Henry - MN k-12 Principal Competencies-9

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MN K-12 Principal Competencies

Portfolio Evaluation Form

SKILL/KNOWLEDGE Initial (ED 695A) Mid-program (Practicum) Final (ED 695A or ED 699)
A. Instructional Leadership Self Score (1-5) and Self Score (1-5) and Self Score (1-5) and
Comments Comments Comments
A1. Support teachers and staff in the 4 - We just reinstated PLC’s again
implementation of state academic and hope to continue that work.
standards, coherent systems of culturally Additionally, our PD plan focuses
responsive curriculum, instruction and on culturally responsive teaching
assessment that promote the missions, and part of our budget is to buy
vision and core values of the school books and classroom libraries that
district to embody high expectations for are more inclusive of gender, race,
student learning. etc.
Professional Development Plan,
BHM - Lunch and Learns and other
activities to support Black History
A2. Demonstrate the ability to 3 - With my school covering grades
understand and apply district wide 5-8 I am in a unique situation with
literacy, lead school-wide literacy efforts working on both the elementary and
in all content areas including numeracy. secondary sides.
One area that I have focused my
hours and skill building is working
with the elementary literacy coach
and math coach that is working with
teachers and coaching cycles to
promote literacy and numeracy.
Our literacy coaches are also part of
a grant that I have been able to be a
part of.
CLSD Grant Agenda
Instructional/PEER Coaching Work
B. Monitor Student Learning

B1. Demonstrate the ability to create a 4 - I believe that our PLC work, PD
culture that fosters a community of schedule, and our Scheduling task
learners; force are all things that I have
helped to develop a culture of
MN K-12 Principal Competencies
learners. It is also my hope that our
MTSS system will continue to
support and meet students where
they are at.
B2. Demonstrate an understanding of 3 - While I am very knowledgeable
student support systems and services; in various student support systems
and services, our current schedule
and FTE’s do not currently support
putting such things in place system
wide. That is one of the purposes of
our Scheduling Task Force. to build
a schedule that will promote and
provide the opportunity to put
systems in place to better support
our students behavior and academic
B3. Demonstrate the ability to 4 - Last year as an AP, I was in
implement and monitor student charge of scheduling all AP testing
management data systems. and monitoring all of the
coursework and registration for the
test. Additionally, I led the school in
PD on how to streamline their
PowerSchool Learning pages as a
teacher for the betterment of
B4. Implement school wide policies and 4 - Coming into a new building and
practices that encourage positive overseeing 2 campuses, I spent a lot
behavior, and respond to student of time working with our admin
misconduct in a positive, fair and team to review our school handbook
unbiased manner. and to look at areas of need and
growth. Coming back to school this
fall, it was clear that students were
not used to structures and
boundaries. I put together our BLT
team to look at tardies, skipping,
and what we can do to build
positive supports.
BLT 7&8 - Building Leadership
Team Agenda and Notes
BLT 5&6 - Building Leadership
Team Agenda and Notes
MN K-12 Principal Competencies
School Handbook
B5. Demonstrate the ability to develop a 3 - The Scheduling Task force has
master instructional schedule; been one of the more important
things I have taken on this spring.
The goal is to determine priorities
and set a schedule up that meets
those needs. The challenge is
knowing that it will not be a perfect
schedule and there will have to be
compromise. Also, the lunches
always pose a problem with
working them into the schedule.
Scheduling Task Force
Bell Schedule Options
B6. Demonstrate the ability to meet the 3 - We are not meeting all of the
diverse learning needs of all students; needs of students and that is an area
that I struggle with trying to find the
best solution to. I think our MTSS
Committee will provide insight as to
what are biggest areas of need are
and our schedule will play a vital
role in being able to make that
Our PD plan focuses on culturally
responsive teaching and part of our
budget is to buy books and
classroom libraries that are more
inclusive of gender, race, etc.
Professional Development Plan,
B7. Demonstrate the ability to 4 - As a previous High School AP, I
understand and support a comprehensive was heavily involved in athletics
program of student activities. and activities. From supervision,
scheduling, and eligibility
requirements, this is an area I feel
confident in. At the middle school
level, we are currently working on
brining on Citizenship Grades as a
means for eligibility and also being
more visible at events.
MN K-12 Principal Competencies
These conversations came about in
our BLT 7&8
C. Early Childhood Through
Grade 12 Leadership

C1. Demonstrate an understanding of the 4 - This is the work I embedded

articulation and alignment of curriculum myself in as a MTSS coach. We met
from prekindergarten through grade 12; with reps from each of the school
levels to align the curriculum so that
we were then able to put systems in
place to meet students where they
were at academically and
behaviorally. This was a pre-k-12
grade system
MTSS Pathways
ED 742 Elem. Curriculum Audit
Report - This process truly opened
my eyes to what the Common Core
is and the importance of curriculum
Grade 5 Literacy Block
C2. Demonstrate an understanding of 4 - Being a part of district level
different organizational systems and meetings and having break out
structures at prekindergarten, elementary, groups have enabled me to gain
middle or junior high, and high school insight into the elementary systems.
levels; Additionally, moving to middle
school where my grades cover 5-8
has provided a lot of insight,
especially when understanding the
PEMA schedule and their blocks for
literacy and math.
CLSD Grant Agenda
COT Meeting Notes
C3. Demonstrate the ability to work with 4 - Working with children of all
children of all ages; ages has been a part of who I am.
From teaching Sunday school to
first grade, coaching elementary and
middle school, and teaching at a
high school, it is in my veins and
what makes me excited to be an
MN K-12 Principal Competencies
Final Reflection - Practicum
C4. Demonstrate the ability to work with 4 - I am constantly sending out
parents, teachers and other staff in all communication to teachers, paras,
levels of schooling; custodians, and families about our
E-Learning days, conferences, etc.
Communication and working with
all stakeholders is key to the success
of students.
MMM - Goes to all staff about the
happenings of the week
Family Letter - Addresses Devious
Lik challenge we faced this fall and
asking for their help
Staff Letter outlining expectations
of E-Learning Day
C5. Demonstrate an understanding of the 3- This is the first year that I have
characteristics of effective transitions really had to think about what I
from one level of schooling to the next; want it to look like for students
and coming into our building and
students leaving our building. We
followed what has been done in the
past this fall but we have already
started the conversations about what
we want it to look like for next year.
Back to School Message 2021
Staff Back to School
C6. Demonstrate an understanding of the 3 - Moving from High School to
developmental needs of children of all Middle School has definitely made
ages. me realize that while kids are kids,
there are different developmental
needs that we need to be mindful of
when we are working on behaviors
and academics. This can be seen in
our BLT 5&6, our Connections
lessons and ADvisory Lessons and
our Risk Review Meetings

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