Design of Ground Supported Fiber Reinforced Slab Based On Aci

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PROJECT NAME: Losas Miller - Impala



DATE: 02/22/2022

Sika Corp • 4019 Industry Drive • Chattanooga, TN 37416 •


Fibermesh®, Fibercast®, Enduro®, Novomesh®, Novocon are registered trademarks of Propex Operating Company, LLC.
Detailed Calculation Analysis
Project: Losas Miller - Impala
Date: 02/22/2022

User Input

Concrete Information
Slab Name Contenedores
Concrete Compressive Strength f'c = 42 N/mm²
Concrete Flexural Strength fr = 4.200 N/mm²
Modulus of Elasticity E = 30,674 N/mm²
Slab Thickness h = 400.00 mm
Joint Spacing JS = 7.00 m
Poisson's Ratio v = 0.20

Modulus of Elasticity is the measurement of the relationship between concrete stress versus strain. This value
can vary depending on concrete strength, concrete age and characteristics of the concrete matrix.
Joint spacing – appropriate joint design, layout and construction should be adopted for the selected joint
spacing. The slab panel shall have a maximum aspect ratio of 1:1.5.
Jointless Slab: Please contact the Fibermesh representative for the Jointless slab typical notes.
Poisson's Ratio is the ratio of lateral expansion to the longitudinal shortening of the concrete subject to
compressive loads

Subgrade Information
The subgrade is assumed to be a uniform medium whose elasticity is characterized by the resulting deflection of
a given force over a distributed unit area. Westergaard termed this 'modulus of subgrade reaction', k as the load
per unit area causing a deflection with units lbs/in³ or N/mm³.

Modulus of Subgrade k = 0.160 N/mm³

Fiber Information
Fiber Type SikaFiber Enduro 600
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Fiber Quantity 5.00 kg/m³

Equivalent Flexural Ratio

Re,3 is the measure of the fiber reinforced concrete in sustaining a load after the first crack. The value is
determined by testing as indicated in ASTM C1609, EN14651 or JSCE SF-4.

Re,3 = 42.3%

Adjacent Point Load Information

Load Name Contenedor 2x
Point Load P = 392.0 kN
Baseplate Length m = 178 mm
Baseplate Width n = 161 mm
Back to Back distance z = 1,350 mm
Note: If the load is near a free edge the lesser of the perimeter dimensions will be used in the shear calculation for as a worst scenario.

The equations and mythology of the fiber reinforced concrete is based Meyerhof. This theory allows for the
development of formulae to determine the slab stresses for interior load cases.
Material & Load Factors
Material Reduction Factor, ϒm ϒm = 1.5
Partial Load Factor, ϒf ϒf = 1.2

Radius of Relative Stiffness

Radius of Relative Stiffness is the stiffness measurement of the combined concrete elasticity and subgrade
capacity, as defined by Westergaard;
L = [(Eh³)/(12(1-ν²)k)] = 1,015.88 mm

Load Contact Area

Adjacent Point Loads where z > 2h
0.5 0.5
a = [(2 ( m n/ π ) z +( m n ) ) / π ] = 302.00 mm
a/L Ratio = 0.30

Sika Corp • 4019 Industry Drive • Chattanooga, TN 37416

p 1-833-236-1255 -

Moment Calculation
Mp=(fr(Re,3/100)h²) / (ϒm 6)
(fr(Re,3/100)h²) / (ϒm 6) = 31,584.00 N-mm/mm
Mn=(frh²)/(ϒm 6) = 74,666.67 N-mm/mm
Mallow = Mn + Mp = 106,250.67 N-mm/mm

Allowable Load For Adjacent Point Load

Interior Load

Where a/L = 0 PI1 = [2 π + (1.8 (z) / L)] * Mallow

Where a/L > 0.2 PI2 = [4 π / [1 - (a / L) / 3] + [1.8 (z) / L - (a / 2)]] * Mallow
Where 0 < a/L < 0.2 PI3 = PI1 + [( PI2 – PI1 ) ( a / L )] / 0.2

Edge Load

No equations are provided for dual point loads positioned at the edge of a slab when the loads are
spaced a distance greater than 2h. Therefore the allowable internal load should be factored down using
the ratio of edge to internal load calculated using the approach used for a single point load.

Therefore adopt ratio;

Single point load edge / single point load internal

Interior Load

Where a/L = 0 PI1 = 2 π Mallow

Where a/L > 0.2 PI2 = (4 π Mallow ) / (1 – (a/3L))
Where 0 < a/L < 0.2 PI3 = PI1 + [( PI2 – PI1 ) ( a / L )] / 0.2

Edge Load

Where a/L = 0 PE1 = π / 2 Mallow + 2 Mn

Where a/L > 0.2 PE2 = ( π Mallow + 4 Mn ) / [ 1 – ( 2 a / 3 L )]
Where 0 < a/L < 0.2 PE3 = PE1 + [( PE2 – PE1 ) ( a / L )] / 0.2

Sika Corp • 4019 Industry Drive • Chattanooga, TN 37416

p 1-833-236-1255 -

Allowable Load
Interior Edge
P1 (kN) 921.74 436.62
P2 (kN) 1,780.57 947.68
P3 (kN) 2,198.32 1,192.26

a/L 0.30 0.30

Controlling Load Case, P (kN) 1,780.57 947.68
Pu =Pϒf (kN) 940.80 940.80

Factor of Safety, P/ Pu 1.89 1.01

Because a/L (= 0, ≥ 0.2, or > 0 and < 0.2)

All solution factors of safety should be greater than 1. Where solution factors of safety are less than 1, a further
review should be undertaken to determine whether the solution is appropriate for the load and location. For
further advice contact your company's representative.

Sika Corp • 4019 Industry Drive • Chattanooga, TN 37416

p 1-833-236-1255 -

Equivalent Flexural Ratio
Re,3 is the measure of the fiber reinforced concrete in sustaining a load after the first crack. The value is
determined by testing as indicated in ASTM C1609, EN14651 or JSCE SF-4.

Re,3 = 42.3%

Quadruple Point Load Information

Load Name Contenedor 4x
Point Load P = 392.0 kN
Baseplate Length m = 178 mm
Baseplate Width n = 161 mm
Distance x = 200 mm
Distance y = 200 mm

The equations and mythology of the fiber reinforced concrete is based Meyerhof. This theory allows for the
development of formulae to determine the slab stresses for interior, edge and corner load cases.

Material & Load Factors

Material Reduction Factor, ϒm ϒm = 1.5
Partial Load Factor, ϒf ϒf = 1.2

Radius of Relative Stiffness

Radius of Relative Stiffness is the stiffness measurement of the combined concrete elasticity and subgrade
capacity, as defined by Westergaard;
L = [(Eh³)/(12(1-ν²)k)] = 1,015.88 mm

Load Contact Area

Quadruple Point Loads where x and y are < 2h
0.5 0.5 0.5
a = [((2(xy/π) +x)+(2(xy/π) +y))/π) = 220.61 mm
a/L Ratio = 0.22

Sika Corp • 4019 Industry Drive • Chattanooga, TN 37416

p 1-833-236-1255 -

Moment Calculation
Mp=(fr(Re,3/100)h²) / (ϒm 6)
(fr(Re,3/100)h²) / (ϒm 6) = 31,584.00 N-mm/mm
Mn=(frh²)/(ϒm 6) = 74,666.67 N-mm/mm
Mallow = Mn + Mp = 106,250.67 N-mm/mm

Allowable Load For Quadruple Point Load

Quadruple point loads are spaced at a distance less than 2h.
Interior Load

Where a/L = 0 PI1 = 2 π Mallow

Where a/L > 0.2 PI2 = (4 π Mallow ) / (1 – (a/3L))
Where 0 < a/L < 0.2 PI3 = PI1 + [( PI2 – PI1 ) ( a / L )] / 0.2

Allowable Load
P1 (kN) 667.59
P2 (kN) 1,439.38
P3 (kN) 1,505.59

a/L 0.22
Controlling Load Case, P (kN) 1,439.38
Pu =Pϒf (kN) 1,881.60

Factor of Safety, P/ Pu 0.76

Because a/L (= 0, ≥ 0.2, or > 0 and < 0.2)

All solution factors of safety should be greater than 1. Where solution factors of safety are less than 1, a further
review should be undertaken to determine whether the solution is appropriate for the load and location. For
further advice contact your company's representative.

Sika Corp • 4019 Industry Drive • Chattanooga, TN 37416

p 1-833-236-1255 -

Punching Shear Calculation
Applied Punching Shear Load at Face
Applied shear load Pu = ϒf P = 1,881.60 kN
Perimeter at the face, Interior ui = 2m + 2n

Applied Shear at Face vp = Pu / ui d

Allowable Punching Shear Load At Face

Punching shear capacity of the concrete is determined through checking the shear at the face of the contact area
and at the critical perimeter, 2d from the face of the perimeter.

Effective Depth d = 0.75 h = 300.00 mm

Shear Factor at Face k2 = 0.6 ( 1 – f'c/ 250) = 0.50
Maximum Allowable Shear Stress at Face νmax = 0.5 k2 f'c / ϒm = 6.99 N/mm²

Allowable Punching Shear at Face

Perimeter at the face, μo (mm) 678.00
Applied Shear at the face, vp (N/mm²) 9.25
Max Allowable Shear Stress, vmax 6.99
Factor of Safety, vmax/vp 0.76

All solution factors of safety should be greater than 1. Where solution factors of safety are less than 1, a further
review should be undertaken to determine whether the solution is appropriate for the load and location. For
further advice contact your company's representative.

Sika Corp • 4019 Industry Drive • Chattanooga, TN 37416

p 1-833-236-1255 -

Applied Punching Shear Load at Critical Perimeter
Applied shear load Pu = ϒf P = 1,881.60 kN
Note that if a/L<0.2, then the applied load can be reduced due to the reaction from the subgrade.
Reduction of shear load, internal Rcpi = [1.4(d/L)² Pu+0.47(m+n)(dPu/L²) = 66.02 kN
Reduction of shear load, edge Rcpe = 2.4(d/L)² Pu+0.8(m+2n) (dPu/L²) = 127.63 kN
Applied Punching shear load, internal Prui = Pu - Rcpi = 1,881.60 kN
Applied Punching shear load, edge Prue = Pu - Rcpe = 1,881.60 kN
Perimeter at the face, Interior u1 = uo,interior + 2 π 2 d
Perimeter at the face, Edge u1 = uo,edge + 2 π d
Perimeter at the face, Corner u1 = uo,edge + π d
Applied Shear at Face vp = Pu / μ1 d
Where u1 is the length of the perimeter of the loaded area based on effective dimensions of the base plate at a
distance 2d from the edge of the base plate.

Applied Punching Shear Load at Critical Perimeter

Applied shear load Pu = ϒf P = 1,881.60 kN
Note that if a/L<0.2, then the applied load can be reduced due to the reaction from the subgrade.
Reduction of shear load, internal Rcpi = [1.4(d/L)² Pu+0.47(m+n)(dPu/L²) = 66.02 kN
Applied Punching shear load, internal Prui = Pu - Rcpi = 1,881.60 kN
Perimeter at the face, Interior u1 = uo,interior + 2 π 2 d
Applied Shear at Face vp = Pu / μ1 d
Where u1 is the length of the perimeter of the loaded area based on effective dimensions of the base plate at a
distance 2d from the edge of the base plate.

Allowable Punching Shear Load at Critical Perimeter

Shear Factor at Face ks = 1 + ( 200 / d ) <2
Maximum Allowable Shear Stress at Critical Perimeter
1.5 0.5
vmax = (0.035 ks ) f'c + 0.12 Re,3fr

Sika Corp • 4019 Industry Drive • Chattanooga, TN 37416

p 1-833-236-1255 -

Allowable Punching Shear at Critical Perimeter
Perimeter at the face, μ1 (mm) 4,447.91
Applied Shear at the face, vp (N/mm²) 1.41
Max Allowable Shear Stress, vmax 0.71
Factor of Safety, vmax/vp 0.51

All solution factors of safety should be greater than 1. Where solution factors of safety are less than 1, a further
review should be undertaken to determine whether the solution is appropriate for the load and location. For
further advice contact your company's representative.

Sika Corp • 4019 Industry Drive • Chattanooga, TN 37416

p 1-833-236-1255 -

Shrinkage and Curling
Shrinkage and curling stresses are always critical components of the design of the slab on ground and should be
evaluated on a project basis depending on several factors, including, but not limited to:
Concrete Mix Design - Shrinkage and curling stresses can vary greatly depending upon aggregate size, type and
quality, water content, paste content, admixture usage, and concrete temperature.
Placement Conditions - Subgrade moisture and preparation, subgrade restraint, use of a vapor retarder,
protection from environmental conditions (temperature variations, wind, and humidity).
Contraction Joints – Maximum joints spacing should be 24 to 36 times the slab thickness. All slab panels should
be square as possible. The panel length to width ratio should not exceed 1:1.5. Saw cut must be 1/3 depth if
using wet cut saw or 1/4 depth if using an early entry dry cut concrete saw with a minimum depth of 1 in.
Consult your company's representative to discuss the possibility for extended joint spacing or Jointless slab
Curing - Is vital to all concrete construction. Wet burlap, plastic sheeting and sprayed applied curing agents may
be considered as the conditions warrant. Sika Corp recommends good practices and relevant industry standards
be followed.

Construction Loads
The evaluation of construction loads is often overlooked in the design process, yet they can often affect the
performance and long-term durability of the slab on ground. Care should be taken by the engineer/designer to
account for construction loads that may have an effect on the slab.

Liability Statement:
Use of this software application and/or any resulting report in no way represents an actual or implied agreement
or warranty, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose, or infringement, between the user and Sika Corporation. This application is provided as is, and at the
user’s own risk, and solely as an accommodation for purchasers of Sika Corporation products. The calculations
reported are solely based on information entered by the user of this application. Sika Corporation does not verify
the accuracy or the completeness of any of the data submitted by the user, and it reserves its right to revise,
adjust or otherwise refute any information provided. Furthermore, all information and data points contained
within this application are subject to change without notice. Sika Corporation disclaims all liability for all damages,
including without limitation direct, indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages, arising out of or in
connection with the use of any information contained herein or the use or performance of this application. By
using this application, the user hereby agrees to these limitations to Sika Corporation’s liability, and further
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performance reported by this application is related solely to Sika Corporation products.

Sika Corp • 4019 Industry Drive • Chattanooga, TN 37416

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Sika Corp • 4019 Industry Drive • Chattanooga, TN 37416
p 1-833-236-1255 -


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