Ictpmg501 MG Pro 1of3

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Project assessment: Initiate a project

Trainer & Assessor Marking Guide

Unit code, name and release number
ICTPMG501 - Manage ICT projects (1)

**This unit sits in all the qualifications below. This assessment is not to be amended**

Qualification/Course code, name and release number

ICT50418 - Diploma of Information Technology Networking (1)

Document title: ICTPMG501_MG_Pro_1of3 Page 1 of 27

Resource ID: TBS_19_004_ICTPMG501_MG_Pro_1of3
Version: 20200214
Date created: 14 February 2020
Date modified: 14 February 2020

For queries, please contact:

Technology and Business Services SkillsPoint

© 2020 TAFE NSW, Sydney

RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E
This assessment can be found in the: Learning Bank
The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2020, and should not be reproduced without the
permission of the TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at time of printing: 22 February
2022. For current information please refer to our website or your teacher as appropriate.

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Assessment instructions
Table 1 Assessment instructions

Assessment details Instructions

Instructions for the This is a project-based assessment and will be assessing the
trainer and assessor student on their knowledge and performance of the unit.

This assessment is in six parts:

1. Develop the project charter

2. Prepare to gather data
3. Interview key stakeholder
4. Develop the business case
5. Prepare the project plan
6. Obtain approval for project plan.
The assessment also contains:

 Assessment Checklists 1-4

 Observation Checklists 1-2
 Assessment Feedback.
On completion of this assessment, students are required to
submit the following to the assessor for marking:

 Part 1: Develop the project charter

o Project charter

 Part 2: Prepare to gather data

o Data gathering plan

 Part 3: Interview key stakeholder

o You will be observed by your assessor

 Part 4: Develop the business case

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Assessment details Instructions

o Business case.

 Part 5: Prepare the project plan

o Project plan

 Part 6: Obtain approval for project plan

o You will be observed by your assessor.
Model answers, sample responses or a criteria for each question
are provided below.

Use these to support your judgement when determining a

satisfactory result.

The student’s response to each question must contain the

information indicated in this marking guide in order for their
response to be correct. However, if a student provides
information other than indicated below, the assessor may ask the
student to clarify or resubmit their response if it does not reflect
the evidence required by the unit of competency (refer to
mapping if needed to confirm sufficiency of response).

The assessment feedback page must be signed by both the

student and the assessor so the student displays that they have
received, understood and accepted the feedback.

Complete the assessment feedback to the student and ensure

you have taken a copy of the assessment prior to it being
returned to the student.

Ensure the student’s name appears on the bottom of each page

of the submitted assessment.

All items in the Assessment and Observation Checklists must be

marked Satisfactory for the student to satisfactorily complete
the assessment.

About this marking All tasks and activities must responded to correctly in order to
guide satisfactorily complete this assessment event.

Assessors will need to make a judgement call as to whether each

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Assessment details Instructions

answer/response meets the criteria based upon the:

 Rules of Evidence:
o Validity – does the answer address the assessment
question and does the evidence reflect the four
dimensions of competency?
o Sufficiency – is the answer sufficient in terms of
length and depth?
o Currency – has the work been done so recently as
to be current?
o Authenticity – is this work the student’s own
authentic work?
 Principles of Assessment:
o Fairness – individual student’s needs are
considered in the assessment process
o Flexibility – assessment is flexible to the individual
o Validity – any assessment decision is justified,
based on the evidence of performance of the
o Reliability – evidence presented for assessment is
consistently interpreted and assessment results
are comparable irrespective of the assessor
conducting the assessment
 Dimensions of Competency
o Task skills
o Task Management Skills
o Contingency Planning Skills
o Job Role Environment Skills
Assessment Assessment conditions will be safe and replicate the workplace.
conditions Noise levels, production flow, interruptions and time variances
must be typical of those experienced in the ICT, project
management and software development field of work.

Assessment may be undertaken in normal classroom conditions,

which is assumed to be noisy and similar to workplace conditions,
or within the workplace. This may include phones ringing, people
talking and other interruptions.

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Assessment details Instructions

If the classroom is too quiet, the assessor must ensure there are
disruptions and noise, similar to the workplace.

Student must provide  USB drive or other storage method with enough free
space to save work to.

Assessor must  Access to the Learning Management System

 Office equipment, materials and industry software

Due date and time Indicative time to complete assessment:

 In class: 45 minutes
 Out of class: Five hours.

Parts 3 and 6 will be completed in the classroom.

All other parts may be completed both in and outside of the

Assessment location classroom.
The student may access their referenced text, learning notes and
other resources.

Supervision Some parts are unsupervised, take-home assessments.

If you are unable to verify the authenticity of the student’s

submission you will need to gather additional evidence to confirm
that the assessment task was completed by the student. This may
include oral questioning, comparison with in-class work samples,
or observation.

If additional verification is carried out, assessor questions and

student responses must be recorded in the feedback section of
the assessment instrument.

Reasonable If a student has a permanent or temporary condition that may

adjustment prevent them from successfully completing the assessment
event(s) in the way described, the student can approach you to
request ‘reasonable adjustment’ for the assessment. If this

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Assessment details Instructions

happens, you may take the following actions:

 For out of class activities, you may grant an extension to

the submission date or offer to combine this activity with
verbal questioning, depending on the condition of the

 For in-class activities, adjustments can be made in line

with the reasonable adjustment required and may include
extra time and adjustment of the simulated work
environment to meet physical requirements.

Any reasonable adjustments offered and undertaken, must be

recorded in the feedback section of the assessment instrument.

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Specific task instructions
You are currently employed as a Project Manager with Red Opal Innovations (ROI)
(ROI_Scenario.pdf). Sally Smith and Shane Jackson, the owners of a new company WizBiz,
have approached ROI to develop a system for their company.

The owners have identified a gap in the current IT market for a supply of quality IT
components and peripherals available within Australia. They would like to sell a quality
range of computer components and peripherals at competitive prices.

They have done an initial study of retail outlet costs (WizBiz Preliminary Retail outlet
costs.xslx), however would like to look at an alternative option, an online shopping portal.
The company plans to go live and start selling to the public in just six months from today.

The ROI Manager of Development, Vinh Nguyen, has asked you to manage the project for
WizBiz. The system will be developed by ROI developers, who you will be selecting and
managing for this project.

The high level scope of the project is to design, develop and implement the shopping portal.
If the project is not a success, the business will fail; without the system, there is no business.

You have been provided with a summary of the functional requirements below and access to
all the key members of staff as necessary to complete the project. These key members of
staff have been meeting for the past two months about the business idea and what role they
might play in the business. They each have a good understanding of the business needs as
relevant to their role. You have been provided with additional company information and a
transcript of the initial interviews with each of the key stakeholders (WizBiz scenario.docx).

Project brief/specifications
The portal will be:

 designed in line with requirements that will be supplied by the key staff

 web based

 hosted internally at a primary site at head office, with a secondary site set up at the
distribution centre, which is geographically separate from the head office

 highly scalable, initially supporting up to 1000 transactions a week but able to scale
up to at least 50,000 transactions per week

 inclusive of the following key features:

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o Product entry and maintenance

o Customer access

o Shopping cart

o E-commerce

o Reporting

Security and privacy will be of utmost importance to the business. The system will store
details of customers and those required for e-commerce purposes. The business must
comply with all relevant standards and requirements under law in Australia with regards to
the personal information and payment details.

WizBiz has provided you with the following documentation:

 Interview responses with management (Interview responses.docx)

 Survey results (Survey results.docx)

 Preliminary retail outlet costs (WizBiz Preliminary Retail outlet costs.xslx).

Organisational standards
ROI uses the following standards and tools:

 Business reports and documents must use the ROI report template

All IT staff members must adhere to the following:

 ROI code of conduct (ROI_Code_of_Conduct.pdf)

 ROI New staff IT induction kit (ROI_New_staff_IT_induction_kit.pdf)

 ROI Records management procedure (ROI_Procedure_RecordsManagement.pdf)

 ROI Communication procedure (ROI_Procedure_Communication.pdf).

Your task
Although WizBiz has contracted ROI to develop this system, as a project manager you will
still need to follow sound project management processes. This includes developing a project
charter, conducting a feasibility study to determine if the project is worthwhile and
documenting the results in a business case.

Download and unzip the resource folder (Cl_ProjMgt_AE_Pro_SR1.zip) to access the

documents referred to in this assessment.

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Part 1: Develop the project charter
Refer to Assessment Checklist 1 for the criteria for this part.

Review and analyse the supplied documentation and other relevant sources to develop a
project charter.

Your report must use appropriate language and grammar, be presented in a logical sequence
and address the following headings and information:

See sample Project Charter in the Cl_ProjMgt_MG_Pro_SR1 folder.

1. Project information

 Project name
 Project description
 Expected benefits
2. Project governance

Names and roles of the:

 Project sponsor
 Project manager
 Other key stakeholders

3. Problem statement

The business problem or opportunity that this project relates to.

4. Goals/deliverables

 Goal/s
 Objective/s
 Project deliverables
5. Scope

 Items within scope

 Items outside of scope

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6. Project approval

Include space for names and signatures of the Project Sponsor and Project Manager.

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Part 2: Prepare to gather data
Refer to Assessment Checklist 2 for the criteria for this part.

Review, research and analyse the supplied organisational documentation and other sources
of relevant information. Create an information gathering plan in a word-processed
document. This must include at least four information gathering activities that you can use
to obtain information that will help you to determine the project requirements, constraints
and risks.

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Part 3: Interview key stakeholder
You need to interview one of the key stakeholders in a role play of 5-10 minutes to confirm
the project requirements and obtain approval to initiate the project.

Your assessor will observe the role play and complete Observation Checklist 1.

Make sure that you:

 actively listen
 contribute to the discussion.
See Observation Checklist 1 for more specific information on this task

Read the scenario to ensure you’re familiar with the client requirements.

Role play participants:

 Key stakeholder – arrange for another person to act as the key stakeholder.
 Project Manager (this is you).
The role of the client in this task:

Allow the student to greet you first, and respond appropriately (e.g. shake hands). The
student undertaking the role of the Project Manager needs to pose questions and provide
answers using information from the scenario.

The assessor in the role of the client needs to provide responses in the context of the
scenario. Refer to Sample interview responses.docx in the ICTPMG501_MG_Pro_SR1
folder for sample answers.

If the student does not address all the requirements listed below, you should re-direct by
asking a direct question. If they do not provide an appropriate response at that time that
would be considered an unsatisfactory outcome. If they go down to granular detail (more
than is needed) you can respond that this will be followed up separately or give a brief

Ensure that you include the following in your role play:

1. Confirm the business problem/opportunity.

2. Confirm the project objectives and activity.
3. Confirm the organisational project governance policy and processes.
4. Obtain sign-off on your project charter.

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Part 4: Develop the business case
Refer to Assessment Checklist 3 for the criteria for this part.

Now that the client has approved the project charter, you will need to conduct a feasibility
study and document the results in a business case report. Research, review and analyse the
supplied documentation and other relevant sources to develop your business case,
addressing the following headings and items.

Your report must use appropriate language, grammar and terminology.

See sample Business Case in the Cl_ProjMgt_MG_Pro_SR1 folder.

1. Project information

Include the business case name, the name of the person preparing the business case, the
sponsor’s name and the date it was prepared.

2. Executive summary

Write an executive summary of the business case.

3. Overview

Write an overview of the business problem/opportunity.

4. Feasibility

Discuss the results of your feasibility study of the project in the following areas:

 Technical capability
 Financial resources
 Legal requirements
 Operational
 Scheduling.
5. Business requirements

Define the business requirements.

6. Options

Discuss at least two alternative solutions that will meet the business requirements.

Recommend one of the solutions, justifying your selection.

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7. Resource needs

Explain what resources are needed for the project and why, including the following policies
and processes:

1. Outline the organisational project governance policies and processes that apply to
this project (previously confirmed with the client in Part 3)

2. Outline the project cash flow and budgeting processes.

8. Analysis

Analyse the recommended solution and discuss the following:

 The expected benefits to the organisation.

 The costs:
o Investment
o Return on investment
o Success criteria/key metrics
o Financial projections

 An overview of milestones/key activities and expected timelines

 Risks
 Constraints
 Assumptions.
9. Conclusion

Write a suitable conclusion.

10. Bibliography

Include a bibliography of resources you use for research, including organisational


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Part 5: Prepare the project plan
Refer to Assessment Checklist 4 for the criteria for this part.

The project sponsor has given approval for the project to go ahead, based on your business
case. You can now prepare a project plan based on the information you have already
prepared and the requirement specifications.

Your plan must:

 use appropriate language and conventions

 use correct spelling and grammar
 be presented in a logical sequence.
Note: The project plan may be several documents so you will need to compile the
documents as necessary. Include the documents in both the format/s they were created in
and as a PDF.

See sample Project Plan in the Cl_ProjMgt_MG_Pro_SR1 folder.

1. The phases of the project, based on the systems development life cycle (SDLC) and
the identified risks.

2. Work breakdown of tasks, with estimated times and costs for each item (summary
and detail tasks).

3. Stakeholder roles, responsibilities and reporting structure.

4. Developer team roles, responsibilities and skills required. Note that this will be part
of what will be used to monitor the team members’ performance in the project.

5. Schedule (Gantt chart).

6. A detailed budget for the project, including a contingency amount. Include the
specific calculations for the costs.

7. Communication plan, which must address both formal/scheduled and informal


8. Quality management plan, addressing a minimum of three controls that will be

implemented to assure quality. This must include how the system testing will be

9. Risk register.

10. Create system overview models:

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a. Level 2 context diagram

b. Site map of website.

11. Include space for names and signatures of the Project Sponsor and Project Manager.

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Part 6: Obtain approval for project plan
You need to discuss the project plan with the stakeholder in a role play of 5-10 minutes to
obtain sign off.

Your assessor will observe the role play and complete Observation Checklist 2.

Make sure that you:

 use active listening

 contribute to the discussion.
See Observation Checklist 2 for more specific information on this task

Read the scenario to ensure you’re familiar with the client requirements.

Role play participants:

 Stakeholder – arrange for another person to act as the Stakeholder.

 Project Manager (this is you).
The role of the client in this task:

Allow the student to greet you first, and respond appropriately (e.g. shake hands). The
student undertaking the role of the Project Manager needs to pose questions and provide
answers using information from the scenario.

The assessor in the role of the client needs to provide responses in the context of the

If the student does not address all the requirements listed below, you should re-direct by
asking a direct question. If they do not provide an appropriate response at that time that
would be considered an unsatisfactory outcome. If they go down to granular detail (more
than is needed) you can respond that this will be followed up separately or give a brief

Ensure that you include the following in your role play:

1. Obtain sign-off on your project plan.

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Assessment Checklist 1
The student’s copy of the Assessment Checklist will be used by you to capture evidence of
their performance in Part 1. This checklist outlines all the required criteria you will be
marking the student on. All criteria must be met. The following checklist contains benchmark
responses for you to use when assessing to ensure reliability of judgement. You may ask
questions during the demonstration or if appropriate directly after the assessment has been
completed noting that both the question and student response needs to be captured on the

Table 2: Assessment Checklist 2

TASK/STEP Instructions S U/S Assessor Comments


1 Develops a project charter that uses Project charter must

appropriate language and grammar include everything listed.
and is presented in a logical sequence Language should be
professional and business-
like. Grammar can be
checked in word-
processing software or
online tools.

Content should flow

2 Outlines the scope of the project Design, development and

implementation of
shopping portal.

Out of scope are

complaints, shipping

See sample Project


3 Identifies the objectives of the project See sample Project

charter for detail.

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Assessment Checklist 2
The student’s copy of the Assessment Checklist will be used by you to capture evidence of
their performance in Part 2. This checklist outlines all the required criteria you will be
marking the student on. All criteria must be met. The following checklist contains benchmark
responses for you to use when assessing to ensure reliability of judgement. You may ask
questions during the demonstration or if appropriate directly after the assessment has been
completed noting that both the question and student response needs to be captured on the

Table 3: Assessment Checklist 1

TASK/STEP Instructions S U/S Assessor Comments


1 Plans suitable information gathering Their plan must include

activities to determine project how they will be doing the
requirements, constraints and risks activities and may include
who the activities will
involve, dates, resources

Suitable activities may

include meetings,
interviews, research,
focus groups, surveys.

2 Researches, reviews and analyses Must include relevant

information resources in Bibliography.
Answers must be detailed
enough to provide
information, identify all
information requested,
explains and elaborates
on information.

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Observation Checklist 1
The Observation Checklist will be used by you to mark the students’ performance in Part 3.
Use this Checklist to understand what skills the student is required to demonstrate in this
section of the assessment. This Checklist outlines the Performance Criteria, Performance
Evidence and Assessment Conditions you will be marking the student on. All the criteria
must be met. The student’s demonstration will be used as part of the overall evidence
requirements of the unit. You may ask questions while the demonstration is taking place or if
appropriate directly after the task/activity has been completed.

Additional assessor information included in Part 3

Table 4 Observation Checklist 1

Assessor Comments
Task (Describe the student’s ability in
Task/Activity Performed S U/S
# demonstrating the required skills and

1 Uses active listening Effective techniques may include

open and closed questions and

Concentrates, understands,
responds and then remembers
what is being said.

2 Contributes to the discussion Student must add their own

information, not just listen

3 Confirms the business Gap in the current IT market for a

problem/opportunity supply of quality IT components
and peripherals available within

4 Confirms the project objectives To develop an online shopping

and activity portal to enable WizBiz to sell IT
components and peripherals

5 Confirms the organisational WizBiz does not have any existing

project governance policy and governance framework. Liaise with
processes IT manager Alison Garmen; she will

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Assessor Comments
Task (Describe the student’s ability in
Task/Activity Performed S U/S
# demonstrating the required skills and

be in charge of obtaining the


6 Obtains sign off on project Student must ask for project

charter charter to be approved and signed-

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Assessment Checklist 3
The student’s copy of the Assessment Checklist will be used by you to capture evidence of
their performance in Part 4. This checklist outlines all the required criteria you will be
marking the student on. All criteria must be met. The following checklist contains benchmark
responses for you to use when assessing to ensure reliability of judgement. You may ask
questions during the demonstration or if appropriate directly after the assessment has been
completed noting that both the question and student response needs to be captured on the

Table 5: Assessment Checklist 3

TASK/STEP Instructions S U/S Assessor Comments


1 Prepares a business case that uses Professional, business-like

appropriate language, grammar and language, no slang or
terminology jargon

2 Business case includes all items as See sample answers

listed under part 4

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Assessment Checklist 4
The student’s copy of the Assessment Checklist will be used by you to capture evidence of
their performance in Part 5. This checklist outlines all the required criteria you will be
marking the student on. All criteria must be met. The following checklist contains benchmark
responses for you to use when assessing to ensure reliability of judgement. You may ask
questions during the demonstration or if appropriate directly after the assessment has been
completed noting that both the question and student response needs to be captured on the

Table 6: Assessment Checklist 4

TASK/STEP Instructions S U/S Assessor Comments


1 Creates an initial project plan All items listed must be

according to the software included. See sample
requirement specifications, including project plan listed under
all items as listed and compiling Part 5
documents as necessary Documents must be
compiled e.g. combined in
to a pdf

2 Uses appropriate language and Content must be

grammar professional, business-
like, formal. Grammar can
be checked through word
processing software or
online tools if necessary.

3 Project plan is presented in a logical Content must flow. Topics

sequence can be in order listed in
Part 5. Most important is
that the phases should be
before the work
breakdown of tasks.

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TASK/STEP Instructions S U/S Assessor Comments

4 Uses a wide range of mathematical This may include addition,

calculations to interpret and prepare subtraction,
financial information (budget) multiplication, division

Observation Checklist 2
The Observation Checklist will be used by you to mark the students’ performance in Part 6.
Use this Checklist to understand what skills the student is required to demonstrate in this
section of the assessment. This Checklist outlines the Performance Criteria, Performance
Evidence and Assessment Conditions you will be marking the student on. All the criteria
must be met. The student’s demonstration will be used as part of the overall evidence
requirements of the unit. You may ask questions while the demonstration is taking place or if
appropriate directly after the task/activity has been completed.

Additional assessor information included in Part 6

Table 7 Observation Checklist 2

Assessor Comments
Task (Describe the student’s ability in
Task/Activity Performed S U/S
# demonstrating the required skills and

1 Uses active listening Active listening may include

paraphrasing, concentrating on
what is being said, nodding,
maintaining eye contact.

2 Contributes to discussion Student must add their own

information, not just listen

3 Obtains sign off on project plan Student must ask for project plan
to be approved and signed-off

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