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VOL. 75 NO. 9

AGAINST RISING 9 TOPIC A Long-term rates will edge higher ...
PRICES. PAGE 30 Many workers want to stay home ... States boost
529 college savings plan incentives.

16 BRIEFING Exercise saves seniors money on

health care ... Credit card issuers cut limits.

traded funds have low expenses, they’re easy to
trade, and they’ve never been more popular. They
also come in a dizzying variety, from broad index
funds to niche products that track the latest
“meme.” Use our guide to see how ETFs can ben-
efit your portfolio. PLUS: A detailed look at the
Kiplinger ETF 20, the list of our favorite ETFs.


FLATION The consumer price index rose 5.4%
in June compared with June 2020. Even if that
torrid pace cools, it makes sense to protect your
investments from the effects of rising prices.

34 INCOME INVESTING Readers find some

weird winners, by JEFFREY R. KOSNETT

39 STREET SMART I still like the trillion-dollar

stocks, by JAMES K. GLASSMAN.


spotlight (35). News of the Kiplinger 25 (38).

42 THE BANK DISRUPTERS “Fintechs” offer
higher yields and lower fees than many brick-and-
mortar banks—but little in the way of customer

service. If you’re comfortable doing your banking

digitally, here are some fintechs worth a look.



47 CREDIT/YIELDS New perks from our best when should you self-insure? We help you weigh REWARDS
rewards cards. the factors to determine what’s best for you.
48 MONEY SMART WOMEN How to boost your 58 LIVING IN RETIREMENT Retirement can MARKET Both buyers and sellers can take
financial savvy, by JANET BODNAR. keep you busy, by JANET BODNAR. steps to increase their chances of success.


STUDENT LOANS The payment pause ends FUNDAMENTALS Provide financial help—but do it the right way.
soon, but borrowers still have options.
the next market downturn, first identify the
RETIREMENT stocks you want to buy when their price drops. 5 READER FEEDBACK A booming economy.
6 FROM THE EDITOR Is inflation really back?
52 PLAN NOW FOR LONG-TERM CARE When 62 MILLENNIAL MONEY Find health insurance 72 MAKING IT WORK Tying the knot post-
should you buy long-term-care insurance, and you can afford, by EMMA PATCH. pandemic.





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There’s no shortage of stocks with dividends
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These 10 boast generous payouts, solid fundamen-
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your emergency kit will keep you comfortable
when nature’s wrath takes out the power (or worse).


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A Booming Economy Credit card perks. You omitted

a valuable benefit of the
Chase Sapphire Reserve
family but do not define
that (“Briefing,” July). I am
a retired professor from a
In “From the Editor” (July), the sentence containing “and employers Visa card: the travel insur- community college in which
are having trouble filling some jobs” caught my eye. I live in New ance (“The Best Rewards nearly two-thirds of the
England in a small former mill town that has had its share of eco- Cards for You,” June, and adult students were foreign,
nomic challenges. Almost every employer in the area is hiring—but “Credit Card Perks for Car and many of them were
they’re struggling to find employees, even with advertised sign-on Rentals,” July). I switched Black (the top five countries
bonuses. I’ve never seen so many employers advertising for help or from the Amex Platinum of origin at that time were
single-family homes selling so quickly, often the same day they’re card to the Chase card Nigeria, Ethiopia, Camer-
listed (above asking price and without the customary home inspec- because of its generous oon, El Salvador and Ja-
tion). And if you are looking for a contractor to help with a home points policy and the travel maica). One cannot expect
project, they are scheduling six to 12 months out, provided you can insurance benefit. any immigrant population,
get them to return your phone call. Yes, the economy is chugging GERALD SANDERS regardless of their color, re-
along, especially here in New Hampshire. VIA E-MAIL ligion or native language, to
DAVID MCCRILLIS achieve the lifestyle of those
NEWPORT, N.H. Editor’s note: Actually, both who have lived in this coun-
Chase Sapphire Reserve and try for generations.
Biden tax hikes. After grad- more of a political approach Amex Platinum offer a travel ROSANNE BENN
uating with a business de- than a nonbiased, analytical insurance benefit. However, the BOCA RATON, FLA.
gree from the University approach. Frankly, I do not Chase card insurance is more gen-
of Illinois in 1983, it soon need anyone at Kiplinger’s erous, with a trip cancellation/ Editor’s note: The study we
became apparent to me that to tell me what to sweat or interruption benefit and coverage summarized that analyzed the
I needed to learn more about what not to sweat. Just re- up to a $10,000 limit per person, gap in housing wealth between
the stock market and invest- port the projected proposals instead of per trip. For an update U.S. whites and Blacks used data
ing principles. I subscribed and let me decide if it is on perks from several cards fea- from and,
to Money magazine, which something I need to worry tured as best rewards cards in as well as the U.S. Census. Demo-
suited its purpose quite about. I am on the alert for our June issue, turn to page 47. graphic information came from
nicely until the mid 1990s, additional unsolicited polit- the Census’s American Commu-
when a noticeable political ical content. Wealth gap. In “The Racial nity Survey. Because of the way
bent began to appear in BOB WEGNER Wealth Gap in Housing,” the Census collects data, the
what previously had been NAPERVILLE, ILL. you refer to a typical Black study included people who re-
unbiased reviews of finan- ported only Black (or African
cial news and principles. As American) as their race—that is,
Money shifted its focus, I READER POLL they did not report more than one
canceled my subscription. race. The percentage of people in
Shortly thereafter, I was
introduced to Kiplinger’s.
Do you (or you and your spouse) 2020 reporting their race as
“Black or African American,
I immediately liked the have long-term-care insurance? alone” (not a mix of races) was
format and content, and 13.4%. And according to data
I became a subscriber. The No, I (we) compiled by Pew Research
contributors have always plan to Center, about one in 10 of that
self-insure if
appeared to have solid back- necessary. population is foreign-born.
grounds and experience
in the financial world, and Yes, but I CONTACT US
the guidance provided has (we) have a Reader Feedback may be edited
helped me to be a better and policy with
for clarity and space, and initials
lower bene-
more knowledgeable inves- fits and we will be used on request only if
tor. That being said, it feels will supple- 23% you include your name. Send to
as if history is beginning to ment care Yes, I (we) have a Kiplinger’s Personal Finance,
with our own policy that covers 1100 13th St., N.W., Suite 1000,
repeat itself as articles such 4% at least three
savings. Washington, DC 20005, or e-mail
as “Don’t Sweat the Biden years of care. to Please
Tax Hikes” (“Briefing,” For more on buying long-term-care insurance, turn to page 52. include your name, address and
July) seem to be taking daytime telephone number.



Mark Solheim who has enough saved today to spend

$50,000 a year would need just over $67,000
a year by 2031 and more than $90,000 by 2041
to fund the same lifestyle. On the other hand,

Is Inflation Really Back? Social Security benefits track inflation. And if

inflation stays hot, the Fed will likely raise
rates, boosting yields for savers.
To calculate the CPI, data collectors from
the Bureau of Labor Statistics visit or call
thousands of stores and establishments to

went to high school and college in the 1970s, transitory—chiefly supply-chain disruptions verify the prices of roughly 80,000 items each
and one of my first experiences as a new and labor shortages—that will work them- month. Of course, inflation affects family
driver was waiting in a long line to gas up selves out. budgets to varying degrees, and some house-
the family’s Ford station wagon. OPEC’s oil holds are barely feeling the pinch.
embargo had created severe gas shortages. Your personal inflation rate. Inflation is For example, used car prices soared 45%
Gas and oil prices spiked, and the U.S. suddenly the focus of a couple of articles in this issue. in June from a year earlier, and that accounts
faced an energy crisis. In “Shield Your Portfolio From Inflation,” on for a big chunk of total inflation. On the other
That’s often cited as the root of the high in- page 30, associate editor Adam Shell suggests hand, new car prices rose 5.1%, so if you’re
flation that rocked the economy over the next a range of investments that will mitigate the trading in a car to buy a new one, that will
decade. But the Federal Reserve’s easy-money effect of rising prices on your portfolio. And in offset much of the increase in new car prices.
policy and a variety of other factors helped “Ahead,” on page 9, senior editor Sandy Block Vacationers are feeling squeezed because of
fuel the era’s mix of high inflation and eco- tackles inflation’s effect on consumer interest spiking demand (and prices) for air travel,
nomic stagnation known as stagflation. Amid rates for both borrowers and savers. hotels, rental cars and gasoline. If you’re driving,
continued shortages, energy prices kept rising. Retirees in particular have reason for con- say, 1,500 miles on summer vacation and your
Congress lowered the speed limit to 55 miles cern. As Adam points out in the inflation story, vehicle gets 30 miles per gallon, you would
per hour, and President Jimmy Carter called on if inflation increases 3% every year, a retiree have recently paid $158, compared with $110 a
the American year ago. Some items at the grocery store have
public to turn also risen more than the overall CPI. For exam-
down the heat ple, some fruits and vegetables are more ex-
and put on a INFLATION AFFECTS pensive because of labor shortages, but over-
sweater. FAMILY BUDGETS TO all, groceries cost 0.9% more than a year ago.
By 1980, Median home prices rose 15.4% in the past
inflation was year, according to one gauge of home prices
running at nearly SOME HOUSEHOLDS (see “How to Win in a Red-Hot Housing Market,”
15%. By 1981, ARE BARELY on page 64). That’s bad news for home buyers.
rates for 30-year FEELING THE PINCH. However, sellers are in the catbird seat, and
fixed mortgages if you have owned your home for a while and
soared to more locked in a low mortgage rate, your home pay-
than 18%. The ment is likely to be affordable.
spiral didn’t stop until Fed chief Paul Volker The good news for everyone is that if the
kicked the wind out of inflation in the early Fed is correct, most of the pricing pressures
’80s by raising short-term rates as high as will moderate as the labor market and supply
20%, which sparked a recession but chains return to normal. And the U.S. has
eventually allowed the economy to reset. plenty of oil, so ’70s era gas lines are definitely
Since then, inflation has been mostly tame, in the rearview mirror. Q
tempered by a more nuanced Fed policy. In
August 2008, the consumer price index spiked
5.4% from the prior year, but the Great Reces-

sion smothered the inflation embers. Now,

inflation is rearing its head again. The
CPI hit 5.4% in June, and the May
figure was 5%. The Fed maintains
that the forces contributing to the MARK _ SOLHEIM@KIPLINGER.COM
recent price spikes are mostly TWITTER: @MARKSOLHEIM


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EDITOR Mark K. Solheim
MANAGING EDITOR Frederic Fane Wolfer
James K. Glassman, Jeffrey R. Kosnett
STAFF WRITERS Emma Patch, Rivan V. Stinson
INTERN Michael Korsh

DESIGN DIRECTOR Stacie A. Harrison




The Biggest Event (


In Silver Dollar History! (


he American Silver Eagle has been the uncirculated condition continue to be sought-
most popular silver coin on the planet after. Now you’re getting another chance to ADVERTISING OPERATIONS
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When President Ronald Reagan signed the silver, but many Americans are rushing to CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Brandon Copeland, Karee Venema
Liberty Coin Act into law, he didn’t know stock up, for themselves, and their loved ones.
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Silver Eagle you could get. Those coins in KIPLINGER’S PERSONAL FINANCE (ISSN 1528-9729) is published monthly by THE KIPLINGER
WASHINGTON EDITORS, INC. Editorial and Executive Offices: 1100 13th St., N.W., Suite 1000,
Washington, DC 20005 (202-887-6400). Subscription Center/Customer Service: Visit us online • 14101 Southcross Dr. W., Suite 175, Dept. NRE160-02 • Burnsville, MN 55337 at, call 800-544-0155, or e-mail kiplingerspersonalfinance@ POSTMASTER: Send change of address to: Kiplinger’s Personal® is a retail distributor of coin and currency issues and is not affiliated with the U.S. government. The collectible Finance, P.O. Box 420308, Palm Coast, FL 32142-0308. GST# 123395253. Volume 75, Issue 9.
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signaled in June that it expects to
raise short-term interest rates by

WILL EDGE HIGHER the end of 2023—sooner than an

earlier forecast—the response was
immediate and fierce. The Dow
Yields on bank savings accounts will stay low. Home Jones industrial average dropped
more than 800 points, and the
mortgage rates will remain affordable. BY SANDRA BLOCK price of the 10-year Treasury note
also dropped, increasing the yield



to nearly 1.6%. Rates on 30-year mort- new home-equity lines of credit during Tumin, founder of DepositAccounts
gages rose above 3% for the first time the pandemic and have yet to resume .com. The average rate for bank online
since April. their offerings. savings accounts is about 0.45%, and
The backdrop to all this worrisome Credit card issuers, on the other major brick-and-mortar banks are
news was rising inflation, which hand, are eager to sign up customers, paying even less than that. Locking
prompted some to recall the dark particularly since many borrowers up your money in a CD won’t boost
days of the early 1980s, when the Fed used their stimulus checks or savings your yield: The average rate for a one-
raised interest rates sharply to curb on canceled vacations to pay off bal- year CD is just 0.17%, and you’ll get
it. Back then, home buyers were lucky ances during the pandemic. Credit only 0.31% on a five-year CD, accord-
to lock in a 30-year mortgage for less card rates are still much higher than ing to
than 12%. rates on other loans—the average rate It’s not just interest rates that are
But something strange has hap- is about 16%—but many issuers are keeping yields low, Tumin says. The
pened in the weeks since the Fed an- looking to entice new customers by personal savings rate soared during
nouncement: 10-year Treasury note expanding their rewards programs the pandemic as consumers lowered
yields have fallen back, and with them, (see “New Perks From Our Best their spending and banked their
rates for 30-year mortgages. As of Rewards Cards,” on page 47). stimulus checks for a rainy day. In
July 15, the average rate for a 30-year the first quarter of 2021, bank loans
mortgage was 2.88%. No relief for savers. Meanwhile, the accounted for only about 58% of
Economists attribute the lull in only good news for savers is that rates deposits, says Tumin, down from
mortgage rates to several factors, on savings accounts, certificates of 69.5% in 2020. That indicates banks
ranging from worries about whether deposit and other safe parking places have plenty of money to lend and will
the rise in the COVID-19 Delta variant probably won’t fall any more, says Ken be in no hurry to raise rates to attract
could curb economic growth to a more deposits, even after the Fed
growing consensus that the inflation hikes short-term rates.
spike is a short-term phenomenon. There are steps you can take to earn
“Investors are buying into the idea a higher return on money you can’t af-
that a lot of the very strong inflation ford to lose. Some high-yield rewards
figures are due to transitory factors,” savings accounts offered by local
such as slowdowns in supply deliver- banks and credit unions offer rates as
ies, says Matthew Speakman, an econ- high as 5%. The trade-off is that they
omist for real estate website Zillow. typically cap the amount of deposits
Still, interest rates will eventually eligible for the high rate and require
head higher (although nowhere near you to meet certain criteria, such as
what we saw in the 1980s). The Kip- using the institution’s debit or credit
linger Letter is forecasting that the card a certain number of times each
10-year Treasury will rise to 1.8% by A BIG RAISE month, having your paycheck direct
the end of 2021 and 2.3% by the end FOR SENIORS deposited, and conducting all of your
of 2022. The average rate for a 30-year business online. For example, Con-
mortgage is expected to rise to 3.3% Inflation can be particularly tough sumers Credit Union (Illinois) pays
by the end of 2021 and move up to on retirees who are living on a fixed 4.09% on up to $10,000 if you spend
3.8% by the end of 2022. income, but the recent price spikes at least $1,000 a month on one of its
That means home buyers, who are have an upside. The Kiplinger Letter credit cards, have direct deposit and
dealing with limited supply, probably is forecasting that the annual cost- meet other requirements.
don’t need to scramble to lock in a of-living adjustment for Social Another option for money you don’t
rate (see “How to Win in a Red-Hot Security benefits for 2022 will be expect to need right away is a Series I
Housing Market,” on page 64). 6.3%, the biggest jump since 1982, savings bond. The composite rate on
Short-term interest rates, which when benefits rose 7.4%. Series I bonds issued through October
determine rates on credit cards and The projected increase reflects is 3.54%. The rate consists of a fixed
home-equity lines of credit, are ex- the rebound of consumer prices rate—currently 0% on new bonds—and
pected to remain near zero through that were depressed during the pan- an inflation rate, which is based on the
2022. That’s good news for borrowers— demic. COLAs are calculated using government’s consumer price index

assuming they can get a loan. Several the consumer price index for urban and adjusts every six months from the
major banks, including Wells Fargo, wage earners and clerical workers. bond’s issue date (see “Earn 3.54%
JPMorgan Chase and Citibank, halted With Series I Bonds,” Aug.).


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when many companies are
struggling to fill open jobs,
managers may be forced to
be more receptive to your
concerns, she says.

Anticipating a changing
budget. Nearly 60% of
Americans who worked
from home at some point
during the pandemic said
it had a positive effect on
their personal finances,
according to a survey by
OUT OF OFFICE People who
were able to work remotely
EMPTY CUBICLES? MANY saved money on expenses
such as transportation,
WORKERS WANT TO STAY HOME lunches, workplace attire
and child care, says Bankrate
Saving money is one reason employees prefer remote work. analyst Ted Rossman. To
cut your back-to-work costs,
ask your employer if it plans
to offer (or reinstate) sub-
SEPTEMBER MARKS THE prepare talking points that your employer falls into that sidies for parking or mass
beginning of a new school highlight how your remote group, leverage your bar- transit. If you have unused
year, and children who have work will benefit your em- gaining power, says Alison funds in a pretax commuter
been learning remotely ployer, says Toni Frana, Green, founder of the Ask benefits account, make sure
won’t be the only ones a career coach at FlexJobs. a Manager website and to use them. And now that
adjusting to a new environ- Instead of explaining how author of Ask a Manager: you’ve learned how much
ment. Millions of employees working from home will How to Navigate Clueless money you can save by cook-
are returning to work as help you, she says, focus on Colleagues, Lunch-Stealing ing at home, you may be in-
companies reopen their how it will increase your Bosses and Other Tricky spired to start bringing your
physical offices. But many productivity. Situations at Work. At a time lunch to work. MICHAEL KORSH
employees are hesitant to Your employer may also
return to the office—either be more receptive to an
because of pandemic-related
concerns or because they’ve
arrangement in which you
work remotely part of the
The Upside of Working Remotely
Amount workers say they’ve saved each week.
discovered they prefer work- time rather than full-time.
ing from home. In May, Google announced 30%
A survey by that it would adopt a hybrid
found that 58% of workers work week, requiring in-
said they’d look for a new person office work for only 21% 21%
job if they cannot continue three out of five days start-
remote work in their cur- ing in September. Other 17%
rent role. But before you companies—especially in
give notice, there are steps the technology sector—are
you can take to navigate also developing hybrid work 8%
changes to your workplace— models.
and your budget. Still, while some com- 3%
If you want to continue panies are open to hybrid

working from home, you’ll work schedules, others Saved Less $26–$50 $51–$100 $101–$200 More
need to negotiate that with want their employees back nothing than $25 than $200
your supervisor. But first, in the office full-time. If
SOURCE: FlexJobs




One big focus among donors: charities that address food insecurity.

Pamela Norley is president Women have always had a consumers to give money are receiving millions in dona-
of Fidelity Charitable, the high commitment to giving, to brands that are making tions. Inevitably, some scam-
largest donor-advised fund but it increased during the a difference in the world. mers will try to exploit the
in the U.S. Fidelity recently pandemic. We have been Third, they’re doing impact disaster. What’s the best way
published “Women and doing a study for a while investing. And fourth, they to help victims of disaster?
Giving,” an analysis of that asks, How important are generous, even though You should give to organi-
how the pandemic affected is giving as part of your they may not have a lot of zations that are very well
women’s philanthropy. life? Post-pandemic, 84% money. Charitable giving versed in responding to
of women said it’s a signi- has become charitable disasters. Big organizations
Since her divorce from Amazon ficant part of their lives. living for that generation. that are used to delivering
founder Jeff Bezos, MacKenzie That’s up nine points from to a community that’s faced
Scott has given away more than the last time we did that The victims of the condomin- with a disaster have scale,
$8 billion. What can women— survey. Post-pandemic, ium collapse in Surfside, Fla., technology and volunteers
and donors in general—learn 81% of men said giving is that allow the highest level
from Scott’s philanthropy? a really important part of of service to be achieved in
It’s really exciting to see her their lives. That’s up 12 a short period of time. Di-
sense of urgency with re- points from the last survey. sasters create a significant
spect to giving. She’s doing Donors also were moved to opportunity for people
it very quickly, with a rec- address the economic im- to take advantage of the
ognition of the need that’s pacts of the crisis. Every generosity of Americans.
out there because of the year we list the top 20 orga- That’s why we generally
pandemic. Scott has been nizations our donors sup- point people to larger
identifying charitable orga- port. In 2020, we had three nonprofits that have a
nizations that generally food-focused organizations history of success in
have not been well funded. on that list for the first time helping people.
They don’t do a lot of mar- ever. People recognize SANDRA BLOCK
keting or have a lot of pub- there is an enormous need
licity. But the big thing she’s for basic nutrition, which is
doing, which is very well necessary for people to live
received in the nonprofit their lives.
community, is making un-
restricted donations. When What giving trends have you
people make unrestricted seen among millennials?
donations, they’re allowing We just did a report a
the management of the non- couple of months ago on
profit to use the money in the future of philan-
the way that they deem best thropy, and the big insight
to address their mission. we gained through this re-
search is that millennials
How did the pandemic affect are taking a very holistic
charitable giving by women, approach to philanthropy.
and philanthropy in general? First, they’re focused on
The pandemic has rein- working for a company
forced for both men and that aligns with their
women what really matters, values. Second, they’re
which is helping others. making decisions as



STATES BOOST 529 09/2021
parents who contribute to 529 college-savings
plans. Now, they’re increasingly offering an
even more straightforward incentive: cash.
Fifteen states offer matching contributions,
seed money, or other forms of financing to
encourage residents to sign up.
Money stashed in a 529 account grows
tax-free, and withdrawals are tax-free as
long as the funds are used for qualified edu-
cational expenses. While you can invest in
any state’s plan, many states provide a tax
break for residents.
The new financial incentives could also
make investing in your own state’s plan
more appealing, although the most gener- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25
ous grants are income-based. Colorado’s September is National Literacy The holidays are three months
CollegeInvest 529 plan will match contribu- Month. In addition to exploring away, but it’s not too soon to start
tions up to $500 a year for five years as long your local library’s resources, shopping for gifts. The pandemic
as the beneficiary is 8 years old or younger you can also download Libby by has caused numerous delivery
when parents sign up and the family’s ad- OverDrive to check out an array of bottlenecks that probably won’t
justed gross income is 400% or less of the e-books and audiobooks. The app be resolved by December (see
federal poverty level ($106,000 for a family is free; you just need a library card “Briefing,” on page 16). If you want
of four). Other states have no income restric- (Libby works with more than 43,000 your gifts to arrive on time, buy
tions, but their offerings are smaller—$50 or libraries and schools worldwide). them now.
$100 for parents of newborns.
Although these incentives may encourage ▲ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30
more families to opt for a 529 plan, investors Taking time off for Labor Day Unless it’s extended, the mora-
should still shop around, with a focus on weekend? Consider using your torium on federal student loan pay-
plans with low fees and solid investment downtime to do some home ments and interest accrual ends
options, says Emory Zink, an associate improvements. Lowe’s, Home today. See our story on page 49
director at research firm Morningstar. To Depot and Best Buy are expected for advice on repayment strategies,
find Morningstar’s top-rated plans, go to to offer 35% to 40% off large including what to do if you can’t appliances. Meanwhile, retailers afford payments. EMMA PATCH
the-top-529-college-savings-plans-of-2020. such as US-Mattress and Macy’s
SANDRA BLOCK are expected to offer discounts
on mattresses of 50% to 60%.
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Look for 60% to 75% off
If you’re in a Medicare plan, be on

back-to-school supplies at
the lookout for your Annual Notice
big retailers such as Amazon
of Change. The document lists any
.com and Staples, along
changes in plan coverage, service
with buy-one-get-one-free
area or cost that will go into effect
in 2022, and it can help you decide deals at Target, says Julie
whether your current coverage still Ramhold, consumer analyst
meets your needs. for DealNews.



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The Social Security Administration
kicked off a “soft launch” for a
redesigned Social Security state-
ment aimed at a small percentage
of mySocialSecurity online ac-
count users who aren’t currently
receiving benefits, according to
ThinkAdvisor, a publication for
financial advisers.
Jeffrey Levine, chief planning
officer at Buckingham Wealth
Partners, received a redesigned
statement and tweeted details
of the new format. The reworked
statement is two pages instead
of the current four and shows the
decreased activity during effects of starting benefits each
EXERCISE SAVES SENIORS middle age, reducing how year between age 62 and 70 and
MONEY ON HEALTH CARE often they worked out in the range of benefits you receive
their forties and fifties, by claiming at each of those ages.

H ealth care costs later in

life were significantly
lower for adults who main-
a year lower after age 65
compared with adults who
were consistently inactive
they still spent about $860
less on health care per
year than people who
The soft launch is the first step
in rolling out a new format, which
should make it easier to find key
tained moderate or high from adolescence into mid- were sedentary for most information at a glance, a Social
physical activity levels, dle age (moderate exercise of their lives. Security spokesperson told
according to a new analysis involved walking or other- Participation in physical ThinkAdvisor. “We will continue
of claims data linked to wise being in motion for activity was associated to gather feedback,” she added.
the National Institutes a few hours most weeks). with lower risk for several
of Health–American Asso- The health costs of those diseases, including cardio-
ciation of Retired Persons with a high level of activity vascular disease, type 2
(NIH-AARP) Diet and
Health Study. The new
study, published in BMJ
were $1,350 lower per year.
But even late starters bene-
fited: Waiting until middle
diabetes, depression, de-
mentia and several can-
cers, as well as lower risk
Open Sport & Exercise Med- age to increase activity still of premature death. In the
icine, examined various led to cost reductions of U.S., physical activity lev- The average annual hike
levels of participation in $824 per year. els that don’t meet current in auto insurance after
physical activity through- Adults who increased guidelines are associated
receiving a ticket for
out adulthood and how physical activity levels with annual health care
texting and driving.
activity affected Medicare in their twenties experi- expenditures of approxi-
claims. Among the find- enced the most dramatic mately $117billion, accord- Speeding tickets

ings: Exercisers with a reductions in health costs: ing to a study published pushed up premiums
moderate level of activity $1,874 lower per year. Even the journal Progress in 23.8%, on average, and
had health care costs $1,200 if some of those exercisers Cardiovascular Diseases. tickets for an illegal
turn hiked rates 22.8%.
Half of workers say that the pandemic has made them reevaluate their Many people in the early stages of dementia
career goals and given them more control in deciding the direction of their start losing their ability to manage their fi-
career, according to Prudential’s Pulse of the American Worker Survey. nances, studies show. Mental health experts
Some 24% of workers are planning to look for a new job post-pandemic. say the COVID pandemic may have masked
Those planning to leave their current job cite the following reasons: such early lapses during the past year, as older
people have remained isolated from loved ones
who might be the first to notice unpaid bills
50% Compensation or unopened bank notices, according to Kaiser
Health News.
A study examining the effects of early-stage
38% Work/life balance challenges Alzheimer’s disease on household finances,
published in the journal Health Economics,
34% Lack of growth opportunities found “robust evidence that early-stage
Alzheimer’s disease places households at
significant risk for large adverse changes
24% Tired of working on the same things in liquid assets.” It also found evidence that
early-stage Alzheimer’s disease reduces net
wealth, as financial vulnerability during
23% Lack of learning opportunities the disease’s early stage impacts the ability
to pay for care in the disease’s later stage.


About one-third of credit card holders had a card’s
credit limit slashed—or had an account closed
altogether—during the first four months of 2021,
according to a new survey from LendingTree.
Card issuers have targeted dormant or little-used
credit cards throughout the pandemic to reduce
their risk during a time of high unemployment
and economic uncertainty. Inactivity is the main
driver behind involuntary card closures and limit
cuts, followed by a credit score drop. Recent late
payments were another common factor. Among
the key findings:
f Nearly one in three cardholders say an issuer
slashed their credit limit and/or closed one of From The Kiplinger Letter
their cards in 2021. Millennials and Gen Zers were
hit hardest.
f Fewer cardholders are victims of involuntary One reason for retailers to fret before the holidays: Shipping delays are
cuts and closures now than at the onset of the on tap. A continuing high level of imports and a likely strong back-to-
pandemic. From late March to mid July 2020, school retail season will further strain transpacific capacity during the
more than 1.1 million cardholders per day were usual peak summer shipping rush that precedes the holidays. A partial
impacted, while from January to mid April 2021, shutdown of the key Chinese port of Yantian because of COVID-19
fears is shaping up to be a bigger mess for ocean shipping than the

about 558,500 per day were affected.

f Some 30% of cardholders say they started Suez Canal blockage was in March. This will add to shipping delays
using a little-used card during the pandemic to and cause some retailers to scramble.
help avoid a closed credit card account.





These funds are a huge hit
with investors. Plus, everything
you need to know about the
Kiplinger ETF 20, our favorite
exchange-traded funds.

Exchange-traded funds have

never been hotter. Investors are pouring
a record amount of money into ETFs,
which hold baskets of securities like
mutual funds do but trade like stocks.
“It’s just explosive growth,” says Armando
Senra, head of iShares America at Black-
Rock. Nearly as much new money has
flowed into ETFs over the first half of
2021 than in all of 2020—which itself was
a record year for inflows. “The pace has
smashed the prior record to smither-
eens,” says Ben Johnson, director of
global exchange-traded fund research
for Morningstar. // In this age of skyrock-
eting “meme” stocks, it’s notable that
much of the new ETF money is going—
sensibly—into “boring, broadly diversi-
fied products,” such as S&P 500 index
funds, says Todd Rosenbluth, head of
ETF research at Wall Street firm CFRA.
Investors use these ETFs as primary port-
folio holdings; they spice up returns with
sector or “thematic” ETFs, he says. Inter-
est is broad: Individuals, advisers and
institutions are all buying ETFs. «

Some of the draw, as always, stems between 56 and 74 who have held an way we live and work. You can choose
from how these funds work. Compared ETF shared that sentiment—but that’s among funds that focus on online
with mutual funds, ETFs charge lower changing, too. Wider acceptance shopping, for example, or machine
annual fees. They also have no initial combined with innovative new funds learning and robotics, or genetics
investment minimum, and they trade are making ETFs more attractive to and immunology. Occasionally, a new,
like stocks—meaning you can buy and older investors, too. And new develop- attuned-to-the-zeitgeist fund comes
sell shares throughout the day, buy on ments are drawing investors of all along that’s even more nichey. “From
margin, and even sell them short. And sorts to the explosive ETF industry. space to cannabis to veganism, we’ve
because they dish out less in capital seen continued interest in all things
gains distributions to shareholders Bond investors are embracing ETFs. thematic,” says Johnson.
than mutual funds do, ETFs tend to be Investors—including the U.S. govern- The pandemic lockdown, for in-
more tax efficient (more on that later). ment—are increasingly buying bond stance, spawned a number of work-
But a new batch of investing trends— ETFs in place of bond mutual funds from-home funds. Even buzzy meme
including the growing prominence and individual bonds. Last year, the stocks are getting their day with
of environmental, social and corporate Federal Reserve snapped up shares in the FOMO ETF (for “fear of missing
governance concerns and the increas- 16 corporate bond ETFs to shore up out”). Other times, says Johnson,
ing number of actively managed and the fixed-income market. At last re- “the themes are a reflection of where
specialized ETFs—are also fueling port, the government’s ETF holdings the economy might be headed.” Since
interest in these funds. had a market value of $8.6 billion. April, a number of ETFs focused
Against this backdrop, we conducted In 2020, for the second year in a on hotels, restaurants, airlines and
our annual review of the ETF industry row, bond ETFs picked up more new cruises have launched as a way to
and the Kiplinger ETF 20, the list of money—$186.4 billion—than did stock play the economic reopening.
our favorite exchange-traded funds. ETFs. “As we were in the throes of These funds are popular, but they
Our Kip ETF 20 roster gets a trio of COVID-19, bond ETFs became a go-to can be volatile, and some don’t sur-
changes this year, which we explain vehicle for investors for the liquidity vive for long. The Obesity ETF, which
in the box on page 24. For investors that they provide,” says CFRA’s Rosen- invested in companies focused on
just getting to know ETFs, we’ve bluth, referring to the ease with which fighting fatness, opened in 2016, but
included a guide to different types shareholders can buy and sell shares it closed earlier this year.
of exchange-traded products in the in ETFs. “These bond ETFs are still
box on page 23, as well as a few tips in demand in 2021, even as stock prod- Some are using hedge-fund strategies.
for trading these funds in the box ucts have become more popular.” Techniques once accessible principally
on page 28. Finally, we briefly explain to wealthy individuals are now avail-
each fund in the Kip ETF 20, begin- They’re attracting an ESG crowd. In 2020, able in ETFs. “It’s part of the democra-
ning on page 22. Vital stats for the the pandemic, climate-change worries tization of investing,” says Simplify
funds appear in a table on page 27, and the movement for racial justice Asset Management cofounder Paul
and you’ll find model portfolios that intensified an already healthy interest Kim. Simplify has launched 12 ETFs
incorporate the funds on page 26. All in ESG funds, which focus on compa- since last September. All of the strate-
returns and data are through July 9, nies that meet distinct environmen- gies use options to enhance returns or
unless otherwise noted. tal, social and corporate governance to protect against losses. Kim says the
measures. firm’s biggest fund, Simplify US Equity
SETTING TRENDS Inflows into ESG-focused and sus- PLUS Downside Convexity ETF, is “an
ETFs aren’t just a side dish anymore. tainability-oriented mutual funds and S&P 500 index fund with seat belts.”
For many investors, especially those ETFs more than doubled in 2020 from Then there are buffered ETFs,
between 25 and 39 years old, they’re the previous year, to $51 billion. ETFs which use strategies once limited to
the main course. These funds make took in most of that new money (nearly so-called “structured” products usu-
up nearly one-third of millennial in- $34 billion). Naturally, a profusion of ally sold by banks. Like those prod-
vestors’ portfolios today, according to new ESG funds sprang up to meet de- ucts, buffered ETFs track an index and
the latest annual Charles Schwab ETF mand. Over the past 18 months, nearly use options to protect capital against
Investor Study. Looking ahead, nearly 50 new ETFs have launched with a a portion of market losses in exchange
70% of millennial investors who have focus on ESG or sustainability. for a slice of upside returns. Says
bought or sold an ETF over the past Morningstar’s Johnson, “They’re not
two years said they think these funds There’s an ETF for every theme. Thematic as costly as structured products, you
will be a primary investment type in ETFs offer investors a way to invest in can get out when you want and you
their portfolio. Only 30% of investors long-term trends that will change the still maintain tax efficiency.” The


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ETFs appeal to retirees who want to Fidelity has launched 11 new active is shared by all fund shareholders. But
hold stocks but also want to limit the ETFs over the past 18 months. Three ETF sponsors don’t actually buy and
risk. All told, 74 buffered funds are now are clones of well-known mutual sell the underlying securities in their
available—most launched over the past funds, including Fidelity Blue Chip portfolios. Third parties—institutional
12 months—and they have garnered a Growth ETF (its similarly named investors and market makers called
total of $6.1 billion in assets. mutual fund sibling is a member of the authorized participants—do that for
But these strategies take some ex- Kiplinger 25, the list of our favorite no- them, making money on the transac-
plaining (see “Limit Losses With These load funds). T. Rowe Price launched tions they complete.
ETFs,” June 2021). For now, they are new ETF versions of its mutual funds This process is called an in-kind
selling mostly through advisers, who Blue Chip Growth, Dividend Growth transaction because no cash changes
can explain the risks and benefits to (another Kiplinger 25 fund), Equity hands between the ETF and the au-
their clients before they buy. Income and Growth Stock late last thorized participants. Instead, the
summer. Putnam and American Cen- ETFs hand over baskets of securities
Active ETFs arrive. The world of actively tury also recently launched active, to the authorized participants for
managed ETFs is opening up, thanks nontransparent ETFs. “The growing redemptions (or the funds receive
to an SEC rule adopted in 2019 that supply of active ETFs has made it eas- baskets of securities when new shares
enabled certain active ETFs to be “non- ier for investors who believe in active are created). Because the ETF itself
transparent.” In other words, unlike management to have strong choices to doesn’t make any cash transactions, it
most ETFs, nontransparent ETFs don’t consider,” says Rosenbluth. isn’t as likely as a mutual fund to make
have to disclose detailed portfolio a capital gains distribution. (You’re
holdings every day. Instead, full reports They’re tax efficient. Tax efficiency has still liable for capital gains taxes when
are made quarterly. “Having to dis- always been a draw for investors to you sell shares.)
close portfolio holdings daily was pre- ETFs. Some of that efficiency is due to The SEC now allows portfolio man-
venting active managers from offering low portfolio turnover, at least for many agers to customize the baskets of secu-
ETFs to investors because they had to index ETFs. But it also has to do with rities they give to the authorized par-
share too much of their stock-selection the way ETF shares are created and ticipants, choosing which share lots of
process,” says Rosenbluth. redeemed. Mutual funds must some- certain securities in their portfolio the
Now a number of well-known mutual times sell underlying securities to meet authorized participants will sell. “This
fund firms have launched active ETFs, shareholder redemptions. This can trig- gives them a chance to dramatically
both transparent and nontransparent. ger a capital gains distribution, which improve tax efficiency,” says Johnson.

A Guide to the Kiplinger ETF 20

The Kiplinger ETF 20 includes a mix Most of the companies are giant-size; iShares Core S&P 500, because there’s
of funds that can be used to build a core portfolio holdings have an average no overlap among the portfolios.
portfolio, as well as funds with targeted market value of $200 billion. Informa-
strategies to boost returns. Some of the tion technology, financial services and ISHARES CORE S&P SMALL-CAP (IJR, $112,
ETFs touch on the trends we mentioned health care sectors make up half of the 0.06%) Small-company stocks have been
above. Read on for more about each portfolio, in step with the benchmark. the place to be of late. This ETF has
member of the Kip ETF 20. Again, all soared 72% over the past 12 months,
returns and data are through July 9. ISHARES CORE S&P MID-CAP (IJH, $270, 0.05%) and many market watchers expect the
This fund tracks midsize companies run to continue. The fund offers expo-
CORE STOCK FUNDS (firms with a market value between sure to the smallest firms in the U.S.—
$2.4 billion and $8.2 billion at the time companies with a market value be-
ISHARES CORE S&P 500 (SYMBOL IVV, $437, of inclusion, which represent 7% of tween $600 million and $2.4 billion at
EXPENSE RATIO 0.03%) As a portfolio main- the U.S. stock market), and midsize the time of inclusion, which make up
stay, you can’t go wrong with this ETF, companies are on a roll. The ETF has roughly 3% of the U.S. stock market.
which tracks the S&P 500. The fund gained 57% over the past 12 months,
holds all 505 stocks in the benchmark. which beat the large-cap S&P 500. We ISHARES MSCI USA ESG SELECT (SUSA, $97,
That represents 80% of the U.S. stock like to match up this fund and iShares 0.25%) There’s a dizzying array of ESG
market, giving you broad exposure. Core S&P Small-Cap (see right) with U.S. stock funds available these days,


and it can be hard to parse their differ- among the fund’s top 10 holdings, as The difference is minimal. High-
ences. But this one is still our favorite. do BlackRock, Home Depot and Texas dividend-yielders are still removed,
It holds stocks in more than 200 com- Instruments (the last two are mem- for instance. But according to Morn-
panies, ranging from midsize firms to bers of the Kiplinger Dividend 15, our ingstar analyst Lan Anh Tran, the
mega-caps, that are mindful of their favorite dividend stocks). The ETF S&P index has additional screens to
environmental impact, treat custom- currently yields 2.9%. address financial stability. At last re-
ers, employees and their community port, the fund’s top holdings—JPMor-
well, and boast a diverse pool of ethi- VANGUARD DIVIDEND APPRECIATION (VIG, gan Chase, Microsoft and Johnson &
cal managers who consistently act $158, 0.06%) Companies with at least 10 Johnson—matched those of the S&P
in the best interests of shareholders. years of consistent dividend increases Dividend Growers index.
These characteristics, among others, are the focus here. The fund currently
define high-quality companies that yields 1.7%. At the start of October, WISDOMTREE GLOBAL EX-US QUALITY DIVI-
should perform better over time. Vanguard Dividend Appreciation will DEND GROWTH (DNL, $42, 0.58%) Dividend
So far, so good, for MSCI USA ESG track a new index, the S&P Dividend payers were a bit of a downer last year
Select. It held up much better than Growers index, instead of the Nasdaq because many companies suspended
the S&P 500 and its ESG US stock US Dividend Achievers Select index. or trimmed payouts during the global
fund peers (large-company funds
that invest in both growth and value
Variations on a Theme
stocks) in the pandemic sell-off. And
it beat the S&P 500 and its typical peer
fund over the past one, three and five
years. It’s a standout.
Other Exchange-Traded Products
Exchange-traded investment products come in a few different flavors, with important
VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK differences. For example, ETFs, shorthand for exchange-traded funds, and ETNs, the acro-
(VXUS, $66, 0.08%) This fund makes in- nym for exchange-traded notes, sure sound a lot alike. But they’re very different products.
vesting abroad easy. For less than $70, ETFs invest in a basket of securities and trade on an exchange like a stock. Your main
you can own a small piece of nearly risk is the assets in the ETF declining in value. But ETFs are structured in a way that keeps
every foreign stock in the world and your investment safe even if the company behind the ETF runs into financial trouble.
pay an ultralow annual expense ratio. ETNs don’t offer that protection. An ETN is a bond, or unsecured debt, issued by a bank
International investing has played or financial firm. Unlike traditional bonds, ETNs don’t pay interest, nor do they invest in
bridesmaid to the bride—U.S. stocks— the underlying securities of the indexes they track. The bank promises to pay the ETN
for nearly a decade. But it’s important holder the return on a market index, minus fees.
to consistently maintain some foreign- That promise comes with risk. The issuer’s creditworthiness is key. If the bank goes
stock exposure. And recent returns— bankrupt (a rarity) or breaks its promise to pay in full, you could be stuck with a worthless
the fund has gained 32% over the past investment, or one worth a lot less. The ETN’s value could fall if the issuer’s credit rating
12 months—have been quite tidy. is downgraded. ETNs may also be thinly traded, which can make it harder to get favorable
pricing when you buy or sell. And if the ETN is closed before its maturity date, you could
DIVIDEND STOCK FUNDS end up receiving the current market price, which could be less than your purchase price.
Closures have been on the rise: 98 ETNs shuttered last year, according to CFRA Research.
SCHWAB US DIVIDEND EQUITY (SCHD, $76, On the plus side, many ETN issuers are financially strong—such as JPMorgan and Barclays,
0.06%) Companies in this fund have to name a couple—and run ETNs that have been around a dozen years or more. And ETNs
to check a lot of boxes. They must pay offer the ability to invest in niche asset classes, such as commodities or currencies, and
high dividends, have at least a 10-year deliver a tax break (because ETNs don’t distribute dividend or interest income).
history of payouts and compare well
relative to peers on a variety of mea- A name you can trust? You might also wonder about ETFs that have “trust” in their names,
sures, including their ratio of cash such as SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust, the largest diversified U.S. stock fund in the country.
flow to debt, as well as their dividend They’re among the earliest ETFs and are structured as unit investment trusts (as opposed to
yield, dividend growth and profitabil- today’s more common registered investment company structure), says Matthew Bartolini,
ity. The end result is a portfolio of 100 head of SPDR Americas Research at State Street Global Advisors. “There’s a different set
stocks, weighted by market value, in of rules, but the differences are minor, and performance variations are minimal,” he says.
mostly large, value-priced companies. UITs have less flexibility than RICs, as they are bound to hold every security in an index,
Real estate investment trusts are ex- they can’t lend out shares to short sellers, and they can’t reinvest dividends paid out by
cluded. Three health care companies— the underlying companies, to name a few examples. ADAM SHELL
Merck, Amgen and Pfizer—stand



pandemic—and some have been slow top holdings. But we still stand behind INVESCO S&P 500 EQUAL WEIGHT FINANCIALS
to reinstate them. But however slow manager Catherine Wood and the (RYF, $60, 0.40%) We went back to the
the economic recovery is in different fund’s mission to invest in the firm’s drawing board to find a diversified
pockets of the world, it is helping this best ideas in long-term growth areas— financial ETF that would offer inves-
fund, which focuses on high-quality genomics, automation, next-gen inter- tors another way to play the economic
foreign dividend payers with depend- net and financial technology. Expect recovery but could still stand steady
able profits. Holdings are weighted by a bumpy ride. Despite dismal returns as a long-term holding. Invesco S&P
payout—the bigger the dividend, the since the start of 2021, the fund’s five- 500 Equal Weight Financial fits the
bigger the stock’s share of the fund’s year annualized gain was a chart- bill. It spreads assets equally among
assets. What’s more, the fund’s record topper—it beat all but one tech stock 65 stocks—all of them S&P 500
over the past three years beat the fund (its sibling ARK Next Generation constituents—in a variety of financial
MSCI EAFE—with less volatility, too. Internet ETF), as well as every diversi- industries, including insurance, banks,
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactur- fied U.S. stock fund or ETF. capital markets, consumer finance and
ing, Rio Tinto and Unilever were top diversified financial services. Over the
holdings at last report. FIDELITY MSCI INDUSTRIALS (FIDU, $55, 0.08%) past one, three, five and 10 years the
The U.S. economy is booming, which ETF has outperformed the typical
STRATEGIC STOCK FUNDS makes it a good time to hold industri- financial sector stock fund, with less
als. Companies in this sector typically volatility in each of those periods.
ARK INNOVATION (ARKK, $126, 0.75%) This include construction equipment busi- That packs a good punch.
actively managed fund has gotten a nesses, factory machinery makers,
lot of attention in recent months, first and aerospace and transportation INVESCO S&P 500 EQUAL WEIGHT HEALTH
for its whopping 153% gain in 2020, firms, all of which do well in the early CARE (RYH, $299, 0.40%) This fund invests
then for its sharp reversal this year. days of an economic recovery. To wit: in all of the health care stocks in the
The fund has lost 20% since it peaked Over the past 12 months, the fund has S&P 500 index—64 at last count—in
in February, thanks in part to big price gained 58%—well ahead of the broad equal shares of the fund’s assets. (The
drops in Tesla, Roku and Square, all market’s 41% return. fund rebalances quarterly.) This equal-
weight construction has been a boon
lately for the Invesco ETF, because
What’s In, What’s Out shares in smaller companies have out-
performed their large counterparts.
New This Year in the ETF 20 And it explains why the fund’s 35%
return over the past 12 months has
This year brings three changes to the Kiplinger ETF 20 roster. Well, three-and-a-half. surpassed that of the market-value-
In a nod to the wider popularity of ESG investing, we promoted an ESG fund on our list, weighted Health Care Select Sector
iShares MSCI USA ESG Select, to the Core category. To make way for it there, we removed index, which climbed 30%.
Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF. We still like that fund—we repeat, we still like Vanguard
Total Stock Market—but it seemed redundant given the other U.S. stock funds in the Core INVESCO WILDERHILL CLEAN ENERGY (PBW,
category. Investors should confidently invest in Vanguard Total Stock Market if they want $88, 0.70%) Clean-energy stocks are a
a one-and-done fund for U.S. stocks. We just prefer the flexibility that the three iShares long-term bet on the future. But some-
Core funds provide for mixing in large-, small- and midsize-company stocks. times bets on far-away outcomes can
Another fund we stripped out of the list is Invesco Financial Preferred. We added the get ahead of themselves. That’s a little
fund to the Kip ETF 20 last year, hoping in the middle of a volatile stock market that a pre- of what happened with renewable-
ferred financial fund would let us maintain exposure to financials but with more stability energy stocks last year—and why the
and a higher yield. We got the stability—the preferred fund was two-thirds less volatile shares are down this year. WilderHill
than the typical financial stock fund—and the higher yield (4.56%, compared with 2.07% Clean Energy ETF gained a mind-
for the typical financial stock ETF). But with a healthy economic recovery under way, we’re blowing 205% in 2020, but since the
opting to add a traditional financial stock fund back into the fold—one that includes ex- start of this year it has slipped 15%.
posure to a mix of industries. Enter Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Financial. We aren’t discouraged. We view this
We also added a tactical fund to the Strategic Stock Funds category—Vanguard FTSE as a better time to get in than, say, in
Europe. It’s a play on the economic recovery over there, which is expected to be robust late 2020. Just buckle up for the ride.
through 2022. Pimco Active Bond is out, too, to make way for Fidelity Total Bond. Both
funds are strong performers. But the Fidelity fund offers more bang for the risk it takes VANGUARD FTSE EUROPE (VGK, $68, 0.08%)
on, and it comes with a lower expense ratio, too. A strong summer recovery is expected
in Europe, which makes this fund a


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involves risk including possible loss of principal.

timely investment. Senior economist

Winning Combinations Marion Amiot, of S&P Global, fore-
casts 4.4% gross domestic product
Four Portfolios to Reach Your Goals growth in the eurozone this year and
4.5% in 2022. We like that the fund
Use these portfolios as a starting point, tweaking as necessary to align with your invest-
tracks a FTSE index that includes
ment time horizon and risk tolerance. Spice up returns, if your time frame and appetite
companies of all sizes—stocks in
for risk allow, by incorporating one or more of our strategic stock ETFs or opportunistic
smaller companies tend to bounce
bond ETFs into the portfolios, carving out a small slice from a core holding to make room.
higher in the early stages of a recov-
ery—in 16 countries. And its top three
70% Stock sectors, financial services, industrials
and consumer-cyclical companies,
50% iShares Core S&P 500 tend to be big early-economic-recov-
20% Vanguard Total International Stock ery plays, too. Over the past five years,
Simple 30% Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond the fund’s 11.5% annualized return
beat the typical Europe stock fund.

30% Bond


team that runs this actively managed
80% Stock fund, which has leeway to invest in a
15% ARK Innovation
wide variety of bonds and up to 30%
15% iShares Core S&P 500
of assets in high-yield debt, is led by
10% Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Health Care
Ford O’Neil and Celso Munoz. They
10% iShares Core S&P Mid-Cap
Growth have a “gradual contrarian” invest-
10% iShares Core S&P Small-Cap
ment approach, says O’Neil, which led
10% Vanguard Dividend Appreciation
them to load up on out-of-favor high-
10% WisdomTree Global ex-US Qual Dividend Growth
yield bonds and emerging-markets
20% Fidelity Total Bond
20% Bond debt during the bond sell-off in early
2020. Those bond sectors rallied in
late 2020 and early 2021. Keeping the
60% Stock portfolio lighter than its peers did in
25% Shares MSCI USA ESG Select Treasuries, high-quality corporate
20% Schwab U.S. Dividend Equity bonds and mortgage-backed IOUs
10% WisdomTree Global ex-US Quality Div. Growth helped, too. The fund gained 9.4% in
5% Total International Stock 2020. Its three-year annualized return
Balanced 15% Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond of 6.4% beats all but 22% of its peers.
15% SPDR DoubleLine Total Return Tactical The fund yields 1.48%.
5% Vanguard Total International Bond
40% Bond
(TOTL, $48, 0.55%) The DoubleLine man-
agers behind this actively managed
25% iShares MSCI USA ESG Select bond fund—Jeffrey Gundlach and
40% Stock
5% Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Jeffrey Sherman—are practically fixed-
5% Vanguard Total International Stock income royalty. In this fund, they have
5% WisdomTree Global ex-US Quality Div. Growth latitude to invest in a wide variety of
15% Fidelity Total Bond debt of any credit quality. But they
15% Vanguard Intermediate Term-Bond tend to stick to what they know best—
15% SPDR DoubleLine Total Return Tactical mortgage-backed securities—even in
5% BlackRock Ultra Short-Term Bond rough markets. Those kinds of loans,
60% Bond 5% Invesco Senior Loan residential and commercial, made up
5% Vanguard Total International Bond more than half of the fund’s assets,
which goes some way to explain why


Vital Stats


Share Annualized total return Expense
CORE STOCK FUNDS Symbol price 1 yr. 3 yrs. 5 yrs. Yield ratio Comment

iShares Core S&P 500 IVV $437 40.7% 18.3% 17.6% 1.1% 0.03% A portfolio mainstay that covers 80% of the U.S. market.

iShares Core S&P Mid-Cap IJH 270 56.8 12.2 14.0 0.9 0.05 Midsize U.S. firms in a diverse mix of sectors.

iShares Core S&P Small-Cap IJR 112 72.0 10.3 15.1 1.3 0.06 A solid, no-frills, small-company stock fund.

iShares MSCI USA ESG Select SUSA 97 44.4 20.8 18.9 1.1 0.25 Firms that pass environmental, social and governance criteria.

Vanguard Total International Stock VXUS 66 32.4 9.1 11.2 2.4* 0.08 Developed and emerging-markets stocks all in one.


Schwab US Dividend Equity SCHD $76 56.1% 18.8% 16.2% 2.9% 0.06% Companies that pay consistent, high dividends.

Vanguard Dividend Appreciation VIG 158 35.7 17.1 15.5 1.7 0.06 Consistent dividend increases are the focus.

WisdomTree Glbl ex-US Qual Div Grwth DNL 42 30.6 15.0 14.5 1.3 0.58 Foreign dividend stocks with good growth prospects.


ARK Innovation ARKK $126 57.6% 41.2% 46.4% 0.0% 0.75% Best ideas among companies at the forefront of change.

Fidelity MSCI Industrials FIDU 55 57.9 14.7 14.9 1.1* 0.08 Industrial giants poised to prosper in a growing economy.

Invesco S&P 500 Eql Wt Fin RYF 60 69.9 13.8 16.9 1.5 0.40 A diverse group of financial firms in equal proportions.

Invesco S&P 500 Eql Wt Health Care RYH 299 34.6 17.1 14.7 0.5 0.40 Dozens of health companies in the S&P in equal proportions.

Invesco WilderHill Clean Energy PBW 88 95.7 52.4 37.3 0.0 0.70 Renewable-energy stocks fill this fund.

Vanguard FTSE Europe VGK 68 36.7 8.9 11.5 0.0 0.08 A bet on an improving economy in Europe.


Fidelity Total Bond FBND $54 2.5% 6.5% 4.2% 1.5% 0.36% A diverse bond fund, with income a priority.

SPDR DoubleLine Total Ret Tactical TOTL 48 0.7 3.9 2.5 2.5 0.55 High-grade mortgage debt anchors this fund.

Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond BIV 90 –0.1 6.8 3.4 1.5 0.05 A core bond fund holding Treasuries and cash.


BlackRock Ultra Short-Term Bond ICSH $51 0.5% 2.1% 1.9% 0.3% 0.08% Short-term corporate bonds and cash in an active fund.

Invesco Senior Loan BKLN 22 6.7 3.0 3.4 2.6 0.65 Bank loans hold their value when interest rates rise.

Vanguard Total International Bond BNDX 57 0.3 4.1 2.8 0.5 0.08 High-quality foreign debt, hedged for currency risk.


S&P 500 INDEX (LARGE U.S. STOCKS) 40.8% 18.4% 17.7% 1.4%



As of July 9. *12-month yield. SOURCES: ETF companies, Morningstar Direct, MSCI, S&P Dow Jones Indices.



the fund’s recent returns have lagged debt with five- to 10-year maturities. differentiate between its passive and
those of its peers (intermediate-term It holds more than 56% of assets in gov- active ETFs. Its index funds will be
core plus bond funds). In 2020, its ernment bonds and 43% in corporate called “iShares” ETFs; its active funds,
3.6% return trailed 93% of its category. IOUs. It takes on a little more credit risk “BlackRock.” That’s why this fund, a
But this fund held up much better than its intermediate-term core bond Kip ETF 20 veteran, has a new name.
than its peers during the drawdown fund peers: The fund holds about 25% The fund is managed by BlackRock’s
in bond markets in March 2020—and of assets in triple-B debt, the lowest Cash Management Team to provide
so far in 2021, too. We think this fund grade in the high-quality-credit world. income by investing in a range of
is misunderstood by critics. It’s not a (The typical core bond fund holds 19% short-term, investment-grade fixed-
“knock the ball out of the park” kind of in triple-B debt.) That lifts its yield, and floating-rate debt and money mar-
fund; it’s slow and steady, with super- however, to 1.53%, which is higher ket instruments. But this fund is not a
low volatility. The fund yields 2.50%. than the average 1.10% yield among money market fund; it takes on a little
intermediate-term core bond funds. more risk. It yields 0.26% and has re-
VANGUARD INTERMEDIATE-TERM BOND (BIV, turned 0.5% over the past 12 months.
$90, 0.05%) Vanguard Intermediate-
Term Bond beat the Bloomberg Bar- INVESCO SENIOR LOAN (BKLN, $22, 0.65%)
clays U.S. Aggregate Bond index over BLACKROCK ULTRA SHORT-TERM BOND (ICSH, With an economic recovery under way
the past 12 months but still lost ground. $51, 0.08%) In late 2020, BlackRock and a higher likelihood of rising short-
The fund targets investment-grade adopted a new branding system to term interest rates, the bond sector
this fund invests in is having its day
in the sun. Senior loans pay an interest
Trading Strategies rate that adjusts every few months in

Tips on Buying and Selling ETFs step with a short-term-bond bench-

mark. When yields rise, most bond
prices fall. But senior loans, often
Exchange-traded funds trade commission-free at most online brokers these days. But called floating-rate loans, retain their
placing actual trades takes some care. Here are a few tips. value. Over the past 12 months, this
ETF has returned 6.7%. That’s 2.9
Use limit orders. Limit orders allow you to specify the price at which you are willing to percentage points behind its peers but
buy or sell shares. It doesn’t guarantee instant execution, but it ensures that your order ahead of the broad bond market, as
will be filled at the price you designate or better, an important protection during periods measured by the Bloomberg Barclays
of unexpected price volatility. A buy limit order will only be executed at the limit price that U.S. Aggregate Bond index, by more
you set or lower. For example, if iShares Core S&P 500 has a current market price of $425, than seven percentage points.
set your limit price at $425. On the flip side, when you set a limit order to sell shares, the
order will only be executed at the limit price or higher. Market orders are filled at the next VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL BOND
available price—whatever it is. (BNDX, $57, 0.08%) It’s hard to justify
investing in international bonds, espe-
Be mindful of the fund’s premium/discount, especially when you’re deciding to buy cially with negative interest rates still
or sell. ETFs have two prices—the market price per share and the net asset value (or NAV) prevalent in many foreign nations.
per share, which is the value of the underlying securities in the fund. These prices can di- Even so, diversification benefits can
verge. If the share price is above the NAV, the ETF trades at a premium. If the price is below trump yield, and putting even a small
the NAV, it trades at a discount. The premium/discount can shift, especially when market stake of your bond portfolio in foreign
volatility is high. The iShares Core S&P 500 ETF had a typical premium/discount of 0.02% debt can dampen risk and boost re-
recently, but during the early 2020 sell-off, it rose to 0.43%. Foreign-stock ETFs are vulner- turns. Last year, for instance, Total
able to a high premium/discount because the underlying securities trade on exchanges in International Bond, which tracks a
different time zones. So, too, are active ETFs that don’t disclose holdings on a daily basis. global aggregate bond index from
Bloomberg Barclays, experienced less
Time your trades well. Don’t trade on volatile days. “Waiting until the chaos ends will volatility than the Bloomberg Barclays
be worth it,” says CFRA’s Todd Rosenbluth. Also avoid trading within the first or last half- U.S. Aggregate Bond index. And de-
hour of the trading day because volatility tends to be higher then. And never buy or sell spite a slim gain of 0.3% over the past
when the market is closed. That may be okay to do with a mutual fund, which settles at 12 months, the ETF outpaced the Agg,
the end of every trading day, but opening prices might catch you off guard if you do that too. The fund currently yields 0.46%. Q
with an ETF.


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Shield Your Portfolio

From Inflation
Use our picks to hedge against rising prices that can eat into
your investment returns. BY ADAM SHELL

INVESTORS FEAR INFLATION has created a boom as pan- a year ago, according to the
in the same way Superman demic headwinds subside, government’s inflation cal-
dreads a pile of kryptonite. with price hikes driven by culator): Is higher inflation
Just as the mysterious sub- supply-chain bottlenecks temporary, or is it here to
stance weakened the Man and product shortages at stay? Federal Reserve chief
of Steel, a persistent rise a time when pent-up con- Jerome Powell insists that
in prices can diminish the sumer demand has been the forces driving prices
strength of an investment fueled by government stim- higher will wane and proj-
portfolio. Inflation eats into ulus checks. Following a ects that inflation will fall
returns and reduces the 40-year period during back to around 2% in 2022.
buying power of assets in which inflation was mostly Powell downplays a repeat
investment accounts, such in hibernation, the nation of 1970s-style inflation,
as 401(k)s. “Inflation has is living through the biggest when the CPI topped 13%,
a scary connotation,” says spike in prices in more than saying, “It’s very, very un-
Axel Merk, president and a decade for stuff such as likely.” Most investment
chief investment officer gas, groceries and used cars. pros agree. Still, Kiplinger
of Merk Investments. In June, the consumer expects inflation to reach
Rising prices are espe- price index, the govern- 5.5% by December, com-
cially scary for retirees with ment’s main measure of pared with December of
larger holdings of lower- inflation, saw a year-over- 2020, and to average 4.3%
return assets, such as cash year increase of 5.4%, the for 2021 overall.
and bonds. If inflation rises largest rise since 2008. The It’s worth noting that
3% every year, for example, prices that suppliers charge the stock market’s average
a retiree who has enough businesses (so-called pro- annual gain of 10% has out-
saved today to spend $50,000 ducer prices) also rose in paced inflation over the long
a year would need just over June at the fastest annual run. But don’t let your guard
$67,000 a year by 2031 and pace since 2010, and em- down. Historically, inflation
more than $90,000 per year ployers are boosting worker spikes (such as the current
by 2041 to fund the same pay amid a tight labor mar- episode), during which the
lifestyle, according to an ket. Fund managers now say CPI suffers one-month in-
analysis by Kendall Capital. inflation is the biggest mar- creases of 0.5% or more for
Wall Street is certainly ket risk, a Bank of America at least three months in a
scared of inflation, at least Securities survey found. row, have been a headwind
in the short run. The re- The $64,000 question for stocks, according to
opening of the economy (which was worth $60,726 Bespoke Investment Group.



In five of the previous seven Property prices and rents

such spikes since 1973, the Price Hikes charged by landlords typi-
S&P 500 index declined, suf- INFLATION HEATS UP cally go up during inflation-
fering a median drop of 7.8%. ary periods, making real
Prices have been on a dramatic upswing for the 12 months
And don’t dismiss a com- estate a popular investment
ending in June, with some of the biggest increases in energy
mon secondary effect of in- if you want to outrun infla-
and travel costs.
flation: rising interest rates. 5.4% tion. Over the past 30 years,
Upward price pressures an index of U.S. real estate
eventually prompt the Fed investment trusts posted
to increase borrowing costs Change in consumer prices compared bigger gains than the S&P
and dial back bond-buying with the same month a year earlier* 500 in five of the six years
programs to cool a too-hot 3 when inflation was 3% or
economy, a policy shift that higher, according to data
can weigh on asset prices 2 from fund company Neu-
and spark volatility. In June, 1
berger Berman. Consider
the Fed indicated that rate VANGUARD REAL ESTATE ETF
hikes could come next year, 0 (VNQ, $105). It owns publicly
June Aug. Oct. Dec. Feb. April June
sooner than the 2024 start 2020 2020 2020 2020 2021 2021 2021 traded REITs including
date it forecast in March. Crown Castle, which leases
*Not seasonally adjusted. SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics
The best inflation strategy communications infrastruc-
is to hope for the best but ture such as cell towers, and
plan for the worst. Judging broad basket of TIPS. bullion itself, consider Equinix, which specializes
from past inflationary peri- Gold has a reputation ISHARES GOLD TRUST (IAU, $34), in data centers.
ods, the investments below for retaining its value when which tracks the daily price Dan Milan, managing
should provide a hedge the dollar declines or loses movement of the yellow partner at Cornerstone
against a persistent period purchasing power. Although metal. Or you might invest Financial Services, is bull-
of rising prices. (Prices are the precious metal gets in gold-mining stocks, says ish on SIMON PROPERTY GROUP
as of July 9.) kudos as an inflation hedge, Merk. When the price of (SPG, $130). Simon’s upscale
its performance during in- gold is rising, he says, the malls, he says, have held
CLASSIC flationary times is mixed. profits of gold miners in- up better and can command
INFLATION PLAYS Gold tends to perform best crease because the cost higher rents than lower-
Fight higher inflation di- during bouts of extreme in- of getting the gold out of end malls. Investment firm
rectly by buying Treasury flation, such as in the 1970s the ground remains fixed. Stifel is bullish on self-
inflation-protected securi- when oil prices soared. It Mining company NEWMONT storage REITs, such as CUBE-
ties. The appeal of TIPS is fares less well during more (NEM, $64) is a pro-inflation SMART (CUBE, $49) and EXTRA
that in inflationary periods, muted inflationary periods. stock recommended by BofA. SPACE STORAGE (EXR, $173).
they “pay out more in inter- “Gold seems to outper- Bitcoin has been growing
est and increase in value,” form when chaos reigns in popularity as an inflation STOCKS AND
says Morningstar portfolio supreme,” says Thomas hedge, held out as an alter- COMMODITIES
strategist Amy Arnott. The Tzitzouris, managing di- native to gold. But it’s best Stock sectors that tend to
principal value (the initial rector at Strategas, an in- for investors who have a do well when the economy
price you pay for the bond) dependent research firm. speculative bent and are is booming—and inflation is
adjusts higher when infla- And gold’s performance able to stomach massive often rising—include energy
tion, measured by the CPI, turns “poor … almost in- volatility, and it should (think big oil companies);
increases. The interest you stantaneously at first sight be limited to the smallest industrials (heavy machin-
receive also rises because of tighter [Fed] policy,” of slices of your portfolio. ery, building products and
it’s based on the adjusted Tzitzouris warns. Still, Most brokerages don’t allow aerospace firms); and mate-
principal. You can purchase earmarking a small portion clients to buy bitcoin directly, rials, or companies that
TIPS directly from Uncle of your portfolio to gold but you can gain exposure provide commodity-related
Sam at www.treasurydirect makes sense as an insurance through Coinbase, a crypto materials to businesses
.gov or invest in SCHWAB U.S. policy in case the inflation exchange, on the Robin- (such as suppliers of chemi-
TIPS ETF (SYMBOL SCHP, $63), a dragon reappears and the hood trading app or via cals, steel and other metals).
low-cost way (the expense Fed waits too long to tame it. products such as GRAYSCALE To gain exposure to a
ratio is 0.05%) to own a To get exposure to gold BITCOIN TRUST (GBTC, 28). broad range of raw material


producers, consider MATERI- Cornerstone. That “helps fixed interest payments in- Small companies tend to
ALS SELECT SECTOR SPDR (XLB, companies protect their creasingly lose purchasing shine when the economy
$83). Top holdings include profits,” he says. Stocks that power and whose bond is growing rapidly, as it is
chemical company Dow Goldman Sachs analysts say prices often decline as in- now. Plus, they currently
and paint maker Sherwin- check those boxes include terest rates rise in response have better profit-growth
Williams. Michael Cuggino, ADVANCE AUTO PARTS (AAP, to inflation. Investing in prospects and trade at
president and portfolio $213), whose sales of auto business bank loans that cheaper valuations relative
manager of Permanent parts to do-it-yourselfers have interest rates that reset to large-cap shares, accord-
Portfolio, recommends and professional mechanics higher when market rates ing to investment bank UBS.
copper producer FREEPORT- will benefit from commut- rise is a good strategy for Consider Kip ETF 20 mem-
MCMORAN (FCX, $37). Goldman ers returning to work and avoiding that dynamic. ber ISHARES CORE S&P SMALL-
Sachs analysts cite paint Americans hitting the na- Unlike fixed-rate loans, CAP ETF (IJR, $112).
producer PPG INDUSTRIES tion’s roads to travel again; which always pay the To better capitalize on
(PPG, $171) and SCOTTS MIRACLE- ETSY (ETSY, $195), which Gold- same coupon (or income), the growth that stocks pro-
GRO (SMG, $183), which sells man Sachs says turns 74% floating-rate debt allows vide, Milan touts companies
lawn, garden and pest con- of its total revenues into the bond holder to earn that regularly boost the size
trol products, as firms with profit (the highest gross more when rates rise. These of their dividends. The big-
pricing power and a history margin of the consumer loans are typically made ger the increase over time,
of turning a large slice of discretionary stocks listed to firms with less-than- the greater the chance of
revenues into profits. in Goldman’s “high pricing pristine credit, which outpacing inflation, he says.
Top holdings in the power” screen) from its means the risk of default He likes home improvement
ENERGY SELECT SECTOR SPDR e-commerce site that sells is higher. A couple of retailer HOME DEPOT (HD, $322),
ETF (XLE, $53) include oil giant unique handmade and vin- choices to consider are which recently hiked its
ExxonMobil, oilfield services tage items; and PROCTER & INVESCO SENIOR LOAN ETF dividend by 10%. It’s a mem-
provider Schlumberger and GAMBLE (PG, $137), which owns (BKLN, $22), a member of ber of the Kiplinger Divi-
energy exploration firm brands such as Pampers and the Kiplinger ETF 20 (for dend 15 list of our favorite
Pioneer Natural Resources. Tampax and has already an- more on the ETF 20, see dividend stocks. Milan also
A good option for industrial nounced coming price hikes page 20), and T. ROWE PRICE favors snack and soda giant
companies is FIDELITY MSCI for some products to offset FLOATING RATE (PRFRX). PEPSICO (PEP, $149), which cur-
INDUSTRIALS INDEX ETF (FIDU, rising commodity costs. During periods of rising rently yields 3.5%.
$55), which owns heavy ma- inflation since 2000, small- Finally, given that in-
chine manufacturers such as INDIRECT company stocks have out- flation is a bigger issue in
Caterpillar and John Deere. BENEFICIARIES performed large-cap shares, the U.S. than abroad, make
To take advantage of ris- Inflation can be insidious according to the Wells sure you’re diversified over-
ing demand and prices for for bond investors, whose Fargo Investment Institute. seas. Gina Martin Adams,
commodities such as oil and chief equity strategist at
gas, gold, corn, soybeans, Bloomberg Intelligence,
Pressure Points
sugar, wheat, and copper, 88% is bullish on emerging-
consider INVESCO OPTIMUM COST OF LIVING: markets stocks, particularly
STRATEGY NO K-1 ETF (PDBC, $20). nations such as Brazil
The consumer price index is up 5.4% from a year
It’s the biggest, most liquid and Russia. “Commodity-
ago. But some components have spiked much
fund of this kind, has a rea- sensitive emerging markets
sonable expense ratio of 45% 45% are a good place to hide,”
0.59%, skips the trouble- she says. BARON EMERGING
some K-1 form at tax time 12-month change MARKETS (BEXFX) has expo-
and is outpacing 96% of its from June 2020 sure to both Brazil and
peers so far this year. Russia; it’s a member of
The ideal companies to the Kiplinger 25, the list
own in any sector are ones 0.4% 4% of our favorite actively
that can pass along higher managed, no-load mutual
Medical Dining out Gasoline Used cars Car and
costs to customers because care and trucks truck rental funds. ■
of strong demand for their Not seasonally adjusted. SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics YOU CAN CONTACT THE AUTHOR AT
products, says Milan, at ADAM_SHELL@KIPLINGER.COM.


INVESTING Commentary


Readers Find Some Weird Winners

ond rates are plunging, banks an annual rate of 16.2%, I need to eval- junk-bond fund, has a one-year return
pay next to nothing, and stocks uate each idea individually. Most of the of 43.0% and pays $2.19 annually on
are so rich that the S&P 500 in- time, I find flaws, such as high fees or a $22 share price. About 60% of that
dex yields a paltry 1.4%. My mailbox madcap trading. But sometimes oddi- is returned capital, but there is enough
is thus brimming with queries about ties have their day—or days—of glory. actual income to yield 3.9%. Corner-
offbeat, high-distribution invest- stone Strategic, which owns stocks
ments. Many are leveraged funds, Triple play. Of late, this reader-chosen ranging from and Apple
rely on options and futures trading, trifecta is successful, even stunningly to small-company shares, as well as
or extend high-rate loans to less- so. SLVO, which is linked to a silver in- some closed-end funds, has a 33.9%
creditworthy borrowers. Some aug- dex and sells covered call options on one-year total return, mostly capital
ment regular income payments with that index for income, has a one-year gains. The income layer of its fixed
periodic returns of capital. That is return of 24.6%. Because silver is ram- monthly distribution is only 1.6%.
tolerable when a fund manufactures paging, the value of the call options Thomas, the rest of your cash inflows
enough trading profits or capital gains SLVO sells is way up, and so it has is- are returned capital or trading gains.
to cover these emoluments. But re- sued monthly distributions of 11 cents Guggenheim and Cornerstone, like
turned capital does not count as “yield” to 20 cents so far in 2021. That’s a pace so many closed-ends, owe much of
and is not a dividend. (It does post- above 20% annualized, based on the their good fortune to the ascension
pone a possible capital gains tax bill.) July 9 closing price of $6. But I would of their share price to a high premium
Which of this high-test stuff is safe never count on anything linked to gold over the value of their underlying as-
and timely? Generally, I am all-in or silver for essential income. sets. Neither fund has a great long-
on striving for extra yield, evidenced Guggenheim Strategic, a leveraged term performance record, but kudos
by the strong to readers who sussed out these or
multiyear returns similar opportunities a year ago, when
in high-yield premiums were small or shares traded
corporate and
MOST OF THE TIME, I at a discount. There is a reasonable
municipal bonds, FIND FLAWS IN OFFBEAT argument that it is wiser to pick up
preferred stocks, INVESTMENTS WITH a mediocre CEF at a cheap price than
most leveraged HIGH DISTRIBUTIONS. a good fund that trades at a premium.
closed-end bond Not every unusual income fund is a
and income funds, BUT SOMETIMES winner. Another reader named Richard
and pipeline and ODDITIES HAVE THEIR bragged on IVOL, the Quadratic Inter-
infrastructure DAY OF GLORY. est Rate Volatility and Inflation
partnerships. Hedge ETF. Rates are volatile
These are all and inflation hedges are in
straightforward vogue, so this fund sounds
and understandable. But the income exactly right. But its fortunes
marketplace is also full of gadgets and depend on the use of deriva-
thingamajigs, so when Richard writes tives to profit from market
in to extol Credit Suisse X-Links stress. That is hard to sustain.
Silver Shares Covered Call ETN After a strong debut in 2020,
(symbol SLVO), or Steve asserts IVOL has a total return of 1.1%

that Guggenheim Strategic Op- for 2021 through July 9 and has
portunities Fund (GOF) “seems lost 3% in the past two months. It
too good to be true,” or Thomas might be too much of a contraption
wonders how I have overlooked Cor- to work over time. Q
nerstone Strategic Value Fund (CLM)
when it “pays a monthly dividend” at INCOME. REACH HIM AT JEFF_KOSNETT@KIPLINGER.COM.


MUTUAL FUND SPOTLIGHT and Treasuries, about three
percentage points, are near

How to Play the High-Yield Rally decade lows, too.

Time for caution. That has

Junk bonds have been on a tear, so this fund has shifted to defense. the fund managers on the
defensive. Bank loans now
make up about 18% of the
HIGH-YIELD BONDS HAVE BEEN fund’s assets—a “max posi-
on a roll. Over the past 12 HIGH-YIELD BOND FUNDS tioning” for the fund, says
Annualized Max.
months, funds that invest Ranked by three-year returns total return sales Exp.
comanager Jerry Cudzil.
in junk-rated debt—credit Rank/Name Symbol 1 yr. 3 yrs. charge ratio These securities have se-
rated double-B to triple-C— 1. Diamond Hill High Yield Inv DHHAX 16.4% 10.3% 0.00% 0.96% niority in the capital struc-
have gained 14%, on aver- 2. Westwood High Income A WSDAX 20.7 9.9 3.00 0.48 ture—they get paid first—
age, more than any other 3. Fidelity Capital & Income FAGIX 26.0 9.7 0.00 0.68 and interest rates that
bond-fund category. As a re- 4. Payden High Income PYHRX 16.7 8.8 0.00 0.62 adjust in line with a short-
sult, investors have poured 5. Fidelity Advisor Hi Income Advtg A FAHDX 25.9 8.7 4.00 1.00 term benchmark.
more money into high-yield 6. Artisan High Income Investor ARTFX 18.2 8.3 0.00 0.96 The managers have also
bond funds in the first half 7. Victory High Yield A GUHYX 18.3 8.3 2.25 1.00 shifted into more defensive
of 2021 than in all of 2020. 8. Metropolitan West Hi Yield Bond M MWHYX 10.4 8.3 0.00 0.85 industries, such as cable,
That might make you 9. Great-West High Yield Bond Inv MXHYX 14.4 8.1 0.00 1.10 food and beverage, and
wary. But investors with 10. Timothy Plan High Yield Bond A TPHAX 15.1 8.1 4.50 1.29 managed health care. “To-
a long-term view should ICE BOFA US HIGH YIELD 14.7% 7.2% day, you’re not being com-
consider METROPOLITAN WEST CATEGORY AVERAGE 14.3% 6.3% pensated to take on more
HIGH YIELD BOND. The fund’s risk,” says Cudzil. “These
managers run it with a sectors will experience less
full market cycle in mind. spreads are high, the man- delivered above-average volatility from an earnings
They’re conservative, they agers take on more risk. returns with below-average perspective.”
like a bargain, and they let When the opposite is true, volatility. The fund’s 8.3% three-
bond prices and the differ- they reduce risk. “We try These days the percent- year annualized return
ence between yields in junk to insulate the fund from age of junk bonds that trade ranks among the top 8%
bonds and Treasuries— downdrafts by being more cheaply (below 90 cents on of all high-yield bond funds.
known as the spread—influ- conservative” when prices the dollar) is less than 1.5%, It was one-third less volatile
ence when to dial up or pull are high, says comanager the lowest it has been over than its peers over that
back on risk. Laird Landmann. Over the the past 20 years. Current stretch, too. NELLIE S. HUANG
When prices are low and long haul, this approach has spreads between junk bonds

20 LARGEST STOCK AND BOND MUTUAL FUNDS Ranked by size. See returns for top funds in 12 categories at
Annualized Max. 1-year Max.
STOCK MUTUAL FUNDS Assets† total return sales BOND MUTUAL FUNDS Assets† total Current sales
Rank/Name Symbol (billions) 1 yr. 5 yrs. charge Rank/Name Symbol (billions) return yield charge
1. Vanguard Total Stock Mkt Idx Adm VTSAX $1,005.2 43.9% 17.8% none 1. Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Adm VBTLX $233.6 –0.58% 1.32% none
2. Vanguard 500 Index Adm VFIAX 520.8 40.8 17.6 none 2. Pimco Income A PONAX 140.2 8.67 2.26 3.75%
3. Vanguard Total Intl Stock Index Adm VTIAX 356.6 32.4 11.2 none 3. Metropolitan West Total Return Bd M MWTRX 90.2 0.80 0.90 none
4. Fidelity 500 Index@ FXAIX 343.3 40.8 17.7 none 4. Vanguard Interm-Term Tax-Ex Inv VWITX 86.3 4.10 0.72 none
5. American Growth Fund of America A AGTHX 280.5 37.7 20.8 5.75% 5. Vanguard Short-Term Inv-Grade Inv VFSTX 78.8 2.02 0.77 none
6. American Balanced A ABALX 209.1 22.4 10.9 5.75 6. American Bond Fund of America A ABNDX 74.6 0.81 0.96 3.75
7. American EuroPacific Growth A AEPGX 194.7 32.9 14.0 5.75 7. Vanguard Total Intl Bond Index Adm VTABX 73.6 0.26 0.47 none
8. American Washington Mutual A AWSHX 158.1 37.8 14.4 5.75 8. Dodge & Cox Income @ DODIX 69.8 2.83 1.68 none
9. Fidelity Contrafund FCNTX 142.4 34.2 21.7 5.75 9. Pimco Total Return A PTTAX 69.2 0.96 1.04 3.75
10. American New Perspective A ANWPX 142.1 40.3 19.2 none 10. PGIM Total Return Bond A PDBAX 60.9 1.98 1.77 3.25
As of July 9, 2021. @ Only share class. Unless otherwise indicated, funds come in multiple share classes; we list the share class that is best suited for individual investors. †For all mutual fund
share classes combined. MSCI EAFE tracks stocks in developed foreign markets. SOURCES: ICE Data Services, Morningstar, Vanguard.


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Kiplinger 25 funds are no-load; you can buy them without sales
charges. For more about the funds, visit

The Case for

total return Expense
U.S. Stock Funds Symbol 1 yr. 5 yrs. 10 yrs. Yield ratio

American Century Sm Cp Val ASVIX 92.5% 16.2% 12.0% 0.2% 1.25%

Investing Overseas DF Dent Midcap Growth

Dodge & Cox Stock

DFDMX 31.1

DODGX 61.5





Fidelity Blue Chip Growth FBGRX 48.9 29.3 20.1 0.0 0.79

Mairs & Power Growth MPGFX 45.5 15.3 14.0 0.7 0.64

Parnassus Mid-Cap PARMX 38.2 13.2 12.2 0.2 0.98

A PORTFOLIO WITHOUT approval of two COVID-19
foreign stocks would be vaccines fueled a shift in T. Rowe Price Dividend Growth PRDGX 36.9 15.7 14.0 0.9 0.63

like “fighting an invest- market sentiment away T. Rowe Price QM US Sm-Cp Gro‡ PRDSX 40.4 16.5 13.5 0.0 0.78
ment battle with one arm from steady Eddies. As a T. Rowe Price Small-Cap Value PRSVX 63.7 14.6 11.4 0.3 0.80
tied behind your back,” result, some fund holdings
Primecap Odyssey Growth POGRX 41.4 19.0 15.0 0.3 0.65
says Jed Weiss. He’s bi- that had done well earlier
ased, of course, as man- in the year suddenly be- Vanguard Equity-Income VEIPX 40.9 12.1 12.3 2.2 0.28

ager of FIDELITY INTERNA- came laggards, including Annualized

International total return Expense
TIONAL GROWTH fund. But Roche and Nestlé, defen- Stock Funds Symbol ratio
1 yr. 5 yrs. 10 yrs. Yield
he has a point: Foreign sive businesses with
Baron Emerging Markets BEXFX 28.3% 11.7% 7.1% 0.0% 1.35%
stocks make up about half strong balance sheets.
of the global stock market. Brown Cap Mgmt Intl Sm Co BCSVX 36.6 20.9 — 0.0 1.33

Over the past 12 months, A tilt toward survivors. Life Fidelity International Growth FIGFX 28.7 14.3 9.5 0.1 1.01
International Growth is returning to normal Janus Henderson Glbl Eq Inc HFQTX 26.3 7.2 6.0 7.3 0.95
gained 28.7%, trailing the now, and that bodes well
30.9% return of the MSCI for International Growth. total return Expense
EAFE index, which tracks “The market has started Specialized Funds Symbol 1 yr. 5 yrs. 10 yrs. Yield ratio

foreign stocks in devel- to focus on firms that will Fidelity Select Health Care FSPHX 24.3% 17.4% 18.2% 0.5% 0.69%
oped countries. The fund come through this period Vanguard Wellington‡ VWELX 26.1 11.8 10.4 1.7 0.24
shone for most of the year, stronger, and that’s what
but November and Decem- my investment process total return Expense
ber were a challenge. is geared toward,” says Bond Funds Symbol 1 yr. 5 yrs. 10 yrs. Yield ratio

That’s not surprising: Weiss. He’s upbeat about DoubleLine Total Return Bond DLTNX 1.3% 2.6% 3.8% 2.9% 0.73%
The fund tends to thrive luxury companies that Fidelity Interm Muni Income FLTMX 4.2 2.9 3.5 0.5 0.34
during stretches of market have gained market share.
Fidelity Strategic Income FADMX 11.2 5.5 4.6 2.0 0.67
uncertainty, thanks to “Not all did well,” says
Weiss’s penchant for what Weiss. LVMH Moët Hen- Met West Total Return Bond M MWTRX 0.8 3.3 4.1 0.9 0.68

he calls share gainers— nessy Louis Vuitton is a top TIAA-CREF Core Impact Bond TSBRX 1.3 3.2 — 1.1 0.64
financially healthy compa- holding. Weiss sees oppor- Vanguard Emerg Mkts Bond VEMBX 9.2 8.8 — 3.0 0.60
nies with strong positions tunities, too, in hard-hit
Vanguard High-Yield Corporate VWEHX 10.7 6.2 6.1 2.8 0.23
in their industry that can industries such as aero-
Vanguard Sh-Tm Inv-Grade VFSTX 2.0 2.7 2.5 0.8 0.20
raise or keep prices steady space and commercial
even in troubled times. catering. Earlier this year, Annualized
total return
Semiconductor companies he picked up shares in the Indexes 1 yr. 5 yrs. 10 yrs. Yield
such as ASML Lithogra- U.K. catering company
S&P 500 INDEX 40.8% 17.7% 14.8% 1.4%
phy, Lam Research, Laser- Compass Group.
RUSSELL 2000 INDEX* 64.7 15.6 11.9 1.0
tec and TSMC were among Weiss’s focus on market-
the fund’s big winners share gainers has served MSCI EAFE INDEX† 30.9 10.6 5.9 2.3
over the past year. investors well. The fund’s MSCI EMERGING MARKETS INDEX 24.4 12.2 3.7 1.9
But when the stock mar- five-year annualized re- BLOOMBERG BARCLAYS AGG BND IDX# –0.6 3.0 3.4 1.5
ket makes a sharp upward turn, 14.3%, beat the 10.6%
As of July 9, 2021. ‡Open to new investors if purchased directly through the fund company. *Small-company U.S.
turn, the fund typically annual return of the MSCI stocks. †Foreign stocks. #High-grade U.S. bonds. —Fund not in existence for the entire period. SOURCES: Fund
lags. That’s what hap- EAFE index. NELLIE S. HUANG companies, FTSE Russell, Morningstar Inc., MSCI, S&P Dow Jones Indices. Yields listed for bond funds are SEC
yields, which are net of fees; stock fund yields are the yield for the past 12 months. NA indicates not available.
pened in late 2020. The



STREET SMART James K. Glassman

I Still Like the Trillion-Dollar Stocks

t may be a matter of months, or umn as of July 9), we’re including it capital investments that keep them far
more likely a few years,” I wrote in the trillionaires club for now. Plus, ahead of competitors, whether actual or
in the September 2017 issue of there are two stocks whose market potential. Last year, Amazon pumped
Kiplinger’s, “but sometime soon a caps have breached two trillion dol- $40 billion back into its own business,
U.S. company will breach the trillion- lars: Apple and MICROSOFT. making the company by far the largest
dollar mark.” By June 2021, to my I’ve now disclosed the punch line capital investor in the U.S. Alphabet
pleasant surprise, all five companies I to this column in the boldfaced names and Microsoft rank first and second
highlighted had become trillionaires. (as usual, stocks I like are in boldface). among U.S. companies in spending on
The question now is how high these I’m doubling down and recommending research and development.
stocks can go. Big is not beautiful to them all. As for the trustbusters: If the All five trillionaires have excep-
many regulators and elected officials worst happens, and Google is forced to tional balance sheets. Microsoft is one
(of both parties), and President Biden divest YouTube, Facebook has to shed of only two U.S. firms (the other being
is developing an executive order to rein Instagram, or Amazon has to spin off Johnson & Johnson) with a credit
in businesses that dominate their sec- its cloud business, well, so what? As a rating of AAA from Standard & Poor’s.
tors. The Federal Trade Commission shareholder, you will get stock in the That’s higher than the U.S. govern-
lost an antitrust case against FACEBOOK new stand-alone companies, too. ment is rated. Alphabet has $135 bil-
in June, but the setback lion in cash and securities
merely convinced many in and $28 billion in debt.
Congress that tougher laws UNLIKE THE HIGHFLIERS OF THE Only two trillionaires
are needed. pay dividends: Micro-
Another constraint is
LATE 1990S, THESE TRILLIONAIRES soft and Apple, both
a sort of law of financial MAKE TONS OF MONEY. components of the Dow
gravity. It’s not hard to Jones industrial average.
imagine a stock with a mar- Neither yields more than
ket capitalization (stock price times The most important fact about 1%, but you don’t invest
shares outstanding) of about $100 bil- these trillionaires is that, in stocks like these
lion becoming what the great mutual unlike the highfliers for the payout.
fund manager Peter Lynch called a of the late 1990s, They can earn
four-bagger—that is, quadrupling in they are making far more by in-
value. That could happen with UBER, tons of money. vesting their
SQUARE or Zoom Video Communica- Their profit mar- profits than
tions. But APPLE? As a four-bagger, it gins are spec- you can.
would have a market cap of $9 trillion, tacular. For Apple’s
roughly the same as the gross domes- every three return on
tic products of Germany and Japan dollars common
combined. Investing in giant compa- in reve- equity over
nies may considerably limit your upside. nues, for the past
Then again, a few years ago the example, 12 months
whole concept of a trillion-dollar stock Microsoft was 103%.
was alien, even nutty. Now, we have and Facebook drop Let’s take
AMAZON.COM , which hit the mark just about a dollar to the a deeper dive on

a year after my 2017 column, and bottom line. Alphabet. Its main
ALPHABET, the parent of Google, which business is selling
exceeded $1 trillion in January 2020. Hand over fist. The highly effective,
Facebook hit the milestone in June. trillionaires are so targeted adver-
Although it has since retreated some profitable that they tising. Revenues
(based on data calculated for this col- can make massive took a modest hit


INVESTING Commentary

because of the 2020 pandemic, so

they rose 13% for the year—which for THESE BIG COMPANIES CAN MAKE MASSIVE CAPITAL
most companies would be sensational.
Alphabet is now recovering smartly,
with revenues jumping 34% in the first AND ALL HAVE EXCEPTIONAL BALANCE SHEETS.
quarter of 2021 compared with the
same period a year ago. Google’s sales
this year will easily exceed $200 bil- considerably from 186 four years ago, makers, regulators and interest groups,
lion, up from $38 billion 10 years ago. and Amazon deserves a high P/E. An- but attempts to constrain the trillion-
The consensus estimate is that prof- alysts foresee annual average earnings aires have so far been unsuccessful.
its will rise roughly 50% this year, then growth of 38% for the next five years. The recent FTC suit against Facebook,
settle down to something that has be- said the judge in the case, did not pro-
come normal for Alphabet: about 20% Flexibility pays off. Amazon was a huge vide enough support for claims of mo-
annualized. That means close to $100 beneficiary of the change in retail nopoly. After all, Facebook’s share of
in earnings per share for the next 12 shopping behavior, reinforced by the the digital ad market is 25%, compared
months. At $2,510 a share, the stock is pandemic. The company’s U.S. e-com- with 29% for Google and 10% for fast-
underpriced. Where else can you buy merce sales increased 44% in 2020, rising Amazon. One of the FTC’s alle-
such consistent growth? and its market share is forecast to rise gations was that Facebook bought up
The answer is other trillion-dollar just above 40% this year; Walmart is potential rivals, including WhatsApp
stocks, of course. They’re all increas- second in share at 7%. As I pointed and Instagram, thus eliminating com-
ing their profits by double digits. For out four years ago, what makes a tril- petition. But Instagram had just 30
the year ahead, Apple is forecast to lionaire like Amazon attractive is its million users in 2012 when Facebook,
earn $5.12 a share, for a forward price- flexibility. Its Web Services subsidiary, then with about 1 billion users, ac-
earnings ratio of 28. Like Alphabet which sells cloud storage, contributed quired the company for $1 billion.
and Apple, Facebook has a P/E in the more to operating income in 2020 Today, Instagram has 1.3 billion users
high 20s. That’s not that much more than did retail sales. In addition, Ama- and Facebook has 2.8 billion. All of
than the average for the S&P 500 as zon produces movies and TV shows, the trillionaires make acquisitions;
a whole, currently 24. Amazon is the and digital advertising is soaring. some work out very well.
outlier, at nearly 65, but that’s down Size attracts the attention of law- Will any other stocks join the tril-
lionaires club? Currently, there’s a big
drop-off from Facebook, at $994 bil-
lion, down to the sixth-largest U.S.
THE TRILLIONAIRES CLUB company, TESLA , at $633 billion, fol-
The stocks below have hit the market-value milestone of $1 trillion—or could be future members lowed by Berkshire Hathaway and
of that exclusive club. Find several of them in the funds listed. Visa. I’m betting Tesla will make the
club in the next two or three years.
Market value Annualized total return If you want to buy the five trillion-
Company Symbol Price (billions) 1 yr. 3 yrs. 5 yrs.
aires as a group, a good choice is RED
Alphabet GOOGL $2,510 $1,709 65.3% 29.1% 28.5%
OAK TECHNOLOGY SELECT, a managed AMZN 3,719 1,876 16.9 28.8 37.9 mutual fund that owns just 27 stocks,
Apple AAPL 145 2,422 52.5 45.7 43.8 with the five trillionaires accounting
Facebook FB 350 994 43.3 19.6 24.5 for the top five holdings and repre-
Microsoft MSFT 278 2,093 30.7 40.7 40.6 senting 33% of assets. For more con-
centration, consider INVESCO QQQ TRUST,
Square SQ 242 110 87.0 53.8 91.9
an exchange-traded fund that mimics
Tesla TSLA 657 633 135.6 117.7 72.2
the Nasdaq 100, the largest stocks on
Uber UBER 49 92 48.0 — — that exchange. The trillionaires repre-
Expense Annualized total return sent roughly 40% of QQQ’s assets—
Funds Symbol ratio 1 yr. 3 yrs. 5 yr.
and you get Tesla to boot. Q
Invesco QQQ QQQ 0.20% 38.6% 27.7% 27.8%
As of July 9. —Not publicly traded. SOURCES: Morningstar, S&P Capital IQ. TIME OF TURBULENCE. OF THE SECURITIES MENTIONED, HE


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The Bank
Fintechs offer mostly free accounts with
tantalizing yields and slick features, but don’t
expect much hand-holding. BY RIVAN STINSON

ith the invention of the smartphone and the ascendancy of
app-based services, financial technology companies—better
known as fintechs—have been disrupting traditional banking,
offering attractive features to new customers who aren’t
tied to traditional banks. These challenger banks (or neobanks, as they’re
sometimes called) tout higher rates, quicker access to paychecks, real-time
spending data and, for the most part, coverage by the Federal Deposit In-
surance Corp.—all while charging low (or no) fees and being mobile-centric.
Consumers are taking notice, especially since COVID-19 made banking
at a physical branch more difficult. In a December survey from consulting
firm McKinsey & Co., 36% of respondents who were thinking about open-
ing a fintech account said that these accounts were easier to use than a
traditional bank account. Fintechs tend to target younger consumers,





who may not have a loyal banking rela- nials, older customers are getting in From there, the fintech is allowed
tionship, and other demographics that on the action, too. According to the to accept deposits, and funds are held
the companies believe are not well McKinsey survey, 26% of baby boomers at the FDIC-insured bank.
served by traditional banks. and 44% of Gen Xers have some type “It’s not big banks like J.P. Morgan
For example, challenger bank First of fintech account. or Citibank that are taking part in
Boulevard is directly targeting Black Before you decide to leave your these partnerships, but smaller, re-
consumers with an account that will traditional bank for something more gional banks that may not have the
offer 15% cash back on purchases hip or sleek, see whether the features money to spend to directly compete
from Black-owned businesses that of a challenger bank you’re interested with fintechs or even bigger banks,”
participate in its rewards network, in meet your needs. says Drew Pascarella, founder of
as well as automated savings via a Cornell’s FinTech Intensive academic
purchase round-up feature and early HOW THEY WORK program. For example, Dallas-area
payday access. There are no overdraft Traditional banks can’t operate with- MapleMark Bank recently announced
or account-maintenance fees, nor is out a bank charter. Under a charter, a new partnership with Raisin, a
a minimum balance required. Green- banks agree to federal oversight to German fintech specializing in cert-
wood Bank, which targets Black and keep accounts safe, insured and acces- ificates of deposit. As Raisin’s first U.S.
Latino consumers, has similar offer- sible. Fintechs currently don’t operate bank partner, MapleMark has given
ings. Currently, both fintechs require under such rules, mostly because keep- Raisin access to the American market.
you to get on a waiting list before you ing up with ever-changing regulations With Raisin’s technology, the bank
gain access. Targeting people in the is expensive and slows their ability to can offer three different CD options,
lesbian, gay, queer and transgender bring a new product to market. including a CD ladder, to its customers
communities, Daylight allows custom- To get around the regulatory issue, while marketing its offerings to new
ers to choose the name they want dis- fintechs “rent” the compliance or reg- customers as well.
played on their debit card and have ulatory function of a bank. In return, Some fintechs have applied for and
access to an assigned financial coach. the bank gains access to the fintech’s received their own bank charters.
Daylight charges no monthly fees. technology, helping the bank become The first to do so was Varo Money,
But while the conventional wisdom more digitally focused without need- which launched in 2017. It received
is that almost all fintech users are ing to buy a technology company or regulatory approval in July 2020 to
members of Generation Z or millen- build its own app or online interface. relaunch as Varo Bank, after which it

Banking 2.0

Who Uses Fintech Accounts

McKinsey & Co. asked survey respondents to select the apps they use from a list of well-known fintech companies, including Venmo, Varo,
Credit Karma, SoFi, Betterment and others. It also asked respondents if they had signed up for an account before or during the pandemic.

Existing users
Percentage of respondents with financial technology
New users
accounts during the pandemic
Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby Boomers
ages 18-23 ages 24-39 ages 40-55 ages 56-74

52 48 37 24
44 56 74 2

14 8 7



invited former Varo Money customers
to open accounts at Varo Bank and
move their funds.
SoFi, which pioneered student loan
refinancing and now offers an interest-
bearing checking account and other
products, is hoping to do the same.
The company received preliminary
approval from regulators in October
but is now working on buying a com-
munity bank to secure a charter.
Fintechs can also decide to go it
alone. The drawback is that if a fintech Fintech Snafu
doesn’t partner with a bank, the ac-
count isn’t covered by FDIC insurance. Chime Strikes a Sour Note
Currently, some fintechs specializing
As Americans received stimulus money, unemployment checks and tax refunds, Chime
in cryptocurrency operate this way,
ran an aggressive marketing campaign inviting new customers to sign up for accounts.
says Ken Tumin, founder of Deposit
But as the money rolled in, Chime began closing some accounts. When the customers, a deposit account com-
with frozen funds e-mailed Chime to ask why, they received responses noting that the
parison website. BlockFi, for example,
deposits had been flagged as “unusual activity,” according to a report from ProPublica,
offers an interest-bearing cryptocur-
a nonprofit investigative publication.
rency account in which you can earn
Chime requested that these customers send in identification and proof that the stimu-
up to 7.5%, depending on the type of
lus checks and unemployment checks were legitimate. Yet some customers had to wait
cryptocurrency deposited.
months to gain access to their money, ProPublica reports. (At press time, Chime had not
yet responded to our request for comment.) Chime noted (as reported by ProPublica)
that the company, along with its partner banks Bancorp and Stride, was aware of in-
The biggest benefit fintechs offer is
creased scam activity spurred by the various stimulus packages and that the accounts
their variety of free or mostly free
were suspended as part of its fraud-prevention methods.
features—typically with no overdraft
“A lot of people out there are trying to get a U.S. bank account for the wrong reasons,
fees. (Big financial institutions charge,
so there are valid reasons for vetting accounts and vetting payments,” says Adam Rust,
on average, a little over $33 when you
senior policy adviser at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a national
overdraw your account. In 2020,
membership group that champions fairness in lending, housing and wealth-building. “But
banks made an estimated $31.3 billion
it sounds as if Chime was advertising for this stimulus use, so it certainly raises questions
in overdraft revenue.) To attract cus-
about its preparation.”
tomers, fintechs including Chime,
The situation highlights the need to ask a neobank how it will resolve any issues that
Varo Bank, Current, Dave and a slew
arise. Will problems be handled only via chatbot or e-mail? And do you know exactly where
of others market their no-overdraft-
your money resides? For example, is your name on an account at a partner bank? With a
fee policy, and some allow you to
traditional bank, you can typically reach a customer service rep via phone or visit a branch,
access your paycheck in advance.
cutting out any middlemen. Whether you set up an account with a neobank or stick with
On the other hand, customer service
a traditional institution, report any problems you have to the institution as well as the
is a low priority. If you have a question
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (go to
or complaint, you typically have to
communicate via e-mail or live chat
on a website. You may never be able to
talk with a human on the phone. (For ups, the costs will eventually rise. and you can only eat that cost for
a look at how Chime’s policies turned “Right now, these fintechs are so long,” he says.
into a customer service black eye, see choosing to eat the cost on these fea- Users of the savings deposit app
the box at right.) tures to gain customers,” says Eric Digit are already experiencing this
Another concern: Free can’t last Solis, CEO of MovoCash, a financial fee creep. Digit initiated a monthly
forever. The potential for fintechs technology company that offers on- fee of $2.99 in 2017. That was pushed
to add overdraft fees down the road demand mobile banking and other up to $5, and starting this fall the
is giving consumer advocates pause. services in one app. “But fee creep is fee will be $9.99 a month. That’s
Plus, as these companies begin to coming. The costs are the bottom of when Digit will debut new features,
offer more-sophisticated product line- the iceberg that consumers don’t see, including a checking account called



Digit Direct, which employs artificial enrolled in a qualifying wireless plan, three- to five-day window, some
intelligence to help customers budget, register for perks with your T-Mobile customers waited weeks or months.
save and invest. Customers will also ID and make 10 qualifying purchases Customer service requests made
have access to 55,000 fee-free ATMs. with your T-Mobile Money debit card through the mobile app went unan-
Current Digit users who upgrade to each month. swered. And because Beam partnered
Direct will continue to pay the $5 A few fintechs have entered into with a sweep network, customers did
monthly fee for six months before the partnerships with sweep account not know which bank had their money.
$9.99 fee kicks in. Those who don’t services as an entrée into the U.S. In response to these complaints and
want to use the new banking feature banking system. With this setup, the others, the Federal Trade Commission
can choose not to upgrade and con- fintech works with a network of banks sued Beam. In March 2021, the com-
tinue using the $5-a-month version instead of one, “sweeping” deposits pany settled with the Federal Trade
of the app. (New customers interested into multiple FDIC-insured banks. Commission to refund customers all
in Direct have to join its waiting list.) This arrangement, however, is more funds, including interest, and Beam
Along with fee creep, some fintechs convoluted, and it poses more risks can no longer accept deposits.
could chip away at their high yields, or for consumers because they’re not If you’re simply looking for a better
you may have to jump through hoops made aware of which bank has their yield on your savings, take a look at
to get them. T-Mobile customers who deposits and could have trouble ac- internet banks. Go to www.deposit
sign up for T-Mobile Money, a check- cessing their money, says Tumin. and select “Personal
ing account provided by BankMobile, That’s what happened to Beam Savings Accounts” under the Savings
can earn up to 4% on balances up to Financial customers last year. Instead Accounts navigation tab. Q
$3,000 (1% on higher balances). But of receiving transfers out of their
to get the initial 4%, you have to be Beam accounts within the promised RIVAN_STINSON@KIPLINGER.COM.

Smart Picks

Find the Best Fintech Account for You

If you’re comfortable with all-digital banking, fin- there’s no minimum balance to maintain. If you set
techs can be an attractive alternative to a tradi- up a direct deposit into the spending account, you
tional bank. “Savers might be attracted to some can access your paycheck up to two days early. Plus,
of the high-yield accounts offered by fintechs,” says there are no overdraft fees, and users can access
Adam Rust, senior policy adviser at the National more than 55,000 ATMs. Bonus: Credit Karma may
Community Reinvestment Coalition, a national reimburse you for a purchase thanks to its Instant
membership group that champions fairness in lend- Karma program. The savings account earns 0.17%.
ing, housing and wealth-building. “Yields were If you’re more concerned about collecting rewards,
sometimes above 2% as recently as a year ago and the free basic checking account from CURRENT is
are still above what is available at the typical worth a look. The account has no overdraft fees,
bank,” he adds. no monthly maintenance fee and no minimum-
VARO BANK offers a savings account that earns balance requirement. It also offers mobile check
up 3%. To get the full rate, you must receive a deposit and access to 55,000 free ATMs. To earn re-
monthly total of $1,000 in direct deposits into wards points, you activate offers from participating
either the savings account or the Varo Bank check- retailers within the app. Current users who want
ing account. Neither your checking nor your savings early paycheck access can upgrade to a premium
account balance can dip below $0 for the month, account for $4.99 a month.
and your savings account can’t exceed a daily bal- Fintech is also addressing the specific needs of
ance of $5,000 for any day of the month. To apply, download the gig workers. LILI, for example, offers a checking account with tax-
Varo Bank app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. planning tools (in addition to charging no overdraft fees and requir-
On top of providing VantageScores, credit monitoring and tax- ing no minimum balance). Gig workers can track and sort expenses
prep services, CREDIT KARMA is also getting into the fintech game. into “life” and “work” categories to generate an expense report
The company now offers a spending and savings account under when it’s time to pony up taxes to Uncle Sam. The app also lets you
Credit Karma Money. The spending account is free to open, and automatically save a portion of each gig payment in a tax bucket.


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CREDIT CARD COMPANIES HAVE which is a requirement to T. Rowe Price Tax-Ex (PTEXX)* 0.01 0.01/0.02 2,500
been changing annual fees qualify for tier-one status.
and beefing up rewards— Chase now allows holders Savings and Money Market yield as of Minimum Website
or plan to roll out new of most of its co-branded Deposit Accounts July 9 amount (www.)
cards later this year and travel cards to sign up for Affinity Plus FCU (Minn.)&# 1.00%^ none
next. Some of the changes a free one-year DashPass Workers CU (Mass.)& 0.80 § $5
affect some winners in membership that also Zynlo Bank (Mass.)†# 0.80 10
our annual rewards card comes with some reduced ConnectOne Bank (N.J.)† 0.65 2,500
rankings. (Go to kiplinger service fees. The cards Annual
.com/kpf/cards21 for the on our best list eligible Certificates of Deposit yield as of Minimum Website
1-Year July 9 amount (www.)
complete list.) for the deal include the
Lafayette FCU (Md.)& 0.80% $500
Good news for anyone SOUTHWEST RAPID REWARDS
NexBank (Texas)† 0.75 10,000
Comenity Direct (Del.)†‡ 0.70 1,500
Puerto Rico FCU (P.R.)& ‡ 0.70 1,000
silver in our Flat-Rate and WORLD OF HYATT VISA .
Cash Back (Worth the Fee) The CAPITAL ONE SAVORONE Annual
Certificates of Deposit yield as of Minimum Website
category: There’s no longer MASTERCARD, which took sil- 5-Year July 9 amount (www.)
a $99 annual fee. There’s ver in our Dining Rewards Depart of Commerce FCU (D.C.)& 1.36% $25,000
also a new tiered rewards category, increased cash Lafayette FCU (Md.)& 1.26 500
program with no cap on back on grocery purchases Affinity Plus FCU (Minn.)& 1.25 500
from 2% to 3% and now pays First Peoples Comm FCU (Md.)& 1.20 500
3% on eligible streaming *Fund is waiving all or a portion of its expenses. & Must be a member; to become a member, see
RATE UPDATES services, such as Netflix, website. #Money market deposit account. ^Must receive electronic statements and have a $500
monthly direct deposit into an Affinity Plus deposit account. §Must deposit $50 monthly. †Inter-
For the latest savings yields Hulu and Disney+. Sub- net only. ‡Merrick Bank offers a similar yield. SOURCES: Bankrate, DepositAccounts, Money Fund
and loan rates, visit kiplinger scriptions and purchases Report (iMoneyNet).
.com/links/rates. For our from Amazon Prime, AT&T
top rewards cards, go to TV and Verizon FIOS On TOP CHECKING ACCOUNTS Demand are excluded. Must meet activity requirements* Annual
yield as of Balance Website
The AMERICAN EXPRESS High-Yield Checking July 9 range† (www.)
rewards. Before, rewards PLATINUM card (silver in La Capitol FCU (La.)& 4.25% $0–$3,000
were capped at $250. Now Premium Travel Rewards) Consumers Credit Union (Ill.)& 4.09‡ 0–10,000
you can earn either 2.5% is raising its annual fee to Liberty Financial (Ind.)& 3.30 0–20,000
cash back on all spending $695 on January 1. But card- Market USA FCU (Md.)& 3.01 0–15,000
up to $10,000 (with pur- holders will now get an
*To earn the maximum rate, you must meet requirements such as using your debit card several times
chases after that earning annual statement credit of monthly and receiving electronic statements. †Portion of the balance higher than the listed range
1.5%) or 1.5% overall if you $179 for a membership to earns a lower rate or no interest. &Must be a member; to become a member, see website. ‡Requires
spending $1,000 or more monthly in CCU Visa credit card purchases. SOURCE: DepositAccounts.
don’t qualify for tier-one CLEAR, the airport secu-
rewards status. (See www rity clearance network. Month- Year- As of July 9. Cardholders can also earn YIELD BENCHMARKS Yield ago ago ● EE savings bonds purchased
after May 1, 2005, have a
for details.) Current card- up to $240 a year on sub- U.S. Series EE savings bonds 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% fixed rate of interest.
holders have automatically scriptions to the New York U.S. Series I savings bonds 3.54 3.54 1.06 ● Bonds purchased before
May 1, 1995, earn a minimum
been enrolled in tier-one Times, Peacock, Audible Six-month Treasury bills 0.05 0.04 0.19 of 4% or a market-based
0.79 0.75 0.40 rate from date of purchase.
rewards to give them time and SiriusXM, along with Five-year Treasury notes
● Bonds bought between
to set up an Alliant high- other perks. RIVAN STINSON Ten-year Treasury notes 1.37 1.50 0.84
May 1, 1995, and May 1, 2005,
rate checking account, earn a market-based rate
from date of purchase.


MONEY Commentary


How to Boost Your Financial Savvy

Annamaria Lusardi is a professor of cent, which is not intimidating, so I
economics and accountancy at George use that to my advantage. And I tell
Washington University and academic them this is not just a course in invest-
director of the university’s Global Fi- ing. It is a “happiness project.” You will
nancial Literacy Excellence Center. She learn the tools you need to achieve
has done extensive research on the topic your dreams.
of women and financial literacy. Her
most recent paper is “Fearless Woman: How can we adapt this outside the class-
Financial Literacy and Stock Market room? Talk about what women care
Participation.” about. They care about others, so tell
them how financial knowledge can
Based on your research, what is the current help them take better care of their
state of financial literacy among women? families and themselves. It’s impor-
In 2017, we created the TIAA Institute- tant to put financial literacy in
GFLEC Personal Finance Index to schools, so you can reach everyone,
examine financial literacy among U.S. including those who are least exposed
adults across eight areas of personal at home. Girls and women often don’t
finance. Women know less in almost speak with each other about finance.
each of them compared to men—and The workplace is also important be-
when there isn’t a difference, men also cause you have to reach women where
know very little. The areas with the big- WOMEN NEED TO KNOW they are. There should be a personal
gest gap are investing; insuring, which HOW FINANCIAL KNOWLEDGE finance column in publications they
includes both insurance products and read—for example, those related to
things like emergency savings; and
CAN HELP THEM TAKE CARE their kids. You need a “Sex and the
understanding risk—for example, the OF THEIR FAMILIES AND City” with a financial literacy twist.
risk of investing in a single asset. THEMSELVES.
How has the pandemic affected women
To what do you attribute the gap? It’s financially? They were a vulnerable
both lack of knowledge and lack of nance. It’s a very sensitive topic. Some group even before, and this has made
confidence. In every country we sur- are afraid they won’t understand it, them more so. When we look at women
vey, we see the same pattern: Women and for others it’s taboo. Plus, people as a group, we find large differences
are disproportionately more likely to often associate money with trouble. across race and ethnicity. For example,
answer “do not know” when we ask a We need to change that language. My when you look at how people face fi-
question. Then we ask the same ques- first personal finance class was mostly nancial shocks, white women might
tion several months later, take away men with a small group of women. be more likely to use financial instru-
the “do not know” option and ask how Then I changed what I do, and my ments and Black and Hispanic women
confident they are in their answer. class has filled up with women. would depend more on transactions
Women are less confident than men, within the family. But even controlling
even when they are correct. Being cau- How did you change your teaching meth- for income and education, those with
tious is very, very good, but there is ods? I tell them we will start with higher financial literacy fared better.
a difference between being cautious plain English, and I use myself as an So we have an opportunity not just
and being fearful, which can affect example. As an Italian woman, I have to respond to a crisis but to create a
investing in the stock market. the lowest probability of being finan- stronger, more resilient group. Finan-
cially literate among the people we cial education is a response to a world

What can we do to address the confidence survey in the G7 countries. But I have that is always changing. Q
gap? One important barrier is language. reversed the statistics. I also use a lot
Women don’t speak the language of fi- of humor. I have a funny Italian ac- CONTACT THE AUTHOR AT JANET_BODNAR@KIPLINGER.COM.


MANAGING DEBT of Education is considering
extending the waiver, and

Make a Plan to Start the most likely scenario is

that it would last through
the end of 2021, says Mark

Repaying Student Loans

Kantrowitz, a financial aid
expert and author of How to
Appeal for More College Fi-
nancial Aid. And even if the
The pandemic-era pause on student loan repayments is scheduled to waiver isn’t extended, rates
end September 30. If you can’t afford payments, you have options. on private student loans are
BY EMMA PATCH likely to remain low through
the end of 2022, he says,
which means borrowers in-
terested in refinancing have
IN AN EFFORT TO PROVIDE August about the date their lower rate, you may want plenty of time to consider
economic relief during the payments will resume. to wait. If President Biden their options.
pandemic, the federal gov- fulfills his pledge to forgive If you still think it’s a
ernment suspended pay- Time to refinance? In addi- up to $10,000 in student good idea to refinance to
ments on federal student tion to a notice from your loan debt, it will likely be a private loan, read the fine
loans last year, with no loan servicer, you may re- limited to federal loans. print on any offer you are
interest accrual on loan ceive fliers or e-mails from And once you refinance considering. Some plans
balances. The moratorium private lenders offering to a private loan, you can’t offer low interest rates in
was extended a couple to refinance your student refinance back to a federal the first year and hike them
of times, but now that the loans at interest rates as loan. later. But it’s important that
pandemic has subsided and low as 2.5%. Another reason to wait: you do not refinance unless
the economy is recovering, The best private-loan The suspension on federal you’re confident you can
the pause is set to expire deals are limited to borrow- student loan payments may afford payments under the
on September 30. Loan ers with excellent credit or be extended. Secretary of plan you’re considering.
servicers planned to start a co-signer. But even if you Education Miguel Cardona Options for private loans
notifying borrowers in qualify to refinance at a has said the Department for borrowers who are un-
employed or experiencing
other economic difficulties
generally aren’t as flexible
as federal loans.
However, if you already
have private student loans,
there’s no reason not to look
into refinancing to a loan
with a lower rate. Be sure
to compare the monthly
payment with the total cost
when you are considering
consolidating or refinancing
student loans, Kantrowitz
says. Simply extending your
payment period will lower
your monthly payments,
but you could pay thousands
of dollars more in interest

by the time you pay off the

To avoid interest-rate
hikes down the road, look



for a low fixed rate rather economic hardship and un- Both of these options, as to the loan balance at the
than a variable rate. And employment deferment. You well as general forbearance, end of the deferment or
if you can afford it, you must be out of work to qual- are available for up to three forbearance period.
may also want to consider ify for the unemployment years, and you can use a
a shorter repayment term. deferment, but you may combination of deferments Prepare to pay. Once you
Although your monthly qualify for economic hard- and forbearance for up to decide your path forward,
payments may go up, you’ll ship if you’re receiving fed- nine years. Interest may calculate your payment.
save on interest and get out eral or state public assis- continue to accrue while For federal loans, you can
of debt sooner. Most lenders tance, you’re a Peace Corps payments are suspended, use the loan simulator tool
offer loan repayment terms volunteer, you’re working depending on the type of at
of 10, 15 and 20 years. full-time but earn less than loan you have. A subsidized loan-simulator. If you
or equal to the federal mini- or Perkins loan, for exam- haven’t already checked,
Options for federal loans. mum wage, or you have in- ple, will not accrue interest be sure that your loan ser-
If your budget can’t handle come that’s less than or during a forbearance or vicer has your current
payments on your federal equal to 150% of the poverty deferment. For other loans, contact information. If
student loans, you may be line for your family size and the interest that accrues you signed up for automatic
eligible to lower them by state (about $26,000 for a while payments are sus- payments, you may be re-
enrolling in an income- two-person household). pended will likely be added quired to confirm that your
driven repayment (IDR) bank account information
plan. There are several IDR has not changed.
plans available through the Loan Relief Another step to consider
Department of Education,
but all base your monthly Can You Lower Your Payments? before the end of the federal
payment suspension is
payments on your earnings. whether to request refunds
Income-Based Repayment
If you’re already enrolled for payments made after
(IBR) is one of several federal
in an income-driven plan March 13, 2020. Any pay-
income-driven repayment
and your income has de- ment you made during the
programs for borrowers who
clined considerably, you suspension of payments can
are having trouble making
can also ask your loan ser- be refunded, which is useful
payments on their federal
vicer to recertify your in- if you need the money or
student loans. IBR payments
come and recalculate the think you will in the future.
are based on your income and
payment, which could dip Contact your loan servicer
family size. Depending on your income and loan balance, IBR
as low as $0. You can apply before September 30. The
payments may be considerably lower than standard 10-year pay-
for an IDR plan at https:// call centers may be busy,
ments. After 25 years, you may also be eligible for forgiveness so you may get better re-
on the balance—but if you aren’t eligible, you’ll end up paying
Instructions.action and sults by using your lender’s
more in interest because you’re extending the repayment period.
select the plan that you online contact forms.
The table below shows standard and IBR loan payments for
qualify for that will provide Finally, be on guard
a single borrower with adjusted gross income of $33,000 and
you with the lowest monthly against fraud. The Depart-
federal student loans issued before July 2014. There are several
payment. You may end up ment of Education says
other income-driven plans for borrowers with federal loans. For
paying more in interest in student loan borrowers
more information, go to
the long run because you’re have received phone calls,
extending the repayment e-mails, letters and texts
period, but after 20 years First month’s payment warning them that the sus-
of payments, you may be pension program will end
Loan amount Original IBR
eligible to have the balance soon and offering debt re-
forgiven (see the box at $35,000 $383 $186 lief. Usually, companies
right for an example of offering these types of ser-
one IDR plan). $65,000 $711 $186 vices don’t offer any relief,
If you can’t afford to and some are crooks looking
make payments at all, you $108,000 $1,182 $186 to take advantage of vulner-

may qualify for deferment able borrowers. Q

or a forbearance. There are SOURCE: Student Loan Hero. Assumes an average weighted interest rate of 5.7%.
two types of deferments: PATCH@KIPLINGER.COM.


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Plan Now for
Long-Term Care
You could buy insurance to finance future costs, but policies are
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IN early June, a 102-year-old South

Carolina woman made headlines
with her secret to a long life: minding her
own business. While most of us probably
won’t live that long (or resist the tempta-
tion to be nosy), modern medicine has in-
creased the likelihood that we’ll live well
into our nineties. But living longer also raises
a daunting question: Will you need long-
term care, and if so, how will you pay for it?
More than two-thirds of 65-year-olds will
need some type of long-term care in their
lifetime, according to the Administration
for Community Living, a division of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services.
The cost of long-term care can deplete
even a well-funded retirement savings
plan: According to the 2020 Genworth Cost
of Care Survey, the median cost of a private
room in a skilled nursing home exceeds
$8,800 a month. And the cost varies de-
pending on where you live. A typical private
room in New York costs about $12,930 (ac-
cording to the Genworth survey), compared
with about $7,600 in Tennessee. (To get
an idea of how much you would need in
each state, check the Genworth Cost of
Care Survey at



Many Ameri- a short period of

cans mistakenly time (see the box
believe that Med- on the next page).
icare will cover Determining
their long-term whether insur-
care. Medicare ance is right for
Part A may cover you depends on
care that is deemed whether you have
medically neces- enough money to
sary at a certified self-insure and
skilled nursing what’s best for
facility for up to your family (see
90 days, but if you page 56 for ques-
need custodial tions to ask to help
care for a condi- make the deci-
tion such as de- sion). If you can’t
mentia, Medicare afford to pay for
won’t cover the long-term care,
costs. family caregivers
Long-term- could be forced to
care insurance cut back on work
provides benefits hours or quit their
in the event you job to take care of
need help with you, jeopardizing
at least two “ac- their own retire-
tivities of daily ment security. In
living”—bathing, a recent survey
getting dressed by Fidelity Invest-
or eating, for ments, 28% of
example—for respondents left
more than 90 their job due to
days. (Some poli- caregiving respon-
cies will kick in sibilities. Of those
at 60 days or less, who eventually
but you’ll pay went back to work,
higher premiums.) more than one-
Most policies will third said their
pay for care in earnings declined.
your home or at
a long-term-care CAN YOU
facility, and some SELF-INSURE?
will pay for your If you have suf-
transportation to a doctor’s income investments, cover point decline in interest ficient assets, you may
appointment. the cost of long-term-care rates, an insurer needs to choose to self-insure, which
A long-term-care policy insurance. But many poli- raise premiums 10% to 15%, means any long-term-care
could give you peace of cies were designed 30 years he says. If rates rise signifi- needs you have will be paid
mind, but the cost is steep. ago, when interest rates on cantly, premiums could de- out of your own coffers. “If
Premiums are expensive U.S. Treasuries were much crease, but that’s unlikely someone has over $1 million
and are continuing to in- higher than they are today, anytime soon. in liquid assets, then they
crease, due in large part to says Jesse Slome, executive Costs aside, you have to could probably self-insure,
the rising cost of care and director of the American deal with the uncertainty of provided they were willing
historically low interest Association for Long-Term your long-term needs. You to spend it all for their
rates. These premiums, as Care Insurance (AALTCI). or your spouse may not re- own care,” Slome says. If
well as returns from fixed- For a single percentage quire care at all or only for you’re married, he ups the


number to $2.5 million. harness the tax-saving from your HSA to pay pre- may never use, there are
When you self-insure, power of a health savings miums, up to the maximum ways to trim the cost.
you’re basically betting that account (HSA) to pay for for each of you based on Married couples can re-
you won’t require a pro- some of your long-term-care your ages by the end of the duce what they pay in the
longed stay in a nursing costs. Contributions are year. These limits increase long run by buying a shared
home—and it’s not a bad pretax (or deductible if you slightly each year to adjust benefit plan, which allows
bet. According to the Ad- set up an HSA on your own), for inflation. spouses to pool their bene-
ministration for Commu- earnings are tax-free, and fits. If one spouse exhausts
nity Living, most people distributions aren’t taxed THE CASE FOR INSURANCE his or her benefits, then he
who go into a nursing home if you use them to pay for Once you have run the num- or she can tap the other
stay for less than 12 months. qualified medical expenses. bers, you may conclude that spouse’s share. To get the
Instead, you are more likely Plus, you can keep your you can handle the cost of best value, both spouses
to rely on in-home care. It account after you stop long-term care. However, need to apply for the same
costs about $4,600 a month working and take tax-free if you’re married, you may amount of benefits—for
for one or more caregivers withdrawals for medical still want to consider buying example, three years at
to provide 44 hours a week expenses in retirement, a long-term-care insurance $200 a day—and then add
of in-home care, according including any long-term- policy, Adam says. The risks a shared benefits rider. Plus,
to the Genworth Study. care costs. To qualify for are higher that at least one depending on the carrier,
Mari Adam, a certified an HSA, your 2021 health spouse will require long- both spouses can get a dis-
financial planner with Mer- plan must have at least a term care, and those costs count of between 15% and
cer Advisors, in Boca Raton, $1,400 deductible for self- could exhaust your com- 30% on their premiums if
Fla., suggests sitting down only coverage or $2,800 for bined savings, leaving both buy a policy with the
with a financial planner to family coverage. You can the other spouse with no same company, according to
figure out how much you’ll contribute up to $3,600 if resources. Bill Dyess, a long-term-care
have in savings to cover you have self-only coverage A 55-year-old couple can expert and insurance broker
long-term care. You’ll typi- or up to $7,200 if you have expect to pay $2,100 a year in Boca Raton. However,
cally include funds in your family coverage. If you’re for a typical policy with an even if just one spouse buys
traditional and Roth IRAs, 55 or older at the end of the initial benefit pool (the pot a policy, the insurance com-
401(k) plans, taxable ac- year, you can contribute an of money the insurance pany is likely to provide a
counts, Social Security, and extra $1,000 in catch-up company will pay out) for 10% to 15% premium dis-
any pension income. contributions. Once you each spouse of $165,000 to count because married
Your home is also part enroll in Medicare, you’re cover adult day care, home people are less likely to go
of the equation when calcu- no longer allowed to con- aide services, assisted living into a nursing home than
lating whether you can self- tribute to an HSA, but the and nursing home costs. If single people.
insure. If you’ve built a money continues to grow that seems like a high price You can also save money
substantial amount of home until you’re ready to use it. to pay for something you by skipping the inflation
equity, you can downsize to You can also use money
a smaller place. If you even- from your HSA tax-free to
tually need to move to as- pay long-term-care insur- WHO WILL NEED LONG-TERM CARE
sisted living or a nursing ance premiums, with the The probability that a 65-year-old will need long-term care—and
home, you may be able to maximum annual tax-free if you need it, for how long.
use proceeds from the sale amount based on your age.
of your home to cover the If you’re age 40 or younger, Length of
LTC time care Life
costs. If you don’t want to you can withdraw up to 65-year-old probability required expectancy
sell your house, a home- $450 tax-free from an HSA
No conditions 56.0% 992 days 89

equity line of credit or a in 2021 to pay the premi-

reverse mortgage is also ums; if you’re 41 to 50, you Cardiovascular disease 61.2% 946 days 88

an option. (For more on can take out $850; if you’re High cholesterol 48.4% 1,000 days 87
how to tap your home 51 to 60, $1,690; if you’re 61 No conditions 44.3% 660 days 87
equity, go to to 70, $4,520; and if you’re

Cardiovascular disease 45.1% 630 days 85

kpf/tapequity.) 71 or older, $5,640. If you
If you’re enrolled in a and your spouse both have High cholesterol 37.1% 663 days 85
high-deductible health in- long-term-care policies, you SOURCE: HealthView Services
surance plan, you can also can each use money tax-free


Weighing the Costs


Long-term-care insurance will pay for care in an assisted living facility, in a nursing home or in your own home, but premiums are expensive.
If you never need long-term care, or only need it for a few months, you may never recoup your investment. A yes or no answer to each ques-
tion below isn’t meant to be a definitive indication that you should buy a policy or self-insure, but it should help you make the decision:



















rider. While these riders If you decide to buy a back the $50,000 you ini- cialist can help you look for
will help you keep up with policy at a relatively young tially used. This type of ways to lower the cost.
the rising costs of long-term age—in your fifties, for ex- benefit is typically only
care, they can double your ample—you may want to good for a one-time use. CONSIDER A HYBRID POLICY
premiums, Dyess says. For add a restoration of benefits A policy with this rider, Another alternative to a
example, if a 55-year-old rider. If you make a claim which not every insurer traditional long-term-care
man bought a traditional and later recover from the offers, costs about 4% to 6% policy is a hybrid life insur-
policy with a benefit pool illness that caused you to more than one without it. ance policy that includes
of $165,000 and he wanted require long-term care, the If the numbers start to long-term-care benefits. If
to add a 2% inflation rider, rider enables the benefit feel overwhelming, keep you tap the policy to pay for
he would pay $1,750 in an- amount you used to be re- in mind that you probably long-term care, your death
nual premiums, compared stored to your policy benefit don’t need a policy that will benefit will be reduced, al-
with $950 for a policy with- pool. For example, suppose cover 100% of your long- though some hybrid policies
out a rider, according to at age 60 you make a claim term-care costs, Adam says. will pay a small residual
data from the AALTCI. A for $50,000 to pay for your Instead, you should con- benefit even if the entire
55-year-old woman would care. If you recover and can sider whether a policy can death benefit is exhausted
pay $2,815 instead of $1,500. show your insurance com- help you pay for some of by long-term-care costs.
Buying a policy when you pany you’ve been healthy your long-term care without Say you have a hybrid
are in your forties or early for a set amount of time depleting all of your retire- policy with a $120,000
fifties will also decrease the (usually determined by the ment assets. And if a policy death benefit that provides
cost of premiums (although insurance company when that offers the benefits you $180,000 of potential long-
you’ll be paying for them the policy is written), the want is unaffordable, a long- term-care benefits. If you
over a longer period of restoration rider will add term-care insurance spe- spend $80,000 on long-term
time). Insurance companies care, your heirs will still re-
assume you’re at a higher ceive $40,000 after you die.
risk for health problems as If you spend the entire
you age. Is Government Help on the Way? $180,000 on care and your
Slome says the sweet policy pays a small residual
spot for buying a policy is In a recent poll conducted by the Associated Press, 60% of death benefit, your benefi-
between the ages of 55 and respondents favored a federal, Medicare-like long-term-care ciaries may receive $10,000.
65, before you sign up for insurance program. Some 70% said Medicare should cover long- Such a policy may appeal
Medicare. “The first time term care. While a federal long-term-care program is unlikely to you if you’re determined
that people actually take anytime soon, President Joe Biden has proposed spending to leave something to your
advantage of all those won- $400 billion on home and community-based services for long- heirs, but you’ll pay more
derful free health screens term care (although the outlook for the proposal is unclear). for this kind of insurance. A
is usually after they sign up In the meantime, some states may look into starting their 55-year-old man can expect
for Medicare,” he says. “And own programs. In 2019, the Washington State legislature to pay roughly $4,600 a year
when they do, the doctors passed a bill to create a state long-term-care program funded (compared with $950 for a
tend to find something.” If by a new payroll tax. Starting on January 1, 2022, the state will traditional long-term-care
you have a health condition, add an additional 58 cents to payroll taxes for every $100 of insurance policy) for a life
you’ll pay higher premiums, eligible wages reported on Form W-2. Employees can opt out insurance policy that pro-
or the insurer may decline by November 1, 2021, if they purchase a qualifying long-term- vides $180,000 in long-
to cover you at all. care insurance policy. term-care benefits with a
A traditional policy with If you’re thinking that Medicaid will be your golden ticket $120,000 death benefit.
$165,000 in initial benefits for long-term care, think again. To qualify for Medicaid, you To find a long-term-care
(and no inflation rider) that must spend down nearly all of your assets first. Medicaid also specialist, go to www.aaltci
would cost a 55-year-old has a “look back” period that involves examining your finan- .org and click on “LTC Re-
man $950 a year jumps to cial transactions from the past five years to determine sources.” Type in your zip
almost $1,200 a year, on whether you gave away money to qualify for Medicaid, which code to find a professional
average, if he waits until his could render you ineligible. And even if you qualify for Medic- in your area; make sure he or
60th birthday to buy cover- aid, you’ll have to go to a facility that accepts Medicaid, and she has a “certified in long-
age. A 55-year-old woman’s as the population ages, those will be increasingly hard to find. term care” designation. Q
premiums would jump from
$1,500 to about $2,000. STINSON@KIPLINGER.COM.




Retirement Can Keep You Busy

or retirees, volunteering is a working, built a harp, taught himself Bonnie Scott. Likewise, says Joanne
major source of satisfaction (see how to read music and has performed Dietrich, “I am an active 60-year-old
“Living in Retirement,” June). But at Dodger Stadium and other venues. who loves to hike, and I just became
you’re also involved in other activities Hoping to pursue acting and film- a volunteer trail management person.
that are just as rewarding. In fact, making when he retires, Steve Radley I love my life!”
many of you have found your sense of is already taking acting classes and has Ann Howard left New Jersey for an
purpose in going back to work—some- worked as an extra in feature films and active 55-plus community in Arizona,
times as an extension of a long career commercials. After 40 years in legal and “it has been such a great move,”
and sometimes in a brand-new role. education, Bob Jerry is developing his she says. “We are always involved
For some of you, entrepreneurship longtime interest in music, using pro- with something or other, and many
was the lure. After 30 years in the cor- duction software to write, record and people are there to come along.”
porate world, Matthew Werner moved produce music in his modest home On the other hand, Gloria and Arnold
from Maryland to North Carolina and studio. “I’m not scheduling a Grammy Burchianti moved back to a family
started a commercial photography nomination party anytime soon, but farm in Pennsylvania to be near their
business. Gary Wallin left a middle- I am having fun,” he says. aging parents and to “devote our time
management job and partnered with to outside projects.” More than 20
his son and daughter to invest in On the move. Many of you have struck years later, they have a reconstructed
apartment buildings. out in new directions—literally. “I 200-year-old Amish barn and exten-
Others found their calling in the keep busy staying in shape with bik- sive grounds that include an orchard,
classroom. When Wayne Kerr retired ing, hiking and backpacking,” writes a bass pond and a National Wildlife
from his dentistry Federation Certified Wildlife Habitat.
practice, he became an Larason Lambert, a self-described
adjunct associate pro- “nature freak,” purchased three
fessor at the University wooded acres near Asheville, N.C., and
of Alabama’s School FILLED WITH acquired thousands of plants, focusing
of Dentistry, and he JOBS, CREATIVE on ferns. His “mission in life” is to pre-
continues to counsel VENTURES AND serve “Fernhaven” as a private garden.
dental professionals Amid all of this activity, there are
on how to enhance INTELLECTUAL still plenty of retirees whose greatest
their practices (www ENJOYMENT. pleasure is to sit back and smell the John roses—or pick up a good book. “When
Kovacs and Layne I first retired, I had grand notions of
Hansen signed on as an encore career or significant vol-
substitute teachers. “I was able to unteering,” writes Ann Symonds.
teach personal finance and an intro- But for her, she writes, those
duction to the stock market,” says paths led to limited pleasure
Hansen. “It was very exciting to see and as much stress as work-
the next generation of investors.” ing: “I have found tremen-
Some of you have found meaning dous pleasure in pursuing
in creative ventures. Esther Howell, my interests—reading,
a retired federal employee, devotes knitting, playing the

her time to her passion for interior piano—for no purpose

decoration—in particular, creating other than intellectual
wreaths and table décor as fund- enjoyment.” ■
raisers for local charities. Thomas
Baker, a retired math and science OF KIPLINGER’S PERSONAL FINANCE.
teacher with a talent for wood- KIPLINGER.COM.


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Make a Shopping
List for Stocks
Identifying candidates to buy before a market sell-off can
help you execute a buy-the-dip plan.

DID YOU EVER GO TO THE 15 months, on average, ac- Seek out the best of breed.
grocery store without a list cording to CFRA Research. High-quality stocks don’t
and end up spending more Corrections, or declines of often sell at bargain prices.
than you wanted, buying 10% to 19.99%, strike about In good times, the stocks
junk food you’d vowed to every three years, and bear- that appreciate the most
avoid or succumbing to an market downdrafts of 20% and command higher price-
impulse purchase just be- or more (such as the 34% earnings ratios tend to be
cause something was on slide in 2020) occur roughly leaders in their respective
sale? Well, failing to com- every six years. industries and have busi-
pile a shopping list of stocks Savvy investors take ad- ness models with staying
to buy when the next big vantage of those unpleasant power. They possess such
market drop occurs—and market downturns to fill bullish traits as a competi-
shares go on sale—can also their shopping carts with tive advantage over rivals, contactless payment sys-
be costly. It’s harder to exe- stocks they covet at more- strong management teams, tems, including established
cute a buy-the-dip plan attractive prices. Such bar- products and services heavyweights such as Mas-
when markets plunge and gain-hunting frequently whose sales will benefit tercard and Visa, as well as
fear spikes if you haven’t pays off because the broad from long-term trends, and upstart PayPal Holdings.
prepared in advance. “The market goes up more than a track record of generating After sell-offs, buying in-
windows of opportunity it goes down. The S&P 500 lots of free cash flow (cash dustry leaders such as these,
don’t last very long,” says has been in bull-market profits left after investing or dominant companies
Justin White, manager of T. mode 82% of the time since to maintain the business). such as e-commerce giant
Rowe Price All-Cap Oppor- the end of 1945, CFRA data A great company doesn’t, is a good way
tunities. Having a list helps show. Hence, a good way become a lousy one just be- to boost the quality of your
take the emotion out of your to boost long-term returns cause Wall Street suffers portfolio and enhance re-
decision and allows you to is to buy when stocks are a steep correction or bear turns, says Plumb.
“act quicker and buy with temporarily depressed. market. “These best-of-
greater confidence when “History reminds us that breed companies are what Head for the hardest hit.
the time comes to strike.” investors should focus more you want to own long term,” Consider adding the most
Stock prices don’t go up on when to buy than when says Thomas Plumb, man- bombed-out stocks in a
forever—even in bull mar- to bail,” says CFRA chief ager of Plumb Balanced. market rout to your shop-
kets. There are inevitable strategist Sam Stovall. Plumb, for example, is bull- ping list. In the 25-year
downdrafts along the way. Here are some strategies ish on the long-term pros- period ending in 2020, the
Since World War II, pull- to help you pinpoint stocks pects of financial companies three sectors and 10 subin-
backs, or drops of 5% to to buy on weakness because that are well positioned to dustries in the S&P 500 that
9.99% for the S&P 500 stock they have the potential to profit from the ongoing fell the most during market
index, have occurred every rebound in a big way. shift toward digital and declines of 10% or more


currently score well on the
“getting better or worse”
pillar because of weakness
in Europe due to a slower
reopening in the wake of
the pandemic and fewer
international travelers. But
the stock is a buy in White’s
book because it scores highly
on the other three metrics.
“It could double in two to
three years,” he says.
Similarly, although Zoom
Video Communications has
seen growth in its remote-
meeting business decelerate
as the economy reopens and
people head back into their
offices, it still has three of
the four pillars working in
its favor, White says. It’s a
top-notch company that
will likely top sales and
profit expectations next
year. And the high valuation
is more reasonable when
you look out a few years. “If
a stock scores well, I move
in, and if it doesn’t score
well, I move out,” he says.
posted larger returns than He cites the bust-and-boom ing in their favor to with-
the broad market gauge shares of General Electric stand temporary market Look for investment themes
during the ensuing rebound, as a prime example. GE setbacks. T. Rowe Price’s with legs. Keep an eye on
CFRA data show. The S&P shares lost more than half of White uses a scoring system leaders in businesses with
500 was up 25.2%, on aver- their value, dropping below that looks at four key as- a bright growth outlook that
age, six months after such $6 each. The shares, which pects of a company, which are likely to generate sales
declines, compared with an he doesn’t own, have since he dubs pillars: Is it a high- and profits well into the
average 30.6% for the three doubled. But Plumb notes quality company? Is it future, says Daniel Milan,
lagging sectors and 42.7% that companies with long- poised to top or beat inves- managing partner at
for their 10 subindustries. term issues to fix often stall tor expectations on earn- Cornerstone Financial
“The groups hit the hardest after their initial rebound. ings, revenues and other Services. Themes to zero
tended to rise higher from GE is still challenged by yardsticks? Is the business in on include e-commerce,
the ashes,” Stovall says. a heavy debt load, poor cash outlook getting better or cybersecurity, financial
But there’s a major caveat flow, ongoing weakness in worse? Is the stock selling technology (think digital
when buying distressed its lending unit and a jet- at an attractive valuation? payment systems, for exam-
shares: Often, stocks that engine business hurt by the “The more things tilted ple) and electric vehicles.
“explode off the bottom” pandemic. “At the end of the in your favor, the better,” With a shopping list in
are financially strained day, you don’t want to own White says. But don’t be hand, you’ll view market
firms that investors take a companies with structural scared off if not all four pil- downturns in a whole new
flier on, says Plumb. “The problems,” Plumb says. lars are bullish, he adds. For light. Says Milan, “Getting
perception of the company example, Euronet World- in at opportunistic entry
just has to go from terrible Depend on pillars of strength. wide, a money-transfer and points is great.” Q
to bad” for the stock to Set your sights on compa- e-payments company that
make a big move, he says. nies that have enough work- also operates ATMs, doesn’t SHELL@KIPLINGER.COM.




Find Health Insurance You Can Afford

ne of the most popular provi- COBRA plans are $600 to $700 per can Rescue Plan, signed into law in
sions of the Affordable Care Act month, says Karen Pollitz, senior fellow March, significantly expanded ACA
allows young adults to stay on at the Kaiser Family Foundation. subsidies, lowering premiums for
their parents’ health insurance plan If you’re working and your employer individuals at every income level and
until they’re 26. I’ve been fortunate offers health benefits, its plan is likely eliminating them entirely for some
to have coverage through my parent’s to be less expensive than continuing households. If your estimated modi-
insurance plan for several years, but coverage under COBRA. Turning age fied adjusted gross income for 2021
I will soon switch to Kiplinger’s plan. 26 and losing coverage through your is between 100% and 150% of the fed-
Some insurers allow adult children parents’ plan is a “qualifying event,” eral poverty level ($12,880 to $24,135
to stay on their parents’ plan through which means you don’t have to wait for a one-person household), you’ll be
the month of their 26th birthday, until open enrollment (which usually able to purchase enhanced silver-level
while others stop coverage on your occurs toward the end of the year) to plans at no cost. Visit
birthday. Either way, if you’re covered sign up for health insurance. and select your state to access the
by your parents’ plan, you should start health insurance marketplace. You
looking for alternatives well before Affordable Care Act. If you don’t have can also use this tool to determine
time runs out. health insurance through your job, whether you’re eligible for Medicaid,
your next stop should be HealthCare which provides health insurance cov-
COBRA coverage. You have the option to .gov. The Affordable Care Act expanded erage to low-income households.
stay on your parents’ plan after you access to health care for all
turn 26 under COBRA (which Coverage for students. If you’re
stands for the Consolidated attending graduate school or any
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation THANKS TO THE educational institution, you may
Act). The law typically allows qualify for student health insur-
someone who leaves their job
AFFORDABLE CARE ACT, ance. Student health insurance
to remain on their employer’s THE UNINSURED RATE is often very good, but the quality
plan for up to 18 months, but FOR TWENTY- of coverage varies, says Mina
young adults who are about SOMETHINGS HAS Schultz, ACA outreach and en-
to age out of their parents’ rollment manager at Young In-
plan are also eligible. PLUMMETED. vincibles, a young adult advocacy
You’ll have to notify group. Another option for students
your parent’s employer who are unemployed is Medicaid,
that you want to sign up uninsured Schultz says. If you earn less than
for COBRA, and once Americans, $16,000, you may be able to enroll
you do, benefits will be including in Medicaid for a low cost or no cost
available to you for up young adults, at all.
to 36 months. The one through the If you’re not sure which option is
major caveat: COBRA online health best for you, consider consulting with
is expensive. Many em- insurance an ACA Navigator. ACA Navigators
ployers cover all or most marketplace. are a network of health care experts
of the cost of employees’ Plus, you may who can help you apply for health
health insurance pre- be eligible for insurance and may provide assis-
miums, but when you financial assis- tance even after you’ve enrolled in
elect to enroll in COBRA, tance that will a plan. You can find one in your area

you (or your parent) significantly at Q

will have to pay the en- lower the cost
tire premium. Aver- of premiums. TO SHARE THIS COLUMN, PLEASE GO TO KIPLINGER.COM/
age premiums for The Ameri- EMMA_PATCH@KIPLINGER.COM.


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How to Win in a
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Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, these strategies
will help you get the best deal. BY DANIEL BORTZ

Laura Gross knew that she’d be facing fierce competi-

tion this spring when she was getting ready to bid
on a four-bedroom house in Troy, Mich., a suburb of
Detroit. So she pulled out all the stops: She waived
an appraisal contingency, offered $30,000 above the
home’s $285,000 list price, wrote a letter expressing
why she loved the home (it reminded her of the house
she grew up in a mile away), and offered the seller a
free 60-day rent-back.
The seller chose Gross’s offer over seven others.
“I knew I had to offer above list price and waive con-
tingencies to even have my offer considered in this
market,” says Gross, an accounting manager at a
manufacturing company.
Gross is just one in a tsunami of house hunters
who have flooded the housing market since the coro-
navirus pandemic began. She experienced firsthand
how tough today’s housing market is for buyers.
The U.S. is facing a nationwide housing shortage
amid strong demand, fueled partly by super-low mort-
gage rates (see the box on page 67). “Homes are get-
ting snatched up because there’s simply not enough
supply,” says Jeff Tucker, senior economist at Zillow,
the housing marketplace and data tracker. Unsold
inventory sat at a 2.5-month supply in May, according
to the National Association of Realtors (six to seven
months of supply is considered a balanced market).
Properties stayed on the market for just 17 days that
month, on average, down from 26 days in May 2020.
New homes are also hard to find, with new-home
sales sinking to a seasonally adjusted annual rate
of 769,000 in May, down 5.9% from April. “For a



while during the pandemic, you estate agent who is plugged in to your A fully underwritten preapproval
couldn’t buy a brand-new house even local market is more important than also gives buyers the ability to waive
if you wanted to, because builders had ever. Look for an agent who has com- a financing contingency, because
such a severe shortage of labor and pleted a large number of recent trans- they’ve already cleared many of the
materials,” says Ali Wolf, chief eco- actions in your target neighborhood, major hurdles in the mortgage ap-
nomist at Zonda, a housing data and suggests Hal Hovey, a real estate agent proval process, says Rob McGarty,
consultancy firm. at Coldwell Banker 360 Team in Oak the founder of Bushwick Real Estate
Tight supply and continued strong Harbor, Wash. Services, in Seattle. McGarty also
demand from buyers has caused home Working with an agent who knows recommends that buyers use a local
prices to skyrocket, says Alexander which homes are about to hit the mar- mortgage lender “because big banks
Hermann, a research analyst and one ket is crucial, Hovey says. When inter- operate within a very rigid frame-
of the lead authors of the Harvard viewing potential agents, ask them work that puts the bank’s timelines
Joint Center for Housing Studies’ 2021 how they keep their ear to the ground. ahead of the contract’s deadlines,
State of the Nation’s Housing report. For example, they may be a member of which results in delayed closings and
U.S. home prices saw a 15.4% annual Facebook groups for real estate agents potential loss of the buyer’s earnest
gain in May, according to the S&P in your area where agents promote money,” he says.
CoreLogic Case-Shiller Home Price their upcoming listings and buyer
Index. Among the largest metro needs, says Hovey. Check your phone often. Being the first
areas tracked, Phoenix, San Diego Online reviews of agents from past one to tour a new listing can enable you
and Denver experienced the highest clients can be a source of valuable intel, to make an offer before other buyers
year-over-year price gains. says Judith Weiniger, the founder and do, says Daniel Gyomory, a real estate
The takeaway: Buyers have to be broker of Weiniger Realty, in Warren, agent at Keller Williams Advantage in
strategic to nab a home in today’s red- N.J. “Look at the content of the review Novi, Mich. Have your agent sign you
hot market. And though it’s a seller’s and not just how many stars the per- up for instant notifications through
market, there are steps sellers can take son received,” she says. “Is the agent your local multiple listing service
to get top dollar and sell quickly. accessible? How well do they know (MLS) so that you get pinged when a
your market? Do they do a good job of home that meets your criteria goes on
SMART MOVES FOR HOME BUYERS guiding buyers throughout the home- the market. Because homes are selling
Buyers will have to be aggressive—and buying process?” at warp speed, “you have to be ready to
creative—to defeat their competition. drop everything to go look at a house
Before you begin your home-buying Get your financial ducks in a row. Cash at a moment’s notice,” Hovey says.
journey, you’ll need to wrap your head is king in any market, but right now
around three things. an all-cash offer nearly quadruples Waive contingencies judiciously. Some
Number one: Be prepared to offer a buyer’s chances of winning a bidding 16% of home sellers expect buyers to
more than the asking price. More than war, a recent Redfin study found. But waive contingencies, a May survey by
half of homes (54%) sold above their if you are planning to get a mortgage, found. Even though that’s
list price in May, according to Redfin, line up your financing before you rarely a good idea, “in this crazy seller’s
up from 26% a year earlier. Number start shopping for a home, advises market, we’ve seen instances where
two: You may have to bid on a number Pete Boomer, a mortgage executive buyers are waiving all contingencies,”
of homes before you have an offer at PNC Bank. says Rachel Foy, broker and owner of
accepted. And number three: You Boomer recommends getting preap- Hillman Homes, in Newton, Mass.
may not be able to find a home that proved for a mortgage—however, “not However, buyers should still protect
has everything you’re looking for. all mortgage preapprovals are created themselves even if they decide to waive
“Homes that are totally updated and equal,” he says. He recommends get- the home inspection or appraisal con-
move-in ready are receiving a ton of ting a fully underwritten preapproval, tingency. One way to reduce your risk
offers,” says Jeff Checko, a real estate in which a lender collects all of your of purchasing a home that needs major
agent at RE/MAX Advantage in Nash- financial information and underwrites repairs is to perform an inspection of
ville. “If you’re willing to make an in- a loan up front. That means your loan the property before making an offer.
vestment in a home that requires some approval is only subject to an appraisal “Pre-offer inspections will give you
renovations to get what you want, you’ll and title insurance. Submitting this the comfort of knowing what kind of
be in a much better buying position.” kind of preapproval letter when you shape the home is in and allow you to
make an offer on a home “gives the waive a home inspection contingency
Hire an in-tune agent. With homes seller peace of mind that you’re a highly when you write your offer,” Foy says.
flying off the shelves, choosing a real qualified buyer,” Boomer says. Moreover, with many homes getting


bid up significantly above their list qualify for a mortgage.) “A lot of times money than they’re comfortable pay-
price, appraisal gaps—when a profes- what I do is advise buyers to say, ‘If the ing for a home.”
sional appraiser’s valuation of a home appraisal comes in low, we agree to Chantal and Carlos Gonzalez used
comes in lower than the accepted cover an appraisal gap up to a certain that tactic when they bid on a four-
offer—have become a frequent obstacle amount of money, such as a $20,000 bedroom house in Maplewood, N.J.,
for buyers. As a result, partially waiv- shortfall,’ ” says Geoff Strobeck, a real earlier this year. “We waived the ap-
ing an appraisal contingency can make estate agent at Compass in Boston. praisal by 50%, so in the event the
your offer more attractive. (Just make “It gives the seller more assurance home didn’t appraise we’d be on the
sure you have enough cash in the bank that the deal will close, and it protects hook for half of the difference,” says
after you cover an appraisal gap to still buyers from having to shell out more Carlos, a filmmaker. (The home ap-
praised for $609,000, a hair above
their contract price of $605,000.)
The Gonzalezes also tweaked their
offer’s home inspection contingency to
make their bid stand out. “We told the
sellers we’d only walk away if there
were structural issues with the house,
and thankfully we didn’t find any dur-
ing the inspection,” says Chantal, an
ad salesperson at Pinterest.
“Right now, I recommend buyers
limit home inspection repair requests
to safety, structural and environmental
defects,” such as radon or termites,
says Sarah Bandy, a real estate agent
at Jason Mitchell Real Estate, in Colts
Neck, N.J., who represented the couple.
“You can look past a broken window.”

Write a heartfelt letter to the seller. “In

a situation where there are a dozen or
more offers, there’s a high likelihood
that the top two offers are nearly iden-
tical,” McGarty says. “I find anything
that tilts the cards in your favor is
worth doing.”
Writing a letter to the seller can tip
Mortgages Will Stay Affordable the scales in your favor, but there’s a
caveat: Letters to sellers can violate
It’s irrefutably a seller’s market with respect to supply and demand, but it’s still a great Fair Housing laws that govern dis-
time to purchase a house when it comes to locking in a low mortgage rate. crimination against protected classes
The 30-year fixed mortgage rate hit a record low of 2.65% in the first week of Janu- (such as people of a certain race or
ary. Since then, rates have ticked up, to about 3% in mid July, according to Freddie Mac. religion), causing some agents to call
But 3% is still a phenomenal mortgage rate, says Sarah Bandy, a real estate agent at these so-called love letters “liability
Jason Mitchell Real Estate, in Colts Neck, N.J. letters.” Even a statement as seemingly
Joel Kan, an economist and industry analyst at the Mortgage Bankers Association, innocuous as “The house is within
forecasts 30-year mortgage rates to climb to 3.5% by the end of this year. That’s about walking distance to our church” could
what Kiplinger is expecting, with mortgage rates climbing to 3.8% by the end of 2022 raise a red flag. Your best approach?
(see “Ahead,” on page 9). Have your agent proofread your letter
Generally, conventional loan borrowers need a credit score of 740 or higher to qualify for potential Fair Housing discrimina-
for the best rates, says Pete Boomer, a mortgage executive at PNC Bank. It pays to tion violations before you submit your

shop around and compare offers from several lenders: Borrowers who get five quotes offer, and “stick to emphasizing what
save an average of $3,000 over the life of their loan, says Freddie Mac. features about the home appeal to
you,” Hovey says.



Find out when the seller will be reviewing home has been on the market for more a drone can make a big difference,
offers. A lot of home sellers are setting than a week, which means you may “especially if your property has a lot
deadlines for offers so that they can have to make price cuts,” he says. of land,” Foy says.
compare offers side-by-side instead Hovey says flexibility is key: “I Bandy took drone photos and a
of reviewing them as they trickle in. like to wait until the day we put a video when she listed Harris and Julie
Ask your agent to find out if there’s house on the market to set the listing Hafeez’s home in Freehold, N.J., this
a deadline that you have to meet in price because the market is changing summer. “They allowed you to see
order to be considered. so rapidly,” he says. “The price I what the whole property looked like
give a seller today may be radically from an aerial perspective,” says
Get in line for new construction. Although different from what I gave them a Harris, the owner of a health care
there’s currently a shortage of new month ago.” management company. That was
homes for sale, builders are starting to especially advantageous, he says,
ramp up production. Housing starts in Do a little staging. You want to present because the house sits on 2.5 acres.
May rose 3.6% from April, according your home in the best light possible. Additionally, 3-D walking tours are
to Census Bureau data. Often, that means staging your home catnip for online house shoppers, says
“Rest assured, more supply is com- with furniture you rent, chosen by a Bandy. Proof: From March 2020
ing for new homes,” Wolf says, “but it professional designer, that will appeal through February 2021, for-sale list-
takes a long time to go from buying to a wide range of potential buyers. ings on Zillow with a 3-D tour gar-
dirt to building a home.” Therefore, “I’m staging all of my vacant listings nered 65% more views than listings
if you have your eye on a new commu- right now, because with the pandemic, without a 3-D tour.
nity, “joining a builder’s wait list is a buyers are being extra selective of what
good idea,” she says. homes they want to see in person,” Set a deadline for offers. Reviewing of-
says Foy. She’s not alone: 31% of sellers’ fers one by one as they trickle in can
SMART MOVES FOR HOME SELLERS agents said they staged all homes prior make your head spin. Setting a dead-
If you’re selling in a pricey market and to putting them up for sale, according line for offers and reviewing them in
either downsizing or moving to a less to a recent survey by the National one sitting can help. “I suggest listing
expensive area, it’s a great time to cash Association of Realtors. your house on a Thursday or Friday
out—especially if you’re willing to rent Furnishing an entire house, though, and setting a deadline for offers the
until the market cools and supply in- can be costly—staging a 2,000-square- following Monday,” Hovey says. “That
creases. That said, you don’t want to foot home typically costs about $2,000 gives buyers a full weekend to tour
make any costly mistakes when selling per month, according to HomeAdvisor. your home.”
your home. But a fully staged home is not a re- Another reason to put your house
quirement in a seller’s market, says on the market on a Thursday: Homes
Price your home at market value. There Weiniger. “For a recent listing, we listed on Thursday typically sell faster
are several schools of thought when added new lighting, bedding and and are more likely to sell above list
it comes to setting a listing price. You simple white drapes to the master price than those listed on any other
can price your home below what it’s bedroom,” she says. “It didn’t cost day of the week, a Zillow study found.
worth in an effort to draw tons of a lot of money, but it made the house
offers (and hope some bidders offer look more modern.” Don’t focus only on the offer’s price.
above listing price); you can price If you want to keep costs down, Certainly, you want to maximize your
it at its market value; or you can price consider virtual staging, which is home’s sales price, but price isn’t the
it high, to give yourself room to nego- when a designer digitally adds furni- only factor to consider when compar-
tiate. Strobeck says the best pricing ture and accents to photographs of ing offers. In some cases, you may
strategy in today’s market is to set your home. “Virtual staging has come want to choose a lower offer if the
your home’s listing price at, or slightly a long way, and it gives buyers the buyer is more qualified than the high-
below, its value based on comparable ability to visualize what the house est bidder. Paul and Jane Guse, both
properties (“comps”) that recently sold will look like when it’s furnished,” teachers, accepted an offer lower than
near your home. Strobeck says. According to one Red- the highest bid when they sold their
“The kiss of death in this market fin estimate, virtual staging costs three-bedroom ranch house in West-
is listing a property too high,” says between $39 and $199 per room. land, Mich., in June. “There was a
Strobeck. If you price your house above higher bid, but the offer we accepted
comparable sales in your neighbor- Offer a bird’s-eye view. Nowadays, had zero contingencies,” says Jane. Q
hood, you may not get a single offer. professional listing photos are the
“You start to lose leverage once your bare minimum. Pictures taken by E-MAIL TO FEEDBACK@KIPLINGER.COM.




American Lung Association’s LUNG FORCE, Amgen, Cless Family Foundation, Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Farrah Fawcett Foundation,
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Laura Ziskin Family Trust, Legacy Circle, LUNGevity Foundation, Mirati Therapeutics, Pancreatic Cancer Canada,
Sara Schottenstein Foundation, Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer, Lew, Jean, and Kari Wolff
Stand Up To Cancer is a division of the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF), a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

STARTER HOME when you bought it and

your child sells it for $50 a

Give a First-Time
share, your child will owe
capital gains taxes on $40
a share. But if your child is
in a lower tax bracket, he or
she may owe a lower tax bill

Buyer a Hand than you would have paid—

or avoid it entirely. In 2021,
individuals with a taxable
income of less than $40,401
(or $80,801 for couples) pay
With home prices soaring, newbies may need financial help no capital gains tax on
from their family. Here’s how to do it right. BY RIVAN STINSON stocks. Above that, the rate
is 15%, and it rises to 20%
for individuals who have
taxable income of more
than $445,850 ($501,600
THE HOUSING MARKET IS could even finance the the mortgage company will for couples).
a tough nut to crack these entire purchase—usually require a “mortgage gift
days. Prices are hitting the with the stipulation of being letter” from your child and Be the lender? Another
stratosphere thanks to low repaid. your child’s spouse (or part- option is to become what’s
inventory, which is sparking If you want to help your ner). The letter will detail
bidding wars among buyers. kids or grandkids get their the relationship between
Landing a home can seem first home, here’s what you the gift giver and recipient,
impossible for younger buy- need to know about gifting the amount gifted, and
ers, who may need help or lending money or co- where those funds came
with the down payment or signing a mortgage. from. (If the money is a loan
qualifying for a mortgage. that’s expected to be paid
One-third of millennials Give a gift. If you want to back, the child must let the
report that coming up with keep things simple, gifting mortgage lender know be-
the money for a down pay- cash or stocks is probably cause it is factored into the
ment is the biggest obstacle your best option. If you’re debt-to-income ratio.) The
to buying a home, according worried about future estate lender may require other
to the American Bankers taxes, it can help you reduce documentation, too, such
Association. In fact, it takes the bill. But pay attention to as bank statements.
10 years, on average, for the gift tax laws. You can also gift stocks.
most home buyers to save The federal estate tax ex- Ideally, you’ll want to give
a 5% down payment. clusion amount is $11.7 mil- stocks you’ve owned for
However, buying a first lion for 2021 ($23.4 million more than a year so that
home is a lot easier if the for married couples). You your child will qualify for
bank of mom, dad, grand- can give up to $15,000 per long-term capital gains
parents, extended relatives person to as many people rates when he or she sells
and friends can be tapped. as you’d like during the year the stocks to help finance
In a recent survey of home without having to file a gift the home purchase.
buyers by ServiceLink, a tax return. If you’re mar- When you give stocks
mortgage lending company, ried, your spouse can also (or other investments) to
28% of respondents reported give $15,000 per person, a child, your child’s basis
they inherited money or re- increasing the annual tax- when he or she sells the
ceived money as a gift from free gift to $30,000 per stock will be your original
their family and friends to person. That money offsets basis (your holding period
help purchase their home. the value of your estate will also transfer with the
If parents or grandparents when you pass away. stocks). For example, if the
have deep pockets, they After the money is gifted, stock was worth $10 a share


known as a non-occupant to any profit made, depend- family or personal friend income and other assets
co-borrower. In this case, ing on the loan type and the may not qualify. when evaluating the loan
you and your child apply for agreement you have with If you don’t have a chunk application. As with being
the mortgage together, and the co-borrower. of money to give away—or a co-borrower, the lender
both of you are responsible You may also be able to you would prefer not to— may require family ties
for the payments. This is a deduct your portion of the co-signing the mortgage between the two parties.
beefier situation than being mortgage interest paid as a may significantly boost your The silver lining to both
a co-signer. As a co-signer non-occupant co-borrower child’s chances of approval. situations is that they don’t
(discussed below), you are if you itemize deductions on You then become legally ob- have to be permanent. If
guaranteeing that you will your tax return. However, ligated to repay the loan in the financial profile of your
pick up the payments if the with the standard deduc- the event your child can’t. child and his or her spouse
primary owner can’t. As tion nearly doubling thanks “If you feel you’re going improves, they may be able
a co-borrower, you are re- to the 2017 tax overhaul, to regret the decision, don’t to refinance the loan on
sponsible for making pay- many homeowners no lon- do it. You don’t need to erode their own. Note that if
ments, and you can also ger realize a lower tax bill the relationship you have you’re a non-occupant co-
add your own money to the by itemizing. with your child or whom- borrower, things may get
down payment pot. Plus, To approve the arrange- ever you’re co-signing for,” tricky in a refinance. You
you usually earn equity, just ment, the lender may re- says Douglas Boneparth, a may or may not decide to
like the other borrowers, quire a family connection— certified financial planner negotiate a buyout for your
even though you don’t live typically that you are the in New York City. stake in the property—simi-
there. If the property is parent or stepparent or If you co-sign, the lender lar to when couples end up
sold, you may be entitled grandparent. A longtime will take into account your divorcing—and the share of
profits you get may depend
on any agreements you
made beforehand.
Whether you give cash
or stock, lend money, or
co-sign the loan, all parties
involved need to have real-
istic expectations. For in-
stance, certified financial
planner Felicia Gopaul says
her father stipulated that
his cash gift be used to
buy a home that she could
afford and not necessarily
the home she wanted,
pointing out that she and
her husband could always
upgrade to a bigger home
Boneparth agrees with
the sentiment. “If the rea-
son they don’t qualify for
a mortgage is pandemic-
oriented—the market is just
frothy and ridiculous—but
you know they’re a good
borrower, that’s one thing,”
he says. “But if they can’t
afford it in normal times,
they can’t afford it.” Q



Tying the Knot Post-Pandemic

This wedding planner is gearing up for a full fall season amid continuing concerns about safety.

PROFILE of luck if they didn’t book anyone. This is the

WHO: Elisabeth Kramer, age 30 narrative right now. I don’t believe it’s true.
WHAT: Wedding planner Yes, lots of people are busy because this sum-
mer there are a lot of legacy clients—people
WHERE: Portland, Ore.
who moved their plans from 2020 to 2021. But
I get e-mails every day from couples for whom
How has the pandemic complicated your this isn’t over. They’re immunocompromised,
work? In early March 2020, I had a wedding they have children under the age of 12, they
the same week that Portland shut down, have family members who are refusing to
which meant that we went into quarantine. get the vaccine, and they’re asking what they
For that couple, their whole plan completely should do. So, as much as I feel that things are
blew up. That was the beginning. In April getting better, we have to continue to talk
through September of last year, I was just about this stuff, even when it’s not fun.
taking my entire client load and trying to
figure out what the heck we were doing. You must have taken a big financial hit.
Every wedding I had changed plans. This has been the hardest year of my
professional life. I have seen revenue
What about this year? Entering 2021, losses between 80% to 90%, and I
I had an in-box filled with leads, which is am on unemployment. I’m not work-
not abnormal for a wedding vendor. In the ing with clients in person until Sep-
wedding industry, it’s called engagement tember. That’s when my season
season, from Thanksgiving to St. Valentine’s officially starts. Vendors are just
Day. They were for weddings with a minimum completely wiped; they are enter-
of 50 guests, often 75, 100 or 150 guests, for ing a season completely drained.
the next four to five months. Those weddings
could legally not happen in January. Do you think the wedding industry
will change post-COVID? The wedding in-
You have been educating people about dustry is a very unregulated space. Through
the rules? I’ve been trying to answer my work as the cofounder of Altared, an event
the question, Can I have a legal wedding for wedding coordinators who want to change
in Oregon right now? That is also the the wedding industry, I speak regularly with
title of a blog post I have on my website people who are in the industry all over the
( I also country and internationally. Regulations for
created a suite of 33 resources about weddings have been very unclear through-
pandemic wedding planning, includ- out the pandemic. And of course, as we have
ing a variety of communication tem- all learned during COVID, what is legal (if
plates for how to create a COVID safety there are even any regulations, which some-
policy for a wedding in 2021 and how to times there are not) is not always what is
share it with the two groups of people safe. But COVID has taught us a lot about
that are at a wedding in person—guests boundaries. And that is a long overdue con-
and vendors. versation in the wedding industry. In a lot
of the conversations I have with wedding
Has there been a crush of weddings professionals, people are much smarter
this summer? There is this sense that now about what works for them financially,
everybody who wanted to get married is emotionally, for their families and for their
now getting married, and couples are out health. EMMA PATCH


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