n.401 303
XyaÜdZr - 0250 -2502710
15 Am°JñQ 2011
© Sm°. ho_§V Omoer /
cegõkeâ - _yë` 100/
Sm°.gm¡. AM©Zm Omoer

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


_ñV, gwIr OrZo H s àmW©Zm

Child is
jespe megyen DeebKe yebo keâjkesâ henues YeieJeeve keâe mcejCe keâjW Deewj efHeâj Ùen ØeeLe&vee keâjW—
ns YeieJeeve, ceQ Deehe ner keâe DebMe ntb~ cesje Deepe keâe efove megKe-MeebefleceÙe nes Fmekesâ efueS nceejs hetJe&peeW ves
pees efveÙece yeveeS nw Gvekeâe DeeÛejCe keâjves keâer meoddyegefæ cegPes oW~
Jes efveÙece Fme Øekeâej nw—
ceQ efkeâmeer keâes Yeer lekeâueerHeâ veneR otbiee/otbieer (ceej keâj, ieeueer os keâj, iegmmee keâjkesâ ceve ner ceve ceW Yeer)
efHeâj cegPes Yeer keâesF& lekeâueerHeâ veneR osiee/osieer~
ceQ ncesMee meÛe yeesuetbiee/yeesuetbieer, Ûeesjer veneR keâ¤biee/keâ¤bieer~
meyekesâ meeLe YeeF&-yenve pewmee JÙeJenej keâ¤biee/keâ¤bieer~
meye cegPes ner ÛeeefnS Ssmee ceesn veneR keâ¤biee/keâ¤bieer~
ceQ meeHeâ-megLeje jntbiee/jntbieer, Mejerj mes Deewj ceve mes Yeer
kegâÚ Yeer Keeve mes henues Deewj yeeo ceW neLe OeesTbiee/OeesTbieer~
YeieJeeve ves pewmee jKee nw Jewmes ner meblees<e mes jntbiee/jntbieer~
Kego ceW Øeieefle nes FmeefueS jespe kegâÚ-ve-kegâÚ keâece keâ¤biee/keâ¤bieer~
Fmeer keâes lehe keânles nQ~
jespe kegâÚ veÙee efmeKegbieer/efmeKegbiee~ pees efmeKeeS Gvekeâe Deeoj keâ¤biee/keâ¤bieer~
YeieJeeve cesjs pewmes meye ceW nw~ ceQ meyekeâe ceeve jKetbiee/jKetbieer~
Fmemes cesje Deepe keâe efove megKeceÙe efyelesiee~
cesjs pewmee ner—
1. meyekeâes megKe efceues~
2. meyekeâe Yeuee ness~
3. meyekeâer yeerceeefjÙeeb otj nes~
4. efkeâmeer keâes Yeer og:Ke ve nes~
nce meye Skeâ meeLe jnWies~ Skeâ meeLe KeeSbies, Skeâ meeLe efheSbies, SkeâmeeLe yeÌ[s-yeÌ[s keâece keâjWies~ Deewj Skeâ
meeLe lespemJeer neWies~ efkeâmeer keâe jeie-És<e veneR keâjWies~ efkeâmeer ves ieueleer keâer lees Gmes #ecee keâjWies~ meye megKe Meebefle
mes jnWies~
ns YeieJeeve, nceW De%eeve keâer DebOekeâej mes %eeve kesâ ØekeâeMe keâer Deesj ues Ûeuees~
DemelÙe mes melÙe keâer Deesj Deewj ce=lÙeg mes Decejlee keâer Deesj ues Ûeuees~
DeÛÚs efJeÛeej, DeÛÚs Meyo Deewj DeÛÚs keâece keâjves keâer leekeâle oes~
nce Ùen ØeeLe&vee jespe keâjWies Deewj meyekeâes efmeKeeSbies~
Ô MeebefleŠ~ MeebefleŠ~ MeebefleŠ~

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


Xodmo ^d!

The Idol of Lord Ganesh

Request to Media:
Once idol of Lord Ganesh drank milk. Thanks to media 6
billion people on the earth knew it by evening.Please reach
this information about child care and child survival with
same spped.To all in all languages & save lives every
moment.Each day’s delay means more deaths.
Children make half the polpatiopn of the globe.
Half the media programmes should be for them. We
request media to carry at least one child care programme
daily on each channel in each language.Then more people
will live for more years to see and read what media says.
They will have more money to buy the media output.
Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


Child is
God Story Therapy
Best to Entertain educate & improve child survival.

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


Xodmo ^d!
H¥ îUH Wm Use Krishna katha &
AnZo ~mbH H mo ~mbH¥ îU ~ZmB`o & improve child survival
“Make your child like child lord
~mbH Ho én _| ñd`§ ^JdmZ h_mao Ka AmVo Krishna”.
h§¡ & h_mao Ho db _m§JZo go h_| ~ƒm Zhr {_bVm & ha In Maharashtra and in many states of In-
~ƒm ^JdmZ hmoVm h¡ & dia, at the time of marriage, an idol of child Lord
Krishna is given to bride,hoping that her son will
_hmamï´ _| bSH sH mo emXr Ho g_` ~mbH¥ îU be like lord Krishna..
H s _yVu XoVo h¡ & g~ MmhVo h¡ {H bSH s Ho Ka Vaishnavs begin and end their day saying “Jai
H¥ îUOr OZ_ bo §& d¡îUd g§àXm` Ho bmoJ Vmo ha Srikrishna.” When they meet anyone they greet
saying “Jai Srikrishna”.Jagannath Puri’s God
àha H¥ îUOrH m Zm_ Am¡a Xe©Z boVo h¡ &{H grgo
Jagannath is child lord Krishna. Many classical
{_bZo n a O` lrH¥ îU H hVo h¡ & H¥ îUH Wm dances in India are based on Krishnakatha and
Om{Z`| , g~H mo ~VmB`| Vmo AnZo ~ƒo _ñV Krishna is a popular God. Krishnakatha is liked
~Z|Jo &AZw^d H r[O`o Am¡a AmnH m AZw^d g~H mo by all and is a very good tool to teach child care.
7 girls born before Krishna were killed by
~VmB`| & ZÝh| H¥ îUOr H mo H Ýh¡`m ^r H hVo h¡ & Mama Kans.But 8th child Krishna survived.This
H¥ îUOrHo OZ_ Ho nhbo go hr _m¡V CZHo nrNo incidence has following lessons.
nSr Wr & do g~ Amn{ÎmAm|H m Zme H aHo ~So hþ`o & 1.A history of death of previous babies at
birth, is called as bad obstetric history.It wor-
gdm}Îm_ hmo J`o & ^JdmZ hmo J`o & H¥ îU Ho OÝ_ go ries every one whether next baby too will die.
nhbo _m_m H§ g Tell this story and give them hope.
CÝh| _maZona Vwbm 2.Lord Krishna survived because his father
was present at birth to transfer him to the safe
hwAm Wm & H¥ îU place Gokul. In any delivery there can be risk to
Ho nhbo Ho 7 the life of the mother and the baby. Today in In-
~ƒm| H mo CgZo dia about 1000 women die during child birth/
_mam Wm & AmO abortion. So the father and the head of the fam-
ily must be present at the time of delivery to help
^r gdm©{YH ~ƒ| & consent for emergency procedures like cae-
OZ_ Ho ~mX sarian section, or transfer of baby or at the time
nhbo hâVo _ | h r of birth. Tell this story to ensure presence of fa-
ther /head of the family at the time of delivery.
Jw O a OmVo h¢ & 3.Lord Krishna was born at midnight. He had
BZH s _m¡V Ho H maUm|H mo Xya H a| Vmo `o ~ƒo ~M|Jo & risk of life. Studies show that quality of services
1) AmO ha Mm¡Wm ~ƒm Bg{b`o JwOa OmVm h¡ at midnight is not the best, increasing the mor-
bidity & mortality of babies born late in the night.
{H dh 7 do 8do _{hZo_|hr OZ_ boVm h¡ Am¡a CgH m Extra efforts are needed to change this scene.
dOZ H _ hmoVm h¡ &`wdm {nTr geº hmo Vmo `h *(Vasudev photo slide 3 & 4)
QboJm &`h H Wm g~H mo ~VmAmo Am¡a `wdm {nTr H mo 4.Lord Krishna’s story also
AÀNm ~ZmAmo &_mVm H _Omoa `m ~r_ma hmo Vmo ~ƒ| draws attention to the fact that

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


H s OmZ H mo Á`mXm IVam hmoVm h¢ & emXr go even today neonatal mortality is many times more
than maternal mortality. Neonatal mortality about
Child is nhbo hr da-dYy H s S m° Š Q a go Om§ M 50, & maternal mortality 5 per 1000 live births.
God H adm`| &dYy H _ go H _ 18 gmb H s Obstetricians fear neonatal morbidity & mortal-
hmo &CgH m dOZ 45 {H bmo hmo &~m`| X§S H m ity most. Neonates deserve at least as much if
Koa 24 g|._r. hmo & Am¡a IyZ _| bmbr12 J«°_ go not more care, attention, space and resources,
than the mother. Those assisting delivery need
Á`mXm hmo & Hw N H _r hmo Vmo Sm°ŠQa go BbmO H adm as much good training in care of newborn as
bo & they get for care of mother.
2)_aZodmbm ha Mm¡Wm ~ƒm OZ_ Ho ~mX ~r_ma 5.Lord Krishna was born at midnight.It was
a dark night.It was raining heavily,River Yamuna
hmoZo go JwOa OmVm h¢ &OZ_ Ho ~mX Omo _oh_mZ ~ƒm was in full spate. But Mama Kans would have
XoIZo AmVo h¡, CZ_| go H moB© ~r_ma hmo Vmo ~r_mar ~ƒo killed lord Krishna next day. So Krishna”s father
H mo bJVr h¡,~ƒm JwOa OmVm h¡ & Bg{bE ~ƒo Ho shifted him to a safe place at midnight. He did
not wait for sunrise. The baby was transferred
OÝ_ go 45 {XZ VH H moB© ^r _oh_mZ _m§-~oQ o go Zm immediately and safely.
{_bo & `h AÀNr nÜXVr h¡ & BgH m nmbZ hmoZm When a newborn with risk of life needs trans-
Mm{h`o & Bgo ''gmo`a ''H hVo h¡ & fer to another place tell this story. Ensure safe
transfer.Stabilize the baby, prevent
3) H B© ~ƒ| OÝ_na RrH go gm§g Zht bo nmVo hypoglycaemia,hypothermia, shock,infection dur-
,Am¡a JwOa OmVo h¢ &n«{e{jV XmB© _m§ hmOra hmo Vmo `h ing transport. Use a transport incubator. Ensure
OmZo ~M|Jr & that every ambulance in your area has a trans-
port incubator & functional oxygen cylinder.
~ƒm| Ho Sm°ŠQam|H s AmB© H s `h g§KQZm When sophisticated transport incubator is not
g~H mo OÝ_ Ho g_` ~ƒm|H m ñdmJV godm H¡ go H a| available Dr. S.R. Daga recommends use of
`h g~H mo {gIm ahr h¡ & AmnHo Jmd H s XmB© _m§ H mo thermocol box as a transport incubator.
6.Krishna’s mother Devaki was in Jail. He
was reared by Yashoda & Nand. He grew on
Yashoda’s breast milk.Use this story to give milk
of one mother to baby of another mother with
less milk. Use it to promote wet nursing and
breast milk banking.
7. Nand had numerous cows. But Krishna
did not grow on cow milk. He was not bottle fed
either. Putana was a demon who tried to kill
Krishna with poisoned milk. Milk feeding bottle
is a modern Putana mausi, that causes diarrhea,
bÈz> Jmonmb -ha ~ƒo Ho nmg infections & kills babies. For educating masses,
Indian Medical Association at Virar Maharashtra
ha g_` EH bÈz hmo Vmo dh _ñV ImEJm & & at Gandhidham Gujarat publicly put feeding
geº ~ZoJm & ^maV Hw nmofU _wº hmoJm & bottle in HOLI (fire) in the holi festival. You too
Child lord krishna with laddoo:Give should do the same and educate people.
each child a laddoo round the clock.He A custom of “SOYAR” was observed.
will eat & grow healthy. India “SOYAR” AVOIDS “SOOTAK”
will become malnutrition “Soot” in Sanskrit means Son. The grief of
New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


`h grIZo H mo H {h`| & death

of a son is called “Sootak” .To avoid
4) ha 15 dm _aZodmbm ~ƒm {QQ°Zg go _aVm ~mb
Sootak, they followed “Soyar”. “Soyare”
h¡ & Jm§d Ho ha bSHo -bSH sH mo {QQ°Zg Ho QrHo Xodmo ^d!
means relatives.” Soyar” means keeping
AmOhr bJdmbo Vmo `h Zhr hmoJm & `h OmZH mar all relatives away from the baby & the
mother for 45 days. This is important even to-
g~H mo Xr{OE & Bggo ~hmoV ~mb_¥Ë`y KQ|Jo& day as India,s maximum child deaths today oc-
H¥ îU Ho OÝ_ Ho g_` CgHo {nVmOr hm[Oa Wo & cur in first month of life.Many of them occur due
h_mao `hm§ ^r ~ƒo Ho OÝ_ Ho g_`, ~ƒo Ho {nVmOr to infections like diarrhea, pneumonia. Most in-
fections are unknowingly given by relatives who
godm Ho {bE hm[Oa Mmhr`o& Hw N _XX bJr Vmo do come to see the baby and carry the germs. Iso-
Vwa§V _XV H a gH Vo h¢ & lating the mother and baby from flood of visitors
Sm°ŠQa OMH s H s Omo VmarI XoVo h¡ CgHo nhbo will help mother & baby. All maternity homes
should have a board saying “No entry to sick
15 {XZm| _o A{YH Va ~ƒm| H m OÝ_ hmoVm h¡ & ~ƒo people near baby & mother”
Ho {nVmOrZo BZ {XZmo _m§ Ho gmW ahZm Mm{h`o& OZ_
Ho g_` CgH m hmW Wm_H a YraO XoZm Mm{h`o & Kardhani Good qualitative growth moni-
On 5th day of life they tied a thread around
the waist of baby Krishna. It is called as
Kardhani, kardoda etc. Even today this thread
can be used as a good growth monitoring
tool.Teach parents that as a baby grows the
thread becomes tight and needs change. If baby
becomes weak, it becomes loose. If the thread
ever becomes loose they should consult doctor
as the child is getting malnourished. He is either
starving or sick or both. All including illiterate
grand mother notice this change. Thus it is a very
good qualitative marker for growth monitoring.
This is important as Growth monitoring is not
~mbH¥ îUZo nwVZm dY {H `m & done, height weight are not measured & growth
Child Lord Krishna charts are not used for most of the 40 crore
killing Putana mausi Indian children.
This thread around the waist can help us fight
syndrome X, Indian’s biggest forthcoming epi-
^maV _| A{YH m§e OM{H `m± Ka _| hmoVr h¡ & demic. Every one should wear a thread around
Bg_|go A{YH m§e OM{H `m± ~¡R H a hr hmoVr h¡ & the waist. Neither too tight, nor too loose. If
npíM_ _| ^r A{YH Va _m§VmE ~¡R H a hr ~ƒo H mo one gets central obesity ,the abdomen grows and
the thread around the waist becomes tight and
OÝ_ XoVr h¡ & `hr ghr VarH m h¢ & Bggo OMH s H mo warns to reduce food intake and increase exer-
H _ g_` bJVm h¡ § & _m§ Am¡a ~oQ o H mo VH br\ H _ cise.
hmoVr h¡ & ~ƒm|H s Am¡a _mVmAm| H s VH br\| ^r Thus thread around the waist is a good
KQVr h¢ & `h OmZH mar g~H mo X¢ & LAXMANREKHA that we all
should have lifetime.

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


A{YH OmZH mar H o {b`o h_mar 11 ^m{fH

Krishnakatha helps us to fight malnutri-
Child is do~ gmB©Q XoI|- tion as follows.
God .w Annaprashanam sanskar at 6 months.
Like all children, child Lord Krishna had
H¥ îU Ho OÝ_ Ho g_` CgH s OmZ H mo Annaprashanam Sanskar at 6 months.
IVam Wm& H§ g _m_m CÝh| _maZodmbm Wo & CZHo {nVmOr Annaprashanam is a Sansksrit word. Anna means
hm[Oa Wo & do CÝh| VwaV§ _Wwam bo J`o & Bgr Vah ~ƒo food. Prashanam means eating. San means good
Ho OÝ_ Ho g_` CZHo {nVmOr hmOra hmo & Vm{H Karya is work. Sanskar means good work. There
are 16 sanskars. Marriage is one. Annaprashanam
AJa ~ƒo§ H s OmZ H mo IVam hmo Vmo Cgo VwaV§ Ohm§ is another. At the age of 6 months soft mashed
Oéar hmo , do bo Om gH| Jo & home food like sheera,sooji halwa or soft rice,dal
_Wwam _| amOm Z§X Ho `hm± hOmam| Jm`| Wr & na with ghee or oil,mashed fruit, is fed ceremonially
for the first time to a baby. This is called
H¥ îUOr `emoXm _mVm H m XyY nrH a ~So hþ`o &Jm` H m annaprashanam. There after every time the baby
XyY Zhr & O~ H moB© _m§ H m XyY CgHo ~ƒo Ho {bE is hungry before breastfeed he is fed soft mashed
CnbãY Zm hmo Vmo Cgo Xygar _mVmAmoH§ m XyY {nbmZm home food a little,and then baby is breastfed.
Adding little breastmilk to every spoon of this
Mm{h`o& E¡gr _m§ Ho XyY Ho ~±H H mo `emoXm _m§ Ho XyY food makes it more tasty and acceptable to the
H s ~±H Zm_ aIZm Mm{h`o & babies. Acceptance of breast milk added medi-
AÞn«meZ g§ñH ma : H¥ îUOr 6 _hrZo Ho Wo V~ cines also is always better. Gradually the amount
of home food increases, the need of breastmilk
CZH m AÞàmeZ g§ñH ma hþdm & CÝh| g~Zo bmSgo gwOr reduces. Like a relay race, the child gradually
hbdm {Ibm`m & Eo g m KaHo g~ AÞnXmW© shifts from breast milk to solid home made food
{Ibm`o &AmO ^r ha Ka _| Eogm hmoZm Mmhr`o & 6 and learns to eat everything from the family pot.
Tell this story and introduce home made solid
food at 6 months. Ensure that every child is fed
homemade food like Sheera,rice dal etc before
each breastfeed. Some oil or ghee must be added
to each feed. A hungry baby may taste sheera or
any home made solid food. A fully breastfed and
satisfied baby may not open mouth to taste any-
Since last many years we give sheera to ev-
ery child who comes to our hospital or clinic. In
OJÞmW nwar Ho ^JdmZ ~mbH¥ îU h¡ & CÝho our clinic, we do public function of
amoO 6 ^moOZ Am¡a 56 ^moJ MTmVo h¡ & h_ annaprashanam & give 1st sheera to every baby
Eogm h_mao ~ƒm| Ho {bE h_ H a| Vmo at 6 months of age.
Hw nmofU Zï hmoJm & This has significantly reduced malnutrition in
Lord Jagganath,Balaram & subhadra of our practice. The growth failure that occurs in
Jagganath Puri. second half of infancy is avoided by this prac-
Lord Child Krishna is the diety of Jagannath Puri. tice. Annaprashanam is vaccine against growth
6 lunches and 56 choicest sweets are offered to failure in second half of infancy.
this God daily. Let us do this to our We must promote annaprashanam so that
children and malnutrition will people know and improve introduction of home

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


_{hZo H s C_« _| `m O~ _m§ H mo _hgyg hmo {H ~ƒo {H foods, and reduce malnutrition.
In Satyanarahan puja idol of child lord
^yI ~Tr h¡ & XyY H _ nS ahm h¢ V~ Cgo gyOr hbdm Krishna is worshipped,Prasad of sheera
`m Vob,Kr Ho gmW Xmb Mmdb {Ibm`| & Cg_| 1 Xodmo ^d!
is made.In every home, the child in family
Må_M _m§ H m XyY SmbZo go dh Am¡a ñdm{XîQ hmoVm is true lord Krishna of the family. Ask par-
h¡ & Cgo ~mbH Á`mXm AÀNm ImVm h¡ & ents to make sheera daily and feed it to the
baby before every breast feed.
n§Mm_¥V Xr[O`| & Give him/her sheera daily,as many times as
Sm°ŠQa ho_§V Omoer H m n§Mm_¥V ~ƒm| Ho {b`o he/she wants, say 6-8 times a day till18 years
of age. Children like variety.So different dishes
CÎm_ Amhma h¡ & `h nm±M MrOm|go ~ZVm h¢ & can be made in place of sheera. This is good
1) Mmdb `m Joh¥±ÿ complimentary feeding.
Lord Jagganath,Balaram & subhadra of
2) EH Xmb (_y§J,_gya. VwAa H s Xmb BË`mXr) Jagganath Puri.
3) WmoS m Vob , Kr VmH V Ho {b`| 2Lord Jagannath of Puri,Orissa, is actually lord
child Krishna.He is given food 6 times daily.56
4) EH \ b. Ho bm.{MHy , nnrVm Am[X OrdZgËd tasty dishes are made for him every day.If we
+ IZrO+ ñdmX X|Jo & ask everyone to do this for our
5) EH Må_M _m§ H m XyY ñdmX Ho {b`o & children,malnutrition will disappear.
1Krishna & Sudama ate poha
BZ nm§M MrOm| go ~Zm hþ`m n§Mm_¥V ~ƒ| AÀNo Learn from this story. Have a pocket to each
ImVo h¢ Am¡a Cggo _ñV ~TVo h¡ §& ha ~ma ~ƒo H mo dress of every child. Keep it filled with poha
nhbo Ka H m AZmO O¡go H s \ b,XmbMmdb (puffed rice), roasted grams (chana), roasted
groundnuts, or any available snack round the
Xr{O`o & Yrao Yrao XmbMmdb H m à_mU ~ToJm Am¡a clock. If there is nothing else keep rice, roasted,
_m§ H m XyY NyQ Om`oJm &§ ha _mh OÝ_VmarIna ~ƒo sweetened or just raw. Our. experience shows
H m dOZ b§~mB© Am¡a {ga H m Koa Zmn| & CgH m J«m\ that children eat raw rice well,digest it well and
have no problem, no stomach pain. *( photo 9)
~Zm`o & ~ƒm ghr ~TVm h¡ `m Zht `h Bggo g_PVm A gap between food & children causes mal-
h¡§ & nutrition. Close the food gap
H¥ îU H mo _mIZMmoa H hVo with food corner & food /snack
filled pockets
h¢ & dh amOm H m bSH m Wm,IwX Food / snack filled pocket is
^JdmZ Wm &na Cgo _»IZ Mmoar treatment of malnutrition. Food
H aH a ImZm nSVm Wm & `h / snack filled pocket is vaccine
against malnutrition.
H Wm Bg gË` H s Amoa Ü`mZ Lord Krishna ate
{I§MVr h¡ § {H haKa _| AZOmZo Makkhan.
_o§ ImZo H s MrO| ~ƒm|H s nhþ§M This has 2 lessons.
Ho ~mha aIr OmVr h¢ & ~ƒo§ Lesson 1 This story helps
us to increase oil & fat con-
O_rZna Am¡ a ImZm nmZr sumption in weak,malnourished
Qo~bna hmoVo h¡ §& ^yI bJr Vmo babies.Tell parents as follows.
_m§JH a ImZm nSVm h¢ `hr h_mao “Lord child
Krishna” ate

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


~ƒm| Ho Xw~bonZH m Am¡a H _Omoar H m H maU makkhan.Your child is “your lord Krishna, give
makkhan or add oil or ghee to everything he eats.”
Child is h¢ & Parents will happily listen to you.
God ha Ka _| ~ƒm| H s ImZ| H s MrO| Am¡a And will add a spoon of oil to each weaning
nmZr ~ƒ| hmW go bo gH| E|gr OJh hr feed that a baby takes.
Lord Krishna is called as Makhan chor. He
aIZm Mm{h`o& Bggo Hw nmofU KQoJm & ~ƒ| AnZr & his friends had to steal Makkhan. Mumbai’s
_Ougo O~ Mmho§ V~ Omo ImZm hmo, {OVZm ImZm hmo, biggest festival of Dahi handi is celebrated on
Im gH| Jo & Janmashtami, the birthday of lord Krishna. It
reflects the sad shocking unbelievable truth that
H Ýh¡`m haamoO _mIZ ImVo Wo & h_mao ha ~ƒoZo Lord Krishna, King’s son, God Himself had to
haamoO Kr- Vob _mIZ ImZm Mmhr`| & BgH m à_mU steal food. This explains why 85% of Indian Chil-
E¡gm h¡ & 5 dr H jmgo D nadmbmoZo 90 J«°_ Vob , 5 dren are malnourished. It reflects the sad truth
dr H jm go {ZMbr H jm Ho ~ƒm| Zo 60 J°«_ Vob that in most of our houses the food and the water
are beyond the reach of our children. They do
Am¡a 1 {_br NmoQ o ~ƒo 30 J°«_ amoO nMm gH Vo h¡ & not get food and water ad lib,
`h gbmh _moQ o ~ƒm| Ho {b`o Zhr h¢ & liberty,i.e.,when they want. They have to depend
on others. And any one who has to depend on
ha Ka _| ~ƒm| H s ImZ| H s MrO| Am¡a nmZr ~ƒ| others, fails & suffers. In our homes, the children
hmW go bo gH| E|gr OJh hr aIZm Mm{h`o& Bggo are on the ground, and the food is on the table.
Hw nmofU KQoJm & ~ƒ| AnZr _Ougo O~ Mmho§ V~ Drinking water is on the table, Makkhan in fridge.
We keep food & water, beyond the reach of
Omo ImZm hmo, {OVZm ImZm hmo, Im gH| Jo & children.Let us keep food and water with in the
Ka H m EH H moZm ~ƒm| Ho {bE hmo & dhm± CZHo reach of children in all houses.
ng§X H s ImZo H s MrO| Am¡a Ob hmo & do AnZo _Ou Fortunately children are not required to ask
for air. They take air as they want. So there is no
go Im- nr gHo &{H grH mo nwN o ~J¡a &Hw N {Ja Om` malnutrition of air in children. Like air if food and
Vmo H moB© ZmamO Zm hmo & hmo gHo Vmo dhm± 56 ^moJ hmo & water are made liberally available to the children
_wa_wao,_w§J\ br Am¡a MZo ^r Mb|Jo & Bg H moZo H mo H¥ with in their reach malnutrition & diarrhoea/sun-
stroke deaths will decline.
îUH moZm Zm_ {XOr`o & In Satyanarayan pooja in Maharashtra
ha Ka EH H¥ îUH moZm hmo & idol of child lord Krishna is worshipped.The idol
is kept say in one corner of a room. All
Am§~oS H aOrZo H hm fruits,Prasad of Sheera (also called
Wm H s ha Jm±d _| EH sooji halwa) & water etc are kept in
Obme` g~Ho {bE front of the idol.The child in the home
nmZr boZo Ho {b`o Iwbm is true child Krishna of that family.For
him, the family should keep a corner
hmo & BgrVah Ka Ka _| of the house.Name the corner as
EH H¥ îUH moZm hmo & Bg “baby corner or Krishna corner.” The
H¥ îUH moZo_| Ob Am¡a family should always keep snacks,
fruits, water etc. which the child can
Ka H s ZmíVo H s MrO| reach & take independently, ad
hmo Am¡a gË`Zmam`U nyOm lib.and can feed him self.
~ƒm| Satyanarahan puja This may spoil the floor. But it is
good to have good children in a
New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



H mo CZH s _Ou go H ^r ^r Hw N ^r {H VZm ^r ImZoH s, spoiled house than having spoiled children
in good house.
nrZoH s, {JamZo H s AZw_Vr hmo & O_rZna e¸ a {Jar In Gujarat every house terrace has a
hmoVmo Cgo Vwa§V {MQt`m bJo§Jr & Ka H m H¥ îUH moZm Xodmo ^d!
corner for birds celled CHABUTARO.It
Ob ZmíVo go ^am hmo Vmo Xmo n¡a H s g~ {MQt`m `mZr has food and water kept for birds.
{H ASmognSmog Ho g~ ~ƒo AmnH m Ka ^a
We need similar food corner for children on
X|Jo &AmnH m Ka JmoHw b ~Z OmEJm & the floor in every house.
AmnH m Xo I H a g~ Kam| _| H¥ îUH mo Z m This child corner /Krishna corner eliminates
~ZoJm &AmnH m ~ƒm CZHo Ka Im nm`oJm Am¡a g~ hunger,thirst and malnutrition and majority of child
deaths in 2 ways.
~ƒo _ñV ~Z|Jo &Hw nmofU Zï hmo Om`oJm &_aZodmbo Chicken in poultry farm live in bondage. But
g~go Á`mXm ~ƒo, do Hw nmo{fV, H _Omoa h¡ Bg{b`o are free to eat at liberty.They grow 1 kg.per
_aVo h¢ & Hw nmofU KQZo go `h _m¡Vo KQo§Jr & month.Children are born free but are not free to
eat at liberty.They have to eat what parents give,
H¥ îUH moZo Ho Ob go _m¢Vo KQoJr & when parents give.This is one reason for malnu-
CbQr,XñV bJZona , by bJZona Ob Ho A^md trition. Make a child corner in each house & elimi-
nate malnutrition. Children,like chicken should eat
go, ß`mg Z ~wPZogo ~hmoV ~ƒo _aVo h¡ & round the clock.
Owbm~ bJZona Am¡a by bJZona ^r ß`mg bJVr When a child gets free access to food, he
h¡ &nmZr Z {_bm Vmo ~ƒm ß`mgm _aVm h¡ &H¥ îUH moZo feeds himself. If he does not get food, he re-
mains hungry. He starves & then gets malnour-
_| Ob hmo Vmo `o g~ _m¡Vo KQ|Jr &g§gma _| g~ C_« Ho ished. Give free access to food to children. This
bmoJm| _| gdm©YrH _m¢Vo Owbm~ go hmoVr h¡ & do KQ|Jr & eliminates hunger, starvation and malnutrition.
H¥ îU Am¡a gwXm_m XmoZmo {_Ì h¢ & H¥ îUOrZo If a dog’s or cat’s baby gets thirsty it goes to
the water hole and drinks water. If it is more thirsty
in summer or due to diarrhoea, it has the option
of drinking more water. This eliminates dehy-
dration. Each house should have a waterhole or
a water bottle on the ground which a thirsty child
can access independently at lib.
When a child gets diarrhea, he loses water,
and becomes thirsty. If he gets enough water to
drink he does not get dehydrated. A diarrhoea
child gets thirsty first, dehydrated next and dies
last. Keep water within reach of a child. If he is
thirsty he will drink water himself. Thus if thirst is
eliminated, dehydration and diarrhoea deaths are
reduced..Water kept in the baby corner/Krishna
corner does this job.
In summer children get dehydration fever &
gwXm_mOrHo nmoho Im`o Wo & Amn ^r ~ƒm| Ho Oo~ _| heat stroke.If water is available with in reach,they
24 K§Qm nmohm, _wa_wam,MZm,_wJ§ \ br aImo & ~ƒo Cgo will drink it and sunstroke & dehydrataion fever
will decline. Dr.Babasaheb
{XZ^a ImH a _ñV ~Z|Jo & Ambedkar said each village should

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


gm¡ {XZm|§_| AÀNo ~Z|Jo &AZw^d {H Or`o & have one water source for every one. We want
one water source for a child in every house within
Child is H¥îUOr Ka NmoS H a gm§{XnZr Jwé Ho `hm± the reach of children.
God nTZo J`o & ~ƒm| H s nTmB© Ho {b`o ~mha OmZm Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar doing
nSm Vmo `h CXmhaU Xr[O`o &H¥ îU ~bam_ Satyagrah
Use Krishnakatha to promote exercise &
Hw íVr bTVo Wo & ì`m`m_embm OmVo Wo & Jwé Ho g~ dance : Krishna & Balram did wrestling,exercise
H m_ H aVo Wo &AmO ^r g~ ~ƒm| Zo ì`m`m_embm and went to gymnasium. Promote exercise that
OmZm Mmhr`o Am¡a ~Sm|Ho g~ H m_m|_o hmW ~QmZm we & children sadly miss
Mmhr`o & Dance is the best exercise.
Our dances are based on Krishna katha
H¥ îU H s _m± XodH s Vmo Oob _| Wr CÝh| `emoXm_¡`mZo the best dance teacher available in every house.
JmoX {b`m Am¡a ~Sm {H `m & ~ƒm JmoX boVo g_` `h Lord Shankar ,Lord Krishna,Lord Ganesh are
CXmhaU {XOr`o& H¥ îU Am¡a H U© OÝ_g_`hr JmoX Use Krishnakatha to teach music:
{bE J`o & BgrVah ~ƒm JmoX boZm hmo Vmo OÝ_g_`hr Krishna’s flute(MURALI) is famousUse it to
boZm Mmhr`o& `h Z hmo Vmo {OVZm C_«_| NmoQm hr CVZm teach music and instruments to children.
AÀNm & emXr Ho EH ,Xmo gmb ~mX AJa Ka _| ~ƒm Promote adoption with Krishnakatha:
Krishna’s parent were in jail.He was adopted by
Z hmo Vmo Sm°ŠQa H s gbmh bo & VrZ gmb _| ~ƒm Yashoda & Nand.So he survived.India’s census
Zhr hþdm Vmo ~ƒm JmoX bo & `h g~H mo ~VmB©`o & 2001 shows that every 10th family has no baby
~ƒm| Ho {gdm Ka Ka Zhr hmoVm Am¡a Ka H s _m`m .On one hand childless families live miserably. On
the other hand babies in orphanages live miser-
~J¡a ~ƒo Or Zhr gH Vo & ably and many die.Let us use Krishnakatha and
^maV H s 2009 gmb H s OZJUZm ~VmVr h¡ H s promote adoption.Let us Make adoption laws
ha Xgdo Ka _| ~mbH Zht h¢ & Am¡a AZmWml_ _| simpler.Let us Make “give baby take baby club /
Krishna club & promote adoption.
~ƒ| EH Vmo _a OmVo h¡ &`m _ao O¡gm OrVo h¡ & Bgr{bE Krishna & Karna both were adopted at birth.
~mbH bmo-~mbH Xmo & _§Sb ~ZmZm Mmhr`o& {OÝh| So they survived. Use this example for early
~mbH Mmhr`o CÝh| Am¡a {OÝho ~mbH XoZm h¡ CÝho adoption ,as soon after the birth as possible, be-
EH Xygaogo {_bmZm Mmhr`o&~ÀMm JmoX boZo H m H mZwZ cause risk of death is highest in unwanted ba-
^r gab H aZm MmhrE `h AmnHo H mZwZ ~ZmZodmbo Learn Chivalry from Krishna
gm§gXH mo ~VmB©`o & Krishna liberated many women from jails of
Narakasur. He helped Draupadi.. This should
H¥ îUOrZo X«monXrOr H s _XX H s & ZaH mgwa H m
teach chivalry .He helped his friend Arjun. May
dY {H `m Am¡a hOmam| {ó`m| H mo _wº {H `m & {_Ì every one help his friend in need.
AOw©Z H s _XX H s & E¡go h_mao g~ ~mbH ~Zo & Learn Evidence based medicine from
........ Krishnakatha: Krishna”s famous dia-
H¥ îUOr H mo `moJoída `mZo `moJ H m B©ída H hVo logue, “This is Sun and this is Jayadratha” re-
h¡ & `moJ `mZo `mo½`& `moJ, `mo½` `mZo ghr OrZo H m minds us of evidence based medicine. It reminds
VarH m h¡ & `moJ ^maVr` _mZgemó h¡ & _Zna {dO` us to get necessary evidence with tests like cul-
H aZoH m emñÌ h¡ & gdm}Îm_ OrZo H m tures while treating patients.
Learn saving patients from Krishna: We
emó h¡ &Omo H m_ H a|Jo Cgo gdm}Îm_ battle to save every serious patient.We should

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



H aZo H s j_Vm Xo Z o d mbm emó h¡ & g§ g ma _| follow Krishna”s advice given in Geeta, “Do
your best, not worring about the results,or
Am°btnrH _| OrVZodmbo `moJemó H s _XXgo gdm}Îm_ returns.”
hmoVo h¡ &h_ g~Zo `h grIZm Mm[h`o&`moJ Ho AmR Xodmo ^d!
Like Krishna become Puroshottam,
A§J h¡ & BZ_| go EH `moJmgZ h¡ & Bgo grIZm the best man .May every one become
Mm[h`o & `moJmgZ h_| 116 gmb _ñV OrZo H s Purushottam like him.He told Geeta and taught prin-
ciples of living. Gandhiji, Lokmanya Tilakji, Vinoba
j_Vm XoVm h¡ & h_| MraVéU aIVm h¡ & ~wT mno_| hmoZo Bhave etc. lived Geeta. May each one of us under-
dmbr ntR _| XX© ,OmoSm| _| XX© Am[X {~_mar`m± QmbVm stand and live Geeta.
h¡ & `moJ h_| gdm}Îm_ ì`º s ~ZmVm h¡ &23 {gÕr XoVm Krishna lifted Gowardhan. We have to lift the
Gowardhan of childcare taking each one’s help.
h¡ &{gÕr `mZo dh _hmZ j_Vm Omo gmYo AmX_r _| Reach Krishna katha to all in all languages of the
Zhr hmoVr & help sms /email/story telling t.v., radio, newspa-
pers and improve child health.
Lord child Krishna’s photo with “bal
devobhava” written below it is the logo of our
Use Krishnakatha to reduce neonatal and child-
hood morbidity,mortality and malnutrition. Use
krishnakatha to improve baby care at birth, to trans-
fer babies, promote breast milk, burn bottles in holi,
keep water and food on ground within the reach of
children, keep pockets filled with snacks, promote
exercise, dance, chivalry, friendship and good moral
H¥ îUOr ~m§gwar ~OmVo Wo h_ g~H mo g§JrV Am¡a values, making all children into very good human
EH dmÚ ~OmZo AmZm Mmhr`o &^maV Ho g~ Z¥Ë` beings.
H¥ îUH Wmna AmYm[aV h¡ &Z¥Ë` _| ì`m`m_ hmoVm h¡ , Jai Hind.Jai IAP
Dr. Hemant Joshi.
_Z H mo AmZ§X hmoVm h¡ & ^aVZmQ`_ _| `moJ H s g~ Joshi Children's hospital,
_wÐmE h¡ & h_ g~Zo Z¥Ë` grIZm MmhrE & Qr.ìhr. opposite Station virar (w) 401303

bJmH a Cg_| Omo ^r ZmM Mmby hmo d¡gm h_ ZmMH a

ZmMZm grI gH Vo h¡ & AmAmo h_ g~ Sm°ŠQa,
ha ~mbH H¥ îU ~Zo Bg{bE `h H Wm g~H mo {gñQa, Am¡a _mVm{nVm
~VmAmo & H¥ îU h_mam ~moY{MÝh h¡ & g~ {_bH a ~mb Amamo½`
O` qhX! ho_V§ Omoer, godm H m JmodY©Z CRm`o &
Omoer ~mb é½Umb`, ñQoeZ Ho gm_Zo, {dama (n.), 401 303 Let us all,
nurses,parents lift
Vote for a change the Gowardhan of
Vote for new ideas childcare together.
Vote for grass root worker
Vote for multilingual
Dr.Hemant Joshi

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


Story therapy: 2
Child is
...Deewj yeÛÛes ... AND
Keevee Keeves ueies~ CHILDREN STARTED
keâF& meeue henues Yeejle ceW Skeâ Once there was a nice king in India.
iegCeer jepee keâe jepe Lee~ Gmes Skeâ yesše He had one boy and one daughter .
Deewj Skeâ yesšer Leer~ Gvekesâ veece Les yebšer Their names were Bunti & Babali.
Deewj yeyeueer~ meYeer megKe mes jnles Les~ All were happy, except that Bunti &
Bubali never ate properly. Hence
ogKe efmeHe&â Fme yeele keâe Lee~ efkeâ yebšer both become weak & irritable. They
Deewj yeyeueer Keevee veneR Keeles Les Deewj never slept well. They had become
efove-ye- efove Jes metKe jns Les~ JewÅeeW ves pale white. They passed blenty of
keâF& F&ueepe efkeâS~ [e@keäšjeW ves še@efvekeâ urine. They had hard stools. They
efoS~ otOe efheueeS~ hej yebšer-yeyeueer hesš were constipated. The king took
help of all doctors & vaidyas Bunty
Yej Keevee veneR Keeles Les~ Gvekeâer mesnle & Babli were given milk, tonics, tinned food,
veneR yeveleer Leer~ Jen "erkeâ mes mees Yeer veneR heeles Les~ GvnW medicines. But no use.
hesMeeye yengle nesleer Leer~ uesefkeâve meb[eme keâÌ[keâ nesleer Leer Bunti & Babali got fed up with the treatment.
Ùee veneR nesleer Leer~ They ran away into the forest outside the
nj efove keâer oJeeF&Ùeeb Deewj otOe heerves keâer lekeâueerHeâ capital. They ran until both fell down & became
unconscious. In the forest a childless adivasi
yebšer Deewj yeyeueer keâes ngF&~ Skeâ efove oesveeW Iej mes couple took Banti Babali to their hut. Adivasis
Yeeiekeâj jepeOeeveer kesâ yeenj kesâ pebieue ceW ieS~ Yeeieles- gave them food. But both Banti Babali are
Yeeieles Lekeâ keâj Skeâ hesÌ[ kesâ veerÛes yesnesMe nes ieS~ nothing. Adivasi kids Said, “You both run, play,
pebieue kesâ Skeâ efvehegef$ekeâ DeeefoJeemeer peesÌ[s keâes efoKeeF& do all household work, and dance. Then you
will be hungry. Then you will feel grod eat well
efoS~ Jes yebšer-yeyeueer keâes Deheves Iej ues ieÙee~ Gvekeâes & sleep well.
Keevee efoÙee uesefkeâve yeÛÛeeW ves kegâÚ Yeer veneR KeeÙee~ Jewmes Bunti & Bubali followed their advice. They
ner yew"s jns~ heeme-heÌ[esme kesâ yeÛÛeeW ves Gvemes keâne, helped adivasi to collect fruits & firewood,
‘‘yew"s-yew"s kewâmes YetKe ueiesieer? Kesuees, keâece keâjes efHeâj plucked fruits, did household jobs, ran, played
osKees kewâmes YetKe veneR ueieleer? yebšer-yeyeueer ves Gvekeâe & danced with all. And for the first time in life
keâne, megvee~ Deewj Jees oesveeW pebieue osKeves efvekeâue heÌ[s~ Bunti & Babali felt very "Very good" and "very
hungry". That night they had very good dinner
Gvnesbves osKee meye keâece keâj jns Les~ ceOegcekeäKeer Meno & a very sound sleep. With this routine in 100
pecee keâj jner Leer, ÛeeršerÙeeB Mekeäkeâj ues pee jner Leer~ days both gained weight and became very
DeeefoJeemeer Heâue, uekeâefÌ[Ùeeb pecee keâj jns Les Je efMekeâej healthy and handsome. There was a town fair.
keâj jns Les~ yebšer Deewj yeyeueer oesveeW Gvekeâer ceoo keâjves Bunti & Babli along with their guardians visited
the fair and participated in the healthy children
ueies~ keâece keâjvee GvnW DeÛÚe ueiee~ Deewj Gvns peesj mes contest. Both won first. The king came to give
YetKe ueieer~ Gme efove mes nj efove Jees oesveeW Ketye Kesues, awards. Bunti & Bubali had changed so much
oewÌ[s, cesnvele keâe keâece efkeâS, Yejhesš that king did not recognize them. Finally Bunti
Keevee KeeS Deewj cemle meesS~ efove Yej & Bubali went back with the king.

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



meyekesâ meeLe cesues ceW ieS~ Jeneb Kesueketâo ceW efnmmee The king gave a party on their return. In
the party Bunti & Babli told the secret of
ueskeâj henuee vebyej heeÙee~ hegjmkeâej osves jepee-jeveer how they started eating sleeping & growing ~mb
DeeS~ yebšer Deewj yeyeueer oesveeW mesnle mes Yejs hetjs yeve well. They said, “Earlier you gave us tea, Xodmo ^d!
ieS Les efpemekesâ keâejCe jepee-jeveer GvnW henÛeeve veneR milk, fruit juice, rice water & dal water. All
these liquid foods has more water & less food. They
mekesâ~ oesveeW ves jepee-jeveer kesâ hewj ÚgS Deewj keâne, ‘‘nce filled our stomach but starved us. We had to eat
Deehekesâ yebšer-yeyeueer’’ nQ~ when we were not hungry, but when you wished.
jepee yebšer-yeyeueer keâes Iej ues ieS~ We got everything
in our hands. We
yebšer-yeyeueerves meyekeâes yeleeÙee efkeâ Deeheves nceW had no exercise
ncesMee otOe, ÛeeÙe, heleuee DeVe efKeueeÙee~ either. So we
Gmemes YetKe cej peeleer Leer~ GmeceW lees heeveer ner became weak. In
pÙeeoe jnlee Lee~ Gmemes nceejer YetKecejer
we had the
nesleer Leer~ Gmemes nce otyeues nes ieS~ efHeâj freedom of eating
veeRo Yeer DeÛÚs mes veneR ueieleer Leer~ pebieue ceW as per our wish.
Ssmee vener neslee Lee~ nce yengle Heâue, pebieue keâe cesJee There were no liquid foods. We did lot of physical
work. We danced, played & had lot of fun. So we
Keeles Les~ Ketye oewÌ[les, Kesueles keâece Yeer keâjles Les~ were happy and we grew well.
Gmemes nceW YetKe Yeer yengle ueieleer Leer~ DeÛÚs mes Keevee DO AS FOLLOWS & YOUR CHILDREN WILL
Keeves mes nce mesnlecebo ngS Deewj DeÛÚs mes yeÌ{s~ GROW WELL.
hÙeejs YeeFÙeeW- yeÛÛeeW keâes otOe, ÛeeÙe, hespe, HeâueeW 1. Give one corner of the house to kids. Call it kids
corner or kids food mall. There on the floor keep a
keâe jme, heleueer oeue, vee oes~ peceerve hej (yeÛÛeeW kesâ plate. Call it Akshay patra. Like Drupadi’s akshaya
neLe Deemeeveer mes hengbÛes Ssmeer peien hej) HeâueeW kesâ thaali, it should be always full of fruits and snacks
šgkeâÌ[s, yeÛÛeeW kesâ hemeboeroe Keeves keâer Ûeerpes jKeeW~ Gvekesâ that children like. Parents should keep it full.
Children may eat some & spill some. None will
pesyeeW ceW Yeer Keeves keâer Ûeerpes Yejkeâj jKees~ ‘meyemes shout. All neighbouring kids will be allowed to eat.
DeÛÚe oeve- cewoeve’, nj ieebJe ceW, nj Jee@[& ceW yeÛÛeeW 2. All children’s all clothes must have pockets. The
kesâ efueS cewoeve yeveeDees~ jespe yeÛÛeeW keâes keâce mes keâce pockets must be full of snacks all the time.
Skeâ Iebšs lekeâ DeÛÚe hemeervee Úgšs Ssmes cewoeveer Kesue 3. Liquid foods have more water & less food. They
starve children. Nobody will give tea, or milk to
Kesueves oes~ osKevee meye yeÛÛes DeÛÚs mes yeÌ{sies~ Yeejle children. The money saved will be used to for
YeeiÙe efJeOeelee yeveWies~ meYeer yesše-yesefšÙeeW keâes ‘keâcej snacks.
yebOe’ yeebOees~ ve efÌ{uee ve peesj mes keâmee ngDee~ yeÛÛes 4. Best donation for children is donation of
ogyeues neWies lees Jen efÌ{uee nesiee Deewj yeÌ{ ieS lees keâmee playground. Every child must play on ground in
evening for at least once Hour. “Do this & tell all.”
nes peeSiee~ yeÌ[hheve ceW ceesšehee šeueves ceW ceooieej They did so and all children started eating round
meeefyele nesiee~ efpevneWves Ssmee efkeâÙee Gvekesâ yeÛÛes DeÛÚs the clock. They started singing, playing, studying,
mesnlecebo ngS~ growing better & made all happy. In 100 days, all
became better. Today 8 out of our every 10 children
Deehe Ùes yebšer-yeyeueer keâer keâLee meYeer oesmleeW keâes are weak. 20,000 of these weak children die daily
yeleeDees~ Deheves yenve-YeeF&ÙeeW keâes yeleeDees~ nce meye due to illnesses like diarrhoea, pneumonia, fevers
Deheves YeeF&-yenveeW keâes oesmleeW keâes 15 Yee<eeDeeW ceW, like malaria typhoid. Let us right now tell this story
to 112 crore Indians, with help of T.V., Radio,
112 keâjesÌ[ YeejleerÙeeW keâes šer.Jeer., jsef[Ùees, meceeÛeej Newspapers, speeches, email, sms etc. and save
he$e, Yee<eCe, SmeSceSme, F&-cesue Éeje yeleeSbies~ Dehevee lives & make our children more strong, tall,
DevegYeJe meyekeâes yeleeSb Deewj [e@ peesMeer keâes metefÛele keâjW~ intelligent & bharat bhagta vidhata. Let us do this
service to our motherland & tell our
ØesjCeeoeÙekeâ– ‘ogiee& keâeueer ieewjer’ Ùen veeškeâ nj keâesF& osKesb~) experience to all.

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


Story therapy: 3 Best to educate & improve

Child is child survival.
O§ J c _| ~mc ñdmñÏ` Jungle's Race.
ñnYm© Dr. Hemant Joshi / Dr. Archana Joshi.
Translated by Chitra Sawant
Sm°. ho_§V Omoer/Sm°. AM©Zm Omoer
{hÝXr énm§Va lr_Vr n[ÙZr _hoe amOnyV

(AmZo dmco ~ƒm| _ñV ~ZmAmo nwñVH go )

{díd _| g~go A{YH ~ƒm| H s _m¡V| amoO ^maV _|
hmoVr h¢& BZ_| 20 \ sgXr _m¡V| {Z_mo{Z`m go, 20 \ sgXr
_m¡V| Owcm~ go, 5 \ sgXr _co[a`m go hmoVr h¢& _aZo dmco
89 \ sgXr ~ƒo Xw~co-nVco, H _Omoa `mZr Hw nmo{fV
hmoVo h¢& `h H hmZr g~H mo gwZmB`o Am¡a ~r_mar VWm
_m¡V| H _ H a|& AnZm AZw^d h_| Am¡a g~H mo ~VmE§&
~hþV-~hþV gmc nhco H s H hmZr h¡& O§Jc Ho ñHy c
_| OmZdam| Ho ~ƒm| _| ñdmñÏ` ñnYm© Am`mo{OV H s
J`r& Cg_| EH Jar~ Ka H s Am¡a EH A_ra Ka H s
_w{J©`m| Ho ~ƒm| Zo ^r {hñgm {c`m& CÝh| H moB© Z§~a Zht Children listen to this interesting
{_co& ñnYm© Ho ~mX dh amoZo cJo& story as it happened in the remote
CÝh| amoVo hþE XoIH a AÝ` OmZdam| Ho ~ƒo CÝh| jungles of our country many years
g_PmZo cJo& {H grZo H hm AJco df© _ohZV H amo& ago. The king of this jungle had
Ag\ cVm g\ cVm H m nhcm nm`XmZ hmoVr h¡ announced a running race between
co{H Z {g`ma Am¡a cmo_‹S r Ho ~ƒm| Zo Mmc Mcr& kids of all the animals.
CÝhm|Zo gmoMm {H `h _wJu A_ra Ka H s h¡& CgHo nmg On the day of competition the
n¡go hm|Jo& ñHy c Ho ~mha ZmZr H s XwH mZ h¡& dhm§ h_ whole of jungle wore a competitive
Bgo co McVo h¢& CgHo n¡go go AmB©ñH« s_ ImE§Jo, d‹S m look. Banners of slogans to cheer
ImE§Jo& Bg{cE dh ~ƒm| Ho nmg Am`o Am¡a H hZo cJo, these kids were put all over and
""Aao Vw_ amoVo Š`m| hmo, h_mao ñHy c Ho nmg _moQ r ZmZr
motivational songs were heard in
h¡, CZH s XwH mZ h¡& nhco dh ^r {H VZr nVcr Wr& ~mX
the air.
_| XwH mZ go Im ImH a _moQ r hmo J`t& d¡go hr Vw_ ^r hmo
OmAmo Am¡a AJco df© Z§~a nmAmo& Mcmo, h_ {_cH a As the King sat on his throne
XwH mZ na McVo h¢&'' every participant took their
`h H hH a {g`ma Am¡a cmo_‹S r Ho respective positions. The
~ƒo _w{J©`m| Ho XmoZm| ~ƒm| H mo AnZo spectators enjoyed the race as it
was interesting. A chubby rabbit
New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



gmW ZmZr H s XwH mZ na co J`o& CZHo nrNo -nrNo OmZdam| who was very active won the
H s EH Qmocr ^r J`r& ZmZr XwH mZ _| Zht Wt& qnOao _| race leaving everyone else far ~mb
EH VmoVm Wm Omo XwH mZ na ZOa aIo hþE Wm& behind. Xodmo ^d!
{g`ma ~mocm, `o XoImo {H VZr gw§Xa-gw§Xa Mm°H coQ But suddenly everybody
h¢& Qrdr _| O¡gr {XImVo h¢ d¡gr& Mm°H coQ ImH a IocVo
was attracted towards two chickens
h¢& O¡go hramo hramoBZ ImH a _ñV hmo OmVo h¢, h_ ^r hmo
who were seen crying loudly. The
OmE§Jo& h_ g^r Mm°H coQ ImVo h¢&
King got down from his throne and
BVZo _| IaJmoe ~mocm, ""Aao Vw_Zo Mm°H mo amjg H s
H hmZr Zht gwZr Š`m?'' moved towards them. He asked the
_wJu ~mocr, ""Zht! H¡ gr H hmZr?'' Bg na IaJmoe two chickens the reason for their
Zo H hmZr gwZmZr ewê H s& sadness. To which both of them
Mm°H mo amjg H s H hmZr replied that they were unhappy
H B©-H B© gmc nhco Bg O§Jc _| EH because they could not even
amjg ahVm Wm& Cgo ~ƒm| H s h{È`m§ d complete the race, forget about
Xm§V ~hþV ng§X Wo na {_cVo Zht Wo& Eogo winning it. The organizers of the
_| dh Š`m H aVm? CgZo Mm°H coQ H s race interrupted '' both the
XwH mZ Imoc Xr& ~ƒo Mm°H coQ ImVo, chicks were too weak to
Mm°H coQ Xm§Vm| _| cJZo go Xm§Vm| _| H s‹So
complete the race.
cJ OmVo& Xm§V {Ja OmVo Vmo ~ƒo ^yIo
Hearing it the king ordered the
ahZo cJo& O¡go {~Zm Xm§V H m eoa ^yIm _aVm h¡, d¡go hr
~ƒo ^yIo ahH a H _Omoa hmoZo cJo, ~r_ma go _aZo cJo organizers to look into the matter.
Am¡a ~ƒm| Ho Xm§V amjg H mo {_cZo cJo, dh ImH a Acting on the orders the organisors
amjg H m ImZXmZ \ cZo-\y cZo cJm& CgHo ~ƒo ~‹T Zo wolf and fox took the chicks to a
cJo& CZH s XwH mZ| ~‹T J`t& CÝhm|Zo Mma gm¡ H amo‹S H s shop which had various eatables.
~hþamï´ r` H§ nZr ~Zm Smcr& The shop was owned by a nanny
Bg ~rM nVm h¡ Š`m hþAm? ~ƒm| Ho Xm§V ImVo- who new tricks of making children
ImVo ~ƒm| Ho Xm§Vm| H mo cJr Mm°H coQ H s AmXV Cgo d grow strong.
CgHo ~ƒm| Ho Xm§Vm| H mo ^r cJ J`r& dh ^r Mm°H coQ But when the organisors reached
ImZo cJo& CZHo ^r Xm§V {Ja J`o& dh ^r ^yIo ahZo cJo Nanny's shop. The shop was
Am¡a ^yIo noQ _a J`o& guarded by Nanny's favourite parrot
Bg Vah EH g_` Bg Xoe H s Mm°H mo amjg Ho
while she was not to be seen.
M§Jwc go _wpŠV hþB©&
The wolf said to the chicks, ''You
Xw^m©½` go AmO ^r Bg Xoe _| ~hþamï´ r` H§ n{Z`m§
Am¡a Xogr H§ n{Z`m§ ha gmc Mma gm¡ H amo‹S én`o Ho can have these lovely chocolates.
Mm°H coQ ~oMVr h¢& dh ImH a 95 \ sgXr ^maVr` ~ƒm| Television advertisements show
Ho Xm§Vm| H mo H s‹So cJ J`o h¢& that children grow strong

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


OÝ_{XZ na ~ƒm| Zo n¡a Nw E {H CÝh| gm¡ after eating chocolates. They look
Child is gmc OrZo H m Amerdm©X {X`m OmVm h¡ Am¡a CÝh| delicious as well. Meanwhile, one
God Mm°H coQ XoH a CZH s C_« H _ H aZo H m gm_mZ rabbit came forward and said,
{H `m OmVm h¡& Eogo h¢ h_mao hmo{e`ma ^maVr`& ''Chocolates or sugar based
dh O~ gwYa|Jo, V~ gwYa|Jo& CZHo ñHy c _| O~ Mm°H coQ
toffees are injurious to health.''
XoZm ~§X hmoJm, V~ hmoJm& na h_mao ñHy c
Let me explain the rabbit
_| Vmo ~§X hmo J`o h¢ Am¡a Vw_ `o {~ëHw c
said while narrating an
_V cmo&
hmWr ~mocm, interesting story of a
""Voao ß`mao-ß`mao Xm§Vm| H mo Chocolate Demon who lived
Jmocr Mm°H coQ H s ZOa Z cJo several years ago. The
Mí_o ~X²Xya&'' Demon was very cruel and
{g`ma ~mocm, H moB© ~mV Zht, h_ d‹S m loved to eat meat & bones of
ImE§Jo& Vwåhmao nmg d‹So h¢ Š`m? VmoVm children but failed to get it
~mocm, h¡ Zm! d‹S m h¡& d‹S m-nmd ^r h¡& everyday.
BVZo _| Kmo‹So H m ~ƒm ~mocm, Aao `o d‹S m Q´ m°` Ho Kmo‹So So he thought of an idea to make
O¡gm h¡& {OgHo noQ _| OmVm h¡, noQ {~Jm‹S XoVm h¡& Vw_Zo children's meat available to him
Q´ m°` Ho Kmo‹So H s H hmZr Zht gwZr? g~ ~moco Zht, Kmo‹S m
daily. He started manufacturing
~mocm Vmo gwZmo&
attractive chocolates and
Q´ m°` Ho cH ‹S r Ho Kmo‹So H s H hmZr
~hþV nhco ^y_Ü` g_wX« Ho {H Zmao toffees. Children loved
Vw{H© ñVmZ Xoe _| Q´ m°` Zm_ H m gw§Xa, eating these chocolates
~‹S m eha Wm& AmO ^r CgHo Adeof and started eating them
XoIZo H mo {_cVo h¢& Q´ m°` Ho cmoJ J«rH daily.
H s gw§Xa amOHw _mar hocZ H mo ^Jm co But in the bargain these
J`o& Cgo Nw ‹S mZo Ho {cE J«rH Ho cmoJ children destroyed their
Zmd coH a Q´ m°` J`o& Q´ m°` H mo CÝhm|Zo Koa teeth. As these children
{c`m& Xg df© `wÕ Mcm& na {H grH s OrV-hma Zht had no teeth they could not eat their
hþB©& A§V _| J«rH Ho cmoJm| Zo hma ñdrH ma H s Am¡a J«rH food. Subsequently these children
dmng cm¡Qo & cm¡Q Vo g_` CÝhm|Zo Q´ m°` Ho cmoJm| Ho {cE died of hunger and various
Vmoh\o Ho ê n _| EH ~‹S m cH ‹S r H m Kmo‹S m CZHo
XadmOo na Nmo‹S m& Kmo‹So Ho n{h`o Wo& `wÕ OrVZo H s
The demon was happy to feast
Iwer _| Q´ m°` _| OíZ _Zm`m Om ahm Wm& OrV Ho Vmoh\o
Ho ê n _| CÝhm|Zo Kmo‹S m eha _| cm`m Am¡a OíZ _ZmZo on these dead children's bones and
Ho ~mX amV _| gmo J`o& amV _| Kmo‹So Ho meat.
noQ _| {Nno J«rH {gnmhr ~mha Am J`o&

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



CÝhmoZo§ g^r Q´ m°`dm{g`m| H mo _ma Smcm Am¡a hocZ H mo Meanwhile, while selling
dmng co J`o& `hr h¡ dmo _ehÿa Q´ m°` H s hocZ& Bgr these chocolate the demon ~mb
draJmWm na J«rH _hmH {d hmo_aZo B{c`§S _hmH mì` started eating them. He also Xodmo ^d!
aMm& lost his teeth and he too died
O¡go Cg Kmo‹So Ho noQ _| Xwí_Z {NnH a ~¡R m Wm,
of hunger. Thus rests of the
Bgr Vah Ka Ho ~mha ImZo go ~r_m[a`m| Ho O§Vw noQ _|
children were spared from the
OmVo h¢& Cggo h_| nr{c`m, noQ _| XX©, H s‹So , CëQr hmoVo
cruelty of the demon.
h¢ Am¡a Bggo ~hþV cmoJ _aVo h¢& Omo ~MVo h¢ dh Xw~co-
nVco Am¡a H _ C_« Ho hmoVo h¢& Bg na IaJmoe ~mocm, But unfortunately, even today
""h_| ^r Eogr ~r_mar hmo gH Vr h¡ Š`m&'' kids eat chocolates daily and
Bg na H mo`c ~mocr, Mcmo _oam JmZm gwZmo damage their teeth. A line of
hmoJm Š`m? hmoJm Š`m? caution, Stop gifting children
Iwcm-{dcm Im`m Vmo chocolates, toffees, as they have
Ka go ~mha Im`m Vmo no nutritional value and can cause
hmoQ c _| Im`m Vmo destruction, warned the rabbit.
^ocnwar Im`r Vmo Hearing this story, the wolf latter
hmoJm Š`m? hmoJm Š`m? suggested eating vada pav or
CëQr-Owcm~ Am¡a Š`m
burgers, pizzas, etc, for growing
CëQr hmoJr, Owcm~ hmoJm
strong. Meanwhile, a horse who was
nr{c`m hmoJm, QmB\ mB©S hmoJm
H mcam hmoJm, H s‹So hm|Jo hearing the conversation
C_« H s añgr NmoQ r hmoJr interrupted. ''Don't think of eating
Ka _| g~H mo amoJ cJ|Jo such high calorie snacks sold
Ka _| ~r_m[a`m| H m _ocm cJoJm outside. These are like the enemies
_¢ Ka go ~mha ImD§ Jr Zht hiding in the Trojan horse,'' said the
{H grH mo ImZo Xy§Jr Zht horse adding further, ''I will narrate
Vmo CëQr-Owcm~ hm|Jo Zht a story of the Trojan horse.''
Á`mXm cmoJ _a|Jo Zht ''There was a city
_¢ `o H ê§ Jr of Troy on the
g~H mo ~VmD§ Jr shores of
Vmo {\ a hmoJm Š`m? hmoJm Š`m?
Mediterranean Sea
qhXwñVmZ hmoJm {ZamoJrñWmZ
in Turkey. Helen, the
`h gwZH a {g`ma nrNo Am`m& cmo_‹S r
~mocr, ""H moB© ~mV Zht& Mm°H coQ d‹S m Zht Vmo beautiful princess of
h_ WågAn, H moH , noßgr {nE§Jo `m EZOu Greece was
{nE§Jo&'' Bg na {haU ~m°Q c CRmH a ~mocm, abducted

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


""Bg ~m°Q c Ho TŠH Z na Š`m {cIm h¡ n‹T m `m by the prince of Troy. The Greek
Child is Zht?'' na CÝhm|Zo ~mocm, ""Bg na Vmo A§J«oOr _| soldiers followed their Princess
God {cIm h¡&'' Vw_ n‹T Zht gH mo, Bgr{cE Vmo A§J«oOr Helen to the kingdom of Troy. They
_| {cIm h¡ {H Bg_| {g\© a§J Am¡a nmZr h¡& Xg surrounded the kingdom of Troy.
én`o nmZr _| Š`m| JcmZo Ho ? Š`m h_ BVZo A_ra h¢?
The war between the two countries
{OZHo Kam| _| nmZr h¡, CÝh| `o g~ Š`m| nrZm Mm{h`o?
continued for ten long years. But
cmo_‹S r ~mocr, ""Vmo Š`m Zm[a`c H m nmZr {nE§! BgHo
nobody won; the Greek soldiers
{cE Vmo Vw_ _Zm _V H amo, Vw_ WågAn _V {n`mo&''
cmo_‹S r ~mocr, H _ go H _ R§ S m _gmcm XyY Vmo {nE§& accepted their defeat and returned
Š`m|{H Qrdr _| Omo g^r ~‹So -~‹So {Icm‹S r {XImVo h¢, home. While going home they
dh _gmcm XyY nrH a AÀNm gifted one
IocVo h¢ Bg{cE CÝhm|Zo _gmcm Trojan horse to
XyY H s ~mQcr cr& dh R§ S r the people of
Wr& Cg_| ñQ´ m° Smcr Am¡a nrZo Troy. It was a
H mo cr& EH _wJu H mo BVZm huge horse
AÀN m cJm {H dh nrH a made of
CgZo Ncm§J _mar& dh BVZr wood. It
nVcr Wr {H ñQ´ m° go ~m°Q c _|
moved on
{Ja J`r Am¡a Sy ~Zo cJr Am¡a
w h e e l s .
{M„mZo cJr& CgH s MrI| gwZH a ZmZr Am`r& ZmZr Zo
Cgo ñQ´ m° nH ‹S H a ~mha {ZH mcm& _wJu ~mha Am`r& People of Troy accepted the gift
ZmZr Zo nyN m, ""Vy Š`m H a ahr Wr?'' dh ~mocr _wPo and took the horse inside the city.
Vwåhmar Vah _moQ r hmoZm h¡, Bg{cE _¢ XyY nr ahr hÿ§& After celebrating their victory the
ZmZr Zo H hm Vwåh| {H gZo H hm {H XyY nrZo go H moB© army of Troy slept at night. At this
_moQ m hmoVm h¡? Bg Xoe _| Xw{Z`m _| gdm©{YH XyY H m moment the Greek soldiers who
CËnmXZ hmoVm h¡ Am¡a gdm©{YH Hw nmo{fV ~ƒo Bg Xoe were hiding inside the horse moved
_| h¡& out and killed the entire army of
Ka-Ka _| nm§M gm¡ én`o H m XyY {n`m OmVm h¡ {\ a Troy. They took their princess back
^r ~ƒo Xw~co-nVco Š`m| hmoVo h¢? AÝZ g_PH a 95 home to Greece.
\ sgXr nmZr dmcm XyY nrVo h¢, AÝZ H s OJh nmZr nrVo Germs, Worms & harmful
h¢ Bg{cE ~ƒo Xw~co-nVco h¢ Am¡a H _Omoa h¢& Bg{cE
bacteria enter our stomach when we
OëXr-OëXr ~r_ma hmoVo h¢ Am¡a CZH s C_« H _ hmoVr
eat roadside food like burgers etc,
h¡& Vwåhmam Z§~a XyY nrH a Zht cJZo dmcm&
XyY _| gm¡ J«m_ XyY _| 90 \ sgXr nmZr hmoVm h¡& which are kept in open. These
Jm` Ho , ^¢g Ho XyY _| 85 \ sgXr harmful germs are responsible for
nmZr hmoVm h¡& Cg_| XyYdmcm Am¡a nmZr many diseases including jaundice,

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



SmcVm h¡& XyY _| nmZr Am¡a ~‹T Vm h¡& Agcr VmH V typhoid, malaria, dysentery
_cmB© _| hmoVr h¡, dh Kr ~ZmZo Ho {cE {ZH mc coVo h¢ etc. Have you ever thought ~mb
Am¡a {Zam nmZr ~ƒm| H mo {ncmVo h¢& Bg XyY go ^yI when we eat food kept in the Xodmo ^d!
_aVr h¡& A§V{‹S `m| go IyZ ~hVm h¡& Cggo ~ƒo ~r_ma open we often suffer from
hmoVo h¢& eara go cmohm H _ hmoVm h¡& _pñVîH H m ^r
illnesses like vomiting, diarrhea,
{dH mg Zht hmoVm Bg{cE ~ƒo H _Omoa hmoVo h¢& cmoho
typhoid, cholera, jaundice etc.''
Ho A^md _| n«{VamoYH j_Vm H _ hmoVr h¡& ^yI H _
Every one agreed with the fact
hmoVr h¡ Am¡a g^r Zgm| H s VmH V H _ hmoVr h¡& C_«
H _ hmoVr h¡& {g\© nmZr nrH a ~ƒo {g\© noem~ H aVo that food kept in open is harmful
h¢& ^yIo noQ amoVo h¢, em¡M _| VH cr\ hmoVr h¡& Eogm and kids should avoid it. The fox
{OgHo gmW Z hmoVm hmo, ^maV _| Eogm H moB© ~ƒm Zht& further said that movie actors are
BgHo {cE Sm°ŠQa Ho nmg Z OmZm n‹So , ^maV _| Eogm seen on Television advertisements
H moB© Ka Zht& `h g~ nVcm AÝZ nrZo H s ~r_m[a`m§ doing amazing stunts after drinking
h¢& nVcm AÝZ _V {n`mo& Zht Vmo Vwåh| ^r `h VH cr\ soft drinks. A deer came forward
hmoJr& H mo`c ~mocr _oam JmZm gwZmo Am¡a dh JmZm JmZo and said these soft drinks are
cJr expensive and contain no
XyY, Mmdc H m nmZr, Zm[a`c nmZr nutritional value. In fact these drinks
Zo {H `m ~ƒm| H m ZwH gmZ
are plain water with added colour
BZ_| AZmO H _ h¡ nmZr Á`mXm
& chemicals. These drinks are
`o ~ƒm| H mo aIVo ^yIm
nVco AÝZ go H s responsible for spreading of many
^yI ^JmZo H s H mo{ee Vmo diseases like cough, cold,
~ƒo hmoVo h¢ Xw~co-nVco pneumonia, measles & mumps in
`hm§ na Vmo {XZ ^a hmoVr h¡ children. They also destroy teeth.
XyY Mmdc Ho nmZr H s ^a_ma You can watch it by putting a
Vmo Š`m hmoJm qhXwñVmZ broken tooth in any of these cola
`h hmo J`m Xw~{cñVmZ drinks. You can watch these tooth
~ƒo hmoVo h¢ Xw~co-nVco melts within minutes.
IyZ {ZMw‹So g\o X go All this while the two chicks were
~r_ma Am¡a KQVr C_« Ho listening carefully what the elders
Amn Eogm H aZm _V
had to say.
~ƒm| H mo nVcr MrO| XoZm _V
''Fine,'' said the fox adding further
CÝh| ~m|gmB© ~ZmAmo _V
CZH s C_« KQmAmo _V ' no soft drinks, no food kept in
EH _wJu Zo nyN m, ""AmO Qrdr na ~‹So -~‹So cmoJ open, no chocolates then can we
~mocVo h¢ Mm°H coQ ImH a VmH V AmVr h¡, XyY nrH a have milk drink? They
say milk is nutritious.''
New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


VmH V AmVr h¡ Vmo dh Š`m PyR ~mocVo h¢?'' Hearing this conversation Nanny
Child is ""hm§'' ZmZr ~mocr, ""n¡go Ho {cE cmoJ Hw N who was inside joined them.'' Who
God ^r ~mocVo h¢, Hw N ^r H aVo h¢& dh noQ Ho {cE said milk is nutritious? In fact milk
Eogm H aVo h¢& dh {~Ho hþE hmoVo h¢& `h g~ is injurious to health. Milk contains
{dkmnZ~mOr hmoVr h¡& `h {~H« s Ho {cE hmoVr h¡& AŠga
more water and less food. Milk or
YmoIm hmoVr h¡&''
any food in the liquid form destroys
Eogo {dkmnZm| go {OVZo Xya ahmoJr CVZm hr Vwåhmam
health of children. Children remain
^cm hmoJm& qd~ëSZ Ho Ioc _| Xmo nm[a`m| Ho ~rM {Icm‹S r
epŠV Ho {cE Ho co ImVo h¢& H moB© {Sã~o go `m ~moVc go hungry if they eat liquid food. Milk
XyY Zht nrVm na {dkmnZm| _| Eogo {XImVo h¢& Bg{cE kills hunger. Parents add expensive
BZH mo \ QH ma cJmZr Mm{h`o& Amn grYo gmXo ^maVr` supplements so to make their
cmoJm| H mo \§ gmVo h¢& children drink milk.''
`h A{YH ma AmnH mo {H gZo {X`m? Amn hm|Jo ~‹So , ''Milk is expensive and it affects
na, ^maVr`m| H mo \§ gmZo, PyR ~mocZo H m A{YH ma {H grH mo the monthly budget, the same
Zht& AmnH mo `h A{YH ma {H gZo {X`m? Š`m AmnHo money can be used for buying
BVZo ~wao {XZ Am J`o h¢? Jar~ noQ Ho {cE Mmoar H aVm h¡ nutritional food.
Cgo _m\ {H `m Om gH Vm h¡& Amn Š`m| PyR ~mocVo h¢? For example if one liter of milk
EH ~ma EH ì`pŠV nmd MwamVo hþE nH ‹S m J`m&
costs 1 dollar. In that 1 dollar you
Cgo amOm Zo _m\ {H `m Am¡a H m_ {X`m& Xygao {XZ EH
actually get about 100 gm food and
_§Ìr n¡go Ho {hgm~ _| hoam\o ar H aVo nH ‹S m J`m& amOm
Zo Cgo \ m§gr Xo Xr& amOm Zo H hm, ""Jar~ Ho nmg H m_ 900 ml. water. Cow's milk is made
Am¡a ^moOZ Zht Wm Bg{cE CgZo Mmoar H s& na _§Ìr Ho of about 90% water and 10 % food.
nmg g~Hw N hmoVo hþE ^r CgZo n¡go Ho _moh _| JcV Thus for getting one kg food from
H m_ {H `m& Bg{cE Cgo \ m§gr Xr& milk you have to buy 10 liters of
{H grZo eam~ H m {dkmnZ Qrdr na {H `m Vmo h_| milk, it will cost you 10 dollars. All
Cgo nmoñQH mS© ^oOZm Mm{h`o {H H amoJo d¡go ^amoJo& other food items are much cheaper
eam~ H m {dkmnZ Omo H aoJm than milk. Thus Milk is one of the
CgHo ~ƒo eam~ nrH a _a|Jo most expensive foods.
eam~ H m {dkmnZ H amo _V Milk should not be consumed with
e_©ZmH H m_ H amo _V any other food item. Milk lacks Iron
ZmZr H s `h ~mV gwZH a g^r em§V hmo J`o&
and it absorbs iron from other food
{g`ma ~mocm, ""H moB© ~mV Zht& h_ AmB©ñH« s_
we consume.
ImE§Jo&'' Bg na IaJmoe Zo H hm, ""Bggo H moB© VH cr\
hmoJr Š`m?'' H mo`c ~mocr, Š`m hmoJm? _oam JmZm gwZmo& If children are deprived of Iron it
hmoJm Š`m? hmoJm Š`m? affects development of their brain
R§ S r AmB©ñH« s_ Im`r Vmo and causes
anaemia in them.''
New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



H moëS {S´§ H {n`m Vmo A little squirrel came forward

gXu ~wIma dmcm| Ho gmW Iocm Vmo pushing aside others, ''Nanny ~mb
^r‹S Ho ~rM J`o Vmo why these famous Xodmo ^d!
hmoJm Š`m? hmoJm Š`m? sportsperson and actors lie in
gXu, Im§gr, ~wIma Am¡a Š`m? TV commercials.''
gXu hmoJr,
Simple because they get lot of
~wIma hmoJm,
money and fame yelled everyone.
{Z_mo{Z`m hmoJm
Cggo Á`mXm hmoJm Š`m Nanny was against feeding
OrdZ H mo YmoIm Am¡a Š`m? children with wrong types of food.
B§OoŠeZ, hm°ñnrQc Am¡a Š`m? She said children should not follow
R§ S r AmB©ñH« s_ ImZm Zht advertisements blindly. Companies
H moëS {S´§ H nrZm Zht blatantly lie, make false claims to
gXu ~wIma dmcm| Ho gmW IocZm Zht sell their products.
^r‹S Ho ~rM OmZm Zht I will narrate a story to you said
Vmo gXu Im§gr hmoJr Zht nanny, ''One man who was hungry
Qr~r, {Z_mo{Z`m hmoJm Zht for several days was caught while
Igam, Jcm gyOZm hmoJm Zht stealing bread. The king pardoned
Cggo hmoJm Š`m? hmoJm Š`m?
him for this crime and offered him
_¢ {ZamoJr ahÿ§Jr Am¡a Š`m!
a job. The next day one of the
Bg na cmo_‹S r ~mocr, ""h_ Eogm H aVo h¢ {H {H gr
go nyN Vo h¢ {H _moQo H¡ go hmoVo h¢?'' King’s minister was caught red
Vmo CgZo {g`ma go nyN m Š`m ao _moQo H¡ go hmoVo h¢& handed while misappropriating
{g`ma ~mocm _oar _m§ ~mocVr h¡ {H H mOy ~mXm_ ImH a funds. The King ordered to hang
_moQo hmoVo h¢& Bg na ZmZr Ho qnOao H m VmoVm ~mocm, him. '' The poor man was hungry. It
""H mOy, ~mXm_, qgJXmZo, gmo`m~rZ, Zm[a`c _| Voc was my duty to give him job and
hmoVm h¡& BZ_| go Omo Voc {ZH cVm h¡ Am¡a Omo `h Á`mXm food. But minister was well paid.
ImVm h¡, Cgo Á`mXm Voc {_cVm h¡ Am¡a dh _moQ m hmoVm Still he misappropriated funds. So
h¡& Bg{cE {Ogo _moQ m hmoZm h¡, Cgo `o ImZm Mm{h`o&"" I ordered to hang him.''
`h gwZH a A_ra Ka H s _wJu ~mocr, ""hm§ AnZo Ka Many advertisements are full of
na _¢ H mOy ~mXm_ Im gH Vr hÿ§&'' Jar~ Ka H s _wJu
lies, are misleading and should not
amoZo cJr, ""h_ H mOy ~mXm_ Zht Im gH Vo&'' VmoVm
be taken seriously. These famous
~mocm, H moB© ~mV Zht, Vw_ qgJXmZo ImAmo Zht Vmo Vwåhmao
and influential people should not
`hm§ Zm[a`c Ho no‹S hm|Jo Vmo Zm[a`c ImAmo& Zm[a`c _|
60 \ sgXr `mZr g~go Á`mXm Voc Zm[a`c H m hmoVm mislead people.''
h¡& Bg{cE {OZHo nmg Zm[a`c h¡ CÝhm|Zo ha no‹S na

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


AnZo AnZo EH ~ƒo H m Zm_ Smc XoZm Mm{h`o The two chickens said, '' What
Child is Am¡a dh g^r Zm[a`c Ka _| hr ImZo Mm{h`|& should we eat.'' ''Keep munching
God h_ hZw_mZ H mo Zht Zm[a`c XoVo h¢& Bgr Vah almonds, peanuts and other oil
AJa ha EH Zo hZw_mZ H s nyOm H a amoO EH seeds like Sesame, soya beans,
Zm[a`c Im`m Vmo dh VrZ _hrZo _| _moQ m hmoJm `m O¡go
coconut, they are good source of
hZw_mZ H mo Voc XoVo h¢ Cgr Vah amoO EH H Qmoar Voc
oil,'' said the parrot. Oil or ghee can
{n`m ^co Wmo‹S m Wmo‹S m H a ^moOZ _| Vmo ^r h_ _moQo hmo
be added in every food item and it
gH Vo h¢& H mOy, ~mXm_ ^co _h§Jo h¢ na qgJXmZo gñVo
h¢& Zm[a`c gñVm h¡& {Vc h¢, H aSB© (EH Vah H s will help children grow strong.
nËVmgãOr) h¡, gy`©\y c h¢, gmo`m~rZ h¡& `o g~ ImH a One chicken said ''I come from
`m Voc nrH a h_ _moQo hmo gH Vo h¢& a poor family my parents won't
ZmZr H mo XoImo Zm& `o ZmZr Eogr hr _moQ r hþB© h¡& Bg afford such things.'' Nanny said you
Vah cmo_‹S r H m H mOy ~mXm_ Ho {cE \| H m J`m Omc can eat any kind of food like puffed
^r ~oH ma J`m& rice, raw rice, grams, these are
{\ a {g`ma Ho ~ƒo ~moco {H Vmo RrH h¡ h_ go~ easily available.
ImVo h¢& g^r A_ra Kam| Ho cmoJ Eßnc ImVo h¢ Am¡a The wolf who had not spoken for
cmoJ ~mocVo h¢ ""Eßnc E So long said, ''How
H sßg Sm°ŠQa Ado'' Vmo AnZ
about the term an
Eßnc ImE§ Š`m?
apple a day keeps
Bg na VmoVm ~mocm, ""`o ghr
h¡ {H "Eßnc E So H sßg the doctor away.
S m° Š Q a Ado ' A§ J « o O m| H s Lets us put these
H hmdV h¡& Š`m|{H CZHo nmg chickens on diet
{g\© Eßßb hmoVo h¢& na h_mao consisting of
nmg g§Vam h¡, Amdcm h¡, ~oa expensive fruits
h¢, MrHy h¢, nn¡`m h¡& BZ g^r like apple and
\ cm| _| ^anya I{ZO d gËd hmoVm h¡& `o g~ Im`m Vmo grapes.''
ñdmñÏ` M§Jm ah gH Vm h¡ Am¡a Sm°ŠQa H s Oê aV Zht Parrot said, ''I eat guavas daily
n‹S Vr& ""Bg{cE h_| ""Eßnc E So '' H hZo Ho ~Om` and grow healthy and strong. Eat
H hZm Mm{h`o {H {XZ _| EH \ c ImAmo Am¡a h_oem any fruit. You have so many choices,
_ñV ahmo&'' `h ~mocH a IaJmoe Zo EH Ncm§J _mar&
like papaya, chickoos, amla,
Bg na cmo_‹S r ~mocr RrH h¡ h_ Zm°ZdoO _§JmVo h¢&
bananas but have at least one fruit
H maU _m§g ImZo dmcm OëXr _moQ m hmoVm h¡& Bg na
hmWr H m ~ƒm ~mocm, ""_¢ H hm§ Zm°ZdoO ImVm hÿ§, {\ a in a day.''
Vwåhmam Omo d¡pídH ñdmñÏ` g§JRZ h¡ How about delicious non-
CgH s QoŠZsH c [anmoQ© grarO Z§~a vegetarian food said the fox they

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



724 h¡& CgH m AW© Eogm h¡ {H said it helps

Xmo H Qmoar Mmdc Am¡a EH H Qmoar you to make ~mb
Xmc go Omo ^moOZ {_cVm h¡ Cggo strong. Look Xodmo ^d!
AÀNo {dQm{_Z {H gr_| Zht h¢& at me roared
Bg na _wJu H m ~ƒm ~mocm, ""h_
the elephant I
{XZ ^a Xmc-Mmdc H¡ go Im gH Vo
don't eat non-veg
h¢?"" ZmZr ~mocr, ""AmgmZ h¡&
but all of you envy
Xmc, Mmdc nmZr _| nH m`o Vmo
Xmc-Mmdc hmoVo h¢ Am¡a gyIo ^yZZo my health. You see
na Xmc Ho MZo hmoVo h¢ Am¡a Mmdc Ho Hw a_wao hmoVo h¢& `o friends the World Health
{XZ ^a Im`o Vmo Vwåhmao noQ _| Xmc Mmdc hr OmE§Jo Organisation in its technical report
Am¡a `o Vw_Zo {XZ ^a Im`o Vmo Vw_ _moQo hmo OmAmoJo& series no 724 said that you get the
_wJu ~mocr, ""ZmZr Vw_ H¡ go _moQ r hþB©?"" ZmZr ~mocr, best of proteins in two bowls of rice
""Vwåh| _oar ""Mc ao H mer\ c and one bowl of
CNc CNc'' H hmZr _mcy_ Zht pulses.
h¡ Š`m?'' The chicks
g~ ~moco, ""Zht'' worriedly asked
ZmZr ~mocr, ""Vmo gwZmo&''
eating rice and
Mc ao H mer\ c CNc CNc
cereals throughout
_¢ EH ~ma AnZr ~oQ r Ho
nmg Om ahr Wr V~ _wPo `hr the day would be
{g`ma cmo_‹S r {_co Wo& CÝhm|Zo _wPo ~mocm, ""h_ Vwåh| difficult. No problem said Nanny
ImE§Jo& _¢Zo CÝh| ~mocm, ""_¢ A~ ~oQ r Ho nmg Om ahr hÿ§& raising her head. Just think of
dhm§ _¢ Voc Kr ImD§ Jr& amoO gw~h ZmíVm H ê§ Jr& {XZ puffed rice and roasted grams are
^a MZo Hw a_wao ImD§ Jr& cÈz , dSm ImD§ Jr, gramnwar nothing but rice and cereals. Keep
ImD§ Jr Am¡a _oar V{~`V ~ZmD§ Jr& munching throughout the day you
Bg Vah g~ ImH a _oar V{~`V ~Zr Am¡a _¢ _moQ r will grow strong and healthy.
hþB©& _¢ `hm§ {XZ ^a MZo, qgJXmZo ImVr ahVr hÿ§ Bg{cE Have a heavy breakfast and keep
Am¡a _moQ r hmo J`r& munching snacks you will gain
_wJu H m ~ƒm ~mocm, ""_¢Zo Eogm {H `m Vmo McoJm weight. But remember don't include
Š`m?'' ZmZr ~mocr, ""hm§& Vwåh| amoO gw~h ZmíVm H aZm
liquid based food. It kills hunger and
Mm{h`o, {XZ ^a MZo, qgJXmZo ImZo Mm{h`| Am¡a Omo-Omo
makes you weak.
ImAmoJo dh Kr Ho gmW ImZm Mm{h`o& nVco ^moOZ _|
95 \ sgXr nmZr hmoVm h¡ Cgo QmcZm Mm{h`o& If you wish to grow healthy and
nVco ^moOZ go ^yI ^JmB© Vmo ~ƒo Xw~co-nVco hmoVo strong you should eat food regularly
h¢ Am¡ a h_mao Xo e _| Vmo {XZ ^a and continuously. You

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


nVcm ^moOZ {X`m OmVm h¡ Vmo qhXwñVmZ H m should not wait for lunch or dinner
Child is Š`m hmoJm? `hm§ Ho dmgr Xw~co nVco hm|Jo& Vw_ but should consume food as soon
God d¡go nhco hr Xw~co-nVco hmo Bg{cE nVcm ^moOZ as and when hungry.
{~ëHw c Z {c`m H amo co{H Z {XZ ^a Xmc-Mmdc Fruits, vegetables healthy snacks
H¡ go ImE§Jo& Vmo dh gyIm ^yZH a {XZ ^a MZo, qgJXmZo like peanuts, grams, puffed rice,
Ho ê n _| ImZm Mm{h`o Vmo _moQo hmoJo&
almonds, raisins are
_wJu Ho ~ƒm| go dh ~mocr,
good for health. Along
""Vwåh| Vmo `h g~ Zht H aZm n‹So Jm
Vw_ AnZm {XZ ^a XmZo MwJVo ahmo with this to complete the
Vmo _moQo hmo OmAmoJo& `h gwZH a diet, add a bowl of salad
V~ go _wJu XmZo MwJVr ahVr h¡& of sprouts, green
CgH m ha _hrZo dOZ ~‹T Vm h¡ vegetables and
Am¡a dh Jmoc_Qmoc hmoVr h¢& tomatoes.
{OZ-{OZ ~ƒm| H mo _moQ m hmoZm Nanny yelled, ''Listen
h¡, ZmZr Ho H ho AZwgma amoO gw~h ZmíVm H a|, {XZ ^a kids, One more important thing.
MZo, qgJXmZo ImE§& ñHy c _| {Sã~m coH a OmE§, Omo ^r Your so called high proteins tonics
ImE§ Cg_| Må_M ^a Kr Á`mXm Smc| Am¡a Oo~ _| h_oem are not sure way of reaching daily
MZo, qgJXmZo, Zm[a`c `m ImZo H s dñVwE§ aI|& ImE§
requirement of protein. And even if
Am¡a VrZ _hrZo _| Jmoc_Qmoc hmo OmE§&
it does suffice the protein
Bg_| Ho dc OrdZgËd H _ n‹S Vo h¢ CgHo {cE amoO
requirement then in absence of
EH H Qmoar {OVZm gcmX ImZm Mm{h`o& Bggo Qm°{ZH
Ho {Sã~m| Ho {~Zm Am¡a _m§gmhma Z H aVo hþE VWm _h§Jm carbohydrate and fats it will be
^moOZ Im`o {~Zm ^r H moB© ^r ~ƒm VrZ _hrZo _| _O~yV useless. These proteins do not
Am¡a Jmoc_Qmoc hmo gH Vm h¡& replace requirement of fats and
Cg _wJu Zo ZmZr H s ~mV gwZr Am¡a Cgr AZwgma carbohydrate.''
Mcr Bg{cE AJco df© CgH m nhcm Z§~a Am`m& Parrot cried for attention as he
`h gmam ZOmam Hw N ~ƒo XoI aho Wo& dh ^r Xw~co- wanted to focus on
nVco Wo& CZ_| go EH ~mocm, ZmZr important issue.
h_| ^r V§XéñV Am¡a _ñV hmoZo H m Listen friends many
OmXy ~VmAmo Zm& suffers from tooth
ZmZr ~mocr RrH h¡& Mcmo _¢ Vwåh|
decay. Food particles
_ñV ahZo H m _§Ì ~VmVr hÿ§& `o Vw_
stick to our teeth.
nm§M ~ma ~mocmo& ~mocVo hþE ZmMmo& JrV
Ho eãXm| Ho AZwgma O¡gm RrH g_Pmo Bacteria called
haH V| H amo& Am¡a `h Streptococcus thrive
_§Ì g^r H mo Xmo& XmoJo on them causing tooth

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



Zm? ~ƒo ~moco, ""hm§ Oê a X|Jo'' ZmZr ~mocr, H mo`c Jm& decay. It can lead to acidity in
H mo`c JmZo cJr& future. Common salt kills ~mb
~ƒm| Ho _ñV hmoZo H m _§Ì bacteria which cause tooth Xodmo ^d!
'IocVo-IocVo ImAmo decay. Use common salt for
ImVo-ImVo Iocmo cleaning teeth immediately after
Oo~ _| MZo-XmZo aImo
meals and after getting up in the
Zht Vmo H ƒo Mmdc aImo
{XZ ^a ImAmo& _ñV ahmo
`o nm§M ~ma JmAmo, ZmMmo Nanny said,'' You children must
g^r H mo ~VmAmo!' be bored by now. Let’s sing these
~ƒm| Zo ZmMVo hþE nm§M ~ma JrV Jm`m& Oo~ _| XmZo rhymes
aIH a d¡gm {H `m Am¡a ImVo-ImVo ZmMJmZm {H `m& CÝh| Everyone came together to
Iy~ _Om Am`m& CZ_| go EH ~ƒo Zo e§H m ì`ŠV H s& follow nanny's advice. They sang
dh ~mocm, ZmZr H ƒo Mmdc hO_ hm|Jo Š`m? ZmZr loudly.
~mocr, hm§ {dama Ho Sm°ŠQa ho_§V Omoer Jma§Q r XoVo h¢ {H
H ƒo Mmdc ~{‹T `m go hO_ hmoVo h¢& CZgo noQ _| XX© Ringa Ringa Roses
Zht hmoVm& _w{J©`m§, {M{‹S `m, Myho g^r H ƒm AÝZ hr Pocket full of snacks
ImVo h¢ Am¡a BZHo eara ^ao ^ao ahVo h¢& H B© ~ƒo d
Eat all, all the time
_m§E Kam| _| H ƒm AÝZ ImVo h¢& MwZVo g_` Mmdc,
& all grow well.
gãOr, Xmc| H ƒr ImVo h¢ Am¡a CZHo eara ^ao ahVo h¢&
^moOZ nH m ImZm h_ cJ^J 10,000 df© nhco
grIo h¢ Cggo nhco H amo‹S m| dfm}§ go h_ H ƒm AÝZ Eat while you play
ImH a hr qOXm aho h¢& ZmZr ~mocr BgH m _Vc~ `h ^r Play while you eat
Zht {H {g\© H ƒo Mmdc ImAmo& MZo, qgJXmZo, \ c That is the way
ImAmo& dh Zht h¡ Vmo Mmdc ^r Mc|Jo& To be happy and
~ƒo ~moco h_mao Xm§Vm| _| H s‹So n‹S J`o h¢ gay
h_ H¡ go ImE§Jo Am¡a H¡ go AÝZ M~mE§Jo
Am¡a H¡ go g\ c hm|Jo?
ZmZr ~mocr, ""Z_H go Xm§V {Kgmo& Xm§Vm| At six months of
Ho H s‹So ^JmAmo Am¡a AÀNo hmo OmAmo&'' age
~ƒo ~moco, dh H¡ go? ZmZr ~mocr gwZmo&
Humpty Dumpty
Z_H go Xm§V Ho H s‹S m| H mo _mamo& AmO
was chubbiest of
85 \ sgXr cmoJm| Ho Xm§Vm| _| H s‹So h¢& H B©
cmoJm| Ho _w§h go ~X~y AmVr h¡& ~ƒo ~moco, all
CgH m Cnm` Š`m h¡?
ZmZr ~mocr, h¡ Zm& AnZo Ka Ho nVco

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


Z_H go amoO ImZo Ho ~mX Am¡a gmoZo go nhco Then his weight had a great fall.
Child is Am¡a gw~h CRZo na Xm§V {Kgmo& And all the world’s tonics
God Z_H go Xm§ V m| _| H s‹ S o cJmZo dmco Could not make Humpty Dumpty
ñQ´ o ßQ mo H m° H g H sQ mUw _aVo h¢ & Eo g m gy ú _ chubby again
O¡demñÌ (_mBH« mo~m`mocm°Or) H hVm h¡& Bggo Xm§Vm| H s Then Dr. Joshi said
~X~y ^r OmVr h¡& RmUo {Oco H s EH n«mW{_H emcm _|
Close the food gap
EH qnncoVmB© Zm_ H s {e{jH m h¡& CZHo H hoZwgma
Stop liquid food
190 ~ƒm| Zo amoO Eogm {H `m, CÝh| \ m`Xm hþAm& Vw_
^r H aHo XoImo& ~ƒo ~moco, co{H Z ZmZr `o Xm§Vm| _| H s‹So Wean with solid home food.
cJmZo dmco ñQ´o ßQmoH m°H g h_mao eara _| AmVo H¡ go h¢? Fill pockets with snacks.
ZmZr ~mocr, "am_Xmgñdm_t H m Xmg~moY n‹T mo& dh Omo That made Humpty Dumpty
H hVo h¢ ghr h¡& dh H hVo h¢ {H grH m PyR m _V ImAmo chubby again.
_m§-~mn H m ^r Zht& 85 \ sgXr cmoJm| Ho Xm§Vm| _| H s‹So Everyone thanked Nanny for her
h¢& Xm§Vm| _| H s‹S m| dmco cmoJm| H m PyR m h_Zo Im`m Vmo advice and then returned to their
h_mao Xm§V ^r g‹S Vo h¢& {OZH m PyR m ImVo h¢ CZH s homes.
g^r ~r_m[a`m§ h_| hmoVr h¢& This entire conversation was
h_ nH mE hþE Johÿ Mmdc ImVo h¢& dh (CZ_| ½cyQo Z heard by some fat youngsters from
Zm_H nXmW©) Xm§Vm| go {MnH Vm h¡& Jmocr, Mm°H coQ ^r
the city who had come to the jungle
Xm§Vm| go {MnH QVo h¢& h_ g^r Ho _w§h _| ñQ´o ßQmoH m°H g
on a picnic.
Zm_H H sQmUw h_oem ahVo h¢& do `h MrO| ImH a \ cVo-
''Nanny we have a problem'' one
\y cVo h¢& Cggo `o Omo Amåc ~ZmVo h¢ Cg Amåc go Xm§Vm|
_| g‹S Z hmoVr h¡& IÈo n‹S Vo h¢& h_ ~mocVo h¢ Xm§V g‹S of them said. ''We eat junk food and
J`o h¢& g‹So hþE Xm§Vm| go ^moOZ RrH go M~m`m Zht Om have grown so fat, we are not able
gH Vm & Im`m Zht Om gH Vm& dh ^yI go OëXr _aVo to play and feel very lazy''.
h¢& Eogo h_ 85 \ sgXr `mZr cJ^J g^r h¢& {deofkm|
Ho AZwgma BZ g‹So Xm§Vm| _| hr {Xc H s ~r_mar, E{g{SQr Nanny looked at them and said
Ho H maU {Nno hmoVo h¢& immediately change your life-style.
~ƒo ~moco RrH h¡& h_ amoO ImZo Ho ~mX Am¡a gw~h ''Eat less & drink more.
CRZo na d amV H mo gmoZo go nhco nVco Z_H go Xm§V Sit less, sleep less and move
{Kg|Jo& {\ a ~ƒo ~moco ZmZr Vy nhco ~hþV _moQ r hmoVr Wr more.
Vmo dOZ H¡ go H _ {H `m&
Run, dance and play more.
ZmZr ~mocr, H mo`c JmZm JmAmo& H mo`c JmZo cJr&
Walk, run, or cycle to school.
dOZ KQmZo H m _§Ì
nVcm ^moOZ Á`mXm Avoid bus scooter'' to go to
Jm‹T m ^moOZ H _ school.
\ c-gcmX Á`mXm

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



Voc Kr H _ Take more liquids and

ZmM-_ñVr hcMc Á`mXm fewer solids. Take lime juice, ~mb
~¡R Zm-gmoZm H _ etc. Xodmo ^d!
hcMc Á`mXm dOZ H _ Take more Fruits & salads
ZmZr ~mocr, _¢Zo ZrMo Xr hþB© MrO| H s¨& and less cooked food
1) ImZo _| \ c-gcmX ~‹T m`o& ha ~ma H _ hr
Reduce Oil & ghee & fried food.
ImVr Wr&
One should remain always active.
2) nH m hþAm ^moOZ ImZm H m\ s H _ {H `m
3) H ^r ^r AmYo noQ go A{YH ^moOZ Zht {H `m& Use staircases avoid elevators.
amV H mo ^moOZ Zht {H `m Eat betel leaf with lime stone
4) H ^r ~¡R Vr Zht& cJmVma H m_ H aVr ahVr hÿ§& after meals. It reduces food intake.
McVr hÿ§, Xm¡‹S Vr hÿ§, gr{‹T `m§ M‹T Vr hÿ§& Xygao H mo H m_ Return home from play by 7 pm
Zht H hVr& nmZr VH Zht _m§JVr& Go to bed early.
5) 20 gmc Ho ~mX g^r H mo Eogm H aZm Mm{h`o& Rise early in the morning.
100 gmc MwñV ah|Jo& Perform yoga; soorya-namaskar
Aao nH m`m hþAm ñdm{Xï ^moOZ Á`mXm Im`m Vmo and other exercises every morning.
dOZ ~‹T Vm h¡& Vm|X ~‹T Vr h¡& Vm|X {XIZo cJr {H 20 Revise your studies daily.
dfm}§ _| H B© cmoJm| H mo ~r_mar go _m¡V AmVr h¡& Eogm
Learn poems, formulas, tables
{dama Ho Sm°. {dZrV X§S dVo ~VmVo h¢& nhco dOZ ~‹T Vm
by heart in morning.
h¡& M~u ~‹T Vr h¡ Cggo aŠVMmn ~‹T Vm h¡& {\ a _yÌqnS,
Every morning read in advance
h¥X`, _pñVîH Iam~ hmoVm h¡& `mX²XmíV H _ hmoZo cJVr
h¡ Am¡a `m Vmo _m¡V AmVr h¡ `m ~r_mar go _wX} H s Vah all that they will be taught in school.
OrZm n‹S Vm h¡& `o QmcZo Ho {cE _oao CŠV nm§M gyÌm| H m Revise it at night before sleeping
nmcZ H aZm Mm{h`o& again.
{OZH m noQ {ZH cm hmoVm h¡, CÝh| ^yI cJZo Ho Pray to God daily for
{~Zm ImZm Zht Mm{h`o& CÝh| A{YH nmZr Am¡a Vac 5 minute twice a day.
nXmW© coZo Mm{h`|& ImZo go nhco nmZr, ImZo Ho ~rM Meditate and on how to reduce
nmZr Am¡a ImZo Ho ~mX ^r nmZr nrZm Mm{h`o& nmZr H mo mistakes.
A_¥V H hVo h¢& Bg Vah A_¥VnmZ H aZm Mm{h`o& amV Have breakfast consisting of
H m ImZm ~§X H a XoZm Mm{h`o& CgH s OJh Zt~y e~©V, fruits and nuts.
H moH _ e~©V nr{O`o `m H moB© ^r e~©V, Nmg nr{O`o&
Increase good deeds.
~‹So cmoJm| H mo H ^r ^r AmYm noQ ^aZo {OVZm ^moOZ
And that will make you supermen
H aZm Mm{h`o& ImZo Ho ~mX ^r Wmo‹S r ^yI ahZr Mm{h`o&
Omo ImE§ Cg_| AmYo go A{YH \ c d gcmX hmoZo and superwomen.
Mm{h`|& ImZo Ho A§V _| \ c d gcmX ImE§& `o Pm‹Sz H s Children who followed her
Vah Xm§V d _w§h gm\ H aVo h¢& advice became super
human beings.
New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


ImZo Ho ~mX nmZ Ka na ~ZmH a ImE§& nmZ MZo

usaImoall& tell this story to all and
Child is ^r dhr H m_ H aVm h¡& Cg_| H m MyZm H¡ pëe`_ makeepŠV_mZ ~Zmo
all children super human
God Xo V m h¡ & h{È `m§ _O~y V H aVm h¡ & H ËWo go beings.amV H mo OëXr gmoZo H m
H mocoñQam°c KQVm h¡& Xm§Vm| Ho H s‹So KQVo h¢& gw~h OëXr CRZo H m
~‹S r gm|\ d nËVo go V¥{á {_cVr h¡& Wmo‹S m ImH a ^r noQ `moJ-gy`©Z_ñH ma H aZo H m
^am cJoJm Am¡a dOZ KQmZo _| _XX {_coJr& H ^r ^r {XZ^a _ñV ahZo H m
~¡R| Zht& cJmVma hcMc H aVo ah|& Am°{\ g, ñHy c 3 H gaV Ho ~mX n‹T mB© H aZo H m,
{H cmo_rQa VH hmo Vmo n¡Xc OmE§& 5 {H cmo_rQa hmo Vmo \ m_y©co, gypŠV`m§, Qo ~c `mX H aZo H m
gmBH c go OmE§& CgHo ~mX hr ~g, [ajm Am{X dmhZ nhco {nNco {XZ H m `mX H aZo H m
H m BñVo_mc H a|& g§^d hmo Vmo {cQ H mo Qmc|& gr{‹T `m| {\ a Z`o nmR n‹T Zo H m
H m BñVo_mc H a|& {OVZm g§^d hmo VoO Mc|/Xm¡‹S| & gr{‹T `m| amoO Šbmg go AmJo ahZo H m
na ^r& `moJ grI|& Ü`mZ H a|& H moB© JcVr H ao Vmo _m\ {\ a ZmíVm, nyOm H aZo H m
H a|& h_oem gM ~moc| Am¡a _rRm ~moc|& H mo`c JmZm Jm& h_oem g~go AmJo ahZo H m
dh JmZo cJr& {dMma gm\ aIZo H m
Wmo‹S m _rRm ~mocmo _V ~moc _rRo ~mocZo H m
H ‹S dm gM ~mocmo _V AÀNo H m_ H aZo H m
Imcr-nrcr c‹S mo _V gwIr ahZo H m!
{Ogo gwcPm Zht gH Vo `h g~ H aZo H m Am¡a
Eogo nM‹So _| n‹S mo _V h_oem OdmZ ahZo H m
_Z hr _Z _| ~mocH a XoImo, g\ c ~ZZo H m
ghr cJo Vmo gm_Zo ~mocmo ^maV ^m½`{dYmVm ~ZZo H m
Zht Vmo ~mocmo _V' `o g~H mo {gImZo H m
~ƒo ~moco, ZmZr cmoJm| Ho {cE gdmoËH¥ ï ^moOZ Š`m _mV¥^y{_ H m H O© CVmaZo H m
h¡? h_ g\ c hmoZo H m _§Ì amoO ~moc|Jo& na ZmZr h_|
ZmZr ~mocr H mo`c Jm& dh JmZo cJr& ~r_mar QmcZo H m _§Ì ~VmAmo Zm& ZmZr ~mocr, H mo`c
"\ c gcmX \ ñQ© Šbmg Jm! dh JmZo cJr&
Ka H m ^moOZ \ ñQ© Šbmg ~r_mar QmcZo H m _§Ì
na \ cm| Ho _wH m~co "~m[ae _| J`o Vmo
~mha H m ^moOZ goH§ S Šbmg ha ~ma ^rJmoJo
Iwcm ^moOZ WS© Šbmg!' AmJ Ho nmg J`o Vmo
~ƒo ~moco, ZmZr `o ~VmAmo Zm {H g\ c H¡ go hm|& ha ~ma OcmoJo
ZmZr ~mocr, ~VmVr hÿ§& H mo`c Jm& H mo`c JmZo cJr& ~r_ma AmX_r Ho nmg J`o Vmo
g\ c hmoZo H m _§Ì ha ~ma ~r_ma n‹S moJo
IocVo-IocVo ImAmo Ka go ~mha Im`m Vmo
ImVo-ImVo Iocmo ha ~ma ~r_ma n‹S moJo
Oo~ _| h_oem H ƒo Mmdc Bg{cE _¢,

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



~r_mam| Ho nmg OmD§ Jm Zht {XZ ^a ñHy c _| Omo grIm, Cgo Xmoham c|& gw~h
_¢ g~ QrHo cy§Jm ñHy c go nhco EH ~ma, ñHy c _| Xygar ~ma Am¡a ~mb
_¢ `o H ê§ Jm em_ H mo Vrgar ~ma& XmohamZo go, n‹T Zo go `mX Xodmo ^d!
XrKm©`w ~Zy§Jm OëXr hmoVm h¡& Am¡a Bggo 100 \ sgXr ~ƒm|
g~H mo ~VmD§ Jm H mo AÀNo A§H {_c|Jo& g\ c hm|Jo& narjm _| ^r Am¡a
OrdZ _| ^r&
g~H mo XrKm©`w ~ZmD§ Jm!'
~ƒo ~moco, ZmZr narjm _| RrH h¡ na OrdZ _|
amV H mo OëXr gmoZo H m, gw~h OëXr CRZo H m na
g\ c H¡ go hm|? Iy~ {S{J«`m§ hm{gc Sm°. lrH m§V {OMH a
ZtX nyar hmoZr Mm{hE& Bg{cE amV H mo OëXr gmoZo H m&
Ho AÜ``Z go nVm McVm h¡ {H Xgdt-~mahdt _| _o[aQ
gmV ~Oo Ho A§Xa Ka Am OmE§& `moJ, gy`©Z_ñH ma,
{cñQ Am¡a OrdZ _| g\ c cmoJm| H s gyMr AcJ-AcJ
ì`m`m_ H a|& {\ a K§Qo ^a J{UV Ho \ m_y©co, H {dVmE§,
h¡& ZmZr ~mocr {~ëHw c&
Qo ~c, Oê ar nmR n‹T| & `mX H a|& AmO Omo ñHy c _|
OrdZ _| g\ c hmoZo Ho {cE {g\© n‹T mB© H m\ s
n‹T mZo dmco h¢& dmo n‹T c| Am¡a Bggo nhco H c Omo n‹T mB©
Zht& 16 {dÚm Am¡a 64 H cmE§ cJVr h¢& dh grImo&
hþB© h¡, dh `mX H a|& BgHo ~mX ^JdmZ H s nyOm H a|&
IocmoJo, Hy XmoJo ~ZmoJo Zdm~&
\ cmhma Ho gmW ZmíVm H a|& {\ a gy`m}X` hmoJm&
`mZr Omo Ioc _| g\ c hmoVo h¡&
amoO gw~h Am¡a em_ H mo nm§M {_ZQ em§V ^JdmZ Ho
dh OrdZ _| g\ c hmoVo h¢&
nmg ~¡R| & h_Zo Omo Jc{V`m§ H s h¢, do H¡ go gwYma|, Bg
Bg{cE ha {H grH mo K§Q m ^a
na gmoM|& AÀNo JwU H¡ go ~‹T mE§ Bg na gmoM| Am¡a Cg
_¡XmZr Ioc IocZm hr Mm{h`o&
na A_c cmE§& J_u H s Nw {Q² Q `m| _| AJco gmc H s
B§½c¢S Zo Xygao {díd`wÕ _| Am¡a
gmar nwñVH| n‹T c|& ~ƒm| Zo ^r Am¡a _m§-~mn Zo ^r&
AÝ` `wÕm| _| Omo OrV hm{gc
Cg_| go B{Vhmg, ^yJmoc H s {H Vm~m| _| ~Vm`r J`r
H s, CgHo g~H CgZo Ioc
OJhm| na g§^d hmo Vmo {nH {ZH H m H m`©H« _ ~ZmE§&
Ho _¡XmZ na grIo Wo& amoO EH
AÝ` {df`m| _| ^r Eogr {OZ OJhm|, ñWcm|, g§ñWmAm|
K§Q m ngrZm Am`oJm, Eogm Ioc IocZm Mm{h`o Am¡a `moJ
H m {OH« h¡, XoIZo H s H mo{ee H a|& gámh _| a{ddma
H s Nw Q² Q r Ho {XZ gámh _| Omo grIm Cgo XmohamZo H m
`moJm H _©gw H m¡eë`…!
H m_ H a|& Xw{Z`m go AmJo OmE§&
`mZr `moJr B§gmZ Omo H aVm h¡ loð H aVm h¡& g\ c
hmoVm h¡& CgH m AnZo _Z na {Z`§ÌU hmoVm h¡& Qrdr,
B§Q aZoQ , nwñVH| g^r `moJ {gImVo h¢& A§{~H m `moJ Aml_
H s H B© emImE§ {Z…ewëH `moJ {gImVr h¢& `moJ H s Omo
nwñVH| {_co§ n‹T Zr Mm{h`|& `moJgmYZm h_| gwna_¡Z,
gwnady_Z, {díd{dOoVm ~ZmVr h¡& h__| epŠV AmVr
~ƒmo `moJr ~Zmo& OJ OrVmo&
~ƒm| Zo gwZm AÀNm hþAm& h_| `o OmZH mar 23
^mfmAm| _| 115 H amo‹S ^maVr`m| H mo ~mVm|, EgE_Eg,
B©_oc, \ moZ, ao{S`mo, Qrdr, nona H s ghm`Vm go XoZr
amoO BVZm Ioc| {H EH K§Qo ngrZm Am`o& em_ H mo
gmV ~Oo go nhco Ka cm¡Q| & ZhmZo Ho ~mX nyOm H a| Am¡a

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


Story Therapy 4
Child is
From care to Advocacy
4 useful stories:true & amazing
1st story: He lived healthy 93 years.
Told by the hero himself. Very few doctors live so long.
In pre independance India, Before He worked 4 am to 11 pm for 5 years.
1947, there was a poor man named Mr. With in 15 days of finishing this work,
Kolhatkar. He was working in a private this SSC pass man got D. Lit.
insurance company at Satara. When he His book, PATANJALI YOGA”.
was 55 years old, one day his company “Text book of Indian Science of
made retirement age 55 years & retired Psychology, Psychiatry & Mind Control”.
him. Every one should read it.
Now for survival, he had to get another It will improve our child care.
job. It will improve our personality and life.
But he wanted to do advocacy. All must learn Yoga.
He wanted to write Sanskrit All Currently popular Yogas are born
“PATANJALI YOG SUTRA” in Marathi so out of Patanjali Yoga.
that people could benefit from it. It has 8 arms.
But this was a full time job. So it is also called as Ashtangayoga.
And a non paying one. ''Yogasan is one of them''.
He did not take another job. ''Yogya means right''.
He started working on Patanjali sutra. YOGA is right way of living ''
To cut costs, he & his wife skipped YOGA makes you superman &
dinner forever. superwoman. You have to experience it.
He writes ''I was weak since This story has 3 lessons :
childhood. With small problems, I would 1. Learn Yoga .Live long healthy &
get Palpitation and throbbing in my heart. happy.
But with Yoga this all disappeared. I had
poor vision & spects. My vision
improved, spects were no more needed.
Twice I had injuries. Each time my nail
came out, but new nails came in 11

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



2.Give time,money,life for the issues all with all good we know.
close to our heart. ~mb
3..Do child care advocacy. 3rd story Xodmo ^d!
2nd story: French man Jean-Jacques
In Pre Independence days young Rousseau wanted to advocate the cause
Tilak & Agarkar wanted to do some thing of democracy. He wrote a book named
for the country. Thyey did advocacy. Of the Social Contract, Principles of
They started newspapers Kesari & Political Right . That
Maratha. Nehru & Gandhi also started gave birth to
News papers. The mass awakening led Democracy.
to Independence of India . German man Karl
We still have to win over illnesses, Marx wanted to
Ignorance, advocate the cause of
Poverty etc. To exploited labour.He
win over them we wrote “Das Capital”.
need to do Karl Marx That gave birth to
advocacy. communism.
All good we So that is power of
know we all should books, & words.
share with all with Write your good ideas & reach them
help of media i.e. to all.
Newspapers, A great thinker, writer
TV, Radio, is hidden inside you.
Lokmanya Tilak Internet & in Bring the thinker out.
You will supercede
G a p s h a p ( Rousseou, Marx
Gossip) & ,Vyas, Valmiki or
Speeches in all Harry Potter’s author
languages.. J.K.Rowling.
For example ,in The world is waiting
Harry Potter’s
1947 in pre with garlands for you.
independance SO RISE WRITE & author
days, average SPEAK
Indian lived 35 Make people wiser.
years. Today he In YOUR own mother
lives 68 years. Our Independent tongue & all international
Motherland has doubled our life. We can languages.
repay this 4th story:
debt by educating Story of Confucius:The Chinese
guru(, 551 B.C.E. – 479 B.C.E )

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


In his times he was not happy 1.Have Patience. Rome was not built in
about ther things happening in the a day.
Child is society.(Like all of us.) 2. Write something daily. Practice
God makes a man perfect.
3. Start with writing diary daily.
4. KISS “Keep It Simple Sir”
REFORMS. King did not listen. That time 5. Do not be tempted with big words &
China was made of 36 phrases.
states.One after another he 6. Do not wait for a great
went to 36 kings. None idea or a great kick start. A
listened to him. Finally he went river is small in beginning.
to the forest. 250 disciples 7. No one has time for a
went with him. He made an big article. Which is the best
ashram. He lived, preached article, paragraph, sentence,
word? The smallest. Between
and died there.
2 words, choose simpler word.
When ever these kings had Avoid repetition.
problems they remembered 8. You should have
teachings of Confucius,& something to say.
were benefitted. Gradually Write each idea on the
what confucius said became Confucius topic in a separate paragraph
social norm.It is followed even on a separate sheet.
today in China, Korean, Japan and When all ideas are written arrange them
Vietnam. logically.
The whole article should be like a nice
His useful famous teaching is “ treat
others as you want them to treat you.” This is more easily done on a computer.
A good draft undergoes corrections few
Better safe than sorry times.
Words are like arrows. You can not take After completing sleep over it overnight.
them back. So use them carefully. Say them Many times new ideas come up overnight.
to your self in mind,and filter unnecessary Do a spell check.
words before speaking out anyone. Ask a colleague to read and to help in
Some times there is difference in what improving it.
Ask a language professor or teacher to
you wanted to communicate and what the
read it.
journalist understood.
9. Any time is good time for writing.
To avoid this, request the journalist friend However in mornings creativity is highest.
to possibly show you the copy before See if you can rise early & write.
sending it to press. 10. The moment the draft is ready, send it
Give a written copy of what you want to for publication.
tell, so that there are no errors in 11. Tell all & tell us your experience.
communication. 12 Use Internet.T.V. Radio,news papers.
How to write an article?
This is Wisdom of great authors. Share
this with your children, friends, staff,
everyone. Translate in your
mother tongue & tell all.

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



Story Therapy 5
...And Pappu became a Hero Xodmo ^d!

Children enjoy read-aloud sessions. therefore have a negative impact on a

They learn that stories written in books can child’s developing mind.
introduce people and ideas. Listening and
talking helps children build their
Pappu’s family decided to help Pappu
vocabularies. They have fun while learning
break this habit. They developed a new
basic literacy concepts.
routine for him. They discontinued with the
cable services. His family went to bed at 9
Hence we have developed this story with pm. Pappu could get up early in morning
an intention to offer suggestions to feeling fresh, energetic and happy.
difficulties faced by both parents and
Pappu seldom enjoyed meals. His
parents used to ask him several questions.
It’s a common practice to call children And he used to get bored answering them.
by pet names. Pappu is a common pet The result was he used to finish eating as
name in India. In this story Pappu fast as he can to avoid questions.
represents an average child.
So one day Pappu’s nanny explained
Pappu was born to educated parents. to his parents that Mealtime is important
They often cribbed that Pappu was weak to children’s development. She told them
and lacked enthusiasm towards studies. to use mealtime to relax, socialize, and
share food.
Pappu’s routine was dominated by It should not be a battle-ground to solve
watching television programmes. He was crises. She told them that if children feel
hooked to the cartoon entertainment comfortable, they will talk about their
dished out on various channels. Cartoon friends and school.
mania had gripped him. As happens in
most homes, his entire family used to Nanny suggested that Pappu can even
congregate before the television to watch invite a friend for a meal.
serials and movies at night. They used to
sleep late and Pappu used to feel lazy while
going to school. Pappu’s parents decided to show
interest in what he has to say during meals.
Now they were also comfortable with
But fortunately his family realized that the silence or little conversation. They soon
majority of cartoons are filled with violence understood that there are
and bad language. These cartoons days when children do not feel

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


like talking, and that is perfectly fine.

Pappu’s mother provided clean and neat
Child is place for him to study. His study corner was
God quiet and uncluttered, well-lit and peaceful.

She made sure the house was

conducive to studying. Nobody interrupted
him while studying. TV or music wasn’t too
loud generally. But she also accepted that
some children actually studied better with
background music.

His mother worked out a revision

timetable for each subject. She broke
revision time into small chunks. The hour-
Also, they made a Food Corner for long sessions had short breaks. This
Pappu, wherein he could eat food worked well.
whenever he was
Both his parents went through school
hungry. Food corner had a huge notes with Pappu. They listened while he
Container which had stocked nuts, raisins revised topics. Latter these topics were
etc. Pappu need not had to wait for food till discussed in a playful manner.
his mother to make her meal. Pappu decided that he should have a
Graffiti Wall at his home. His parents were
overjoyed with his idea. As they knew the
Pappu’s family was keen that he power of having important messages,
maintained a normal weight. He developed lessons, stories, ideas, etc written on wall
healthy habits. They decided to encourage was amazing. They decided to decorate
him to participate in regular physical activity. walls according to his ideas.
This included one hour’s physical education
class in school or extracurricular sports at
school. The idea that his thoughts and comments
will get public attention was appealing to
Pappu. The concept of Graffiti wall became
Pappu started walking to school. successful and it reflected in his mark
He used bicycle instead of traveling bus sheet.
for longer distance. He started taking a Pappu started using computer and
walk with friends. His family decided to use broadband for his studies at home. He was
stairs instead of escalators or elevators. too keen to learn new things on YouTube.
There are topics of various subjects
Increase in physical developed using videos in wonderful way.
activities helped Pappu to Pappu was extremely happy with these new
grow stronger and healthier. developments. It had positive impact on his
overall development.
New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



Xodmo ^d!

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


Story Therapy 6 Story of our guru

Child is
“mad doctor”
H hmZr h_mao JwéOr H s
‘nmJb SmŠQa’ {g_ob dmB©g H s 2 persons reduced neonatal mortality
significantly. 1. Dr. Abhay Bang. & 2.
bJ^J 200 df© nhbo EH h§Joar`Z SmŠQa H m OÝ_ Dr. Ignas Simmelweis. Read his inter-
hþAm & CZH m Zm_ B¾mg {g_ob dmB©g Wm & dh Am°pñQ´ `m esting & illustrative story.
H s amOYmZr ìhr EÞm _| H m_ H aVo Wo & ZrMo {b{Ir hþB©
Hw N ~mVo CÝh| Ü`mZ AmB© &
1) ìhrEÞm Ho gSH m| na {OZ ~ƒm| H m OÝ_ hmoVm h¡
CZ_| go ~hþV ~ƒo ~MVo h¡ & bo{H Z ìhrEÞm hm°pñnQb _|
OÝ_o H m\ s ~ƒo _a OmVo h¡ & {OZ ~r_m[a`m| Ho H maU ~ƒo
_aVo CÝht H maUm| go CZH s _m± ^r _a OmVr Wr &
{g_ob dmB©g Zo `h {ZîH f© {ZH mbm {H `h ~r_mar CÝh|§
é½Umb` go {_br & Š`m|{H dh ~r_mar gSH na OÝ_|
~ƒm|| H mo Zht hmoVo & ( h_mao {bE grI…- _°Q a{ZQr hmo_ _|
OrVZo ~ƒo ~r_ma hmoVo h¡ Cggo ^r A{YH ~ƒo h_mao
é½Umb` _| ~r_ma hmoVo Vmo Zhr?)
CÝh| dh OMH s amoJ H hVo Wo & qH Vw CÝhr Ho gmWr
ahZodmbo nwéf SmŠQam| H mo ^r `hr ~r_mar hþB© Am¡a do _a
J`o & About 200 years ago one Hungerian
doctor was born.
{g_ob dmB©g H mo _mby_ hþAm {H `h ~r_mar _X© H mo ^r
His name was Ignaz Simmelweis
hmo gH Vr h¡ & OMH s go CgH m g§~§Y Zht h¡ & He studied medicine & worked at Vienna
~mX _| CÝhm|Zo XoIm {H d¡ÚH s` {dÚm{W©`m| Ûmam {H `o General Hospital.
J`o àñVyVr ( OÝ_ ~ƒo) go ~ƒo A[YH ~r_ma hmoVo h¡ O~ He made Following observations.
{H Xm`rÛmam OÝ_ ~ƒo H _ ~r_ma hmoVo h¡ & BgH m Š`m 1.Most newborns born on streets of
H maU h¡? `h SmŠQa Ho hmWm| H m H _mb Vmo Zht & Vienna survived.
CÝhm|Zo XoIm {H `h d¡ÚH s` {dÚmWu gw~h eara emó 2. Many newborns born inVienna
{gIZo Ho {bE ~r_ma _¥VH eara H m Mra \ mS H aVo h¡ General Hospital died of illness called
CZ_| go Hw N Bgr amoJm| Ho H maUm| go _ao hþE hmoVo h¡ & BgHo peurperal sepsis.
3.Some mothers too had the same fever
~mX do OmVo h¡ Am¡a J^©dVr ór Ho OZZ|{Ð`m| _| Xmo CJ{b`m| after delivery and many died .
H mo SmbH a J^m©e` H s Om±M H aVo h¡ & CÝhm|Zo `h {ZîH f© They was maternity fever of women.
{ZH mbm {H `h SmŠQam| Ho hmWm| H m H _mb h¡ & _ao hþE They could do nothing about it.
B§gmZ H s ~r_mar BÝhr SmŠQam| Ho hmWm| Ûmam Xygar J^©dVr He wondered what killed them? He
ór VH nhþ±MVr h¡ _mVm Am¡a CZHo ~ƒo concluded that the hospital gave them the
H mo hmo OmVr h¡ Am¡a do _a OmVo h¡ & illness.(Think. If incidence of infection in

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



CÝh| bJm {H , AJa SmŠQa AnZo hmWm| H mo AÀNr Vah our neonatal units is more that that of
go Ymo`o Vmo Bg ~r_mar H mo amoH m Om gH Vm h¡ & Am¡a do BZ babies in maternity homes,think if they ~mb
g^r H mo hmW YmoZo H mo H hZo bJo & H m~m}{bH E°{gS go are getting it in our units.) Xodmo ^d!
His male room partner doctor also
hmWm| H mo YmoZo Ho {bE H hVo &
died of the same illness.
( h_| A~ `h nVm h¡ {H H m~m}{bH E°{gS E°ÝQrgoßQrH HE CONCLUDED THAT IT HAD
h¡ &) bo{H Z `h H m_ à{V{XZ H m¡Z H a| ? H moB© {H gr H m NOTHING TO DO WITH DELIVERY,
Š`m| gwZo? nor sex of the person..
EH {XZ CZHo dm°S © Ho à_wI SmŠQa Jm±d JE Am¡a He kept thinking about it.
do dm° S © à_w I hmo JE&CÝhm| Z o hmWm| H mo Ymo Z m A{V AND ONE DAY IT DAWNED ON HIM.
Amdí`H H a {X`m {OgH m n[aUm_ AÀN m ahm & He noted following.
~ƒo Am¡a _m± H s ~r_mar VWm _aZm H _ hmo J`m & Mothers attended by medical students had
AmJo MbH a do EH dm°S © Ho à_wI hmoZo na CÝhm|Zo `h more complications than those attended by
{Z`_ ( hmWm| H mo YmoZm) Mmby aIm & CZHo dm°S © _|
He concluded that it was hand work of the
_m± Am¡a ~ƒo H s ~r_mar Am¡a _¥Ë`w Xa H _ hmo J`m & medical students.Then he realized that the
CÝhm|Zo Bgna {H Vm~ ^r {bIr & medical students would do dissections of
bo{H Z hmW YmoZm {H gr H mo ng§V Zht ( Bgr Vah AmO dead people to learn Anatomy in the morning..
h_ Am¡a h_mao ghH mar hmW YmoZmo H mo Some of these
Ambg H aVo) {gdm` {ZMboñVa Ho were mothers who
{H gr h§Joar`Z SmŠQa Ho {Z`_ H mo had died of puerperal
H moB© AÝ` SmŠQa Š`m| _mZo? CÝh| Iy~ sepsis.
After that they
_mZ{gH naoemZr hþB© & A§V _| do
would go to delivery
ìhrEÞm H s Zm¡H ar Nmo‹S Xr VWm noñQ rooms and check the
Jm°d _| Zm¡H ar H s & noñQ H m _Vb~ women who had
h§Joar H s amOYmZr ~wS m noñQ, Omo Bg come for delivery.
eha go SÝ`w~ ZXr Ho nyd© ^mJ _| pñWV They would do PV (
h¡ & per vaginum )
dh àË`oH ór go H hZo bJo {H examination of
Vw_ é½Umb` _| ~ƒo H mo OÝ_ _V Xmo Zht Vmo Vw_ XmoZm| hr women in the delivery room.
There after some of these women got the
~r_mar go _a OmAmoJo & A§V _| do nmJb hmo J`o & CÝhm|Zo
same illness.
AnZo hmWm| H mo ãb°Q ãboS / M¸y go O»_r H a {X`m Am¡a Their babies too got it.
EH {XZ O»_r hmWm| go ~r_ma J^©dVr ór H s Om±M H s & Many died.
Cg ~r_ma J^©dVr ór H s ~r_mar CÝho bJ JB© - Am¡a do He thought, “They did dissection, & then
_a J`o & they did p.v.
AkmZr g_mO Zo g_mO H m H ë`mU H aZo dmbo They carried the illness of the dead to the
H s ~br bo br & Eogm h_mao `hm± Z hmo & new mothers.
BgHo ~mX Cgo d CgHo H m_ H mo g^r bmoJ ^yb J`o & Then mothers and babies got it.”
~hþV gmbm| ~mX {bñQa Zm_H emók Zo O§Vw g§gJ© Z hmo

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi
40 Simmelwe
made them dip wash hands with carbolic aci

Bg{bE hmW YmoE, ñdÀN aho Eogm emó {HdH {gV He thought that, their hands transferred
{H `m & Bgo Egoßgrg H hVo h¡ & {bñQa Zo H hm {H the illness of the dead, to the women and
Child is babies.
God Bg {df` na {g_ob dmB©g Zo ~hþV go H m_ _wPgo He wondered if washing hands would
nhbo {H `o h¡ &
break this transmission.
h_mao {bE {gI ( nmR ) He suggested hand washing.
1) h_mao nmg Ag§»` gdmb, ~hþV gr _wgr~Vo h¡ No one cared.He was not head, so he
h_o h_oem {g_ob dmB©g H s Vah hmoZm Mm{hE Omo could not implement it.
bmoJm| H s g_ñ`m Ho ~mao _| gmoMo VWm CZH m g_mYmZ But once when his boss went on leave
ImoOo & BgHo ~mX Cgo bmoJm| VH nhþ±Mm`o & ,he became the head of the unit.
2) bmoJm| Ho {damoY H aZo na AnZo _Z H mo Aem§V He introduced hand washing. He made
Z H a|, nmJb Z ~Zo & _Z e{º _mZ ~ZmZo Ho {bE h_| them dip wash hands with carbolic acid. (It
`mo J mgZ H aZm Mm{hE Bggo eara Am¡ a _pñVîH is disinfectant now we know.)
He made it compulsory before & after
e{º embr ahVo h¡ &
seeing every patient.
3) {g_ob dmB©g H s Vah `{X H moB© H m_ H a| Vmo They would carry a water tub on ward
CZH m {damoY Z H a| & rounds.
4) ha ~ma amo{J`m| H s Om±M H aZo go nhbo Am¡a This reduced the mortality in his unit to
~mX _| hmWm| H mo YmoE & a great extend.
5) h_mao nyd©Om| Ho {Z`_ ghr Wo & do amoO {XZ _| 5 There after he became head of one unit.
~ma ñZmZ H aVo Wo & Bggo J_u go amhV {_bVr, ñdÀNVm He introduced scrupulous hand washing
^r ahVr, ~r_mar ^r H _ hmoVr Wr & in his unit.
The death rate of mothers and babies
6) ñZmZ Ho {~Zm agmoB© Ka _| OmZo H s AZw_{V
went down in his unit. It became
Zht {_bVr & {ó`m± ñZmZ H aHo gm\ gy W a| H n ‹ S o significantly less than the unit of the
nhZH a hr ImZm ~ZmVr & ~mha go AmZo na bmoJ hmW, department head.
n¡a, _w±h YmoVo Wo & This could not be tolerated.
í_emZ OmH a AmZo na ñWmZ H adm H a hr Ka _| And no body wanted to carry water tub.
AmZo H s AZw_{V {_bVr & _ao hþE B§gmZ H s ~r_mar No body wanted to wash hands.
h_mao Ka _| Z AmZo nm`o & ( AmO ^r h_| XdmImZo go He published his work .
Ka AmZo na ñZmZ H aZm Mm{hE V^r XdmImZo H s However all ridiculed him.
He left Vienna and joined hospital at
~r_mar h_mao Ka Zht AmEJr &)
PEST. Pest is part of BUDAPEST ( east of
{g_o b dmB© g Zo ^r `hr {H `m & `h ~mV h_mao river Danube), the capital city of Hungery.
nyd©Om| 5 hOma dfm] go _mby_ h¡ & There also no one listened to him.
gmo ` a nmbmo , gw V H Q mbmo & He could not see women and babies
gmo ` a _Vb~ [aíVo X ma & gw V H _Vb~ ~ƒm & dying every where just because people were
gwVH _Vb~ ~ƒo Ho _aZo H m XwI & gmo`a nmbZm _Vb~ not washing hands.
[aíVoXmam| H mo ZdOmV {eew go gdm _{hZo VH Xya aIZm & On road, He would tell all pregnant
ZdOmV {eew Ho OÝ_ na g^r [aíVoXma Cg ~ƒo H mo mothers, not to go to hospital, to save their
XoIZo AmVo h¡ & ZdOmV {eew H mo AnZo lives and lives of their babies.
He became mad.

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi
eis 41

nmg boH a nßnr boVo h¡ & AJa H moB© ~r_ma h¡ Vmo dh ~r_mar He cut his hand by a blade, then he
Cg ZdOmV {eew H mo bJ OmVr h¡ & BZ_| go Hw N ~ƒo H s did a PV. of a sick woman, got ~mb
_¥Ë`w ^r hmo OmVr h¡ & Bg{bE g§gma _| g~go Á`mXm ZdOmV infected and died of the same illness. Xodmo ^d!
He was soon forgotten.
{eew H s _¥Ë`w h_mao ^maV Xoe _| ha amoO hmoVr h¡ & ñdV§ÌVm
Many years later when Lister and others
Ho 60 dfm} ~mX ^r `h {Z`_ ~Xbo Zht & g^r H mo gmo`a found out asepsis, people re-looked into
nmbZo Ho {bE H ho Bggo ZdOmV {eew H s _¥Ë`w Qb gH Vr history and found him out.
h¡ & Bggo _aZo Ho ~mX H m gwVH ^r IË_ hmo Om`oJm & He is father of ASEPSIS.
‘gmo`a nmbmo, gwVH Qmbmo ’`h g§Xe o g^r H mo X| & Zdå~a Let us salute to him.
2010 _| QmB©åg Am°\ B§{S`m _| `h g_mMma Am`m {H Let us become like him.
g§gma _| g~go AñdÀN Ka ^maVr`m| H m Ka h¡ & _mZdr Let us think of problems of our people.
{dï _| B.H mobm` {H QmUw hmoVo h¡ & g§gma Ho g^r Kam| _| Let us find solution to them.
AbJ AbJ ñWmZm| go§ Z_yZo {bE d Om±M {H `m Š`m Let us learn yoga that givew s us strong
body and strong mind so that we can
_mZd {dðm _| B. H mobm` {H QmUw {_bVo h¡ ? AJa `h
withstand social pressures and not go mad.
{H QmUw {_bVo h¡ Vmo Ka AñdÀN h¡ & `h {H QmUw h_mao Ka Let us not ridicule new ideas.
Ho g§S mg _|, gmd©O{ZH OJhm| na A{YH hmoVo h¡ & ~‹S o Let us not force people with new ideas
~‹S o bmoJ {OZHo Ka ñdÀN h¡ CZHo Kam| _| ^r A{YH to commit suicide.
OJhmo go B.H mobm` {H QmUw {_bo & Bggo {ZîH f© {ZH bVm
h¡ {H | ^maVr` Ka AñdÀN h¡ & Lessons for us.
AJa B§gmZ ~r_ma hmo Om`o Vmo {H QmUw
CZHo {dïm _| hmoVo h¡ & Bg {H QmUw go amoJ LET US practice good
practices as follows.
\¡ bVo h¡ & Eogr ~r_mar h_mao Kam|, XdmImZmo,
1.Wash hands. Before and
Xoemo _| Z \¡ bo Bg{bE h_| g^r OJh ZrMo after seeing every patient.
Xr JB© gwajm H a| & 2.Our fore fathers were
1) ha Ka _| EH g§S mg - ~mWé_ correct. They bathed 5 times.
hmo& Very good custom. Keeps you
2) A_o[aH m _| `{X XwH mZ ~ZmZm hmoVm clean. In hot places, it keeps
h¡ Vmo nhbo AmZo dmbo J«mhH Ho {bE g§S mg you cool.
~mWé_ ~ZmZm nSVm h¡ & BgHo ~mX dh H h±m .3.The women bathed then
they wore freshly washed
Bgo {XImZo Ho {bE \ bH bJmZm hmoVm h¡ &
Eogm ^maV _| H a| & Only then they cooked food.
3) ha g§S mg dm°e ~o{gZ na gm~wZ Have showers in toilets No one was allowed in the
aIo& cooking area. not even the head of the
4)gm~wZ H s {Q{H `m H s OJh nVbm gm~wZ Á`mXm family.
5) `h nVbm gm~wZ Eogo ~V©Z _| aIo {Ogo {ZH mbZo _| Sowale is practicing asepsis.
AmgmZr hmo & `{X gm~wZ Z hmo Vmo amI aIo & When we came from outside, washing
6) amI ^r hmWm| H mo YmoZo Ho {bE gm~wZ H m H m_ hands and feet was
H aVm h¡ & Eogm Aä`mg h¡ &

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


{Og Vah g~go A{YH ^maVr` bmoJm| Ho Kam| compulsory. If you had seen a dead person
_| _mZdr {dïm {H QmUw \¡ bo h¡ Cgr Vah g~go bathing was compulsory.
Child is ( Similarly when you go to a clinic or
God A{YH ^maVr` bmoJ g§S mg AÀNo go BñVo_mb hospital when you return home bathing must
Zht H aVo, gm~wZ go hmWm| H mo Ymo`o `h `w{Zgo\ Zo
be compulsory.)
Qr.ìhr na g_mMma Ho Ûmam {gIm`m h¡ & Cgr Vah em¡Mmb` IT IS THE CORRECT WAY OF LIVING..
Ho ~mX , g§S mg BñVo_mb H aZo Ho ~mX hmWm| H mo {H g Vah 4. Our fore fathers observed SOYAR and
Ymo`o & `h g~ emó ewÕr 121 bmI ^maVr` bmoJm| H mo avoided SUTAK.
{gImZm Amdí`H h¡ & Soyare means relatives. Sut means
gw{e{jV _Vb~ {Ogo gw er Ho ~mX gw er H s OJh d Son.Sutak is the suffering due to death of a
AnZo hmWmo H mo gm~wZ go ñdÀN YmoZm AmVm hmo & gw{e{jV near one, son.
OmJ¥V hmoZo na ^r h_ g^r A{e{jV h¡ Eogm bJVm h¡ & When a new baby arrives, All relatives
(Soyare) come to see the newborn. All pick
Mbm| Xoe H mo gw{e{jV ~Zm`o &
up the baby.Some kiss the baby. Some of
é½Umb` _|§ Vmo g^r ~r_ma bmoJ ahVo h¡ & CZHo ídmg Ho them un knowingly give
Ûmam {H QmUw ~mha {ZH bVo h¡ & CZHo gw infection to the baby. Then
go, er go, ngrZo go Am±gw go {H QmUw eara baby becomes ill. Many such
go ~mha {ZH bVo h¡ & Bg {H QmUw Ho H maU babies die daily in India. Sutak,
`o ~r_mar é½Umb` _| H m_ H aZo dmbo the pain of losing baby follows.
SmŠQa , H _©Mmar , Xwgao amoJr d [aíVo Soyar means not allowing
Xmamo H mo hmo gH Vr h¡ & EH B§gmZ H s any one to come to see the
~r_mar Xygao ~r_ma B§gmZ H mo ^r hmo OmVr baby and the mother till the bay
is 40 days old.
h¡ & Eogm Z hmo Bg{bE ZrMo {bIo J`o Cnm`
This is following asepsis. A
H a| & good custom. Let us
1) {OVZm A§Va Xmo ~r_ma amo{J`m| _| encourage it.
hmoJm CVZr hr ~r_mar H _ hmoJr & 5. Recent study published in
2) ha dm°e ~o{gZ,g§S mg _| nVbm Times of India Nov. 2010 show
gm~wZ aIo & g§S mg _| em°da bJm`o & following.
Have tissue papers. “ Swabs are taken form
3) g^r OJhm| na {Qí`w nona aIo & Use news papers
{Qí`w nona H s OJh na nwamZo g_mMmanÌ many spots in houses to see
presence of e coli found in
^r BñV_mb H a gH Vo h¡ &
human faeces. They found that even the
4) {OVZo {H QmUw g§S mg Ho grQ na hmoVo h¡ Cggo Á`mXm “Clean & elite” Indian houses had high e coli
{H QmUw XadmOo na, hoÊSb na d g^r ~QU na ahVo h¡ & BZ count and were dirty by world standards.
g^r OJhm| H mo ñnrarQ go ~ma ~ma amoO gm\ H a| & Q: How to eliminate e coli from our
é½Umb` _| ^any a gy ` © àH me AmZo Xo & BZ_| houses?
AëQ´ mìhm`boQ {H aUo ( A{VZrb) hmoVr h¡ {Oggo {H QmUw 1.1.1 One toilet per house.
_aVo h¡ & gy`© àH me `h daXmZ h¡ & {IS{H `m| H mo ~§X Z One toilet for visitors in each shop/
H a| & Iwbr hdm H mo AmZo ÁmmZo X| & hdm go {H QmUw H s _mÌm public place/commercial place.
2. Improve toilets.
H _ hmoVr h¡ &
2.1 Introduce showers in all toilets to
wash perineum
New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



é½Umb` Ho g^r H _©Mmar H mo Mma Mma nmoemI X| & do 2.2 Keep tissue papers. Use new
amoO gm\ gwYao Ywbo hþE nmoemI BñVo_mb H a| & Cgo J_© paper ~mb
nmZr _|§ Ymo`o Vm{H {H QmUw _ao & Yyn _| gwIm`o Bggo {H QmUw 3 3.1Keep soaps in all toilets. Xodmo ^d!
3.2 Liquid soap is better than
_aVo h¡ & Bór H aZo na ^r {H QmUw _aVo h¡ & Bg{bE H _©Mmar
soap every where.
H mo Mma Omo‹S r H nSo hmoZo Mm{hE & J_© nmZr go H n‹So H mo 4. Wash hands with soap after visiting
YmoZo dmbr dm°qeJ _{eZ H s gw{dYm hmoZr Mm{hE & BgHo toilet every time.
~mX Cgo Yyn _| gwIH a Bór H a bo & 5. Where soap is not available studies
H _©Mm[a`m| H s ~r_mar H mo amoH Zm d amoJrAm|H s ~r_mar show that ash cleans the hands well.
EH Xygao H mo Z hmo, `h gdm}Îm_ JwUY_© h¡ & 6. Learn & teach right , hyeginic use of
5) h_mao Jm°dm| _| ñdÀNmb` ha Mm¡H na hmoZr Mm{hE & toilet.
The fact that swabs from majority “
ha BÝgmZ H mo H moB© ZH moB© ~r_mar bJr ahVr h¡ & Clean houses” of well to do Indians houses
grew e coli from human feces tells us that
dh CZHo bma _| hmoVr h¡ & Bg{bE BÝgmZ H mo EH
we need to teach
Xygao H m OyR m Zht ImZm Mm{hE all the right
Eogm Xmg~moY _| H hm J`m h¡ & hyeginic use of
`h ghr h¡ 90 Q¸o ^maVr`m| Ho toilet, and soap to
Xm±Vmo _| {H So bJo hþE hmoVo h¡ & all on a war footing.
CZHo bma _| {H QmUw hmoVo h¡ & 7 Our soap is
Bg{bE OyR m Z H m`o & called as toilet
Ka Ho ~mha, hm°Qbm| _| ~Zm`o soap.
But very few
J`o ^moOZ _| H B© bmoJm| Ho hmW
toilets have soap.
bJo hþE hmoVo h¡ & Xygao Ho hmWm| _| 8. It is never
bJo hþE {H QmUw d CZH s ~r_mar “TOO LATE”
^moOZ Ho Ûmam Xygam| VH nhþ±MVr to learn right
h¡ & Bg{bE Ka Ho ~mha H m Gandhiji’s toilet.Sewagram. use of “
^moOZ H aZm Qmbo & Gandhiji cleaned his toilet. TOILET “
{nNbo 20 dfm} go ^maV Ho Do gandhigiri. 9. This
Hw N Aä`mg Eogo h¡ - information is
1) lr_Vr {Zem ImZ BÝhm|Zo AH mobm _| {Z[ajU H aHo most important for nicus,picus and
hospitals and clinics to prevent spread
OmZH mar {ZH mbr H s Ka Ho ~mha Ho bJ^J 80 Q¸o of nosocomial infection.
nXmW© àXw{fV h¡ & `h ImZo Hbm`H Zht hmoVo & Bggo 9. Tell every one
~r_mar`m± hmoVr h¡ & all good you know.
2) WmZo go {Okmgm g§ñWm Ho b‹S H mo Zo \¡ ardmbm| Ho Especially media, the journalists
ImZo H s MrOm| H m {Z[ajU {H `m Vmo 75 QH Šo go 80 Q¸o Make every one wiser.
nXmW© B§gmZm| Ho H mZo bm`H Zht & _w§~B© _| Vmo n§MVmam[H V This is the best service to the nation-
hm°Q ob Ho g^r ImZ§ H s OJhm| Ho Omo ^r AÞ h¡ dh BÝgmZ ----------------------------------------------
Ho ImZo A`mo½` {_bo &

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


4) nwUo _| Sm°. _ram ~mnQ, Sm°. à. Hw bH Uu POEM

Child is
BÝhmoZo \o ardmbm| go boH a hm°Q obmo VH g^r OJhm|
God na AÞ ( ImZm) Ho ^anya Z_yZm| H s {Z[ajU H s My home,clinic & NICUis good
Vmo 81 Q¸o AÞ Ho Z_yyZo ImZo Ho {bE A`mo½` h¡ except bad toilets.
Eogm _mby_ hþAm & My school is good
5) H bH Îmm _| Am°b B§{S`m BpÝñQQçwQ Am°\ hm`OrZ except bad toilets!
A°ÊS n{ãbH hoëW h¡ & dhm± na àmo. ZmW BÝhm|Zo H bH Îmm Ho I will request my school to change
H mbr_mVm _§{Xa Am{X 24 à{gÕ Xodr ñWbm| VWm VrWm} My office is good
Ho ñWmZ H s Om±M H aZo na 24 _| go 17 _| g~go A{YH except bad toilets!
_mÌm _| B.H mobm` {_bo & ha 100 {_br _| 180 ( B§{S`m I will request my office to change
Qw S o 29-2-93) `o VrW© hr h_mao godZ Ho {b`o {ZfÕ My public place is good
h¡ &
except bad toilets!
nmR-_§{Xamo _| Om`o na§Vw VrW© àgmX Z bo & 5 ~ma
I will request my public with help of media
~mha H m ^moOZ ImAmoJo Vmo 4 ~ma noQ Iam~ hmoJm &
My trains are good
QmB\ mB©S _oar H s H hmZr
_oar å`y`m°H© ~obyìhr OZab hm°pñnQb _| ^moOZ except bad open toilets
namogZo dmbr Wr & CZ_| QmB\ mB©S H s ~r_mar Ho hþB© I will write/sms/email to railway minister
to improve toilets.
Wr & na§Vw dh nwar Vah ~r_ma Vmo Zht Wr & CgHo
hmWm| go ^moOZ ImZo dmbo 1300 bmoJm| H mo QmB\ mB©S My country is good
hþAm Am¡a XdmImZm ~§X H aZm n‹S m & except bad toilets!
Bgr Vah ~hþV -gr _oar h_mao ^maV Ho g^r OJh h¡ & I will request my people
Bg{bE ~mha H m ^moOZ Z Im`o & with help of media to change
g§Smg_| {Qí`w nona aI| `m nwamZm g_mMmanÌ ^r BñV_mb
H a| & noem~ g§S mg H aZo Ho ~mX gm~wZ go hmWm| H mo Ymo`o & I will change them.
nÌH mam| Ho Ûmam `h g^r OmZH mar 121 bmI ^maVr`m|
Dr. Hemant Joshi / Dr.Archana Joshi
H mo {gIm`o &
Joshi Children’s Hospital Virar 401303
Sm°ŠQa A{Zb _moH mer H m AZw^d- tel 0250 2502 709
EH b‹S H s Zo AnZo _mVm -{nVm H mo H hm {H _oar e:
nmRembm gm\ , bo{H Z g§S mg ~mWé_ J§Xm h¡ & _mVm-{nVm
Zo _w»`mÜ`m{nH m go `h ~mV ~VmB© Vmo _w»`mÜ`m{nH m Zo (11 language child health website)
H hm `h _oam H m_ Zht h¡ & `h Vmo g\ mB© H _©Mmar H m H m_
h¡ &
{~ZVr- hOmamo ~ƒm| Am¡a bmoJm| Zo g§S mg ~mWé_ H mo
J§Xm {H `m &
Vmo Hw N g\ mB© H _©Mmar Ho H m_Jma {H VZm gm\ H a
gH Vo h¡ & Bg{bE hOmamo ~ƒmo Am¡a bmoJm| H mo g§Smg ~mWê _
gm\ aIZm {gIm`o Vmo `h Iam~ H¡ go
New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



_oar nmRembm, Ka, XdmImZm, Jm±d, bmoJ, Xoe AÀNo H {dVm

h¡ & bo{H Z g§S mg ~mWé_ J§Xo h¡ & Bg{bE Xoe J§Xm h¡ & Mbmo ~mb
_oar nmRembm h¡ AÀNr,
h_ g~ {_bH a Bgo gm\ H a| & Xodmo ^d!
_hmË_m Jm§YrOr Zo H hm h¡ {H - qH Vw em¡Mmb` h¡ J§Xm
hdm H m éI Mmhmo Vmo Vw_ ~Xb gH Vo hmo & _¡ Bgo ~XbZo Ho {bE AnZo nmRembm go
A§YH ma H mo {_Qm gH Vo hmo & {~ZVr H é±Jm &
EH NmoQ m gm {X`m ^r A§YH ma H mo Xya H aVm h¡ & _oam H m`m©b` h¡ AÀNm,
`h OmZH mar 121 bmI bmo J m| H mo ~VmZm hr
g~go ~‹Sr Xoe godm h¡ & h_ g~ `h H a| & Bgo \ moZ,
qH Vw em¡Mmb` h¡ J§Xm,
~mVMrV, B_o b , go & ^mfU, g_mMmanÌ, ao { S Amo , _¡ Bgo ~XbZo Ho {bE AnZo H m`m©b` go
Qrìhr, B§Q aZoQ go h_ g^r H mo ~VmZm h¡ & AnZm AZw^d {~ZVr H é±Jm &
Sm°. ho_§V Omoer d Sm°. AM©Zm Omoer , SOmoer ~mb _oam gmd©O{ZH ñWb h¡ AÀNm,
é½Umb`, {dama H mo ~Vbm`o & O`qhX O` _hmamï´ & qH Vw em¡Mmb` h¡ J§Xm
_¡ Bgo ~XbZo Ho {bE AnZr OZVm go
Golden Minute {~ZVr H é±Jm &
_oar aoëdo h¡ AÀNr,
We help a newborn to take
qH Vw em¡Mmb` h¡ J§Xm,
breath in first golden minute.
_¡ aoëdo _§Ìr H mo em¡Mmb` gwYma Ho {bE
We keep oxygen etc. ready.
Similarly Vote in the first
AZwamoY H é±Jm &
golden minute of getting ballot
_oam Xoe h¡ AÀNm,
papers by post. Be prepared.
qH Vw em¡Mmb` h¡ J§Xm,
Keep xerox copy of photo i.d. in
_¡ Bgo ~XbZo Ho {bE AnZr OZVm go
purse today.(like pancard- AZwamoY H é±Jm &
needed in bank/travel)sign it & _oam Ka, XdmImZm, AñnVmb h¡ AÀNm,
enclose it with vote.Send for qH Vw em¡Mmb` h¡ ....?
posting the same minute.Tell _¡ Bgo ~Xby±Jm &&
all.thanks. hemant Joshi. ({hÝXr énm§Va)
à{_bm qd. `mXd
Vote for a change
Vote for new ideas
Vote for grass root worker
Vote for multilingual
Dr.Hemant Joshi

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


Story Therapy 3
Child is
God Alexander's Story: Give amnesty to
hospitals,doctors & nurses

Alexander the great

Once Alexander the great was sick.
But no doctor wanted to touch him. but you can not force them to treat.
They were scared that if they treated So serious patients are sent by
and Alexander died, ambulance to betters centres. From
The doctor would be killed. Alexander village hospital to district hospital & from
learned this. district hospital to Capital’s hospital.
He gave amnesty to doctors. Many times patients go bad on the
He assured them in writing that even way. Some die.
if he died no one will blame them or hurt To avoid this, have faith in your doctor.
them. Tell him so. Request them to treat if they
Only then doctors treated him and he can and transfer only if patient needs
recovered. and not out of fear. Give this in writing.
Daily media gives us reports of angry GIVE AMNESTY/ PARDON TO
mob attacking doctors, nurses and HOSPITALS, DOCTORS, & NURSES.
hospitals when someone dies. 3] The powerful must do this first and
This creates following problems: at once other wise who will touch and
1] When hospitals are destroyed other treat them when they need it most?
sick people will not get care. This is best for the patients’ people
2] No one wants to treat serious society and doctors.
patients. Tell this to all by gossip/sms/email/talk
You can destroy hospitals and with help of Internet, Television,
Radio and Newspapers.
New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi



Dr. Joshi got

Medical Jour-
nalism Xodmo ^d!
About Authors AWARD of
Indian Medical
Dr. Hemant & Ar. Archana are both Association
pediatricians practicing paediatrics for Maharashtra in
Mumbai on 21.11.09
last 33 years.Their new ideas
developed while practicing are given Releasing
here. Marathi
Health Annual
They thought of maternity leave of 6 Arogya
months for working mothers. They Dnyaneshwari.
campaigned for it. Now it is granted by Dr.Mrs. Archana at
the central government of India and few left end
state governments, banks and other Dr. Hemant at right
establishment. They worked for Hindi end.
names on medicines. Now most drugs
carry Hindi names in India. Dr. Desai
(white shirt )
They have 6 publications in Indian Presenting
Pediatrics.They got Indian Academy of Arogya
paediatrics’ James Flett Medal for their Dnyaneshwar Award
researchpaper on clinical trial of to Dr. Shrikant
measles vaccine.They bring out a
for popular
marathi annual health care volume every medical writing
year for last 14 years.They honour in Marathi language.
writers who write popular Medicine in
See our 5 child health videos on YOU TUBE
Marathi in media with “Arogya
You tube video links.
Dnyaneshwar Award for last 10
years.They bring out multilingual
publications “Arogya Dnyaneshwari
which has child health article in 10 Indian watch?v=C1fiH1mUzXo
languages. Their child health website 2) GUDHI PADWA celebrations at has child care Dr. Hemant Joshi’s Hospital :
information in 10 Indian languages,
English & German.
3) Is Child/man alive or dead? Learn & tell all:
Vote for a change 4) BABY IN ARMS - IDEAL FOR I V
Vote for new ideas CANNULATION PART 2 :
Vote for grass root worker
Vote for multilingual nczgBasw-I&feature=channel
5) 40-40-40 VENTILATOR :
Dr.Hemant Joshi

New Ideas for Better Global Child Survival & Child Health : Dr. Hemant & Dr. Archana Joshi


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